Specification of Works: 1) Earth Work in Excavation

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Specification of Works

1) Earth Work in Excavation

Before starting the excavation works, the Contractor shall prepare his proposal, preferably
in the form of drawing, for the site leveling as per instruction of the site Engineer.

Excavation shall be executed for footings/ foundation, trenches of wall according to the
provided approved drawings, Bill of Quantities or as instructed by the site Engineer.

The earthwork quantity given in the Bill of Quantities is an approximation only. The
effective quantity of these works shall be calculated exactly on the basis of the actual
measurement as instructed by the Site Representative and approved by the Engineer. The
actual required works to the exact depth/ dimensions only shall be measured to the actual
meter and paid accordingly as per the rate approved in Bill of Quantities. Any extra cut
and then fill with material required due to negligence of the Contractor shall not be taken
into account while measuring works.

Such work shall be performed in advance of any other operation. Existing facilities like
compound wall, buildings, adjacent property, utility facilities, benchmarks etc. that are
designated for preservation shall be protected from injury or damage resulting from the
Contractors’ operation.

Measurement for payment of 'Excavation work' shall be made on the basis of actual
excavation volume of earthwork in cubic meter. Payment shall be made for the number of
cubic meter measured as per unit rate quoted in the Bill of Quantities. The unit rate shall
include full cost of labor, tools/ equipment, materials and all other costs necessary for the
performance and completion of the Works in the workmanlike manner.

2) Earth Filling

The earth filling shall be filling of foundations trench, floor and any undulated grounds of
the site to bring it to the required level as per instruction using suitable fill material
available at the site. The fill material shall be placed in layers of 150 mm and well
compacted with rammer by sprinkling water to the satisfaction of the site Engineer.

Measurement for payment of 'Earth filling work' shall be made on the basis of actual
volume of Earth filling in cubic meter. Payment shall be made for the number of cubic
meter measured as per unit rate quoted in the Bill of Quantities. The unit rate shall include
full cost of labor, tools/ equipment, materials and all other costs necessary for the
performance and completion of the Works in the workmanlike manner.

3) Sand Filling:

Sand for filling shall consists of hard, dense, durable uncoated rock fragments or sand
passing through 5mm sieve. Sand shall be free from organic or any harmful materials and
silty material shall not exceed 6%.

The sand filling shall be filling of foundations trench, floor and any undulated grounds of
the site to bring it to the required level as per site instruction using the sand as approved by
site Engineer. The thickness of sand shall be of 100mm and shall be placed in layers of 50
mm and well compacted by sprinkling water to the satisfaction of the site Engineer.

Measurement for payment of 'Sand Filling' shall be made on the basis of actual volume
of Sand filling in Cubic meter. Payment shall be made for the number of cubic meter
measured as per unit rate quoted in the Bill of Quantities. The unit rate shall include full
cost of labor, tools/equipment, materials and all other costs necessary for the performance
and completion of the Works in the workmanlike manner.

4) Boulder Soling Work

Boulder soling shall be carried out as shown in the drawing or as instructed by the site
Engineer. Stone for soling shall be laid without leaving any holes or gaps between the
stones. Small chips and spall shall be inserted in such gaps. After laying the soling layer it
shall be rammed properly. Stone to be used for boulder soling shall be hard quarry stone.
Soft stone shall not be used.

Measurement for payment of 'Boulder Soling work' shall be made on the basis of actual
constructed volume of Boulder Soling work in cubic meter. Payment shall be made for the
number of cubic meter measured as per unit rate quoted in the Bill of Quantities. The unit
rate shall include full cost of labor, tools/ equipment, materials and all other costs
necessary for the performance and completion of the Works in the workmanlike manner.

5) Flat Brick Soling.

One layer of flat brick soling in floor shall be done above the sand bedding course (t=100
mm) laid over the layer of thick plastic sheet. The bricks shall be laid flat on the properly
graded, leveled or sloped base as required. These bricks shall be of first class local bricks
in quality, and shall be laid in true to line, slope and pattern as required. Necessary pattern,
bond, slope, level etc. shall be approved prior to proceeding ahead with the works. These
bricks shall be free from any damage. But in edges, the bricks shall be cut straight to
properly fit it at edge locations. The voids in between these bricks shall be filled in with
dry sand.

Measurement for payment of 'Flat Brick Soling work' shall be made on the basis of
actual placed area of Flat Brick Soling in square meter. Payment shall be made for the
number of square meter measured as per unit rate quoted in the Bill of Quantities. The unit
rate shall include full cost of labor, tools/equipment, materials (that includes the plastic
sheet & sand bedding course) and all other costs necessary for the performance and
completion of the Works in the workmanlike manner.

6) Lean Concrete

The "lean concrete" means plain cement concrete with the ratio of cement: sand: coarse aggregate
equals to 1:2:4 by volume. Lean concrete shall be laid to the thickness of minimum 7.5 cm or as
specified in the Bill of Quantities or drawing.

Measurement for payment of 'Lean concrete work' shall be made on the basis of actual
placed volume of lean concrete in cubic meter. Payment shall be made for the number of
cubic meter measured as per unit rate quoted in the Bill of Quantities. The unit rate shall
include full cost of labor, tools/equipment, materials, transport and all other costs
necessary for the performance and completion of the Works in the workmanlike manner.

7) Brick Masonry Work

The Brick Masonry shall be for the foundation and superstructure wall works. The
masonry wall shall be constructed with 1:4 cement sand ratio in foundation and 1:4
cement sand ratio in superstructure with vertical joints as mentioned in the provided
approved drawing and the gap between the each block of vertical joints should be 10 to 20

All the brick shall be thoroughly soaked in water before use till bubbles cease to come up.
The brick shall be laid in cement-mortar on the bed with ratio as specified in the Bill of
Quantities to make it properly bonded. When bonding each brick unit must be set back in
every course and the joint shall be broken vertically. Each course shall be in true line,
horizontal and plumb. The mortar thickness shall not exceed 10 mm nor shall be less than
6 mm. The Contractor shall made curing of the brick masonry work and the curing period
of the masonry wall shall be as per weather conditions and as per instruction of the site
Engineer. In general, the masonry surface shall be water sprayed at least twice daily for a
period of at least ten days. The masonry wall shall be considered to be set after forty-eight
(48) hours.

Measurement for payment of 'Brick work' shall be made on the basis of actual
constructed volume of Brickwork in cubic meter. Payment shall be made for the number of
cubic meter measured as per unit rate quoted in the Bill of Quantities. The unit rate shall
include full cost of labor, tools/ equipment, materials and all other costs necessary for the
performance and completion of the Works in the workmanlike manner.

8) Concrete Work

Concrete work shall mean and include all and every concrete works, for the civil works. The
Contractor shall perform the concrete work in strict conformity to the Specification and as
directed by the Employer and shall inform Employer, at least 24 hours in advance, of the
times and places which he intends to place concrete.

