"Tiptronic" Style: Gear Indicator
"Tiptronic" Style: Gear Indicator
"Tiptronic" Style: Gear Indicator
1 Cur ux
rent C
4 E A SY T O F I T Ada la
ptor F mp
Mul or
F or Q S ecur i t y
Q S a f e t y Vol 35 No 1 $5.95 US $7.99 CAN
T E A CH - IN 2006 – 3
Q Ch ar ge an d Cap aci t an c e
Q In t r o d ucin g Cap aci t or s
Copyright 2006, Wimborne Publishing Ltd
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VOL. 35. No. 1 JANUARY 2006
EPE Online: www.epemag.com
Our February 2006 issue will be published on Thursday, Readers Services • Editorial and Advertisement Departments 7
12 January 2006. See page 3 for details
Sharp-eyed regular readers will notice some changes to EPE this month – besides the obvious ones Editor: MIKE KENWARD
like the new logo, better quality paper and full colour throughout, which I know you will like. (The Consulting Editor: DAVID BARRINGTON
reason for these is to push the magazine into the 21st Century and, more importantly, to make sure we Technical Editor: JOHN BECKER
appeal to as wide a range of readers as possible. Younger enthusiasts are simply not used to seeing any Business Manager: DAVID J. LEAVER
magazine printed on paper “that changes colour as you read it” – as one contributor put it – or in black Subscriptions: MARILYN GOLDBERG
and white on most pages.) No, the changes I’m on about are to do with EPE staff and projects. General Manager: FAY KEARN
Editorial/Admin: (01202) 873872
Staff Advertising Manager:
This issue marks the retirement of David Barrington, Dave has literally worked on EPE (or PE or STEWART KEARN (01202) 873872
EE) “man and boy”, joining the team before the very first issue back in November 1964. It is Dave On-Line Editor: ALAN WINSTANLEY
who, to a very large extent, has been responsible for the high level of accuracy the magazine has EPE Online (Internet version) Editors:
enjoyed, for it is he who checks all the drawings in infinite detail and who lays out much of the mag- CLIVE (MAX) MAXFIELD and ALVIN BROWN
azine. Dave was our Production Editor for many years and for the last seventeen years has been our
Deputy Editor. We will, however, not miss him too much as he will keep working for us on a free- READERS’ TECHNICAL ENQUIRIES
E-mail: techdept@epemag.wimborne.co.uk
lance basis. Over 40 years of loyal service to “one” magazine is exceptional and we know that Dave We are unable to offer any advice on the use,
has helped many thousands of readers over the years, he actually joined George Newnes (the original purchase, repair or modification of commercial
publishers of PE) when he left school in 1955, just over 50 years ago. equipment or the incorporation or modification
Also, by the time you read this John Becker will have retired. John has been our Technical Editor of designs published in the magazine. We
for the last eleven years, responsible for the technical accuracy of our material and for his excellent regret that we cannot provide data or answer
PIC Tutorials and PIC-based projects. Again, we will not miss him too much as he will also contin- queries on articles or projects that are more
ue to work for us on a freelance basis. John was a contributor to PE back in the seventies, then an than five years old. Letters requiring a personal
reply must be accompanied by a stamped
advertiser selling kits for projects, followed by a stint as editor of PE prior to joining EPE. self-addressed envelope or a self-
We wish them both well and hope they find the extra leisure time to their liking. They have both addressed envelope and international reply
had great influences on the magazine and often kept me on the straight and narrow. We thank them coupons. We are not able to answer techni-
both and look forward to a new on-going way of working with them. cal queries on the phone.
A “Tiptronic-style” Gear
Do you know what gear your car is in at any downhill). It’s all too easy to forget to
flick it back into Drive later on. As a re-
given time? “Just look at the gear stick”, you sult, you could finish up driving quite
say. Actually, it’s not that easy, especially if some distance in a low gear and that’s
not good for fuel consumption.
you have a 4-speed automatic or a 5 or 6- The same problem can happen if you
ride a motorbike. Wouldn’t it be nice
speed manual gearbox. And what if you ride a to have a digital display to show the
motorbike? So you need the Gear Indicator – it gear you’re in? In fact, when driving an
automatic it can still be useful to know
will give you the answer on a digital readout. which gear you are in, even if Drive is
correctly selected. Modern automatics
By JOHN CLARKE are so smooth that it can be difficult to
“pick” the changes. Now you can “see”
F YOU’RE DRIVING in traffic, it is Why would you be in the “wrong what the transmission is doing.
quite easy to be in the wrong gear, gear” in the first place? If your car is This idea is not new, of course. All
especially as the noise of the traf- stuck in heavy traffic you might easily cars with Tiptronic transmissions and
fic can drown out the engine. And if continue on for some time in 2nd or the latest Honda Jazz with its 7-speed
you have your stereo system blaring 3rd after the traffic clears, particularly gearbox have a digital gear indicator
as well, then what chance have you if your engine is not noisy. on the dashboard.
got? Yes, you can deliberately look at Much the same can happen with an
the gearstick but you’re not likely to automatic, if you are in the habit of Main features
do that unless you suspect you might “flicking” back to 3rd or 2nd (eg, when Basically, the Gear Indicator con-
be in the wrong gear. going up a hill or for engine braking sists a small box which incorporates
The right gear Fig.1: block diagram of the Gear Indicator. It works by counting the
The Gear Indicator works by moni- number of ignition pulses that occur during a fixed number of pulses
toring both the speed of the vehicle from a speed sensor and comparing the result with a “lookup” table
and the engine RPM. It then decides that’s stored in memory.
which gear has been selected by feed-
ing the results into a lookup table
that’s programmed into an internal Block diagram The gear selection number is shown
microcontroller. And that means that Fig.1 shows the basic operation of on the 7-segment LED display. This
the unit must first be calibrated, so the Gear Indicator. There are three number is obtained by comparing the
that it knows what the results are for external inputs: speed sensor pulses, number of ignition pulses counted
each gear. ignition coil pulses and the reversing with the stored values (in a microcon
Note, however, that neutral (-) is switch input. troller). These stored values are ob-
always shown when the unit is first The speed sensor pulses can be tained during calibration of the Gear
powered up and also if the vehicle is obtained from a rotating magnet Indicator.
stationary (or almost stationary) while and coil assembly mounted on the Fig.2 shows how the Gear Indicator
the engine is running. By contrast, tailshaft. Alternatively, you can use the compares the ignition pulse counts
reverse (r) is shown when ever the ve- digital speed signal that comes from with the calibration values. These
hicle’s reversing lights are activated. the vehicle’s engine computer, if this calibration values are different for
One thing you should note is that can be identified (and accessed). The each gear and are obtained by driving
the Gear Indicator does not work by ignition pulses can either be obtained the vehicle in each gear during the
detecting gear changes – eg, by fitting from the ignition coil or you can use initial setup.
switch actuators to the gearstick. This the low-voltage tachometer signal from This means that comparing the
method would not only be unreli- the engine management computer if counted pulses with the calibration
able but would also be a mechanical this is available. values should give the correct gear
nightmare to set up. What’s more, The reversing input is obtained, number. However, in practice, the
the position of the gear selector in an naturally enough, from the reversing calibration number may differ from the
automatic car doesn’t tell you which switch. When this switch is closed value obtained during driving. That’s
gear the transmission is in (unless 1st (ie, when reverse gear is selected), the because the number of ignition pulses
gear is manually selected). display will show an “r” for reverse counted may vary by up to several
That’s because the transmission can as indicated previously. Conversely, counts for the same number of speed
still select any one of the lower gears in when the switch is open, the display pulses, depending on the phase differ-
the remaining positions. For example, will show either neutral (when the ence between the two.
if the gear selector is set to 3rd, 2nd unit is first powered up or if there are To counter this effect, a set amount
and 1st can also be selected. no pulses) or a gear number. of hysteresis is added to each gear
Of course, it is conceivable that the If the vehicle is moving, the cir- range – see Fig.2. This can be varied
signals from an electronically control- cuit counts the number of ignition to suit the vehicle during calibration
led automatic transmission could be coil pulses that occur during a fixed and also corrects for any slippage in
used to drive a gear display. However, number of speed pulses. If a low gear the transmission – either in the clutch
we have not provided for this in the is selected (eg, 1st gear), it follows or in the torque converter.
