Radical Jesus Syllabus
Radical Jesus Syllabus
Radical Jesus Syllabus
Swarthmore College, Fall 2020, Weds. 2.00-5.00 PM with outdoor and online
discussion add-ons, Wallace.
The class is divided into four three-week sessions with each session devoted to one of the
Gospels including a couple of weeks on the book of Acts. Each session will study the
interplay between Christian scriptures along with writings and images about Jesus drawn
from the Hebrew Bible, extracanonical writings, history, theology and fiction. Images of
Jesus through time will be tackled: Jewish rabbi, political revolutionary, apocalyptic savior,
queer prophet, Indigenous shaman, and African messiah.
In addition to an initial paper, midterm essay, and final research essay, the class also
features a community-based engaged scholarship component in which class members’
classroom learning is grounded in regular volunteer activities in the wider community.
The pedagogical goals of this course are to cultivate in students modes of learning that are
open-minded, critically precise, attentive to the needs of others, and spiritually attuned to
the pressing existential challenges of our time, including systemic racism, climate
catastrophe, and an ongoing pandemic. The hope of the course is that class members will
discover that living through difficult times can open one to fresh vision and alternative ways
of living: the obstacle, ironically, can be the path forward. Or as Jesus put it, “the stone
which the builders rejected has become the new cornerstone” (Matt 21:42). In times of
despair, people sometimes discover an inner resilience and newfound solidarity with others
as the cornerstone for building communities of courage and integrity in spite of widespread
feelings of malaise and hopelessness.
1. Pronouns and inclusive language. Learn to identify oneself and others according to
preferred pronouns. This shows respect for others, as does the willingness to experiment
with gender-nonconforming language for terms such as “God” or “the sacred.”
2. Learn how to read. Reading for comprehension and economy is different from word-by-
word childhood reading. Experiment with this form of “deep skimming” and discover, in my
experience, a new way of reading that takes half the time to comprehend twice the amount
of textual information than is possible through conventional reading. See Mortimer J.
Adler, How to Read a Book (Touchstone, 1972).
6. Prepare reading materials for classroom discussion. If you are local or otherwise able to
do so, purchase copies of all required books at the College Community Bookstore.
Otherwise, please secure digital versions of these items. The important point is to study
beforehand, and bring to class, hardcopy versions of all reading assignments for facilitated
classroom discussion whenever possible.
8. Regular, punctual, considerate class attendance is obligatory. As a new zoom class, please
keep your video window open, your voice on mute until you are ready to speak, and, in
general, do not use the chat feature. The best learning occurs in a loop: read it, discuss it,
write about it. I hope to maintain the integrity of this three-foci ellipse throughout the
9. Research guides. An excellent place to start any research project is at Research Guides at
this Moodle site or go to https://guides.tricolib.brynmawr.edu/new-testament-online. This
gives you quick access to the two most important research tools for this class: the ATLA
Religion Database (EBSCOhost) and online New Testament commentaries. The ATLA
database is the best peer-reviewed information retrieval system in the academic field of
religion; beware of using Google etc. for research in biblical studies. At the ATLA page you
can enter descriptor terms that will lead you to key articles etc. in the field (e.g., searching
together the terms “white supremacy” and “bible” yielded 10 results, while “gender” and
“gospel of john” 26 results). As well, check out the online commentaries section noted here
in the Library Guide section. (Commentaries are verse-by-verse analyses of biblical books.)
There you will see e.g. Adela Yarbro Collins’s Mark: A Commentary online and, if you click
down further, a two-page discussion of the “synoptic problem,” namely, Why are the first
three Gospels so different from the Gospel of John? And more. Our humanities research
librarian Roberto Vargas put this page together for us; email him from the site itself with
questions you have about these matters.