Composition of Concrete

General Mix Composition: The concrete shall be composed of cement, fine aggregate,
coarse aggregate, water and admixtures as specified. All materials shall be well mixed and
brought to the proper consistency. The mix proportions shall be as follows:

For concrete 1:1½:3

Minimum compressive strength (28 days) 220 kg/cm2

Minimum cement content 410 kg/m3

Maximum water cement ratio 0.4

Maximum slump 5 - 10 cm.

For Concrete 1:2:4

Minimum compressive strength (28 days) 160 kg/cm2

Minimum cement content 300 kg/m3

Maximum water cement ratio 0.4

Maximum slump 5 - 10 cm.

The detailed concrete mix design shall be submitted to the Employer for approval on the basis
of producing concrete, having suitable workability, consistency, density, impermeability,
durability, and required strength with concrete compressive strength test records. If the
strength of 28 days cannot be achieved with the above cement content, more cement shall be
used for which the Contractor will not receive any extra payment.

Consistency: The detailed mix proportions shall be submitted to the Employer for approval to
secure concrete of the proper consistency and to adjust for any variation in the moisture
content or grading of the aggregate as they enter the mixer. Addition of water to compensate
for stiffening of the concrete before placing will not be permitted. Uniformity in concrete
consistency from batch to batch will be required.


Quality: The Contractor shall furnish normal Portland cement in fifty (50) kg net-weight
sacks. The cement for the civil work shall conform to the requirements of "Portland cement,
Type I" designated in ASTM C150. Where conditions require the use of high sulphate
resistance cement, cement conforming to the requirements of ASTM CISO Type V shall be
used without any cost to Employer.

Coarse Aggregate

Grading: Coarse aggregate shall be graded for each maximum size within the standard limits
specified as follows:

Percentage passing by weight

Designation of size in inch

2 inch 1½ inch 1 inch ¾ inch 3/8 inch No. 4
(sieves with square openings)

40 mm (1 ½ to ¾ inch) 100 90 to 100 20 to 55 0 to 15 0 to 5 -

20 mm (3/4 inch to No. 4) - - 100 90 to 100 20 to 55 0 to 10

Fine Aggregate

Quality: Fine aggregate shall conform to the requirements of ASTM C33 and shall be natural
sand or manufactured sand. It shall consist of clean, hard, dense and durable rock particles,
free from injurious amounts of dust, silt, stone powder, pieces of thin stone, alkali, organic
matter and other impurities.
Grading: The fine aggregate as batched shall be well graded, and when tested shall conform
to the following limits:

Sieve size Percentage passing by weight

9.51mm (3/8 inch) 100

4.76 mm (No.4) 95 to 100

2.38 mm (No.8) 80 to 100

1.19 mm (No.16) 50 to 85

595 micron (No.30) 25 to 60

297 micron (No.50) 10 to 30

149 micron (No.100) 2 to 10


The Contractor shall use admixture, if required, listed below in order to improve the quality
of concrete or mortar such as workability and finish ability and water tightness. In some
cases, quick setting cement shall be used as directed by Site Engineer.

Air-entraining agent -ASTM C260

Water-reducing and set retarding agent Plasticizer -ASTM C494

The cost of these material and all costs incidental to their use shall be included in the unit
price bid in the Price Schedule for concrete in which these materials are used. No separate
payment shall be made.

Trial Mixes:

The Contractor shall carry out trial mix design work at the site at his own cost sufficient time
before for getting approval for concrete work. The contractor shall produce and test trial
mixes for each grade of concrete using the same type of construction plant and the same
materials as proposed for the works. The contractor shall give prior notice of such trials so
that project can manage to deport Engineer to witness the test works.
For each trial mix of concrete three batches shall be made. Six cubes shall be made from each
batch, three cubes for testing at 28 days and three cubes made for testing at 7 days.

The trial mix proportions will be approved if the average compressive strength of the cubes
tested at 28 days exceeds 22 N/mm2 for concrete 1:1½:3 and 16 N/mm2 for concrete 1:2:4.

The Contractor shall not commence placing concrete in the works until the results of the trial
mixes have been submitted and the proposed initial mix have been approved by the Engineer.

Once the proportions of the various mixes have been approved, the Contractor shall not vary
either the proportions of the mixes or the source of any constituent material without the
approval of the Engineer. If the proportions or the sources of the constituent materials
changes, another trial mixes have to be done.

Batching and Mixing

The Contractor shall provide standard batching equipment and shall maintain and operate the
equipment to produce the required quality of concrete.

When any mixer produces unsatisfactory results, the Employer may direct the Contractor to
increase the mixing time or repair the mixing blades, and the Contractor shall promptly carry
out the directions of the Employer.

The order of feeding the materials into the mixer shall subject to approval from the Employer.
If concrete is to be mixed by hand, it shall be subject to approval from the Employer.

Placing of Concrete

General Conditions: Prior to placing concrete, the Contractor shall submit to the Employer
for approval, the mixed proportion, the characteristics of each materials of concrete, the
concrete placing schedule, placing equipment, and method of execution of work. No concrete
shall be placed until all formwork, treatment of surface, placing of reinforcement and other
parts to be embedded have been inspected and approved by the Employer.

Placing of concrete shall not be permitted under the following conditions, unless specifically
approved by the Employer.

1. When it rains.
2. When illumination is imperfect for night work.
3. When vibrator is not working.
4. When the Employer orders to stop.
Preparation for Placing

Treatment of foundation surfaces: All surfaces of foundation upon or against which the
concrete is to be placed shall be cleaned and moistened thoroughly before the placing. When
concrete is placed upon or against earth foundations, the Contractor shall, in accordance with
the direction of the Employer, remove all objectionable substances such as standing water,
flowing water, fragments of wood.

Treatment of surfaces of construction joints: Prior to placing the concrete upon or against the
hardened concrete, the surface of the construction joints shall be cleaned, moistened and all
defect or loose concrete, and unsound foreign materials shall be removed.

Transporting and Conveying: The concrete which has elapsed more than 60 minutes after
being discharged from the mixer and/or in which slump loss exceeds 3.0 cm as it is delivered
to the site for placing, shall be disposed of at the place designated by the Employer. All such
wasted concrete shall be borne to the Contractor's account. Concrete shall be placed with a
vertical drop not greater than 1.0 m except where suitable equipment is provided to prevent
segregation or where specifically authorized.

Concrete, which has segregated during transportation, shall be re-mixed. Re-tempering of

concrete shall not be permitted.