Gear Indicator because these signals that there will be more ignition pulses As a further refinement, a slight
would be different on each type of counted for a given speed compared delay is added between each display
vehicle and may be difficult to utilise to those counted at the same speed in update. This delay prevents the dis-
effectively. a higher gear. play from behaving erratically during
Display brightness
Trimpot VR1, light dependent resis-
tor LDR1 and op amp IC2b are used
Fig.2: a small amount of hysteresis is added at the end of each gear range to control the display brightness. As
to correct for phase errors and transmission slippage. This is set to suit the shown, IC2b is connected as a voltage
vehicle and is one of several parameters that are adjusted during the setup follower and this drives buffer transis-
procedure. tor Q1 (which is inside the negative
feedback loop) to control the voltage
applied to the anode of the 7-segment
gear changes, when clutch slippage This output is fed to pin 12 (RB6) of LED display.
and changes in engine RPM could IC1 via a 3.3k current limiting resis- When the ambient light level is high,
otherwise produce an incorrect gear tor. The internal diodes at RB6 then LDR1 has low resistance and so the
indication. clamp the signal voltage to about 5.6V. voltage on pin 5 is close to the +5V
Note that the feedback signal for IC3 supply rail. As a result, the voltage on
Circuit details is derived from this point to ensure a Q1’s emitter will also be close to +5V
Refer now to Fig.3 for the circuit consistent hysteresis level, regardless and so the display will operate at full
details. As indicated above, it’s based of the 12V supply level. brilliance.
on a PIC microcontroller (IC1). This As the light level falls, the resistance
device accepts inputs from the various Ignition coil pulses of the LDR increases and the voltage
sensors and switches and drives the As shown, signals from the ignition on pin 5 of IC2b decreases. As a result,
7-segment LED display. coil are first fed to a voltage divider Q1’s emitter voltage also falls and so
OK, let’s start with the speed sensor consisting of 22k and 10k resistors. the display operates with reduced
circuit. This consists of a sensing coil The associated 68nF capacitor then brightness.
which mounts on the chassis, plus shunts any signals above 700Hz to When it’s completely dark, the
four magnets which mount on a drive ground to eliminate noise. LDR’s resistance is very high and the
shaft (or tail shaft). As the magnets spin From there, the signal is AC-coupled voltage on pin 5 of IC2b is determined
past, they induce a voltage into the via a 1µF capacitor to diode D3 and solely by VR1. This trimpot is adjusted
coil and this is detected by compara- thence to pin 2 of op amp IC2a. Zener to give a comfortable display bright-
tor stage IC3. diode ZD2 limits the signal amplitude ness at night.
One side of the speed sensing coil at D3’s anode to 20V, while D3 prev The 7-segment LED display is driven
connects to a 2.5V supply, derived ents negative signals from being fed via the RA1, RB1-RB5 and RB7 outputs
from a voltage divider consisting of into IC2a. The associated 10k resistor of IC1 via 470 resistors. A low output
two 2.2k resistors between the +5V pulls pin 2 low in the absence of a on any one of these output lines lights
rail and ground. This 2.5V rail is signal input via D3. the corresponding display segment,
decoupled using a 47µF capacitor A low input (LOW IN) has also with the output at RA4 controlling the
and biases pin 3 (the non-inverting been provided at the junction of D3 decimal point.
input) of IC3 via a 22k resistor. It and ZD2. This input allows the tacho-
also biases pin 2 of IC3 via the coil meter signal from an engine manage- Switch inputs
and a series 1k resistor. Diodes D1 & ment computer to be applied instead Pushbutton switches S1, S2 and S3
D2 clamp the input signal from the of using the ignition coil input. The are monitored using the RA2 and RA3
coil to 0.6V, while the associated signal level at this input can be any inputs. These two inputs are normally
10nF capacitor filters the pickup where from 2.3V up to a maximum tied high via 10k resistors and are
signal. of 20V. only pulled low when the switches
IC3 is wired as an inverting Schmitt IC2a is wired as an inverting com- are pressed.
trigger comparator. Its hysteresis is set parator with hysteresis. Its pin 3 input When S1 (Mode) is closed, RA2
by a 1M positive feedback resistor, is nominally biased to about 1.6V via is pulled low and this is recognised
which prevents false triggering due a voltage divider connected to the 5V as a closed switch by the software.
to noise. rail, while the 47k feedback resistor Similarly, when S2 (Number) is closed,
The output signal from the speed provides the hysteresis to set the high RA3 is pulled low, while pressing S3
sensor is a 250mV peak-to-peak pulse and low trigger points (1.7V and 1.5V (Store) pulls both RA2 & RA3 low to
waveform and this is fed to pin 2 of respectively). ground (via diodes D4 & D5). As a re-
IC3. Each time the input swings nega- The resulting square-wave signal at sult, the software can recognise which
tive, IC3’s output (pin 1) goes high (ie, IC2a’s output is fed to pin 6 of IC1 via switch has been pressed and respond
to about 10V). a 3.3k resistor. The signal on pin 6 is accordingly.
Fig.4 shows the assembly details.
Most of the work involves building
two PC boards: a microcontroller
board coded 549 and a display board
coded 550. These two boards are then
stacked together piggyback fashion
using pin headers and cut down IC
sockets, so that there is very little
external wiring.
Begin by carefully checking the PC
boards for defects, by comparing them
with the published patterns. It’s rare to
find problems these days but it doesn’t
hurt to make sure.
The microcontroller board can
be assembled first. Install the three
wire links first, then follow with the
resistors and diodes. Table 1 shows
the resistor colour codes but we also
recommend that you check each value
using a digital multimeter as some
colours can be hard to decipher.
Fig.4: install the parts on the two PC boards as shown here. Note that Note that the six 470 resistors are
all the electrolytic capacitors must be mounted so that their bodies lie mounted end-on to save space. Take
parallel to the board surfaces (see photos), so that the boards can later be care when installing D1 & D2 as they
stacked together.
face in opposite directions. Similarly,
watch the orientation of ZD1.
REG1 can go in next. It is mounted
tection by limiting any spike voltages 3-terminal regulator REG1 to derive a with its metal tab flat against the PC
to 16V. It also provides reverse polarity +5V rail. This rail is then filtered using board. As shown, its leads are bent
protection – if the supply leads are 10µF and 100nF capacitors and used down at right angles so that they pass
reversed, ZD1 conducts heavily and to power IC1. IC2 and IC3 derive their through their respective mounting
“blows” the 10 resistor. power directly from the decoupled holes. This is best done by slipping
The decoupled supply is fed to +12V rail. an M3 screw through the hole in the
Fig.4 shows the assembly details.
Most of the work involves building
two PC boards: a microcontroller
board coded 549 and a display board
coded 550. These two boards are then
stacked together piggyback fashion
using pin headers and cut down IC
sockets, so that there is very little
external wiring.
Begin by carefully checking the PC
boards for defects, by comparing them
with the published patterns. It’s rare to
find problems these days but it doesn’t
hurt to make sure.
The microcontroller board can
be assembled first. Install the three
wire links first, then follow with the
resistors and diodes. Table 1 shows
the resistor colour codes but we also
recommend that you check each value
using a digital multimeter as some
colours can be hard to decipher.
Fig.4: install the parts on the two PC boards as shown here. Note that Note that the six 470 resistors are
all the electrolytic capacitors must be mounted so that their bodies lie mounted end-on to save space. Take
parallel to the board surfaces (see photos), so that the boards can later be care when installing D1 & D2 as they
stacked together.
face in opposite directions. Similarly,
watch the orientation of ZD1.
REG1 can go in next. It is mounted
tection by limiting any spike voltages 3-terminal regulator REG1 to derive a with its metal tab flat against the PC
to 16V. It also provides reverse polarity +5V rail. This rail is then filtered using board. As shown, its leads are bent
protection – if the supply leads are 10µF and 100nF capacitors and used down at right angles so that they pass
reversed, ZD1 conducts heavily and to power IC1. IC2 and IC3 derive their through their respective mounting
“blows” the 10 resistor. power directly from the decoupled holes. This is best done by slipping
The decoupled supply is fed to +12V rail. an M3 screw through the hole in the
Finally, cover the coil with a short and the fusebox will provide a suitable the next magnet and remove it and so
length of heatshrink tubing and shrink connection point. Be sure to choose the on until all the magnets are separate.
it into place using a hot-air gun fused side of the supply rail, so that The magnets can then be attached to
The sealant should now be left to dry the existing fuse is in series. the driveshaft with the marked faces
for about eight hours. A 100mm-long You should also be able to access on the outside.
cable tie can be placed around the coil the reversing switch connection at The magnets should be equally
to secure the lead in place. the fusebox. The ground connection spaced around the driveshaft and can
The alternative Hall sensor is as- can be made by connecting the lead to be affixed using builder’s adhesive (eg,
sembled on a small PC board coded the chassis using a solder eyelet and Liquid Nails, Grip Fill, etc). Covering
551. Fig.7 shows the assembly details. self-tapping screw. the magnets with some neutral cure
Apart from the Hall sensor itself, Fig.6 shows the mounting details silicone sealant will protect them from
there’s just a single 100nF capacitor for the speed sensor. Note that the damage due to stones and other debris
to be installed. four magnets must all be installed thrown up by the wheels.
Note that the UGN3503 Hall sensor with the same pole facing outwards The pickup coil can be secured by
is mounted flat against the PC board – ie, they must all have either their bolting it to an L-shaped bracket which
with the label side up. The connect- north pole facing outwards or their is then fastened to the chassis. Position
ing lead to the main unit is run using south pole facing outwards (it doesn’t it so that there is about a 10mm maxi-
twin-core shielded cable. matter which). mum gap between it and the magnets
This is done by attaching the mag- as they pass.
Installation nets together in a stack. This will Alternatively, you can use a Hall
Be sure to use proper automotive either give an N-S-N-S, etc stack or sensor instead of the pickup coil, as
cable and connectors when installing an S-N-S-N, etc stack. You then mark shown in Fig.7.
the unit into a vehicle. The +12V sup- the outside face of the top magnet and The ignition coil input is connected
ply is derived via the ignition switch remove it from the stack, then mark directly to the switched (negative) side
No, not a seasonal misprint but an interesting story of a datacomms
technology that appears to defy the laws of science. Sounding as
credible as Father Christmas, it’s probably just an agreeable myth.
But who knows? Mark Nelson assesses the claims.
