Transducer Fundamentals: Industrial Electronics

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The document discusses transducer fundamentals and provides an instructor guide for an industrial electronics course. It covers topics such as different types of transducers, their uses, and circuit modifications.

The document serves as an instructor guide for teaching a course on transducer fundamentals for industrial electronics. It provides content on different transducers and their applications as well as sample exam questions.

Transducers are devices that convert one form of energy to another. They are used to measure or detect physical properties and convert them to signals that can be read by instruments or processors. Examples discussed include temperature transducers, strain gauges, IR sensors, and ultrasonic sensors.

Industrial Electronics

Transducer Fundamentals




Instructor Guide
Industrial Electronics
Tranducer Fundamentals
Instructor Guide

Edition 1

Third Printing, November 2011

Copyright 2009 Lab-Volt Systems, Inc.

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ISBN 978-1-60533-041-9

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Transducer Fundamentals Table of Contents

Familiarization ......................................................................................................................................5
Introduction to Transducers .............................................................................................................6
Introduction to the Circuit Board ....................................................................................................10
UNIT TEST.....................................................................................................................................14
IC Temperature Transducer ...............................................................................................................17
Temperature Measurement ............................................................................................................19
Temperature Control ......................................................................................................................26
UNIT TEST.....................................................................................................................................30
The Thermistor ...................................................................................................................................33
Thermistor Characteristics .............................................................................................................34
Temperature Measurement ............................................................................................................38
UNIT TEST.....................................................................................................................................43
TROUBLESHOOTING ...................................................................................................................45
The RTD ...............................................................................................................................................47
RTD Characteristics .......................................................................................................................48
Temperature Measurement ............................................................................................................51
UNIT TEST.....................................................................................................................................55
TROUBLESHOOTING ...................................................................................................................57
The Thermocouple .............................................................................................................................59
Thermocouple Characteristics .......................................................................................................60
Temperature Measurement ............................................................................................................63
UNIT TEST.....................................................................................................................................67
TROUBLESHOOTING ...................................................................................................................69
The Capacitance Sensor ....................................................................................................................71
Touch and Position Sensing...........................................................................................................72
UNIT TEST.....................................................................................................................................76
TROUBLESHOOTING ...................................................................................................................78
The Strain Gauge ................................................................................................................................79
Strain Gauge Characteristics .........................................................................................................81
Bending Beam Load Cell ...............................................................................................................85
UNIT TEST.....................................................................................................................................89
TROUBLESHOOTING ...................................................................................................................91
Ultrasonic Transducers......................................................................................................................93
Ultrasonic Principles ......................................................................................................................95
Distance Measurement ............................................................................................................... 100
UNIT TEST.................................................................................................................................. 105
TROUBLESHOOTING ................................................................................................................ 107
The Infrared Controller.................................................................................................................... 109
IR Transmission and Reception ................................................................................................... 111
IR Remote Control .......................................................................................................................114
UNIT TEST...................................................................................................................................117
TROUBLESHOOTING .................................................................................................................119
Appendix A – Pretest and Posttest Questions and Answers ...................................................... 121
Appendix B – Faults and Circuit Modifications (CMS .................................................................. 127
Instructor Guide
FACET by Lab-Volt vii
Table of Contents Transducer Fundamentals

Instructor Guide
viii FACET by Lab-Volt
Transducer Fundamentals Introduction

Fault Assisted Circuits for Electronics Training (FACET) curriculum is multimedia-based courseware. The
curriculum gives students hands-on experience using equipment and software closely associated with
industry standards. It provides students with opportunities for instruction in academic and technical skills.
All courses are activity-driven curricula and consist of several units containing two or more exercises.
Units begin with an objective or statement explaining the overall goal of the unit. This is followed by a
fundamentals section.
Exercises consist of the following sections: an objective, a discussion area, a procedure activity, and a
conclusion. Each exercise also includes a set of review questions. Any available circuit modifications
(CMs) and faults are listed after these review questions.
When students complete all of the exercises in a unit, they take a Unit Test. At the beginning and end of
the course, there are additional assessment tools. The Pretest and Posttest include questions from every
unit in the course.
This Instructor Guide provides a unit-by-unit outline of the FACET curriculum. The guide enables the
instructor to gain a general understanding of the units within the course and includes the following
♦ Unit objective
♦ Fundamentals questions and answers
♦ New terms and words for the unit
♦ Equipment required for the unit
♦ Exercise objective
♦ Discussion questions and answers
♦ Procedure questions and answers
♦ Review questions and answers
♦ Circuit Modifications (CMs) and Faults available
♦ Test questions and answers
♦ Troubleshooting questions and answers (where applicable)

Appendices include the questions and answers to the Posttest plus additional specific information on
faults and circuit modifications (CMs).

Instructor Guide
FACET by Lab-Volt 1
Introduction Transducer Fundamentals

Equipment and Supplies

The following equipment and supplies are needed for this course:

FACET base unit
Course circuit board
Student Workbook (optional)
Instructor Guide
Oscilloscope, dual trace
Generator, sine wave
Two-post connectors
Terminal posts

Equipment Installation
To install the hardware, refer to the FACET Installation Instructions that came with your equipment.

Software Installation
If third party software is included with the course, refer to the manufacturers’ directions for installation
instructions. Remember to register all software as required.

Board Troubleshooting
The FACET equipment is carefully designed, manufactured, and tested to assure long, reliable life. If you
suspect a genuine failure in the equipment, the following steps should be followed to trace a problem.
A. Always insert the board into a base unit before attempting to use an ohmmeter for troubleshooting.
The schematic diagrams imprinted on the boards are modified by the absence of base unit switch
connections; therefore, ohmmeter checks will produce erroneous results with disconnected boards.
Do not apply power to the base unit when you perform resistance checks.
B. Information describing fault switch functions is provided in Appendix B in this instructor guide.

FACET Resources
Students are provided with a variety of supplemental information or resources pertaining to specific topics
discussed throughout the course. The reference materials, charts, and background information can be
found in the course menu under the Resources title.

Instructor Guide
2 FACET by Lab-Volt
Transducer Fundamentals Introduction

Real-Number Questions and Recall Values

Throughout FACET courses students may encounter real-number questions.
Answers to real-number questions are graded correct if they fall within an acceptable tolerance range.
This input value is saved by the computer in a variable, so that it can be recalled for use in later
questions. This variable is called Recall Label x, where x, starting at 1, corresponds to its order of
appearance within a Procedure. In the second instance the Recall Label x appears, the value of x will be
2, and so on.
The Recall Label does not appear on screen.
Sometimes, the answer to a question is not based on a value recalled from a previous question.
Therefore, the Value Calculation is equal to the Nominal Answer. See the examples below:
Exercise Procedure
1. VRESON= _______ Vpk-pk
Recall Label for this Question: Recall Value 1
Nominal Answer: 13.97
Min/Max Value: (11.87) to (14.95)
Value Calculation: 13.970 No Recall Value is being used.
Correct Tolerance Percent = true Value Calculation is equal to
Correct Minus Tolerance = 15 Nominal Answer.
Correct Plus Tolerance = 7

2. IT = _______ μApk-pk
Recall Label for this Question: Recall Value 2
Nominal Answer: 219.1
*Min/Max Value: (10.32) to (685.9)
Recall Value 1 is the
Value Calculation: ((15 – Recall Value 1)/4.7)∗1000
value recalled from a
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
previous question.
Correct Minus Tolerance = 3
Correct Plus Tolerance = 3

Instructor Guide
FACET by Lab-Volt 3
Introduction Transducer Fundamentals

Safety is everyone’s responsibility. All must cooperate to create the safest possible working environment.
Students must be reminded of the potential for harm, given common sense safety rules, and instructed to
follow the electrical safety rules.
Any environment can be hazardous when it is unfamiliar. The FACET computer-based laboratory may
be a new environment to some students. Instruct students in the proper use of the FACET equipment
and explain what behavior is expected of them in this laboratory. It is up to the instructor to provide the
necessary introduction to the learning environment and the equipment. This task will prevent injury to both
student and equipment.
The voltage and current used in the FACET Computer-Based Laboratory are, in themselves, harmless
to the normal, healthy person. However, an electrical shock coming as a surprise will be uncomfortable
and may cause a reaction that could create injury. The students should be made aware of the following
electrical safety rules.
1. Turn off the power before working on a circuit.
2. Always confirm that the circuit is wired correctly before turning on the power. If required, have your
instructor check your circuit wiring.
3. Perform the experiments as you are instructed: do not deviate from the documentation.
4. Never touch “live” wires with your bare hands or with tools.
5. Always hold test leads by their insulated areas.
6. Be aware that some components can become very hot during operation. (However, this is not a
normal condition for your FACET. course equipment.) Always allow time for the components to cool
before proceeding to touch or remove them from the circuit.
7. Do not work without supervision. Be sure someone is nearby to shut off the power and provide first
aid in case of an accident.
8. Remove power cords by the plug, not by pulling on the cord. Check for cracked or broken insulation
on the cord.

Instructor Guide
4 FACET by Lab-Volt
Transducer Fundamentals Familiarization

Describe the basic operation of transducer devices. Locate and describe the functions of the circuit blocks
on the TRANSDUCER FUNDAMENTALS circuit board.

What type of transducer is a microphone?
a. input




transducer – a device that converts one form of energy into another.
temperature coefficient – a factor used to calculate the change in the characteristics of a device with
changes in its temperature.
positive temperature coefficient – a temperature coefficient that indicates that a device’s output
parameter increases as temperature increases.
negative temperature coefficient – a temperature coefficient that indicates that a device’s output
parameter decreases as temperature increases.
sensors – input transducers that detect non-electrical physical quantities.
input transducers – transducers that convert a non-electrical physical quantity into a proportional
electrical signal.
output transducers – transducers that convert an electrical output signal into a non-electrical physical

FACET base unit
Oscilloscope, dual trace
Two-post connector
Termial posts

Instructor Guide
FACET by Lab-Volt 5
Familiarization Transducer Fundamentals

Introduction to Transducers

Describe the basic operation of transducer devices. Verify your results by measuring basic transducer
output parameters.

When this type of transducer is connected in a circuit, the transducer appears electrically as a
a. voltage source.
b. current source.
c. variable resistor.

This figure shows the response curves for four types of temperature transducers. Which transducer has
the most linear response?
a. thermocouple
b. RTD
c. thermistor
d. IC transducer

Which transducer’s output parameter decreases as temperature increases?

a. thermocouple
b. RTD
c. thermistor
d. IC transducer

3. What is happening as the temperature is rising to 40°C?
a. Voltage increases.
b. Voltage decreases.
c. Voltage remains about the same.

5. VR1 = mV
Recall Label for this Question: Recall Label 1
Nominal Answer: 313.2
Min/Max Value: (306.9) to (319.5)
Value Calculation: 313.200
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 2
Correct Plus Tolerance = 2

6. IT = μA
Recall Label for this Question: None
Nominal Answer: 313.2
*Min/Max Value: (297.7) to (329.1)
Value Calculation: Recall Label 1
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 3
Correct Plus Tolerance = 3

* NOTE: Min/Max Values shown are based upon a calculation using the absolute lowest and highest recall value. By using the
actual input in your calculations, you will determine the correct value.

Instructor Guide
6 FACET by Lab-Volt
Transducer Fundamentals Familiarization

Is your calculation of Recall Label 1 μA close to this value?

a. yes
b. no

9. RTH = Ω
Recall Label for this Question: Recall Label 3
Nominal Answer: 5327.0
Min/Max Value: ( 4262) to ( 6392)
Value Calculation: 5327.000
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 20
Correct Plus Tolerance = 20

Is your measurement of Recall Label 3 Ω close to this value?

a. yes
b. no

11. The ohmmeter reading indicates that the temperature coefficient of the thermistor on your circuit
board is
a. positive.
b. negative.

15. What other temperature transducer has a temperature-dependent resistance output?

a. IC transducer
b. thermistor
c. thermocouple

17. RRTD = Ω
Recall Label for this Question: None
Nominal Answer: 1154.0
Min/Max Value: ( 1096) to ( 1212)
Value Calculation: 1154.000
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 5
Correct Plus Tolerance = 5

Why must the resistance of the thermistor and the RTD be measured without two-post connectors in
the circuit?
a. The resistance of the connector can cause measurement errors.
b. The transducer must be isolated from other components that would affect the
c. Both of the above.

20. RCCW = Ω
Recall Label for this Question: Recall Label 5
Nominal Answer: 120.5
Min/Max Value: (116.9) to (124.1)
Value Calculation: 120.500
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 3
Correct Plus Tolerance = 3

Instructor Guide
FACET by Lab-Volt 7
Familiarization Transducer Fundamentals

21. RCW = Ω
Recall Label for this Question: Recall Label 6
Nominal Answer: 119.5
Min/Max Value: (115.9) to (123.1)
Value Calculation: 119.500
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 3
Correct Plus Tolerance = 3

25. Slide the movable plate up and down while observing the scope. What happens to the waveform?
a. The frequency changes.
b. The amplitude changes.
c. Both of the above.

28. What type of signal appears on the scope?

a. square wave
b. dc level
c. short bursts of pulses

34. What can you conclude from the DATA LEDs?

a. The code was received by the RECEIVER section.
b. The code was not received.
c. Only part of the code was received.

1. A tranducer converts
a. temperature to resistance.
b. force into current.
c. position into voltage.
d. one form of energy to another.

