Line Follower With Obstacle Information System Using Zigbee: Abstract
Line Follower With Obstacle Information System Using Zigbee: Abstract
Line Follower With Obstacle Information System Using Zigbee: Abstract
using ZigBee
Snehal Kokare Rajveer Shastri Shrikrishna Kolhar
Dept. of Electronics & Dept. of Electronics & Dept. of Electronics &
Telecommunication Telecommunication Telecommunication
VPKBIET, Baramati VPKBIET, Baramati VPKBIET, Baramati
Baramati, India Baramati, India Baramati, India
Abstract— In this paper Firebird V robot follows white line on microcontroller and Atmega8 microcontroller, three white
a black surface. On Firebird V three white line sensors (Left, line sensors, one sharp IR range sensors, eight IR proximity
Centre, Right) for detecting white line. When obstacle comes in sensors, Buzzer, LCD, two DC (Direct Current) motors,
robot path then robot stops and buzzer get on for alertness and ZigBee module, RS232 serial port, USB port etc[6].
sends message wirelessly to PC via ZigBee i.e. “Obstacle is
present”. Here Sharp IR range sensor is used for obstacle
avoidance and motion of robot is handled by DC (Direct
Current) Motors. PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) is used to
control the speed of motor. We measured variation in voltages
of Sharp IR range sensor and IR proximity sensor as distance
between obstacle and sensor varied and voltage levels of white
line sensor on white line and black surface. We also measured
RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indicator) at various distance
using XCTU software and we observed that RSSI value get
decreases as distance increases.
In 1950 Automobile engineers try to develop a machine
to carry out a task of dangerous area and repetitive task
which is boring for human such as drilling, welding,
pushing, cutting, soldering etc. British inventor Cyril W.
Kenward was developed first robotic arm in 1954. General Fig.1 Basic architecture of Fire Bird V robot [6]
Motors was the first company in 1962 that used service
robot in the production of radiators whose name was A. Motion Control
‘Planetbot’. In 1995 mobile robot was investigated, several DC geared motor interfacing with Atmega2560 is as
recent studies [1][2] used mobile robot for monitoring the shown in Fig.2. ATmega 2560 has total eleven ports; among
environment, handle the work in dangerous area and also this six are 8-bit (Port A to Port F), remaining five are 6 bits
used for collecting and routing a data in Wireless Sensor (Port G, H, J, K, L). Port A is used for handling motion
Network (WSN). Recently one humanoid robot was control. Fire Bird V robot has two 75 Revolution per Minute
investigated whose name was Sophia [3]. Sophia was (RPM) DC geared motors [7]. On the DC motor position
developed by Hanson Robotics Company which is located encoders are mounted as shown in Fig.3 which gives
in Hong-Kong. Sophia was the first robot who talks to position information to microcontroller. Fastest speed of
people and she got the citizenship of Saudi Arabia. Here we Firebird V robot is 24cm per second. Direction of motor i.e.
used a Firebird V robot which was made by IIT Bombay [4]. forward, backward, left, right etc. handled by L293D motor
Firebird V robot is used as a service robot in various field driver. PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) is used to control
such as hospitals, hotels; library and industry for pick and the speed of motor [6] [7] [8].
place job. By using line follower technique M.B. Nugraha et
al. [5] developed automated guided vehicle based on RFID
(Radio Frequency Identification) for transportation of
various things within an industry and buildings. For
programming this robot we used AVR STUDIO 4.1 and for
configuring a ZigBee module we used XCTU configuration
and test utility software. We experimented with and various
practical aspects are reported in this paper.
In the Firebird robot there are different series of robots
available, we are used fifth series of Firebird. As shown in
Fig.1 Firebird V robot consist of Atmega2560 Fig.2 Motor interfacing with Atmega2560 [7]
978-1-5386-5257-2/18/$31.00©20XX IEEE
Fig.4 Pulse Width Modulation (Case A)
Fig.9 Infrared proximity sensor The output of white line sensors is analog value hence
Several studies [12] uses Infrared proximity sensor for ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) is used to convert
detecting the obstacle for short range; its range is up to analog value into digital. According to white line sensor
10cm. Fig.9 shows the schematic of infrared proximity microcontroller (Atmega2560) gives command to motor.
sensor it uses IR ray [12]-[15] as a transmitter and Flowchart of proposed system is as shown in Fig.11. If
photodiode as a receiver. When obstacle is absent then no Centre white line sensor is on white line then robot moves in
reflected light no leakage current will flow through forward direction. All the three sensors (Left, Centre, and
photodiode so voltage across the photodiode is about 3.3V. Right) are on the black line and if there is obstacle in front
As obstacle comes then reflection of light causes leakage of the robot then robot stops [16]. Left and right white line
current flow in photodiode and voltage start to fall down sensors are on the black line then robot moves either left or
across the photodiode [11]-[13]. right.
Thus by using line follower technique we achieved a
stability in robot motion for high speed as well as low speed.
Fig.14 Disatnce vs voltage plot for IR proximity sensors ZigBee has provided a robust, low cost, low power platform
for wireless communication between robot and PC. This
makes it useful for application such as library management,