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Math Autocorrect Symbols: Use Math Autocorrect Rules Outside of An Equation

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Word > Writing > Equations and mathematical symbols

Math AutoCorrect symbols

To insert a Math AutoCorrect symbol, type one of the following codes followed by a delimiting term. For example,

after you type a code, type a punctuation mark, or press SPACEBAR or ENTER. To ensure that the Math

AutoCorrect symbols appear the same in your document as they do in the AutoCorrect dialog box, on the Home

tab, in the Font group, select Cambria Math.

To insert a Math AutoCorrect symbol outside of an equation, you need to select the Use Math AutoCorrect rules

outside of math regions check box in the AutoCorrect dialog box.

Use Math AutoCorrect rules outside of an equation

Click the Microsoft Office Button , and then click Word Options.

Click Proofing, and then click AutoCorrect Options.

Click the Math AutoCorrect tab.

Select the Use Math AutoCorrect rules outside of math regions check box.

Insert Math AutoCorrect symbols

IMPORTANT  The codes are case-sensitive.

To get Type

To get Type





To get Type To get Type

\Bar \cup

\begin \dalet

\below \dashv

\bet \dd

\beta \Dd

\Beta \ddddot

\bot \dddot

\bowtie \ddot

\box \ddots

\bra \degree

\breve \delta

\bullet \Delta

\cap \diamond

\cbrt \diamondsuit

\cdot \div

\cdots \dot

\check \doteq

\chi \dots

\Chi \downarrow

\circ \Downarrow

\close \dsmash

\clubsuit \ee

\coint \ell

\cong \emptyset
To get Type To get Type

\end \ii

\epsilon \iiint

\Epsilon \iint

\eqarray \Im

\equiv \in

\eta \inc

\Eta \infty

\exists \int

\forall \iota

\funcapply \Iota

\gamma \jj

\Gamma \kappa

\ge \Kappa

\geq \ket

\gets \lambda

\gg \Lambda

\gimel \langle

\hat \lbrace

\hbar \lbrack

\heartsuit \lceil

\hookleftarrow \ldivide

\hookrightarrow \ldots

\hphantom \le

\hvec \leftarrow
To get Type To get Type

\Leftarrow \nwarrow

\leftharpoondown \o

\leftharpoonup \O

\leftrightarrow \odot

\Leftrightarrow \oiiint

\leq \oiint

\lfloor \oint

\ll \omega

\mapsto \Omega

\matrix \ominus

\mid \open

\models \oplus

\mp \otimes

\mu \over

\Mu \overbar

\nabla \overbrace

\naryand \overparen

\ne \parallel

\nearrow \partial

\neq \phantom

\ni \phi

\norm \Phi

\nu \pi

\Nu \Pi
To get Type To get Type

\pm \rightarrow

\pppprime \Rightarrow

\ppprime \rightharpoondown

\pprime \rightharpoonup

\prec \sdivide

\preceq \searrow

\prime \setminus

\prod \sigma

\propto \Sigma

\psi \sim

\Psi \simeq

\qdrt \slashedfrac

\quadratic \smash

\rangle \spadesuit

\ratio \sqcap

\rbrace \sqcup

\rbrack \sqrt

\rceil \sqsubseteq

\rddots \sqsuperseteq

\Re \star

\rect \subset

\rfloor \subseteq

\rho \succ

\Rho \succeq
To get Type To get Type

\sum \varepsilon

\superset \varphi

\superseteq \varpi

\swarrow \varrho

\tau \varsigma

\Tau \vartheta

\theta \vbar

\Theta \vdash

\times \vdots

\to \vec

\top \vee

\tvec \vert

\ubar \Vert

\Ubar \vphantom

\underbar \wedge

\underbrace \wp

\underparen \wr

\uparrow \xi

\Uparrow \Xi

\updownarrow \zeta

\Updownarrow \Zeta

\uplus (space with zero width) \zwsp


To get Type





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