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Course Syllabus - General Microbiology

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Republic of the Philippines


Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs
College of Science
Department of Biology

Course Title: General Microbiology

Course Code: BIOL

Course Credit: 5 units (lecture – 3 units; laboratory – 2 units)

Pre-Requisite: None

Course Description: The course introduces the students to the microbial world and their relationships to the rest of the living world. It includes the fundamental concepts and practice of
microbiology, classification of microorganisms, as well as the general understanding of important historical events related to contemporary period. It focuses on
topics relevant to allied health sciences, environmental studies, animal science, agriculture and biotechnology, which includes the interactions between humans and
microorganisms such as bacteria and viruses, specifically in spread, control and treatment of infectious diseases, the use of microbes as an important tool in research
and development. Emphasis is placed on etiology, transmission, pathology, diagnosis and prevention, and economic and ecologic significance. It also provides an
understanding on how the body responds to the invasion of foreign substances.

Institutional Learning Outcomes Programs Outcomes Course Outcomes

1. Creative and Critical Thinking Develop a critical and analytical mind in dealing with different A. Cognitive Aims
biological theories and their application.
1. Identify the various types of microorganisms in terms of
2. Effective Communication Articulate scientific knowledge and innovation in the field of their morphology and physiological activities;
practice by exhibiting technical writing and oral communication
skills. 2. Acquire a sound etiological basis for the study of human
infectious disease;
3. Strong Service Orientation Build a strong culture of passion for continuous learning and servant 3. Understand the processes and factors required by
4. Community Engagement hood by incorporating such values in every course of the program. microbes to make them effective pathogens;
5. Adeptness in the Responsible Use of Technology Advocate a strong sense of nationalism and global responsiveness in
various areas and activities in biology.

6th Floor Dome, PUP, A. Mabini Campus, Anonas Street, Sta. Mesa, Manila Phone: (Direct Line) 716-78-32
Local 394 ; website: www.pup.edu.ph


Republic of the Philippines
Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs
College of Science
Department of Biology
4. Discuss the ecological relationships of microorganisms to
6. Passion to Life-Long Learning Create and regularly conduct extension programs and services higher forms of living things; and
benefiting identified marginalized sectors and industry partners.
5. Design a simple microbiological research in order to fully
7. High Level of Leadership and Organizational Skills Demonstrate knowledge and laboratory skills using state of the art understand and appreciate the roles of microorganisms in
equipment and breakthrough researches that benefits humanity. the living world.

B. Value Aims
8. Sense of Personal and Professional Ethics Practice strong ethical considerations, leadership, and efficiency in
9. Sense of Nationalism and Global Responsiveness every area of research and academics. 1. Respect for the diversity of nature and their rights of
equal opportunities for survival and self-perpetuation.
2. Realization of the importance in harnessing the natural
microbial activities for the well-being of man.
3. Deep appreciation for personal and community hygiene
thus, committed to share in the prevention and control of
infectious diseases, and
4. Nurture the values of discipline, commitment strong sense
of responsibility, intellectual honesty and appreciation for
hard work.


Week Topic Learning Outcomes Methodology Resources Assessment

General Introduction to the Appreciate the microbial world by fully Lecture: Discussions by Brooks, Butel and Morse. (1998). Long Quiz 1 and Practical
Week 1 Microbial World understanding its definition and scope Powerpoint presentation Jawetz, Melnick and Exam 1
including the (1) history of Adelberg’s Medical
Week 2 microbiology, (2) branches of Laboratory: Demonstration and Microbiology. 21st edition.

6th Floor Dome, PUP, A. Mabini Campus, Anonas Street, Sta. Mesa, Manila Phone: (Direct Line) 716-78-32
Local 394 ; website: www.pup.edu.ph


Republic of the Philippines
Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs
College of Science
Department of Biology
microbiology, and the (3) relevance of hands-on training on the proper Prentice Hall
microorganisms to human kind use and care of a light microscope International, Inc.
including its beneficial and harmful including micrometry and
effects. calibration. Burton. (2007). Microbiology for
the Health Sciences. 8th
Organizational Structure in Be familiarized with microorganisms by Lecture: Discussions by edition Practical Exam 2
Week 3 the Microbial World learning their structures including Powerpoint presentation
those of the Living (Prokaryotes: Forbes, Sahm and Weissfeld
Archaea and Bacteria; Eukaryotes: Laboratory: Demonstration and (1998) Bailey and Scott’s
Algae, Fungi, and Protozoans) and Non- hands-on training on using aseptic Diagnostic Microbiology.
living (Viruses, viroids and prions) technique and smear preparation 10th edition. Mosby, Inc.
Cell structure of Eukaryotic Compare prokaryotic and eukaryotic Lecture: Discussions by Ingraham. (2007). Introduction to Long Quiz 2 and Practical
Week 4 cells and prokaryotic cells cells by learning their structure Powerpoint presentation Microbiology. 4th edition. Exam 3

Laboratory: Demonstration and Nester. (2007). Microbiology: A

hands-on training on the Human Perspective. 5th
examination of microorganisms edition.
(wet mount, hanging drop
method, gram staining, acid fast Pelczar, Michael. (1987).
staining, and special stains) Microbiology. McGraw Hill
Book Company, New
Microbial Taxonomy Learn the Criteria for Classification of Lecture: Discussions by York.\ Long Quiz 3 and Practical
Week 5 Bacteria and be familiarized on their Powerpoint presentation Exam 4
taxonomy. Specifically, this include: (1) Tortora et. al. (2004).
identification and classification of Laboratory: Demonstration and Microbiology: An
Bacteria, (2) description of the major hands-on training on culture Introduction 8th edition,
categories and groups of Bacteria, and media preparation and
(3) non-culture methods for the sterilization

