Theory Best Suited For: Learning Theory Comparison Chart

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Here’s a comparison chart of all the learning theories we’ve examined here. We hope it’ll help you select the
best strategy your learning design needs.


Adult learners are autonomous and self-

Problem solving
directed, and seek out learning based on
Structured formal learning
ANDRAGOGY personal needs.
Learners with a defined need to
Adult learners must be able to apply what
they learn in a practical way.

A person’s beliefs and expectations shape

TRANSFORMATI their view of the world. Complex analytical processes
ONAL Through a rational analytical process, a Evaluation and analysis
LEARNING person can consciously change their old Long-term personal growth
beliefs and implement new ones.

A hands-on approach where individuals learn

by doing. Mechanical skills
EXPERIENTIAL Puts the learner at the center of the learning Leadership skills
LEARNING process. Process improvement
Learning happens through an active process Systematic thinking
of doing and reflection.

Process where individuals take complete

Process updates
SELF-DIRECTED ownership of the learning process to
Self-motivated learners
LEARNING diagnose learning needs, identify resources,
Technology and software skills
implement learning, and assess their results.

Learners engage in active investigation of a

real-world problem.
Project management
PROJECT BASED Gives learners a voice in the overall process
Process improvement
LEARNING through a process of inquiry, critical thinking,
problem solving, collaboration, and

Learning is the result of programming and

Team building
 ACTION questioning.
Fill in knowledge gaps
LEARNING Learners take action on a problem and reflect
Uncover areas of learning ne
upon the results.

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