Controller and Mini-Programmer: Ascon Tecnologic S.R.L. 2.1 General Notes About Wiring
Controller and Mini-Programmer: Ascon Tecnologic S.R.L. 2.1 General Notes About Wiring
Controller and Mini-Programmer: Ascon Tecnologic S.R.L. 2.1 General Notes About Wiring
Connection diagram
0/4... 20 mA active
0... 50/60 mV; 0... 1 V; 0/1... 5 V; 0/2... 10 V
Engineering Manual
2.1 General notes about wiring
Code : ISTR-MK39-ENG09 - Vr. 09 (ENG) 1. Do not run input wires together with power cables.
Ascon Tecnologic S.r.l. 2. External components (like zener barriers, etc.) connected
Viale Indipendenza 56, 27029 Vigevano (PV) - ITALY between sensor and input terminals may cause errors in
Tel.: +39 0381 69871/FAX: +39 0381 698730 measurement due to excessive and/or not balanced line resistance or possible leakage currents.
e-mail: 3. When a shielded cable is used, the shield should be
connected to ground at one point only.
1. Outline dimensions (mm) 4. Pay attention to the line resistance; a high line resistance
may cause measurement errors.
1.1 Dimensions
K 39
5.5 64
2.2 Inputs
1032 2.2.1 Termocouple Input
Prg Out
+ 12
Type 1 panel gasket
max. 29 mm
- 11 - mV 3 4
+ 12 + V
Logic level 0: Vout < 0.5 VDC;
Logic level 1: • 12 V ±20% @ 1 mA;
Input impedance: > 1 MΩ • 10 V ±20% @ 20 mA.
Accuracy: ±0.5% of Span or ±1 digit @ 25°C. Note: This output is not isolated. A double or reinforced
isolation between instrument output and power supply
2.2.6 mA Input must be assured by the external solid state relay.
0/4... 20 mA input wiring for passive transmitter
using the auxiliary pws 2.3.2 Output 2 (OUT2)
Relay Output
- 12 -
4... 20 mA
11 2 wires
transmitter C NC NO
+ 10 + 6 7 8
Available: When [49] cont = PID and [52] SELF = no. [65] c.Act - Cooling output (C.rEG) actuator
Range: 0... 2.00. Available: When at list one output is e programmed in order
Note: Fast auto-tune calculates the Fuoc parameter while to be the cooling output (c.rEG), [52] cont = PID
the oscillating-tune sets it equal to 0.5. and [55] SELF = no.
Range: SSr = Solid state relay output;
[62] H.Act - Heating output (H.rEG) actuator rELY. = Relay or contactor;
This parameter sets the minimum cycle time of the heating SLou = Slow actuator (e.g. compressors).
output calculated by the auto-tune algorithm. Note: For more details see [62] h.Act parameter.
It aims to respect the minimum cycle time of a specific [66] tcrc - Cycle time of the cooling output
actuator in order to assure a long actuator life.
Available: When at least one output is e programmed in
Available: When at list one output is programmed in order order to be the cooling output (c.rEG),
to be the heating output (H.rEG), [52] cont = PID [52] cont = PID and [55] SELF = no.
and [55] SELF = no. Range: • When [65] H.Act = SSr: 1.0... 130.0 s;
Range: SSr = Solid state relay output; • When [65] H.Act = reLY: 20.0... 130.0 s;
rELY = Relay or contactor; • When [65] H.Act = SLou: 40.0... 130.0 s.
SLou= Slow actuator (e.g. burners).
Note: Auto-tune functions calculate this value.
Note: Setting:
• SSr no limit is applied to the auto-tune calculation and [67] rS - Manual reset (integral pre-load)
[63] tcrH is pre-set equal to 1 second. rS allows to drastically reduce the undershoot due to a hot
• rELY the limit applied to the auto-tune calculation is equal restart.
to 20 seconds and [63] tcrH is pre-set equal to 20 seconds. When your process is steady, the instrument operates with a
• SLou the limit applied to the auto-tune calculation is equal steady power output (e.g. 30%).
to 40 seconds and [63] tcrH is pre-set equal to 40 seconds
If a short power down occurs, the process restarts with a
[63] tcrH - Cycle time of the heating output process variable close to the set point while the instrument
Available: When at least one output is programmed in order starts with an integral action equal to zero.
to be the heating output (H.rEG), [52] cont = PID Setting a manual reset equal to the average power output
and [55] SELF = no. (in our example 30%) the instrument will start with a power
Range: • When [62] H.Act = SSr: 1.0... 130.0 seconds; output equal to the value it will use at steady state (instead
• When [62] H.Act = reLY: 20.0... 130.0 seconds; of zero) and the undershoot will become very little (in theory
• When [62] H.Act = SLou: 40.0... 130.0 seconds. equal to zero).
