Student Problems
Student Problems
Student Problems
The study is aimed to investigate the internal and external problems in Writing by the Senior High
Students in one of the school in Indonesia. The sample of this study is the eleventh grade students
having low ability in Writing. This research is a qualitative study using purposive sample. In
collecting the qualitative data the researchers did observation, and distributed questionnaire. This
study reveals some findings related to the students’ low ability in writing. There are internal
problems which came from the students, such as: 1) the low motivations in learning English, 2)
the difficulty to choose the appropriate words in writing, 2) the lack of vocabulary, 3) the
difficulty to arrange words in the appropriate order, 4) the difficulty to spell the words, 5) the
difficulty to write the sentences in appropriate grammar, and 6) the tendency to be passive
learners in classroom activities. The external problems come from the students are: 1) the lack of
practice, and 2) there is no feedback on their writing. The result indicates the most internal and
external problems faced by students in writing class and the impacts of students’ understanding of
their writing problems in implementing writing e-journal as self assessment to promote students’
writing skills. Furthermore, the paper concludes with some guidelines for students how to face
their own problems in writing.
proper and common nouns (Gowere et al., writing, which is an important part of
1995) language learning, is essentially a reflective
activity that requires enough time to think
iii. Spelling Problem about the specific topics.
Due to the influence of other
languages, variant pronunciations and other d. Lack of Practice
historical reasons, the English spelling According to Davies (1998, p. 25),
system which has become inconsistent is "writing is essentially a creative process and
complex for students (Gowere et al., 1995) good writers must learn to communicate
their ideas clearly to an unseen audience. In
iv. Content Problem addition, learners must take the
Learners of English as a second or responsibility for their learning if
foreign language also face problems of meaningful learning is to take place.
exploring ideas and thought to communicate Furthermore, to become a good writer, a
with others student needs to write a lot.
The researcher suggested some writers. And the last is give extra help if
guidelines for teachers how to face students there are some difficulties occurs by
who have problems in writing: first is give students.
them opportunity to understand and try to
solve their writing problem. Then give them 2. The questionnaire of the knowledge of e-
positive feedback, try to evaluate their journal learning.
writing without judging their mistake but Based on the results, most of the
also prise their work. Teachers must students stated that they never used journal
consider a placement test to know the as the writing method to recognize their own
writing ability without rush writing. And ability so far. The teacher stated that he only
encourage them to practice and give some used the result of the test and student’s
revisions if there are some mistakes. behavior in class to know their skill.
Furthermore, ask them for an opinion about Furthermore, a few students have write
their own work. To know how much they journal learning. However, almost all
understand about their own work. Then, students are interested to write e-journal
emphasize reading; good readers are good
It is concluded that students are still have the
same difficulties from the past. To minimize
the problems, e-journal is the modern
method that students only need smart phone
or laptop and internet connection to write
their learning activity. It is an easy way to
reduce the stress and to motivate students in
writing and to give them a personal space to
write their own improvement, worries, and
problems personally. In teaching and
learning process, teachers also need the
students point of view about their ability,
because there are many reasons that cannot
be expressed by the students in the result of
the test. And then, for the teacher, it might
be considered as teaching evaluation for the
next teaching and learning process.