Any copy of the Bible is satisfactory, but The HarperCollins Study Bible is the version
recommended for this class as an ideal translation and study guide
Bart D. Ehrman, The New Testament: A Historical Introduction to the Early Christian Writings,
7th edition (note: only use the 7th edition)
Burton H. Throckmorton, Jr., Gospel Parallels: A Comparison of the Synoptic Gospels, New
Revised Standard Version
Edward J. Blum and Paul Harvey, The Color of Christ: The Son of God and the Saga of Race in
Moodle is the digital portal for the course: announcements, syllabus, other required
readings, assignments, research tools, schedule changes, and so forth, are at the class site.
Please visit this site regularly to keep abreast of developments. Note: in schedule below
required digital course documents at Moodle site under Readings are asterisked (*);
websites are formatted as hyperlinks; occasional items under Readings such as handouts
and videos are hash-marked (#); mindfulness rituals are signified by carrot symbol (^); and
readings passed over and no longer required will be highlighted in yellow
---- Have at-the-ready printed hardcopy of assigned books and readings for each class
session. Assigned page numbers are noted by inclusive numbers (e.g. 4-8) while chapters
and sections within books are noted by the chapter number (e.g. chap. 13) or section name
(e.g. Introduction)
This is a covid19 hybrid course. The class will be conducted online on Weds. 2-5 PM with a
10-minute break roughly in the middle of the class. In the schedule below the break is noted
by the three asterisks between each class’s first half and second half of readings. As well, an
optional 1-hour discussion session might be added as a voluntary option per class
members’ schedules. If this extra hour can be added, public health guidelines and weather
permitting, I hope that this additional weekly session can be held outdoors for in-person
As a W course, a primary proficiency goal is for class members to learn the discipline of
well-researched and carefully structured expository writing. To this end, important class time
is devoted to teaching argumentative writing. Along with the help of the WAs, a central aim
is to facilitate opportunities for class members to revise their work and get help with thesis
statements, paper drafts, bibliographical resources, etc. Note that revision of the initial
paper is mandatory while revision of the midterm essay assignment is encouraged, but not
mandatory. In the last third of the semester, a discussion is initiated about how to
successfully write the final term paper, and a required one-page draft of the final paper’s
initial thesis statement is designed to ensure this success.
This is an Engaged Scholarship (ESCH) course. Once every week for 2-3 hours, class
members will volunteer online in after-school tutoring programs, among other activities.
Swarthmore College understands its mission as developing ethical intelligence among its
student body. To that end, the goal of ESCH in this course is to integrate classroom ideals
about the good life with civic engagement so that class members can become more
reflective and competent participants in public life.
Ehrman, The New Testament: Historical Introduction, Front Matter, Introduction, chaps. 1, 2,
Photo Essay 1, 3 (skim), 4 (skim), 5, 6 (note: we will focus on “Excursus 1: Some Additional
Reflections: The Historian and the Believer,” 18-19)
(*) Bart Ehrman, Lost Scriptures: Books that Did Not Make It, 57-62 (Infancy Gospel of
Mark, entire
(*) Clara Sue Kidwell, Homer Noley, George E. “Tink” Tinker, A Native American Theology,
Introduction, chaps. 1, 4, 7
(*) Mark I. Wallace, “Worshipping the Green God,” in When God Was a Bird: Christianity,
Animism, and the Re-enchantment of the World, 81-94 (only)
----Week Three 9/23: Jesus the Lion (Mark) III – Nonbinary Jesus
