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Indonesia: Road To The App Economy: by Dr. Michael Mandel

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Indonesia: Road to the App Economy


Indonesia’s growth rate has been slowing in recent years. In the second quarter,
GDP grew 4.7% over the same quarter of the previous year, the smallest gain since
2009. Part of that slowdown is due to global economic weakness that has hurt
commodity exports. However, that only points out the need to find another, more
sustainable engine for growth for the Indonesian economy.

President Joko Widodo, in office since October 2014, seeks to transform Indone-
sia from an economy that imports manufacturing products such as telecommuni-
cations equipment into one that produces them. Indeed, his administration’s em-
phasis on production has included domestic content rules for smartphones using
advanced networks, as a way of allowing Indonesia to participate in the global
App development is mobile revolution as producer rather than a consumer.

one route to economic

In this paper we take another perspective on Indonesia’s economy. Rather than
success for a country focusing on hardware, we examine the potential of the production of mobile ap-
such as Indonesia. plications (“apps”) as a source of growth and jobs for Indonesia. The App Econo-
my, as it is sometimes called, is the whole ecosystem of jobs, companies, and in-
come connected with the production and distribution of mobile apps.

Many people mistakenly think of mobile apps as simply games or chat programs
or social media. Games and social media are important—but in reality, they are
only a small part of the App Economy. Apps are used by major multinationals,
banks, media companies, retailers, and governments. As of July 2015, there were
1.6 million apps available for Android, and another 1.5 million available on Ap-
ple’s App Store.1

App development is one route to economic success for a country such as Indone-
sia that has a large internal market. Today, many countries try to develop their
manufacturing sector as a means to growth, emulating China and Korea. Howev-
er, such a strategy necessarily requires a large investment in physical capital, not
just for the factories but for the transportation infrastructure and power grid as
well. Building and improving highways, rail lines, and ports is expensive and time


By comparison, mobile app development requires far less physical capital, and
has the potential for paying off much more quickly. Moreover, going forward,
mobile apps could be a major source of value-added and growth. What’s required
is a skilled workforce and good telecom connections, both domestically and inter-
nationally. But once these are in place, a country such as Indonesia can become
part of the global App Economy, creating good jobs and growth at home.

Up to this point, Indonesia has not been focused on app development. Neverthe-
less, the country has a rapidly growing number of app developers—these are the
people who design and create the apps distributed domestically and internation-
ally. Moreover, Indonesian companies that do app development also have to hire
sales people, project managers, database programmers, and other types of work-
ers. Finally, each app developer supports a certain number of local jobs.

In this paper, we estimate that Indonesia has roughly 22,000 App Economy jobs
across the entire country. That’s based on our analysis of online job posting data,
as collected by the job search engine Indeed. (Note: Only public data was used in
this analysis. No personal data of individuals or businesses was used.)

In addition, we show that Indonesia comes in third in our App Economy ranking
of major Southeast Asia countries, behind Vietnam and just behind Singapore.
The result is based on our analysis of multi-country job posting data from job
search engine Indeed, which enables us to estimate the Southeast Asia App Econ-
omy Index.

Indonesia's App Economy Strong, But Trails Vietnam and Singapore

SE Asia App Economy Index,
Country adjusted for omitted job postings*
Vietnam 1.83
Singapore 1.37
Indonesia 1.37
Philippines 0.90
Malaysia 0.75
Thailand 0.35
*SE Asia App Economy index = number of job postings containing terms ‘iOS’ or ‘Android’
for that country divided by the average number of job postings containing terms ‘IOS’ or
‘Android’ for all six SE Asia countries. Indonesia and Malaysia data adjusted to eliminate
spurious results from one job board. Index except for Vietnam adjusted for omitted job
Data: Indeed summary job postings, collected as of August 5, 2015, analyzed by the Pro-
gressive Policy Institute. Based only on publicly available data—no personal individual or
business data used.


Why is this important? The App Economy is less than a decade old, having only
started after the introduction of the iPhone in 2007. Since then, the App Economy
has grown from nothing to a powerful economic force that rivals existing indus-
tries.2 The App Economy started in California’s Silicon Valley, home to Apple and
Google. Since then the App Economy has spread globally, helping turn New York
and London into global tech hubs.

