Final Exam Digital Image Processing (EE-333) 1-Jul-2020

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SUBJECT: Digital Image Processing (EE333)

Name: ___________________ P.No./Reg. No.___________

Time: 3hr Max. Marks: 100
Special Instructions: 1. This question paper carries 3 questions.
2. Attempt all questions.
3. Submit only a single MS Word file with pictures of your hand written
answers, computer program codes and result images etc.
4. Submitted file name format must be CourseCode-CMS_ID-Name

Question No. 1 [25]

Write down the importance and comparison of color spaces in digital image processing. How can
we convert an RGB image to Grayscale image? Also name the Python library/ code and functions
for converting RGB to any three other color spaces.

Question No. 2 [25]

Take a test color image (not less than 256x256) and estimate:
a) Image size
b) Crop top left 150x200 and show result
c) Resize the result in part (b) at 300x400 pix and show result
d) Show intensity plane of the result in part (c)
e) Show R, G, and B planes of the result in part (c) separately and comment on colors
Submit results with program codes (Python)

Question No. 3 [50]

Take the same test color image (Question No. 2) and examine by commenting on result:
a) Gaussian blurred (9x9) image of original copy
b) Sharped edge image of original copy (filter size 7x7)
c) Image edges only (apply edge detection) of original copy
d) Show ‘x’ degree CCW rotated image of original copy (x = Last two digits of your CMS ID)
e) Embed your name in original copy of image and show extracted name
Submit results with program codes (Python)

---------------------------------------------------Good Luck----------------------------------------------------------------------
Question No CLO No. Mapped PLO BT (domain-level)
1, 2 1 1 C2
3 2 3 C4
BT= Bloom Taxonomy; C=Cognitive Domain; A= Affective domain; P= Psychomotor domain

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