Project-Proposal-Template Not Complete
Project-Proposal-Template Not Complete
Project-Proposal-Template Not Complete
- All instructions/ guidelines in filling- out this form is colored in green. They are to be deleted once you submit the
final Project Proposal for approval.
- Your organization’s/ unit’s header must be placed in this area.
- No sections in this proposal are to be omitted. In this form, there are nine sections in total; each must be filled- out.
Title of
Tree Monitoring in Malagos Davao City
Nature of
Type of
Community Extension Time 8AM -12 Noon
January 27, 2020
Date Venue
March 27, 2020
Project Sheryl Anne Jamero, Mark V. Contact 09104807846
Head/s Manalang Number 09062685550
(Part 1)
What situation do you see (observation/s) in your organization, university, society, or our world?
What certain experiences, problems, or questions do you have in relation to what you see? (May be
supported with data or research if there is any or if needed)
(Part 2)
Why is there a problem?
What could be the cause and effect?
How did you feel about the experience, situation, or problem? And why did you feel that way?
What can we discover or realize?
(Part 3)
Out of all the possible projects, activities, and solutions, Why this?
The need to be able to accurately monitor forest cover and quality is crucial to
understanding the costs of deforestation. But, it may also help to determine baselines to
detect and observe changes of vegetation and understanding the loss of biodiversity over
As an organization, what will you commit as a response to what you have stated in Part 2?
- All instructions/ guidelines in filling- out this form is colored in green. They are to be deleted once you submit the
final Project Proposal for approval.
- Your organization’s/ unit’s header must be placed in this area.
- No sections in this proposal are to be omitted. In this form, there are nine sections in total; each must be filled- out.
(Part 4)
Briefly state what will happen to your project/ program.
The data that will be collected can be replicated in any community. Widespread use
will enable long-term comparative studies of tree growth and longevity. So that, more
and more communities are beginning to recognize the very tangible benefits that trees
provide in the urban environment.
<State what you intend to address through this activity – the expected outputs of the activity.>
< List the actual activities that will happen ON THE DAY of the program/ project implementation.>
- All instructions/ guidelines in filling- out this form is colored in green. They are to be deleted once you submit the
final Project Proposal for approval.
- Your organization’s/ unit’s header must be placed in this area.
- No sections in this proposal are to be omitted. In this form, there are nine sections in total; each must be filled- out.
< List ALL projected expenses and its total amount.> TABLE BELOW IS REQUIRED. PUT N/A as the
total if no expenses shall be incurred.>
Materials Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost
- All instructions/ guidelines in filling- out this form is colored in green. They are to be deleted once you submit the
final Project Proposal for approval.
- Your organization’s/ unit’s header must be placed in this area.
- No sections in this proposal are to be omitted. In this form, there are nine sections in total; each must be filled- out.
- All instructions/ guidelines in filling- out this form is colored in green. They are to be deleted once you submit the
final Project Proposal for approval.
- Your organization’s/ unit’s header must be placed in this area.
- No sections in this proposal are to be omitted. In this form, there are nine sections in total; each must be filled- out.
Less: Total Projected Expenses (should match with Section 5) Php 41,524.00
Juan Miguel Chua
USG Executive Treasurer/ VP-Finance
The following persons shall be held liable and will shoulder any remaining balance incurred by the
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