Placing: After the surface of construction joint has been cleaned and the placing of concrete
has been approved by the Employer in accordance with the provisions of the preceding
Sub-articles, surface of unformed construction joint shall be covered with a layer of mortar
approximately 1.5 cm thick. The Contractor shall place concrete upon the fresh mortar before
it begins to set. The mortar shall be of richer cement content than the concrete without coarse
aggregate. The cost of the mortar shall be included in the unit bid price for the foundation lot.

Concrete shall be deposited in all cases, as nearly as practicable, directly in its final position
and shall not be caused to flow such that it will permit lateral movement or cause segregation
of the coarse aggregate, mortar or water from the concrete mass.

Consolidation: Immediately after placing, every layer of concrete shall be consolidated to the
maximum practicable density so that it closes snugly against all surfaces of reinforcement
bars and embedded fixtures and against all corners of the forms. Consolidation of concrete
shall be done by electric or pneumatic power-driven, immersion-type vibrators or other
approved means.
Concrete Construction Tolerance

Variations in alignment, grade and dimension of the structures from the established
alignment, grade and dimensions shall be remedied or removed and replaced by the
Contractor at his own expense as directed by the Employer.

Repair of Concrete

The Contractor shall repair at his own expense the imperfections of concrete surfaces and the
irregularities which do not meet the specified dimensions. Repairing work shall be
performed and completed within 24 hours after the removal of forms, in accordance with the
direction of the Employer.


Prior to placing concrete, the Contractor shall obtain Employer's approval in respect of the
method to protect and cure concrete and the facilities he proposes to use. After concrete has
been placed, it shall be protected and cured strictly in accordance with the method approved
by the Employer. All costs for the curing of concrete shall be included in the unit price bid for
the concrete work.


The Contractor shall make all necessary tests for determining the mixed proportions of each
type of concrete, including tests of aggregates, so as to produce the concrete specified below.

In order to control the quality of concrete to be placed, the Contractor shall perform the
following field tests:

Slump Test:

A slump test should be made from each of the first three batches mixed each day. An
additional slump test should be made for each additional 40 cubic meters of concrete placed
in any one day. Slump should be determined in accordance with ASTM C 143.

Compression Test:

Three sets of concrete compression test cubes should be made each day when concrete is
placed or as directed by the Employer. One set of each group will be tested at an age of 7
days and the other set will be tested at an age of 28 days. The third set will be an extra set to
be tested only if needed. If the compressive strength indicates a compressive strength less
than required strength, Employer will determine what remedial measures are necessary and
the Contractor shall perform these remedial measures at his own expense.

Concrete test cubes should be made, cured, and stored in accordance with ASTM C31.
Concrete cubes should be tested in accordance with ASTM C39.

No separate or direct payment will be made to the Contractor for tests. All costs for the tests
shall be included in the unit bid price for the construction of various foundation types.

Measurement for payment of all concrete work shall be made on the basis of actual
placed volume of Concrete in cubic meter. Payment shall be made for the number of cubic
meter measured as per unit rate quoted in the Bill of Quantities. The unit rate shall include
full cost of labor, tools/equipment, materials and its transport to site and all other costs
necessary for the performance and completion of the Works in the workmanlike manner.

9. Stone masonry:

The stone Masonry shall be for the foundation, superstructure wall and as mentioned in
drawing or as instructed by Engineer. The masonry wall shall be constructed with 1:4
cement sand ratio.

All the stone shall be hard, durable, regular, and should not be diced or weathered. The
stone shall be laid in cement-mortar on the bed with ratio as specified in the Bill of
Quantities to make it properly bonded. The face of the stone masonry should be smooth
and there should not be any irregularities or forks. Each course shall be in true line,
horizontal and plumb. The mortar thickness shall not exceed 50 mm nor shall be less than
20 mm. The cement and sand should be in accordance with technical specification.

The Contractor shall arrange curing of the stone masonry work and the curing period of
the masonry wall shall be as per weather conditions and as per instruction of the site
Engineer. In general, the masonry surface shall be water sprayed at least twice daily for a
period of at least ten days. The masonry wall shall be considered to be set after forty-eight
(48) hours.

The expansion joint in the boundary wall shall be provided at the regular interval of 15-
20m or as directed by site Engineer.
Measurement for payment of 'Stone work' shall be made on the basis of actual
constructed volume of Stonework in cubic meter. Payment shall be made for the number
of cubic meter measured as per unit rate quoted in the Bill of Quantities. The unit rate shall
include full cost of labor, tools/equipment, materials, as well as transport to site and
loading and unloading and all other costs necessary for the performance and completion of
the Works in the workmanlike manner.

10) Tor-steel reinforcement

The Contractor shall place all the Tor-steel reinforcement bars in the structures as shown
on the approved working drawings, bar-bending schedule or as instructed by the site

Reinforcement bars shall be accurately placed and special care shall be exercised to
prevent the reinforcement bars from being displaced during the placement of concrete.
Intersecting points and splices of the reinforcement bars shall be fixed by using suitable
clips or annealed wires, the diameter of which shall be not less than No. 16 gauge. The
reinforcement bars in structures shall be placed and supported by use of concrete blocks,
metal spacers, metal hangers, or other satisfactory devices to ensure required coverage
between the reinforcement bars and the surface of concrete as per the instruction at site by
the site Engineer.

Drawings of bar lists/ bar bending schedule shall be prepared by the contractor and
submitted for approval.

Measurement for payment of 'Tor-steel Reinforcement Bars' shall be made on the basis
of actual weight of Tor-steel Reinforcement Bars in Kg. The unit rate shall include full
cost of labor, tools/ equipment, materials, transport to site and all other costs necessary for
the performance and completion of the Works in the workmanlike manner.

11) Formwork

a) For slab

Forms for beam and slab shall be of standard plywood. It shall be rigidly constructed and
shall conform to shapes, used to confine and shape the concrete volume to the required
lines as per provided drawings and as instructed by the site Engineer. Forms shall have
sufficient strength to withstand the pressure resulting from placing and vibrating of the
concrete, and shall be maintained rigidly in positions. Forms shall be sufficiently tight to
prevent loss of mortar from the concrete. Each form shall be so prepared that each section
may be removed individually without injuring the concrete.

b) For Column and beam

Forms for casting column shall be of steel form or wooden of good ply of required size.
Bent, cracked and damaged forms shall be rejected. It shall be in contact with concrete and
shall be free from adhering foreign matter, projecting nails, and any other defects. The
finishing shall be plain enough.

Non-staining commercial oil or other approved materials shall be applied to the faces of
the forms to prevent adherence to the concrete. Care must be exercised to prevent the
material applied to the faces of the forms from coming in contact with reinforcement, but
if this should occur, the reinforcement must be cleaned.

When forms have been built and have been prepared ready for concreting, the Engineer
will inspect them and no concrete shall be placed before approval.

The forms shall be removed after the approval of the Engineer.

