Graph Theory and Social Networks: Alexandru Costan

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Graph Theory and

Social Networks
Alexandru Costan

•  Graphs problems and

•  Structure of social
•  Applications of
structural analysis

Source: Wikipedia (Königsberg)

What is a graph? 4

•  G = (V,E)
•  V represents the set of vertices (nodes)
•  E represents the set of edges (links)
•  Both vertices and edges may contain additional information

•  Different types of graphs:

•  Directed vs. undirected edges
•  Presence or absence of cycles

•  Graphs are everywhere:

•  Hyperlink structure of the Web
•  Highway system
•  Social networks
Some graph problems 5

•  Finding shortest paths

•  Routing Internet traffic and UPS trucks
•  Finding minimum spanning trees
•  Telco laying down fiber
•  Finding Max Flow
•  Airline scheduling
•  Identify “special” nodes and
•  Breaking up terrorist cells, spread of
avian flu
•  Bipartite matching
•  Tinder
•  PageRank
Graphs are hard!
•  Poor locality of memory access
•  Very little work per vertex
•  Changing degree of parallelism
•  Running over many machines makes the
problem worse
•  Graph storage:
•  Flat Files: no query support
•  RDBMS: can store the graph with limited
support for graph query
•  State of the art today:
•  Write your own infrastructure
•  MapReduce – tends to be inefficient
Distributed Graph Processing

•  Google’s Pregel
•  Large-scale graph processing
•  Vertex centered computation
•  Apache Giraph
•  Open source
•  Iterative graph processing
•  Used at Facebook
•  Twitter’s Cassovary
•  In-memory computation
•  Used for: “Who to Follow” and “Similar to”
•  Very simple to use (no need for persistence, databases or partitions)
•  Neo4j Graph Database
•  Flexible schema
•  Powerful query language, ACID
Representing graphs 8

Two common representations:

•  Adjacency matrix

•  Adjacency list
Adjacency matrices 9

Represent a graph as an n x n square matrix M

•  n = |V|
•  Mij = 1 means a link from node i to j

1 2 3 4
1 0 1 0 1 1

2 1 0 1 1
3 1 0 0 0
4 1 0 1 0 4
Adjacency matrices: critique 10

•  Easy mathematical manipulation
•  Iteration over rows and columns corresponds
to computations on outlinks and inlinks

•  Lots of zeros for sparse matrices
•  Lots of wasted space
Adjacency lists 11

Take adjacency matrices… and throw away all the


1 2 3 4
1 0 1 0 1 1: 2, 4
2 1 0 1 1 2: 1, 3, 4
3 1 0 0 0 3: 1
4: 1, 3
4 1 0 1 0
Adjacency lists: critique 12

•  Much more compact representation
•  Easy to compute over outlinks

•  Much more difficult to compute over inlinks
Social graphs 13
Social graphs

•  Asymmetric follow
relationship: very
skewed graphs

•  Very valuable “interest


•  Huge graphs:
What can networks tell us?

•  The strength of weak ties [Granovetter ’73]

•  Motivating question: How do people find

new jobs?
•  Through acquaintances rather than close friends
•  Surprising fact: discovery is enabled by weak ties

•  Understanding structure affords deep insights

•  Interplay between sociology and graph theory

Triadic Closure

Question: What are the mechanisms by which node arrive and depart
and by which edges form and vanish?

BC closes
the triangle

If two people in a social network have a friend in common, then there is

an increased likelihood that they will become friends themselves at some
point in the future
Triadic Closure

Over time…

… new edges are forming.

But not all due to triadic closure (e.g. DG)

Clustering Coefficient

•  The probability that two randomly selected friends

of A are friends with each other.
•  The fraction of pairs of A’s friends that are
connected to each other by edges.
•  For node A:
•  at a) 1/6
•  at b) 1/2
•  The more strongly triadic closure is operating in
the neighborhood of the node, the higher the
clustering coefficient will tend to be.
Reasons for Triadic Clousure 19

•  Opportunity

•  Trust

•  Incentive
Strength of weak ties

•  Definition: a bridge in a graph is an edge whose

removal disconnects the endpoints.

Bridges are presumably extremely rare in real

social networks!
Strength of weak ties

•  Definition: a local bridge in a graph is an edge

whose endpoints have no common neighbor.
Types of edges

•  Structural approach:
•  Local bridges or not

Challenge: how to link them ?

•  Interpersonal approach:
•  Weak or strong
Strong Triadic Closure

•  Strong Triadic Closure Property: if the node

has strong ties to two neighbors, then these
neighbors must have at least a weak tie between
Local bridges and weak ties 24

•  Claim: If a node A in a network satisfies the

Strong Triadic Closure Property and is
involved in at least two strong ties, then
any local bridge it is involved in must be a
weak tie.

•  Consequence: all local bridges are

weak ties!
Strength of weak ties 25
Strength of Weak Ties

•  Discovery is enabled by weak ties

•  Surprising strength of weak ties!

•  Simple structural model explains this


•  Applies to Twitter/Facebook
Tie strength on Facebook 27
Tie strength on Twitter 28

•  Stronger…
•  Directed tweets: @someone
•  … and weaker ties
•  Followers

•  The number of strong ties remains

relatively modest
•  Bellow 50 even for users with over 1000

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