2.25.20 STA Press Release

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Syracuse Teachers Association

Syracuse Teachers Association - 450 West Kirkpatrick Street - 2nd Floor - Syracuse, NY - 13204

For more information, contact:

William Scott
STA President
(315) 472-6374


Onondaga County Executive Ryan McMahon has asserted that he has the authority to override state and CDC
guidance as it pertains to social distancing, shortening the distancing of students from six feet to three feet. The
County Executive has noted low infection rates in the county as a factor that supports his decision that it is safe
to bring more students back to school county wide.

While County Executive McMahon has not stated it publicly, it is our understanding that within the state and
CDC guidance, there is language that allows the district to reduce social distancing if barriers are utilized.

The Syracuse Teachers Association met with our representative assembly last night and while we all want
students back for in person learning, there are many health and safety concerns and questions, as well as
logistical concerns noted by the membership that will need to be addressed in order to ensure a safe return.

Throughout next week, STA will hold focus groups in an effort to identify specific concerns noted by the
people doing the work. We will share those concerns with the Superintendent, Department Heads, other
district leaders as well as the SCSD School Board. Based on feedback from our membership, we may draft
a resolution that will speak to the concerns that need to be addressed in order to return to implement a safe
as possible return to in person learning.

NYSUT William Scott, President, wscott@syrteach.org AFT

#07-115 450 West Kirkpatrick Street Syracuse, NY 13204 #2999
P: 315.472.6374 F: 315.472.6379

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