Note: Auto-tune functions calculate this value but, when Available: When [52] cont = PID and [55] SELF = no.
necessary, it is possible to set it manually. Range: -100.0... 100.0%.
Ramp 1
Soak 1
Ramp 2
Soak 2
Ramp 3
Soak 3
Ramp 4
Soak 4
Prog. Step
this parameter but you can NOT modify it.
Program RUN Time
[86] tr.t1 - Time 1 OFF
PWR ON Prog.
Available: When [84] Tr.F is different form nonE. or RUN END
Range: • When [85] tr.u = hh.nn 00.01... 99.59;
• When [85] tr.u = nn.SS 00.01... 99.59; [89] Pr.F = Programmer action at Power ON
• When [85] tr.u = SSS.d 000.1... 995.9. Available: Always.
[87] tr.t2 - Time 2 Range: nonE = Program not used;
S.uP.d = Start at Power ON with first step in Stand-by;
Available: When [84] Tr.F is different from nonE.
S.uP.S = Start at Power ON;
Range: • When [85] tr.u = hh.nn: 00.01... 99.59 + inF;
u.diG = Start at RUN command detection only;
• When [85] tr.u = nn.SS: 00.01... 99.59 + inF;
U.dG.d = Start at RUN command detection with first
• When [85] tr.u = SSS.d: 000.1... 995.9 + inF.
step in stand by.
Note: Setting [87] tr.t2 = inF, the second time can be stopped
by a reset command only. [90] Pr.u - Engineering units of the soaks
Available: When [89] Pr.F is different from nonE.
[88] tr.St - Timer status
Range: hh.nn = Hours and minutes:
Available: When [84] Tr.F is different form nonE. nn.SS = Minutes and seconds.
Range: • run = Timer Run;
Note: During program execution, this parameter cannot be
• HoLd = Timer Hold;
• rES = Timer reset.
Note: This parameter allows to manage timer execution by a [91] Pr.E - Instrument behaviour at the End of
parameter (without digital inputs or button). program execution
Available: When [89] Pr.F is different from nonE.
]PrG Group - Programmer function parameter Range: cnt = Continue (the instrument will use the set
These instruments are able to perform a set point profile point of the last soak until a reset command
composed by 4 groups of 2 steps each (8 step total). is detected);
SPAt = Go to the set point selected by [79] SPAt
The first step is a ramp (used to reach the desired set point),
the second is a soak (on the desired set point).
St.bY = Go in stand by mode.
When a RUN command is detected the instrument aligns Notes: 1. Setting [91] Pr.E = cnt the instrument operates as
the operative set point to the measured value and starts to follows: at program end, it will use the set point of
execute the first ramp. the last soak.
In addition, each soak is equipped with a wait band which When a reset command is detected, it goes to
suspends the time count when the measured value goes out the set point selected by [79] SPAt parameter.
of the defined band (guaranteed soak). The transfer will be a step transfer or a ramp
Moreover, for each segment it is possible to define the status according to the [82] SP.u (max. rate of rise for
of two events. An event can drive an output and make an positive set point change) and [83] SPd (max. rate
of rise for negative set point change).
When a new panel is detected before the end of the first 7.1 Out of range signals
soak time, the program restarts and the set point remains The upper display shows the OVER-RANGE and UNDER-
equal to Pr.S1. RANGE conditions with the following indications:
If no panel is detected, the instrument goes to Pr.S2 (idle Over-range Under-range
temperature) and remains there until a new panel arrives.
8.3 Maintenance
This instrument does not requires periodical recalibration
and it have no consumable parts so that no particular
maintenance is required.
Some times, a cleaning action is suggestable.
1. SWITCH THE EQUIPMENT OFF (power supply, relay
out, etc.).
2. Take the instrument out of its case.
3. Using a vacuum cleaner or a compressed air jet (max.
3 kg/cm2) remove any dust that may be present on the
casing and/or on the electronics being careful not to
damage the electronic components..
4. To clean external plastic or rubber parts use only a cloth
moistened with:
• Ethyl Alcohol (pure or denatured) [C2H5OH] or
• Isopropyl Alcohol (pure or denatured) [(CH3)2CHOH]
• Water (H2O).
5. Make sure that there are no loose terminals.
6. Before putting the instrument back in its case, make sure
that it is perfectly dry.
7. Put the instrument back and turn it ON.
InP group
Para Vis.
n° Description Dec. Range Def.
meter Promo.
Parameter available by serial link. TC/PTC cording
1 HcFG 0 Not vis
It shows the current hardware Current to the
Voltage Hardw.
