A1.2 Unit 3

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“Excelencia a su alcance”
FECHA: 18/03/2018


Unit: 3 Institution:
NAME: Level: A1.2 DATE: Topic :

Healthy living

Healthy lifestyle is not about to eat only

vegetables and fruits and let go of every
single thing which you love the most but
whatever you eat or drink must be in some
limits. Still vegetables, fruits and plenty of
water should be an essential component of
your food. Excesses of everything are bad.

Grammar: Simple present and present continuous. NEG=Don’t, Doesn’t INT=Do, Does
Use the simple present to talk about “all the time” Use the present continuous to talk about “now”
(usually or generally) and routines. (these days, this month) and temporary events.

- How do you stay in shape? - What sports are you playing these days?
I walk everywhere. I don`t have a car. I´m doing Karate. It´s getting me in shape.

- Does she get regular exercise? - Is she trying to lose weight?

Yes, she does. She exercises six days a week. Yes, she is. She´s drinking diet drinks.
No, she doesn´t. She doesn´t exercise at all. No, she´s not. She´s not trying to lose weight

Complete the conversations with the simple present or present continuous.

1. A: How ___________ you __________ (cope) with stress? __________ you _________ (get) stressed a lot?
B: Well, generally I _____________ (not feel) stressed, but we ____________ (work) long hours this month. So my co-
workers and I ______________ (take) a meditation class right now. It´s great. Meditation really __________(relax) you.

2. A: ________ you__________ (like) to play sports?

B: Not really, but my wife and I ____________ (enjoy) swimming. We usually ________ (go) to the pool together in the
summer. Now that it´s winter, I ___________________(not swim) at all. But my wife ________ (go) every day, even
when it´s cold.


“Excelencia a su alcance”
FECHA: 18/03/2018

Aches and pains

______________ _______________ ________________ _______________ _________________

SPEAKING ACTIVITY: Building vocabulary Discuss the questions with a partner

Ken: Hello? 1. What do you do if you can´t sleep?

Nora: Hi, Ken. How are you feeling? 2. Do you ever wake up during the night?
Ken: Awful. I still have this terrible cold. 3. Are you tired today? If so, why?
Nora: That´s too bad. Are you taking anything for it?
4. Do you ever take naps during the daytime?
Ken: Just some cold medicine.
Nora: Hmm. I never take that stuff when I have a cold. 5. Do you ever have vivid dreams or nightmares?
But if I get a really bad cold, I drink hot vinegar with 6. Do you remember your dreams?
honey. I can make you some. 7. Do you snore or talk in your sleep?
Ken: Oh, no thanks! I don´t feel so bad. 8. Do you ever fall sleep in front of the TV?

Grammar: Joining clauses with “if” and “when”

 What do you take when you have a  What do you do if you get a really bad cold?
cold?  I drink hot vinegar with honey if I get a really bad
 I don´t take anything when I have a cold.
cold.  If I get a really bad cold, I drink hot vinegar with
 When I have a cold, I don´t take honey.


“Excelencia a su alcance”
FECHA: 18/03/2018

Complete the questions with “if” or “when”. Use the expressions from the box.

Feel run down Get a toothache Have a bad cough Have a runny nose
Feel sore Get an upset stomach Have a headache Have a sore throat

1. Do you gargle salt water ______________________________________?

2. ______________________________ after a meal, do you drink herbal tea?
3. What do you do ________________________ and you have no energy?
4. Do you stretch ______________________ after exercising?
5. ______________________ and itchy eyes, do you take allergy medicine?
6. ______________________, do you go to the dentist right away?
7. What do you do ______________________? Do you take on cough drops?
8. What do you do ______________________? Do you take aspirin?

Listening: listen to four people to talk about how they cope with stress.

1. ________________________________________ 3. ________________________________________
__________________________________________ __________________________________________

2. ________________________________________ 4. ________________________________________
__________________________________________ __________________________________________

Speaking: Work in pairs and create a role play with two characters (doctor and patient).

Useful vocabulary
1. How do you feel?
____________________________________________________ 2. How are you feeling?
____________________________________________________ 3. What´s wrong with you?
____________________________________________________ 4. I don´t feel very well.
____________________________________________________ 5. What are your symptoms?
____________________________________________________ 6. You should/ shouldn’t
7. You must/ mustn´t
8. Take a pill
____________________________________________________ 9. Medicine
____________________________________________________ 10. Apply.
____________________________________________________ 11. Beverages.

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