2. Which circuit block on the TRANSDUCER FUNDAMENTALS circuit board shows a schematic symbol
of a transducer whose output is a change in resistance?
b. RTD
d. All of the above.

3. Which device on the TRANSDUCER FUNDAMENTALS circuit board is an output transducer?

a. strain gauge
b. infrared LED
c. RTD
d. thermistor

4. Which figure represents the output type for the IC temperature transducer?
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D

Instructor Guide
8 FACET by Lab-Volt
Transducer Fundamentals Familiarization

5. Which circuit block senses the position of an object by emitting pulses and measuring the time it takes
for the pulses to echo back?



Instructor Guide
FACET by Lab-Volt 9
Familiarization Transducer Fundamentals

Introduction to the Circuit Board

Locate and describe the operation of the various circuit blocks on the TRANSDUCER FUNDAMENTALS
circuit board. Verify results by making interconnections and taking measurements.

Which of these auxiliary blocks has jacks that allow you to connect to other circuit blocks with patch

How many gain settings are indicated?

a. two
b. three
c. four

What are the equivalent resistance and power ratings of the series combination?
a. 8.2Ω, 4W
b. 1.025Ω, 4W
c. 65.6Ω, 4W
d. 65.6Ω, 0.5W

Which temperature transducer block is used as an oven controller?

c. RTD

Which temperature transducer block does not have a pot?

c. RTD

According to the schematic symbol of the strain gauge, what type of output does this transducer have?
a. voltage
b. current
c. resistive
d. capacitive

What is the maximum displacement from the 0 cm mark?

a. 0 cm
b. 1 cm
c. 3 cm
d. 3 inches

Instructor Guide
10 FACET by Lab-Volt
Transducer Fundamentals Familiarization

2. VO = V
Recall Label for this Question: None
Nominal Answer: 5.0
Min/Max Value: (5) to (5)
Value Calculation: 5.000
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 0
Correct Plus Tolerance = 0

4. VO = V
Recall Label for this Question: Recall Label 1
Nominal Answer: 5.0
Min/Max Value: (4.9) to (5.1)
Value Calculation: 5.000
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 2
Correct Plus Tolerance = 2

Is your measurement of Recall Label 1 V close to your calculated value of 5.0V?

a. yes
b. no

15. VO = mV
Recall Label for this Question: Recall Label 3
Nominal Answer: 75.0
Min/Max Value: (67.5) to (82.5)
Value Calculation: 75.000
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 10
Correct Plus Tolerance = 10

Is this close to your measured value of Recall Label 3 mV?

a. yes
b. no

18. IA OUT = V
Recall Label for this Question: Recall Label 4
Nominal Answer: 7.5
*Min/Max Value: (6.683) to (8.333)
Value Calculation: Recall Label 3/10
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 1
Correct Plus Tolerance = 1

* NOTE: Min/Max Values shown are based upon a calculation using the absolute lowest and highest recall value. By using the
actual input in your calculations, you will determine the correct value.

Instructor Guide
FACET by Lab-Volt 11
Familiarization Transducer Fundamentals

20. IA OUT = V
Recall Label for this Question: None
Nominal Answer: 7.5
*Min/Max Value: (6.349) to (8.75 )
Value Calculation:Recall Label 4
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 5
Correct Plus Tolerance = 5

28. What does the second amplifier do to the voltage from the instrumentation amplifier?
a. scales it
b. inverts the polarity
c. Both of the above.

29. What type of strain is measured in figure B?

a. compressive
b. tensile
c. both compressive and tensile
d. none

38. What happens to the waveform?

a. amplitude increases
b. frequency increases
c. signal disappears

45. What can you conclude from the waveforms?

a. Only code 1111 was received.
b. Only code 0000 was received.
c. Both codes were received.

1. Which temperature transducer circuit block do you not need to calibrate for temperature
c. RTD

2. Which auxiliary circuit block is used to increase the signal from the transducer circuit blocks?
d. All of the above.

3. Which transducer circuit block does not have BLOCK ENABLE jacks?

* NOTE: Min/Max Values shown are based upon a calculation using the absolute lowest and highest recall value. By using the
actual input in your calculations, you will determine the correct value.

Instructor Guide
12 FACET by Lab-Volt
Transducer Fundamentals Familiarization

4. What can you use to connect the THERMISTOR circuit block to the INSTRUMENTATION AMPLIFIER
circuit block?
a. two-post connectors
b. patch leads
c. DIP switches
d. None of the above.

5. How can you regulate the oven temperature?

a. by calibrating the THERMISTOR circuit block
b. by calibrating the RTD circuit block
c. by calibrating the THERMOCOUPLE circuit block
d. by using a shunt on the TEMP header in the IC TRANSDUCER circuit block



Instructor Guide
FACET by Lab-Volt 13
Familiarization Transducer Fundamentals

What device is also known as a sensor?
a. output transducer
b. input transducer
c. any transducer
d. None of the above.

What type of energy can be converted into an electrical signal by an input transducer?
a. light
b. heat
c. force
d. All of the above.

Which device is an output transducer?

a. speaker
b. strain gauge
c. light sensor
d. thermistor

What type of transducer senses force?

a. RTD
b. capacitance sensor
c. strain gauge
d. infrared controller

How many circuit blocks on the TRANSDUCER FUNDAMENTALS circuit board are transducer circuit
a. 3
b. 4
c. 8
d. 11

What circuit block is designed to provide precision voltages to the other circuit blocks?

What type of output does a thermistor have?

a. voltage
b. current
c. change in capacitance
d. change in resistance

The transducer in your home thermostat is an example of a(n)

a. input transducer.
b. temperature transducer.
c. sensor.
d. All of the above.

Instructor Guide
14 FACET by Lab-Volt
Transducer Fundamentals Familiarization

Which figure could represent a thermistor?

a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D

What type of transducer can be used in a Wheatstone bridge?

a. thermocouple
b. IC transducer
c. voltage output types
d. resistive output types

Instructor Guide
FACET by Lab-Volt 15
Familiarization Transducer Fundamentals

Instructor Guide
16 FACET by Lab-Volt
Transducer Fundamentals IC Temperature Transducer

IC Temperature Transducer
Explain the operation of the IC temperature transducer and its function as a temperature measurement
and control device.

I-46.8°C = μA
Recall Label for this Question: None
Nominal Answer: 226.4
Min/Max Value: (226.4) to (226.4)
Value Calculation: 226.400
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 0
Correct Plus Tolerance = 0

For which feature would you choose the IC transducer over the other types?
a. linearity
b. operating speed
c. wide temperature range

Other types of IC transducers can have a negative temperature coefficient. With a negative
temperature coefficient, increasing
temperature causes
a. increasing current.
b. decreasing current.

This circuit controls oven temperature by

a. alternately truing power to the heater on and off.
b. applying more power to the heater for a larger temperatur change and less power for a small
temperature change.




IC temperature transducer – an integrated circuit that outputs a voltage or current that is a function of
temperature coefficient – a factor used to calculate the change in the characteristics of a device with
changes in its temperature.
positive temperature coefficient – a temperature coefficient that indicates that a device’s output
parameter increases as temperature increases.
negative temperature coefficient – a temperature coefficient that indicates that a device’s output
parameter decreases as temperature increases.
set point – the desired value at which a temperature controller is to regulate temperature.

Instructor Guide
FACET by Lab-Volt 17
IC Temperature Transducer Transducer Fundamentals

on/off controller – a temperature controller that turns the heating element fully on below the set point
and fully off above the set point.

FACET base unit
Oscilloscope, dual trace
Two-post connectors
Termial posts

Instructor Guide
18 FACET by Lab-Volt
Transducer Fundamentals IC Temperature Transducer

Temperature Measurement

Explain and demonstrate the use of an IC temperature transducer in a temperature measurement

IAD1 = μA
Recall Label for this Question: None
Nominal Answer: 311.7
Min/Max Value: (311.7) to (311.7)
Value Calculation: 311.700
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 0
Correct Plus Tolerance = 0

VOUT = Vdc
Recall Label for this Question: None
Nominal Answer: 6.15
Min/Max Value: (6.15) to (6.15)
Value Calculation: 6.150
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 0
Correct Plus Tolerance = 0

4. The LED is
a. on.
b. off.

IAD1 = μA
Recall Label for this Question: None
Nominal Answer: 308.2
Min/Max Value: (308.2) to (308.2)
Value Calculation: 308.200
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 0
Correct Plus Tolerance = 0

5. VOUT = Vdc
Recall Label for this Question: None
Nominal Answer: 2.5
Min/Max Value: (2.5) to (2.5)
Value Calculation: 2.500
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 0
Correct Plus Tolerance = 0

Instructor Guide
FACET by Lab-Volt 19
IC Temperature Transducer Transducer Fundamentals

7. VRS = mVdc
Recall Label for this Question: Recall Label 3
Nominal Answer: 308.2
Min/Max Value: (302. ) to (314.4)
Value Calculation: 308.200
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 2
Correct Plus Tolerance = 2

8. IAD1 = μA
Recall Label for this Question: None
Nominal Answer: 308.2
*Min/Max Value: (302) to (314.4)
Value Calculation:Recall Label 3
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 0
Correct Plus Tolerance = 0

Is the Recall Label 3 μA you determined from your VRS measurement close to your calculated value
of 308.2 μA?
a. yes
b. no

10. VOUT = Vdc

Recall Label for this Question: Recall Label 5
Nominal Answer: 2.5
Min/Max Value: (2.25) to (2.75)
Value Calculation: 2.500
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 10
Correct Plus Tolerance = 10

Is the Recall Label 5 Vdc you measured close to your calculated value of 2.5 Vdc?
a. yes
b. no

13. IAD1 = μA
Recall Label for this Question: None
Nominal Answer: 313.2
Min/Max Value: (313.2) to (313.2)
Value Calculation: 313.200
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 0
Correct Plus Tolerance = 0

* NOTE: Min/Max Values shown are based upon a calculation using the absolute lowest and highest recall value. By using the
actual input in your calculations you will determine the correct value.

Instructor Guide
20 FACET by Lab-Volt
Transducer Fundamentals IC Temperature Transducer

14. VOUT = Vdc

Recall Label for this Question: None
Nominal Answer: 5.0
Min/Max Value: (5) to (5)
Value Calculation: 5.000
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 0
Correct Plus Tolerance = 0

15. VRS = mVdc

Recall Label for this Question: Recall Label 8
Nominal Answer: 313.2
Min/Max Value: (306.9) to (319.5)
Value Calculation: 313.200
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 2
Correct Plus Tolerance = 2

16. IAD1 = μA
Recall Label for this Question: None
Nominal Answer: 313.2
*Min/Max Value: (306.9) to (319.5)
Value Calculation:Recall Label 8
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 0
Correct Plus Tolerance = 0

Is the # vrs40 # μA you determined from your VRS measurement close to your calculated value of
313.2 μA?
a. yes
b. no

18. VOUT = Vdc

Recall Label for this Question: vo40
Nominal Answer: 5.0
Min/Max Value: (4.5) to (5.5)
Value Calculation: 5.000
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 10
Correct Plus Tolerance = 10

Is the Recall Label 10 Vdc you measured close to your calculated value of 5.0 Vdc?
a. yes
b. no

* NOTE: Min/Max Values shown are based upon a calculation using the absolute lowest and highest recall value. By using the
actual input in your calculations, you will determine the correct value.

Instructor Guide
FACET by Lab-Volt 21
IC Temperature Transducer Transducer Fundamentals

21. IAD1 = μA
Recall Label for this Question: None
Nominal Answer: 318.2
Min/Max Value: (318.2) to (318.2)
Value Calculation: 318.200
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 0
Correct Plus Tolerance = 0

22. VOUT = Vdc

Recall Label for this Question: None
Nominal Answer: 7.5
Min/Max Value: (7.5) to (7.5)
Value Calculation: 7.500
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 0
Correct Plus Tolerance = 0

23. VRS = mVdc

Recall Label for this Question: Recall Label 13
Nominal Answer: 318.2
Min/Max Value: (311.8) to (324.6)
Value Calculation: 318.200
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 2
Correct Plus Tolerance = 2

24. IAD1 = μA
Recall Label for this Question: None
Nominal Answer: 318.2
*Min/Max Value: (311.8) to (324.6)

Value Calculation: Recall Label 13

Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 0
Correct Plus Tolerance = 0

Is the Recall Label 13 μA you determined from your VRS measurement close to your calculated value
of 318.2 μA?
a. yes
b. no

26. VOUT = Vdc

Recall Label for this Question: Recall Label 15
Nominal Answer: 7.5
Min/Max Value: (6.75) to (8.25)
Value Calculation: 7.500
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 10
Correct Plus Tolerance = 10

* NOTE: Min/Max Values shown are based upon a calculation using the absolute lowest and highest recall value. By using the
actual input in your calculations, you will determine the correct value.

