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Case Study Template

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Instructions for Preparing Case Study Reports

Juan C. dela Cruz, Pedro G. Santos

Department of Industrial Engineering
Bulacan State University, City of Malolos, Bulacan
Email: juan.delacruz@gmail.com, pedro.santos@yahoo.com

Abstract. The manuscript should be typed in English. The length of manuscript should not exceed 20 pages in
this format printing on A4 (single-sided) paper. The title page should include the succinct title, the authors’
names, and an abstract of less than 200 words at the beginning of the manuscript. The paper begins with a title
which uses 20pt Times New Roman. This is followed by the details for each author in 10pt Times New Roman.
Section titles are bolded in 11pt Times New Roman. The remainder of the paper should be typed in 10pt Times
New Roman. Abstract should include overview of (1) Introduction, (2) Objectives, (3) Methodology, (4)
Results, (5) Conclusion and (6) Relevance to Industry.

Keywords: maximum five keywords should be included


The easiest way to make sure that the paper Write your citations properly. Use IEEE format for
conformed with the requirement is to use this document citation/bibliography/reference.
as a template and copy and paste your content into this
document. The main part of the paper is formatted into 3. METHODOLOGY
two equal-width columns with 0.75 cm spacing. Section
headings should be concise and numbered sequentially, If the heading should run into more than one line,
using a decimal system for subsections. Emphasized the run-over should be flushed left.
words should be italicized, but such emphasis should be
sparingly used. 4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION

1.1 Problem Statement Equations should be numbered consecutively

beginning with (1) to the end of the paper, including any
appendices. The number should be enclosed in
1.2 Objective of the Study parenthesis and set flush right in the column on the
same line as the equation. An extra line of space should
be left above and below a displayed equation or
1.3 Rationale of the Study formula.
t dg (t )
f (t )   0
F (t )dt 
1.4 Scope and Limitation

Table 1: A large table or a figure should be positioned at the top of the page (one column).

Item1 Item2 Item3

Item1-1 Item1-1 Item2-1 Item2-2 Item2-3 Item3-1
1 A b c d e f
2 G h i j k l

Buzacott, J.A. and Shanthikumar, J.G. (1993)

Stochastic Models of Manufacturing Systems,
Figures Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliff, NJ.
Chong, T.C., Anderson, D.C., and Mitchell, O. R.
Figure 1: The caption of a figure should appear at the (1989) QTC - and integrated
bottom of the figure. design/manufacturing/inspection system for
poismatic parts. Proceedings of the ASME
5. INTEGRATION AND ANALYSIS Conference on Computers and Engineering, San
Francisco, CA, 417-426.
Rennard, J.P. (2000) Introduction to genetic algorithms.
Lapedes, A. and Farber, R.F. (1988) How neural
networks work. In D. Z. Anderson (ed), Neural
Information Processing Systems (New York: AIP),
APPENDICES chapter 12, 442-456.
Appendices, if any, directly follow the text and the Sadeh-Koniecpol, N., Hildum, D., Laliberty, T.J.,
references (see below). Letter them in sequence and Smith, S., McA'Nulty, J., and Kjenstad, D. (1996)
provide an informative title: Appendix A. Title of An integrated process-planning/production-
Appendix. scheduling shell for agile manufacturing. Technical
Report CMU-RI-TR-96-10, Robotics Institute,
Carnegie Mellon University.
REFERENCES Swaminathan, J.M., Smith, S., and Sadeh-Koniecpol, N.
(1998) Modeling the dynamics of supply chains: A
The references should be listed in the alphabetical multi-agent approach. Decision Sciences, 29, 607-
order of the author names and in the order of the 632.
publication years within the same author’s works. Each
reference should be written in the order of the authors,
the publication year, the title or source. Journal names,
names of conference proceedings, and book titles
should be italicized and should have the first character
of each word uppercased. The article title should be
plain and only the first character of the whole title
should be uppercased. Full periods should appear after
the author names and the article title. The journal
volume number should be bold. The issue number
within a volume should not be presented unless there is
confusion. The styles of references are illustrated as