Measurement for payment of 'Form work for slab' and 'Formwork for column and beam'
shall be made on the basis of actual placed area of Form wok in square meter. Payment
shall be made for the number of square meter measured as per unit rate quoted in the Bill
of Quantities. The unit rate shall include full cost of labor, tools/ equipment, materials,
dismantling and all other costs necessary for the performance and completion of the Works
in the workmanlike manner.

12) Plaster work

This section covers the furnishing and installation of exterior part and cement plaster and
all accessories associated with the installation of this item complete, and in place as shown
on the drawings or as directed by Engineer. Thickness of the plaster will be as per
specified in Bill of Quantities.

Material shall be delivered in original package containing the manufactures trademark and
shall be stored in moisture proof store. Damaged or deteriorated materials shall be
removed from the jobsite. Temperature adequate for proper setting and curing of the work
shall be maintained. No plaster shall be applied over surface containing excessive
moisture. Masonry surface to be plastered shall be cleared and free from loose partial
grease, oil, acid or similar foreign matter. When necessary, excessive suction of masonry
shall be reduced by wetting the masonry structure.

Before installing plaster, surface shall be inspected and any defects or deficiencies, which
would interfere with or prevent a satisfactory plaster installation, shall be corrected. All
plastering shall be executed in a workmanlike manner, leaving all finished plaster surfaces
free from waves or imperfection

All works shall be performed in accordance with best trade practices, the instructions and
recommendation of the materials manufacture, and the requirements of codes and
regulations applicable to the work.

Particular care shall be taken to protect adjoining surfaces and material from any damage
by the plastering operation. Damage caused by any plastering operation shall be repaired
without additional cost to the employer.

Thickness of the plaster should be as shown in Bill of quantities.

The surface to be plastered shall be cleaned of all projections, dust, loose particles, grease,
bond breakers, oil, and other foreign matter. Do not apply plaster directly to Surface of
masonry or concrete that has been coated with bituminous compound or other
waterproofing agents or in case Surface that has been painted or previously plastered.
Before plasterwork is started, wet masonry surfaces thoroughly with a fine fog spray of
clean water to produce a uniformly moist condition. Check metal grounds, corner beads,
screeds, and other accessories carefully for alignment before the work is started.

The mix proportion for plaster shall be (1:4) as specified in Bill of Quantities. Cement and
sand for each batch shall be accurately measured and mixed dry until evenly mixed and until
the mass is uniform in color. The water content shall be maintained at a minimum; continue
mixing until plasticity is obtained. Mortar that has begun to set shall not be used. Re-
tempering of mortar will not be permitted.

Upon completion of the work, cut out and patch loose cracked, damaged or defective
plaster. Patching shall match existing work in texture, and shall be finished flush with
plaster previously applied. Do all pointing and patching of plasterwork adjoining any other
finish work in a neat and workmanlike manner. Leave clean exposed surfaces, in condition
ready to receive paint or other finish.
Measurement for payment of 'Plaster work' shall be made on the basis of actual plaster
area in square meter. Payment shall be made for the number of square meter measured as
per unit rate quoted in the Bill of Quantities. The unit rate shall include full cost of labor,
tools/equipment, materials and all other costs necessary for the performance and
completion of the Works in the workmanlike manner.

13) Painting works:

All surfaces shall be painted except the following:

Exterior: Roofing, paving, concrete, nonferrous metals, glass, pre-finished items.

Interior: Ceramic tile, glass, pre-finished surfaces, non-ferrous metals, stainless steel, attic

A list of the painting materials which are to be applied to the specified surfaces shall be
submitted to the project for approval.

The finished surface shall be free from runs, drops, ridges, waves, pales, brush marks, and
variations in, texture, and finish. The hiding shall be complete, and coat shall be so applied
as to produce firm of uniform thickness. Special attention shall be given to insure that all
surfaces including edges, corners, crevices, welds, and rivets receive a film thickness
equivalent to that of adjacent painted surfaces.

Adjacent areas and installations shall be protected by the use of drop clothes or other
approved precautionary measures.

Metal or wood surfaces adjacent to surface to receive water-thinned paints shall be primed
and/or touched up prior to the application of water-thinned paints. The first coat on plaster
shall include such repeated touching up of suction spots or overall applications of primer
sealer as necessary to produce a uniform and gloss. The first coat on both faces of wood
doors shall be applied at essentially the same time.

Coating Progress

Sufficient time shall elapse between successive coats to permit proper drying. This period
shall be modified as necessary to suit adverse weather conditions.

Oil base or oleo resinous solvent-type paints shall be considered dry for recoating when
the paints feel firm, does not deform or feel sticky under moderate pressure of the thumb,
and the application of another coat of paint does not cause lifting or less of adhesion of the

Coating shall be as follows:

(1) All interior Plaster Surface shall be given two coat of readymade plastic emulsion paint
over one coat of primer.

(2) All exterior Plaster Surface shall be given two coat weather paint work (Apex or
equivalent) with one coat primer.

(3) Gloss Finish Wood:

First coat: 1 coat of Wood Primer.

Second coat: 2 coats of Enamel paint

(4) Flush door

Three coat of Chappra polish.

(5) Metal Surface:

First coat: 1 coat of Metal Primer Chromate

Second coat: 2 coats of Aluminum Paint

Storage, Mixing and thinning

At time of application, paint shall show no signs of hard settling, excessive skinning,
levering, or other deterioration. Paint shall be thoroughly stirred, strained, and kept at a
uniform consistency during application.

Where necessary to suit conditions of surface, temperature, weather, and method of

application, package paint may be thinned immediately prior to application in accordance
with the manufacturer's directions, but not excess of 0.5 liter of suitable thinner per 4 liter.
The use of thinner for any reason shall not relieve Contractor from obtaining complete

Samples shall be clearly identified by designated name, specification number, batch number,
project Contract number, intended use, and quantity involved. At the discretion of the
Employer, samples may be tested before approval, or materials may be approved for use
based on the test reports furnished. In the latter case, the samples will be retained by the site
Engineer for possible future testing should the material appear to be defective during or after

Measurement for payment of Painting Works each shall be made on the basis of actual area
in square meter as specified in BOQ. Payment shall be made for the number of square meter
measured as per unit rate quoted in the Bill of Quantities. The unit rate shall include full cost
of labor, tools/ equipment, materials and all other costs necessary for the performance and
completion of the Works in the workmanlike manner.

14) Cement punning and skirting:

This section covers the furnishing and installation of cement punning and skirting with 1:1
cement mortar on the plastered surface and any other part as directed by the site Engineer and
all accessories associated with the installation of this item complete, and in place as shown on
the drawings or as directed by Engineer.

The size and thickness of this item of works shall be as defined in the bill of quantities, if not
as directed by site engineer.