Instructor Guide
22 FACET by Lab-Volt
Transducer Fundamentals IC Temperature Transducer

Is the Recall Label 15 Vdc you measured close to your calculated value of 7.5 Vdc?
a. yes
b. no

29. IAD1 = μA
Recall Label for this Question: None
Nominal Answer: 323.2
Min/Max Value: (323.2) to (323.2)
Value Calculation: 323.200
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 0
Correct Plus Tolerance = 0

30. VOUT = Vdc

Recall Label for this Question: None
Nominal Answer: 10.0
Min/Max Value: (10) to (10)
Value Calculation: 10.000
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 0
Correct Plus Tolerance = 0

31. VRS = mVdc

Recall Label for this Question: vrs50
Nominal Answer: 323.2
Min/Max Value: (316.7) to (329.7)
Value Calculation: 323.200
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 2
Correct Plus Tolerance = 2

32. IAD1 = μA
Recall Label for this Question: None
Nominal Answer: 323.2
*Min/Max Value: (316.7) to (329.7)
Value Calculation: Recall Label 18
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 0
Correct Plus Tolerance = 0

Is theRecall Label 18 μA you determined from your VRS measurement close to your calculated value
of 323.2 μA?
a. yes
b. no

* NOTE: Min/Max Values shown are based upon a calculation using the absolute lowest and highest recall value. By using the
actual input in your calculations, you will determine the correct value.

Instructor Guide
FACET by Lab-Volt 23
IC Temperature Transducer Transducer Fundamentals

34. VOUT = Vdc

Recall Label for this Question: vo50
Nominal Answer: 10.0
Min/Max Value: (9) to (11)
Value Calculation: 10.000
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 10
Correct Plus Tolerance = 10

Is the Recall Label 20 Vdc you measured close to your calculated value of 10.0 Vdc?
a. yes
b. no

35. What transducer characteristic(s) can you recognize from the data?
a. positive temperature coefficient
b. linear response
c. Both of the above.

Does your data confirm that the circuit’s conversion factor is about 0.5 V/°C?
a. yes
b. no

1. What parameter of the IC temperature transducer on your circuit board changes with temperature?
a. resistance
b. voltage
c. current
d. capacitance

2. Which figure shows the response of the IC temperature transducer on your circuit board?
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D

3. What is the IC transducer’s output current (IT) at -17°C?

a. 256.2 μA
b. 290.2 μA
c. 273.2 μA
d. -17 μA

4. In this circuit, you can determine temperature by measuring

a. the op amp output voltage.
b. the voltage across RS.
c. the op amp input voltages.
d. either a. or b.

Instructor Guide
24 FACET by Lab-Volt
Transducer Fundamentals IC Temperature Transducer

5. From the response curve, you can determine that the IC temperature transducer has a
a. current output that is a function of temperature.
b. positive temperature coefficient.
c. linear response.
d. All of the above.



Instructor Guide
FACET by Lab-Volt 25
IC Temperature Transducer Transducer Fundamentals

Temperature Control

Demonstrate how you can use the IC temperature transducer to control the temperature inside the OVEN.

What is the value of RSP if you place the shunt in the 40°C position?
a. 200 kΩ
b. 100 kΩ
c. 66.5 kΩ

What is the comparator output level when the two input currents are equal?
a. high
b. low
c. Cannot be determined.

Which circuit is a more efficient temperature controller?

a. with capacitor
b. without capacitor

2. What condition exists when you turn the oven on with a 40°C set point?
a. T < SP
b. T = SP
c. T > SP

3. VCTRL(high) = Vdc
Recall Label for this Question: Recall Label 1
Nominal Answer: 5.5
Min/Max Value: (3.85) to (7.15)
Value Calculation: 5.500
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 30
Correct Plus Tolerance = 30

Why doesn’t the output reach the positive supply voltage (+15V)?
a. The input signal is too small.
b. The diodes in the feedback loop limit the voltage.
c. The transistor is turned on.

According to the LED, in which portion of the curve is the controller operating?
a. A
b. B

Instructor Guide
26 FACET by Lab-Volt
Transducer Fundamentals IC Temperature Transducer

5. VCTRL(low) = Vdc
Recall Label for this Question: Recall Label 2
Nominal Answer: -1.1
Min/Max Value: (-1.43) to (-1.43)
Value Calculation: -1.100
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 30
Correct Plus Tolerance = 30

Why doesn’t the output reach the negative supply voltage (-15V)?
a. One of the diodes and the Zener are forward biased.
b. One of the diodes and the Zener are reverse biased.

7. Removing the capacitor caused the amount of temperature overshoot and undershoot to
a. increase.
b. decrease.
c. remain about the same.

8. VMAX = V
Recall Label for this Question: Recall Label 3
Nominal Answer: 5.6
Min/Max Value: (3.92) to (7.28)
Value Calculation: 5.600
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 30
Correct Plus Tolerance = 30

9. VMIN = V
Recall Label for this Question: Recall Label 4
Nominal Answer: 4.7
Min/Max Value: (3.29) to (6.11)
Value Calculation: 4.700
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 30
Correct Plus Tolerance = 30

11. TMAX = °C
Recall Label for this Question: tmax
Nominal Answer: 41.2
*Min/Max Value: (36.7 ) to (45.9 )
Value Calculation: 2 ∗ Recall Label 3 + 30
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 3
Correct Plus Tolerance = 3

* NOTE: Min/Max Values shown are based upon a calculation using the absolute lowest and highest recall value. By using the
actual input in your calculations, you will determine the correct value.

Instructor Guide
FACET by Lab-Volt 27
IC Temperature Transducer Transducer Fundamentals

12. TMIN = °C
Recall Label for this Question: Recall Label 6
Nominal Answer: 39.4
*Min/Max Value: (35.48) to (43.49)
Value Calculation: 2 ∗ Recall Label 4 + 30
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 3
Correct Plus Tolerance = 3

13. ∆T = °C
Recall Label for this Question: Recall Label 7
Nominal Answer: 1.8
*Min/Max Value: (-6.99) to (10.73)
Value Calculation: Recall Label 5 - Recall Label 6
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 3
Correct Plus Tolerance = 3

1. The oven controller on your circuit board maintains temperature at the set point by
a. applying more power or less power to the heater, depending on how far the temperature is from the
set point.
b. turning on the heater above the set point and off below the set point.
c. turning on the heater below the set point and off above the set point.
d. None of the above.

2. The transistor driver that switches the oven heater on your circuit board is driven by an op amp
configured as a
a. voltage-to-current converter.
b. current-to-voltage converter.
c. temperature-to-current transducer.
d. comparator.

3. Which circuit parameter does not vary with temperature?

a. RSP
b. IAD1
c. V(T)
d. All three parameters vary with temperature.

4. What component is used to minimize temperature overshoot and undershoot?

a. the Zener diode
b. the capacitor in parallel with RI
c. Q1’s base resistor
d. RSP

5. The fault is
a. open resistor from comparator output to transistor driver
b. RI open
c. RSP decreased in value
d. comparator output shorted to ground
* NOTE: Min/Max Values shown are based upon a calculation using the absolute lowest and highest recall value. By using the
actual input in your calculations, you will determine the correct value.

Instructor Guide
28 FACET by Lab-Volt
Transducer Fundamentals IC Temperature Transducer

CM 10
CM 3


Instructor Guide
FACET by Lab-Volt 29
IC Temperature Transducer Transducer Fundamentals

IT = (α x T) + 273.2 μA
You can use the equation above to calculate an IC transducer’s current at a specific temperature. Which
element in the equation defines the rate at which the IC transducer changes with temperature?
a. α
b. T
c. 273.2 μA
d. All of the above

An IC temperature transducer has a positive temperature coefficient. The transducer’s output current
increases as
a. applied voltage increases.
b. applied voltage decreases.
c. temperature increases.
d. temperature decreases.

What characteristic of an IC temperature transducer causes equal changes in temperature to result in

equal changes in output current?
a. self-heating
b. linearity
c. positive temperature coefficient
d. negative temperature coefficient

This block diagram shows how an IC temperature transducer can be used to control temperature in
an oven. The circuit compares the transducer temperature to a programmed set point. The heater is
turned on or off depending on whether the temperature is higher or lower than the set point. You can
characterize this controller as a(n)
a. proportional controller.
b. closed-loop system.
c. open-loop system.
d. None of the above.

This current-to-voltage converter uses an IC transducer’s current to generate a voltage that is a function
of temperature. What is the output voltage at +15°C?
a. +15V
b. -15V
c. +7.5V
d. –7.5V

An IC transducer on/off temperature controller exhibits overshoot and undershoot around the set point
because of
a. system time delays.
b. transducer non-linearity.
c. variations in the set point.
d. All of the above.

One advantage of using IC transducers is

a. linearity.
b. a wide operating temperature range.
c. self-heating.
d. All of the above.

Instructor Guide
30 FACET by Lab-Volt
Transducer Fundamentals IC Temperature Transducer

An IC transducer’s temperature coefficient is positive if its current

a. decreases when temperature increases.
b. increases when temperature increases.
c. has a linear relationship with temperature.
d. is greater than zero.

This on/off controller turns the heater on or off depending on whether the temperature (T) is greater than
or less than the set point (SP). Half of the maximum current is delivered to the heater when
a. T > SP
b. T < SP
c. T = SP
d. None of these.

What IC transducer parameter changes with temperature?

a. linearity
b. temperature coefficient
c. resistance
d. current

Instructor Guide
FACET by Lab-Volt 31
IC Temperature Transducer Transducer Fundamentals

Instructor Guide
32 FACET by Lab-Volt
Transducer Fundamentals The Thermistor

The Thermistor
Describe and demonstrate the characteristics and operation of a thermistor.

What characteristics can you identify from the resistance-temperature curve?
a. non-linearity
b. negative temperature coefficient
c. Both of the above.

What other thermistor feature is considered an advantage?

a. non-linearity
b. high speed operation
c. wide temperature range




thermistor – a temperature transducer made of semiconductor material whose resistance is a function of
self-heating – a device’s tendency to heat up beyond its ambient temperature due to internal power
Resistance-Temperature (RT) table – a set of manufacturer’s data that tabulates a thermistor’s
resistance ratio and other parameters at specific temperatures.
resistance deviation – a percent deviation of a thermistor’s resistance at a specific temperature T.
Resistance deviation is added to the thermistor’s resistance tolerance at a reference temperature to
determine the overall tolerance at the specific temperature, T.
resistance ratio – a thermistor’s resistance at a specific temperature divided by its resistance at a
reference temperature.

FACET base unit
Two-post connectors
Terminal posts

Instructor Guide
FACET by Lab-Volt 33
The Thermistor Transducer Fundamentals

Thermistor Characteristics

Describe and demonstrate the characteristics of thermistors.

In what units is the resistance ratio measured?
a. Ω
b. Ω/°C
c. °C/Ω
d. None of these.

resistance ratio (40°C) =

Recall Label for this Question: None
Nominal Answer: 0.533
Min/Max Value: ( .528) to ( .538)
Value Calculation: 0.533
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 1
Correct Plus Tolerance = 1

3. RRT = kΩ
Recall Label for this Question: Recall Label 1
Nominal Answer: 11.12
Min/Max Value: (6.561) to (15.68)
Value Calculation: 11.120
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 41
Correct Plus Tolerance = 41

Does your measurement of Recall Label 1 kΩ fall in this range?

a. yes
b. no

6. R35°C = kΩ
Recall Label for this Question: None
Nominal Answer: 6.531
Min/Max Value: (6.531) to (6.531)
Value Calculation: 6.531
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 0
Correct Plus Tolerance = 0

Instructor Guide
34 FACET by Lab-Volt
Transducer Fundamentals The Thermistor

8. R35°C = kΩ
Recall Label for this Question: Recall Label 3
Nominal Answer: 6.531
Min/Max Value: (5.225) to (7.837)
Value Calculation: 6.531
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 20
Correct Plus Tolerance = 20

10. R40°C = kΩ
Recall Label for this Question: None
Nominal Answer: 5.327
Min/Max Value: (5.327) to (5.327)
Value Calculation: 5.327
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 0
Correct Plus Tolerance = 0

12. R40°C = kΩ
Recall Label for this Question: Recall Label 5
Nominal Answer: 5.327
Min/Max Value: (4.262) to (6.392)
Value Calculation: 5.327
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 20
Correct Plus Tolerance = 20

14. R45°C = kΩ
Recall Label for this Question: None
Nominal Answer: 4.369
Min/Max Value: (4.369) to (4.369)
Value Calculation: 4.369
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 0
Correct Plus Tolerance = 0

16. R45°C = kΩ
Recall Label for this Question: Recall Label 7
Nominal Answer: 4.369
Min/Max Value: (3.495) to (5.243)
Value Calculation: 4.369
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 20
Correct Plus Tolerance = 20

18. R50°C = kΩ
Recall Label for this Question: None
Nominal Answer: 3.603
Min/Max Value: (3.495) to (3.711)
Value Calculation: 3.603
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 3
Correct Plus Tolerance = 3
Instructor Guide
FACET by Lab-Volt 35
The Thermistor Transducer Fundamentals

20. R50°C = kΩ
Recall Label for this Question: Recall Label 9
Nominal Answer: 3.603
Min/Max Value: (2.882) to (4.324)
Value Calculation: 3.603
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 20
Correct Plus Tolerance = 20

21. Are the calculated and measured values about the same at each temperature?
a. yes
b. no

From this data you can conclude that the thermistor

a. has a negative temperature coefficient.
b. is non-linear.
c. Both of the above.