Apps are the essential front door to the Internet. In the United States, most peo-
The demand for mobile ple use apps to access the Internet on their smartphones.3 They log onto the Face-
apps is only going to book app, or their bank app, or the app of their airline. One could spend an entire
day on the Internet while only using apps.
skyrocket in the future.
Moreover, the demand for new mobile apps is only going to skyrocket in the fu-
ture. One of the biggest changes coming is the Internet of Things, which is the use
of the Internet to help control physical devices and our physical environment.4
Farmers will increasingly use apps to aid their agricultural production, nurses and
doctors will use apps to manage patient care, and manufacturers will use apps to
control their factories.5

The implication is that production of mobile apps—both for the domestic and
global economies—could become an increasing source of growth in coming years
for Indonesia.

Jobs in the App Economy

We noted earlier that the App Economy is not simply about games, or about small
app developers. In fact, the App Economy turns out to be remarkably diverse. The
conventional picture of an app developer is a single person working in a base-
ment, or perhaps a small firm with two or three programmers.

However, as we have researched the App Economy globally over the past 3 years,
we have found that a surprisingly broad range of enterprises are searching for
workers who have the ability to develop, maintain, or support mobile applica-
tions.6 Tiny app developers and mobile broadband providers; tech companies and
non-tech companies; multinationals, nonprofits, and the government —it’s just
amazing the types of enterprises that are hiring app developers these days.

Based on our analysis of the Indonesian App Economy, we have found these types
of companies who hire App Economy workers:

1. Large, medium, and small Indonesian app developers, who

may be creating apps for themselves or for clients. These compa-
nies are the leading edge of the App Economy. The list of Indonesian app
developers looking for workers includes Beetlebox, 7Langit, Mahoni.com,
Garuda Games, Altermyth, Agate Studio, Suit Media, GIT (Gongsin In-
ternasional Transindo), Alegrium, and Foreverapps. For example, Qeon


Interactive, an Indonesian mobile gaming company located in Jakarta,
has an opening for a Senior Mobile Engineer as of August 2015.

Another company in the Indonesian app market is Sebangsa, a mobile

application company developing communication, social networking and
business products. In August 2015, they were looking to bring on both an
iOS Front-End Developer and an Android Front-End Developer in Yog-

2. Multinational Corporations using Indonesian workers for app

development. Wirecard provides an example of this. It is a multina-
tional payment-processing corporation that is headquartered in Germa-
ny, but with divisions around the world. As of August 2015, they were
looking to bring on five Software Engineers in Jakarta. SenseLabs, which
has a technology platform connecting smartphones and other wearables
to sensors, has developers in both Rotterdam, Netherlands, and Bandung,

3. Media and software companies that engage in app development

for consumer use under their own name. These days, mobile ap-
plications are essential for media and software companies. One example
is that of HighEnd, a luxury lifestyle magazine, operated under integrated
media group MNC Media, advertising for an IT Programmer with the
ability to create iOS and Android applications in Jakarta in August 2015.

4. Finance and retail companies that use apps to reach customers.

Apps are a natural fit for retail and finance companies. For example, Se-
nayan City, a mixed-use development comprising a shopping mall, an of-
fice tower, an apartment tower and a hotel, was advertising for a Pro-
gramming Junior Officer with Android programming experience in Ja-
karta as of August 2015.

Another example is Tokopedia, one of Indonesia’s largest online market-

places, which enables customer to customer retail by providing a platform
for individuals and small business to open online stores. In August 2015,
they were advertising openings for both iOS and Android Software Engi-
neers as well as a UI Designer in Jakarta. HappyFresh, a grocery delivery
startup, is also looking for mobile app developers.

Another example is Astra Insurance, an Indonesian general insurance

company that was looking to fill a position for an IT Development Mobile
Project in Jakarta in August 2015.

5. Other large non-tech companies that are developing apps for

internal and customer use. In every industry, businesses are realizing
that apps, and mobile in general, are becoming essential tools for produc-
tivity, marketing and customer service. For example, as of August 2015,


Eco Properti Internasional, an online property portal that matches envi-
ronmentally conscious apartment seekers with rental properties was
looking to hire Junior and Senior Web/Mobile Application Programmers
in Surabaya.

Another example is that of GrabTaxi, a mobile-based booking and dis-

patch platform for the taxi industry. They operate in six countries, includ-
ing Indonesia and were advertising for an IT Support Manager with iOS
and Android experience in August 2015 for their Jakarta office.

This is only a small sample of the companies that are currently hiring App Econ-
omy workers in Indonesia.