6th Floor Dome, PUP, A. Mabini Campus, Anonas Street, Sta. Mesa, Manila Phone: (Direct Line) 716-78-32
Local 394 ; website: www.pup.edu.ph


Republic of the Philippines
Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs
College of Science
Department of Biology
identification of Pathogenic Pearson Education, Inc.
Microbial Metabolism Define and differentiate metabolism, Lecture: Discussions by Volk, Wesley A. and M.F. Wheeler. Long Quiz 4 and Practical
Week 6 anabolism, and catabolism. Students Powerpoint presentation (1988). Basic Exam 5
should also know how the Microbiology. Harper &
microorganisms acquire nutrients, Laboratory: Demonstration and Row, Publishers, New
produce precursor metabolites, hands-on training on isolation of York.
produce energy, and be familiarized microorganisms including
with biosynthesis. inoculation techniques.

Bacteriology Students should understand the major Lecture: Discussions by Long Quiz 5 and Practical
Week 7 topics regarding Bacteria by knowing Powerpoint presentation Exam 6
their cell morphology, arrangements,
Week 8 genetic composition (Central Dogma), Laboratory: Demonstration and
reproduction, growth (generation time hands-on training on isolation of
and growth curve), factors influencing microorganisms including
growth, control of their growth, and inoculation techniques.
how to properly identify bacteria along
with the diseases that they could
Midterm Examinations for both lecture and laboratory Midterm examinations
Week 9
Virology Summarize the general properties of Lecture: Discussions by Long Quiz 6 and Practical
Week 10 viruses and their evolutionary origin. Powerpoint presentation Exam 7
Also, focus on this unique group by
Week 11 knowing their: (1) classification, (2) Laboratory: Hands-on training on
Structure (types of symmetry and physical characterization on colony
sizes), (3) chemical composition, (4) morphology and biochemical
cultivation and quantification, (5) testing.

6th Floor Dome, PUP, A. Mabini Campus, Anonas Street, Sta. Mesa, Manila Phone: (Direct Line) 716-78-32
Local 394 ; website: www.pup.edu.ph


Republic of the Philippines
Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs
College of Science
Department of Biology
identification, (6) common methods for
inactivation for various purposes, (7)
replication cycle, and (8) viral diseases.
Mycology List the general characteristics of fungi Lecture: Discussions by Long Quiz 7 and Laboratory
Week 12 along with their classification. Compare Powerpoint presentation Report
and contrast fungal species, determine
the proper method for fungal growth Laboratory: Experiment on the
and isolation and learn their antiobiotic susceptibility testing
topographic grouping, beneficial using filter paper method.
effects, and diseases that they cause.
Phycology Know the characteristics of algae and Lecture: Discussions by Long Quiz 8 and Laboratory
Week 13 their classification according to these Powerpoint presentation Report
characteristics. Also, determine the
roles of algae and how they could be Laboratory: Experiment on the
used economically. effectiveness of handwashing

Microbe-host interaction Have a full grasp on the interaction Lecture: Discussions by Long Quiz 9 and Laboratory
Week 14 between microbes and host. This will Powerpoint presentation Report
include: (1) pathology, infection and
Week 15 disease (normal microbiota, Koch’s Laboratory: Microscopic
postulates, spread of infection, examination of fungi and algae
classifying infectious diseases, and
nosocomial infections), (2) patterns of
disease, (3) epidemiology, (4) microbial
mechanisms, (5) microbial
mechanisms, (6) entry of
microorganisms into the host, and (7)
virulence factors of pathogenic

6th Floor Dome, PUP, A. Mabini Campus, Anonas Street, Sta. Mesa, Manila Phone: (Direct Line) 716-78-32
Local 394 ; website: www.pup.edu.ph


Republic of the Philippines
Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs
College of Science
Department of Biology
Immunology Know the non-specific and specific Lecture: Discussions by Long Quiz 10 and Laboratory
Week 16 defenses of the host against infectious Powerpoint presentation Report
agents. This should include
familiarization on the duality of the
immune system (antigens, antibodies,
hypersensitivity and its types).
Final Examination and Oral presentation of group research project Final Examination, written,
Week 17 and oral report on the
group’s research project


Microbiology Lecture = 60%
Microbiology Laboratory = 40%
Class Standing (Midterm and Finals) 60%
• Quizzes
• Attendance
• Output (Return-Demonstration, Photo Documentation, Laboratory Sketch, Narrative-Report)
• Laboratory Worksheets
Practicum 40%
• Midterm Practicum
• Finals Practicum

(Midterm Class Standing + Midterm Practicum) + (Finals Class Standing + Finals Practicum) = 100% X 0.4 = Final Laboratory Grade

6th Floor Dome, PUP, A. Mabini Campus, Anonas Street, Sta. Mesa, Manila Phone: (Direct Line) 716-78-32
Local 394 ; website: www.pup.edu.ph


Republic of the Philippines
Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs
College of Science
Department of Biology

Prepared by: Noted by:


Faculty, Department of Biology Chairperson, Department of Biology

Approved by:


Dean, College of Science


Vice President for Academic Affairs

6th Floor Dome, PUP, A. Mabini Campus, Anonas Street, Sta. Mesa, Manila Phone: (Direct Line) 716-78-32
Local 394 ; website: www.pup.edu.ph


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