22. R35°CMAX = kΩ
Recall Label for this Question: Recall Label 10
Nominal Answer: 7.23
Min/Max Value: (6.869) to (7.592)
Value Calculation: 7.230
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 5
Correct Plus Tolerance = 5

23. R35°CMIN = kΩ
Recall Label for this Question: Recall Label 11
Nominal Answer: 5.83
Min/Max Value: (5.539) to (6.122)
Value Calculation: 5.830
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 5
Correct Plus Tolerance = 5

28. ITH = mA
Recall Label for this Question: Recall Label 12
Nominal Answer: 2.2
Min/Max Value: (0.11) to (4.29)
Value Calculation: 2.2
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 95
Correct Plus Tolerance = 95

30. +V = Vdc
Recall Label for this Question: Recall Label 13
Nominal Answer: 15.0
Min/Max Value: (13.5) to (16.5)
Value Calculation: 15.000
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 10
Correct Plus Tolerance = 10
Instructor Guide
36 FACET by Lab-Volt
Transducer Fundamentals The Thermistor

31. RTH = kΩ
Recall Label for this Question: Recall Label 14
Nominal Answer: 5.618
*Min/Max Value: (3.313) to (225.4)
Value Calculation: (Recall Label 13/Recall Label 12)-1.2
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 3
Correct Plus Tolerance = 3

The resistance is less after one minute because

a. of self-heating.
b. the oven controller raised the oven temperature.
c. the oven controller lowered the oven temperature.

1. The resistance of the thermistor on your circuit board decreases as temperature increases because
of its
a. non-linearity.
b. resistance deviation.
c. negative temperature coefficient.
d. positive temperature coefficient.

2. At a specific temperature what parameter can you not look up in a thermistor’s RT table?
a. resistance
b. resistance ratio
c. resistance deviation
d. temperature coefficient

3. A thermistor’s tendency to heat up beyond its ambient temperature is due to

a. its temperature coefficient.
b. self-heating.
c. non-linearity.
d. resistance deviation.

4. What is the thermistor’s resistance at 0°C?

a. 0 kΩ
b. 0.3265 kΩ
c. 3.265 kΩ
d. 32.65 kΩ

5. The thermistor's nominal resistance is 19.898 kΩ at 10°C. What is the overall tolerance?
a. ±10%
b. ±4.8%
c. ±0.8%
d. ±10.8%

* NOTE: Min/Max Values shown are based upon a calculation using the absolute lowest and highest recall value. By using the
actual input in your calculations, you will determine the correct value.

Instructor Guide
FACET by Lab-Volt 37
The Thermistor Transducer Fundamentals

Temperature Measurement

Explain and demonstrate the use of a thermistor in a temperature measurement circuit.

output sensitivity = mV/°C
Recall Label for this Question: None
Nominal Answer: 500.0
Min/Max Value: (500) to (500)
Value Calculation: 500.000
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 0
Correct Plus Tolerance = 0

T= °C
Recall Label for this Question: None
Nominal Answer: 42.0
Min/Max Value: (42) to (42)
Value Calculation: 42.000
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 0
Correct Plus Tolerance = 0

2. RX = kΩ
Recall Label for this Question: None
Nominal Answer: 8.057
Min/Max Value: (8.057) to (8.057)
Value Calculation: 8.057
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 0
Correct Plus Tolerance = 0

7. VOUT = V
Recall Label for this Question: None
Nominal Answer: 5.0
Min/Max Value: (5) to (5)
Value Calculation: 5.000
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 0
Correct Plus Tolerance = 0

11. VR2 = mV
Recall Label for this Question: Recall Label 3
Nominal Answer: 191.0
Min/Max Value: (152.8) to (229.2)
Value Calculation: 191.000
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 20
Correct Plus Tolerance = 20

Instructor Guide
38 FACET by Lab-Volt
Transducer Fundamentals The Thermistor

12. VR1 = mV
Recall Label for this Question: Recall Label 4
Nominal Answer: 309.0
*Min/Max Value: (257.3) to (364.6)
Value Calculation: 500-(Recall Label 3)
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 5
Correct Plus Tolerance = 5

IR2 = μA
Recall Label for this Question: Recall Label 5
Nominal Answer: 38.2
*Min/Max Value: (29.03) to (48.13)

Value Calculation: Recall Label 3/5

Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 5
Correct Plus Tolerance = 5

R1 = kΩ
Recall Label for this Question: None
Nominal Answer: 8.089
*Min/Max Value: (5.079) to (13.19)
Value Calculation: (Recall Label 4)/(Recall Label 5)
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 5
Correct Plus Tolerance = 5

Does your calculated value of R1 approximately equal the thermistor resistance value (8.057 kΩ) you
determined for 30°C?
a. yes
b. no

15. VOUT (calculated) = V

Recall Label for this Question: None
Nominal Answer: 2.5
Min/Max Value: (2.5) to (2.5)
Value Calculation: 2.500
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 0
Correct Plus Tolerance = 0

17. VOUT (measured) = V

Recall Label for this Question: Recall Label 8
Nominal Answer: 2.5
Min/Max Value: (2.25) to (2.75)
Value Calculation: 2.500
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 10
Correct Plus Tolerance = 10

* NOTE: Min/Max Values shown are based upon a calculation using the absolute lowest and highest recall value. By using the
actual input in your calculations, you will determine the correct value.

Instructor Guide
FACET by Lab-Volt 39
The Thermistor Transducer Fundamentals

19. VOUT (calculated) = V

Recall Label for this Question: None
Nominal Answer: 7.5
Min/Max Value: (7.5) to (7.5)
Value Calculation: 7.500
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 0
Correct Plus Tolerance = 0

21. VOUT (measured) = V

Recall Label for this Question: Recall Label 10
Nominal Answer: 7.5
Min/Max Value: (6.75) to (8.25)
Value Calculation: 7.500
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 10
Correct Plus Tolerance = 10

23. VOUT (calculated) = V

Recall Label for this Question: Recall Label 11
Nominal Answer: 10.0
Min/Max Value: (10) to (10)
Value Calculation: 10.000
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 0
Correct Plus Tolerance = 0

25. VOUT (measured) = V

Recall Label for this Question: Recall Label 12
Nominal Answer: 10.0
Min/Max Value: (9) to (11)
Value Calculation: 10.000
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 10
Correct Plus Tolerance = 10

Are the values about equal at each temperature?

a. yes
b. no

26. +OUT = mV
Recall Label for this Question: Recall Label 13
Nominal Answer: 291.0
Min/Max Value: (232.8) to (349.2)
Value Calculation: 291.000
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 20
Correct Plus Tolerance = 20

Instructor Guide
40 FACET by Lab-Volt
Transducer Fundamentals The Thermistor

27. V = mV
Recall Label for this Question: Recall Label 14
Nominal Answer: 100.0
*Min/Max Value: (3.528) to (200.3)

Value Calculation: (Recall Label 13)-(Recall Label 3)

Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 2
Correct Plus Tolerance = 2

Is this value close to your measurement at 50°C of Recall Label 12 V?

a. yes
b. no

28. The resistor that decreased in value is

a. R1
b. R2
c. R3

1. What characteristic of a thermistor allows it to be used in a resistance bridge circuit?
a. non-linearity
b. resistance that is a function of temperature
c. negative temperature coefficient
d. self-heating

2. This thermistor bridge has a sensitivity of 5 mV/°C. What amplifier gain is required for an amplifier
sensitivity of 1 V/°C?
a. 20
b. 100
c. 200
d. 500

3. To null this bridge circuit for a 0V output at 25°C, you would have to adjust R1 so that its resistance
a. 0 kΩ
b. 1 kΩ
c. 5 kΩ
d. 10 kΩ

4. What happens if RX increases?

a. RS increases.
b. RS decreases.
c. RB decreases.
d. The bridge output is non-zero.

* NOTE: Min/Max Values shown are based upon a calculation using the absolute lowest and highest recall value. By using the
actual input in your calculations, you will determine the correct value.

Instructor Guide
FACET by Lab-Volt 41
The Thermistor Transducer Fundamentals

5. In this circuit, the thermistor has a negative temperature coefficient, but the amplifier’s output voltage
increases as temperature increases. How can you change the circuit so that output voltage decreases
as temperature increases?
a. Reverse the + and - op amp inputs.
b. Reverse the thermistor leads.
c. Reverse the op amp +15V and -15V supply voltages.
d. None of the above.

CM 4


Instructor Guide
42 FACET by Lab-Volt
Transducer Fundamentals The Thermistor

What thermistor parameter is a function of temperature?
a. voltage
b. current
c. resistance
d. capacitance

What determines if a thermistor’s temperature coefficient is positive or negative?

a. the polarity of the applied voltage
b. the direction of the current through the thermistor
c. the location of the thermistor in a bridge circuit
d. None of the above.

What is the quickest way to determine a thermistor’s resistance at a specific temperature?

a. Use an RT table.
b. Heat the thermistor to that temperature and measure its resistance.
c. Connect the thermistor in a bridge circuit, measure the output voltage, and calculate resistance.
d. Connect the thermistor in a bridge circuit and balance the bridge.

For a thermistor with a negative temperature coefficient,

a. resistance increases as temperature increases.
b. resistance decreases as temperature increases.
c. the thermistor heats up beyond its ambient temperature.
d. the thermistor does not heat up beyond its ambient temperature.

What parameter is not needed to determine a thermistor’s resistance from an RT table at a specific
temperature T?
a. T
b. resistance ratio at T
c. resistance deviation at T
d. resistance at a reference temperature

To determine the amount of a thermistor’s self-heating, you need to know its

a. temperature coefficient.
b. dissipation constant.
c. resistance at a specific temperature.
d. resistance deviation.

To calibrate the circuit for a 0V amplifier output at a specific reference temperature T, for what value
should R1 be adjusted?
a. the value of RTH at T°
b. R2
c. R3
d. 0Ω

This is a partial RT table for a specific thermistor. What is the thermistor's maximum resistance at 15°C?
a. 14.06 kΩ
b. 15.71 kΩ
c. 15.79 kΩ
d. 17.36 kΩ

Instructor Guide
FACET by Lab-Volt 43
The Thermistor Transducer Fundamentals

This thermistor bridge and amplifier circuit outputs a

a. resistance that is a function of temperature.
b. voltage that is a function of temperature.
c. current that is a functionof temperature.
d. None of the above.

This is a partial RT table for a specific thermistor. How much can the resistance change at 40°C?
a. 1%/°C
b. 4.0%/°C
c. 11%/°C
d. None of the above.

Instructor Guide
44 FACET by Lab-Volt
Transducer Fundamentals The Thermistor


Is the circuit operating properly?
a. yes
b. no

6. The faulty component is

a. RT1 (thermistor) open.
b. R1 (CAL-Wiper) open.
c. R2 shorted.
d. R3 shorted.


Fault 5

Instructor Guide
FACET by Lab-Volt 45
The Thermistor Transducer Fundamentals

Instructor Guide
46 FACET by Lab-Volt
Transducer Fundamentals The RTD

Explain and demonstrate the characteristics of the resistance temperature detector (RTD) and its
application in a practical temperature measurement circuit.

What other transducer’s resistance is a function of temperature?
a. IC transducer
b. thermistor
c. thermocouple

What type of temperature coefficient is indicated by the resistance-temperature curve?

a. positive
b. negative





FACET base unit
Two-post connectors
Terminal posts

Instructor Guide
FACET by Lab-Volt 47
The RTD Transducer Fundamentals

RTD Characteristics

Explain and demonstrate the transducer characteristics of the resistance temperature detector (RTD).

R35°C = kΩ
Recall Label for this Question:
Nominal Answer: 1.135
Min/Max Value: (1.135) to (1.135)
Value Calculation: 1.135
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 0
Correct Plus Tolerance = 0

R16.8°C = kΩ
Recall Label for this Question:Recall Label 2
Nominal Answer: 1.065
Min/Max Value: (1.044) to (1.086)
Value Calculation: 1.065
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 2
Correct Plus Tolerance = 2

Recall Label for this Question:Recall Label 1
Nominal Answer: 1.135
Min/Max Value: (1.112) to (1.158)
Value Calculation: 1.135
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 2
Correct Plus Tolerance = 2

Recall Label for this Question:Recall Label 2
Nominal Answer: 1.135
Min/Max Value: (1.112) to (1.158)
Value Calculation: 1.135
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 2
Correct Plus Tolerance = 2

Recall Label for this Question:Recall Label 3
Nominal Answer: 1.154
Min/Max Value: (1.131) to (1.177)
Value Calculation: 1.154
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 2
Correct Plus Tolerance = 2

Instructor Guide
48 FACET by Lab-Volt
Transducer Fundamentals The RTD

Recall Label for this Question:Recall Label 4
Nominal Answer: 1.154
Min/Max Value: (1.131) to (1.177)
Value Calculation: 1.154
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 2
Correct Plus Tolerance = 2

Recall Label for this Question:Recall Label 5
Nominal Answer: 1.173
Min/Max Value: (1.15 ) to (1.196)
Value Calculation: 1.173
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 2
Correct Plus Tolerance = 2

Recall Label for this Question:Recall Label 6
Nominal Answer: 1.173
Min/Max Value: (1.15 ) to (1.196)
Value Calculation: 1.173
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 2
Correct Plus Tolerance = 2

Recall Label for this Question:Recall Label 7
Nominal Answer: 1.193
Min/Max Value: (1.169) to (1.217)
Value Calculation: 1.193
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 2
Correct Plus Tolerance = 2

Recall Label for this Question:Recall Label 8
Nominal Answer: 1.193
Min/Max Value: (1.169) to (1.217)
Value Calculation: 1.193
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 2
Correct Plus Tolerance = 2

18. Are the three values about the same at each temperature?
a. yes
b. no

Which transducer has a greater resistance change between 5°C intervals?

a. thermistor
b. RTD

Instructor Guide
FACET by Lab-Volt 49
The RTD Transducer Fundamentals

Which transducer has the more linear response?

a. thermistor
b. RTD

From the table, you can conclude that the temperature coefficient is
a. positive for both transducers.
b. negative for both transducers.
c. positive for the RTD and negative for the thermistor.
d. negative for the RTD and positive for the thermistor.

