Revision Pack 1
Revision Pack 1
Revision Pack 1
D) Remember B) To be ignorant
B) Diaorrhea A) might
C) Diarrohea B) should
D) Diarrhoea D) need
17. Identify the type of tense for the following sentence: The AIR will 21. Direction: Fill in the blanks with appropriate modals:
be broadcasting a series of talks on Gandhiji during the next four _____you like to join this group?
A) May
A) Present perfect continuous
B) Would
B) Future indefinite
C) Could
C) Future continuous
D) Should
22. Fill in the blank with appropriate determiner. We have very_____ 26. Direction: Fill in the blanks as per subject-verb agreement:
chance of reaching the school on time.
The number of cows ______ grazing in the field.
A) some
A) is
B) few
B) are
C) little
C) has
D)a little
D) have
23. Direction: Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles:
27. Direction: Read the passage given below and answer the
Please give me _____ cake that I ordered. questions that follow:
A) a
B) an Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564) was one of the most famous
artists in the world. He was a painter, a sculptor, an architect as well
C) the as a poet. When he was 12 years old, Michelangelo began to learn
D) Both B and C to paint as an apprentice to the most popular painter in Florence.
Before he completed his apprenticeship, he stopped painting and
24. Direction: Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles: began to work as a sculptor at the age of 16. This was the beginning
I go there twice _____ week. of a new life for Michelangelo when he began to create amazing
paintings and sculptures. Among the most famous of his works is the
A) a painting on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. His paintings show the
history of the world according to the Bible. It was not painting on the
B) an
high ceilings that was difficult but also the technique that
C) the Michelangelo used. He had to paint the damp ceiling on which
plaster had been freshly laid and complete the section before the
D) Both A and B paint dried out. He worked standing in an upright position for many
25. Direction: Fill in the blanks as per subject-verb agreement: hours at end and often complained of a stiff neck and of paint
dripping in his eyes. Michelangelo also designed the Medici Chapel.
Neither Amit nor his friends _____ won the award. In it, he sculpted two tombs for two princes of Florence. He moved
A) is out of Florence before he completed the Chapel. In his old age,
Michelangelo wrote some of his finest poetry. He died at the age of
B) are 75.
C) has
D) have
1. Michelangelo was a _______. 28. Choose the type of the sentence. Team India played well in T-20
World Cup, but couldn't go to the semi-final.
A) painter and sculptor
A) Complex sentence
B) an architect and poet
B) Compound sentence
C) painter and a poet
C) Simple sentence
D) painter, architect, sculptor and a poet
D) All of these
2. Michelangelo began to learn to paint when he was:
29. Find the active voice of the given sentence. We are taught
A) 10 years old Sanskrit by him.
B) 12 years old A) He teach us Sanskrit.
C) 16 years old B) He teaches us Sanskrit.
D) 18 years old C) He is teaching us Sanskrit.
3. When did Michelangelo move out of Florence? D) He taught us Sanskrit.
A) After completing the Chapel 30. Change the narration of the sentence given below from direct to
B) Before completing the Chapel indirect speech. The boy said, "The horse was running on the
C) After being injured in a car accident
A) The boy said that the horse ran on the road.
D) Before learning to paint
B) The boy said that the horse should be running on the road.
4. He complained of a stiff neck because _______.
C) The boy said that the horse had being running on the road.
A) he worked lying down
D) The boy said that the horse had been running on the road.
B) he worked standing in an upright position
C) the ceilings were very high
D) he had to keep looking down
31. Arrange P, Q, R and S in order to make a sensible story:
P: A poor man dressed in rags came to the palace to attend the
banquet. Out of courtesy he was admitted but, because of his
tattered clothing, he was seated at the very end of the banquet table.
By the time the platters arrived at his seat, there was no food left on
Q: "Oh, what delicious food I see being served upon my plate" He
rubbed one spoonful into his clothes for every one he ate. A
nobleman beside him, grimacing at the mess, inquired, "Sir, why are
you rubbing food into your fine clothes?"
R: "OH," he replied with a chuckle, ?Pardon me if my robes now look
the worst. But it was these clothes that brought me all this food. It's
only fair that they be fed first!"
S: So he left the banquet, returning several hours later dressed in
robes and jewels he had borrowed from a wealthy friend. This time
he was brought immediately to the head of the table and, with great
ceremony, food was brought to his seat first.
Select the correct option from the given choices.
E) None of these