Aslan, Zealot, Map, Author's Note, Introduction, Chronology, Prologue, chaps. 1-6
(*) Louise J. Lawrence, “The Stench of Untouchability: Sensory Tactics of a Leper, Legion, and
Leaky Woman,” in Sense and Stigma in the Gospels: Depictions of Sensory-Disabled
Characters, 1-27
(*) Ehrman, Lost Scriptures: Books that Did Not Make It, 19-28 (Coptic Gospel of Thomas),
35-44 (Gospels of Mary, Philip)
Ehrman, The New Testament: Historical Introduction, chaps. 12, 13, Excursus 4, 14, Photo
Essay 2
(#) Video, Lauren Green, Fox news, “Interview of Reza Aslan” (2013)
(*) Love Sechrest, “Enemies, Romans, Pigs, and Dogs: Loving the Other in the Gospel of
Matthew,” Ex Auditu 31 (2015): 71-105
Blum and Harvey, The Color of Christ: The Son of God and the Saga of Race, Prologue,
Introduction, chap. 1, 2, 6, 8
----Week Five 10/7: Jesus the Rabbi (Matthew) II – Jewish Messiah – Guest Speaker:
Zuline Wilkinson
(*) Stephen Prothero, American Jesus: How the Son of God became a National Icon, chap. 7
(*) Carol Harris-Shapiro, Messianic Judaism: A Rabbi’s Journey Through Religious Change in
America, chaps. 1-2 (skim)
(*) Thomas Bohache, “Matthew,” in The Queer Bible Commentary, ed. Deryn Guest et al,
----Week Six 10/14: Jesus the Rabbi (Matthew, Luke, and Acts) III – Black Christ –
Guest Speaker: Don H. Matthews
(*) Donald H. Matthews, Christianity is an African Religion: How Black Spirituality Gave Light
to the World: Deconstructing White Christian Religious Racism about the Origins of Western
Religions, Part One
journal/hidden-africans-bible-and-early-church Kroeger, African Origins of the Bible and
Formative Christianity
Blum and Harvey, The Color of Christ: The Son of God and the Saga of Race, chaps. 7, 8
(*) James Cone, The Cross and the Lynching Tree, ix-xix, 1-29, 152-66
----Week Seven 10/21: Jesus the Friend (Luke) I – Queering Jesus and Swarthmore
Friends Historical Library – Guest Speakers: Kody Hersh and Celia Caust-Ellenbogen
Luke, entire
(*) Robert E. Goss, “Luke,” in The Queer Bible Commentary, ed. Deryn Guest et al, 526-47
Midterm Distributed
----Week Eight 10/28: Jesus the Friend (Luke) II – Indigenous Jesus Again
(*) Clara Sue Kidwell, Homer Noley, George E. “Tink” Tinker, A Native American Theology,
chaps. 2, 3, 8
https://rsn.aarweb.org/spotlight-on/teaching/anti-racism/decolonial-approaches Avalos,
Settler Colonialism and the Study of Religion
George E. “Tink” Tinker, “Indian Culture and Interpreting the Christian Bible,” in Spirit and
Resistance: Political Theology and American Indian Liberation, 88-99
(*) Alexander Koch, et al. “Earth System Impacts of the European Arrival and Great Dying in
the Americas After 1492,” Quaternary Science Reviews 207 (2019): 13-36 (skim)
Midterm Due
----Week Nine 11/4: Jesus the Friend (Luke, Acts, John) III – Apocalyptic v Non-
Apocalyptic Jesus
"Homeless Jesus" causes someone to call police
(*) Mark I. Wallace, “Early Christian Contempt for the Flesh and the Woman Who Loved Too
Much in the Gospel of Luke,” in The Embrace of Eros: Bodies, Desires and Sexuality in
Christianity, ed. Margaret Kamitsuka, 33-49
----Week Ten 11/11: Jesus the Mystic (John) II – Non-Apocalyptic Jesus – Guest
Speaker: Pamela Boyce Simms
Note: see brief video and readings for today by Ms. Simms in Announcements; sorry for
late additions!
John, entire
Jesus through Buddhist and Theosophist Lenses: The Role of Jesus, The Christed-one in the
Human Psyche; Jesus of Nazareth, Age 12-30; The Archetype of Jesus the Christ in the
Evolution of Human Consciousness
(*) Ehrman, Lost Scriptures, 31-44, 78-81 (Gospels of Peter, Mary [again], Philip [again],
Coptic Apocalypse of Peter)
(*) Anne Elvey, “Storing Up Death, Storing Up Life: An Earth Story in Luke 12:13-34,” and
Oyeronke Olajubu, “Reconnecting with the Waters: John 9:1-11,” in The Earth Story in the
New Testament, ed. Norman C. Habel and Vicky Balabanski, 94-107, 108-21
Midterm Returned