1. The RTD’s resistance-temperature response is
a. more linear than that of the thermistor.
b. less linear than that of the thermistor.
c. about as linear as that of the thermistor.
d. Cannot be determined.

2. The RTD’s resistance change with temperature is

a. greater than that of the thermistor.
b. slightly less than that of the thermistor.
c. significantly less than that of the thermistor.
d. about the same as that of the thermistor.

3. What is the RTD’s resistance at T = 100°C?

a. 100Ω
b. 1000Ω
c. 0.385Ω
d. 1385Ω

4. If you measure an RTD resistance of 1052Ω, what is its temperature?

a. 10°C
b. 15°C
c. 13.5°C
d. Cannot be determined.

5. Which is the schematic symbol for an RTD?

a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D



Instructor Guide
50 FACET by Lab-Volt
Transducer Fundamentals The RTD

Temperature Measurement

Explain and demonstrate the use of an RTD in a temperature measurement application by using a
resistance-to-voltage converter circuit.

What is the feedback resistor in this circuit?
a. R2
b. R3
c. RTD1

Recall Label for this Question:
Nominal Answer: 0.14
Min/Max Value: (0.14) to (0.14)
Value Calculation: 0.140
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 0
Correct Plus Tolerance = 0

6. VOUT = V
Recall Label for this Question:
Nominal Answer: 5.0
Min/Max Value: (5) to (5)
Value Calculation: 5.000
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 0
Correct Plus Tolerance = 0

Recall Label for this Question:
Nominal Answer: 2.5
Min/Max Value: (2.5) to (2.5)
Value Calculation: 2.500
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 0
Correct Plus Tolerance = 0

Recall Label for this Question:Recall Label 3
Nominal Answer: 2.5
Min/Max Value: (2.3) to (2.7)
Value Calculation: 2.500
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 8
Correct Plus Tolerance = 8

Instructor Guide
FACET by Lab-Volt 51
The RTD Transducer Fundamentals

Recall Label for this Question:
Nominal Answer: 7.5
Min/Max Value: (7.5) to (7.5)
Value Calculation: 7.500
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 0
Correct Plus Tolerance = 0

Recall Label for this Question:Recall Label 5
Nominal Answer: 7.5
Min/Max Value: (6.9) to (8.1)
Value Calculation: 7.500
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 8
Correct Plus Tolerance = 8

Recall Label for this Question:
Nominal Answer: 10.0
Min/Max Value: (10) to (10)
Value Calculation: 10.000
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 0
Correct Plus Tolerance = 0

Recall Label for this Question:Recall Label 7
Nominal Answer: 10.0
Min/Max Value: (9.2) to (10.8)
Value Calculation: 10.000
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 8
Correct Plus Tolerance = 8

Are the two values about the same at each temperature?

a. yes
b. no

23. VREF = V
Recall Label for this Question:Recall Label 8
Nominal Answer: -1.46
Min/Max Value: (-1.5 ) to (-1.5 )
Value Calculation: -1.458
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 3
Correct Plus Tolerance = 3

Instructor Guide
52 FACET by Lab-Volt
Transducer Fundamentals The RTD

24. VOUT = V
Recall Label for this Question:Recall Label 9
Nominal Answer: -2.08
Min/Max Value: (-2.12) to (-2.12)
Value Calculation: -2.079
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 2
Correct Plus Tolerance = 2

25. VOUT = V
Recall Label for this Question:Recall Label 10
Nominal Answer: -2.08
Min/Max Value: (-2.29) to (-2.29)
Value Calculation: -2.079
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 10
Correct Plus Tolerance = 10

26. Are your calculated and measured values of VOUT about equal?
a. yes
b. no

1. The RTD in this circuit controls the
a. voltage gain.
b. current gain.
c. temperature offset.
d. All of the above.

2. The circuit used in this exercise allows you to use an RTD to measure temperature by converting
a. temperature to resistance.
b. resistance to temperature.
c. resistance to voltage.
d. current to voltage.

3. The voltages you calculated at the four oven set points show that the RTD
a. has a positive temperature coefficient.
b. is a nearly linear device.
c. Both of the above.
d. None of the above.

4. The purpose of R2 is to calibrate the circuit for a 0V output

a. when the conversion factor is 5 mV/C.
b. when the RTD is removed from the circuit.
c. at a reference temperature.
d. at every set point.

5. If a circuit has the voltage-temperature relationship shown, what is its output voltage at 0°C?
a. 0V
b. -7.5V
c. -15V
d. +15V
Instructor Guide
FACET by Lab-Volt 53
The RTD Transducer Fundamentals

CM 2
CM 13


Instructor Guide
54 FACET by Lab-Volt
Transducer Fundamentals The RTD

RTD is an acronym for resistance temperature
a. diode.
b. detector.
c. divider.
d. diac.

The RTD is composed of

a. an integrated circuit.
b. semiconductor material.
c. two dissimilar metals welded together.
d. metal wire or film.

What type of temperature coefficient do RTDs have?

a. positive
b. negative
c. none
d. combination of positive and negative.

What parameter of an RTD is a function of temperature?

a. voltage
b. current
c. resistance
d. capacitance

This is a partial resistance-temperature table for a specific RTD. What RTD characteristic does the data
a. linearity
b. positive temperature coefficient
c. negative temperature coefficient
d. both a. and b.

What information must be known to calculate the RTD’s resistance at a specific temperature T?
a. temperature coefficient
b. resistance ratio at a reference temperature
c. resistance ratio at T
d. resistance deviation

This circuit converts the RTD’s resistance into a temperature-dependent voltage. What circuit parameter
changes with temperature?
a. output voltage
b. RTD resistance
c. amplifier gain
d. All of the above.

In this RTD resistance-to voltage converter circuit, the offset that zeroes the output at a reference
temperature is determined by the value of
a. RTD1
b. R4
c. R2
d. None of the above.

Instructor Guide
FACET by Lab-Volt 55
The RTD Transducer Fundamentals

The instrumentation amplifier connected to the output of this RTD resistance-to-voltage converter circuit is
used to
a. increase the converter’s output level.
b. raise the temperature offset value.
c. lower the temperature offset value.
d. change the temperature coefficient from positive to negative.

Which figure shows the response curve for an RTD?

a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D

Instructor Guide
56 FACET by Lab-Volt
Transducer Fundamentals The RTD


4. Is the circuit operating properly?
a. yes
b. no

6. The faulty component is

a. RTD1 (RTD) open
b. RTD1 (RTD) shorted
c. VCC (supply) open
d. R30 (CAL-wiper) open


Fault 3

Instructor Guide
FACET by Lab-Volt 57
The RTD Transducer Fundamentals

Instructor Guide
58 FACET by Lab-Volt
Transducer Fundamentals The Thermocouple

The Thermocouple
Describe and demonstrate the operation of a thermocouple.

What metals are used in a type E thermocouple?
a. iron and constantan
b. chromel and constantan
c. chromel and alumel
d. platinum and rhodium

Compared to the other types, the type J has the

a. highest temperature range.
b. lowest temperature range.
c. highest output voltage range.




thermocouple – a temperature transducer composed of two wires of dissimilar metals welded or
soldered together.
Seebeck Effect – a phenomenon by which a soldered or welded junction of two dissimilar metals
generates a voltage that is proportional to the temperature of the junction.
measuring junctions – the points in a thermocouple circuit at which the thermocouple wires are
contacted by leads from a meter or other measuring circuit.
sensing junction – the junction in a thermocouple circuit whose voltage is measured
to determine temperature.
reference junction – a measuring junction in a thermocouple circuit whose temperature must be known
in order to correctly read the voltage at the sensing junction.
electronic ice point reference – a reference junction that is maintained at O°C (the freezing point of
water) or that outputs the equivalent O°C voltage.

FACET base unit
Oscilloscope, dual trace
Two-post connectors
Termianl posts

Instructor Guide
FACET by Lab-Volt 59
The Thermocouple Transducer Fundamentals

Thermocouple Characteristics

Describe and demonstrate the characteristics of a thermocouple. Verify results with a multimeter.

What type of temperature coefficient is indicated by the curve?
a. positive
b. negative

What is the output voltage of the calibrated bridge at 0°C?

a. 0V
b. +0.5V
c. Cannot be determined.

Recall Label for this Question: Recall Label 1
Nominal Answer: 145.9
Min/Max Value: (143. ) to (148.8)
Value Calculation: 145.900
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 2
Correct Plus Tolerance = 2

5. IA OUT = mV
Recall Label for this Question: None
Nominal Answer: 204.0
Min/Max Value: (204) to (204)
Value Calculation: 204.000
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 0
Correct Plus Tolerance = 0

9. IA OUT = mV
Recall Label for this Question: None
Nominal Answer: 178.5
Min/Max Value: (178.5) to (178.5)
Value Calculation: 178.500
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 0
Correct Plus Tolerance = 0

11. IA OUT = mV
Recall Label for this Question: Recall Label 3
Nominal Answer: 178.5
Min/Max Value: (160.7) to (196.4)
Value Calculation: 178.500
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 10
Correct Plus Tolerance = 10
Instructor Guide
60 FACET by Lab-Volt
Transducer Fundamentals The Thermocouple

13. IA OUT = mV
Recall Label for this Question: None
Nominal Answer: 229.5
Min/Max Value: (229.5) to (229.5)
Value Calculation: 229.500
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 0
Correct Plus Tolerance = 0

15. IA OUT = mV
Recall Label for this Question: Recall Label 5
Nominal Answer: 229.5
Min/Max Value: (206.6) to (252.5)
Value Calculation: 229.500
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 10
Correct Plus Tolerance = 10

17. IA OUT = mV
Recall Label for this Question: None
Nominal Answer: 255.0
Min/Max Value: (255) to (255)
Value Calculation: 255.000
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 0
Correct Plus Tolerance = 0

19. IA OUT = mV
Recall Label for this Question: Recall Label 7
Nominal Answer: 255.0
Min/Max Value: (229.5) to (280.5)
Value Calculation: 255.000
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 10
Correct Plus Tolerance = 10

Are the two values about the same at each temperature?

a. yes
b. no

The data shows that the thermocouple is

a. linear over its entire operating range.
b. linear over the measuring range in this PROCEDURE.
c. non-linear.

What information in the table indicates that the thermocouple has a positive temperature coefficient?
a. equal ΔV values
b. increasing voltage
c. Neither of the above.

Instructor Guide
FACET by Lab-Volt 61
The Thermocouple Transducer Fundamentals

1. What thermocouple parameter changes with temperature?
a. resistance
b. voltage
c. capacitance
d. inductance

2. In order to measure a thermocouple’s output, you would require a

a. voltage source.
b. current source.
c. voltmeter.
d. ohmmeter.

3. You can measure a thermocouple’s voltage at several equal temperature intervals to determine if it
has a
a. linear response.
b. negative temperature coefficient.
c. resistance that is a function of temperature.
d. All of the above.

4. A thermistor bridge is often used in thermocouple circuits to

a. verify the thermocouple’s temperature.
b. linearize the thermocouple’s output.
c. increase the thermocouple’s output.
d. offset the measuring junction voltages.

5. For an accurate reading of the thermocouple output voltage, the thermistor should be at the same
temperature as the
a. other resistors in the bridge.
b. thermocouple.
c. measuring junctions.
d. Does not matter.



Instructor Guide
62 FACET by Lab-Volt
Transducer Fundamentals The Thermocouple

Temperature Measurement

Explain the use of a thermocouple in temperature measurement applications.

Av =
Recall Label for this Question: None
Nominal Answer: 100.0
Min/Max Value: (100) to (100)
Value Calculation: 100.000
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 0
Correct Plus Tolerance = 0

T= °C
Recall Label for this Question: None
Nominal Answer: 43.6
Min/Max Value: (43.6) to (43.6)
Value Calculation: 43.600
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 0
Correct Plus Tolerance = 0

4. VOUT = mV
Recall Label for this Question: None
Nominal Answer: -204.0
Min/Max Value: (-204) to (-204)
Value Calculation: -204.000
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 0
Correct Plus Tolerance = 0

8. VOUT = V
Recall Label for this Question: None
Nominal Answer: 5.0
Min/Max Value: (5) to (5)
Value Calculation: 5.000
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 0
Correct Plus Tolerance = 0

11. VOUT = V
Recall Label for this Question: None
Nominal Answer: 2.5
Min/Max Value: (2.5) to (2.5)
Value Calculation: 2.500
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 0
Correct Plus Tolerance = 0

Instructor Guide
FACET by Lab-Volt 63
The Thermocouple Transducer Fundamentals

13. VOUT = V
Recall Label for this Question: Recall Label 4
Nominal Answer: 2.5
Min/Max Value: (2.05) to (2.95)
Value Calculation: 2.500
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 18
Correct Plus Tolerance = 18

15. VOUT = V
Recall Label for this Question: None
Nominal Answer: 7.5
Min/Max Value: (7.5) to (7.5)
Value Calculation: 7.500
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 0
Correct Plus Tolerance = 0

17. VOUT = V
Recall Label for this Question: Recall Label 6
Nominal Answer: 7.5
Min/Max Value: (6.15) to (8.85)
Value Calculation: 7.500
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 18
Correct Plus Tolerance = 18

19. VOUT = V
Recall Label for this Question: None
Nominal Answer: 10.0
Min/Max Value: (10) to (10)
Value Calculation: 10.000
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 0
Correct Plus Tolerance = 0

21. VOUT = V
Recall Label for this Question: Recall Label 8
Nominal Answer: 10.0
Min/Max Value: (8.2) to (11.8)
Value Calculation: 10.000
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 18
Correct Plus Tolerance = 18

Are the two values about equal at each temperature?

a. yes
b. no

Does the data confirm that the circuit has a conversion factor of 0.5V/°C?
a. yes
b. no

Instructor Guide
64 FACET by Lab-Volt
Transducer Fundamentals The Thermocouple

23. The output voltage has

a. increased.
b. decreased.
c. remained about the same.