Measuring the Indonesian App Economy

According to data from Statistics Indonesia, the information and communications
sector grew by 10% in 2014, compared to 5% growth for the gross domestic prod-
uct of the whole country. Indeed, information and communications was the fast-
est growing sector of the economy.

Figure 1: Indonesia Becomes More Connected

Households who used
Households with the Internet in the last
Year mobile phones 3 months
2010 72% 22%
2011 79% 26%
2012 84% 31%
2013 86% 32%
Data: BPS-Statistics Indonesia.

According to the association of Indonesian Internet service providers (APJII) in

the Internet penetration rate increased to 35% in 2014. Smartphone adoption use
is still relatively low, but increasing quickly. The largest use is social networking,
Indonesia had roughly with 85% using a mobile phone to access the Internet.
22,000 App Economy
Clearly we see tremendous changes underway in the Indonesian App Economy,
jobs as of August 2015, on both the consumption and production side. Users will have much more access
up from nothing in to smartphones, so they will become even greater downloaders of mobile apps of
all sorts. On the other side, the domestic market for mobile apps will become one
of the largest in the world, creating an enormous incentive for mobile app devel-
opers to expand.

This virtuous circle could quickly make the App Economy an enormous creator of
jobs and income for Indonesia. Moreover, as Indonesian app developers gain
skills and experience, they could become a source of export revenue.


How large is the Indonesian app economy today? Conventional economic statis-
tics—whether in the United States or in Indonesia—are not designed to track the
very new kinds of jobs being created by the App Economy.

However, we can address the size of Indonesia’s App Economy using a methodol-
ogy originally developed in 2012 to estimate the number of App Economy workers
in the United States.7 This methodology was later applied to other countries, such
as Australia.

This methodology uses online help-wanted ads or job postings to assess the
strength of the App Economy. Note that job postings typically include an accurate
description of the skills and knowledge the employer is looking for. For example,
if a job posting requires that the job candidate have experience developing apps
for iOS—the iPhone/iPad operating system—then we can reasonably conclude
that the job is part of the App Economy. Similarly, if a job posting calls for experi-
ence using Android we can be reasonably sure that job is part of the App Econo-

Especially in the tech field, the use of online job postings is quite common. Com-
panies post their openings on their website, or use job boards to place job post-
ings for software developers or engineers. In Indonesia, the ads may either be in
English or Indonesian.

Online job postings are collected and indexed in real-time by job search engines
such as Indeed (which for Indonesia is located at the URL id.indeed.com) or by
Monster (which for Indonesia is located at the URL www.monster.co.id). That is,
the job seeker can input relevant criteria into the job search engine, such as skills,
location, and so forth. And then the job search engine will return a list of all the
current job postings that match the criteria.

Job search engines are a wonderful source of data about the current labor market
in a country. The main positive is that job postings (or want ads) typically contain
detailed information about the skills that the employers want. What’s more, the
results are continually updated. And especially in tech fields, the expectation is
the potential employees will search for jobs using the Internet, so many compa-
nies are usually willing to post open positions online, because that’s where they
will find their workers.

On the other hand, job search engines do have certain problems. Obviously in
Indonesia many jobs will not be listed on online job postings, especially since
most people still don’t have smartphones. Moreover, unlike the United States and
Vietnam, many listed job postings on the websites of Indonesia tech firms are not
picked up by Indeed, Monster, or other job search engines, likely for legal rea-
sons. This requires us to do an adjustment to account for the missing data. Still,
analyzing the results of job search engines gives us information about the tech
labor market that can’t be gotten any other way.


As of August 15, 2015, the Indonesian job search website id.indeed.com returned
a total of 28,000 job postings nationally, ranging from software developers to ac-
countants to lab technicians. Out of these, 11,000 were in the Jakarta region,
3,000 were in the Denpasar region, and about 2,000 were in the Surabaya region.

App Economy Workers

In order to assess the relative size of the App Economy in Indonesia, we will look
for job postings that require App Economy skills. The main App Economy skills
are the ability to build apps that run on the iOS and Android mobile operating
systems. So we search for jobs that include either the term ‘iOS’ or the term ‘An-
droid’ as part of the job posting.

