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Jenny Kim is a 39 year old secretary who was admitted to the hospital with an

elevated temperature, fatigue, rapid, labored respirations, and mild dehydration.

The nursing history reveals that Ms. Signh has had a ‘bad cold’ for several weeks
that just wouldn’t go away. She has been dieting for several months and skipping
meals. Ms. Signh mentions that in addition to her full-time job as a secretary, she is
attending college classes two evenings a week. She has smoked one package of
cigarettes per day since she was 18 years old. Chest x-ray confirms pneumonia.

Physical examination data:

Height: 167.6 cm
Weight: 54.4 kg (120 lb)
Temperature: 39.4 degree C
Pulse: 68 beats/min
Blood pressure: 118/70 mmHg
Skin pale: cheeks flushed, chills, use of accessory muscles, inspiratory, crackles with
diminished breath sounds right base, expectorating thck, yellow sputum.

Diagnostic Data:
Chest xray: right lobar infiltration
WBC: 14,000
pH: 7.49
PaCO2: 33 mmHg
HCO3 - : 20 mEq/L
PaO2: 80 mmHg
O2SAT: 88%

Etiology (cause, predisposing/precipitating) (identify specifically the

causative/predisposing/precipitating factors if applicable)

Disease Process (the process should be presented in a cause-effect maner. The use
of multiple boxes in presenting the disease process is expected)

SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS (identify what are the signs and sym ptoms that will be
associated for each significant landmark in the disease process)

Signs: elevated temperature 39.4 degree C, fatigue, rapid, labored

respirations, and mild dehydration.
DIAGNOSTIC TOOLS (alongside the s/sx, state the diagnostic tools needed to detect
the said s/sx):

1. Chest Xray – to look for inflammation in the patient’s lungs (right lobar
2. CBC – to see whether the immune system is fighting an infection.
3. Pulse oximetry – to measure how much oxygen is in the blood of the
4. Arterial Blood Gas – to measure the acidity, oxygen, and carbon dioxide
levels of the blood.

Management (alongside the s/sx, state the management, medical first, then
pharmacologic, then nursing management, that will be performed vis-à -vis the
identified s/sx)

If not treated (continue the tracing resenting what will happen if the patient will not
be treated)

If treated (continue the tracing presenting what will happen if the patient will be
treated with expected management. Present the management as well)

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