Particular care shall be taken to protect adjoining surfaces and material from any damage by
the skirting operation. Damage caused by the operation shall be repaired without additional
cost to the employer.

The surface for skirting shall be cleaned of all projections, dust, loose particles, grease, bond
breakers, oil, and other foreign matter before application.

Measurement for payment of 'cement punning shall be made on the basis of actual area in
square meter and Skirting' shall be made on the basis of actual area in square meter. Payment
shall be made for the number of square meter as per unit rate quoted in the Bill of Quantities.
The unit rate shall include full cost of labor, tools/ equipment, materials and all other costs
necessary for the performance and completion of the Works in the workmanlike manner.

15) Tile Paving:

a) Porcelain Glazed Tiles:

High density glazed ceramic tiles shall be installed in toilet, bathroom, and kitchen. Ceramic
floor shall be a pre-cast tile as specified herein.
Manufacturer's original containers, bundles, or packages shall be delivered to the site
unopened with seals unbroken and labels intact. Floor-tile operations in spaces requiring wall
tiles shall not be started until after the wall-tile installation has been completed.

Ceramic tiles shall be installed in walls of bathroom, and kitchen up to the height as
instructed by the site Engineer. The size of tiles shall not be less than 15 x 20 cm.

The ceramic tile shall be laid over the bedding course cement mortar (1:4) with cement slurry
on its backing. The interface between the tiles shall be joint filled with proper leveling with
white cement.

Surface to receive applications of materials shall be clean and free from dirt, dust, oil, grease,
and other objectionable matter.

Joints shall be straight, levelled, perpendicular, and have even width not exceeding 1.6mm.
Wainscots shall be built of full courses.

Vertical joints shall be maintained plumb for the entire height of the tile work. Damaged or
defective tiles shall be replaced.

Upon completion, wall surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned. Acid shall not be used for
cleaning of glazed tiles. After the grout has set, tile wall surfaces shall be given a protective
coat of a non-corrosive soap or other approved methods of protection.

b) Mosaic Tiles for Flooring

Approved mosaic tiles shall be installed in Corridor, stair, and any other place as directed by
site Engineer.

The mosaic tile shall be laid over the bedding course cement mortar (1:4) with cement slurry
on its backing. The interface between the tiles shall be joint filled with proper leveling with
appropriate cement.

Surface to receive applications of materials shall be clean and free from dirt, dust, oil, grease,
and other objectionable matter.

Joints shall be straight, levelled, perpendicular, and have even width not exceeding 1.6mm.

Vertical joints shall be maintained plumb for the entire height of the tile work. Damaged or
defective tiles shall be replaced.

Upon completion, wall surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned. Acid shall not be used for
cleaning of mosaic tiles.
c) Granite tiles

Approved Granite tiles shall be installed in kitchen slab and any other place as directed by
site Engineer.

The Granite tile shall be laid over the bedding course cement mortar (1:4) with cement slurry
on its backing. The interface between the tiles shall be joint filled with proper leveling with
appropriate cement.

Surface to receive applications of materials shall be clean and free from dirt, dust, oil, grease,
and other objectionable matter.

Joints shall be straight, levelled, perpendicular, and have even width not exceeding 1.6mm.

Vertical joints shall be maintained plumb for the entire height of the tile work. Damaged or
defective tiles shall be replaced.

Upon completion, surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned. Acid shall not be used for cleaning of
Granite tiles


Samples of each materials proposed for use shall be submitted to the site Engineer for
approval before materials represented by the samples are delivered to the site.

Measurement for payment of 'Terrazzo tile' , 'Porcelain Glazed /Non-Glazed Tiles' 'Mosaic
Tile' and ‘Granite Tile’ shall be made on the basis of actual area in square meter. Payment
shall be made for the number of square meter measured as per unit rate quoted in the Bill of
Quantities. The unit rate shall include full cost of labor, tools/ equipment, materials and all
other costs necessary for the performance and completion of the Works in the workmanlike

16) Aluminum doors and windows with glass glazing:

Work shall be carried out to Indian Standards and Code of Practices. In absence
International Standards shall be followed. These shall be latest issue. List given hereunder is
not to be considered as conclusive and is for reference and guidance only. Any
discrepancies/ conflict noticed shall be directed to the Engineer for his direction/ approval.
However as a general rule more stringent specification shall take precedence.
Aluminum alloy used in the manufacture of extruded window sections shall correspond to
IS Designation HE 9 WP of IS 733. Hollow aluminum alloy sections used shall conform
to IS Designation HV9-WP of IS 1285. Machine screws used shall conform to the
requirements of relevant IS. Also cadmium plated screws, nuts, washers, bolts, lugs of steel
shall be used on direction of the Engineer. Specially designed and extruded sections may be
permitted if supporting design calculations for wind load are submitted to the Engineer for

All aluminum material used shall be 20 micron anodized for protection against corrosion in
marine atmosphere.

Frames shall be square and flat, with the corners fabricated to a true right angle.
The fixed frames shall be constructed by cutting sections to exact length, with corners mitred
and welded. Mitred shutter frame joints must be clotted mechanically with aluminum clips if
approved by the Engineer.
Where hollow sections are used with welded joints, argon-arc welding or flash butt
welding shall be employed or, if approved, mechanical connection assembly.

Subdividing bars of units shall be tenoned and riveted into the frame. Sections used shall
conform to IS 1948 for respective location or as approved by the Engineer. Fitting and fixtures
shall be as detailed in IS 1948. Fittings and fixtures shall be as detailed or approved by the
Engineer and conforming to IS 1948. Casement shutter shall have Handles, Locks. Samples
shall be submitted prior to being used for final approval of the Engineer.

EDPM performed profiles shall be used for inserting into extruded pockets of sections.
Glazing beads shall also be of EDPM performed profiles to hold the glass in frame under
pressure. Nonmetallic setting blocks shall be used to centralize the glass in frame.

Stainless steel ball bearings, housed in nylon type nylon rollers, shall be used.

All mechanical connections shall be sealed with silicon sealant. Around all windows,
approved quality sealants shall be run down to make sure of total weather/water sealing.
Fixing shall be carried out as per IS 1081.