HE value of investments, and the doubt if they would get 18 yards, let alone 18
Single Cycle
T income from them, can fall as well as
rise, and you may not get back the full
amount you invest. This familiar and sober
Quoted in The Guardian, the system’s
inventor, Joe Bobier, declares: “While other
modulation schemes take a thousand cycles
Perhaps I’m overstating my case, but
there’s nothing intrinsically special about that
government wealth warning will ring true to demonstration. In any case, wireless works
to send one bit, we can send a bit in a single
everyone who remembers the trumped-up much better (goes much further) at 900MHz
cycle.” How this is achieved is not revealed
claims made for many high-tech investment than the microwave bands that xMax would
and the website (www.xgtechnology.com)
“opportunities” during the dot-com boom of says that xMax is “a novel modulation and be allowed to use in most parts of the world.
around five years ago. encoding technology that boosts the range It’s an accident of history that the USA has
Although the hype of that era has evaporat- and power efficiency of all wired and wire- the 902-928MHz frequency band allocated as
ed to a large extent since then, every now and less communications. It is not a compression a free-for-all ISM (industrial, scientific and
then something crops up to astound even sea- technique, but rather a synergistic mix of medical) radio band, but this is not the case in
soned observers (OK, cynics) like yours truly. two well-established communication most territories.
And one of them is xMax. approaches that dramatically improves spec-
Let’s first look at xMax and the claims trum utilization.” Flash in the Pan?
made for it, then take a reality check and see If so, it’s doubtful if the system can be So how does it work? The website states
how it might make out. The experimental patented and if a patent is issued, rival com- that at the heart of the xMax solution is xG’s
technology – and it certainly is still experi- panies will be rushing to examine it for “prior Flash Signal technology, using single-cycle
mental – is a wireless broadband system, in art” that they can exploit to bust the patent. In waveforms to transmit information at a
essence no different from the wireless local fact it is well known that publishing a patent minimum effective rate of 1Mbit/s for each
area networks (WLANs) that provide is the best way to lose competitive advantage; megahertz of spectrum utilized in the infor-
localised “hotspots” at airports, stations and far better to bring your novelty to market and mation-bearing channels. This means even
motorway service areas. Small hotspots are leave your competitors struggling while they traditionally weak signals are usable, claims
not what it’s designed for, however, since attempt to catch up. the inventor. “Moreover, because the receiver
xMax aims to provide wide area service to includes a passive wavelet path filter that
whole neighbourhoods. Weasel Words acknowledges only single-cycle waveforms,
all other RF signals are ignored.”
The company states that xMax can be
No New Wires designed to operate at any frequency and it is There’s much more verbiage in this vein,
Fundamentally, it’s a “no new wires” sys- suitable for use on licensed and unlicensed all sounding highly technical but without a
tem. Being wireless, or more accurately, wire- spectrum. These weasel words may entice scintilla of plain “brass tacks” or block dia-
free it does not use phone lines nor does it investors but will not fool readers like you. grams. Pardon my scepticism but as a pretty
force you to subscribe to cable service. Unlicensed spectrum is of course unlicens- good hot air merchant, I can smell the aroma
Telephone exchanges don’t require upgrading able because it “belongs” to other users. of bull with great acuity.
nor does it involve remodelling electric sup- There are of course some licence-free parts of The company also thinks it can brush aside
ply mains to carry data signals. It works by the spectrum but these are already “getting existing radio regulations too; it says that new
radio waves. mighty crowded”. entrants can use xMax to break into the
That’s not new in itself. The UK has seen “By combining elements of traditional nar- wireless broadband market community by
several wireless broadband systems already, rowband systems with key elements found in re-using existing sub-gigahertz spectrum.
most of which have “risen without trace” and wideband systems,” the blurb continues, Pardon me but existing users will not take
then collapsed with even less attention. “xMax delivers broadband data rates orders kindly to sharing their hard-earned alloca-
Remember Tele2 or Atlantic Telecom? No? I of magnitude farther than other technologies tions like this, nor will regulatory bodies
think I’ve made my point then. operating at the same frequency and power coalesce willingly. Protagonists of ultra-
What marks out xMax as something differ- level. Conversely, xMax achieves equal range wideband (UWB) thought they could march
ent, however, are the modulation method and with far less power, thereby improving bat- in and claim this territory – and have failed.
the extremely low power of the radio waves tery life.”
used. Press reports describe a “new low This tells us very little but the reports of the Season of Goodwill
power wireless revolution”, and speak ecstat- demonstration to journalists speak more loud- It’s possible to go on picking holes in this
ically of a technology “a thousand times more ly. The test transmissions were made from the drivel, but it’s just too easy. You doubtless get
efficient than WiMAX” that can deliver a top of an 850ft tower across flat territory the message, and in any case this is supposed
3·7Mbit/s data stream 18 miles using just 50 using 50mW to a gain antenna at 915MHz to be the season of goodwill. Suffice to say
milliwatts of radio frequency power at across an 18-mile path. that the broadband marketplace is already
900MHz. So what? Frankly there’s nothing special pretty crowded and with rates starting to tum-
Even more intriguingly, the system is about that. I used to work Northampton to ble in an inevitable price war to come, who on
based on a 50-cent integrated circuit and can Malvern (a 90-mile path) on the old 934MHz earth would want to get embroiled in a mas-
operate on several different frequencies personal radio band with not much more sive investment to upstage some very well-
simultaneously. The promoters, a startup power than that, using narrowband FM mod- entrenched players?
wireless company called xG Technology in ulation and a 1980s technology radio. The We can be sure that 2006 will bring some
Florida, refuse to release any more informa- only reason it worked was the line-of-sight fascinating developments, but if xMax is one
tion until their patent is granted and have so path and the same applies to xMax. Try their of them, look out for a fulsome apology from
far allowed observers to see only a black box. same experiment in downtown Chicago and I me in twelve months’ time!
Ingenuity Unlimited
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Fig.1 is a block diagram showing when exposed to daylight is around Trimpot VR1 sets the light threshold
the operation of the Sunset Switch. 10kΩ, so the voltage at pin 2 of IC1a for the Sunset Switch. You can set it
An LDR monitors ambient light and in daylight is normally below 1V. from twilight to quite dark.
when the light drops below a certain This is lower than the voltage at pin 3 The output from IC1a is fed via
threshold, the following Schmitt trig- so the output of IC1a will be high. an RC delay network consisting of a
ger changes its output level and this In darkness, the resistance of the 100kΩ resistor and 100µF capacitor.
is sent through a delay. It takes a few LDR rises and so the voltage at pin This delays the triggering of the fol-
seconds before the second Schmitt 2 rises above that at pin 3 and the lowing Schmitt trigger, IC1b, by a few
trigger changes its output level. This output of IC1a goes low. The 100kΩ seconds. This prevents false triggering
delay prevents momentary changes resistor between pins 1 & 3 of IC1a pro- due to sudden changes in light level.
in light level from causing the circuit vides about 200mV hysteresis which Low light levels result in IC1b’s
to trigger. prevents the output from erratically output going high and this triggers the
The second Schmitt trigger clocks switching low and high as the light clock input of the D-type flipflop IC2 at
a flipflop and its output drives a tran- level changes. pin 3. This causes the Q output at pin
sistor (Q1) and the relay. The relay
switches power to the mains outlet.
At the same time, the flipflop starts
the timer and after the selected time
(set via the DIP1 switches) it resets
the flipflop and the relay is switched
off. If the switches are left open, the
flipflop will be reset when the LDR
receives sufficient light to trip the
Schmitt trigger outputs again and reset
the flipflop.
Under manual control, the flipflop
is set (ON) with switch S3 to turn on
the relay and reset (OFF) with switch
Circuit details
Fig.2 shows the full circuit of the
Sunset Switch. There are just three
ICs and a 3-terminal regulator.
IC1 is an LM393 dual comparator
and both comparators are connected
as Schmitt triggers IC1a monitors the
LDR voltage at its inverting input, This is the view inside the completed unit. Be sure to use mains-rated cable for
pin 2. The resistance of the LDR all 240V AC wiring to the fuse, power switch & mains socket.
Fig.2: the complete circuit of the Sunset Switch. IC1a & IC1b function as Schmitt triggers, while flipflop IC2 drives
the relay (via Q1) and resets timer IC3 (a 4060 counter). VR1 sets the light threshold at which triggering occurs.
1 to go high. This turns on transistor In this case, the only way the flipflop IC2 is reset at switch-on via D11 and
Q1 which powers relay RLY1. LED1 can be reset is if the Off switch, S2, the associated 10µF capacitor.
lights to indicate whenever the relay is pressed or the ambient light on the
is switched on. LDR increases and causes IC1a and Construction
At the same time as pin 1 of IC2 goes IC1b to respond accordingly; ie, IC1b’s The Sunset Switch is built on a PC
high, the complementary output at pin output goes low and transistor Q2 board coded 547 (138 × 76mm). This
2 goes low and this releases the reset turns on. This resets the flipflop via the is housed in a plastic case measuring
on counter IC3. IC3 includes a free run- 100nF capacitor and diode D10. 165 × 85 × 55mm which has the control
ning oscillator at 1.2Hz, as set by the Manual switch-on is via switch S3 switches and mains socket mounted
components at pins 9, 10 and 11. As a which sets the flipflop so that pin 1 is on the transparent lid. Note that, to
result, the outputs at Q10, Q12, Q13 and high and pin 2 is low. ensure safety, you should use the
Q14 go high after 15 minutes, 1 hour, Power for the circuit comes from specified plastic case for this project.
