Case Study Template
Case Study Template
Case Study Template
Abstract. The manuscript should be typed in English. The length of manuscript should not exceed 20 pages in
this format printing on A4 (single-sided) paper. The title page should include the succinct title, the authors’
names, and an abstract of less than 200 words at the beginning of the manuscript. The paper begins with a title
which uses 20pt Times New Roman. This is followed by the details for each author in 10pt Times New Roman.
Section titles are bolded in 11pt Times New Roman. The remainder of the paper should be typed in 10pt Times
New Roman. Abstract should include overview of (1) Introduction, (2) Objectives, (3) Methodology, (4)
Results, (5) Conclusion and (6) Relevance to Industry.
The easiest way to make sure that the paper Write your citations properly. Use IEEE format for
conformed with the requirement is to use this document citation/bibliography/reference.
as a template and copy and paste your content into this
document. The main part of the paper is formatted into 3. METHODOLOGY
two equal-width columns with 0.75 cm spacing. Section
headings should be concise and numbered sequentially, If the heading should run into more than one line,
using a decimal system for subsections. Emphasized the run-over should be flushed left.
words should be italicized, but such emphasis should be
sparingly used. 4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
Table 1: A large table or a figure should be positioned at the top of the page (one column).
† :Corresponding Author
† :Corresponding Author
City of Malolos, Bulacan
1 2 3 4 5
of Organization
The study The study The study The study
The study was
Provides Provides clearly
Provides no Provides little inappropriate or
adequate appropriate
evidence to evidence to insufficient
evidence to evidence to
support position support position evidence to
support position support position
support position
The statistics The results The results The results
used are The results section is discussed are clearly align with
inappropriate to section is under somewhat consistent with study hypotheses
test study developed. developed. hypotheses and and the data
Results and Discussion
hypotheses. Or, Results section is Results section is the data analytic analytic plan.
results are incomplete in incomplete in plan. Tables are Tables are well
discussed that tables are that tables are somewhat integrated and
incorrectly or not integrated or somewhat integrated and discussed in the
inappropriately. preliminary integrated, or discussed in the section. Controls
There is not a analyses and preliminary section. and preliminary
good statistical analyses and Adequate analyses are well
correspondence controls are not statistical justification of explained and
between the justified. Results controls are not preliminary justified. The
tables and the are not described justified. Results analyses and statistical results
written accurately. are sometimes statistical are discussed in a
document. described controls. The sophisticated and
Rating 1 2 3 4 5 Rating
The integration Adequately Provides a
of the findings integrates the sophisticated
Integration and Analysis
has several
instances of Properly cited.
improper use of May have a few Properly and
The manuscript
The manuscript citations. instances in explicitly cited.
lacks proper
has no citations. Contains several which proper Reference list
statements citations are matches citations
without missing.
Evaluated By: