Letter of Recommendation: Halu Oleo University
Letter of Recommendation: Halu Oleo University
Letter of Recommendation: Halu Oleo University
I hereby recommended the following woman as an appropriate for the Master Degree student at Nagoya
Institute of Technology through International Graduate Program for Global Engineering.
It gives me great pleasure to recommend NI KADEK SAGIT ARI WARSANI for undertaking
Master Degree in Nagoya Institute of Technology this year. As a dean in the Mathematics and Natural
Science Faculty at once her Supervisor , I know her since her first year. Ms. Ni Kadek Sagit Ari Warsani
is a truly outstanding student who has accumulated a long list both academic honors/achievements and
extra-curricular activities. She does his work conscientiously, she always seeks out coursework that
challenges her, and she has an amazing capacity for fulfilling her responsibilities in a great variety of
She is organized in her goal-setting, yet has learned to keep her options open for future.
Intelectually, she is one of my best student I ever worked with. She has the ability to carry out research
independently, she is extremely disclipined in her work, her analytical skills are highly developed, and
she is always thorough in what she does. In the case of her honors thesis, the result promises to be at a
level that one would usually associate with graduate work.
In sum, I highly recommend her to study in Nagoya Institute of Technology. Please consider her
for admission to your scholarship program. I believe her proposed course of study is suitable and build
on her many strengths. Her animating spirit and disclipined approach to learning make her particularly
well suited to take advantage of this opportunity. If you would like further information, please feel free to
contact me.