2 hours and 4 hours, respectively. If a mains transformer with a centre- Note also that everything must be con-
one of the DIP switches is closed, the tapped 12.6V winding. This feeds a tained inside the case – there must be
selected output will reset flipflop IC2. bridge rectifier consisting of diodes no metal screws or other metal parts
This causes the relay to switch off. D1-D4 and the rectified output is fil- passing through from inside the case
Should all the DIP switches be tered with a 470µF capacitor. The 3- to the outside (or vice versa).
open, flipflop IC2 will not be reset by terminal regulator, REG1, provides the The wiring layout and component
the timer; ie, the timer has no control. required 12V for the relay and ICs. overlay for the PC board is shown
Fig.3: install the parts on the PC board and complete the wiring as shown here. Exercise extreme care when
installing the mains wiring and make sure that all exposed mains terminals are sleeved with heatshrink tubing to
avoid accidental contact with the mains voltages.
in Fig.3. You can begin construction Next, you can install the ICs, taking with the exception of the 10µF bipolar
by checking the PC board against care with their orientation. The DIP (NP or BP) type which can be mounted
the published pattern (see Fig.6). switch and trimpot VR1 can also now either way around.
Check for any shorts or breaks in be inserted and soldered in place.
the tracks and fix any faults as When installing the diodes, transis-
necessary. tors and 3-terminal regulator, take care Table 2: Capacitor
Start assembly by inserting PC stakes with their orientation and be sure that
Value IEC Code EIA Code
at all the external wiring points on the the correct transistor is in each posi-
100nF (0.1µF) 104 100n
PC board (8 required), then insert the tion. The electrolytic capacitors must
links and the resistors. be oriented with the polarity as shown 10nF (.01µF) 103 10n
The LDR can be mounted with its In some cases, it may be necessary screws supplied. That done, run
body about 5mm above the PC board. to scrape away the lacquer coating the remaining connections to the
The LED and relay is mounted next. on the transformer mounting foot fuseholder, mains switch and mains
to allow a good contact. Secure socket as shown and use heatshrink
Drilling the case the other side of the transformer to tubing over the terminals. Tie the
Drill out and shape the hole in the PC board using an M3 × 10mm wires with cable ties to prevent
the end of the case for the cordgrip screw and nut. them breaking and coming loose
grommet. When fitted, the cordgrip Next, secure the PC board to from their terminations. Note that
grommet must be such a fit that it will the integral spacers inside the the fuseholder must be a mains
continue to hold the mains cord in case using the small self-tapping safety type.
place even if the cord is pulled with If your plastic case doesn’t have
considerable force. matching integral standoffs, then
Mark out and drill the front panel WARNING you can secure the PC board using
for the mains outlet, switches and fuse- Nylon spacers and Nylon
holder. Then mount the mains socket, This circuit is connected to the 230VAC screws. Do not, under any circum-
switches and fuseholder. stances, use metal spacers and screws
mains supply and lethal voltages are
The incoming earth lead (green/yel- to secure the board – we repeat, there
low) goes direct to the mains socket
present on the PC board. must be no exposed metal screws on
as shown in Fig.3. A second (mains- Do not operate the unit unless it is the outside of the case.
rated) earth lead is then run from the fully enclosed in a plastic case and DO Switches S2 and S3 are wired using
mains socket and is either soldered or NOT TOUCH any part of the circuit 3-way rainbow cable which is sheath-
crimped to a solder lug attached to one when it is plugged into a mains outlet. ed in heatshrink tubing. This prevents
of the transformer mounting screws. Always remove the plug from the mains the wires from accidentally making
Fig.4 shows the mounting details before working on the circuit or making contact with any mains terminals.
for this solder lug. It is secured us- any adjustments.
ing an M3 x 15mm metal screw, two Setting up
Finally, do not build this project unless
nuts and a star washer. Make sure the Before going any further, refer to the
transformer case is indeed earthed; ie,
you are completely familiar with mains warning panel at the left. Set all DIP
check for a short circuit between earth wiring practices and techniques. switches off, plug a test lamp into the
and the transformer mounting. mains socket and apply power. Cover
Please note that the photos in
this article show an Australian
style mains socket. This should be
replaced with an approved panel
mounting socket suitably rated for
the country of use; ie in the UK a
13A panel mounting mains socket
or an IEC chassis socket.
the unit and the light should come S1. Set it to on, plug in the test lamp, longer times, swap the two 100kΩ
on immediately. Uncovering the unit apply power and cover the unit. The resistors at pins 10 and 11 of IC3 for
should turn the light off. test lamp should stay on for about 15 larger values. Two 220kΩ resistors
Trimpot VR1 is best adjusted by trial minutes. If this is the case, then you should about double these times.
and error. Switch off power and re- can expect S2 to switch the lamp on
move the mains plug. To set the unit to for one hour, S3 for two hours and S4 Installation
trigger at a darker light level, turn VR1 for four hours. The Sunset Switch should be
anticlockwise. To have it switch on at a By the way, if you have more than installed where it receives outside
brighter level, turn VR1 clockwise. one DIP switch on, say, S2 and S3, it light but must not be exposed to the
Also test the operation of the Off and will give the low setting (15 minutes), weather. It should also be shielded
On switches. Then check DIP switch not the sum of the two. If you want from the lights that it controls,
otherwise it may get
into a “race” condition
whereby it switches on
and off continuously.
Do not drill inside
the case to mount it
on a wall. Instead, use
mounting feet and self-
tapping screws into the
special screw holes pro-
vided on the underside
of the case. EPE
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Net Work
Alan Winstanley
Protect and Survive power: 9^2 gives 81 and 9^4 gives 6,561. For multiplication, use an
Welcome to Net Work – last month I highlighted an anti-virus asterisk as usual: 2*8 is 16. (Use the PC keyboard’s numpad.)
package from the Czech Republic that is proving itself to be a very Percentages too: “50% of 125” = 62·5, Google assures us.
credible alternative to better-known Western software. ALWIL Square roots: use “sqrt 64” and the answer 8 is given. Google
Software’s Avast! Anti Virus claims a 100% detection record and Calculator understands some constants as well: type “pi^2” to
you can download a free version from www.avast.com. obtain the square of pi, 9·8696044. Logarithms and the value of “e”
Registration is free for home users and lasts twelve months – then are understood as well.
simply renew it again. There is now no reason why home users Google can convert units queried in ordinary English. Type “185
should not be shielded against incoming viruses – and protecting pounds in kilos” and it shows an answer of 83·9145885. Enter “13
other users against any outgoing ones. stones 8 ounces in pounds” and Google responds with 182·5
Some ISPs will filter out viruses or spam (or both) before they pounds. “37 miles in kilometres” is no problem: 59·545728. Try
reach a subscriber’s mailbox. In 2003 Demon Internet, for exam- your car’s fuel consumption: “35 miles per gallon in kilometres per
ple, introduced filtering based on Brightmail’s anti-spam filtering, litre” produces 14·8800297.
but after nearly 11 years there is still no virus protection included
on the writer’s “epemag” account, which still costs £141 per year.
A number of commercial third party filtering services are avail-
able that screen out viruses and spam before they can reach their
destination. These include MessageLabs and EmailFiltering, the
latter being a service that I reviewed several years ago when it was
first introduced. This type of service avoids the need to download
viruses or spams to begin with, though using local AV software is
still a wise precaution.
Emailfiltering (www.emailfiltering.com) offered home-based
users an anti-virus and anti-spam service for just a few pounds per
month, and this proved to be an extremely effective and invaluable
service to protect the author’s main mailbox: installing EMF’s filter- Google helps you convert confusing capacitance values
ing service came as a breath of fresh air.
The need for the past tense is because EMF has discontinued its
services for home users as from this month. Depressingly, it has A query of “180 degrees Celsius in Fahrenheit” displays the
been necessary for EMF’s home users to revert to fetching their answer of 356 Fahrenheit. Ask Google “227 degrees Kelvin in
mail in its raw, unfiltered mode. Renewing the old and, hopefully, Celsius” and the result is minus 46·15 degrees Celsius. “50 million
long-forgotten battle against spam and viruses has proved to be as light years in kilometres” shows 4·7302642 × 1020 kilometres. 17
welcome as having to stem the flow in a leaking sewage pipe. EMF knots is 19·5632506 miles per hour.
still offers highly effective filtering systems, but with the more Cap That
profitable enterprise user firmly in mind. Let’s try capacitance, then: type “1,000 nanofarads in picofarads”
Spam Out and the answer is 1,000,000pF, and “1 nanofarad in microfarads” is
0·001 microfarads. Inductance: “1 microhenry in henries” is 1 × 10-6
Spam is a lot more problematic: Demon Internet’s Brightmail-
powered filters seem to do a reasonable job: however, filtered-out Henries. Google struggled with resistance values though.
mails are irrecoverable by users, so whether genuine mails (false Cooks everywhere can learn that “half a cup in teaspoons” is 24
positives) are also being filtered in error is unknown, but the prob- US teaspoons and “three tablespoons in ounces” is actually 1·5 US
abilities are hopefully remote. fluid ounces. Furthermore, “one imperial tablespoon in imperial
Other software-based anti-spam systems include the popular ounces” is 0·625 Imperial fluid ounces.
Mailwasher program, free from www.mailwasher.net and Our American readers may be unaware that US gallons differ
SpamButcher from www.spambutcher.com. There are many more from British (Imperial) ones: “imperial gallons in a US gallon” is
virus, spyware and spam products available at the software portal sites 1 US gallon = 0·832673844 Imperial gallons.
of www.downloads.com and www.snapfiles.com for you to try. How about Roman numerals: “MCXXV in English” shows one
thousand one hundred twenty-five and “1958 in Roman” shows
A Google Convert! MCMLVIII. Binary and hexadecimal: “137 to binary” produces
Google is the omnipresent search engine that strives to provide 0b10001001 (“b” for binary). To convert the hex value ‘df283784’
directly relevant results based on over 100 different criteria. One must- to decimal, try “0xdf283784 in decimal” noting the 0x prefix. (The
have free utility is Google’s toolbar (www.toolbar.google.com), answer is 3,743,954,820.) Binary to decimal conversion:
which is available for MSIE and Firefox, and should be part of every “0b100110101011 to decimal” returns 2,475 as the answer.
serious surfer’s armoury. Google will be the ideal online conversion tool for many, and
Did you know that Google is also a fine one-line calculator and more details of Google’s features can be found at www.google
conversion tool? It has a remarkable ability to answers queries made .co.uk/help/cheatsheet.html
in plain English. Type the expression “37 + 587” into the Google Wishing all readers Compliments of the Season and a happy and
toolbar (or search page) and the answer 624 is calculated. For divi- safe 2006. You can email comments to alan@epemag
sion, try typing 132/11 and the result 12 is shown. Raising to a .demon.co.uk.
Ian Bell
AST month we started to address a to look at JFET circuits. Before we get to mutual conductance. Conductance (and
L question on transistor amplifier circuits
posted on the EPE Chat Zone by Alan
the circuits it is useful to consider the fun-
damental differences between the bipolar
transconductance) is measured in Siemens,
symbol S, although it is often written in the
Jones: transistor and the JFET. form A/V (Amps per Volt), or more com-
For a simple, single transistor amplifier, The input to a JFET is basically a reverse monly mA/V for FET gains.
gain equals value of collector resistor biased diode junction so the gate current is Transconductance is sometimes also
divided by value of emitter resistor. If the effectively zero. Compare this with the called forward transfer conductance (gfs).
emitter resistor is bypassed by an elec- bipolar transistor, which has a forward Units of mhos were once used to measure
trolytic capacitor, gain is increased as the biased diode junction as its input, causing conductance, the name is simply Ohm
emitter resistance is reduced to something significant currents to flow into the base. backwards! Mhos and Siemens have the
like 25 ohms. This is a rough approxima- same value, they are just different names
tion but close enough for most purposes. High Impedance for the same thing, but Siemens are part of
My question: does a similar calculation The very high input impedance of FETs the SI standard for measurements.
apply to a simple FET circuit (or a valve is a key advantage, but voltage gains of Typical values of gm for discrete JFETs
circuit for that matter) and what is the FET amplifiers are typically smaller than aimed at amplifier applications range from
impedance value equivalent to “emitter similar bipolar transistor amplifiers. 2mS to 10mS, but higher and lower values
resistance” when a bypass capacitor is However, if source loading is taken into occur too.
used? account the effective gain of a FET circuit
In fact last month we only got at far as connected to a high impedance source may Clarification
looking at the bipolar transistor circuit. We be greater than that obtained using a bipo- Actually, the definition of transconduc-
looked at the fact that the emitter resistor lar transistor. This accounts for the use of tance given above is not quite correct.
provided negative feedback which stabi- FET input stages followed by bipolar tran- The gain varies with the operating point,
lized the transistor’s bias and made the cir- sistor gain stages in some amplifier so it is defined in terms of the change of
cuit’s gain dependent on the resistor values designs. output caused by an (very small) input
rather than the transistor gain. We usually think of the bipolar transistor change. So more strictly, the transcon-
We also saw how by replacing the tran- as being a current amplifier, that is, we ductance of a FET is the change in the
sistor with a simple equivalent circuit we have an input current (the base current) drain current divided by the change in the
could use some basic circuit theory to which controls the output current (the col- gate-source voltage at a constant drain to
come up with a formula for the gain. By lector current). The bipolar transistor source voltage.
making some assumptions about the rela- therefore has a current gain of collector Transconductance is not exclusive to
tive size of different bits of this formula, current divided by base current. As we are FETs, and in fact it is possible to describe
we were able to remove some parts that dividing two currents the gain is a pure bipolar transistor gain in terms of transcon-
had a minor effect and so simplify the for- number and is not measured in any physi- ductance as the variation of a bipolar tran-
mula to the well known RC/RE (collector cal units. sistor’s base-emitter voltage controls the
over emitter resistor as mentioned in the However, for a FET the input is voltage – collector current. So for a bipolar transis-
question). the gate source-voltage – which controls tor, transconductance is the change in the
Next we considered what happens if the the drain (and source) current. The gain is collector voltage divided by the change in
emitter resistor is bypassed by a largish therefore given by drain current over gate- the base-emitter voltage. It is equal to cur-
capacitor. For DC, the bias of RE’s affect source voltage. rent gain over base-emitter resistance (gm =
remains and we still get our bias stability. If we think of Ohm’s law (R = V/I) we β/rbe or hfe/hie in h-parameter terms). The
For AC the effective emitter resistor value see that the ratio of current over voltage collector current is given by Ic = gmvbe.
is very low. The simplifications we made corresponds to 1 over resistance, or con- As an aside, note that as well as
earlier to the formula no longer work. We ductance, (G = 1/R = I/V). So the gain of transconductance amplifiers (voltage in,
have to go back to the full formula and the FET is not a pure number, like bipolar current out) there are also transresistance
apply the new situation. This gives us the transistor gain it is a conductance; howev- amplifiers (current in, voltage out). The
RC/25 value for gain at room temperature er it is not a simple conductance but one gain of a transresistance amplifier is mea-
at around 1mA of bias current in the col- relating the transfer of a signal from input sured in Ohms.
lector path. to output, so it is called transconductance. In Fig.1 is shown the basic bias circuit
The simple answer to Alan’s question is: for an n-channel JFET. The transistor
yes you can do the same thing for FET cir- Transconductance needs a negative gate-source voltage to
cuits, but there are some differences. Alan The usual symbol for transconductance bias it to a suitable operating point and this
does not say if he is specifically interested is gm. The m in the symbol means “mutual” could be supplied by a battery as shown.
in JFETs or MOSFETs, so we have chosen – another name for transconductance is As the gate current is effectively zero, the
id = gm(vi – idRS).
Rearranging we get:
Fig.3. Simple equivalent circuit model id =
of a JFET 1+gmRs
Got the moody blues? Add some ambient and that of D2 starts to rise. When the input
is at about 0·625V, both D1 and D2 have
sensing colour to your life with this PIC based the same brilliance, and the other l.e.d.s
design! still remain off.
By JOHN BECKER When the voltage has risen to about
1·25V, D1 is fully turned off and D2 fully
N Techno Talk of May ’05, reference was The PIC is operated in RC mode, with turned on. As the voltage rises above 1·25V,
made to an ambient-sensing light display its clock rate set by resistor R12, preset so D2 now starts to dim as D3 starts to glow,
known as the “Stock Orb”. It was quoted VR3 and capacitor C3. With VR3 set for until at 1·875V, both are equally bright. As
as being an ornament that glows in various minimum resistance, the clock rate is about the voltage continues to rise, so the intensity
colours depending on a number of external 4MHz or so. The rate is far from critical of the respective l.e.d.s fades up and then
factors. These factors ranged from sensing (also see later). down. This continues until the voltage has
the surrounding temperature, to the ever- Via its analogue-to-digital converter risen to 5V, at which point only l.e.d. D5
changing ups and downs of values on the (ADC), the PIC inputs the signal voltage will be fully on, and all other l.e.d.s will
Stock Market. The concept caused the author produced by a particular source, such as the be turned off.
to slip on his thinking cap, yet again! temperature sensor, though it could equally Depending on the order in which the
The design described here is a much well be just from a manually controlled colours have been arranged in the sequence,
simplified version of what the Stock Orb can potentiometer. In response to that voltage, a so the effective colour hue perceived inside
probably do, using just a handful of compo- bank of five l.e.d.s having different colours a translucent enclosure (a “frosted” glass
nents on a small printed circuit board. As pre- is triggered accordingly so that a particular globe for instance) will change. If the col-
sented, it simply interfaces to a rudimentary colour hue is set to glow. our sequence is as above, and the voltage
temperature sensor and controls five coloured The choice of colours and their order change is progressively from 0V to 5V, the
l.e.d.s. Its ultimate use and interface to other of activation is up to the user, but the displayed colour will appear to change from
sensors is up to the ingenuity of the reader, basic range of l.e.d. colours available is red to orangy-red, orange, yellowy-orange,
although some ideas are given later. typically red, orange, yellow, green and yellow, greeny-yellow, green, bluey-green,
blue, although other colours are available, blue, and around 128 shades between these
Colourful world including white. groups.
The heart of the Ambilux coloured light As the input voltage falls again, so the
controller is shown in the circuit of Fig.1. Basic principle colour-changing sequence is reversed. If
Naturally, it is based around a PIC micro- The maximum voltage range that can the voltage remains static at any point in the
controller, IC1, in this instance a PIC18F242 be processed by the PIC’s ADC, which is sequence, so does the colour at that level.
(or PIC18F252) device – one of the newer accessed in this instance via pin RA0, is
PIC family beginning to show itself in our from 0V to +5V d.c., a range which must Software technique
pages. In point of fact, a PIC16F876 could not be exceeded. The software technique that causes the
just have readily been used instead, although Suppose the input voltage is 0V, the colour response is quite straightforward,
the author chose the 18F device to show software has been written so that l.e.d. D1 but deserves a bit of explanation. The PIC’s
how easy it is to use. Note, however, that the is at full intensity and the other l.e.d.s., D2 ADC is sampled on a continuous basis and
software cannot be used with a 16F device to D5, are turned off. As the input voltage each conversion value can range from 0 to
without suitable code translation. increases, the intensity of D1 begins to fall, 1023 for an input voltage range of 0V to 5V.
Temperature sensor
For the sake of demonstrating how the
Ambilux can be used to provide a colourful
indication of ambient conditions, a simple
temperature sensing circuit has been includ-
ed, although its use is optional. Its circuit On the cathode (k) side, it is connected to ×100 (the ratio of R17 to the total of R14
diagram is shown at the left of Fig.4. the 0V line via preset VR1. The cathode is plus VR2, plus 1). With VR2’s wiper set
Silicon diodes such as the 1N4148 can also connected to the non-inverting input midway, an approximation of the required
be used as temperature detecting devices. (pin 5) of op.amp IC4a. gain can be set, and subsequently adjusted
The basic bias volt- if desired. The resulting output voltage can
age level seen at IC4a then be fed via switch S4 (Thermo) to the
pin 5 can be set by the PIC’s RA0 ADC pin.
adjustment of VR1 Adjustment of VR2 should be made (in
– increased resist- the light of experience) so that the tempera-
ance raising the bias, ture typically experienced in a house can
decreased resistance produce a reasonable range of display colour
lowering it. In this bands. It is suggested that blue indicates the
way a mid-way bias lowest temperature, and red the highest – but
representing, say, a the choice is yours.
temperature of 15°C If you wanted a narrower range, say a
can be set. 10°C swing between 15°C to 25°C, the
In practical terms, calculation is then 10 × 2·3mV = 23mV.
Fig.3. Bolt-on PIC Ambilux Interface circuit diagram
if we take the tempera- The gain then needed is 5000mV/23mV =
ture range we want as 217, thus requiring a feedback resistance of
When a small current flows through a silicon being 0°C to 30°C, the change in current 2170kW, say 2M2W. In this case amend R14
diode, such as the 1N4148, it yields a nearly between the extremes is 30 × 2·3mV = to 1M5W, but leave VR2 at 500kW (a 470kW
linear relationship between the voltage and 69mV. The PIC’s ADC input range is 0V preset may be used in either instance).
temperature with a typical sensitivity of to 5V. The gain required by IC4a is thus
about 430°C per volt (2·3mV per °C). The 5000mV / 69mV = 72. Amplifier stage
equation for computing junction tempera- Preset VR2 in the feedback path between It is perfectly feasible to apply a voltage
ture from the measured diode voltage is the the op.amp’s output (pin 7) and inverting of between 0V and 5V d.c. directly to PIC
straight line equation: input (pin 6) can be used to adjust the pin RA0. However, it is envisaged that lower
op.amp’s gain, to between about ×47 and range voltage levels might be supplied by
Tj = m × Vf + To
other sensing device sources. To this end, an Construction required. This must be the most current-
a.c./d.c. amplifying stage has been provided, The printed circuit board component hungry l.e.d. of course. Thus if Luxeon V
via IC4b in Fig.4. This not only provides for and track layout details for the Ambilux are devices are used for control at 500mA, your
a gain choice of ×1 or ×10, as selected by shown in Fig.5. This board is available from connecting wires each need to be rated at a
switch S2, but also a choice of a.c. or d.c. the EPE PCB Service, code 546. little over this, say 1A.
input, as selected by S3. Note that only l.e.d.s D1 to D5 can be Assemble the board in the usual order of
Via the selected path, the input mounted on the board. If other l.e.d.s are to ascending component size, and use sockets
signal from socket SK1 is routed to the be driven via the Interface circuit (Fig.3), for IC2 to IC4. The latter should not be
inverting input (pin 2) of IC4a. The non- they must be mounted off-board in a suit- inserted until the output from regulator IC1
inverting input (pin 3) is biased to a mid- able manner. This will depend on the type has been confirmed to be 5V.
level voltage (2·5V) by resistors R15 and of display you wish to create, and could No specific housing is recommended for
R16. Capacitor C5 enhances the stability even be on an insulated vertical pillar. In the Ambilux. Choose whatever enclosure(s)
of this input. (The same bias level is also this type of instance, the l.e.d.s could be for the controller and its l.e.d.s as you wish.
used by IC4a.) mounted some distance away from the Even one of those paper globes used with
The output from IC4b pin 1 can be routed control board via insulated and stranded low-cost domestic ceiling lights might be
to the PIC’s ADC pin RA0 via switch S4. connecting wires. used. More elegant globes can probably be
The op.amp type shown in Fig.4 is a The wires must be suitable for carrying purchased from a decent lighting shop. Bath-
TLC2272IP rail-to-rail device, providing an the maximum current to be drawn. In this room ceiling light globes come to mind.
output that can fully swing between 0V and context, though, it is worth noting that only
5V on a 5V supply. Other rail-to-rail dual two l.e.d.s can appear to be on at the same Testing
op.amps may be used instead. time. But, in reality, only one l.e.d. is ever Having thoroughly checked the assem-
If you know precisely how you wish to use actually turned on as the software multi- bled board for accuracy of assembly and
the interface in Fig.4, you may prefer to omit plexes the individual outputs from both Port component positioning, and with the d.i.l.
switches S2 to S4, hard-wiring only those B and Port C. i.c.s omitted, connect a meter between the
connections that you want. Furthermore, any Consequently, you can consider the maxi- cathode (k) of D12 (TP8) and the 0V line.
then-unused components in Fig.4 could be mum current required by a single l.e.d. as With power on, adjust preset VR1 until the
omitted as well. being the total maximum l.e.d. current ever voltage reads 2.5V (half line voltage).
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Part Three – Capacitance. Introducing Capacitors.
Our Teach-In 2006 series provides a broad-based introduction to electronics for the complete newcomer. The
series also provides the more experienced reader with an opportunity to “brush up” on topics with which he
or she may be less familiar. This month we investigate the theory that underpins capacitors.
Example 3.1
Determine the capacitance of a capacitor
if a potential of 200V is required to create
a charge of 400µC.
The capacitance of the capacitor
(expressed in Farads) is given by:
Q 400×10-6C
C= = 2×10-6F = 2µF
V 200V
Fig.3.1. Electric field between two
charged parallel metal plates Example 3.2
What potential difference must be
A simple parallel plate capacitor is applied to the plates of a 10µF capacitor in
shown in Fig.3.2 In practice and although Fig.3.3. Charge, Q, plotted against order to produce a charge of 2·5mC.
air-spaced capacitors are used in some potential difference, V, for three differ- The potential difference can be calculat-
radio frequency (RF) applications, the ent values of capacitance ed by re-arranging the expression to make
space between the plates of most capacitors V the subject, as follows:
is filled with an insulating material, known From Fig.3.3, the capacitance is directly Q 2·5×10-3C
as a dielectric. Typical dielectric materials proportional to the slope of the graph, as V= = = 0·25×103 = 250V
follows: C 10×10-6
amount of charge on the
capacitor’s plates
Charge and Discharge
Capacitance = We have already said that a capacitor is a
potential difference device for storing electric charge. In effect,
between the plates it is a reservoir for charge. Typical applica-
tions for capacitors include reservoir and
In symbols this relationship is simply smoothing capacitors for use in power sup-
Q plies, coupling AC signals between the
C= stages of amplifiers, and decoupling supply
V rails (i.e. effectively grounding the supply
rails to residual AC signals and noise). You
from which we can obtain the further will learn more about these applications in
Fig.3.2. A simple parallel-plate capacitor relationships: future parts of Teach-In but, for now, we
Now assume that the switch is moved to
position C (Fig.3.4d). The excess electrons on
the negative plate will flow through the resis-
tor to the positive plate until a neutral state
once again exists (i.e. until there is no excess
charge on either plate). In this state the capac-
itor is said to be discharged and the electric
field between the plates will rapidly collapse.
The movement of electrons during the dis- Fig.3.6. Growth of voltage when a
charging of the capacitor will again result in a capacitor is being charged
momentary surge of current (current will flow
from the positive terminal of the capacitor
into the resistor).
Figs. 3.5a and 3.5b respectively show the
direction of current flow when the capacitor
is being charged (switch in position B) and
discharged (switch in position C). It should be
noted that, even though the circuit is appar-
ently broken by the gap between the capaci-
tor plates, current flows momentarily when
the capacitor is charged and discharged.
Capacitance 2.2pF to 100nF 100nF to 68mF 1µF to 16µF 2.2pF to 10nF 10nF to 2.2µF
Temperature +100 to -4700 ppm/°C +1000 ppm/°C +100 to +200 ppm/°C +50 ppm/°C +250 ppm/°C
Temperature -85°C to +85°C -40°C to +85°C -25°C to +85°C -40°C to +85°C -40°C to +100°C
Photo 3.2. Various electrolytic capacitors with values ranging from 1µF to 470µF
and voltages ratings from 10V to 63V
involves quoting the value (in µF, nF or The colour code shown in Fig.3.11 is
pF), the tolerance (often either 10% or used for some small ceramic and polyester
20%), and the working voltage (using _ types of capacitor. Note, however, that this
and ~ to indicate DC and AC respectively). colour code is not as universal as that used
Several manufacturers use two separate for resistors and that the values are marked
lines for their capacitor markings and these in pF (not F).
have the following meanings:
Capacitors in Series and
First line: capacitance (in pF or µF) and Parallel
tolerance (K=10%, M=20%) In order to obtain a particular value of
capacitance, fixed capacitors may be
Second line: rated DC voltage and code arranged in either series (Fig.3.12) or
for the dielectric material. parallel (Fig.3.13). Fig.3.13. Two capacitors in parallel
Questions 3.2
Q3.5. Determine the equivalent
capacitance of each of the circuits shown
in Fig.3.14.
Q.3.1. 5.9V
Q.3.2. 7.5µA
Q.3.3. 1.01µA
Q.3.4. 354nF
Q.3.5. 1.33µF, (b) 80n, (c) 249pF
Q.3.6. 3·33µF, 5µF, 6.67µF, 10µF,
15µF, 20µF, 30µF
Next Month
In Part 4, next month, we shall be intro-
ducing inductors, transformers and diodes
and investigating power supply circuits. In
the meantime you might like to see how
you get on with our on-line quiz for
Part 3. You will find this at: www.mike-
Correction Part 2 Dec ’05
In Example 2.2, the formula used to
solve this problem should be as follows:
Fig.2. Before using the DrawPlus 4.0 in earnest it is a good Fig.3. DrawPlus 4.0 has the usual menu bar and control but-
idea to view the QuickTours. The program has a good built- tons. The drawing facilities are mainly accessed via the but-
in Help system tons on the left. Note the dot grid pattern
The free download is version 4.0, lines to and from these dots, place so on. For the final positioning of text it
while the current commercial version objects on them, and so on. The grid can be useful to switch off the snap
is 7.0, so the free version is a few spacing can be adjusted via the grid. The best position for each piece
years old. It still has a good range of Snapping section of the Options dia- of text is the one that looks the best
features though, and it does not logue box (Fig.4). This is obtained by and not necessarily the one that is
require an advanced PC in order to selecting Options from the Tools mathematically correct.
run well. Version 5.0 is sometimes menu. Although the full range of installed
given away on the “free” cover-mount- With this type of program all non- fonts will be available, most will be of lit-
ed discs of computer magazines, and text objects have an outline and a fill. tle use in the current context. For many
it might be worthwhile keeping an eye There are two tabs near the top right- panels something simple and straight-
out for it. Should you decide to move hand corner of
up to the latest version it will only cost the window that
about £50. provide access to
You have to go through a simple the Fill and Line
registration process in order to obtain settings. The Line
a validation code for any free version settings control
of the program. This requires the sub- both simple lines
mission of a proper email address, but and the outlines
it is not essential to use your normal of shapes. It is
email address. If you do not already possible to effec-
have a “dummy” account for this type tively get rid of
of thing you can quickly set up a new outlines by setting
account with one of the many free a width of zero,
email services. and fills can be
removed by using
On Tour white as the fill
The initial screen of Fig.2 is obtained colour or using
when the program is first run. Normally the “None” option. Fig.4. This section of the options screen enables the size of
the “Create a Drawing” option is used Like most pro- the snap grid to be adjusted. The grid is essential when
here, but initially it is a good idea to use grams of this type, drawing with precision, but it can be switched off when you
the “View a QuickTour” option. The you are not need to do things “by eye”
Looking for a current clamp meter that won’t current transformers, comprising
turns of wire around a magnetic core.
break the bank? Here’s a simple clamp meter This magnetic core is clipped around
adaptor that you can build for about £15. It the wire to be measured, which
effectively behaves as a half-turn
plugs into a standard DMM and can measure primary winding. The winding on the
core itself acts as the secondary and
both AC and DC currents. connects to the multimeter’s current
lamp meters are very con- but is often a lot safer as well; eg, The measured current is a divided
venient when it comes to meas- where high voltages and currents are down value of the true current flowing
uring current, since they do involved. However, clamp meters are in the wire. Usually, the division ratio
not require breaking the current path. not particularly useful for making is 1000:1 so that 1mA shown on the
Instead, they simply clip over the wire low-current measurements (ie, below meter equates to 1A through the wire
or lead that’s carrying the current and 1A) due to their inaccuracy and lack that’s being measured.
the reading is then displayed on the of resolution. Clamp meters capable of measuring
meter. Unlike this unit, many commercial DC as well as AC do not use a current
This is not only much easier than current clamp meters can only measure transformer but a Hall effect sensor
“in-circuit” current measurements AC. That’s because they are basically instead. This sensor is placed inside
a gap in an iron-powdered toroid 3dB down at 20kHz (ie, 0.7071 of the others begin to roll off the signal above
core. It measures the magnetic flux real value). However, the actual meas- 1kHz (ie, frequencies above this will
produced as a result of the current urement displayed will also depend not be accurately measured).
flowing through the wire and produces on the high-frequency response of the If necessary, the output from the
a proportional output voltage. multimeter itself. Some multimeters Clamp Meter Adaptor can be mon-
give useful readings up to 20kHz, while itored using an oscilloscope if AC
How it works measurements have to be made at
To make it as versatile as possible, high frequencies. However, AC current
the Clamp Meter Adaptor also uses a Specifications measurements at 50Hz (ie, the mains
Hall effect sensor so that it can measure frequency) will be accurate using vir-
both DC and AC currents. The output Output: 1A = 1mV for AC and DC tually any multimeter.
of this sensor is then processed using ranges Note that most multimeters are
a couple of low-cost op amps which calibrated to display the RMS val-
then provide a signal for a standard Resolution: multimeter dependent ues of AC current measurements,
DMM or analog multimeter. (100mA with 0.1mV resolution on although they are only accurate for
When measuring DC current, the multimeter) sinusoidal waveforms. This unit
multimeter is set to its DC mV range Maximum DC current: 150A will not affect meter calibration,
and 1A through the wire in the core recommended (up to 900A if core since it does not change the shape
equates to a reading of 1mV on the me- is demagnetised afterwards) of the waveform for signals below
ter. A potentiometer allows the output 20kHz and only converts the cur-
to be nulled (ie, adjusted to 0mV) when Maximum AC current: 630A rent waveform to a voltage wave-
there is no current flow. recommended form. However, for non-sinusoidal
Similarly, for AC current measure- Linearity: typically better than 4% waveforms, the multimeter will
ments using the clamp meter, the mul- over range at 25°C display an erroneous result unless
timeter is simply set to its AC mV range. it is a true RMS type.
In this case, the DC offset potentiometer AC frequency response: -3dB at
is not needed, since the multimeter au- 20kHz (meter reading depends on Demagnetising the core
tomatically ignores any DC levels. multimeter AC response) One problem with clamp meters
The high-frequency response of Current consumption: 15mA is that the core can remain magnet-
the adaptor for AC measurements is ised after making high DC current
The unit is now ready for testing.
First, connect the battery and check
that there is +5V at the test point on
the PC board (ie, 5V between this test
point and ground). There should also
Fig.7: this simple setup can be used to calibrate the Clamp Meter be +5V on pin 8 of IC1.
Adapter. Null the reading first using potentiometer VR3, then switch If these measurements check OK,
on the 12V supply and adjust trimpot VR1 for a reading of 66.7mV. plug the clamp assembly into the
socket on the PC board and check the
voltages again. If they are no longer
The next step is to glue the Hall wiring for the Hall sensor can be glued correct, check component placement
sensor to one of the core pieces using in position and secured at the end of and the wiring to the Hall sensor.
some builders’ adhesive (it can go in the clip with a cable tie. In addition, Next, connect the output leads from
either way up). That done, glue a small the metal tabs on the clip should be the unit to the voltage inputs on your
piece of plastic to the remaining part of bent over to hold the wire in place. multimeter and set the range to mV DC.
the core gap to protect the Hall sensor This must also be done on the other That done, set VR3 to its mid-position
from damage when the clamp closes. handle, so that the jaws of the clamp and adjust VR2 for a reading of 0mV.
Naturally, this piece of plastic needs to can be opened as wide as possible.
be slightly thicker than the Hall sensor The 3.5mm stereo plug is wired as Calibration
to provide this protection. shown, with the tip and ring terminals The Current Clamp Adaptor is cali
The two core pieces can now be connecting to the red and black wires brated using a 12V power supply, a 5m
glued in position on the jaws of the respectively. If your twin shielded length of 0.5mm enamelled copper
battery clip, again using builders’ ad wire has different colours, take care wire and an 18Ω 5W resistor.
hesive. Make sure that the two halves to ensure that pin 1 on the Hall sensor First, wind 100 turns of the ECW
are correctly aligned before the glue goes to the tip connection. Pin 3 must around the core and connect it to the
sets. go to the ring terminal and pin 2 is the 12V supply via the 18Ω resistor as
Once the core pieces are secure, the ground and shield. shown in Fig.7. The current through
the wire will be 12/18 = 0.667A and,
as far as the clamp meter is concerned,
this is effectively multiplied by 100
due to the number of turns on the
All you have to do now is adjust VR1
for a reading of 66.7mV. And that’s it
– the calibration is complete!
Note that if the power supply is not
exactly 12V, you can compensate for
this by calibrating to a different read
ing. Just measure the supply voltage,
divide the value by 18 (to get the cur
rent) and multiply by 100 to obtain the
calibration number.
For example, if you are using a 13.8V
supply, you will have to set VR1 for
a reading of 76.7mV on the meter (ie,
13.8/18 × 100 = 76.7).
