Leadership Experiences and Goals (Fotip)
Leadership Experiences and Goals (Fotip)
Leadership Experiences and Goals (Fotip)
GOAL: Support student growth in literacy skills through the reading and writing workshop model.
o RATIONALE: Reflects the following NCTE Position Statements: Resolution on the
Essential Roles and Value of Literature in the Curriculum, Statement on Independent
Reading. Also supported by Urbanski’s research and writing theory based manual Using
the Workshop Approach in the High School English Classroom (2006) and further supported
by Snider’s 2016 thesis paper by the same title.
Short-Term: Develop and implement a semester of reading and writing workshop.
Long-Term: I want to be able to help other teachers implement effective high school
reading and writing workshop model. Eventually, I would love to have a library to
support independent reading and book groups. I would also like to explore how
emerging technologies can enhance the workshop model.
o NBPTS: Proposition 3: Teachers are responsible for managing and monitoring student
o TLMD: Domain 2. Accesses and Uses Research to Improve Practice and Student Learning.
o TEACHER INQUIRY: I will develop my skills in managing a writing workshop through my
teacher inquiry.
GOAL: Provide opportunities for teacher growth through a teacher book club focused on
professional learning.
o RATIONALE: There are many benefits to teacher book clubs, including expanding
pedagogical knowledge and awareness of research, engaging in reflection on our teaching
practice, and strengthening professional relationships with colleagues in a safe learning
community. Although her study is a bit dated and their focus was more on fiction than
professional research, much of what Kooy describes in her research study, The telling
stories of novice teachers: Constructing teacher knowledge in book clubs, remains highly
relevant for novice teachers today. I can also see how the book club context could make
for an effective and enjoyable mentoring setting as well. The NCTE also advocate
Professional Learning through Teacher centered Empowerment focused on collaborative
learning that fosters “collaborative learning,” “participatory professional development,”
“collaborative knowledge production,” and a “commitment to cultural competency.”
Short-Term: Begin a study of Visible Learning for Teachers with any colleagues who
can join this semester. Meet weekly or biweekly to discuss a reading assignment and
reflective questions about how the research and pedagogy related to our teaching
experience, as well as how we might make changes in our practice to be more
Long-Term: I intend to read through other books in the Visible Learning Series with
colleagues of various disciplines. If I can form a group of English teachers, we could
go through the NCTE Handbook of Research and/or other research-based
pedagogical texts. I would also love to have a teacher book club discussing fiction
and poetry like Kooy describes in her article.
o NBPTS: Proposition 5: Teachers are members of learning communities.
o TLMD: Domain 3. Promoting Professional Learning for Continuous Improvement.