Minimum Expectation

Aluminum alloy and temper : HE9 WP

Series : 30 mm series Jindal or equivalent approved
Minimum heights : Window tract section – 1.2 kg/ m.
Window shutter section–0.45 kg/ m.
Window interlock section– 0 . 5 7 kg/ m.
Anodizing : 20 microns as specified in drawing / Item
description. Gaskets (glazing/ weather strip) : EPDM
Glass : 5.0 mm clear float glass
Fittings and Accessories : 20 micron anodized.
Locking : Hook type handle with S.S. receiver for each
Sliding windows (Fully/ partly) : The members shall be as per design, drawings
based on Architects, Drawings. The windows shall
be 20 micron anodized.
Glass : 5.50 mm thick float glass as specified in the
Fittings/ Accessories : Derailing wheels with Nylon brackets with S.S.
pin-2 nos per shutter.
Lock handle : 20 micron anodized finished to matching color
aluminum with S.S. receiver and SS spring (flush
Safety Plates : Aluminum f o r r e i n f o r c i n g t h e vertical
to horizontal shutter joint.
Antilift : Nylon- t o p r e v e n t u n a u t h o r i z e d
lifting of the shutter from outside.
Joinery : Frames to be joined by 4mm thick angle with
sheet metal screws
: Shutter joints with sheet metal screws with
safety plates
Louvers/Ventilators (openable) : The members shall be as per design &
drawing based on Architects concept drawings.
The ventilator shall be 20 micron anodized.
Top and bottom : 20mm x 20mm x 1mm
Glass : 5.0 mm thick or as specified in the drawing.
Joinery : Glass holding clip will be riveted to vertical jams
with aluminum rivet
Locking : Louvers must remain in closed position when
locked from inside.
Tolerances : Weights +/- 5% Anodizing
Microns +/- 2

Measurement for payment of ‘Supply, delivery and fitting of readymade Aluminum doors
and windows' shall be made on the basis of square meter of works performed and quoted in
BOQ. The rate shall include full cost of labor, tools/ equipment, materials, transport and all
other costs necessary for the performance and completion of the Works in the workmanlike

Glazing of doors and windows

The Contractor shall perform the works in strict conformity to IS Standards and as directed by
the Employer.

The glasses used should be 5 mm thick plain glasses of IS standard. Sheet or plate glass shall
be of approved quality & thickness and visually clear when viewed from any direction. It shall
be colorless, clear and free form bubbles waves and all other defects.

Work should be performed at locations as instructed by employer as it is deemed to replace the

damaged window glasses only.


No separate Payment will be made for this work. The cost is assumed to be included in the
aluminum door and window works.

17) Water supply and sanitation works:

The Staff Quarter shall have an adequate water supply and sanitation system as approved by
the site Engineer. The Contactor shall submit samples of the all fixtures, pipes and ancillaries
to be installed for prior approval.

a) Supply and installation of Polythene overhead tank

Polythene overhead tank shall be of heavy weight polythene. It include roof one number of
water tank of 1000 litre which should be connected to bathroom, toilet and kitchen. It shall
include the floating valve of approved type in each tank to control the inflow. It shall
include the gate valve near the outlet of the tank to control the outflow.

Measurement for payment of 'Supply and installation of Polythene overhead tank' shall be
made on the basis of actual number of the tank of 1000 litre. Payment shall be made on the
basis of actual number of the tank of 1000 litre as per rate quoted for the item in the Bill of
Quantities. The rate shall include full cost of labor, tools/equipment, materials, transport,
fitting and all other costs necessary for the performance and completion of the Works in the
workmanlike manner.

b) Supply and Installation of Kitchen ancillaries:

The Contractor shall supply and install all the necessary ancillaries for the kitchen to the
satisfaction of the Employer. It includes supply and installation a stainless Steel Kitchen
sink 18”x36” along with PVC convey pipe with bottle trap of dia. 25mm shall be connected
to sewer pipe along with all necessary ancillaries. It shall include simple 12" x 18" wash
basin along with waste pipe and connection pipe. It includes supply and installation of tap
with all necessary ancillaries. It shall conform the water tightness.

All water supply pipeline works shall be concealed and performed with PPR or UPVC
pipes as directed by the site Engineer. It includes the laying of the PPR or UPVC pipes of
diameter as specified in drawing or as specified by site Engineer and shall be joined with
necessary nipples, tee, bends, cross, socket and all other necessary for the completion of the
works. The system shall conform the water tightness. There should be separate water
supply pipe line for hot and cold water system as directed by site Engineer.

Measurement for payment of 'Supply and installation of Kitchen ancillaries' shall be

made on the basis of actual number of kitchen in number. Payment shall be made on the
basis of lump sum rate quoted for the item in the Bill of Quantities. The rate shall include
full cost of labor, tools/equipment, materials, transport and all other costs necessary for the
performance and completion of the Works in the workmanlike manner.

c) Supply and installation of Toilet and bathroom fixture:

The contractor shall supply and install the bathroom and toilet fixtures to the satisfaction of
the Employer. It includes supply and installation of Standard English type Commode/ pan
with flushing cistern of approved quality shall be installed as directed by site Engineer.
Wash basin 12" x 18” (hot cold) with 25mm PVC pipe shall be connected to sewer pipe
along with waste pipe and connection pipe. Bathroom sanitary set (towel rod, ring, soap
case, mirror, paper holder, shelf, hanger etc.) shall be installed properly as directed by site
Engineer. Sower along with CP valve (hot cold) and tap of approved quality shall be
supplied and installed properly.

All water supply pipeline works shall be concealed and performed with PPR or UPVC
pipes as directed by the site Engineer. It includes the laying of the PPR or UPVC pipes of
diameter as specified in drawing or as specified by site Engineer and shall be joined with
necessary nipples, tee, bends, cross, socket and all other necessary for the completion of the
works. The system shall conform the water tightness. There should be separate water
supply pipe line for hot and cold water system as directed by site Engineer.

Measurement for payment of 'Supply and installation of Toilet and bathroom fixture' shall
be made on the basis of lump sum price quoted in BOQ. The rate shall include full cost of
labor, tools/ equipment, materials, transport and all other costs necessary for the
performance and completion of the Works in the workmanlike manner.

d) Supply and installation of water pump and non-return valve:

The contractor shall supply and install 1-Hp IS standard Water pump with necessary pipe
line and necessary ancillaries. A non-return valve shall be provided in the pipe to control
the flow of the water.

Measurement for payment of 'Supply and installation of water pump and non-return
valve' shall be made on the basis of lump sum price quoted in BOQ. The rate shall include
full cost of labor, tools/equipment, materials, transport and all other costs necessary for the
performance and completion of the Works in the workmanlike manner.

e) Supply and installation of sanitary pipeline and ancillaries and catch pit:

50 mm diameter PVC pipe shall be connected from kitchen & bathroom to main sewerage
pipe of diameter 100 mm to convey wastewater. 100 mm diameter PVC pipe shall be
connected from toilet to the main sewer pipe and to the septic tank as specified in the drawing
or as directed by the Engineer. Overflow from septic tank shall be connected to the soak pit
through 50mm PVC pipe, which is ultimately drained to the natural drainage system. All these
should include fittings, cap bends, door bend, cross, tee etc. of approved quality for
satisfactory completion of the works. A catch pit of 1m x 1m x 1m shall be constructed as
shown in the drawing. The system shall conform the water tightness.
Measurement for payment of 'Supply and installation of sanitary pipeline and ancillaries
and catch pit' shall be made on the basis of lump sum price quoted in BOQ. The rate shall
include full cost of labor, tools/ equipment, materials, transport and all other costs
necessary for the performance and completion of the Works in the workmanlike manner.