24. You have demonstrated that the thermocouple measurement circuit is not accurate unless the
thermistor in the ice point reference circuit is at the same temperature as the
a. measuring junctions.
b. thermocouple.

1. You can compensate for measuring junction voltages in a thermocouple temperature measurement
circuit by using a
a. Wheatstone bridge.
b. voltage divider.
c. current divider.
d. voltage multiplier.

2. One leg of a Wheatstone bridge used in a reference junction circuit should include a(n)
a. thermocouple.
b. thermistor.
c. IC temperature transducer.
d. Any of the above.

3. The purpose of the instrumentation amplifier in this circuit is to

a. set the temperature-to-voltage conversion factor.
b. establish a temperature offset at the circuit output.
c. amplify the bridge output voltage.
d. All of the above.

4. You can adjust this circuit for a 0V output at a certain reference temperature by
a. adjusting the CAL pot.
b. adjusting the REF pot.
c. changing the ratio of RFB to RI.
d. shorting the thermistor.

5. IA OUT = mV
Recall Label for this Question: None
Nominal Answer: -60.0
Min/Max Value: (-66) to (-66)
Value Calculation: -60.000
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 10
Correct Plus Tolerance = 10

What accounts for the output voltage difference when the reference voltage is removed from the
a. The thermocouple output has decreased.
b. The measuring junction voltages are included in the reading.
c. The non-inverting input is at 0V.
d. The amplifier gain has changed.

Instructor Guide
FACET by Lab-Volt 65
The Thermocouple Transducer Fundamentals

CM 1


Instructor Guide
66 FACET by Lab-Volt
Transducer Fundamentals The Thermocouple

A thermocouple is a temperature transducer composed of
a. semiconductor material.
b. metal film.
c. an integrated circuit.
d. two wires of dissimilar metals welded together.

When a thermocouple is heated it generates a voltage due to the

a. Doppler effect.
b. Seebeck effect.
c. Hall effect.
d. Miller effect.

The Wheatstone bridge containing the thermistor is called an electronic ice point reference because
a. the thermistor must be placed in an ice bath for calibration.
b. the bridge is adjusted for the thermocouple’s 0°C output voltage.
c. the output voltage is only accurate at 0°C.
d. None of the above.

Which thermocouple type has the lowest output voltage range?

a. E
b. J
c. K
d. R

To accurately read a thermocouple’s output voltage, you must subtract the voltage from which junction?
a. copper-iron
b. copper-constantan
c. iron-constantan
d. Both a. and b.

Which junction generates a Seebeck effect voltage?

a. copper-iron
b. copper-constantan
c. iron-constantan
d. All of the above.

What condition is necessary for this thermistor bridge circuit to cancel the measuring junction voltages
from the meter reading?
a. The fixed resistors must all be equal.
b. The thermistor and the measuring junctions must be at the same temperature.
c. The thermistor and the thermocouple must be at the same temperature.
d. The iron and constantan wires must be reversed.

Which thermocouple would you choose for an application that requires an output of 25 mV at 1200°F?
a. E
b. J
c. K
d. R

Instructor Guide
FACET by Lab-Volt 67
The Thermocouple Transducer Fundamentals

A thermocouple has a
a. positive temperature coefficient.
b. negative temperature coefficient.
c. perfectly linear response.
d. high voltage output.

What is the amplifier output at 51°C?

a. 0V
b. 1V
c. 0.26V
d. 0.026V

Instructor Guide
68 FACET by Lab-Volt
Transducer Fundamentals The Thermocouple


4. Is the circuit operating properly?
a. yes
b. no

6. The faulty component is

a. R51 (REF-wiper) open
b. R44 (CAL-wiper) open
c. +15V supply open
d. TC1 (thermocouple) open


Fault 2

Instructor Guide
FACET by Lab-Volt 69
The Thermocouple Transducer Fundamentals

Instructor Guide
70 FACET by Lab-Volt
Transducer Fundamentals The Capacitance Sensor

The Capacitance Sensor

Describe and demonstrate the operation of a capacitance sensor as a touch sensor and a position

The amount of overlapping surface area has
a. increased.
b. decreased.
c. remained the same.

How can you use the capacitance sensor to measure the plate’s displacement?
a. Measure the capacitance where the plate starts to move.
b. Measure the capacitance where the plate stops moving.
c. Measure the difference in capacitance between the starting and stopping points.




displacement – the distance an object has moved.
capacitance sensor – a transducer that can detect proximity, touch, position, or displacement by sensing
a change in capacitance.
position sensor – a transducer that senses the position of an object.
proximity detector – a transducer that can sense the presence of a nearby object.
touch sensor – a transducer that detects a human touch by sensing body capacitance.

FACET base unit
Oscilloscope, dual trace
Two-post connectors
Terminal posts

Instructor Guide
FACET by Lab-Volt 71
The Capacitance Sensor Transducer Fundamentals

Touch and Position Sensing

Describe and demonstrate the use of a capacitance sensor as a touch sensor and a position transducer.

If the capacitance decreases, output frequency will
a. increase.
b. decrease.
c. not change.

3. What signal appears on the scope?
a. positive dc level
b. negative dc level
c. square wave

4. The plate is in its

a. highest position.
b. lowest position.
c. middle position.

5. What happens to the square wave when you touch the plate?
a. Amplitude increases.
b. Amplitude decreases.
c. Frequency increases.
d. Frequency decreases.

By placing your finger on the plate and observing a decrease in frequency, you have demonstrated
the capacitance sensor’s ability to function as a
a. position sensor.
b. touch sensor.
c. proximity detector.

6. At what point does the waveform’s frequency change?

a. before you touch the plate
b. after you touch the plate
c. at the instant you touch the plate

The frequency changed before your finger contacted the plate. This demonstrates the use of a
capacitance sensor as a
a. position sensor.
b. touch sensor.
c. proximity detector.

Instructor Guide
72 FACET by Lab-Volt
Transducer Fundamentals The Capacitance Sensor

8. f(0) = kHz
Recall Label for this Question: fRecall Label 1
Nominal Answer: 251.0
Min/Max Value: (200.8) to (301.2)
Value Calculation: 251.000
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 20
Correct Plus Tolerance = 20

10. f(3) = kHz

Recall Label for this Question: Recall Label 2
Nominal Answer: 220.5
*Min/Max Value: (119.2) to (351.9)
Value Calculation: (Recall Label 1)-30.5
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 30
Correct Plus Tolerance = 30

11. f = kHz
Recall Label for this Question: Recall Label 3
Nominal Answer: 30.5
*Min/Max Value: ( -154) to (185.6)
Value Calculation: (Recall Label 1-(Recall Label 2)
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 2
Correct Plus Tolerance = 2

CF = kHz/cm
Recall Label for this Question: Recall Label 4
Nominal Answer: 10.17
*Min/Max Value: (-52.4) to (63.1 )
Value Calculation: Recall Label 3/3
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 2
Correct Plus Tolerance = 2

12. f(0.5) = kHz

Recall Label for this Question: Recall Label 5
Nominal Answer: 245.9
*Min/Max Value: (165.9) to (333.9)
Value Calculation: Recall Label 1-(Recall Label 4∗0.5)
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 2
Correct Plus Tolerance = 2

* NOTE: Min/Max Values shown are based upon a calculation using the absolute lowest and highest recall value. By using the
actual input in your calculations, you will determine the correct value.

Instructor Guide
FACET by Lab-Volt 73
The Capacitance Sensor Transducer Fundamentals

13. f(0.5) = kHz

Recall Label for this Question: None
Nominal Answer: 245.9
*Min/Max Value: (157.6) to (350.6)
Value Calculation:Recall Label 5
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 5
Correct Plus Tolerance = 5

Is your measured value about the same as your calculated value of Recall Label 5?
a. yes
b. no

15. f(0) = kHz

Recall Label for this Question: Recall Label 7
Nominal Answer: 281.0
*Min/Max Value: (196.2) to (380.9)
Value Calculation: Recall Label 1+30
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 15
Correct Plus Tolerance = 15

16. f(3) = kHz

Recall Label for this Question: Recall Label 8
Nominal Answer: 240.5
*Min/Max Value: (118.3) to (427.7)
Value Calculation: Recall Label 2+20
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 15
Correct Plus Tolerance = 15

17. CF = kHz/cm
Recall Label for this Question: Recall Label 9
Nominal Answer: 13.5
*Min/Max Value: (-78.7) to (89.28)
Value Calculation: (Recall Label 7 – Recall Label 8 ) / 3
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 2
Correct Plus Tolerance = 2

1. A capacitance sensor requires a movable plate to operate as a
a. touch sensor.
b. proximity detector.
c. position sensor.
d. All of the above.

* NOTE: Min/Max Values shown are based upon a calculation using the absolute lowest and highest recall value. By using the
actual input in your calculations, you will determine the correct value.

Instructor Guide
74 FACET by Lab-Volt
Transducer Fundamentals The Capacitance Sensor

2. Which component is the sensing device in this capacitance sensor circuit?

a. CC
b. CS
c. R2
d. R3

3. This circuit’s output is a

a. frequency that is a function of input capacitance.
b. capacitance that is a function of input frequency.
c. voltage that is a function of input capacitance.
d. fixed frequency.

4. As the movable plate of the variable capacitor moves from point A to point B, you can determine the
plate’s displacement by measuring the output frequency at
a. point A.
b. point B.
c. points A and B and calculating the difference.
d. None of the above.

5. The displacement of the movable plate of a variable capacitor is a function of the

a. surface area of the fixed plate.
b. surface area of the movable plate.
c. overlapping area between the two plates.
d. total surface area of both plates.

CM 15


Instructor Guide
FACET by Lab-Volt 75
The Capacitance Sensor Transducer Fundamentals

You can use a capacitance sensor to measure
a. temperature.
b. pressure.
c. position.
d. humidity.

You can place your finger on a capacitor plate and observe the change in capacitance to demonstrate the
operation of a
a. proximity detector.
b. touch sensor.
c. position sensor.
d. All of the above.

This capacitance sensor circuit uses an RC oscillator with fixed resistors and a variable capacitor. The
capacitor has one fixed and one movable plate. The output frequency is a function of
a. the position of the movable plate.
b. the input capacitance.
c. Both of the above.
d. None of the above.

A position sensor has a conversion factor of 10 kHz/cm and an output frequency of 200 kHz at 0 cm.
Frequency decreases as displacement increases. What is the output frequency at 3.5 cm?
a. 35 kHz
b. 165 kHz
c. 200 kHz
d. 235 kHz

What type of capacitance sensor can detect the presence of an object without actually touching it?
a. proximity detector
b. position sensor
c. touch sensor
d. None of the above.

The capacitor is connected to an RC oscillator circuit that has a conversion factor of 20 kHz/cm.
Frequency de-creases as displacement increases, and output frequency at 0 cm is 240 kHz. What is the
output frequency at the position shown?
a. 50 kHz
b. 190 kHz
c. 240 kHz
d. 290 kHz

This position sensor outputs 300 kHz at 0 cm and 250 kHz at 3 cm. What is the conversion factor that
indicates the frequency change per cm?
a. 16.67 kHz/cm
b. 50 kHz/cm
c. 250 kHz/cm
d. 300 kHz/cm

Instructor Guide
76 FACET by Lab-Volt
Transducer Fundamentals The Capacitance Sensor

Which of the following changes would increase the sensitivity of the position sensor shown?
a. Increase the frequency at 3 cm to 260 kHz.
b. Increase the frequency at 0 cm to 320 kHz.
c. Decrease the frequency at 0 cm to 280 kHz.
d. All of the above.

In order for this capacitance sensor circuit to operate as a position sensor, CS must be
a. a fixed capacitor.
b. a variable capacitor.
c. an electrolytic capacitor.
d. shorted to ground.

Which component value changes when this capacitance sensor circuit is used as a touch sensor?
a. CS
b. CC
c. R2
d. R3

Instructor Guide
FACET by Lab-Volt 77
The Capacitance Sensor Transducer Fundamentals


3. Is the circuit operating properly?
a. yes
b. no

5. The faulty component is

a. U11 (pin 3) open.
b. C44 shorted.
c. C23 shorted.
d. VCC (supply) open.