The reason why we use iOS and Android is that these are the two major platforms
for mobile apps. (Windows, Blackberry, and Facebook have a much smaller
The key to growth is to share). Also, they will be the same no matter what language a country is using.
be a creator of mobile
Our procedure was to run a search for App Economy job postings on
apps, not simply a user.
id.indeed.com on August 5, looking for job postings that contain either the term
‘iOS’ or ‘Android’. Then we adjust for the missing observations. Then, based on
past research in other countries, we estimate the number of app-related jobs at
firms that do app development. Finally, we account for the number of non-tech
local jobs supported by app developers.8

The result: We find that Indonesia had roughly 22,000 App Economy jobs as of
August 2015. That’s up from nothing as of 2007, before the iPhone was intro-

Regional Comparisons
Obviously, Indonesia ’s App Economy lags behind industrialized countries such as
the United States, Japan and the United Kingdom. Equally clearly, Indonesia
cannot compare today to India and China in terms of app development.

It’s much more useful to compare Indonesia’s App Economy to other major coun-
tries in Southeast Asia—Vietnam, the Philippines, Thailand, Singapore, and Ma-
laysia. In order to do this, we searched for job postings contained the terms ‘iOS’
or ‘Android’ in Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, and Thai-
land, using the Indeed sites for those countries.

By executing this search on each of these websites the same day, we were able to
identify the number of App Economy postings for each country.9 Note that for two
countries, Indonesia and Malaysia, we also removed a number of spurious App
Economy job postings that are caused by a particular job board.


Figure 2: Job Search By Country
Country Website Used
Vietnam Vn.indeed.com
Indonesia Id.indeed.com
Malaysia www.indeed.com.my
Philippines www.indeed.com.ph
Singapore www.indeed.com.sg
Thailand Th.indeed.com
Data: Indeed.

In addition, we note that in all the countries except for Vietnam, job search en-
gines refrain from indexing some company websites. We therefore do an adjust-
ment to account for the missing data.

We then translate our results into a “Southeast Asia App Economy Index” for each
country, which divides the results of the search for that country by the average
number of job postings for all six countries (see Figure 3). In other words, the
higher the index number, the more job postings for App Economy jobs.

Figure 3: Indonesia's App Economy Strong,

But Trails Vietnam and Singapore
SE Asia App Economy Index,
Country adjusted for omitted job postings*
Vietnam 1.83
Singapore 1.37
Indonesia 1.37
Philippines 0.90
Malaysia 0.75
Thailand 0.35
*SE Asia App Economy index = number of job postings containing terms ‘iOS’ or ‘Android’
for that country divided by the average number of job postings containing terms ‘IOS’ or
‘Android’ for all six SE Asia countries. Indonesia and Malaysia data adjusted to eliminate
spurious results from one job board. Index except for Vietnam adjusted for omitted job
Data: Indeed summary job postings, collected as of August 5, 2015, analyzed by the Pro-
gressive Policy Institute. Based only on publicly available data—no personal individual or
business data used.

We can see that Vietnam has the highest Southeast Asia App Economy Index, fol-
lowed by Singapore and Indonesia (where Singapore is slightly but not signifi-
cantly ahead of Indonesia). Note that we have not ranked these countries against
countries such as India and China, which are clearly much stronger App Econo-


The Southeast Asia App Economy Index measures the demand for App Economy
workers in a country. In some sense, it reflects the desirability and growth of the
country for app development. Companies have many choices globally about where
to look for workers, and if they are looking in Vietnam, Singapore, and Indonesia,
that suggests they find the environment enticing.

It’s worth saying a word about Singapore, which comes out lower than Vietnam
on the ranking and slightly ahead of Indonesia. Obviously Singapore has a much
more highly educated workforce. But many Singapore app developers actually
outsource their production to other countries, including Vietnam. Moreover, Vi-
etnam and Indonesia have much larger populations. Therefore, if we adjust for
population size, the Singapore App Economy looks much stronger.

Finally, for completeness, we show the SE Asia App Economy Index, without the
adjustment for omitted data. We see that Indonesia looks much weaker, which
clearly does not reflect the reality.

Figure 4: Without Adjustment for Omitted Data, Indonesia’s App Economy

Looks Weak
Country SE Asia App Economy Index*
Vietnam 1.83
Singapore 1.65
Philippines 0.93
Indonesia 0.65
Thailand 0.52
Malaysia 0.42
*SE Asia App Economy index = number of job postings containing terms ‘iOS’ or ‘Android’
for that country divided by the average number of job postings containing terms ‘IOS’ or
‘Android’ for all six SE Asia countries.
Data: Indeed summary job postings, collected as of August 5, 2015, analyzed by the Pro-
gressive Policy Institute. Based only on publicly available data—no personal data used.

