Edu 302
Edu 302
Edu 302
Fall 2020
Lecture: 1-5
Total marks: 20
Define Growth and Development? What are the difference between growth and
Growth: The simplest definition of growth is that to increase the size or to enhance the mass
of the tissue is called growth. If we see towards the humans there are things such as hair and
nails are continuous in the growth region, while the height is only increase for a particular
time and after this it is stop to grow throughout life.
Development: The process which creates growth is called development. The purpose of the
development is rise in quality of life. Development is not only deal with growth but also
changes in behaviour which deals with environmental situations.
Growth Development
1. Growth only deals with physicals Development deals with over all change in
aspects of the organization. the whole of the organization.
2. Growth is structural. Development is functional.
3. Growth is cellular Development is organizational.
4. Growth is quantitative. Development is qualitative.
5. Growth is stop. Development is a lifetime process.
6. Growth inspiration the process of Development arises without growth.
development but not always.
7. Growth involves body change. Development deals with the change from
origin to maturity.
Question 2
What are some general principles of human development also write three factors that
affect human development?
Heredity: Heredity plays a vital role in the transmission of physical and social characteristics
form parents to their child. There are certain things such as body colour, height, cleverness
colour of hair and eyes are mostly unfair by heredity.
Socioeconomic: It is notice that the children from different socioeconomic also varies in
body size during all stages. It is seen that the upper level family children are mostly
advanced, the reason is that they use better and balance diet. It is notice that the families size
influences growth rate. If there is a huge family but there income is limited then they do not
able to provide the proper diet to their child, so as a result the growth rate must be affected.
Pollution: There are many types of pollution such as water pollution, noise pollution and air
pollution. These all type of pollution also affect the grow rate, and sometimes even more
dangerous for the health. The children play on the earth, so land pollution also affect the
growth rate of the children, if they play at dirty land. Air pollution contains lead which is
very harmful for the brain and other organs and system.