† :Corresponding Author
† :Corresponding Author
City of Malolos, Bulacan

Rubric for the Assessment of the Case Study



Juan C. Dela Cruz, Pedro G. Santos


1 2 3 4 5
of Organization

The information The information

The information The information The information was organized was very
collected was not collected was not was somewhat and contained in organized and  
relevant. organized. organized. recognizable contained in
sections. recognizable
of Materials

The study The study The study The study
The study was

contrary to contained little contained contained contained more

graphics and graphics and graphics and graphics and
guidelines/ paragraphs that paragraphs that paragraphs that paragraphs that
were not were not were correctly were correctly
correctly correctly formatted. formatted.
The study The study The study The study is well
Grammar and Clarity

communicates communicates effectively written and ideas

The study is are well
ideas adequately. ideas adequately. communicates
poorly written developed and
The study The study ideas. The
and confusing. explained.
contains some contains some writing is  
Ideas are not Sentences and
grammatical grammatical grammatically
communicated paragraphs are
errors. Many errors. Some correct, but some
effectively. grammatically
sections lack sections lack sections lack
clarity. clarity. clarity. correct. Uses
Ratin Ratin
1 2 3 4 5
g g
The abstract is
The abstract is The abstract has well organized
The abstract and has a tight

The abstract is somewhat an organizational

lacks focus or and cohesive
not appropriate focused or has structure and the  
contains major focus that is
to the document. minor drifts in focus is clear
drifts in focus. integrated
the focus. throughout.
throughout the

Provides Provides Provides clearly

Provides no Provides few
inappropriate or adequate appropriate
assumption to assumptions to  
insufficient assumptions to assumptions to
support position support position
assumptions to support position support position.
The Identifies
appropriate Identifies
methodologies appropriate
described are The Identifies

and research methodologies

either not suited methodologies appropriate
techniques but and research
to the study. The described are methodologies  
many details are techniques but
methodology is either poorly and research
missing or some details are
under-developed suited to study. techniques.
vague. The missing or
and/or is not
methodology is vague.

Provides Provides clearly
Provides no Provides little inappropriate or
adequate appropriate
evidence to evidence to insufficient  
evidence to evidence to
support position support position evidence to
support position support position
support position
The statistics The results The results The results
used are The results section is discussed are clearly align with
inappropriate to section is under somewhat consistent with study hypotheses
test study developed. developed. hypotheses and and the data
Results and Discussion

hypotheses. Or, Results section is Results section is the data analytic analytic plan.
results are incomplete in incomplete in plan. Tables are Tables are well
discussed that tables are that tables are somewhat integrated and
incorrectly or not integrated or somewhat integrated and discussed in the  
inappropriately. preliminary integrated, or discussed in the section. Controls
There is not a analyses and preliminary section. and preliminary
good statistical analyses and Adequate analyses are well
correspondence controls are not statistical justification of explained and
between the justified. Results controls are not preliminary justified. The
tables and the are not described justified. Results analyses and statistical results
written accurately. are sometimes statistical are discussed in a
document. described controls. The sophisticated and
Rating 1 2 3 4 5 Rating
The integration Adequately Provides a
of the findings integrates the sophisticated
Integration and Analysis

The integration within the extant findings within integration of the

No integration of of the findings literature is the extant findings within
the findings within the extant complete but not literature. the extant
within the extant literature is convincing Addresses how literature.
literature. Fails superficial or enough to prove the findings Clarifies how the  
to attend to incomplete to the feasibility of prove the findings prove
issues of prove the the study. Poorly feasibility of the the feasibility of
feasibility. feasibility of the justifies the study. Attends to the study.
study. strengths, issues of Addresses
weaknesses, and strengths, strengths,
limitations of the weaknesses, and weaknesses, and
The manuscript
References and Citations

has several
instances of Properly cited.
improper use of May have a few Properly and
The manuscript
The manuscript citations. instances in explicitly cited.
lacks proper  
has no citations. Contains several which proper Reference list
statements citations are matches citations
without missing.



Evaluated By:

Dyan G. Rodriguez, PIE, ASEAN Engr.

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