Fault 11

Instructor Guide
78 FACET by Lab-Volt
Transducer Fundamentals The Strain Gauge

The Strain Gauge

Explain and demonstrate typical strain gauge characteristics and the measurement of compressive and
tensile strain by using the strain gauge fixture on your circuit board. You will verify your results with a

Which type of strain results from an increase in both the length and the cross-sectional area?
a. tensile
b. compressive
c. Neither of these.

Which way would the beam be deflected to increase the resistance of the strain gauge?
a. up
b. down

What type of strain would the transducer experience if you were to place a weight on the free end of the
a. tensile
b. compressive

% resistance change = %
Recall Label for this Question: None
Nominal Answer: 0.333
Min/Max Value: (0.333) to (0.333)
Value Calculation: 0.333
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 0
Correct Plus Tolerance = 0




strain gauge – a transducer whose resistance varies as a function of strain.
strain – the amount of deformation of a solid resulting from stress; expressed mathematically as the ratio
of a change in an object’s length to its initial unstressed reference length.
stress – a force acting on a solid’s unit area.
tensile strain – strain that increases the length of a solid (also called positive strain).
compressive strain – strain that reduces the length of a solid (also called negative strain).
load cell – a device with one or more strain gauges mounted to a solid for the purpose of measuring
strain in one or more directions.
uniform cantilever – a projecting beam that is supported at only one end and has a constant thickness
along its entire length.

Instructor Guide
FACET by Lab-Volt 79
The Strain Gauge Transducer Fundamentals

bending beam load cell – a load cell consisting of a strain gauge attached to the surface of a flexing
metal beam that is fixed at one end.
millistrain – a unit of strain measurement equal to the ratio of 10E-3 of a length unit to the original length
unit (example: milli-inches per inch).
microstrain – a unit of strain measurement equal to the ratio of 10E-6 of a length unit to the original
length unit (example: micro-inches per inch).
elasticity – a property by which a solid deformed by stress returns to its original shape when the stress is
elastic limit – the maximum amount of stress that does not cause permanent deformation of a solid.
Hooke’s law – an equation that expresses the relationship of stress and strain (E = Stress/Strain).
modulus of elasticity – the constant of proportionality between stress and strain (E=Stress/Strain);
measured in units of force per unit area.
gauge factor – the sensitivity of a resistive strain gauge; expressed mathematically as the ratio of a
conductor’s fractional resistance change to the fractional change in length.

FACET base unit
Oscilloscope, dual trace
Two-post connectors
Terminal posts

Instructor Guide
80 FACET by Lab-Volt
Transducer Fundamentals The Strain Gauge

Strain Gauge Characteristics

Explain and demonstrate the circuitry used to convert the strain gauge’s small resistance change into
a usable signal. Verify results by calibrating the circuit, adjusting the mechanical fixture, and taking
resistance and voltage measurements.

Which component is the strain gauge?
a. R106
b. R107
c. RG1
d. R105

The tolerance on the nominal value is ±0.5%. What is the range of nominal values?
a. 115.0Ω to 125.0Ω
b. 119.5Ω to 120.5Ω
c. 119.4Ω to 120.6Ω

VO = V
Recall Label for this Question: None
Nominal Answer: 0.0
Min/Max Value: (0) to (0)
Value Calculation: 0.000
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 0
Correct Plus Tolerance = 0

Av =
Recall Label for this Question: None
Nominal Answer: 5.0
Min/Max Value: (5) to (5)
Value Calculation: 5.000
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 0
Correct Plus Tolerance = 0

4. RN = Ω
Recall Label for this Question: rn
Nominal Answer: 120.0
Min/Max Value: (117.6) to (122.4)
Value Calculation: 120.000
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 2
Correct Plus Tolerance = 2

Instructor Guide
FACET by Lab-Volt 81
The Strain Gauge Transducer Fundamentals

5. What happens to the resistance?

a. increases
b. decreases
c. does not change

Does the resistance change indicate that you have applied tensile or compressive strain to the
a. tensile
b. compressive

What else indicates that the strain gauge is under compressive strain?
a. The free end of the beam is deflected upward.
b. The free end of the beam is deflected downward.
c. The bridge output increases.

6. RC(max) = Ω
Recall Label for this Question: Recall Label 2
Nominal Answer: 119.6
**Min/Max Value: (111.3) to (128.1)

Value Calculation: Recall Label 1 - 0.4

Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 5
Correct Plus Tolerance = 5

8. RT(max) = Ω
Recall Label for this Question: Recall Label 3
Nominal Answer: 120.4
*Min/Max Value: (112.1) to (128.9)
Value Calculation: Recall Label 1 + 0.4
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 5
Correct Plus Tolerance = 5

9. ΔRC = Ω
Recall Label for this Question: Recall Label 4
Nominal Answer: 0.4
*Min/Max Value: (-11.0) to (11.66)
Value Calculation: Recall Label 1 - Recall Label 2
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 5
Correct Plus Tolerance = 5

10. ΔRT = Ω
Recall Label for this Question: Recall Label 5
Nominal Answer: -0.4
*Min/Max Value: (-11.9 ) to (10.82)
Value Calculation: Recall Label 1 - Recall Label 3
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 5
Correct Plus Tolerance = 5

* NOTE: Min/Max Values shown are based upon a calculation using the absolute lowest and highest recall value. By using the
actual input in your calculations, you will determine the correct value.

Instructor Guide
82 FACET by Lab-Volt
Transducer Fundamentals The Strain Gauge

What can you conclude from your results?

a. The resistance change was significantly greater with tensile strain applied.
b. The resistance change was significantly greater with compressive strain applied.
c. The resistance changed by about the same amount for tensile and compressive strain.

Did the resistance change by a large amount or a small amount when strain was applied?
a. large
b. small

15. What can cause the non-zero reading?

a. resistor tolerances
b. temperature drift
c. Both of the above.

How can you zero the U16A output (BRIDGE OUT)?

a. by adjusting the ZERO pot
b. by adjusting RG1
c. by adjusting R106
d. None of the above.

19. VOC = V
Recall Label for this Question: Recall Label 6
Nominal Answer: -6.16
Min/Max Value: (-10.164) to (-2.12)
Value Calculation: -6.16
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 65
Correct Plus Tolerance = 65

21. VOT = V
Recall Label for this Question: Recall Label 7
Nominal Answer: 5.14
Min/Max Value: (1.80 ) to (8.48)
Value Calculation: 5.140
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 65
Correct Plus Tolerance = 65

What can you conclude from your results?

a. The output voltage magnitude is about the same for equal amounts of tensile and compressive
b. The output voltage polarity indicates whether tensile or compressive strain is applied.
c. Both of the above.

1. A Wheatstone bridge is often used in strain gauge measurement circuits because of the strain
a. small current output.
b. small voltage output.
c. small resistance change.
d. non-linearity.

Instructor Guide
FACET by Lab-Volt 83
The Strain Gauge Transducer Fundamentals

2. The Wheatstone bridge in this circuit is balanced when the strain gauge is
a. unstressed.
b. under maximum tensile strain.
c. under maximum compressive strain.
d. shorted.

3. The purpose of the ZERO pot in this circuit is to

a. balance the bridge.
b. offset errors in the bridge and first amplifier stage.
c. set the gain of U16A.
d. set the gain of U16B.

4. To calibrate this strain gauge amplifier circuit, you would set the strain gauge for its unstressed
resistance value and adjust the ZERO pot for 0V at what point?
a. U16A input

5. What is the approximate value of R107 when CM 5 is on?

a. 2 kΩ
b. 5 kΩ
c. 10 kΩ
d. 20 kΩ



Instructor Guide
84 FACET by Lab-Volt
Transducer Fundamentals The Strain Gauge

Bending Beam Load Cell

Explain and demonstrate the operation of a bending-beam load cell. Verify results by adjusting the strain
gauge fixture on your circuit board, by measuring voltages, and by making calculations.

If the length were measured in inches (in), what unit is e measured in?
a. in
b. in2
c. 1/in
d. None of these.

ε= με
Recall Label for this Question: Recall Label 1
Nominal Answer: 143.0
Min/Max Value: (135.9) to (150.2)
Value Calculation: 143.000
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 5
Correct Plus Tolerance = 5

What strain gauge parameter equals ΔL/L?

a. σ
b. ε
c. E

The bridge and amplifier circuit converts the resistance change into an output voltage that is a function of the
a. applied force.
b. vertical beam deflection.
c. strain gauge resistance change.
d. All of the above.

ΔY = inch
Recall Label for this Question: Recall Label 2
Nominal Answer: 0.054
Min/Max Value: ( .0524) to ( .0556)
Value Calculation: 0.054
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 3
Correct Plus Tolerance = 3

Recall Label for this Question: Recall Label 3
Nominal Answer: 1.27
*Min/Max Value: (1.178) to (1.382)
Value Calculation: Recall Label 2 ∗ 23.68
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 5
Correct Plus Tolerance = 5
* NOTE: Min/Max Values shown are based upon a calculation using the absolute lowest and highest recall value. By using the
actual input in your calculations, you will determine the correct value.

Instructor Guide
FACET by Lab-Volt 85
The Strain Gauge Transducer Fundamentals

6. ΔY = inch
Recall Label for this Question: Recall Label 1
Nominal Answer: 0.036
Min/Max Value: ( .035) to ( .037)
Value Calculation: 0.036
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 3
Correct Plus Tolerance = 3

7. F = pound
Recall Label for this Question: Recall Label 2
Nominal Answer: 0.069
*Min/Max Value: ( 0.065 ) to ( 0.073)
Value Calculation: Recall Label 1 ∗ 1.92
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 3
Correct Plus Tolerance = 3

8. ε = με
Recall Label for this Question: Recall Label 3
Nominal Answer: 340.4
*Min/Max Value: (311.0) to (370.9)
Value Calculation: Recall Label 3 ∗ 4934
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 3
Correct Plus Tolerance = 3

Recall Label for this Question: Recall Label 4
Nominal Answer: 0.851
*Min/Max Value: (0.762) to (0.946)
Value Calculation: .0025 ∗ Recall Label 3
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 2
Correct Plus Tolerance = 2

Recall Label for this Question: Recall Label 5
Nominal Answer: 0.851
Min/Max Value: (0.778) to (0.927)
Value Calculation: Recall Label 2 ∗ 12.335
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 3
Correct Plus Tolerance = 3

Is this value (Recall Label 5 V) about equal to the Recall Label 4 V you calculated by using the longer
a. yes
b. no

* NOTE: Min/Max Values shown are based upon a calculation using the absolute lowest and highest recall value. By using the
actual input in your calculations, you will determine the correct value.

Instructor Guide
86 FACET by Lab-Volt
Transducer Fundamentals The Strain Gauge

12. starting position = o’clock

Recall Label for this Question: p
Nominal Answer: 1.0
Min/Max Value: (1) to (12)
Value Calculation: 1.000
Correct Tolerance Percent = false
Correct Minus Tolerance = 0
Correct Plus Tolerance = 11

13. VO = V
Recall Label for this Question: Recall Label 7
Nominal Answer: 0.85
Min/Max Value: (0.60) to (1.10)
Value Calculation:
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 30
Correct Plus Tolerance = 30

15. VO = V
Recall Label for this Question: Recall Label 8
Nominal Answer: 1.70
*Min/Max Value: (1.015) to (2.541)
Value Calculation: Recall Label 7 + 0.85
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 30
Correct Plus Tolerance = 30

16. VO = V
Recall Label for this Question: Recall Label 9
Nominal Answer: 2.55
*Min/Max Value: (1.20 ) to (4.41)
Value Calculation: Recall Label 8 + 0.85
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 30
Correct Plus Tolerance = 30

17. ΔV = V
Recall Label for this Question: Recall Label 10
Nominal Answer: 0.85
*Min/Max Value: (-0.083) to (1.98)
Value Calculation: Recall Label 8 - Recall Label 7
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 2
Correct Plus Tolerance = 2

* NOTE: Min/Max Values shown are based upon a calculation using the absolute lowest and highest recall value. By using the
actual input in your calculations, you will determine the correct value.

Instructor Guide
FACET by Lab-Volt 87
The Strain Gauge Transducer Fundamentals

18. ΔV = V
Recall Label for this Question: Recall Label 11
Nominal Answer: 0.85
*Min/Max Value: (-1.07) to (3.463)
Value Calculation: Recall Label 9 - Recall Label 8
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 2
Correct Plus Tolerance = 2

Are the ΔV values about the same as the Recall Label 4 V you calculated for a one-turn voltage
a. yes
b. no

1. What is the purpose of the bridge and amplifier circuit in the bending beam load cell?
a. to convert the strain gauge resistance change to a voltage
b. to increase the relatively low strain gauge output
c. Both a. and b.
d. None of the above.

2. How much tensile strain in a 4-inch-long solid causes a length increase of 0.002 in.?
a. 200 με
b. 400 με
c. 500 με
d. 800 με

3. A 2-inch-long solid has a modulus of elasticity of 10.5 x 106 psi. How much stress is required to cause
the length to increase to 2.005 inches?
a. 2,625 psi
b. 26,250 psi
c. 262,500 psi
d. cannot be determined

4. In the bending beam load cell on your circuit board, the strain gauge output represents the
a. surface strain of the beam at the point where the transducer is located.
b. surface strain at the free end of the beam.
c. change in the beam’s length (ΔL).
d. change in the beam's width.