Long-term Potential and Obstacles

The Indonesian government is facing an important economic policy decision. One
component of the government’s plan to boost the economy and tilt the trade im-
Mobile apps—the balance is to impose local content regulations on the manufacturing of
smartphones. There are about $3 billion (USD) in phone imports into Indonesia
essential software of
yearly and the country is hoping to capture a portion of this.10
smartphones—have a
lot more growth Still, the country has logistics challenges, including the need for more transporta-
tion infrastructure investment. The net result can be up to a 50% increase in
potential than the manufacturing costs compared to production in nearby China, a figure quoted by
hardware. Indonesian smart phone producer Polytron.11 This will undoubtedly raise the
costs of producing smartphones in Indonesia, and slow down the rate of adoption.


But even leaving aside the domestic content issues, the question is whether Indo-
nesia could benefit from emphasizing the App Economy—the production of mo-
bile apps. Increasingly the hardware side of the smartphone market is a commod-
ity business, where companies invest enormous sums for thin profit margins.

By contrast, mobile apps—the essential software of smartphones—have a lot more

growth potential than the hardware. Smartphone penetration has a limit, but as
the history of information technology shows, the demand for software and ser-
vices keeps growing. Indeed, in the United States, companies invest roughly $320
billion per year in software, compared to roughly $180 billon on computer and
communication hardware.

The implication: Countries are better off nurturing a strong position in mobile
app development. The key to growth is to be a creator of mobile apps, not simply
a user. That strategy creates a workforce with the right skills and training to pros-
per in the global economy going forward.


1 Statista, “Number of apps available in leading app stores as of July 2015,”

2 Philip Elmer-DeWitt, “Apple's apps economy: Bigger than Hollywood,” Fortune, January
22, 2015.
3 Sarah Perez, “Majority Of Digital Media Consumption Now Takes Place In Mobile Apps,”
August 21, 2014, http://techcrunch.com/2014/08/21/majority-of-digital-media-
4 Michael Mandel, “Can the Internet of Everything bring back the High-Growth Economy?”
Progressive Policy Institute, September 2013,
5 For example, India is pioneering the use of smartphone apps to help farmers make deci-
sions about the use of fertilizer. See also http://www.businessinsider.in/3-Apps-that-can-
6 Michael Mandel, “Jobs in the Australian App Economy,” Progressive Policy Institute, July
2014, http://www.progressivepolicy.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/2014.07-
7 Michael Mandel, “Where the Jobs Are: The App Economy,” South Mountain Economics,
February 2012, http://southmountaineconomics.files.wordpress.com/2012/09/technet-
Michael Mandel and Judith Scherer, “A Low-Cost And Flexible Approach For Tracking
Jobs And Economic Activity Related To Innovative Technologies,” South Mountain Eco-
nomics, Nesta Working Paper No. 15/11, June 2015, http://www.nesta.org.uk/blog/how-
Robert E. Litan, Andrew W. Wyckoff, and Kaye Husbands Fealing, eds., Capturing
Change in Science, Technology, and Innovation: Improving Indicators to Inform Policy,
National Research Council, (National Academies Press, 2014),


8 Among all six Southeast Asian countries, Vietnam seems to have the most complete re-
sults from the Indeed job search engine. It also has the highest number of App Economy
job postings as a share of total job postings. We therefore used the Vietnamese data as a
benchmark to interpolate the missing observations. Second, we used data from other
countries to develop a ratio between the number of App Economy job postings and the
total workforce of the employer. Finally, we assumed that each job at an app developer
generated 0.5 local jobs, the same conservative ratio that we have used in all previous
9 Our experience with job posting data from the United States and the United Kingdom is
that while the exact number of job postings from a search changes from day to day or even
minute to minute, the rank ordering basically stays the same over time.
10 CNBC Asia Mobile, “Indonesia plays hardball with smartphone manufacturers,” April 2,
2015, http://www.cnbc.com/2015/04/02/indonesia-plays-hardball-with-smartphone-
11 Ibid.


About the Author
Dr. Michael Mandel is chief economic strategist at the Progressive Policy Insti-
tute and a Senior Fellow at the Mack Institute for Innovation Management at
the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania.

About the Progressive Policy Institute

The Progressive Policy Institute (PPI) is an independent research institution that
seeks to define and promote a new progressive politics in the 21st century.


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