Once the calibration has been com
pleted, the PC board can be attached to
the case lid. It’s held in place simply
There’s plenty of room inside the case for the PC board and a 9V battery. The
board is held in position by slipping the case lid over the switch and pot shafts
by slipping the lid over the switch and
and doing up the nuts. pot shafts and doing up the nuts.
Don’t Patronise Us
Dear EPE,
I am one of the silent majority. I have
read your magazine since issue one, and Rockin’ Howler!
(somewhere) I have kept all my copies. I Dear EPE,
should say therefore that I am a pretty Thanks to you and Mike Hibbett for
loyal customer and I daresay you will be the Halloween Howler (Oct ’05). I am
interested in my continuing to be so. using the device to add snoring to a
I was motivated to write today by con- rocking chair skeleton, and it works
cern at two things in the November 2005 very well! Next year I will probably
issue, “Face Lift” in your Editorial and use several in different parts of the
“Will the Bulldog C to Oz” in Readout. yard.
I used to take all of the electronics Attached are a few photos that show
magazines when I was a student, and the implementation. On display the
I’ve seen most of them come and go, and skeleton will have a blanket covering
in my business, Greenbank Electronics from the lap on down. This will hide
(established 1970), I advertised in most the mechanism. Nothing there except a
of them too. car windshield wiper motor and the
Look at the magazines that failed, and howler.
look at what they did just before the end You can see the Fairchild QRB1134
(you should know, you bought most of Reflective Object Sensor on the L-
them when they finally collapsed) – they bracket near the motor. This synchro-
revamped the magazine, alienated their nizes the snoring with the motion of
old customers, and, oh dear, picked up the chair. Not shown are the dual fog
hardly any new customers. Increased generators with automatic changeover
expense, acceleration of circulation loss, Richard’s rocking skeleton seeming-
and the small controller that detects
insufficient new customers, liquidation, Trick Or Treaters and starts the fog and ly taking a nap, while waiting to howl
bankruptcy. rocker. at any intrepid onlooker who comes
You’ve lasted (?) thirty five years, Readers might also care to browse a too close!
don’t lose your way now. Keep doing website that sells skeletons! www.scary-
what you do so well, and there will terry.com/rockchair/rockchair.htm How splendid Richard. I told Mike,
always be a hard core base you can rely Richard T. Stofer, via email he was highly amused (as am I)!
on; if you damage your foundations and
betray the existing readership, there
won’t be another generation to rely on. with great interest, interest which would hope you will like it and that some
Which brings me to my second point: be considerably greater if you varied the new readers will be attracted too. The
listen to your readers – they pay your menu a little. I too program in assembler magazine has looked very old fash-
wages. They will tell you exactly what (I’m that old) which is probably why I ioned to younger readers and we need
they want; it may not be what you want would welcome a bit of “C” for a change. them as well as our old friends. We
to give, but they are the customers, you’d You want to keep your existing readers will continue to publish the same type
better be aware that the customer is and attract new ones. Engineers and of articles, just the presentation will
always right. potential engineers are always interested change and rest assured that due to
But what an awful patronising reply to in alternative and new ways of doing changes in the way we work it will not
your Australian reader, John O’Hagan, things, and they love a magazine that cost us more money to produce the
in Readout. All he did was write and tells them about them. magazine.
compliment your magazine, and ask for So why do I stay, if I’m so critical and We have taken your comments on
some support for the “C” language he unappreciative of your efforts? Simple: board regarding “C” and Atmel and we
uses, and some break from the monoto- your diagrams draw resistors properly will see what others have to say on
ny of the wall to wall PICs in your mag- (with wiggly lines that look like resis- this. We do try to get an idea of what
azine, for such as say the Atmel tors, and transistors that look like tran- readers are interested in from the Chat
microprocessors. sistors), and your writing style is clear Zone, and from the books, CDs, p.c.b.s
Your reply, although politely phrased and pleasantly enthusiastic. etc they buy, from comments we get on
was too patronising for me: basically David Parkins, via email the phone, from emails like yours and
you admit that “C” is what the readers from notes with subscription renewals
want, but you don’t care about that, you Editor Mike received David’s much etc. Part of the reason for publishing
think PIC assembler is better, so tough longer email and replied: such letters is to see reader response
on you. All he did was write in and tell and we often ask for it on the Readout
you what he wanted, there’s no need to Wow! We do seem to have upset you! page, it is not often as worrying as
put him in his place; he might even have First of all thanks for your loyalty and your email!
a better idea than you do about what comments. Sorry that you feel we have I hope what we have planned will be
interests people nowadays. been patronising to our readers – certain- of interest to you, we are aiming for
I have been a reader for thirty-odd ly not our intention. more variety and hope to cover high
years, and have never built one of your We don’t want to alienate our exist- level languages, other chips etc.
circuits. Nevertheless I read the magazine ing customers with the revamp – we Mike Kenward, Editor
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acclaimed fully illustrated guide. UNDERSTANDING PASSIVE COMPO- the signature strip)
NENTS – Introduction to the basic principles of passive components.
HOW TO USE INTELLIGENT L.C.Ds, by Julyan Ilett – An utterly practi- Valid From . . . . . . . . . . .Expiry Date . . . . . . . . .
cal guide to interfacing and programming intelligent liquid crystal display
Maestro Issue No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
modules. PhyzzyB COMPUTERS BONUS ARTICLE 1 – Signed and
Unsigned Binary Numbers. By Clive “Max” Maxfield and Alvin Brown.
PhyzzyB COMPUTERS BONUS ARTICLE 2 – Creating an Event
SEND TO: Everyday Practical Electronics,
Counter. By Clive “Max” Maxfield and Alvin Brown. INTERGRAPH
COMPUTER SYSTEMS 3D GRAPHICS – A chapter from Intergraph’s Wimborne Publishing Ltd.,
book that explains computer graphics technology. FROM RUSSIA WITH 408 Wimborne Road East, Ferndown, Dorset BH22 9ND.
LOVE, by Barry Fox – Russian rockets launching American Satellites.
PC ENGINES, by Ernest Flint – The evolution of Intel’s microprocessors. Tel: 01202 873872. Fax: 01202 874562.
THE END TO ALL DISEASE, by Aubrey Scoon – The original work of E-mail: orders@epemag.wimborne.co.uk
Stenning. THE LIFE & WORKS OF KONRAD ZUSE – a brilliant pioneer Payments must be by card or in £ Sterling – cheque or bank
in the evolution of computers. A bonus article on his life and work written draft drawn on a UK bank.
by his eldest son, including many previously unpublished photographs. Normally supplied within seven days of receipt of order.
Note: Some of the EXTRA ARTICLES require WinZip to unzip them.
roller tinned. All prices include VAT and postage and packing. Add £1 per board for Back-To-Basics 5 – Kitchen Timer 521 £5.87
airmail outside of Europe. Remittances should be sent to The PCB Service, – Room Thermometer 522 £6.02
Everyday Practical Electronics, Wimborne Publishing Ltd., 408 Wimborne Road All-Band Radio – Full Version SEPT ’05 523 £5.71
East, Ferndown, Dorset BH22 9ND. Tel: 01202 873872; Fax 01202 874562;
Email: orders@epemag.wimborne.co.uk. On-line Shop: www.epemag. – Mini Version 524 £5.23
wimborne.co.uk/shopdoor.htm. Cheques should be crossed and made payable to Multicore Cable Tester – Main 525 £6.19
Everyday Practical Electronics (Payment in £ sterling only). – Active 526 £5.55
NOTE: While 95% of our boards are held in stock and are dispatched within Back-To-Basics 6 – Daily Reminder 527 £6.19
seven days of receipt of order, please allow a maximum of 28 days for delivery – Whistle Switch 528 £5.87
– overseas readers allow extra if ordered by surface mail. Model Railway Signal Control 529 £6.19
Back numbers or photocopies of articles are available if required – see the Back Snooker/Darts Scoreboard 530 £8.72
Issues page for details. We do not supply kits or components for our projects.
Please check price and availability in the latest issue. Photic Phone – Transmitter
– Receiver
OCT ’05
531 pair £6.98
A large number of older boards are listed on our website. Back-To-Basics 7 – Parking Radar 533 £5.71
Boards can only be supplied on a payment with order basis. – Telephone Switch 534 £5.55
Haloween Howler 535 £6.02
PROJECT TITLE Order Code Cost PIC-Based USB Interface 536 £6.19
Bongo Box JULY ’04 451 £6.02 PIC Chromatone NOV ’05 537 £6.82
Portable Mini Alarm – Sensor 452 £5.23 Back-To-Basics 8 – Noughts and Crosses Enigma 538 £6.66
– Counter 453 £5.07 – Weather Vane Repeater 539 £6.18
EPE Magnetometry Logger 455 £5.71 Multi-Function R/C Switch 540 £5.87
Keyring L.E.D. Torch AUG ’04 456 £4.12 Speed Camera Watch Mk2 541 £6.35
Teach-In ’04 Part 10 – PIC Curtain or Blind Winder 457 £5.39 Solid-State Valve Power Supply DEC ’05 542 £6.35
Simple F.M. Radio – F.M. Tuner 458 £5.07 Vehicle Frost Box Mk2 543 £5.71
– Tone Control 459 £4.75 Propeller Monitor 544 £6.02
– Audio Power Amp (TDA2003) 347 £4.60 Solid-State Hammond 545 £6.18
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– Display Board 462 £7.93 Current Clamp Adaptor for Multimeters 548 £5.39
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SEPT ’04
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