Sensor selection (according to the hardware)
J, crAL, S , r, t, ir.J, ir.cA, Pt1, 0.50 (mV), 0.60 (mV)
TC, Pt100 input J
12.60 (mV)
2 SEnS J, crAL, S , r, t, Ir.J, Ir.cA, Ptc, ntc, 0.50 (mV), 0.60
TC, PTC, NTC input 0 Ptc A-4
(mV), 12.60 (mV)
I input 0.20 (mA), 4.20 (mA) 4.20
V input 0.5(V), 1.5(V), 0.10(V), 2.10(V), 0.1 (V) 0.10
3 dP Decimal figures 0 From 0 to 3 0 A-5
4 SSc Initial scale readout dP From -1999 to FSC (E.U.) -1999 A-6
5 FSc Final scale readout dP From SSc to 9999 (E.U.) 9999 A-7
6 unit Engineering unit 0 °c or °F 0 = °c A-8
7 FiL Digital filter on the measured value 1 From 0( oFF) to 20.0 (s) 1.0 C-0
Selection of the Sensor Out of Range or = Over-range
8 inE type that will enable the safety output 0 ur = Under-range our C-0
value our = Over and Under
9 oPE Safety output value 0 from -100 to 100 (%) 0 C-0
oFF = No function
1 = Alarm Reset
2 = Alarm acknowledge (ACK)
3 = Hold of the measured value
4 = Stand by mode
5 = HEAt with SP1 and CooL with “SP2”
6 = Timer run/hold/reset [transition]
7 = Timer run [transition]
8 = Timer reset [transition]
9 = Timer run/hold [Status]
10 diF1 Digital input 1 function 0 10 = Program run nonE A-13
11 = Program reset
12 = Program hold
13 = Program run/hold
14 = Program run/reset
15 = Instrument in Manual mode
16 = Sequential set point selection
17 = SP1 / SP2 selection
18 = Set point Binary selection
19 = Digital inputs in parallel to the UP and Down keys
20 = Timer Run/Reset
oFF = No function
1 = Alarm Reset
2 = Alarm acknowledge (ACK)
3 = Hold of the measured value
4 = Stand by mode
5 = HEAt with SP1 and CooL with “SP2”
6 = Timer run/hold/reset [transition]
7 = Timer run [transition]
8 = Timer reset [transition]
9 = Timer run/hold [Status]
11 diF2 Digital input 2 function 0 10 = Program run nonE A-14
11 = Program reset
12 = Program hold
13 = Program run/hold
14 = Program run/reset
15 = Instrument in Manual mode
16 = Sequential set point selection
17 = SP1 / SP2 selection
18 = Set point Binary selection
19 = Digital inputs in parallel to the UP and Down keys
20 = timer Run/Reset
rEG group
Para Vis
n° Description Dec. Range Def.
meter Promo.
Pid = PID (heat and/or cool)
Control type On.FA = ON/OFF asymmetric hysteresis
52 cont 0 Pid A-25
On.FS = ON/OFF symmetric hysteresis
nr = Heat/Cool ON/OFF control with neutral zone
-4 = Oscillating auto-tune with automatic restart at
power up and after all set point change
-3 = Oscillating auto-tune with manual start
-2 = Oscillating auto-tune with auto-matic start at the
first power up only
-1 = Oscillating auto-tune with auto-matic restart at
every power up
53 Auto Autotuning selection 0 0 = Not used 2 C-0
1 = Fast auto tuning with automatic restart at every
power up
2 = Fast auto-tune with automatic start at the first
power up only
3 = FAST auto-tune with manual start
4 = FAST auto-tune with automatic restart at power
up and after a set point change
Manual start of the Autotuning oFF = Not active
54 Aut.r 0 oFF A-26
on = Active
YES = Active
55 SELF Self tuning enabling 0 no C-0
no = Not active
56 HSEt Hysteresis of the ON/OFF control dP From 0 to 9999 ( E.U.) 1 A-27
57 cPdt Time for compressor protection 0 From 0 (oFF) to 9999 (s) oFF C-0
58 Pb Proportional band dP From 0 to 9999 ( E.U.) 50 A-28
59 int Integral time 0 From 0 (oFF) to 9999 (s) 200 A-29
60 dEr Derivative time 0 From 0 (oFF) to 9999 (s) 50 A-30
61 Fuoc Fuzzy overshoot control 2 From 0.00 to 2.00 0.50 A-31
62 H.Act Heating output actuator 0 rELY = relay SSr A-32
SLou = slow actuators
63 tcrH Heating output cycle time 1 From 0.1 to 130.0 (s) 20.0 C-0
Power ratio between heating and cool-
64 PrAt 2 From 0.01 to 99.99 1.00 A-34
ing action
SP Group
Para Vis.
n° Description Dec. Range Def.
meter Promo.