The specification and payment of all other item of works not included here shall be as
per defined in the bill of quantities.

18) Steel rolling shutter:


Galvanized guide channels, suspension shaft, pulley wheels, locking chips, “U”-clamps,
gears, counter balancing roller spring, helical spring and flat spring shall conform to
various grades as detailed in IS 6248 specifications for metal rolling shutters.


Lock plate shall be provided with sliding bolts at both ends and with galvanized pull
handles both inside and outside of shutter. Galvanized guide channels shall be pressed out
of a 3.15 mm thick G.I. sheet of required width. Bracket plate shall be at least 3.15 mm
and becomes proportionately higher up to at least 7 mm for large size shutters.
Suspension shaft shall be of sufficient dia and deflection shall not be more than 5 mm per
meter width. Required C I pulleys, helical wire springs, flat spiral springs and self-
aligning double row ball bearings shall be provided. G.I. Hood cover stiffened with
angles and flats and of minimum 0.9 mm thick galvanized M S sheet shall be
provided. Required gears, worms etc used shall be machine cut and of the specified

The rolling shutters supplied shall meet the requirements of IS 6248 in every respect
and shall be to the approval of the Engineer.

Intermediate post or mullions may be of the fixed or removable or sliding types and
shall be provided if asked for or required for rigidity and safety.

Wicket gate also shall be provided if specified.

Rolling shutters shall be pull and push types, up to 8 sq m. They shall be mechanically or
electrically operated as specified.

All surfaces shall be cleaned thoroughly and immediately painting them with two coats of
zinc rich primer. They shall be finished with approved color and shade prior to handing

Measurements shall be in square meters for actual clear opening.

Measurement for payment of ‘Supply, delivery, fitting of rolling shutter' shall be made on
the basis of lump sum price quoted in BOQ. The rate shall include full cost of labor, tools/
equipment, materials, transport and all other costs necessary for the performance and
completion of the Works in the workmanlike manner.


All electrical works related to the staff cum store building shall be carried out to the highest
degree of technical quality and workmanship accepted for this category of work. Special
attention shall be given to rigorous application of safety codes and accepted practices so that
with the completed works, operation of electrical services may add to the overall efficiency
of functions to be performed within the building without in any way detracting from the
safety aspects required within the premises.


Electrical power within the premises will be available at 400/230 V AC, three phase, four
wire, 50 Hz directly from the power utility.

All erection set-up, tools, appliances and safety precautions to be used by the Contractor for
electrical services within the building shall also be suitable for work under this Low Tension
(LT) class of electrical work.


Where not specified within this specification, all materials and workmanship used in the
installation works shall be in accordance to the latest edition of the related Indian Standard
Specification (IS:732-Code of Practice for Electrical Wiring Installation-System Voltage not
exceeding 650 V ) or equivalent.


The scope of works generally requires;

a) the supply and delivery of all required materials, fixtures, and electrical
b) setting, wiring, fixing and electrical installation of all required materials, fixtures
c) testing and commissioning of the entire electrical installation; and
d) Any other required works.

The works undertaken shall be fully coordinated with the civil works so that all electrical
works are set and finished in conformity with the building structural.


Prior to commencing procurement, the Contractor shall submit for approval the technical
description, related catalog/ brochures and sample of items of recommended brands for each
of all cable, conduit accessories, switchgears, switches, power outlets, lamps, CFL and
fixtures etc., which are to be procured and installed.


Location of conduit, fixtures, switches, outlets, distribution boards and other electrical
equipment and appliances shall be approved by the Engineer prior to commencement of
electrical installation works.


Electrical conduit used in the final sub-circuits of the electrical services shall be rigid, non-
metallic (PVC) conduit of an approved manufacturer conforming to IS: 2509 - 1973 and
shall be used only with corresponding approved accessories.


Electrical cables used in the installation shall generally be of the following types:

 Single core multi stranded 4 sq. mm cable for indoor power circuit
 Single core multi stranded 2.5 sq. mm cable for indoor lighting and low power
 Single core multi stranded 1.5 sq. mm cable for final lighting circuit and

The cable required for the service connection i.e. for the connection between distribution
services to main three phase distribution board shall be provided by contractor.


Power outlets conforming to IS: 1293-1977 shall be three pin switch sockets rated 16 A,
single phase. The outlets shall have an earth connection. Safety features shall be
incorporated to ensure that when any appliance is plugged in, its earth continuity is first
maintained prior to mating of the phase and neutral pins.

Controlling switches shall have high current capacity silver and silver cadmium oxide
contacts, bounce free snap action, wiping action and making and breaking mechanism with
minimum arcing.


Switches used in the electrical services for the control of lights and low power appliances
shall be single pole, tumbler or rocker type switches rated at not less than 6 A. One way or
two way switches shall be used as indicated in drawings. Switches used in the installation
shall generally conform to IS: 3854.1966 or equivalent.


Ceiling fans of an approved manufacture shall be of 36 inch diameter blade. Fan regulators
shall be remote controlled wired with continuous speed selection with dimmer type
electronic circuitry. Ceiling fans shall be suspended from the ceiling on U- hooks which are
bonded to reinforcement rods of ceiling structural works.


Exhaust fans of an approved manufacture and 6 inch diameter blade with sweep integral
metal units suitable for installation in walls or single panel windows. A stainless steel
louvered shutter shall be provided to close off the fan opening.


The light fixtures shall be supplied and installed as shown in the drawings (shall be approved
by the Employer). Major types of fixtures are as briefly described below.

 Ceiling compact fluorescent lamp luminaries with pin holders shall be installed. A
13/ 15W CFL lamp shall be used with such fixtures.
 Wall fixtures compact fluorescent lamp luminaries shall generally be decorative light
fixtures compatible with interior decor. The fixtures shall have one 8/11 W lamps.
The lamps shall be consoled in a high quality of decorative glass fixture.


Miniature circuit breakers shall be used in accordance with IEC: 898-1995 or IS: 8828-1996
and shall be of an approved manufacturer. Contractor has to supply sufficient number
MCBs out of which 2 number of 63 A TP, 15 number of 32 A DP, 16 number of 16 A DP,
and remaining 6-16 A SP type. Assembly of MCBs in a distribution board shall be done on
DIN type rails that will allow front mounting of the MCBs with brass screws.


