Class Rules 2020-2021 k12 3
Class Rules 2020-2021 k12 3
Class Rules 2020-2021 k12 3
Ms. Hernandez
While we transitioned to online learning on March 13, 2020, things are still changing and fluid during the
beginning of the 2020 school year. Rules, policies, and procedures are constantly being updated to provide a
better learning experience for you. Therefore, please be adaptable and patient. We must become people that can
adapt and evolve to what is happening around us. As students we will thrive…regardless of the fluctuating
circumstances. With that being said, there are still some rules that need to be followed in order for everyone to
be successful. Here they are:
Virtual Seat = Your seat in front of your camera; you should be visible at all times, dressed
Virtual Classroom = Zoom/NewRow Room = Classroom
Begin Time/End Time = Bells
1. Students will comply with all school rules and policies, including the uniform, dress code, tardy,
attendance, and cell phone policies. Failure to comply with policies set forth by the district will result in
disciplinary actions. These policies have been updated to now include online class etiquette and virtual
school responsibilities.
2. You are to be in your virtual seat when the class begins. Your start time is the “late bell.”
Note: It is disruptive to class time when the instructor must pause and go to another screen to let in a
tardy student.
3. Camera View: You are always to be in view of your camera and exhibit appropriate behavior.
4. End Times do not release students; teachers do. Remain in camera view unless you have been given
permission otherwise.
5. Students will come prepared to class and must have required materials needed for the lesson.
(No scavenger hunts)
6. Bathroom: You are at home and there is no passing hallway time involved here. Please use the bathroom
in between class periods and during the Brain Breaks.
8. Late work is NOT accepted. Projects and major papers/assignments will NOT be accepted late.
Multiple-day due dates will be assigned for projects and major papers/assignments. If you are absent
from school the day a project or major paper is due, you MUST find a way to send it to me by the end of
that school day (3:30 pm as of now).
9. Respect yourself, your classmates, and your teacher. Do not talk when anyone else, either the teacher or
another student, is talking.
Virtual Classroom: Create a quiet workspace where you can focus on what is going on in class. Know
how to use One Drive. Join the Remind for your class period. Be sure your computer/tablet is charged
and in working order.
A flash drive
A computer/tablet with internet
Online Platforms: This will be our primary platform. This can be found on your portal, labeled MSO (My
School Online)
Microsoft Office. This is available on your portal via Office 365 OR as a free download from your
The student portal
Remind: This will be used to send out any pertinent information, due to its quick nature. Codes will be
E-mail: You can always contact me via e-mail. When emailing me, please be sure to use your school
Assignment Formatting:
o All assignments are to be turned in neatly, on time and with proper heading in the upper right
o Last Name, First Name
o Period
o Date
Written assignments should be in pen, blue or black ink.
Typed assignments should be in Times New Roman font (size 12) and have standard margins
(top/bottom: 1 inch and left/right: 1 inch)
Typed assignments should be uploaded to proper location.
o Physical Classroom Disclaimer: Typed assignments saved in flash drives will not be accepted.
You will not be dismissed to go print it during class. Computer and printer problems are
unacceptable excuses. Technology fails all the time. Plan ahead!
Note: This seems like a lot. Please realize that explicit directions will always be posted to clarify assignment
uploads and access. It is your job to read them carefully. Staying organized is going to be imperative to your
success this year. With everyone on these platforms, waiting until the last minute is not a good idea because
technology fails or freezes. Plan well. Plan ahead. Plan frequently.
Flexibility and transitions will also be key this year. We will adjust platforms and requirements as needed and
as required by MDCPS.
1. Pick your group chats wisely…it has been my experience that the wrong message starts panic and chaos.
2. Communicate with your teacher. It is always easier in a physical classroom, but you will have to make a
stronger effort in a virtual classroom. You can message me in Remind or email me when class is not in
session. When we are in class you will have the opportunity to chat me with questions or concerns.
3. Breathe. Try to relax and be patient, this is new territory for all of us, myself included.
It is the student’s responsibility to keep track of how many absences/tardies they accumulate as well as
what assignments were missed.
Students, who are absent, must see me the day they return about the work they missed. Some
assignments are impossible to recreate and you might be assigned alternate work.
Make up work is for excused absences only. Make-up work will be graded ONLY if an excused
designation is reflected in the gradebook
Work missed due to an unexcused absence or unexcused tardy will result in an automatic “Z” (zero).
Students who are tardy to class (unexcused) will not receive or be allowed to turn in work that has been
given out before the student enters the classroom.
Students who acquire 10 or more unexcused absences during the school year will be in danger of
receiving “no credit” as their final grade for the course.
Students with excessive absences and/or tardies will receive disciplinary referrals.
In order to provide the most equitable learning environment possible, a variety of evaluation methods will be
utilized to assess student performance such as journals, home learning assignments, essays, projects, quizzes,
participation, discussion, and exams.
You are expected to be actively engaged in class discussions, to ask and answer questions, and to keep up with
all assignments. From time to time, you will be asked to work and participate in group activities and
assignments. A positive spirit of respectful and cooperative learning is stressed.
Zero Tolerance:
In an academic setting, it is important to not say anything without first thinking about what you want to say.
This means that I will not tolerate unnecessary inflammatory language. We are not only creating a safe space
for students to engage, we are creating a place for academic and intelligent conversation. Please take this into
consideration when entering this classroom.
Code of Ethics:
Cheating is NOT tolerated. If a student is found guilty of cheating on a test or assignment, the student and all
parties involved will receive a “Z” on the test or assignment (please note that this Z will be doubled in weight
from original grade(s) assigned), an “F” in conduct for the nine weeks, a call home to their parents or guardians
and a disciplinary referral to the assistant principal.
Students will receive a verbal warning, followed by a call to their parents or guardian, and a disciplinary referral
to the assistant principal when necessary.
Students are encouraged to ask questions, engage in class discussions, and see me with any concerns or
Copy the following text into an e-mail and send it to as confirmation.
Place your full name and period in the subject line. This should be sent from your school email:
I have read and understand the policies and expectations. I will honor it while in Ms. Hernandez’s room.
I also acknowledge that I have a responsibility to check Ms. Hernandez’s announcements via K12 or
Remind each day for assignments, information, and continued communication for overall success.
Copy the following text into an e-mail and send it to as confirmation.
Place your child’s full name and period in the subject line. (This is from your parent’s e-mail.)
I have read and understand the policies and expectations. I have discussed them with my child to ensure
their academic success.
Parent name:
Relationship to student:
Parent cell number:
Parent home number: