Binding and Loosing
Binding and Loosing
Binding and Loosing
Matthew 16:19, "And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom
of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound
in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be
loosed in heaven."
Loosing, like binding, can be done here on earth, and takes effect
in the spiritual realm. Loosing however, refers to the loosing of a
captive or person in bondage. You bind demons, and you loose the
captives. When Jesus set free the woman with the issue of blood,
He said unto her, "Woman, thou art loosed from thine infirmity."
(Luke 13:12)
Many people enter this ministry with barely any knowledge of what
they are doing, and it's given the ministry of deliverance a bad
name in many people's eyes, because of failed deliverances,
unsuccessful ministering, and people walking away still in bondage,
because the minister didn't really understand what the root of the
problem was in that person's life
The purpose of this article is to point you in the right direction and
to prepare you for this ministry, so you will be ready to help and
minister to a wide variety of people, in a wide variety of bondages,
and bring them into complete freedom in Christ! This article alone
is by no means a complete manual, it was never intended to be,
but it will give you an overview of what you will need to learn
before entering this ministry.
Guess what? This ministry isn't about demons! That's right! It's
about guiding and helping our brothers and sisters come into the
victory that Christ died to give them! The purpose of ministering
deliverance is to set free those who are in bondage. As Jesus was
sent fourth to preach deliverance to the captives (Luke 4:18, "The
Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to...
preach deliverance to the captives..."), so we are also sent out
(John 20:21, "Then said Jesus to them... as my Father hath sent
me, even so send I you.") to do the works He did (John 14:12, "He
that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also..."), and
this includes casting out of devils (Matthew 10:8).
The ministry of deliverance is about bringing spiritual victory and
freedom to those who are in bondage. It doesn't matter what you
call it (demonized, possessed, oppressed, etc.), if they are in
demonic bondage, whether they need to tear down a stronghold,
break up a legal ground, cast a demon out, or all three... it's still
deliverance, because it's setting the captives free. Casting out
demons, is just part of the overall ministry of deliverance.
There have been times when I have successfully helped people out
of their demonic bondages, without even having to cast out
demons! Sometimes all that is needed is the pulling down of a
stronghold, or a breaking up of a legal right. Other times, all three
areas need to be addressed to bring the person into complete
Do you know what bothers me? When I see people placing so much
of their focus on demons, curses, and what the enemy is up to,
that they lose their focus on Jesus and what the true purpose of
this ministry is all about. It is important not to lose sight of what
Jesus has done for us, the goodness of God, and what the true
purpose of this ministry is all about. It's not about the demons at
all, it's all about what Jesus has done for us on the cross, and
helping fellow brothers and sisters in Christ come into and walk in
that freedom in their lives.
Recommended reading
Now before you read this, I want to tell you that not all good
ministers will follow these exact steps. It really doesn't matter as
long as the person is being truly getting set free and is able to
maintain their freedom afterwards. There are times when these
rules need to be bent as the Holy Spirit leads the deliverance
session. Sometimes demons must be cast out before the inner
healing process can take place, for example. This is just to give you
an idea of how I like to go about a typical deliverance process.
The next step in the process is going through and begin breaking
up legal grounds though repentance of sins (which opened the door
to the enemy), renouncing ungodly vows, breaking soul ties,
renouncing word curses, breaking generational curses, etc. During
this stage, it is quite common to have alters (in cases of
disassociation) as well as spirits surface and manifest, so be
prepared to bind and cast if needed at this stage, but also be
careful not to treat alters (hurt or wounded parts) as demons, as
you can do even more damage to an already hurting part and lose
it's trust (which is very important). Keep an eye out for the times
when the spirits come up, for example, if a spirit surfaces while the
person is breaking a soul tie, then you can be pretty sure that it is
hanging onto that soul tie and is upset that you're breaking it. If
you pay attention to what steps the person it taking when the
spirits come up, it clues you into what kind of spirit you're dealing
with. It is also helpful to stop once in a while and ask how the
person feels, if they feel pressure, confusion, pain, etc., it can
indicate a spirit that is manifesting. The person should also be able
to tell when something has left them, as they usually feel lighter,
happier, cleaner. Sometimes spirits can manifest and try to disrupt
the process, and in such cases you might have to bind them and
command the spirit(s) to go down while you speak and work with
the person. You can always call that spirit back up later on and deal
with it.
By now, you should have a legal pad full of notes, which clues you
into what spirits that need to be bound and cast out. Taking
authority in Jesus' name, you can begin to bind a spirit to all of it's
kind in the person (this allows you to cast out an entire nest of
demons instead of one at a time), and cast them out of every part
(this covers the possibility of a related spirit hiding out in an alter).
This is of course a very rough and over simplified guide to the basic
deliverance process that I choose to use in deliverance sessions.
Other ministers will use different steps, or put things in different
order, and that is perfectly acceptable as long as the person is
being set free and is able to maintain their freedom afterwards. I
also stay open to the Holy Spirit, because sometimes these steps
need to be altered in order to effectively deal with the situation at
hand. It also is helpful to give the person some post-deliverance
advise, such as cautioning them about how demons can try to
deceive you into thinking that they have returned, and what to do
in such situations, etc.
But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered . Fear
not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows.
Luke 12:7
I can assure you that there is nobody on the face of this earth, that
pays more attention to you, or cares for you, more than your
heavenly Father. He even knows which hair #4,382 is, and the day
it will fall (or be pulled) out. If anybody is capable of setting the
record strait about self-worth, it's Him! So how do we find out what
God thinks of us? We dive into His Word, where it talks about us. I
have another teaching titled Who We REALLY Are which contains a
scriptural look into the person that God has made within us. I also
highly recommend taking yourself through the Blessing
Confessions, verbally confessing them to yourself daily. That in
itself is a powerful tool to tear down the anti-self strongholds.
God made you, and He wanted you here! How we know that
God wanted a child here, even if he or she came into this world
through rape or incest? One day the Holy Spirit revealed to me
that only God is the one who creates life, or the human spirit . Mere
human beings cannot do that. A man and woman can lie together,
and create the environment for the egg to be conceived, but it is
God and only Him alone that creates the human spirit which is
attached to that egg in the womb. God's word tells us that He
formed us in our mother's womb:
Psalms 139:13-18
If God were a painter, would you love His artwork? Or would
you stand before a mirror, look at His prized creation, and think to
yourself, "Yuck! Who made this?" One day the Holy Spirit spoke to
me very clearly and said, "I want you to love and appreciate the
work of my hands, and that includes you, for you were made in my
image! " It is important for us to enjoy and appreciate what God has
created and artistically designed. When we love ourselves, we are
loving the painting and artwork of God. I have a whole teaching
just on loving ourselves which is titled, "It's vital to love yourself."
This is not a worldly, stuck-up, or prideful way of loving yourself,
but rather a humble acceptance and thankfulness for the person
that God has created within you.
Both self-unforgiveness and false guilt deny the work that Christ
has done for us on the cross. Therefore, learning how to forgive
yourself so that you can break free from false guilt is vital to
becoming the person that Christ created you to be. If you're
wondering if God has forgiven you, or if your sin is too great to be
forgiven, then you need to read The Forgiveness of Sins and
also The Blood is Enough. There is no sin that you can take to the
Lord, and not be forgiven of.
Did you know that many marriages and relationships are destroyed
because of self-hate? When a person does not respect them self,
they will lose respect for others and ultimately, God Himself. Henry
Wright introduced me to the truth that we can only genuinely love
others, when we first love ourselves . The entire quality of one's life
is downgraded when a person fails to love them self and appreciate
the person that God has made within them. The negative effects of
anti-self bondages is staggering, which is why this is such an
important bondage to address when ministering to people!
There are many lost people today that would never accept Jesus
based on somebody merely bringing them the gospel, but if they
see the manifestation of the Spirit, the casting out of demons and
the healing of the sick, they will come running to Christ! There will
be MANY people in hell because nobody came to them with POWER
along with the Word!
For our gospel came not unto you in word only, but also in
Then there are those who have softened their approach in order to
make it "seeker friendly" so that is less offending to others. These
are the ministries that point their fingers at those of us who
welcome manifestations, as if we are out of order. They try to
separate themselves from us radicals who take God at His Word
and do what we were commissioned to do. I believe in such cases,
there is a pride issue at work because they are not only belittling
our ministries, they are belittling Jesus' own ministry! What a
shame to look down upon deliverance ministries that let
demons manifest, when Jesus' own ministry is among
them. It is sad when Jesus' ministry methods is looked down upon
as being "out of order".
After all, who do you think caused those spirits to scream out while
Jesus was teaching amongst the people? It was the Holy Spirit
who CAUSED the demons to manifest! Unlike the demons, who's
nature is to hide in darkness so they are not seen or cast out, the
Holy Spirit wanted the demons to come out in the open where they
were the the light, and many that were present would have the
opportunity to see the power of God set somebody free! The Holy
Spirit completely humiliated those demons, by dragging them out
into the open, so that Jesus could go about demonstrating the
power of God by casting them out in front of a whole group of
people! Yet today, we have a "problem" with demons manifesting,
and wouldn't even think of allowing demons to manifest in front of
a group of people, much less non-believers! Then we wonder why
we our churches are so much different than what we read about in
the early church.
It's as simple as this: if we want the results that the early church
saw, then we need to do what Jesus told us to do . We need to
demonstrate power along with the Word that we're preaching.
Ephesians 4:26-27
When a strong man armed keepeth his palace [or home] , his
goods are in peace: But when a stronger than he shall come
upon him, and overcome him, he taketh from him all his
armour wherein he trusted, and divideth his spoils.... When
the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through
dry places, seeking rest; and finding none, he saith, I will
return unto my house whence I came out . And when he
cometh, he findeth it swept and garnished. Then goeth he,
and taketh to him seven other spirits more wicked than
himself; and they enter in, and dwell there: and the last state
of that man is worse than the first.
Luke 11:21-22,24-26
While there are definitely spirits of lust, anger, and so forth, there
are also fleshly homes that are created by which they dwell. A spirit
of bitterness cannot enter and dwell by itself, it must have a fleshly
'hook' or 'home' by which it dwells.
Please understand that these are only examples, and not every
case is the same. Some bondages may be different than the
examples below even though the same demons may be at work.
These examples are only here to give you an idea of how demon
homes work.
Next, let's take a young man by the name Joe. Joe has been
rejected as a child by his peers, and today has a terrible bondage
to rejection, thus making it difficult to create meaningful
relationships with others. Joe feels all alone, and even when others
aren't rejecting him, he perceives even a simple "no" as a form of
rejection. Joe has difficulty receiving correction because he
perceives it as an attack on him personally. As a result of feeling
rejected, Joe naturally fell into a bondage to rebellion, which set
him up for further rejection. Those are just a few of the things that
Joe struggles with. We could go about casting out the demon of
rejection, or we could minister to the root of Joe's problem. With
Joe's situation, the flow of bondage looks something like this:
Let's take a woman by the name Susan who was molested by her
father when she was a young girl. Ever since then, she's had a
terrible time feeling clean inside, and establishing genuine and
meaningful relationships. Such a bondage plays havoc with
marriages all the time, as it makes it very difficult for the wife to
truly bond and enjoy physical and emotional intimacy with her
husband. We could start out by casting out the demons which
entered in through the molestation, OR, we could minister to her in
such a way that brings true and lasting freedom. Susan's flow of
bondage might look something like this:
A deep wound and feeling "used" that was created because of the
molestation CREATED a feeling of unforgiveness and hatred
towards her father (and often men in general) WHICH IS a
demonic home THAT CONTAINS spirits of hate, anger,
resentment, and so forth.
Our first step is to deal with the wound, and let Susan know that
she had a right to hate and be angry with her father for the terrible
thing which was done to her. It is a right that God gives us, but He
also asks us to yield that right to Him. God's Word tells us to let
God avenge wrath (see Romans 12:19), for when we give Him that
right, He says that He will repay. Much of the problem with
unforgiveness is that we don't really believe that God will bring
justice to that situation. Susan must realize that although her
father is off of her hook, he's still accountable to God for his
actions. Susan has also lost sight of what Jesus has done for her,
and what a steep and terrible price that Jesus paid for her own
sins. Dealing with the unforgiveness root will tear down the demon
house, so that when the demons are cast out, they have nowhere
to return to.
Sometimes you cast out demons first, depending on what the Holy
Spirit leads. There are valid situations where it is best to get rid of
the demonic factor first so that you can more clearly deal with the
root issues. Sometimes demons must be cast out before the person
can freely receive healing to their damaged emotions. However,
use caution when going after the demons up front, as the they love
to return when their fleshly house still exists. This is why I
generally like to take the safe route (laid out in this teaching) as a
default method, unless the Holy Spirit prompts me otherwise.
However, be prepared for the Holy Spirit to lead otherwise, because
there are times when I believe it is necessary.
Whenever you find yourself casting out the same demons from the
same person over and over again, then there's a good chance there
is a demonic home which the demon keeps returning to. I like how
Charles Kraft describes demons as rats which feed off of garbage in
our barn. We can keep on casting the rats out, but unless we clean
up the garbage by which they are feeding, then they will keep
coming back. Balanced deliverance ministry is typically focused on
cleaning up the garbage even more than casting out the demons,
because it is the key to ministering true and lasting freedom. I'm
not saying that casting out the demons isn't important (it is VERY
important!), but if we keep on casting out the same demons and
they keep coming back, what good are we doing?
How can a demon hold a person down physically and stimulate their
body? Well, we see cases in the Bible where demons are known to
take control of the physical body, cause it to foam at the mouth,
and all sorts of things (see Mark 9:17-18). We also see God's holy
angel (who are without a physical body), physically wrestling with
Jacob (see Genesis 32:24-26 & Hosea 12:4).
While the gospels were too brief to cover many stories of healing
and deliverance, it makes it clear that deliverance and healing
ministry were taking place at alarming rates:
And his fame went throughout all Syria: and they brought
unto him all sick people that were taken with divers diseases
and torments, and those which were possessed with devils,
and those which were lunatick, and those that had the palsy;
and he healed them.
Matthew 4:24
Near the ending of the gospel of John, we find that the book was
never meant to be a detailed manual, but rather enough stories for
us to believe in Jesus, the Son of God:
And many other signs truly did Jesus in the presence of his
disciples, which are not written in this book: But these are
written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the
Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his
John 20:30-31
Later on, in the final chapter of John, he tells us that the vast
number of miracles which Jesus did, were enormous. Jesus healed
so many sick people, cast out so many demons, and did so many
miraculous things, that recording them all would have been an
enormous undertaking:
And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the
which, if they should be written every one, I suppose
that even the world itself could not contain the books that
should be written . Amen.
John 21:25
We have to remember the goals of Satan and evil spirits. Jesus told
us plainly what the devil was here to do:
The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to
destroy : I am come that they might have life, and that they
might have it more abundantly.
John 10:10
Whatever way that the devil can find to kill us, steal from us, and
destroy us, you can bet he is interested in. I think most any
believer will agree that Satan is actively tempting men to commit
adultery, fornication, and so forth. Those are sexual related
temptations, and they come from evil spirits. I have a teaching
entitled Our Direct Enemy , which goes on to explain how it is not
Satan who goes around tempting or harassing us, but his demons,
for he is not able to be in more than one place at a time. It is,
therefore, evil spirits that tempt men and women to commit
adultery and fornication. God's Word tells us that if we are married,
not to give Satan (who uses evil spirits as his messengers) an
advantage by withholding sex from our spouse:
1 Corinthians 7:5
If you read my Our Direct Enemy teaching , you will see that it is
not Satan, but Satan's messengers (evil spirits, or demons) who
are doing the tempting. Therefore, I believe it clear that God's
Word tells us that evil spirits are very much interested in
destroying a person's life by means of sexual weaknesses. Demons
are very much active in the realm of sex, and God's Word supports
this fact.
Now Paul made it clear that when a person sacrifices unto an idol,
it is sacrificed unto a demon behind that idol. The idols themselves
are nothing, but the demons behind those idols are very real and
powerful evil spirits.
What say I then? that the idol is any thing, or that which is
offered in sacrifice to idols is any thing? But I say, that the
things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils ,
and not to God: and I would not that ye should have
fellowship with devils.
1 Corinthians 10:19-20
With that said, we can learn a lot from researching the false gods
that are mentioned in the Bible. I just want to point out a couple
here though, to give you an idea of what demons are involved in.
You'll find that demons are very much involved with ungodly sexual
activity and bondage. If we look into the Old Testament, we all
know that Jezebel was an active Baal worshiper. Do you know what
the idol Baal looked like? It stood strait up, and had the shape of a
male's sexual organ. Baal was a sex god (demon) to the core, and
there's not a Bible scholar in the world that would argue with
that! There are other examples found in the Bible as well, such as
the Assyrian goddess of sexuality referred to as the "queen of
heaven" in Jeremiah.
The Bible speaks of a fertility goddess by the name Ashtoreth,
which in the Greek means, "the Phoenician goddess of love (and
1 Kings 11:5
Hosea 4:12
We don't have to look far to find that demons are known to cause
uncontrollable anger-related weaknesses in a person. King Saul was
a prime example; once the evil spirit entered him, he became fierce
and even tried to kill David by throwing something at him.
Matthew 8:28
2 Corinthians 2:10-11
When the even was come, they brought unto him many that
were possessed with devils: and he cast out the spirits with
his word , and healed all that were sick: That it might be
fulfilled which was spoken by Esaias the prophet,
saying, Himself took our infirmities , and bare our sicknesses.
Matthew 8:16-17
With that said, Jesus was addressing demons in people which were
causing infirmities in their lives. These infirmities can come in the
form of physical infirmities, diseases, moral frailties, and so forth,
but are rooted, or caused by evil spirits which Jesus went about
casting out. We see Jesus dealing with one woman, who had a
demon behind her physical infirmity in Luke 13, whom Jesus said
that Satan hath bound.
Let's not forget what Jesus told us about the thief and what he
does here on earth:
The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to
destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they
might have it more abundantly.
John 10:10
We cannot blame our sins and failures on demons. They are only
there to pressure us and entice us to give in. Having a demon of
lust sets a person up for horrible pressure to fail in that area of
their life. This is far beyond the normal level of temptation that we
can always expect to experience. If there's a driving force within
you that does not leave, even after it has been resisted and you've
drawn near to God, then it's quite possible that an unclean spirit
needs to be cast out.
Traditional pastors point the finger at us, claiming that we're trying
to avoid personal responsibility for people's weaknesses. Those of
us who are involved in balanced deliverance ministry know that
such a claim is as far from the truth as it can get. We're here trying
to help those to whom those pastors are unable to help. On top of
that, what we're doing WORKS. When the root issues in the
people's lives are dealt with, and the demons cast out, true and
lasting freedom is a reality.
Anti-deliverance questions
Mark 1:27, "And they were all amazed, insomuch that they
questioned among themselves saying, What thing is this?
what new doctrine is this? for with authority commandeth he
even the unclean spirits, and they do obey him ."
Why did Jesus drive out demons, when He had the power on
earth to forgive sins? If Jesus could forgive sins while He was
here on earth, and if all it took was removal of the demon's legal
grounds in order to send them to flight, then why did Jesus go
about casting out demons? The Bible is clear that He had power
here on earth to remove the demon's legal grounds through the
forgiveness of sins:
If all you had to do was get a person saved and their demons
went away automatically, then what is the point in casting
out demons at all? After all, are we trying to bypass salvation and
just apply a patch to that person's problem or bondage? What is
the point of going through a messy deliverance session where you
have to confront demons face to face and drive them out, when all
you have to do is get the person saved, and all the demons go
without a whim?
The truth is that this belief that Christians cannot have demons,
completely undermines the whole point of casting out demons. The
reason the church today does not practice deliverance is because
they don't really see the purpose of it... they think it all happens
automatically, and that's why most pastors have never cast out a
demon in their life!
Apparently, the Holy Spirit inspired Paul to warn the believers that
through bitterness, they can become spiritually defiled:
When Jesus shed His blood for our spiritual freedom and
physical healing, does this apply to believers or those who
reject Christ? In Matthew chapter eight, Jesus was demonstrating
what was prophesied by the prophet Isaiah when He went about
casting out demons. At the same time, He was demonstrating the
healing that was purchased for us through His work on the cross.
Do we dare say that these things were intended to be received by
those who reject Jesus?
If casting out demons was only valid while Jesus was here
on earth, then why did Jesus appear to His disciples after He
rose from the dead, and told them that His children will be
casting out demons as well? Also, why did the early church go
about casting out demons as well? The fact is that the early church
went about casting out demons, long after Jesus went on to be with
the Father.
Mark 16:17, "And these signs shall follow them that believe;
In my name shall they cast out devils..."
Acts 8:6-7, "And the people with one accord gave heed unto
those things which Philip spake, hearing and seeing the
miracles which he did. For unclean spirits, crying with loud
voice, came out of many that were possessed with them: and
many taken with palsies, and that were lame, were healed."
Jesus sent fourth 70 disciples to preach the gospel and cast out
demons, and they returned full of joy as they could see that this
was a very real and important ministry. Now for Jesus to send out
70 men and they came back with praise reports of deliverances...
that tells us that even though they were on foot, there were plenty
of people in their area that needed deliverance!
Just as Jesus was sent forth to destroy the works of the devil (see
Acts 10:38), so also are we sent forth. The works that He did,
which included liberating those who are tormented by evil spirits,
we are also supposed to be doing.
It is said that religion and relationship don't get along, and this is
why religious spirits will work diligently to hinder true meaningful
relationships between God and His children.
religious pride
error (doctrinal falsehood)
false holiness
salvation by works
fear of losing salvation
fear of God (unhealthy, scared feeling)
Often, people who have religious spirits will find it hard to believe
that salvation comes through the grace of God apart from works of
the law. They may find it easy to judge others or criticize them
over petty issues. There is usually a sense of 'earning' your status
or good standing with God. Legalism is a popular bondage today
where a person feels that they have to adhere to a strict set of
rules (laws) before they can be made right with God. People who
never feel good enough for a relationship with God, but are
continually condemned or have a guilty feeling hovering over them
may have a religious spirit(s) operating in their mind. The feeling
of 'never being good enough' is a dead giveaway , because it shows
that the person is trying to make things right with God themselves
and not relying on the work of Christ, which already paid their debt
in full.
Thinking that you can do things apart from God is another dead-
giveaway. Jesus made it very clear that apart from Him, you can do
John 15:5, "I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in
me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without
me ye can do nothing ."
These are just some examples of what you may look for.
Luke 5:30, "But their scribes and Pharisees murmured against his
disciples, saying, Why do ye eat and drink with publicans and
Luke 7:39, "Now when the Pharisee which had bidden him saw it,
he spake within himself, saying, This man, if he were a prophet,
would have known who and what manner of woman this is that
toucheth him: for she is a sinner."
People with religious spirits are often judging and criticizing others
in their thought-lives. They see themselves as holy, righteous, and
favored by God, but look down upon others.
Religious spirits are more interested in judgment than
John 8:3-11, "And the scribes and Pharisees brought unto him a
woman taken in adultery; and when they had set her in the midst,
They say unto him, Master, this woman was taken in adultery, in
the very act. Now Moses in the law commanded us, that such
should be stoned: but what sayest thou? This they said, tempting
him, that they might have to accuse him. But Jesus stooped down,
and with his finger wrote on the ground, as though he heard them
not. So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and
said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast
a stone at her. And again he stooped down, and wrote on the
ground. And they which heard it, being convicted by their own
conscience, went out one by one, beginning at the eldest, even
unto the last: and Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in
the midst. When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the
woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers?
hath no man condemned thee? She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus
said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more."
Matthew 23:4, 23, "For they bind heavy burdens and grievous to
be borne, and lay them on men's shoulders ; but they themselves
will not move them with one of their fingers... Woe unto you,
scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye pay tithe of mint and
anise and cummin, and have omitted the weightier matters of the
law, judgment [referring to justice], mercy, and faith : these ought
ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone."
Jesus said that if you are heavy laden, to come unto Him and He
will give you rest, for His yoke is light:
Matthew 11:28-30, "Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy
laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn
of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest
unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light."
Luke 7:29-30, "And all the people that heard him, and the
publicans, justified God, being baptized with the baptism of
John. But the Pharisees and lawyers rejected the counsel of God
against themselves, being not baptized of him. "
In the above verses, we can see that the Pharisees felt too proud
or self-righteous to accept a free gift from God; they felt they were
already holy or felt they could earn their right standing
themselves. Religious spirits will often hold your past against you ,
because they deny the work of Christ on the cross and the way of
righteousness through faith in Christ (see Romans 3:22). Grace
refers to something that we don't deserve, but is given to us
because of God's great love and mercy. Religious spirits have little
or no room in their theology for grace!
Here Jesus just forgave a man of his sins, and as proof that He was
sent from God... He healed the man while He was at it! But the
religious mindset in those scribes overlooked the miraculous
healing and was quick to judge Jesus for gracefully forgiving the
man's sins.
Do you feel like you've been wronged, and that person deserves
justice for what they've done to you? This may very well be the
workings of a religious spirit. Remember, religious spirits are more
interested in justice and punishment than mercy and forgiveness .
Concluding thoughts
Casting out demons is where the demons are confronted in Jesus'
name and driven out of the person. This step is where the actual
demons are expelled from the person and cannot be overlooked in
most cases. Even if you do feel a measure of freedom after tearing
down strongholds and breaking up legal grounds, demons may still
be present and need to be cast out.
What you can expect during a deliverance
The enemy can try to bombard you with doubt, fear and make you
feel like you will never be set free. I advise to fight those feelings
as much as you can. Saying to yourself, "I will never be set free!"
is doubting the work that God is trying to for you and wages war
against your faith. You might find it helpful to say to yourself
something along the lines of, "I resist those feelings and believe in
the work that Jesus is doing in my life!"
You are often going to experience things that your minister cannot
perceive or know about. For example, physical pain in an area of
your body indicates a spirit manifesting. If the minister knows
where it is, he or she may place a Bible over that area of your body
and confront the spirit. If you feel any discomfort, pain or pressure
in your body or confusion, headache, racing thoughts, irrational
emotions, etc. rising up in your mind, then it can be very helpful to
let the minister know what is going on. If you feel release from a
spirit or feel something leave you... let the minister know. If you
experience any feelings of anger, hate, rage, rebellion, the desire
to run out of the room, etc., I recommend telling the minister
about what is happening. Always try to keep him or her posted on
what is going on inside you, unless they are right in the middle of
casting it out and you feel it is coming out of your mouth (I
mentioned above not to talk or obstruct your airways as the
demons are being expelled).
YOU are often the best person to determine whether the spirit has
left. Did you feel a release or relief as if something has left you?
Let the minister know! Sometimes they can go into hiding (to trick
you into thinking they are gone) and other times there are
additional spirits to be driven out, but keeping your minister
updated on what is happening is helpful. Normally speaking though,
when you feel a release, it means that spirit(s) had departed.
Many who criticize the deliverance ministry will claim that we tend
to blame everything on demons to avoid personal responsibility.
That is simply not true in most cases in this type of ministry. I do
not intend on ignoring the flesh or overemphasizing the demonic,
but I would like to clearly explain how the two work together to
carry out Satan's plan in our lives.
Galatians 5:19-21, "Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which
are these; adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,
Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife,
seditions, heresies, Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings,
and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you
in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the
kingdom of God."
Can a demon take control over a person and use their body to
commit gruesome acts of murder, etc.? While it can happen, it is
rarely the case. Demons are great at working the flesh up to the
point of sin and putting pressure on them that can be very hard to
resist. This is usually how they do their dirty work in our lives.
The flesh is the open door to the enemy, and the demons are here
to ruin our lives. The two work together to carry out Satan's plan to
destroy us!
The flesh must be crucified (or consider ourselves dead to sin - see
Romans 6:11), and demons must be cast out. If we try to crucify
the demon or cast out the flesh... we are wasting our time! It is
vital that we accomplish two things when seeking deliverance:
A) Make sure that our flesh is not joining hands with the demon or
giving it any permission
Numbers 9:6, "And there were certain men, who were defiled by
the dead body of a man..."
I just spoke with somebody the other day who touched a dead body
when he was a child, and at that moment something very evil and
scary entered him, and he was never the same since. I believe it
was that night when he was sleeping, he awoke to see red velvet
walls around him, as if he was inside a casket. Today I just spoke
with another person who experienced something similar after
touching a dead body... she started having horrible nightmares
about the person who had died.
Grave yards and funeral homes are often crawling with demons. I
know of somebody who lived in funeral home and could testify to
the haunting they experienced there... doors slamming at night,
strange noises, etc. How does this happen? When a person dies,
the demons that have been inhabiting them are left hanging onto
the body, and can remain around that body for years before they
find a new home.
I remember one person telling how they had nothing but problems
in their new home... it was as if the place was cursed! Come to find
out, their property was an old Indian graveyard and the land was
defiled and haunted by demons. Land can be defiled just like
people as we can see in Leviticus:
There are many today who will attempt to pray over a person who
is obviously in demonic bondage, but they don't even consider the
thought of casting out the demon spirit behind the bondage. What
is the usual result? The person remains in bondage and the prayer
does little or no good.
God has given us authority over demon spirits, and along with
authority comes responsibility. We were not given authority over
demon spirits and told to cast them out for no reason! When we
pray over a person who has a demon, asking the Lord to
remove it, we are basically asking Him to do something that
He told us to do:
Now some might ask, "What about the verse where Jesus tells His
disciples that this kind can come forth by prayer and fasting only"?
In that scenario, an unusually strong demon was involved and
Jesus clearly told His disciples that their faith levels weren't high
enough to cast it out, and that they needed to spend more time in
prayer and fasting before they could drive this particular demon
Matthew 17:18, "And Jesus rebuked the devil; and he departed out
of him: and the child was cured from that very hour."
Jesus was considered the son of Man while He was here on earth...
Why? Because He was our example, and as our example, He went
about doing the works that He intended us to do as well:
Are we not given authority over ALL powers of the devil? If so, why
couldn't the disciples tackle the stronger-than-usual demon and
cast it out freely? They could have, if they had spent more time in
prayer and fasting. Jesus made it abundantly clear that the reason
they were unable to cast it out, was because of their lack of faith:
We don't see Jesus and His disciples going about praying for
demons to come out, do we? Where did we get this concept of
praying out demons? Let's stop praying for demons to come out,
and start acting on our God-given authority and do as Jesus
commanded of us... let's cast them out!
Mark 16:17, "And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my
name shall they cast out devils ..."
There are some people with the gift of spiritual discernment who
when traveling to certain countries today, can not get off the plane
and take a breath of air without picking up on the demonic bondage
in that country. In the book of Revelations, the Bible speaks of how
a country or land can become inhabited with unclean spirits:
One person who lived in an old funeral home said that place was
possessed, which was evident by strange happenings, opening and
slamming doors, and so forth. My father was friends with a
deliverance minister who would have a lot of fun driving out spirits
from homes, and he would have demons screaming at him as he
drove them out!
Ezekiel 36:17, "Son of man, when the house of Israel dwelt in their
own land, they defiled it by their own way and by their doings :
their way was before me as the uncleanness of a removed woman."
Jeremiah 50:38, "A drought is upon her waters; and they shall be
dried up: for it is the land of graven images , and they are mad
upon their idols."
Demons can actually draw power (and legal right) from nearby
cursed objects, such as idols, occult items, satanic rings, and even
demonic photos. It is vital to rid a home or land from such items
before dedicating it to the Lord and driving out the unclean spirits.
The Bible lets us know clearly that physical items can indeed carry
spiritual value:
The next step is to go through each room, and pray over it,
dedicating it to the Lord. I would even pray over a glass of water,
and ask the Lord that the water represent the Blood of Christ
Jesus, then take the water around the house and sprinkle the water
in each room and closet, etc.
Every now and then, we see people who are simply seeking
deliverance so that their problems will go away, but they are not
willing to give up ungodly things in their life to receive and
maintain their deliverance. For example, one person came to me
asking for help, but was not willing to stop living a lifestyle of
fornication. If they are not willing to give up things in their life that
are giving demonic spirits legal grounds, then they are not worthy
of or prepared to receive the children's bread (deliverance). Those
demons have a right to be there, and many times we will be unable
to get those spirits to budge. Even if we do cast them out, they can
come right back because they have permission to be there.
#3 Are they willing to seek a close walk with the Lord and
spend time with Him each day after their deliverance, so that
they can maintain their deliverance?
Deliverance Prayers
I now command any evil spirits which have taken advantage of this
unholy soul tie to leave me now in the name of Jesus!
(Repeat this prayer if you have more then one evil soul tie to
I now command any evil spirits which have taken advantage of this
unholy vow to leave me now in the name of Jesus!
(Repeat this prayer if you have more then one unholy vow to
In the name of Jesus, and through the power of His blood, I now
renounce, break and sever all soul ties that have been formed
between myself and the unhealthy music (name specific songs and
artists/groups if possible) I used to listen to and enjoy, as well as
any soul ties formed between myself and the artists and groups
(name them specifically if possible) and demonic influences that
have produced these unhealthy songs and music.
In Jesus' name, I also renounce, break and nullify any curses that I
may have come under as a result of listening to the unhealthy
music I used to listen to and enjoy.
Did you know that Jesus didn't simply give instruction to go out and
preach the gospel, but also to cast out demons and heal the sick
while we're at it? God's Word makes it clear that we are to go
fourth preaching the gospel... but we are to also be actively healing
the sick and casting out demons as well!
Here's another example of how Jesus was teaching, and halted His
sermon to set a person free from the grip of a demonic spirit:
God's Word tells us clearly that casting out devils was a very real
and important part of Jesus' preaching the gospel!
Mark 1:39, "And he preached in their synagogues throughout all
Galilee, and cast out devils."
Not only did Jesus set the example, but His disciples were actively
following in His footsteps...
Mark 6:12-13, "And they went out, and preached that men should
repent. And they cast out many devils, and anointed with oil many
that were sick, and healed them."
It didn't stop with the 12... Jesus also had the 70 going fourth
preaching and driving out unclean spirits...
Luke 10:1, "After these things the Lord appointed other seventy
also, and sent them two and two before his face into every city and
place, whither he himself would come..."
Luke 10:17, "And the seventy returned again with joy, saying,
Lord, even the devils are subject unto us through thy name."
John 20:21, "Then said Jesus to them again, Peace be unto you: as
my Father hath sent me, even so send I you ."
In other words, we are to be carrying out the same work that Jesus
was carrying out when He was here on earth! We are Christ's
ambassadors; we are His representatives here on earth today...
2 Corinthians 5:20, "Now then we are ambassadors (that is,
representatives) for Christ..."
Jesus made it clear that those who believe upon Him will be
following in His footsteps, doing the same things that He was
What works did Jesus go about doing? He went about healing the
sick and casting out devils! If we believe upon Him, then we are
quite capable of doing those same things! This concept is written in
black and white when Jesus said...
You and I are fully capable of driving out demons today... and as
we go fourth and preach the gospel, I encourage you to make
yourself available as the Lord places people in your path who need
deliverance. If you aren't educated on this type of ministry, please
spend some time on this Web site as there are many solid Biblical
teachings on casting out demons, tearing down strongholds and so
fourth. I also highly recommend picking up some solid Christian
books on the subject. Here are a few good ones I would
Mark 16:17, "And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my
name shall they cast out devils ; they shall speak with new
Notice how Jesus makes it clear that we are to cast out the spirits
using His name. Now if we look into the early church, we see Paul
using Jesus' name to drive an evil spirit out of a woman:
Acts 16:18, "And this did she many days. But Paul, being grieved,
turned and said to the spirit, I command thee in the name of Jesus
Christ to come out of her. And he came out the same hour."
Not only did the early church drive out evil spirits with Jesus'
name, but many were also healed using the name of Jesus:
Acts 4:30, "By stretching forth thine hand to heal; and that signs
and wonders may be done by the name of thy holy child Jesus ."
The disciples even found somebody who was not a disciple, that
was using Jesus' name to cast out evil spirits:
Have you ever seen somebody who is tense, where it is easy to get
on their nerves? Do they always seem irritable? Does this describe
how you feel? Have you ever wondered why a person is like that? It
is certainly not part of God's design for us, for His Word is clear
that we are given a sound clear mind:
2 Timothy 1:7, "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of
power, and of love, and of a sound mind."
1 Peter 5:7, "Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for
That means if you are an unforgiving or bitter person, then you are
not clean to stand before God. You're sins are still hanging over
your head, if you fail to release others for what they have done to
Did you know that a person can welcome an evil spirit into their
soul without even knowing it? It is not an uncommon scene when a
person actually welcomes unclean spirits without having to do
anything on the outside -- your thought-life is quite capable of
opening doors all by itself! What happens is the enemy (working
through unclean spirits) approaches a person at a time of need in
their life, and gets the person to agree with the demon's bait. This
bait can be very appealing to the person and it can even seem
harmless and beneficial at that point and time. The enemy is known
to disguise himself as an angel of light, as to deceive people into
giving him access into their lives:
The thing I've found with unclean spirits, is that they almost always
offer some kind of 'sweet reward' to get a person to grant them
access into their life. It could be forbidden sexual pleasure,
supernatural power or knowledge of some kind (mind control,
fortune telling, etc.), even healing (through occult powers) and
physical defense (martial arts). Jesus made it clear that even evil
thoughts can defile us (make us vulnerable for spiritual infection):
This is why I cringe every time that somebody tells me how their
child is reading Harry Potter books... that child is letting the occult
spirits (demons) know that they are interested in what the occult
has to offer, and this gives them the right to move right in on that
child! I have seen AWFUL things happen to children who have been
involved in Harry Potter, yet so many parents are ignorant and
convinced that it is a harmless storybook.
And the list goes on! These are just a few of the ways that demons
make themselves appealing to a person's fleshly desires. When we
leave the Word of God behind and seek to satisfy our own fleshly
appetites, it can give unclean spirits access into our lives. Most
people do not even realize what they are getting themselves
into, and then they wonder why they have lost control in that
area of their lives afterwards!
John 10:10, "The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and
to destroy : I am come that they might have life, and that they
might have it more abundantly."
How does the devil (Satan) carry out these goals in our lives?
Through his army of evil spirits! For more information on the work
of evil spirits in the world today, be sure to read the article
entitled Our Direct Enemy - Is it Satan? Or his demons? .
Andy may turn to his church for prayer to be healed of lukemia and
his mental illness. The pastor does his best to pray over Andy for
his healing, but with no results (because the root of the problem
was never addressed... only the symptoms). Andy has no choice
but to undergo medical surgery, which is also unsuccessful. Andy
winds up in the hospital with medical bills driving him into debt,
and taking pills that are further harming his body and costing Andy
a fortune. Andy then begins to become depressed and feels
hopeless over his physical condition.
Andy may also turn to his church for help in the area of bestiality,
but his pastor doesn't know what they can do about it besides
repent and try hard not to give back in to it. Andy repents, but
keeps falling back into the sin. His pastor may wonder if he's not
sincere about his repentance, but Andy knows that there is a
driving force within him that keeps pushing him compulsively into
his sin. Andy then begins to beat up on himself even more, driving
him to possibly suicide from feeling like such a failure (struggle
with awful bondages to guilt and shame, suffering from likely
mental illness and maybe even lukemia... what has Andy got to live
for anyways?). Andy has enough and pronounces doom over
himself by saying, "I wish I could just DIE! I would be better of
DEAD!", thus opening him to spirits of death and suicide (See
Proverbs 6:2, Proverbs 21:23 and Matthew 15:18). Now, as if
things weren't bad enough, Andy now feels compulsively driven to
take his life. Many people in Andy's shoes do end up taking their
life, or continuing to live in misery and bondage... unable to enjoy
life, they may turn to drugs or alcohol to suppress their problems,
which in turn opens him up to even more bondages. Instead of
living his life for the Lord in joy and freedom... telling others about
Jesus and enjoying the life that Jesus gave him... he's living in
misery and defeat.
Acts 10:38, "How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy
Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all
that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him."
How did Jesus go about healing (restoring - Luke 8:2, "And certain
women, which had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities , Mary
called Magdalene, out of whom went seven devils.") all who were
being harassed by the devil? He got to the root of the
problem... He prescribed the perfect medicine... deliverance! The
church today doesn't always prescribe the correct medicine,
because they are not looking at the root of a problem, but at the
symptoms. If a person has lukemia, we often pray for them to be
healed, then ship them off to the hospital... not even considering
what the root of their problem may be !
If somebody shot a bullet into your home one day to attempt to kill
your family... would you go rushing after each bullet trying to stop
it? Or would you grab your gun and kill the guy who's doing the
shooting? Which would be wiser? We need to stop fighting Satan's
bullets, and begin to attack the spirits who are holding the guns! If
your basement kept flooding, would you keep mopping up the
water, week after week, or would you dig deeper to find the reason
as to why the basement was getting flooded in the first place? It
would be rather pointless to keep addressing the symptoms,
without looking at where the problem is coming from, wouldn't it?
That same principal is true in the spiritual realm as well. If we
have a spiritual problem, let's find the root of that problem
and treat the root. Once the root is cleaned up, the problem
won't be returning and causing more problems!
You will never solve the root of the problem by treating the
The next step is for Andy to cultivate his relationship with his
heavenly Father, and not to go back into the world. I would even
pray that he receives the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, which will set
them afire for Christ!
The token that the pro-choice use, is that the fetus (unborn child)
is not a person yet, but only a mass of tissue. (For that matter,
many today also believe that we evolved from apes, and are
nothing more than a mass of tissue ourselves!) If the fetus were
simply a mass of tissue without a human spirit, then I think we
could justify abortion. However, the fetus is not simply a mass of
tissue, but rather a person to whom God is knitting together their
physical body in the mother's womb.
Luke 2:21, "And when eight days were accomplished for the
circumcising of the child, his name was called JESUS, which was so
named of the angel before he was conceived in the womb ."
2 Kings 4:17, "And the woman conceived , and bore a son at that
season that Elisha had said unto her, according to the time of life."
If you take the word 'conceive' in the above verse and look it up in
it's Hebrew roots, we are given the Hebrew word harah, which
interprets to: "A primitive root; to be (or become) pregnant,
conceive (literally of figuratively): - been, be with child , conceive,
progenitor." For a woman to conceive, it literally means that she is
now WITH A CHILD. What do the pro-choice tell us? That it's not
really a child, but just a mass of tissue! Sounds like those who
believe we came from apes, and are still just a mass of tissue
Genesis 25:23, "And the LORD said unto her, Two nations are in
thy womb , and two manner of people shall be separated from thy
bowels; and the one people shall be stronger than the other
people; and the elder shall serve the younger."
God is saying that there are two persons living in this woman's
womb, and each of them will bring fourth a nation.
Here we see the Lord calling somebody from the womb... clearly,
the person was there, or God would have been calling nothing from
the womb. The Bible is also clear that He knew us from the womb:
Jeremiah 1:5, "Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee ; and
before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I
ordained thee a prophet unto the nations."
Also notice in the above verse how God sanctified and ordained
somebody before they were even born! How could this take
place if there was not a real human being present in the
Here's another verse that helps show us how God brought David
out of his mother's womb...
Psalms 22:9, "But thou art he that took me out of the womb : thou
didst make me hope when I was upon my mother's breasts."
Can a mass of tissue be filled with the Holy Ghost? Can a mass of
tissue leap for joy? Apparently, John the Baptist was much more
than tissue, as we can see in the following verses...
Luke 1:15, "For he shall be great in the sight of the Lord, and shall
drink neither wine nor strong drink; and he shall be filled with the
Holy Ghost, even from his mother's womb ."
Luke 1:44, "For, lo, as soon as the voice of thy salutation sounded
in mine ears, the babe leaped in my womb for joy ."
Fetus' have feelings... as we can see in Luke 1:44, John the Baptist
leaped for joy when he heard Mary's voice. During an abortion, it is
true that the fetus can feel the pain and reacts to the danger. The
silent scream is where a baby is being killed, and the child
expresses unspeakable terror just moments before being killed.
Since the Silent Scream is a subject all in itself, I am going to point
you to a Web site, where they go into much more detail on the
Silent Scream, and even show a video of an abortion in action
where you can clearly see the Silent Scream taking place... a word
of warning, this film is very graphic and not recommended for
children to view! After all, abortion is not a pretty scene, and is
nothing short of gruesome murder of an innocent and helpless
child! Click on the link below for more information on The Silent
The truth is, abortion is a source for enormous spiritual and mental
bondage and torment. It is a means for spiritual defilement, just as
cold-blooded murder is, and opens a person up to unclean spirits
(demons) to enter and harass the person. Studies have shown that
abortion is also linked to suicide because of such torment and
bondage... many women feel it's better that they weren't even born
if they have to face such torment. Nobody knows what it's like to
be in bondage, until they are the ones facing it in their own lives,
and the sad truth is that many women today don't realize what
they are getting themselves into until it is too late, and the damage
is already done.
The list of side affects from an abortion are long. Jesus made it
clear that murder is a means for defilement, and defilement is an
open door to unclean spirits to come in and play havoc in a
person's life. I believe behind almost every (if not every) case of
suicide, is a spirit... a demon that drives the person to take their
own life to end the pain they are facing. People who have came
close to suicide will often admit that there was a force that was
'driving' them to take their own life. It often tells them that they
could end all of their problems by pulling the plug.
Abortion is nothing less than murder, and opens the door to spirits
that will drive a person into the ground. Depression is a common
side effect that is experienced by those who have had an abortion.
It is not uncommon for this depression to affect the person so
badly that they are driven to suicide. Suicide is almost always, if
not always caused by a demon... how does a spirit of suicide enter
these women? They have been defiled through murder, which
opens them up to a murder-related spirit of suicide!
As the Bible tells us, we do not wage war against flesh and blood,
but against various ranks of evil spirits (demons):
Ephesians 6:12, "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but
against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the
darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."
The good news for those who have had an abortion is that they can
be forgiven, and set free from the aftermath of it. It is almost
always necessary that such individuals go through a deliverance to
rid themselves of any unclean spirits that they have picked up, tear
down strongholds that have come on the scene, receive quality
post-deliverance discipleship and maintain a healthy relationship
with God so that they can receive and hold on to their freedom. It
may be possible to receive a measure of freedom without a
deliverance, but I would never bypass this step if I had an abortion
(murder) in my background. It's possible to experience a certain
amount of freedom, without dealing with the root, but in such cases
they will still remain in bondage in some way or another and it just
doesn't go away. If unclean spirits are involved, then the partial
freedom that they find will be continued to be challenged, and
fought for as the spirits continue to work on the person to pull
them down and torment them. After complete deliverance, the
person may still need post-deliverance discipleship, but the
problems will go away and the person will not have to continually
fight against the negative 'pull' in their system.
If the person has allowed guilt and shame to overtake them for a
measure of time, then it is vital to tear down strongholds as well.
True repentance of such a sin is an absolute necessity, and without
which, true deliverance cannot be attempted. Abortion must be
repented of for what it really is, and that is murder of an innocent
child. The person must learn to forgive themselves as well for what
they have done, and learn to love and accept themselves as Jesus
loves and accepts them. They also need to believe and accept the
forgiveness that Jesus has for them (have Bible verses handy to
assure them of God's forgiveness). It is also important to be sure
that any bad soul ties (sex outside marriage) is broken, and the sin
of fornication (or adultery) needs to be brought before the Lord in
repentance as well before the deliverance process begins. After
true repentance has happened and legal grounds have been broken
up (bad soul ties broken, etc.), then it's time to move on to tearing
down any strongholds that are present and begin casting out the
spirits that have entered the person.
A shameful identity
Shame plays a big role in Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD).
When a person has done something embarrassing or shameful in
their past, and they choose to meditate (or think often upon) what
they have done, it programs their minds with a shameful identity.
Guilt, when meditated upon, brings shame. Guilt is when you see
the problem, but shame is when you feel as if you are the
problem. Shame causes a person to beat themselves up
mentally, and this can be an open door for tormenting
spirits. Shame is when a person hasn't forgiven themselves, and is
a symptom of unforgiveness. Unforgiveness is an open door to
demonic tormenting spirits:
Matthew 18:34-35, "And his lord was wroth, and delivered him to
the tormentors, till he should pay all that was due unto him. So
likewise shall my heavenly Father do also unto you, if ye from your
hearts forgive not every one his brother their trespasses."
Bondage to fear
1 John 4:18, "There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out
fear: because fear hath torment . He that feareth is not made
perfect in love."
In the Bible, we find that having a sound mind (the opposite of
OCD) is the enemy of fear, and visa versa... the two do not mix
and are opposites of each other:
2 Timothy 1:7, "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of
power, and of love, and of a sound mind."
There are some great books that I highly recommend for tearing
down strongholds; here are two of them:
It is 100% vital that (a) the person learns of the goodness of God,
and what a loving and merciful Heavenly Father that they really
have - they cannot see Him as a cruel taskmaster, and (b) they
must learn of who they truly are in Christ Jesus. They must know in
their heart that their pasts have been washed away (providing they
have repented of their sins), and no longer a part of them. I
usually find one or both of these strongholds affecting those with
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Either or both of these strongholds
must be dealt with before the person can enjoy complete and
lasting freedom from OCD.
Bad soul ties also need to be broken in certain cases. Many times a
person first becomes worried about the unpardonable sin after
breaking their virginity outside marriage. Bad soul ties, especially
with people who struggle with fear or are involved in the occult can
bring a tremendous amount of spiritual torment to a person. I've
ministered to people being physically visited by demons at night,
all because of an ungodly soul tie with somebody involved in the
The good news is, there is a working cure for OCD, and it's
deliverance in Jesus Christ combined with the tearing down of
strongholds in spiritual warfare! God does NOT want His people
mentally unstable! He has made available unto us freedom and
wholeness in every area of our lives, but it's upto us to take hold of
it! God's Word clearly states that it is not Him who gives or wants
us to have an unsound mind:
2 Timothy 1:7, "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of
power, and of love, and of a sound mind."
So many in the church today believe that it's Satan who tempts
God's children and lures them into sin. They believe that Satan is
behind their spiritual problems and that they are directly struggling
with the devil himself. The truth is, they are not wrestling against
Satan, but rather his network of demons. Even when a child is
tempted to sin, that temptation doesn't come from Satan directly,
but through Satan's army of fallen angels (demons). It's as if we
believe there's an imaginary evil being out there that comes to our
door each day to tempt us, when in reality, we are being
approached by evil spirits! It seems that everybody wants to
think it's Satan tempting or oppressing them, but nobody
wants to think it's an evil spirit or demon.
Ephesians 6:12, "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but
against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the
darkness of this world , against spiritual wickedness in high places."
Your enemy would love for you to approach the war with your eyes
on the evil leader and ignore the troops / messengers coming
towards you. If you did such a thing in a physical war, wouldn't
that put you at a very vulnerable position? You wouldn't last 10
minutes on the battle field before getting struck down! The same is
true in the spiritual realm. It's only wise to keep your eyes on the
direct enemies in any war.
Don't get me wrong, we aren't to see demons so much that it's all
that we're looking at. I am a strong advocator of keeping our minds
and hearts on the Lord Jesus Christ, and on positive things that
uplift us and keep our eyes on the Lord. But on the same token, it's
never wise to ignore a messenger that Satan has sent to destroy
us. Paul himself made it clear that it's never wise to be ignorant of
Satan's devices:
Demonic Hierarchy
Further insight into this hierarchy and how Satan oppresses people,
is found in the book of Acts:
Acts 10:38, "How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy
Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all
that were oppressed of the devil ; for God was with him."
If you look up the word for oppressed in this verse, you will find
the Greek word katadunasteuo, which means, "to exercise dominion
against, that is, oppress." The word dominion here does not refer
to ownership of a person (it's God who owns every soul, see Ezekiel
18:4), but rather an army that is under your rule. Satan exercises
his army of fallen angels (his dominion) against us.
Now if you look up the word dominion in the the 2006 Merriam-
Webster dictionary, under definition #3 it speaks of an order of
angels, referencing to Celestial Hierarchy, which speaks of a host of
angelic beings, including principalities, powers, etc. In Ephesians 6,
we find that the powers of darkness come in different ranks and
Ephesians 6:12, "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but
against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the
darkness of this world , against spiritual wickedness in high places."
Revelations 12:4, "And his tail drew the third part of the stars of
heaven, and did cast them to the earth : and the dragon stood
before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour
her child as soon as it was born."
Matthew 12:24, "But when the Pharisees heard it, they said, This
fellow doth not cast out devils, but by Beelzebub the prince of the
devils ."
Satan is the leader, and a host of fallen angels are under his rule
carrying out his evil plans.
Our enemy is obviously Satan, but it's not him that we directly
struggle against, it's against the demonic army of evil spirits that is
under his rule. It is important that we learn who our enemy is and
how he carries out his plans, so we can effectively wage spiritual
war against them.
Root of Bitterness
Bitterness is a root!
Hebrews 12:15, "Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of
God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and
thereby many be defiled."
Let's take a closer look at a plants root system... where does the
roots dwell? Under the surface of the soil. Can everybody see it's
root system? No, because it's hidden under the soil or surface. The
same is true with bitterness in a person's soul. It is a hidden
element that lies under the surface, and out of it springs up anger
and other negative emotions against others and against the
circumstances around us. People who have a root of bitterness find
it easy to get upset over things that other's are doing around them.
It's like a brewing fountain that lies beneath the surface, waiting to
fuel something that is on the surface.
Now many of these people who have been hurt, don't express it on
the outside, but rather hold the hurt and bitter feelings inside
where they fester and grow. I know women who have been raped,
and they are kind and gentle and loving people, but inside they are
bound up because of what was done to them many years ago. Just
because they aren't angry or outrageous individuals, does not
mean they are free from the root of bitterness. As I said earlier,
bitterness is a root, and roots are not always visible on the surface.
They may promote ungodly anger and other emotions on the
surface but bitterness itself works under the surface.
Bitterness is a root, thereby making it harder to identify and
expose than many surface issues, but none the less it's a deadly
poison that needs to be released. If left alone, it will grow and
fester, and it has the ability to spring up many surface issues such
as irritability, anger, hatred, etc. Individuals who have a root of
bitterness will often find it easy to become upset over little things
that go on around them. It is easy for them to look at the
circumstances around them as the source of their problems, rather
than seeing how they are handling those circumstances. Instead of
letting it go and forgiving, they let it get to them, and it devours
them alive. This is a very common route by which demons enter
people today.
Further reading
Soul ties - Having a soul tie with somebody means your soul is
joined with theirs (1 Corinthians 6:16). Being joined to another
person with an unclean soul tie can allow the transference of spirits
and bondage between the persons. It is vital to break of all bad
soul ties from unhealthy past relationships so that the enemy
cannot use them against us.
Now let me ask you this: Is witchcraft an open door to the demonic
in a person's life? If so, why wouldn't rebellion also be an open
door, being that God put both of them in the same category?
God's Word even comes out more clearly and tells us that a cruel
messenger will be sent against the rebellious:
Proverbs 17:11, "An evil man seeketh only rebellion: therefore a
cruel messenger shall be sent against him."
Matthew 18:34-35, "And his lord was wroth, and delivered him to
the tormentors , till he should pay all that was due unto him. So
likewise shall my heavenly Father do also unto you, if ye from your
hearts forgive not every one his brother their trespasses."
Proverbs 20:20, "Whoso curseth his father or his mother, his lamp
shall be put out in obscure darkness."
God's Word is clear that judgment will come upon the rebellious:
Ezekiel 3:26, "And I will make thy tongue cleave to the roof of thy
mouth, that thou shalt be dumb, and shalt not be to them a
reprover: for they are a rebellious house."
This reminds me of the demons that Jesus cast out of people which
caused them to be dumb (unable to speak)!
God has also shown me that rebellion shuts a person's ears from
being able to hear God when He tries to speak to them. The
following verse also makes this clear:
Ezekiel 12:2, "Son of man, thou dwellest in the midst of a
rebellious house, which have eyes to see, and see not; they have
ears to hear, and hear not: for they are a rebellious house ."
2 Corinthians 4:4, "In whom the god of this world hath blinded the
minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious
gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them."
1 Woe to the rebellious children, saith the LORD, that take counsel,
but not of me; and that cover with a covering, but not of my spirit,
that they may add sin to sin:
5 They were all ashamed of a people that could not profit them,
nor be a help nor profit, but a shame, and also a reproach.
6 The burden of the beasts of the south: into the land of trouble
and anguish, from whence come the young and old lion, the viper
and fiery flying serpent , they will carry their riches upon the
shoulders of young asses, and their treasures upon the bunches of
camels, to a people that shall not profit them.
10 Which say to the seers, See not; and to the prophets, Prophesy
not unto us right things, speak unto us smooth things, prophesy
deceits :
11 Get you out of the way, turn aside out of the path, cause the
Holy One of Israel to cease from before us.
15 For thus saith the Lord GOD, the Holy One of Israel; In
returning and rest shall ye be saved; in quietness and in confidence
shall be your strength: and ye would not.
16 But ye said, No; for we will flee upon horses; therefore shall ye
flee: and, We will ride upon the swift; therefore shall they that
pursue you be swift.
If you have been rebellious, then stop! Forsake your rebellion and
turn to the Lord. Repent of thy ways, that ye shall receive mercy.
Rebellion is an open door to demonic spirits in a person's life. God's
Word warns us that rebellion darkens your spiritual eyesight
(discernment), and it deafens your ears to hear God's voice.
Many find it hard to believe that a born again believer can have a
demonic spirit simply they don't understand the difference between
the soul and the spirit of a man. They believe everything is made
new the moment a person accepts Jesus (which is true for the
man's spirit), but they naturally accept the fact that a person can
be born again yet they can still be in bondage to sin (darkness or
Even though our Bible uses the words soul and spirit
interchangeably, there is a very distinct difference that we cannot
ignore. These passages in God's Word that make a very clear
distinction between the soul and the spirit:
Hebrews 4:12, "For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and
sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing
asunder of soul and spirit , and of the joints and marrow, and is a
discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart."
This is speaking of our spirits, which are instantly made new the
moment we accept Christ.
The Bible even tells us that the old man in us has died with Christ,
and that we are raised to new life through Christ's resurrection:
Romans 6:2-6, "God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live
any longer therein? Know ye not, that so many of us as were
baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death? Therefore
we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ
was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we
also should walk in newness of life. For if we have been planted
together in the likeness of his death, we shall be also in the
likeness of his resurrection: Knowing this, that our old man is
crucified with him (our spirits that were alive to sin), that the body
of sin might be destroyed (speaking of the evil in our souls), that
henceforth we should not serve sin."
Even though we have died to sin, and been raised to new life
through Christ Jesus, our souls (that is, our minds) still need to be
transformed and purified by the washing of the Word:
The Bible is clear that even though our spirits are born of
incorruptible seed, our minds (souls) still need to be purified, that
is, cleansed:
Our spirit is instantly reborn and made new the moment we accept
Christ, but the soul is not born again. Our souls are transformed by
the renewing of our minds:
Our spirits are made right with God, and raised to new life the
moment we accept Jesus, but our souls (minds) can carry much
spiritual grime and dirt over from our past lifestyles. Our souls are
transformed by the renewing of our minds and by the washing of
the Word, as the Bible makes clear. This is why so many believers
can continue to struggle with sin even after accepting Christ. Their
souls still contain grime and dirt that needs to be removed and
washed clean.
Demonic spirits can also remain in our souls, and must be driven
out as Jesus and the early church went about doing. If all a person
had to do was accept Jesus and all their unclean spirits departed,
then what would be the point in casting demons out of anybody? If
all we would had to do was get people saved and their demons
would automatically shed, then casting out demons would be sort
of pointless, wouldn't it? However, the practice of casting out
demons didn't end when Jesus ascended into heaven. It was a
popular ministry that was carried right into the early church, and is
still in full swing today. After all, before Jesus went to sit at the
right hand of the Father, He made it clear that them who believe
will be casting out demons!
Mark 16:17, "And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my
name shall they cast out devils..."
Matthew 5:44, "But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them
that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them
which despitefully use you, and persecute you."
Romans 12:14, "Bless them which persecute you: bless, and curse
not ."
Returning evil for evil may have passed in the Old Testament, but
Jesus came to do away with the old law, and bring about a new
law, which is to love one another... even those who do us evil!
God's Word tells us clearly not to take vengeance into our own
hands, but to let Him repay those who do us wrong:
1 Thessalonians 5:15, "See that none render evil for evil unto any
man ; but ever follow that which is good, both among yourselves,
and to all men ."
Faith is trusting in God. Lack of faith is doubting God. The Lord has
shown me three things concerning Biblical faith. When you combine
these three elements, we can operate in mountain moving faith!
Now Jesus had given His disciples authority over all powers of the
enemy, so they clearly did not lack authority to drive out that
unclean spirit:
So what did these disciples lack? Clearly they didn't lack authority!
What they lacked was faith in their authority:
Now in Matthew 17, this story is also told, and when they asked
Jesus why they were unable to cast out the spirit, He told them flat
out... they lacked faith!
We need to stop wavering and start taking God for His Word and
lay hold of His promises! If He said we shall cast out demons, then
it means He's given us the ability to drive out those evil spirits! If
He's said we have a right to be healed in Jesus' name, then we
have that right, and we ought to start trusting Him and believing it!
For example, how can you have faith to pray for a healing,
believing that He will heal you, if you didn't know it was God's will
for your healing? This is why Satan works so hard to tell the church
today that it may not be God's will for them to be healed! Why?
Because it casts doubt, the opposite of faith, upon the hearts of
God's children! How can you lay hold of the promises of God, if you
don't know what they are? We must first know the truth, then
believe it. That's Biblical faith!
Mark 9:23, "Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things
are possible to him that believeth."
In the verse above, the word believeth means to trust. Jesus was in
essence telling His disciples that all things (referring to the
promises of God) are possible for them who will trust God for them
How can you believe something that nobody told you? You can't.
That's why it's important to know what the Word of God has to say,
so that we can believe it. Faith comes by hearing, and hearing
God's Word:
We are told to put on the breastplate of faith and love... the two go
together like hand and glove!
1 Thessalonians 5:8, "But let us, who are of the day, be sober,
putting on the breastplate of faith and love; and for a helmet, the
hope of salvation."
Galatians 5:22-33, "But the fruit of the Spirit is love , joy, peace,
longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith , Meekness, temperance:
against such there is no law."
When the love of Christ is flowing through us, it brings fourth much
faith. God's Word tells us clearly that faith works through love.
Galatians 5:6, "For in Jesus Christ neither circumcision availeth any
thing, nor uncircumcision; but faith which worketh by love ."
Acts 10:38, "How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy
Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all
that were oppressed of the devil ; for God was with him."
Acts 10:38, "How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy
Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all
that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him."
Jesus did NOT tell the people, "You should be drawing near to God
and resisting those things... they'll leave you alone!"... did He?
No, He did something about their oppression ... He didn't tell them
to deal with it themselves by resisting those demons and drawing
near to God.
"Then was brought unto him one possessed with a devil, blind, and
dumb: and he healed him , insomuch that the blind and dumb both
spake and saw."
If we look down the page a few verses, we find out how Jesus
healed this man:
"But when the Pharisees heard it, they said, This fellow doth not
cast out devils, but by Beelzebub the prince of the devils." (v.24)
Acts 5:16, "There came also a multitude out of the cities round
about unto Jerusalem, bringing sick folks, and them which were
vexed with unclean spirits: and they were healed every one ."
The truth is, without the casting out of demons, a minister will turn
away many who are oppressed without ministering complete
freedom to them. They will walk away still oppressed and harassed
when they could have been set free. Balanced deliverance
ministering requires three key elements: the tearing down of
strongholds, the breaking up of legal grounds and the casting out
of demons. If you attempt the operate in a deliverance ministry
and address only 1 or 2 of those areas, you will turn many away
without completely setting them free. They may feel a change from
your ministering, and some may be completely set free, but there
will be those who will walk away still in a measure of bondage, and
some that you will be unable to help at all. You wouldn't dare try to
make a pizza with the dough and the sauce but omit the cheese,
would you? You wouldn't attempt to use your computer with a
keyboard and mouse but no monitor, would you? Why attempt to
run a deliverance ministry and omit one of the three major areas
where ministering is required? I believe it is important to be
balanced and complete in this ministry.
Is there such a thing as spiritual warfare? YES! But it's not the
same as oppression! There is also a teaching that will show you the
difference between spiritual warfare and oppression . Beyond the
teachings on this site on spiritual warfare, I also have a special
Spiritual Warfare Series that is packed with helpful teachings on
this subject.
Acts 10:38, "How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy
Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all
that were oppressed of the devil ; for God was with him."
Acts 10:38, "How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy
Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all
that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him."
Jesus did NOT tell the people, "You should be drawing near to God
and resisting those things... they'll leave you alone!"... did He?
No, He did something about their oppression ... He didn't tell them
to deal with it themselves by resisting those demons and drawing
near to God.
"Then was brought unto him one possessed with a devil, blind, and
dumb: and he healed him , insomuch that the blind and dumb both
spake and saw."
If we look down the page a few verses, we find out how Jesus
healed this man:
"But when the Pharisees heard it, they said, This fellow doth not
cast out devils, but by Beelzebub the prince of the devils." (v.24)
The word healed means to be made whole or cured of something.
When Jesus healed those with unclean spirits, He was making them
whole and curing (restoring) them by removing those unclean
spirits. What means did He cure (restore) the man's eyesight
above? By casting out the unclean spirit behind his blindness!
Acts 5:16, "There came also a multitude out of the cities round
about unto Jerusalem, bringing sick folks, and them which were
vexed with unclean spirits: and they were healed every one ."
The truth is, without the casting out of demons, a minister will turn
away many who are oppressed without ministering complete
freedom to them. They will walk away still oppressed and harassed
when they could have been set free. Balanced deliverance
ministering requires three key elements: the tearing down of
strongholds, the breaking up of legal grounds and the casting out
of demons. If you attempt the operate in a deliverance ministry
and address only 1 or 2 of those areas, you will turn many away
without completely setting them free. They may feel a change from
your ministering, and some may be completely set free, but there
will be those who will walk away still in a measure of bondage, and
some that you will be unable to help at all. You wouldn't dare try to
make a pizza with the dough and the sauce but omit the cheese,
would you? You wouldn't attempt to use your computer with a
keyboard and mouse but no monitor, would you? Why attempt to
run a deliverance ministry and omit one of the three major areas
where ministering is required? I believe it is important to be
balanced and complete in this ministry.
Is there such a thing as spiritual warfare? YES! But it's not the
same as oppression! There is also a teaching that will show you the
difference between spiritual warfare and oppression . Beyond the
teachings on this site on spiritual warfare, I also have a special
Spiritual Warfare Series that is packed with helpful teachings on
this subject.
One of the things various people have tried to say about those of
us in the deliverance ministry, is that we practice unbiblical or
extra-biblical principals when ministering deliverance or coming up
against evil spirits. The more I understand God's Word on these
matters, the more I can confidently say that they are the ones who
don't really know their Bibles!
Did you know that there is spiritual value in using symbolism, and
it is a perfectly sound principal found in the Bible? For example,
when you anoint a person with oil (which is found in the Bible), it
symbolically represents the Holy Spirit. One tactic that I've seen in
action, is when a minister holds the Bible upto somebody's body,
and uses it to symbolically represent the Sword of the Spirit
(Ephesians 6:17) against the demonic spirits. I've seen demons
take off screaming and go ballistic when the Bible is used to
symbolically represent the Sword of the Spirit, and is touched
against that person's body in faith! I love to watch as unspeakable
terror rips across the person's face, as the demon manifests and
responds to the Word of God as it is used against them! Does this
mean we aren't to speak the Word against them? Not at all! But
this is one tactic I've seen that has been very effective in driving
out stubborn evil spirits.
You might say, "That sounds great, but where does the Bible speak
of taking something physical, and using it to symbolically represent
something spiritual? There are many cases of this in the Bible that
we find in both the old and new testaments.
God didn't want those symbolic idols even in the land of Israel at
all, because they represented demonic spirits, and they were
cursed objects... they carried demonic spiritual value:
Did you know that even water can carry a curse? It's true. Even
something like water can have the ability to hold spiritual value and
actually carry a curse with it. It was actually used to determine
whether a woman was defiled in the OT:
Numbers 5:27-28, "And when he hath made her to drink the water,
then it shall come to pass, that, if she be defiled, and have done
trespass against her husband, that the water that causeth the
curse shall enter into her, and become bitter, and her belly shall
swell, and her thigh shall rot: and the woman shall be a
curse among her people. And if the woman be not defiled, but be
clean; then she shall be free, and shall conceive seed."
Mark 1:5, "And there went out unto him all the land of Judea, and
they of Jerusalem, and were all baptized of him in the river of
Jordan, confessing their sins."
Acts 8:38, "And he commanded the chariot to stand still: and they
went down both into the water, both Philip and the eunuch; and he
baptized him."
In the Old Testament, there was a very strong and obvious use of
symbolics to represent spiritual cleansing, as we can see here in
For the Passover, God spoke clearly to His people to put the blood
of a lamb upon their door posts, as it will be a symbol or signal that
the angel of death would recognize and pass over their home and
not kill the firstborn therein:
Exodus 12:7-13, "And they shall take of the blood, and strike it on
the two side posts and on the upper door post of the houses,
wherein they shall eat it... And the blood shall be to you for a
token upon the houses where ye are: and when I see the blood, I
will pass over you, and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy
you, when I smite the land of Egypt."
The angel of death recognized the blood on the door posts and did
not enter those homes!
In the OT, oil was used as a symbolic representation that was used
to anoint people and places:
Exodus 29:7, "Then shalt thou take the anointing oil, and pour it
upon his head, and anoint him."
Exodus 40:9, "And thou shalt take the anointing oil, and anoint the
tabernacle, and all that is therein, and shalt hallow it, and all the
vessels thereof: and it shall be holy."
James 5:14, "Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of
the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in
the name of the Lord."
Acts 19:12, "So that from his body were brought unto the sick
handkerchiefs or aprons, and the diseases departed from them,
and the evil spirits went out of them ."
I have seen people pray over water, ask the Lord to bless it to
symbolize the blood of Jesus, then sprinkle it around a room to
cleanse it. Why not? Oil was sprinkled around the tabernacle in the
OT to cleanse it! Oil was used in the early church to anoint people
for prayer! A friend of mine in the ministry told me that fiery heat
was felt as anointing oil was placed upon some heads in his
ministry! One time water that was prayed over was sprinkled on
somebody I knew, and they said they instantly felt the power and
presence of God come all over them!
One time earlier this year, I was in a deliverance with a friend, and
the two of us men stood there fiddling with a little bottle of
anointing oil, because we could NOT get the oil to come out so we
could put it on this person for prayer! We could see plenty of oil in
there, but no matter how hard we tried to get it out, it wasn't
budging! I take it those demons didn't want us to use physical oil
to symbolically represent the Holy Spirit when anointing a person
for prayer.
One time there was a minister who was praying over a young girl
who came out of I believe Satanism, and when the pastor tried to
take a ring off the girl's finger, the demon spirit cried out and
screamed because it represented a covenant between the young
girl and Satan!
Acts 19:18-19, "And many that believed came, and confessed, and
showed their deeds. Many of them also which used curious arts
brought their books together, and burned them before all men: and
they counted the price of them, and found it fifty thousand pieces
of silver."
A lot of people claim that this is proof that a Christian never needs
a deliverance. They claim that all we have to do is draw near to
God and resist the devil and he's quickly on his way.
It's like the saying goes, "Never read a verse in the Bible again,
always read a chapter!"
Furthermore, it's not telling us that the devil will come out of us,
it's telling us that the devil will flee, which gives us a good
indication that this is speaking of spiritual warfare where we are
resisting the temptations of the devil from the outside.
Now let's take a look at some stories found in the Bible on how to
deal with demonic torment or harassment.
How did Jesus handle her? Did He walk upto her and say, "Thou
woman, you aren't resisting the devil and drawing near to God! If
you would just do that, your demon would depart from you!"
No, that's not what happened. Jesus gave us a clear indication that
she was a precious and sincere child of God when He said...
Obviously this women didn't need to draw near to God and resist
the devil, she needed to be set free from her demonic bondage!
That's exactly how Jesus did for her in verse 12:
"And when Jesus saw her, he called her to him, and said unto her,
Woman, thou art loosed from thine infirmity."
For those who insist that this woman was not a believer, I
encourage you to read the following teaching, which will present an
irrefutable case that she was indeed a believer, and she indeed had
a demon: The Daughtor of Abraham
In Acts 19:12, we find where Paul was sending out prayer cloths to
those in need of healings and deliverances.
"So that from his body were brought unto the sick handkerchiefs or
aprons, and the diseases departed from them, and the evil spirits
went out of them."
Now Paul was known for teaching and guiding the believers in the
ways of the Lord. After all, he wrote a very large percentage of the
New Testament! He was continually instructing them on how to
grow in the Lord. Now if those requesting prayer cloths could have
solved their problems by simply drawing near to God and resisting
the devil; why would Paul have been trying to give them a quick fix
to get rid of their demons?
It makes no sense! After all, he was the one who was so diligent in
teaching them the ways of the Lord and how to successfully do
spiritual battle!
Let me put it bluntly, if all we had to do was resist the devil, then
honestly, what would be the point in casting out demons? Would
that not be a quick fix so we wouldn't have to draw near to God
and resist the devil?
"How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with
power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were
oppressed of the devil ; for God was with him."
The word healed means to make a person whole. There were other
times when Jesus was said to heal a person of an unclean spirit,
which involved casting it out. A good example of this is found in
Matthew 12:22...
"Then was brought unto him one possessed with a devil, blind, and
dumb: and he healed him , insomuch that the blind and dumb both
spake and saw."
What do we find just a couple verses down the page? We find out
how Jesus healed the man...
"But when the Pharisees heard it, they said, This fellow doth
not cast out devils , but by Beelzebub the prince of the devils."
So if all the people had to do was draw near to God and resist the
devil, why would Jesus be going around taking so many 'shortcuts'?
Why wasn't Jesus teaching them to draw near to God and resist the
devil? I'm sure these people would have done ANYTHING to be
freed from their condition!
In a nutshell
Matthew 10:8, "Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the
dead, cast out devils : freely ye have received, freely give."
Mark 16:17, "And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my
name shall they cast out devils ..."
Now if all we had to do was draw near to God and resist the devil,
there would be no point in casting out demons, would
there? Would not Jesus and His disciples have been wasting
their time, along with the early church? Would they have not
been giving people 'quick fixes' to problems that they ought
to be drawing near to God and resisting the devil to solve?
While it is true that we should always resist the devil and draw near
to God, it is not the Biblical solution to solving problems that are
demonic in a person's life.
Mark 5:2,5, "And when he was come out of the ship, immediately
there met him out of the tombs a man with an unclean spirit... And
always, night and day, he was in the mountains, and in the tombs,
crying, and cutting himself with stones."
In the ministry of deliverance, many people are set free from all
kinds of compulsive sinning, even pornography addictions and
compulsive masturbation. If it's compulsive and you've tried
everything to stop, but you can't... there seems to be a compulsive
force 'driving' you to sin, then there may very well be a demon that
needs to be driven out. It is true that we have been set free from
the bondage of sin, but there's a big difference between the
bondage of sin, and being in bondage to demons and their way of
affecting you is driving you to sin.
Luke 8:27, "And when he went forth to land, there met him out of
the city a certain man, which had devils long time, and ware no
clothes, neither abode in any house, but in the tombs." What kind
of a person in their right mind would go running around in the
tombs naked?
Spiritual authority
Jesus sent us fourth into the world as He was sent fourth (John
20:21), to do the works He did (John 14:12), and He gave us the
authority to do the work at hand (Mark 13:34).
Luke 10:17-19, "And the seventy returned again with joy, saying,
Lord, even the devils are subject unto us through thy name. And he
said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.
Behold, I give unto you power (translates to AUTHORITY) to tread
on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy:
and nothing shall by any means hurt you."
How does all this apply to us today? Mark 16:17 tells us, "These
signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out
3. Can you see any 'open doors' where the bondage may
have entered through?
Give the person you are ministering to a chance to see if they can
come up with anything. They may not be able to come up with
anything, or they may be completely wrong, but it's definitely
worth a try.
6. How do you see yourself? (Do you feel guilty, low self-
esteem, confident, etc.)
8. Do you feel truly loved by God for who you are? (Be
This is a great way to identify a very common stronghold. Many
people don't see God as a loving Father, and it hinders them from
feeling God's love in their life, which gives the devil a lot of room to
play havoc.
Finding out what things have negatively affected a person's life can
reveal many doors that the devil has gained into their lives. Bad
relationships can cause bitterness and cause people to become
emotionally built up inside. Unforgiveness is a known way for a
person to become defiled, which is an open door to the devil.
Deeper sins may or may not have been put to rest in the person's
mind. If the person still continues to beat themselves up for it,
then they would do good to confess the sin, forsake it, and receive
God's forgiveness of it, as well as forgive themselves for it. A clean
conscience is important to a person's spiritual freedom, but if a
person is unwilling to forgive themselves, they hinder their
conscience from being cleansed.
10. What was your relationship with your parents like when
you were growing up?
Mark 9:29 also makes it clear that some demons, regardless if their
legal grounds are removed or not, require prayer and fasting to
drive out, "And he said unto them, This kind can come forth by
nothing , but by prayer and fasting." Jesus was perfectly capable
of forgiving a person's sins when He was here on earth (Luke
7:47), so for Him to tell us that some demons require prayer
and fasting to drive out, tells us that demons simply don't
leave the moment their legal grounds are removed.
If demons throw such fits as JESUS Himself cast them out, what
makes us think they will peacefully leave on their own accord?
What amazes me, is how people expect demons to play nice and
leave automatically, but they would never expect a criminal to
willfully give up his lifestyle without the authority of policemen
stepping in and forcing the man to either change or be cast into
In Mark 1:27, we find that the people around Jesus were shocked
when they saw Him exercise His authority over evil spirits because
they had never seen this happen before, nor was it ever mentioned
in all of history, "And they were all amazed, insomuch that they
questioned among themselves saying, What thing is this? what new
doctrine is this? for with authority commandeth he even the
unclean spirits, and they do obey him ."
Purpose of authority
How did Jesus use His authority to cast out demons? By speaking
fourth a command, or as Matthew 8:16 tells us, by His Word He
drove out demon spirits, "When the even was come, they brought
unto him many that were possessed with devils: and he cast out
the spirits with his word , and healed all that were sick:"
With authority, those in the early church were also casting out evil
spirits, as we can see in Acts 16:18, "But Paul, being grieved,
turned and said to the spirit, I command thee in the name of Jesus
Christ to come out of her. And he came out the same hour."
I've seen ministers use Acts 8:5-7 as so-called proof that demons
are automatically expelled from people, simply because it doesn't
say 'as clearly' who drove them out, such as "Paul rebuked the
spirit..." If we take a close look at this verse, I believe it becomes
very clear that it was Philip who was casting the spirits out:
Acts 8:5-7, "Then Philip went down to the city of Samaria, and
preached Christ unto them. And the people with one accord gave
heed unto those things which Philip spake, hearing and seeing the
miracles WHICH HE DID . For unclean spirits, crying with loud voice,
came out of many that were possessed with them: and many taken
with palsies, and that were lame, were healed."
People were listening to Philip teach and taking heed because they
saw the miracles that HE was doing . People were being healed,
demons were being driven out, etc. Those demons didn't just
decide to come out on their own, no more than people were 'auto-
healed'. If such a verse could be used to argue that demons auto-
shed from people when they accept Christ, then it could also be
used to prove that when people 'truly' accept Jesus (they say that
those who have demons haven't *truly* accepted Jesus), they will
be physically healed as well. Oh the power of twisted scriptures!! :)
This teaching will give you a basic look into the world of demons
according to the Bible. As you know, the Bible is the safest and
most reliable book to turn to when seeking knowledge on the
spiritual realm.
The Bible also refers to demons with specific names that relate to
their function, for example, in Luke 13:11 we are told of a spirit of
infirmity who caused a woman to be bent over, and in Acts 16:16
we are told of a young girl who had a spirit of divination that
allowed her to tell fortunes.
Hierarchy of demons
Acts 10:38, "How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy
Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all
that were oppressed of the devil ; for God was with him."
Ephesians 6:12 also speaks of this hierarchy when it tells us, "For
we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities ,
against powers , against the rulers of the darkness of this world,
against spiritual wickedness in high places."
Mark 16:9, "Now when Jesus was risen early the first day of the
week, he appeared first to Mary Magdalene, out of whom he had
cast seven devils ."
Mark 5:9, "And he asked him, What is thy name? And he answered,
saying, My name is Legion (which meant between 6,000 and
7,000): for we are many."
The Bible doesn't give us a complete list of all the things demons
may do when they come out, not does it claim to, but it gives us
some great examples to get us started and give us an idea of what
we can expect. The Bible is somewhat like a storybook that shows
us hands-on what it's like to cast out demons, and we can learn a
lot from the stories told in the Bible. However, we can't expect to
duplicate a Bible story every time a person has a demon cast out
either. I personally manifested in a way that I don't think could be
found in the Bible when a demon was being cast out of me one
time, and I know of many other things that demons do as they
come out that I haven't found in the Bible. None the less, they
happen and cannot be denied, and the Bible never claims to be a
complete instruction manual that covers everything that demons
can do as they come out. The Bible is more like a story book, and
by the stories told in the Bible, we can learn much, but there's a lot
that goes on in the demonic realm that is not spoken of in the
All demons are the same: Some spirits are stronger and harder
to drive out, therefore Jesus said in Mark 9:29 that "This kind can
come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting." There's also
different spirits that cause different kinds of problems in a persons
life, some affecting the person physically (Luke 13:11), while
others mentally (Luke 8:27-36).
The purpose of this teaching is not to list all the ways by which we
can be defiled, but to give you a general idea of how defilement
can open a person up for demonic bondage.
Ecclesiastes 10:8, "He that diggeth a pit shall fall into it;
and whoso breaketh an hedge, a serpent shall bite him ." There is a
natural hedge of protection around God's people (Job 1:10), but if
there's a hole punched in that hedge, it is an open door to the
enemy and we can get bitten by serpents (evil spirits). Look at
what happened to Job when the hedge around him was removed!
Demons affected many things in his life, including his body... which
was covered with sores that were caused by demonic spirits!
The first thing that people try to tell me about this verse, is that
it's a physical snake and not a spiritual snake. This is as silly as
saying that the Bible is a gardening and home improvement book.
Here are some very good reasons to believe that this is a spiritual
- If you look at the first part of this verse, it tells us that if you dig
a pit, you'll fall into it (which in the physical realm is RARELY true).
The first part of Proverbs 26:27 also tells us this, "Whoso diggeth a
pit shall fall therein: and he that rolleth a stone, it will return upon
him." Not only does the second half of this verse in Proverbs make
no sense in the physical realm, but the contextual verses give a
100% spiritual context to what is being said. Verse 26 tells us,
"Whose hatred is covered by deceit, his wickedness shall be shewed
before the whole congregation." and verse 28 tells us, "A lying
tongue hateth those that are afflicted by it; and a flattering mouth
worketh ruin." There's no way you can tell me the context of this
verse isn't spiritual.
- Verse 11 doesn't tell us that the serpent 'may' bite us, it says
that it WILL bite us without enchantment: "Surely the serpent will
bite without enchantment." If it were a physical snake, then how
can the Bible make such a statement when it would be untrue 99%
of the time? For one thing, many times when people tear down old
walls, there are no snakes there at all!
The Greek and Hebrew both agree that the term defiled means to
be made unclean or polluted. If you cut your hand, and let it get
dirty (defiled), it would make you vulnerable to infection, wouldn't
it? In the spiritual realm, the same is true, except the germs are
spiritual (unclean spirits).
Defilement linked with giving Satan an advantage: 2
Corinthians 2:10-11 tells us, "To whom ye forgive any thing, I
forgive also: for if I forgave any thing, to whom I forgave it, for
your sakes forgave I it in the person of Christ; Lest Satan should
get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices." In
a nutshell, it's telling us that through unforgiveness, Satan (who
operates through demon spirits) is given an advantage over us .
Hebrews 12:14-15 tells us that many are defiled through
bitterness, which is the fruit of unforgiveness: Hebrews 12:14-15,
"Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man
shall see the Lord: Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace
of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and
thereby many be defiled;" Unforgiveness (which produces
bitterness) is known to both defile a man, and give Satan
advantage in our lives. Matthew 18:23-35 also tells us that if we
are unforgiving, we will be turned over into the hands of the
tormenters (demons).
Seeking others with occult power: We are told not to seek out
those with familiar spirits, or we can become defiled by them in
Leviticus 19:31, "Regard not them that have familiar spirits,
neither seek after wizards, to be defiled by them: I am the LORD
your God." Seeking demonic knowledge or power whether directly
or through somebody else (a medium, etc.) is grounds for
It's Biblical for land and property to become defiled just as people
can become defiled. Property, homes and land can be defiled
through the sins of it's inhabitants. Isaiah 24:5 tells us that, "The
earth (land) also is defiled under the inhabitants thereof; because
they have transgressed the laws, changed the ordinance, broken
the everlasting covenant." Leviticus 18:25 also tells us that land
can become defiled, "And the land is defiled: therefore I do visit
the iniquity thereof upon it, and the land itself vomiteth out her
inhabitants." Jeremiah 3:9 is an example of somebody defiling the
land through adultery, "And it came to pass through the lightness
of her whoredom, that she defiled the land, and committed adultery
with stones and with stocks."
The solution to defilement
Generational Curses
Have you ever seen a family where the father has a problem with
uncontrollable anger, his son seems to have been 'handed it', and
the grandpa had the same problem? Or have you noticed that not
only do you suffer from something such as persistent irrational
fears or depression, but your mother and her father also suffered
from it as well? There are many people today who are living under
bondage that the sins of their forefathers has brought them under.
Lamentations 5:7, "Our fathers have sinned, and are not; and we
have borne (been punished for) their iniquities."
This is beyond learned behavior; many children learn to be messy if
their parents are messy. This is a spiritual bondage that is passed
down from one generation to another. Some symptoms of a
generational curse is a continual negative pattern of something
being handed down from generation to generation. Often people
who are adopted end up with the same characteristics as their birth
parents, not because they were around their birth parents to learn
how they behaved, but because they inherited their spiritual
bondage. Some common symptoms of generational curses are
family illnesses that seem to just walk from one person down to the
next (cancer is a common physical manifestation of a spiritual
bondage), continual financial difficulties (they continually hit
roadblocks in their finances), mental problems, persistent irrational
fears and depression. Anything that seems to be a persistent
struggle or problem that was handed down from one generation to
another may very well be a generational curse.
I believe the reason God would punish the future generations with
the sins of their fathers, is because of God's bitter hatred for sin.
He would require somebody who practiced witchcraft to be put to
death (Exodus 22:18). He knows that one of the most prized
possessions you have, is your children, and therefore it makes sin a
lot harder to commit when you realize that you are not the only
one that is being punished for it, but also your own children are
going to pay the price for your foolishness. That's what I believe is
the reason behind generational curses. The whole human race fell
thanks to Adam's sin for that matter.
The good news is that once you accept Jesus, the transference of
bondage stops from your ancestors by means of generational
curses. You can no longer receive spiritual bondages in this manner
from your parents once you accept Jesus!
Christ was made a curse, so we can be freed from the curses that
sin (both our sins and those of our forefathers) has brought us.
Galatians 3:13, "Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the
law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every
one that hangeth on a tree:"
Once you become a child of God, no longer will the sins of your
forefathers cause curses to transfer into your life: Jeremiah 31:29-
30, "In those days they shall say no more, The fathers have eaten
a sour grape, and the children's teeth are set on edge. But every
one shall die for his own iniquity: every man that eateth the sour
grape, his teeth shall be set on edge."
Ezekiel 18:2-3 tells us, "What mean ye, that ye use this proverb
concerning the land of Israel, saying, The fathers have eaten sour
grapes, and the children's teeth are set on edge? As I live, saith
the Lord GOD, ye shall not have occasion any more to use this
proverb in Israel." (Note the keywords "in Israel"... this is referring
to those who are in covenant with God, which are us believers, not
the rest of the world.)
Let's say that you accept Jesus at age 15. Because you were born a
sinner and outside of God's covenant, you were still living under
the curses handed down to you and demons can enter you through
those curses. Once you've accepted Jesus, those curses are broken
automatically, but often the demons that entered in before you
accepted Jesus still need to be cast out. In other words, the curse
is already broken, and there's no need for you to break any
generational curses. But the demons who entered into you through
those curses before you accepted Jesus may still need to be cast
out. That's why it seems so many believers are living under
generational curses, when the Bible makes it clear that we have
been freed from any curses handed down from our forefathers!
My parents have almost perfect health well into their 60's, while it
seems the family tree has many health problems that have been
handed down from the forefathers. My parents seem almost
immune from the health problems in the family tree! Sure, they
take care of their bodies, but they also believe that they have been
freed from the curses handed down in the family tree, and since no
demons have entered them to take advantage of those old curses,
they were freed from the effects simply by standing on what Jesus
had done for them on the cross!
There's a neat story in Mark 9:17-27, where Jesus deals with what
is almost certainly a generational curse (verse 21). Notice that
Jesus didn't have the boy confess the sins or iniquities of his
ancestors, He cast out the demons that entered in through the
curse. That's how I believe we are to deal with the affects of a
generational curse; since the curse has been broken, all there is
left to do is just cast the demons out that entered into that
person's life back before they became a Christian (before the curse
was broken).
In the name of Jesus, and by the power of His blood, I now declare
that all generational curses have been renounced, broken and
severed, and that I am no longer under their bondage!
There are other things that can 'seem' like generational curses, but
aren't. Perhaps the most common is if there is an ungodly soul tie
formed between you and one of your ancestors, that can also allow
for the transferring of spirits. There is more to learn on this subject
in the teaching on Soul Ties .
I also believe that some people can live under what SEEMS like a
generational curse, simply because they believe it's still in affect!
We need to know that it is NO LONGER in affect, and we have been
FREED from any generational curses we used to live under! Jesus
makes it very clear that we can be held in bondage to sin through
ignorance (John 8:31-36), and I believe the same is true with
bondage to generational curses.
In a nutshell
How you deal with a spirit that has entered through a generational
curse is very simple: Mark 16:17, "And these signs shall follow
them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils..." Learn
of the Spiritual Authority that Jesus has given you over demon
spirits, and by faith, you can command those spirits to leave you in
Jesus' name! If you can't seem to get them out, try prayer and
fasting, as Jesus clearly stated, some demons won't come out
unless you have a higher level of faith that only prayer and fasting
can bring you into (Matthew 17:19-21). If you are facing heavier
bondages, it is recommended to seek deliverance through a man or
woman of God who is knowledgeable and working in the ministry of
deliverance. Before seeking out a deliverance through another
person or minister, I recommend reading the teaching on Seeking a
Deliverance .
Again, if a curse has landed on you and has been broken, it still
doesn't mean you are delivered from the spirits that entered in
through that curse. You may still need further deliverance to have
the spirits cast out that took advantage of the curses handed to
The Daughter of Abraham
This I believe is made clear by the way to which Jesus handled both
physical Jews and spiritual Jews. Jesus openly rebuked the
Pharisees (who were physical Jews) and made it clear that their
father was not Abraham. Then Jesus took somebody who was most
likely not a physical Jew at all (Zaccheus, who was an established
resident of Jericho with a high ranking governmental position), and
said very clearly that he was a child of Abraham because he
believed upon Jesus (Luke 19:9). Romans 2:28-29 also makes it
clear who a child of Abraham really is, "For you are not a true Jew
just because you were born of Jewish parents or because you have
gone through the Jewish ceremony of circumcision. No, a true Jew
is one whose heart is right with God. And true circumcision is not a
cutting of the body but a change of heart produced by God's Spirit.
Whoever has that kind of change seeks praise from God, not from
people." (NLT)
In John 8 verses 37 and 56 you'll find the ONLY two times where
Jesus did refer to mere physical Jews (the Pharisees) as seed or
children of Abraham, but in the same breath, He was making it
very clear that they were not true children of Abraham, only
physical Jews, which meant absolutely nothing to Jesus (John 8:39-
40)! Clearly, the one day Jesus did call them 'seed or children of
Abraham', it was a mere rebuke for being physical descendants of
Abraham and not true children of Abraham. Jesus made it very
clear that simply being a physical Jew was NOT enough to be called
a child of Abraham (John 8:39-40). Even John the Baptist made it
very clear that physical Jews are not necessarily children of
Abraham (Matthew 3:9 & Luke 3:8).
John 8:39, "They answered and said unto him, Abraham is our
father. Jesus saith unto them, If ye were Abraham's children, ye
would do the works of Abraham ." (Jesus was speaking to non-
believing physical Jews here when He said this.)
After Jesus said that, I would expect every person that Jesus
considered a child of Abraham to be doing the works of Abraham
(which was believing God - Romans 4:3)! Outside of John 8 (where
Jesus let them know that they were only physical Jews), Jesus
never even used the term "child of Abraham" without the person
being a full blown believer.
If she wasn't affected by a demon, then what was it? It says she
had a "spirit" of infirmity, and she was "bound by Satan". If this
doesn't indicate a demonic bondage, I don't know what does. Satan
himself is only one demon, and he can't be everywhere at once, so
he works through a network of demons to carry out his tasks.
Therefore if somebody is said to be bound by Satan, it's clear that
one of Satan's workers is involved. Therefore it is obvious that she
was in demonic bondage.
A challenge for the critics: As Luke 13:10 puts it, "There was a
woman which had a spirit (demon) of infirmity." And Luke 13:16
says, "Whom Satan hath bound, lo, these eighteen years, be loosed
from this bond on the sabbath day?" How can you say she didn't
have a demon when the Bible says it right before our eyes? You can
get some pretty desperate and silly arguments like this from folks
who try to twist God's Word to make it suit their fancy!
In a nutshell
I would also like to point out the atmosphere in which she was
delivered. This woman was a churchgoer, she was there in church
listening to Jesus teach on the Sabbath, but when He saw her, He
stopped what He was doing, and He called her up front where He
was teaching and as He laid His hands on her, she was set free and
made whole, right before the whole congregation! In a tone of
honor Jesus said that she was a daughter of Abraham. She was
much more then a mere physical Jew in Jesus' eyes... He
considered her worthy to be called a 'child of Abraham'!
You need to know that your sins are forgiven. If you have guilt
hanging over your head, then it will greatly hinder your ability to
stand up to the enemy with a clear conscience and stand up for
what is rightfully yours. Guilt is a door opener and keeper, and the
enemy often uses it as a base to launch all sorts of attacks against
God's children. You need to understand the nature of God, and how
freely Jesus wants to forgive you of ALL your sins. Luke 7:47 is one
of my favorite verses the Lord showed me one time when I needed
to learn this principal. It tells of how freely Jesus forgave a very
sinful woman from all her sins without hesitation! Another good
story on the forgiveness of our sins when we turn to God in
repentance is found in Luke 15. If you struggle with obsessive guilt
even after repenting of your sins and turning from them, then you
need to tear down one or more strongholds.
2. Find the open doors and break off any legal grounds
It's important to know what areas of your life are in bondage, and
an good idea of exactly what you are seeking to be set free from.
Make a list of the things you want to be freed from. Know exactly
what you want to be set free from. Then try to identify the 'open
door' that allowed the enemy to move into that area of your life.
When did it start? If you had it your entire life, and your parents or
grandparents struggled with the same or similar problem, then it
was likely generational. Often you can locate what opened up the
bondage, if you look back around the time in your life when it
started. It's always a good idea to become familiar with the various
ways the enemy can gain access into our lives. A good
understanding of Legal Rights and Strongholds is always helpful.
There is a Deliverance Questionnaire posted on this site to help
knowledgeable ministers identify areas of bondage in a person's
life. This can be helpful to even an unexperienced person who has a
general understanding of legal rights and strongholds.
If you can address the demons by name (lust, anger, suicide, hate,
fear, etc.) you will often find them submitting to your authority
easier because it makes it harder on them to write you off as if you
weren't talking to them. If somebody yelled "hey you!" in a crowd,
you probably wouldn't pay any attention to them, but if they yelled
out your name, you would be a lot quicker to respond. The same is
true with demons, if you address them by name, they are a lot
easier to get their attention. Notice how many times Jesus
addressed the demons by name, such as deaf and dumb spirits,
If I have a demon's name handy, I often like to use it. If not, I just
proceed without it.
Using your authority in Jesus, command the evil spirits (by name if
possible) to come out of you in Jesus' name! Don't be alarmed if
you find yourself throwing up all of a sudden, or coughing
uncontrollably, screaming, etc. It's a good sign, it usually means
they are on their way out! If you want to minimize manifestations,
you can forbid them to manifest in Jesus' name. I usually like them
to manifest, because it exposes them even more, and somehow
weakens their power and 'cocky attitude' when they are hauled out
in the open where you can recognize them.
You should feel a noticeable relief when the demon(s) have left.
However, they may just be hiding, and trying to trick you into
calling it a success, only to rear up their heads later on. Pray and
ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you if there are any demons
remaining that need to be cast out, or whether the deliverance was
successful. The long term effect after a deliverance is usually your
best indicator, but when there have been symptoms of the demon
(such as fear, anger, suicidal urges, etc.), then I would expect
those to be gone when the deliverance has been successful.
Mark 13:34, "For the Son of man is as a man taking a far journey,
who left his house, and gave authority to his servants , and to every
man his work, and commanded the porter to watch."
One thing that made it clear that Jesus was the son of God, is
because He exercised authority that nobody else had access to in
Authority to heal
Jesus said to, "Heal the sick"! Matthew 10:8, "Heal the sick,
cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have
received, freely give." I think it's interesting how Jesus didn't tell
us to pray and ask God to heal the sick, He told US to heal the
I have never seen where Jesus prayed, "Father, please heal this
person!" Instead, we see that Jesus healed people with His spoken
Word! In John 5:8, Jesus told the man to, "...Rise, take up thy bed,
and walk."
The early church healed people in this same manner. In Acts 3:6,
"...Peter said, Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give
I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk."
Notice in Luke 9:1 that He not only gave His disciples authority
over all devils, but also to cure diseases: "Then he called his twelve
disciples together, and gave them power and authority over all
devils, and to cure diseases."
I want to clarify that I'm not saying that prayer can't heal people...
because it can (James 5:14-15)... I'm just saying that we are
taught to heal the sick using the authority that Jesus gave us! I
have seen and heard of many healings that took place through
prayer, so I'm not saying not to pray, or that prayer doesn't work.
I'm simply saying that we have authority over sickness, and
therefore we can exercise our authority to bring about healing in
another person's life!
I also think it's interesting how Mark 16:17-18 tells us that healing
can come through the laying on of hands: "And these signs shall
follow them that believe... they shall lay hands on the sick, and
they shall recover." The laying on of hands can encourage the
transferring of power from us into the person and heal them, just
like the woman who felt power flow from Jesus when she touched
the hem of His garment (Mark 5:30)! Jesus said that those who
believe will have the Holy Ghost flowing out of their innermost
being (John 7:38-39), and even Peter's shadow healed people (Acts
Notice that we are never told to beg or coax the demons to come
out, neither are we told to pray and ask God to remove them, but
we ARE told to cast them out! Matthew 10:8, "Heal the sick,
cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have
received, freely give." And also look at Mark 16:17, "And these
signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out
Luke 9:1, "Then he called his twelve disciples together, and gave
them power and authority over all devils..."
Luke 10:17, "And the seventy returned again with joy, saying,
Lord, even the devils are subject unto us through thy name."
Mark 13:34, "For the Son of man is as a man taking a far journey,
who left his house, and gave authority to his servants, and to every
man his work, and commanded the porter to watch."
Notice that the authority Jesus gives His people is not to be used in
their name, but Jesus' name:
Luke 10:17, "And the seventy returned again with joy, saying,
Lord, even the devils are subject unto us through thy name."
Mark 16:17, "And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my
name shall they cast out devils..."
Acts 3:6, "...Peter said, Silver and gold have I none; but such as I
have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up
and walk."
Jesus gave His disciples authority to carry out His will here on
earth, but they weren't the only ones. He also gave ALL believers
authority to heal the sick and cast out devils as well! (Mark 16:17-
Mark 13:34, "For the Son of man is as a man taking a far journey,
who left his house, and gave authority to his servants, and to every
man his work, and commanded the porter to watch."
Deliverance Questionnaire
2. Was there any unusual things that took place (or you did) when
this bondage started?
5. What are all the things that have impacted your life? (Parent's
death, trauma, a certain situation that changed your life, anything
that 'changed' you.)
1. Have you been involved with extramarital sex? Are you attracted
to an ex-lover? Is he or she a good/godly influence for you?
3. Where you close to your parents while growing up? If not, why?
4. How would you explain your relationship with your parents? Was
it good, bad or very cold?
5. Have you ever been put down, belittled, or made fun of? If so,
by whom? Explain.
1. Is there anybody you feel edgy around? (Don't like them, feel
anything in your heart against them, etc.)
3. Has anybody wronged you that you haven't forgiven from your
heart (thoughts, feelings, emotions, etc.)?
6. Do you deeply regret things that you've done in your past? Could
you kick yourself over something you've done in your past? If so,
Part VII: Personality
6. Do you feel that you are always right and that if everybody did
everything your way, this world would be a better place to live?
1. Do you strive to feel accepted? If so, how does this affect your
lifestyle? By whom do you want to feel accepted?
5. Do you feel depressed? If so, why? When did it start? Did your
parents or grandparents struggle with depression? If so, then do
you know when it started and why? Do you have siblings who are
also struggling? Do you feel your depression is rational or
6. Do you struggle with fears? If so, what is it that you fear? (Fear
of heights, dying, being hopeless, failure, never marrying, etc.)
10. Do you feel any self-pity or feel sorry for yourself? Have you
ever felt this? If so, why?
11. Do you find it easy to hate people? If so, over what kinds of
things would a person have to do to make you hate them?
12. Do you have any irrational feelings? If so, what are they?
15. Are you very confused and forgetful? (Beyond the normal)
16. Are you aware of any emotional wounds that have affected
17. Have you ever been deeply embarrassed over something? What
was it?
Part IX: Who are you in Christ? And how do you see God?
4. Do you believe that it's only by the Blood of Jesus that your sins
are forgiven? Or do you feel you need to earn your forgiveness in
any way?
6. Do you feel like your sins are forgiven? Or do you feel guilty?
3. Have you ever made a vow out of anger? If so, what? For
example: "I'll never let anybody push me around again!" or "I'm
never going to be hurt again!"
4. Have you ever wished to die? Have you ever said it?
5. How do you feel about your sexuality? (Do you feel dirty about
it, or do you feel it's a wonderful blessing that God's given you?)
8. Have you ever woke up and felt a sexual presence with you?
There are demons that imitate male and female functions, and
stimulate their host (a person) sexually (beyond the normal 'wet
10. Do you struggle or have you struggled with any other sexual
related thoughts, desires, or bondages?
3. Have you ever had, or currently have any sort of obsession over
anything? If so, what?
1. Have you ever been involved with any false religions? If so, why,
when and how long? How do you feel about those beliefs now?
1. Have you ever shown interest in the occult? If so, in what ways?
(Read up on it, dabbled in it, etc.)
4. Have you ever made a vow with the devil? If so, what?
5. Married Satan?
16. Been baptized into a false religion or any other evil baptism? If
so, what were you baptized into? When?
18. Have you ever been involved with meditation, yoga, karate, or
related activities?
19. Were you or anybody in your family superstitious? If so, who?
21. If you have made any vows or oaths, what are they? Were
there any sacrifices or rituals that was accompanied with them?
22. Have you ever made a blood pact before? If so, with whom
(including persons, demons and Satan) and for what purpose?
25. Have you ever sought healing from a spiritual source other than
Jesus Christ? (New age healing, energy healing, etc.)
1. Are there any un-confessed sins that you have not repented of?
(Usually something you've done, that you know is wrong, but won't
admit to it. An abortion, stealing, etc. are some examples.)
1. Do you have any idols, occult rings, or anything that could hold
evil spiritual value in your home? If so, what? Any objects that hold
evil spiritual value must be destroyed.
3. Are you aware of any alters (other personalities) that you may
have? (If so, tell me about them)
1. Do you struggle with any habitual sins? If so, what? Do you want
to break those bad habits?
1. Have you ever said something along the lines of, "I will never
have children"?
1. Have you ever tried drugs? If so, how much, and how did it
affect you? Why did you try drugs?
6. What kind of music do you like? (Please list all styles of music
you currently enjoy, and give examples in each category you list,
such as some names of artists and songs)
10. Have you ever noticed time slipped right out from under you?
For example, you look at your watch and it's 7:00pm, then you look
again what seemed like 15 minutes later and it's 2:00am. This is a
sign of a trance.
11. Have you ever touched or kissed a dead body? If so, explain
whom and why and what happened afterwards.
12. Do you feel that you somehow have to earn your forgiveness?
Do you 'wonder' if your sins are truly forgiven -- all of them? Are
you aware of any signs of legalism or religious spirits operating in
your mind?
What is a stronghold?
The first one, where you see God incorrectly: One of the most
popular and devastating strongholds to have, is an incorrect image
in your mind of who God is, and how He sees us. People who see
God as a taskmaster, live their lives with an unhealthy fear of God.
There's a good kind of fear of God, which is more like a holy
respect for Him, but there's another kind of fear that is very
unhealthy that the enemy wants us to have, and it's the kind of
fear where we see God as a taskmaster, cruel, cold, distant,
uncaring and would snap the whip at us the moment we step out of
line. People who are afraid they've committed the unpardonable sin
are almost guaranteed to have this stronghold. People who find it
hard to feel God's love and presence, often have this stronghold
too. If you feel God is distant and cold, or question if God loves
you, then you need to get this stronghold torn down.
One awesome book that will help you break down this stronghold is
Blessed Beyond Measure by Gloria Copeland. It talks about the
goodness of God, and it's impossible to read that book and be the
same person when your done seeing the love and goodness that
God wants to bless us with!
One of the best books I've seen for tearing down this stronghold is
Victory over Darkness by Neil T. Anderson. It will teach you of the
new person you are now in Christ Jesus, and help you be victorious
over the darkness through an understanding of your identity in
2 Corinthians 10:4, "For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal,
but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds ."
Strongholds are birthed and dwell in deception (which are lies and
false beliefs), so naturally the cure is to bring the truth in God's
Word on the scene. You debunk the lies of the enemy, with the
truth, which is in the Word of God! The Bible says that our weapons
are mighty for the tearing down of strongholds (2 Cor 10:4, "For
the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God
to the pulling down of strong holds."). What is our primary
offensive weapon? The sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of
God (Eph 6:17, "...the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of
God."). Truth dispels deception and lies, and therefore the more
truth you bring into a situation, the more the darkness must flee.
This is where it's important to grow in God's Word, is because it is
your primary weapon for tearing down the strongholds of deception
that the enemy has been feeding you.
A great list of Bible verses you can meditate on, which will help you
tear down strongholds in your life can be found on the anti-
stronghold Bible verses
Seeking a Deliverance
Finding a qualified minister
Deliverance questionnaires
My own deliverance
Even if you go through and break off all the legal grounds and tear
down all the strongholds you can find, this does not mean you can
hide those things from your minister when seeking a deliverance. It
is still important that you communicate all the things you find with
your minister. If he can see how you got into bondage and what
doors were opened, he will be in a much better position to help you
get out of it. If he knows what doors were opened, he will often be
able to tell you what spirits would take advantage of those doors,
and therefore he knows which ones to go after and cast out.
If you are educated yourself in this ministry, you will know what is
going on, and be on guard for those few ministers who don't
minister correctly, and would normally cause more harm then good.
I am very confident that if you have a handle on things ahead of
time, it will change the whole atmosphere and make you as calm as
a cucumber when being ministered to, and put you in a position
where you could encounter a would-be confusing situation, and
come out laughing and taking things with a grain of salt. So my
advice is to get educated! Read those books I mentioned earlier! :)
More then one demon: It is not very common that a person only
needs deliverance from just one demon. There's often a nest of
them working together, such as murder, suicide and hate all in the
same package. It is not uncommon for the minister to deal with
one, and another one surfaces. The minister should continue
casting out the spirits until the whole nest is cleaned out.
Don't be foolish and re-open the doors to the enemy that landed
you in bondage in the first place. If you got burned by watching
demonic films such as the Exorcist, then use common sense and
don't go back and begin watching those sort of films again. If you
got burned by reading ghost stories, then please, don't read them
anymore! Use your head! :)
1 John 1:9 tells us to confess our sins. If we don't confess our sins
and instead we hide them from God, it leaves that sin remaining in
our lives. We need to confess our sins in order to be forgiven.
Soul ties: It is possible for two persons to share spiritual ties (like
spiritual bridges that connect the two persons). Some of the most
popular and destructive soul ties are formed during an adultery or
fornication. 1 Corinthians 6:16 warns us not to have sexual
relations with a prostitute because we become one flesh (flesh as in
soul realm kind of flesh, not a physical flesh) with that person. This
ungodly soul tie is like a rope between two persons that demons
can use to their advantage to cross from one person to another. If
that person had demons tormenting them, and you had sex with
them, it unites the two persons, and therefore a soul tie is created,
and the demons tormenting that person can also have rights to
torment you. This does not apply to married couples, because there
is no unhealthy soul tie created from sex within marriage. The Bible
says that the marriage bed is un-defiled, and defilement is required
to create an evil soul tie.
There can also be soul ties between yourself and another person,
without any sexual relationship involved. Sexual relationships are
one of the best way to create a very strong soul tie, but it's not the
only way. Other soul ties can be created through unhealthy
relationships, such as being so close to a parent that you take their
advice over God's advice. Again, repentance and the breaking of
the soul ties in Jesus' name is the way to go about solving this
Another thing that could hold back the breaking of a soul tie, is a
physical object given to you from the other person, through a sinful
relationship. If you were given a ring, or bra or a love gift through
an adulterous relationship, for example, then those gift(s) can hold
the soul tie together. If the gift is valuable, and not necessarily bad
in itself, then it's best to sell the gift. If the gift is demonic or
unholy, then it's best to throw away the gift.
The remedy? But if we have made vows that do not glorify God,
then we should repent and renounce those vows verbally and seek
God's forgiveness. Do this verbally, because vows are made
verbally, breaking them is also done verbally.
The remedy? The legal grounds have already been broken! If any
spirits are remaining, they must be cast out. For more information,
see the teaching on Generational Curses .
The remedy? Take back what you spoke against yourself, renounce
it! Repent for speaking such thing(s), and break the curse(s) in
Jesus' name!
The remedy? Burn, destroy or get rid of any physical objects that
you have located that could be cursed. Isaiah 2:18, "And the idols
he shall utterly abolish." It is Biblical to burn cursed objects.
Repent for bringing such objects into your home if you are
responsible for them! Land can be cleansed by prayer and
repenting of the sins of the previous owners.
The Bible speaks of what is today known as soul ties. In the Bible,
it doesn't use the word soul tie, but it speaks of them when it talks
about souls being knit together, becoming one flesh, etc. A soul tie
can serve many functions, but in it's simplest form, it ties two souls
together in the spiritual realm. Soul ties between married couples
draw them together like magnets, while soul ties between
fornicators can draw a beaten and abused woman to the man which
in the natural realm she would hate and run from, but instead she
runs to him even though he doesn't love her, and treats her like
dirt. In the demonic world, unholy soul ties can serve as bridges
between two people to pass demonic garbage through. I helped a
young man not too long ago break free from downright awful
visitations from demons, all due to an ungodly soul tie he had with
a witch. The man was a Christian, and the only thing that allowed
her to send demonic torment his way, is through the soul tie. Other
soul ties can do things such as allow one person to manipulate and
control another person, and the other person is unaware to what is
going on or knows what is going on, but for no real reason, allows
it to continue.
I believe there are other ways which soul ties are formed, but here
are some that I am aware of.
I have heard too that you can create a soul tie with a rock group by
becoming obsessed with their music. Which explains the strong pull
towards certain music that seems almost irresistible.
6. Break the soul tie in Jesus' name! Do this verbally using your
authority in Jesus. Example, "I now break and sever any ungodly
soul ties formed between myself and _________ as a result of
______________ (fornication, etc.) in Jesus' name."
Deliverance FAQ
Jesus sent fourth 70 disciples to preach the gospel and cast out
demons, and they returned full of joy as they could see that this
was a very real and important ministry. Now for Jesus to send out
70 men and they come back with praise reports of deliverances...
that tells us that even though they were on foot, there were plenty
of people in their area that needed deliverance! Luke 10:17, "And
the seventy returned again with joy, saying, Lord, even the devils
are subject unto us through thy name."
Aren't all demons the same? Absolutely not; they all have their
own personalities, just like people do. There are different demons
that serve different functions, such as some people are doctors
while others are lawyers, etc. Some demons cause loss of hearing
and loss of eyesight (Mark 9:25), while others cause infirmities,
and others cause fear and depression (1 Samuel 16:14, "Now the
Spirit of the LORD had left Saul, and the LORD sent a tormenting
spirit that filled him with depression and fear." -NLT).
Do demons have names? Yes they do, just like God's holy angels
have names (Luke 1:19, Judges 1:9). Often, the name of a demon
will give you a clue as to what it does, the function it preforms, or
the role it plays. Some of the demons in the Bible are known as
deaf, dumb, infirmity, etc. (Mark 9:25, Luke 13:11).
Can demons return to the person whom they left? Yes, but
this is mostly a concern for non-believers who have undergone a
deliverance, and haven't accepted Jesus yet. Jesus warns the
'wicked generation' (sinners) that the demon can return with 7
even worse demons. If you are a believer though, and your
deliverance has been complete (all the demons kicked out and legal
rights have been broken), then this isn't a concern to you.
However, if you go back and re-open the door(s) that let the
demon in, you are re-welcoming him back in. But if we don't go
back and re-punch that hole in our hedge again, we don't have
have to go around worrying about it returning.
Does having a demon mean that the person has lost their
salvation until they are delivered? John 3:16 tells us the bases
of our salvation, NOT whether or not we have a demon! The
daughter of Abraham who was freed from a spirit of infirmity was
an example of a believer who had a demon. Jesus never positively
referred to somebody as a child of Abraham unless they were
actual believers, and He slammed the Pharisees for considering
themselves children of Abraham, because they didn't share in the
faith of Abraham, and made it clear that they were not really
children of Abraham. Therefore, if Jesus takes joy in considering
somebody a child of Abraham, it's a honor and means that they are
a true believer.
How can a demon dwell within a believer who has the Holy
Spirit?Many believe that anybody who has the Holy Spirit is
immune from demonic bondage. This theology usually stems from a
faulty belief that the soul (mind) and the spirit are the same things.
The moment we are born again, our spirits are reborn and the Holy
Spirit is united with our spirit. The soul (mind) of a man is not
instantly reborn as the spirit is, but rather we are told to be
transformed by the renewing of our minds, which doesn't happen
instantly. Our souls is where the dirt lies, and where the demons
dwell, not our spirits. Therefore, there is no reason left to believe
that a Christian is immune from demonic bondage, because their
souls are usually on the dirty side until they are renewed over time.
If the soul and the spirit were the same things, you would instantly
be a perfect person, never to sin again, once you are born again.
There would be no 'evil' left in you, no desires to do wrong, and
you would hate it bitterly because you would be perfect in your
mind/soul and united with God, therefore there would be no room
to sin. In John 8:31-34, Jesus tells us that even though they were
believers, they were held slaves to sin because they were ignorant
of the truth; this proves that Christians can be in bondage to
darkness. If a demon can affect our minds (souls), they can do an
awfully lot of damage. Look at what mental illness can do to people
through affecting the mind! They can cause the person to have
unspeakable desires, thoughts, emotions, and do unthinkable
Matthew 22:37-40, "Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord
thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy
mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is
like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two
commandments hang all the law and the prophets."
God sent His Son Jesus to die for our sins, so that we may be
reconciled to Him, without spot or blemish. He asks that we give
others the same forgiveness that paid for us. He tells a parable in
Matthew 18:23-35 that says the same thing:
"Therefore is the kingdom of heaven likened unto a certain king,
which would take account of his servants. And when he had begun
to reckon, one was brought unto him, which owed him ten
thousand talents. But forasmuch as he had not to pay, his lord
commanded him to be sold, and his wife, and children, and all that
he had, and payment to be made. The servant therefore fell down,
and worshipped him, saying, Lord, have patience with me, and I
will pay thee all. Then the lord of that servant was moved with
compassion, and loosed him, and forgave him the debt. But the
same servant went out, and found one of his fellowservants, which
owed him an hundred pence: and he laid hands on him, and took
[him] by the throat, saying, Pay me that thou owest. And his
fellowservant fell down at his feet, and besought him, saying, Have
patience with me, and I will pay thee all. And he would not: but
went and cast him into prison, till he should pay the debt. So when
his fellowservants saw what was done, they were very sorry, and
came and told unto their lord all that was done. Then his lord, after
that he had called him, said unto him, O thou wicked servant, I
forgave thee all that debt, because thou desiredst me: Shouldest
not thou also have had compassion on thy fellowservant, even as I
had pity on thee? And his lord was wroth, and delivered him to the
tormentors, till he should pay all that was due unto him. So
likewise shall my heavenly Father do also unto you, if ye from your
hearts forgive not every one his brother their trespasses."
Mark 11:24, 25, "Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye
desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall
have them. And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have ought
(something) against any: that your Father also which is in heaven
may forgive you your trespasses."
Matthew 7:7, 12, "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall
find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you... Therefore all things
whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to
1 John 3:14, "We know that we have passed from death unto life,
because we love the brethren. He that loveth not his brother
abideth in death."
Matthew 8:16-17, "When the even was come, they brought unto
him many that were possessed with devils: and he cast out the
spirits with his word , and healed all that were sick: That it might be
fulfilled which was spoken by Esaias the prophet, saying, Himself
took our infirmities , and bare our sicknesses."
First get the person saved, THEN cast out their demons. This way
the legal rights can be removed, which is essential to prevent the
demon(s) from returning!
I also think it is neat how Jesus would often tell the people, "Your
sins are forgiven" when He healed them. This meant that their
sickness or disease was due to sins they have committed, which
means they were under a curse according to the Bible. Jesus didn't
just heal them, He made sure that the legal right for that curse was
broken before he healed them, so that they were able to keep their
healing. This is something that Jesus could do, that we cannot do,
because He had the power to forgive people's sins, while we don't
have that ability. What we are commissioned to do is lead the
person to accept and believe upon Jesus, which allows them to
have their sins forgiven.
Children's bread
I also find it interesting that many times Jesus cast out demons, it
was done for the people in the synagogues. Mark 1:39, "And he
preached in their synagogues throughout all Galilee, and cast out
Not enough faith - Jesus said that some demons only come out
after prayer and fasting, which builds your faith to the higher levels
required to cast out some of the stronger demons.
Mark 9:29, "And he said unto them, This kind can come forth by
nothing, but by prayer and fasting."
Important steps were not taken - there are some steps that can
make a day and night difference in a deliverance session, such as
getting ahold of the demons names and commanding them by
name. If you simply command all the demons present to leave, you
will likely be ignored; it's like somebody trying to get your
attention in a crowd by yelling "Hey you!" Many times when Jesus
cast out demons, He referred to them by name, and He got their
attention in quick order. Not every deliverance session requires you
to refer to the demons by name, but it sure helps when you are
able to get ahold of their names, either through the person your
ministering to (if they accepted a spirit guide by the name of
Daemon, then they would obviously know the name of one or more
spirits that are in them), another way to get the name is by the
symptoms they are causing, for example, extreme guilt feelings are
often caused by a spirit by the name of guilt, and other ways to get
their names are by a word of knowledge from the Holy Spirit, or
from the demons themselves (if they manifest, ask them for their
Romans 10:9-11, "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the
Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised
him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man
believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is
made unto salvation. For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth
on him shall not be ashamed."
Demon Possession
Greek scholars will tell you that this was an error (or at least a
misleading impression) in the modern translations of the Bible,
including the KJV. It gives the wrong impression simply because
today's meaning to the word possessed is much different then it
was back then.
It's also interesting that the Spanish Bible does not use a term that
refers to ownership, like our English Bibles do. Our English Bibles
have been flawed because the meaning of the word possessed has
changed, but our Bibles have not been updated to reflect this
The Bible refers to several cases of people who had demons, and
uses the word possessed, but it does not say that the person was
under total control of the demon. Actually, some passages are
obvious that the person was NOT under complete control of the
demon. Like the times when deaf and dumb spirits were cast out of
the man. All they did was cause the person to be blind or not be
able to speak... scripture does not say that they did anything else
to the man. This alone proves that the word possessed in the NT
does NOT refer to ownership!
Matthew 9:25, "When Jesus saw that the people came running
together, he rebuked the foul spirit, saying unto him, Thou dumb
and deaf spirit , I charge thee, come out of him, and enter no more
into him."
Luke 13:11, "And, behold, there was a woman which had a spirit of
infirmity eighteen years, and was bowed together, and could in no
wise lift up herself."
Luke 8:27, "And when he went forth to land, there met him out of
the city a certain man, which had devils long time, and ware no
clothes, neither abode in any house, but in the tombs ." What kind
of a person in their right mind would go running around in the
tombs naked?
Before I begin I want to make a point very clear, this is only a brief
look into the basics of how these three bondages work and how to
be freed from them. I highly recommend further reading in some of
the books I have recommended at the end of each section.
Especially before attempting the stage three of deliverance!
Deliverances can be scary, and dangerous if you go into one
without knowing what you are doing, or having God's hand guiding
you, and therefore I highly recommend reading at least a couple
good solid books on deliverance before attempting to cast out
demons, unless you know the Holy Spirit is leading you through the
whole process.
The primary weapon of the devil to put a person into stage one
bondage is deception. It is extremely common and there isn't a
person alive who hasn't been deceived in one way or another. If
you keep in God's Word, which you use to pull down strong holds,
Jesus said that you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you
free. Stage one bondages are caused by deception and lies from
the devil, so the way to combat them is with the truth, which is
found in God's Word. God also says that, "My people are destroyed
by lack of knowledge." Ignorance is a nasty disease that we need
to defeat!
Your picture of God: If you see God has a taskmaster, you will
act like He's one, and you will hurt the intimacy that God wants to
have with you. You will put up a wall between yourself and God
when you don't see Him as a loving God. Is there one person in
your life that you know loves you to pieces? Maybe it's your
spouse, parent, friend or even your pet. You can feel that person's
love, and have a very special relationship with that person (or pet).
Now think if you saw that person as a cruel taskmaster with a cold
personality? Even though it's not true, it would kill your
relationship, wouldn't it? Think how God feels when you see Him as
a cold and cruel taskmaster? It kills the relationship that He gave
His son so that you could have with Him! Why did He give His son?
So that we could be reconciled with Him, like it was before Adam
sinned! Our relationship with God means so much to Him, that He
gave His son so it could be restored!
Your sins are forgiven: If you aren't sure your sins are forgiven,
you will be experiencing guilt, and a feeling of unworthiness to live
in victory. The enemy moves right in on this weakness and fault in
your belief system, and uses it against you. Guilt gives the enemy
room to move in and make you feel worthless, and therefore he
keeps you fighting from a defeated position. You must know that
your sins are forgiven so the enemy won't hang guilt over your
head! Look at Luke 7:47, where Jesus forgave that woman who
lived a very sinful life, with no strings attached! Also look at other
stories where Jesus said "Your sins are forgiven" with no strings
attached. And Paul is another great example of how he was moved
from a sinful lifestyle right into the kingdom of God without any
strings or conditions attached!
Some other good books to read are on spiritual warfare and include
Basic Training by Kim Freeman, Spiritual Warfare Derek Prince,
Battlefield of the Mind Joyce Meyer, The Beginners Guide to
Spiritual Warfare Nail T. Anderson & Timothy M. Warner
Another point is that the Holy Spirit covers the earth (Jeremiah
23:24), so if the Holy Spirit covers the earth, then how can
darkness (demons and sin) freely roam this earth if the Holy Spirit
is covering it? And if Satan will not approach the presence of God,
then how come did Satan tempt Jesus in the desert? And visit
heaven to talk with God concerning Job?
The soul versus the spirit: The spirit of a man is where the Holy
Ghost dwells, but the soul or mind of a man is where dirt can still
remain long after he or she accepts Christ. We are told to be
transformed by the renewing of our minds (souls) through the
Word of God. Our spirits are instantly made new the moment we
are saved, but our souls can take time to renew and 'clean up'.
Demons can invade the soul and body of a believer (if given the
'rights' of course), but not the spirit (the real you), because the
spirit belongs to the Lord. The soul is where your thoughts,
emotions, and thinking is done. Demons can cause fear,
depression, lust, uncontrollable anger, and other iniquities in the
soul, and sickness and diseases in the body.
Ecclesiastes 10:8, "He that diggeth a pit shall fall into it;
and whoso breaketh an hedge, a serpent shall bite him ." There is a
hedge of protection around God's people, but if there's a hole in
that hedge, it can open the door to the enemy and we can get
Either way, the open door (if any) needs to be shut, and the
demons cast out. Just because the enemy may not have legal
rights, doesn't mean he always leaves immediately. Even though
Jesus paid the price for our iniquities (Isaiah 53:5), doesn't mean
the demons won't want to hang around until they are actually
kicked out. If demons left automatically when their rights were
removed, then there would be no need to cast them out.
Sometimes though, they do leave without being told, but that's not
always the case. In Matthew 8:16-17, it tells us how Jesus fulfilled
the prophecy of Him taking on our iniquities/infirmities... it was by
the actual casting out of demons.
There are many verses in the NT where it talks about being defiled.
What does it mean to be defiled? It means to become unclean, to
become polluted or dirty. To become unclean means that the object
must first be clean, or you couldn't make it dirty. You could make it
more dirty, but you could not make it dirty because it was already
dirty. To be defiled means to take something that was clean, and
make it dirty. This is why Christians need to heed the warnings that
Jesus gave, not to do those things which can defile a man. It can
take a clean Christian and make him unclean, therefore vulnerable
to spiritual infections (demonic influence).
Some demons CANNOT get shed (or cast out) without prayer
and fasting
Mark 9:29, "And he said unto them, This kind can come forth by
NOTHING , but by prayer and fasting."
If Jesus said that prayer and fasting is required, believe me, it ain't
coming out with a quick nudge, much less when a person simply
accepts Jesus!
Jesus was saying that it requires a lot of faith to cast these demons
out... how you get such faith is through prayer and fasting... if His
disciples didn't have enough faith to cast it out, what makes us
think the average believer has enough faith (without prayer and
fasting) to cast it out??
Matthew 8:16-17, "When the even was come, they brought unto
him many that were possessed with devils: and he cast out the
spirits with his word , and healed all that were sick: That it might be
fulfilled which was spoken by Esaias the prophet, saying, Himself
took our infirmities , and bare our sicknesses."
There are some people who recognize the reality of the demonic
realm, and see the need for the casting out of demons, but they
don't believe that Christians can have demons. They believe that
only unbelievers need demons cast out. This sounds tickling to the
ears, but doesn't hold up in reality. Some very simple logic will
dissolve this false belief.
Look at what Jesus called the man who became a believer in Luke
19:9, "And Jesus said unto him, This day is salvation come to this
house, forsomuch as he also is a son of Abraham ." To have Jesus
call somebody a child of Abraham was quite an honor! It meant
that the person was a child of Abraham by faith, which means they
were a believer.
Also look at Romans 2:28-29, "For you are not a true Jew just
because you were born of Jewish parents or because you have gone
through the Jewish ceremony of circumcision. No, a true Jew is one
whose heart is right with God. And true circumcision is not a
cutting of the body but a change of heart produced by God's Spirit.
Whoever has that kind of change seeks praise from God, not from
people." (NLT)
Jesus said that the children of Abraham do what Abraham did (John
8:39). What did Abraham do? Galatians 3:6, "...Abraham believed
God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness." To believe
God means to believe in Jesus as well, because the two cannot be
separated! If you reject the Son, you also reject the Father (1 John
2:22-23). Jesus made it clear that the true children of Abraham are
full blown believers!
A few things I would like to point out, first, she was in the church
hearing Jesus' teachings just moments before He loosed her. When
He called her a daughter of Abraham, He made it clear that she was
a very special person. He rebuked the Pharisees for calling
themselves children of Abraham, but He honored this woman for it.
In His opinion, she was a true daughter of Abraham, which meant
she shared in Abraham's faith. She was a believer.
(c) You cannot believe on the Father and reject the Son; it is
impossible. (1 John 2:22-23)
(d) Jesus said that this woman was truly a child of Abraham. (Luke
(a) The woman was suffering from a curse (plague) that was
affecting her physically. (Mark 5:29)
(b) She believed that if she came in contact with Jesus, she could
be released from her curse. (Mark 5:27, 28) She was a believer in
Jesus even before she was delivered.
(c) She was released from her curse because of her faith. (Mark
(d) Jesus referred to her as a daughter, therefore making it clear
that they were related. (Mark 5:34) This also proves that she didn't
just believe Jesus could heal/deliver her, but she was also believing
upon Him, and it made her a member of Jesus' royal family.
(f) Jesus made it clear that the true members of His family were
those who do the will of God. (Mark 3:33-35)
She did NOT just believe Jesus was a magical man with healing
powers, or Jesus wouldn't have called her a DAUGHTER. She
believed that He was the Son of God, which is what is required to
be a member of God's family!!
How are you so sure that the word plague means a curse? If
you look it up in the Greek, it lists three meanings, the first two
use the word scourge, which means punishment (obviously more
then merely a physical problem), the last one directly says
misfortune or calamity, especially as a punishment. If you want to
see for yourself, please click here .
I find it interesting that many times Jesus cast out demons, He did
it for the people in the synagogues. Mark 1:39, "And he preached
in their synagogues throughout all Galilee, and cast out devils." It's
also interesting to note that Jesus didn't go 'looking' for people to
cast demons out of, He waited until they came to Him, and many (if
not all) of them referred to Him as Lord. This gives us a good
indication that they were believers. Also, those who were in the
synagogues were either hypocrites or sincere children of God.
Where did Jesus EVER cast a demon out of a hypocrite like the
Pharisees? Jesus said Himself that deliverance was children's bread,
and therefore not fit to cast before dogs!
As you can see, if deliverance isn't for the unbelievers, then who is
it for? The believers! I can honestly testify from experience that
Christians can come under demonic bondage and be tormented by
demons. The reason the devil doesn't want people to think
Christians can be in bondage, is because he wants his work to go
un-exposed. This ministry is one of the most hated ministries by
the devil, because it is directly stepping on his toes and ripping up
his holds in the lives of God's children around the world.
I know God never 'makes' us sin. That leaves two things that do
the sinning: the flesh (us and our sinful nature), a demon(s)
hanging out in that person, or a combination of both. Let me
My dad said that there's two men on your shoulders, and whichever
one you listen to will crowd the other one out. If you live a careless
life, and make a habit of sinning, you could open yourself up to
iniquities and therefore you give the enemy room to tempt you
from the inside, therefore the temptations can be much stronger
and more irresistible... perhaps to the point where you can barely
say no!
"Legal rights"
There are a set of 'rules' that apply in the spiritual realm. When we
violate these rules, it opens us up to the enemy. The Old
Testament is a great place to learn about these rules. For example,
if a man sleeps with his brother's wife, this can bring a curse upon
them of childlessness (Lev 20:21). Getting involved with the occult
is a big door opener, and so are sexual sins. Sometimes our
ancestors don't help matters any (Exodus 20:5). Some other
common doors include being bitter and unforgiving (Matthew
18:23-35), un-confessed sins, and holding onto cursed objects
(such an occult rings or idols).
Jesus shed His blood to set us free from the "curse of the law."
Therefore, if we have picked up any curses (from our actions, our
family bloodline, etc.), we can be freed from them! It is important
to understand that Jesus has paid the price for our complete
(spiritual, physical, mental, emotional, etc.) freedom! If you don't
believe it, it's hard to claim it.
To put it in a nutshell:
It's important to know our 'rights' (what Jesus did for us, our
authority, etc.). It is also important to know who we are in Christ.
One of the most important steps in a deliverance, is to figure out
what opened the door to the enemy (legal rights), and close those
doors. Then it's a matter of using our authority to cast out the evil
spirits out.
Deliverance in a Nutshell
Demons can gain access to a person's life through doors, vows and
other spiritual signatures that give them legal rights to invade our
lives. Even believers can have demons, because demons most often
invade the soul, while the spirit of the person is God's property.
Soul ties
When we don't forgive others, God won't forgive us. When God
doesn't forgive us, it leaves our sins remaining, which can give the
enemy legal rights into our lives. Read Matthew 18:23-35, and
keep in mind that the tormentors they are referring to, are
demons. The legal ground the enemy may be standing on to
torment you may very well be rooted in unforgiveness! I've heard
that the single most common reason that people aren't healed, is
because they are holding unforgiveness in their hearts, and I
believe it! Forgiveness is not an option; it's a necessity! See my
sermon on Unforgiveness: Spiritual Poison for a more in depth
understanding of how unforgiveness works.
Ancestral sins
When you involve yourself in the deeper sins or the occult world,
you not only open demonic doors in your own life, but also in the
lives of your children and grandchildren (Exodus 20:5). If your
ancestors have committed gross sins or been involved in the occult,
then you need to confess those sins (to the best of your ability...
God knows your heart) to God, and ask Him for forgiveness
(Leviticus 26:40-42). Even though you personally aren't guilty of
those sins, they may have caused curses in your life, and those
curses need to be broken.
Childhood rejection
Points of weakness
When the person experiences weakness, such as emotional shock,
physical trauma, fearful experiences during childhood, and other
areas to which the natural walls of defense in the physical, spiritual
or emotional system of a person are weakened.
Spoken self-curses
The words we say have spiritual value, the Bible says to bless and
not curse, and that the tongue has the power of life and death. If
you walk around saying, "I wish I could just die," a demon may
hear you and can go to God and say, "Look, she wants to die!" and
here comes a spirit of death. There is a book titled, "Blessing or
Curse: You can choose, " by Derek Prince, which deals with this
topic of curses in much detail.
If you try to cast a demon out without first closing the doors that
he used to gain access, then he probably won't leave, and your
chances of encountering a manifestation increase. It is wise to first
remove the rights that the enemy has, then cast him out!
If you haven't already received Jesus as your savior, you must do
so before you are entitled to the freedom that Jesus died to give
you. See the sermon Why we need Jesus for more information on
obtaining salvation. We need to take our sins to the Lord and
obtain forgiveness. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to
forgive us our sins (1 John 1:9).
Forgive others!
It is 100% vital that we forgive those who have wronged us. This
allows God to forgive us (Matthew 6:14). If we hold unforgiveness
in our hearts, it blocks us from receiving God's forgiveness toward
us (Matthew 6:15). Unforgiveness is a major cause of demonic
bondage, and one of the common reasons a demon may refuse to
leave and have legal rights to stay.
When you think of somebody, how do you view him or her? Do you
see their wrongs, and immediately remember the ways they hurt
you? Or do you look upon them with love and compassion, and see
them as another person whom Christ died for? Remember, Jesus
commanded us to love one another as He has loved us (John
15:12), and if we don't love one another, then we abide in death (1
John 3:14). In 1 John 3:15 it says, "Whosoever hateth his brother
is a murderer: and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life
abiding in him." If you hold unforgiveness and hate within your
heart against one another, then your sins aren't forgiven (Matthew
6:15), and you don't have eternal life! He that doesn't love one
another doesn't even know God (1 John 4:8). You can't love God
and hate thy brother (1 John 4:20).
Closing the door is often done through renouncing whatever opened
the door and maybe the demon(s) that have entered through the
door being opened. For example, if there was a door opened
through dabbling with horoscopes, then you could renounce your
interest and reading those horoscopes, and if the 'spirit of poverty'
came upon you because of what you did, then you might renounce
the spirit of poverty. Unhealthy soul ties also need to be
Often there are items that can give the enemy legal rights to
torment us. These items are things such as rings, gifts between two
persons who were involved in a sin together (adultery, fornication,
etc.), idols, false gods or anything related to the occult. Those
items that are causing spiritual bondage must be destroyed! If the
item is valuable and is not evil in itself, say a ring that was given
as a love gift from one person to another while committing
adultery, then the item may be sold. This breaks the legal grounds
that the enemy is using through those items, to torment us.
(4) Expel!
This is done when we take authority over the enemy, and break the
curses and/or demonic vows we've made with him. Any vows or
dabbling with the enemy needs to be renounced and the power of
those vows needs to be broken in Jesus' name. When all the doors
have been closed on the enemy, it's time to command the evil
spirits to leave in the name of Jesus. Sometimes, it is helpful to
command the spirits to name themselves, and then you can
command them to leave by their names (fear, hate, murder, etc.).
Much of the time, those who practice this will use a piece of wood,
while others will use coat hanger wires. They claim that only
certain people have the 'ability' to do it. If there was a scientific
reason, then anybody could do it! Some can only use wire, while
others can use wood but not metal, others can even use specific
kinds of wood and not others! One man may be able to use cherry
wood while another oak, but they couldn't swap sticks and still do
Don't be deceived, it's occult power behind this practice, just like a
Ouija board. Even though the Bible doesn't specifically speak of an
Ouija board, doesn't mean it's a harmless toy. It's still occult, and
the Bible makes it clear we are to have nothing to do with the
Matthew 24:24, "For there shall arise false Christs, and false
prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders ; insomuch that,
if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect ."
Don't be fooled, Satan has given great fame and wealth to those
who have sold their soul out to him. Money seems practical, right?
Not when it costs you your soul.
The Bible warns us that we don't even have to be the one doing the
work... all we have to do is seek those with occult power and we
become defiled ourselves:
I had at least one person in my family tree who had occult power
(which was obvious in other areas of their life) and they had no
problem whipping out a stick and making it move above a vein of
I've even heard of somebody who used to have the ability to water
witch, but after he came to Christ, the spirit left him and he was no
longer able to do it. Even though it doesn't always work like that
(the auto-shedding of evil spirits), it is quite possible for people to
'shed' spirits when they come to Jesus like that. Obviously, this
man lost the demonic spirit that was giving him the ability to watch