Electrical distribution boards used in the electrical installation shall be manufactured from at
least 16 SWG sheet steel, shall be suitable for flush/ surface mounting, and shall be painted
with a coat of enamel over two coats of primer & the painted color conforming with
surrounding decor. The interior shall have ample space for incoming and outgoing cables.
Distribution boards shall be complete with

 appropriately rated copper bus bars with heat shrinkable phase identifications;
 neutral link and earth terminal;
 labeling of circuit breakers;
 hinged front cover with locking device;

Contractor shall have to supply one TPN main DB and 2 number of 12 ways DB and bus bar
of capacity of 100 A.


The point wiring of light and fans shall be carried in the manner each of which will confirm
to the standard specification. All accessories such as switches and sockets should be flush
type. The point will commence from distribution board including circuits each having
independent phase neutral and earth wires up to the outlet and switch box. The conduit pipe
will be completed with piped including accessories and wires, necessary junction box outlets
and switch box, connector, ceiling rose switch, switch plate, low power socket and flush
plate, necessary earth, connections, etc.

Point wiring for power plugs will have up to three power plugs which shall be wired with
2x4 sq.mm PVC insulated copper cable and earthed with 1.5 sq.mm PVC insulated copper
cable from the nominated sub distribution board.


The point wiring of telephone line shall be wired with 5 pair telephone cables, carried in the
manner each of which shall confirm to the standard specification.


This specification covers supply and delivery and installation of at least two number of
65x65x3.15 mm copper earthing plates along with required quantity of salt and coal for
proper earthing arrangement.


Payment for electrical installation (works) shall be made in Lump sum cost quoted in BOQ
for all scopes under ELECTRICAL WORKS.


In road protection and upgrading works, all sub-works except Gabion work shall confirm
to specifications mentioned above under relevant titles. The Specification for gabion work
shall be as explained below;

The standard type gabion (Maccaferi) shall be a flexible hot dip galvanized gabion of the
type and size specified below. It is made of wire mesh of the type and size and selvedge as
specified in the following:

- The mesh shall be hexagonal woven mesh, with the joints formed by twisting
each pair of wires through three and half turns.

- The size of mesh shall not be less than 100mm.

- All wires used in the fabrication of the gabions shall be galvanized "Mild steel
wire", having average tensile strength of 44 kg/sq.mm.

- The diameter of the wire used in the fabrication of the netting shall be at least 3.0
mm depending on the design requirement.

- The selvedge and mesh wire shall have a diameter of 3.9 mm 3.0 mm
The gabion wall shall be filled with quarry stone as approved by the Employer. The rock
shall be of compact, firmly bound and uniformly grain texture and absolutely weather-
The standard gabion shall have following dimension: 2x1x1 meter (Length*Width *Height).
Sufficient lacing and connecting wires of 2.4 mm diameter shall be supplied with the
gabions, for all the wiring operations to be carried out in the construction of the gabion
Measurement for payment of gabion works shall be made on the basis of actual placed
volume of gabions in cubic meters. Payment shall be made for the number of cubic meters
measured as provided at the unit price specified in the schedule. The unit price shall include
all labors, equipment, materials and all other cost necessary for the performance and
completion of the works.


In fencing and gate construction works, all sub-works except chain-link fence and gate
shall confirm to specifications mentioned above under relevant titles. The Specification
for chain-link fence and entrance gate shall be as explained below;


Work covered under this clause comprises of design, drawing, supply, fabrication,
erection, painting or galvanization as specified etc of Compound Fencing and entrance

Product materials

The minimum requirements are as follows:

Chain link fence fabric (galvanization) in accordance to relevant IS/BS/ equivalent

International Standards.


The posts shall be of medium M.S. tubes of 50mm diameter conforming to grade as per
relevant international /BS standard. The tubes shall also conform relevant IS/BS/
equivalent International Standards.
An M.S. base plate of size 160 X 160 X 6mm thick shall be welded at the bottom of the
tubular post.

The tubular post shall be welded with 8 number of 75mm long M S cleats of size 50mm x
6mm at suitable locations. Two number of 13.5 mm diameter holes on each cleats shall
be provided to bolt the fence fabric panel. The cleats shall be welded at equal spacing in
such a way that 4 numbers of cleats are on one side and remaining 4 cleats are on the
opposite side of the post. The cleats on the corner posts shall be welded in such a way
that it suits the site requirement. The whole assembly of tubular post shall enamel painted.

Fence Fabric & Fence Panel

Chain link fencing shall be made of 10 SWG wire with 50 X 50 mm mesh size. Fence
fabric shall be galvanized. Chain link fencing shall be fabricated in the form of panel
1300 X 2928 mm. An M.S. flat of at least 50x6 mm size shall be welded all-round fence
fabric to form a panel. Four pairs of 13.5mm diameter holes on the vertical M S flat
matching the spacing of holes in cleats fixed with pipe shall be provided to fix the fence
panel with the tubular posts. A washer shall also be provided below each nut. The
contractor, for fixing the panels, shall supply the 12mm diameter bolts including nuts and
washers. All nuts, bolts and washers shall be hot dip galvanized.

Entrance Gate

1. The gate shall be made of medium duty M.S. pipe conforming to relevant I.S. with
welded joints. The main frame (outer frame) of the gate shall be made of 40mm
dia pipe and vertical pipes of 15mm dia. @ 125mm spacing (maximum) shall be
welded with the main frame. Two number of 1.25 mm thick and 125 mm wide
MS plates (Horizontal) @ 500 mm centre to centre distance shall be welded on
each gate leaf. Gate leaves shall be fixed with a vertical post of 2700 mm long two
steel channels-150 welded together. An 8 mm thick 200X 200 mm size MS plate
shall be welded at the bottom of channel frame.
2. The gates shall be fabricated with welded joints to achieve rigid connections. The
gate frames shall be painted with one coat of approved steel primer and two coats
of synthetic enamel paint.
3. The gates shall be provided with suitable locking arrangement welded on 4 mm
thick MS plate on the gate leaf.
4. The main gate shall be 5.0 m wide and shall be of double leaf type (as approved in
the drawing). Next to the main gate, a men gate (1.25m wide single leaf) shall
also be provided.
5. Steel roller shall be provided with the gate.
6. Gate shall be installed in location as shown in approved G.A. drawing.
7. The vertical post of gate shall be embedded in PCC foundation of 500
X500X1250 mm deep size.

Measurement for payment of ‘Construction of Chain-link fence” shall be made on the

basis of unit price quoted in BOQ for each square meter of work performed. The rate
shall include full cost of labor, tools/ equipment, materials, transport and all other costs
necessary for the performance and completion of the Works in the workmanlike manner.

Measurement for payment of ‘Construction of Entrance gate” shall be made on the

basis of unit price quoted in BOQ for whole lot of work. The rate shall include full cost of
labor, tools/ equipment, materials, transport and all other costs necessary for the
performance and completion of the Works in the workmanlike manner.

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