72 nSP Number of used set points 0 From 1 to 4 1 A-38
73 SPLL Minimum set point value dP From -1999 to SPHL -1999 A-39
74 SPHL Maximum set point value dP From SPLL to 9999 9999 A-40
75 SP 1 Set point 1 dP From SPLL to SPLH 0 O-41
76 SP 2 Set point 2 dP From SPLL to SPLH 0 O-42
77 SP 3 Set point 3 dP From SPLL to SPLH 0 O-43
78 SP 4 Set point 4 dP From SPLL to SPLH 0 O-44
79 SPAt Selection of the active set point. 0 From 1 ( SP 1) to nSP 1 O-45
RSP = The value coming from serial link is used as
remote set point
trin = The value will be added to the local set point
80 SP.rt Remote set point type 0 selected by SPAt and the sum becomes the trin C-0
operative set point
PErc = The value will be scaled on the input range and
this value will be used as remote set point
Loc = local
81 SP.Lr Local/remote set point selection 0 Loc C-0
rEn = remote
Rate of rise for POSITIVE set point From 0.01 to 100.00 ( inF) Engineering units per
82 SP.u 2 inF C-0
change minute
Rate of rise for NEGATIVE set point
83 SP.d 2 0.01 ÷ 100.00 ( inF) Engineering units per minute inF C-0
Tin Group
Para Vis.
n° Description Dec. Range Def.
meter Promo.
NonE = Timer not used
i.d.A = Delayed start timer
i.uP.d = Delayed start at power up
84 tr.F Independent timer function 0 nonE A-62
i.d.d = Feed-through timer
i.P.L = Asymmetrical oscillator with start in OFF
i.L.P = Asymmetrical oscillator with start in ON
hh.nn = Hours and minutes
85 tr.u Timer unit 0 nn.SS = Minutes and seconds nn.SS A-63
SSS.d = Second and tenth of seconds
86 tr.t1 Time 1 2 From 00.01 to 99.59 when tr.u < 2 1.00 A-64
1 From 000.1 to 995.9 when tr.u = 2
87 tr.t2 Time 2 2 When tr.u < 2: From 00.00 (oFF) to 99.59 (inF) 1.00 A-65
1 When tr.u = 2: From 000.0 (oFF) to 995.9 (inF)
rES = timer reset
88 tr.St Timer status 0 run = timer run rES C-0
HoLd = timer hold
Pan Group
Para Vis.
n° Description Dec. Range Def.
meter Promo.
114 PAS2 Password livel 2 0 From 0 (oFF) to 999 20 A-93
115 PAS3 Password livel 3 0 From 3 to 999 30 C-0
nonE = Not used
tunE = Starts auto tuning functions
oPLo = Manual mode (OPLO)
AAc = Alarm reset
ASi = Alarm acknowledge
116 uSrb U button function during run time 0 chSP = Sequential set point selection nonE A-94 = Stand-by mode
Str.t = Run/hold/reset timer = Program start
P.rES = program reset
P.r.H.r = Run/hold/reset program
Ser group
Para Vis.
n° Description Dec. Range Def.
meter Promo.
123 Add Address 0 0 (oFF) ÷ 254 1 C-0
124 bAud Baud rate 0 9600 9600 C-0
nonE = Not used
Selection of the value to be retransmit-
125 trSP 0 rSP = Operative set point nonE C-0
ted (Master)
PErc = Current power output (%)
con group (Wattmeter)
Para Vis.
n° Description Dec. Range Def.
meter Promo.
oFF = Not used
1 = Instantaneous power (kW)
2 = Power consumption (kW/h)
126 co.ty Measurement type 0 nonE A-97
3 = Energy used during program execution
4 = Total worked days with threshold
5 = Total worked hours with threshold
127 UoLt Nominal voltage of the load 0 From 1 to 999 (Volt) 230 A-98
128 cur Nominal current of the load 0 From 1 to 999 (A) 10 A-99
129 h.Job Threshold of the worked hours/days 0 From 0( oFF) to 9999 oFF A-100
CAL Group (User calibration)
Para Vis.
n° Drescription Dec. Range Def.
metro Promo.
130 A.L.P Adjust low Point dP From -1999 to AH.P-10 (E.U.) 0 A-9
131 A.L.o Adjust low Offset dP From -300 to 300 (E.U.) 0 A-10
132 A.H.P Adjust High Point dP From A.L.P +10 ÷to 9999 (E.U.) 9999 A-11
133 A.H.o Adjust High Offset dP From -300 to 300 (E.U.) 0 A-12