5. How much force is applied at the free end of the beam by three rotations of the knob?
a. 0.069 pound
b. 0.138 pound
c. 0.206 pounds
d. 0.276 pounds



Instructor Guide
88 FACET by Lab-Volt
Transducer Fundamentals The Strain Gauge

What strain gauge parameter is a function of applied strain?
a. voltage
b. inductance
c. resistance
d. capacitance

Strain is defined as
a. the deformation of a solid under stress.
b. the deformation of a solid without stress.
c. the stress applied to a solid.
d. a solid’s tendency to return to its original shape when stress is removed.

What unit of measure is used for strain?

a. inches/inch
b. percent
c. microstrain
d. All of the above.

The sensitivity of a strain gauge is indicated by its

a. modulus of elasticity.
b. gauge factor.
c. nominal resistance.
d. stress-to-strain ratio.

On this fixture, the strain gauge will measure the strain at

a. the fixed end of the beam.
b. the free end of the beam.
c. the point at which the strain gauge is bounded to the beam.
d. any point along the beam.

Suppose the strain gauge amplifier circuit shown was calibrated for a 0V output when the strain gauge is
unstressed. If you apply stress to the transducer to cause its resistance to increase to 120.35Ω, what is
the resulting voltage at AMP OUT?
a. 3.65V
b. 3.5V
c. 0.35V
d. 0.035V

Which expression equals a strain gauge’s gauge factor?

a. ΔR/RN
b. ΔL/L
c. ΔR/RN
d. σ/ε

The equation that relates the stress applied to a solid and the resulting strain is known as
a. Maxwell’s law.
b. Hooke’s law.
c. Burke’s law.
d. the modulus of elasticity.

Instructor Guide
FACET by Lab-Volt 89
The Strain Gauge Transducer Fundamentals

Which strain gauge parameter does not vary when stress is applied?
a. length
b. resistance
c. strain
d. gauge factor

A device that uses one or more strain gauges to measure the strain of a solid in one or more directions is
called a(n)
a. load cell.
b. bending beam load cell.
c. electronic scale.
d. All of the above.

Instructor Guide
90 FACET by Lab-Volt
Transducer Fundamentals The Strain Gauge



4. Is the circuit operating properly?
a. yes
b. no

6. The faulty component is

a. RG1 (strain gage) open.
b. R105 (ZERO-wiper) open.
c. R106 (Rf-U16A) shorted.
d. R107 (Rf-U16B) open.


Fault 4

Instructor Guide
FACET by Lab-Volt 91
The Strain Gauge Transducer Fundamentals

Instructor Guide
92 FACET by Lab-Volt
Transducer Fundamentals Ultrasonic Transducers

Ultrasonic Transducers
Explain and demonstrate the principles of ultrasonic transducers and their practical application in distance

Voice frequencies range from about 62 to 8000 Hz. What part of the sound spectrum are these
frequencies in?
a. infrasonic
b. audible
c. ultrasonic

Which transducer is analogous to the microphone?

a. ultrasonic transmitter
b. ultrasonic receiver

When an ac voltage is applied to the crystal, the transducer is configured as an ultrasonic

a. transmitter.
b. receiver.

Which transducer configuration converts sound energy into electrical energy?

a. ultrasonic transmitter (right figure)
b. ultrasonic receiver (left figure)

The receiver outputs

a. a voltage when the object is present and no voltage when the object is absent.
b. a voltage when the object is absent and no voltage when the object is present.

attenuation = 45°
Recall Label for this Question: Recall Label 1
Nominal Answer: -12.5
Min/Max Value: (-12.3) to (-12.7)
Value Calculation: -12.5
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance =.20
Correct Plus Tolerance =.20




infrasonic – a sound frequency below the audible range (less than about 20 Hz).
ultrasonic – a sound frequency above the audible range (greater than 20 kHz).
ultrasonic transmitters – a transducer that converts electrical energy into ultrasonic sound energy.
ultrasonic receivers – a transducer that converts ultrasonic sound energy into electrical energy.

Instructor Guide
FACET by Lab-Volt 93
Ultrasonic Transducers Transducer Fundamentals

electrostatic transducer – a type of ultrasonic transducer that has a wide bandwidth, low Q, and a thin
metal foil as a transduction element.
piezoelectric transducer – a type of transducer in which sound waves are converted to electrical signals
or electrical signals are converted to sound waves.
piezoelectric crystal – the basic functioning element of a piezoelectric transducer.
transmit time – the time required for ultrasonic waves to travel from the transmitter to a target object and
then to the receiver.
directivity – the property of an ultrasonic transducer that relates the angle of the ultrasonic waves to the
signal strength.
resonant frequency – the frequency at which a circuit’s inductive reactance and capacitive reactance are
antiresonant frequency – the frequency at which a circuit has infinite impedance

FACET base unit
Oscilloscope, dual trace
Two-post connectors
Terminal post

Instructor Guide
94 FACET by Lab-Volt
Transducer Fundamentals Ultrasonic Transducers

Ultrasonic Principles

Explain and demonstrate the principles of transmission and reception of ultrasonic sound waves by using
the transducers and circuitry on the circuit board. Verify results by observing waveform characteristics and
by taking measurements with an oscilloscope.

TCLK = ms
Recall Label for this Question:Recall Label 1
Nominal Answer: 9.17
Min/Max Value: (8.253) to (10.09)
Value Calculation: 9.170
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 10
Correct Plus Tolerance = 10

ton = μs
Recall Label for this Question:Recall Label 2
Nominal Answer: 183.4
*Min/Max Value: (156.8) to (211.9)
Value Calculation: 20∗(Recall Label 1)
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 5
Correct Plus Tolerance = 5

What is the frequency of the ultrasonic sound waves transmitted by the transducer?
a. 109 Hz
b. 40 kHz
c. cannot be determined

Why is the DETECTOR pulse fall time longer than its rise time?
a. because of the ringing in the tone bursts
b. because of a slow DETECTOR response time

At what phase is the transducer impedance purely capacitive?

a. +90°
b. -90°
c. 0°

6. TCLK = ms
Recall Label for this Question:Recall Label 1
Nominal Answer: 9.17
Min/Max Value: (6.419) to (11.92)
Value Calculation: 9.170
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 30
Correct Plus Tolerance = 30
* NOTE: Min/Max Values shown are based upon a calculation using the absolute lowest and highest recall value. By using the
actual input in your calculations, you will determine the correct value.

Instructor Guide
FACET by Lab-Volt 95
Ultrasonic Transducers Transducer Fundamentals

7. PWCLK = μs
Recall Label for this Question:Recall Label 2
Nominal Answer: 165.0
Min/Max Value: (115.5) to (214.5)
Value Calculation: 165.000
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 30
Correct Plus Tolerance = 30

10. Are the frequencies of the CLK pulses and OSC bursts about the same?
a. yes
b. no

11. What can you notice after expanding the sweep?

a. The waveforms are still identical.
b. The OSC signal pulses several times for each CLK pulse.
c. The CLK signal pulses several times for each OSC pulse.

12. fosc = kHz

Recall Label for this Question:Recall Label 3
Nominal Answer: 40.0
Min/Max Value: (32) to (48)
Value Calculation: 40.000
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 20
Correct Plus Tolerance = 20

17. Vosc = Vpk-pk

Recall Label for this Question:Recall Label 4
Nominal Answer: 15.0
Min/Max Value: (12) to (18)
Value Calculation: 15.000
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 20
Correct Plus Tolerance = 20

18. VDRV = Vpk-pk

Recall Label for this Question:
Nominal Answer: 2.0
Min/Max Value: (1.6) to (2.4)
Value Calculation: 2.000
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 20
Correct Plus Tolerance = 20

22. VMAX = Vpk-pk

Recall Label for this Question:Recall Label 6
Nominal Answer: 10.0
Min/Max Value: (8) to (12)
Value Calculation: 10.000
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 20
Correct Plus Tolerance = 20
Instructor Guide
96 FACET by Lab-Volt
Transducer Fundamentals Ultrasonic Transducers

The additional XDCR pulses that occur after the CLK pulse terminates are due to
a. echoes.
b. ringing.
c. Both of the above.

28. Vmax = Vpk-pk

Recall Label for this Question:Recall Label 7
Nominal Answer: 200.0
Min/Max Value: (80) to (320)
Value Calculation: 200.000
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 60
Correct Plus Tolerance = 60

32. Vmax = Vpk-pk

Recall Label for this Question:Recall Label 8
Nominal Answer: 7.48
*Min/Max Value: (3.665) to (12.64)
Value Calculation: 0.0374∗(Recall Label 7 )
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 30
Correct Plus Tolerance = 30

33. Av =
Recall Label for this Question:Recall Label 9
Nominal Answer: 37.4
*Min/Max Value: (13.67) to (92.99)
Value Calculation: ( Recall Label 8 /Recall Label 7 ) ∗ 1000
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 3
Correct Plus Tolerance = 3

38. Does the shape of the DET waveform match that of the envelope of the AMP waveform?
a. yes
b. no

41. How does the comparator change the DET signal?

a. inverts the voltage levels
b. squares the edges of the pulse
c. Both of the above.

47. What happens to the XDCR signal amplitude over this frequency range?
a. increases
b. decreases
c. decreases to a minimum value, then increases
d. remains about the same

* NOTE: Min/Max Values shown are based upon a calculation using the absolute lowest and highest recall value. By using the
actual input in your calculations, you will determine the correct value.

Instructor Guide
FACET by Lab-Volt 97
Ultrasonic Transducers Transducer Fundamentals

48. fr = kHz
Recall Label for this Question:Recall Label 10
Nominal Answer: 40.0
Min/Max Value: (36) to (44)
Value Calculation: 40.000
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 10
Correct Plus Tolerance = 10

49. fa = kHz
Recall Label for this Question:Recall Label 11
Nominal Answer: 42.2
Min/Max Value: (37.98) to (46.42)
Value Calculation: 42.200
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 10
Correct Plus Tolerance = 10

1. What part of the TRANSMITTER section determines the time between ultrasonic tone bursts?
a. CLK
b. OSC

2. The ringing that occurs on the OUT waveform is due to

a. an excessively high OSC frequency.
b. an excessively low OSC frequency.
c. the transducer’s diaphragm.
d. the power amplifier.

3. Which circuit in the RECEIVER section removes the 40 kHz signal?

a. AMP
d. None of the above.

4. A low pulse from the RECEIVER section’s output indicates

a. a pulse picked up from the transmitter.
b. an echo from a target object.
c. Either of the above.
d. None of the above.

5. You can determine the resonant frequency of the ultrasonic transmitter by adjusting the DRV signal
a. frequency for the maximum OUT signal amplitude.
b. frequency for the minimum OUT signal amplitude.
c. amplitude for the maximum OUT signal frequency.
d. amplitude for the minimum OUT signal frequency.

Instructor Guide
98 FACET by Lab-Volt
Transducer Fundamentals Ultrasonic Transducers

CM 20
CM 7


Instructor Guide
FACET by Lab-Volt 99
Ultrasonic Transducers Transducer Fundamentals

Distance Measurement

Explain and demonstrate the operation of ultrasonic transducers in position sensing and range finding
applications. Verify results with a tape measure or ruler and an oscilloscope.

v= m/s
Recall Label for this Question:
Nominal Answer: 346.0
Min/Max Value: (339.1) to (352.9)
Value Calculation: 346.000
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 2
Correct Plus Tolerance = 2

Vfps = f/s
Recall Label for this Question:
Nominal Answer: 1135.0
Min/Max Value: ( 1078) to ( 1192)
Value Calculation: 1135.000
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 5
Correct Plus Tolerance = 5

What is the total distance (dT) traveled by waves sent by the transmitter and detected by the receiver?
a. d
b. d/2
c. 2d

dmax = feet
Recall Label for this Question:
Nominal Answer: 5.204
Min/Max Value: (5.1 ) to (5.308)
Value Calculation: 5.204
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 2
Correct Plus Tolerance = 2

t= ms
Recall Label for this Question:Recall Label 1
Nominal Answer: 1.762
Min/Max Value: (1.727) to (1.797)
Value Calculation: 1.762
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 2
Correct Plus Tolerance = 2

Instructor Guide
100 FACET by Lab-Volt
Transducer Fundamentals Ultrasonic Transducers

11. The pot is set for the transmitter’s
a. resonant frequency.
b. antiresonant frequency.

17. The receiver pulse is caused by

a. an echo from a distant target object.
b. the receiver picking up the transmitter pulse.
c. Neither of the above.

18. tOUT = ms
Recall Label for this Question:Recall Label 1
Nominal Answer: 4.673
Min/Max Value: (3.271) to (6.075)
Value Calculation: 4.673
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 30
Correct Plus Tolerance = 30

19. dmax = feet

Recall Label for this Question:
Nominal Answer: 2.652
*Min/Max Value: (1.763) to (3.62 )
Value Calculation: 0.5675∗(Recall Label 1 )
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 5
Correct Plus Tolerance = 5

22. t(1 foot) = ms

Recall Label for this Question:Recall Label 3
Nominal Answer: 1.74
Min/Max Value: (1.392) to (2.088)
Value Calculation: 1.740
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 20
Correct Plus Tolerance = 20

Is your measured value of Recall Label 3 ms for a 1-foot distance close to the 1.76ms value you
calculated in the DISCUSSION?
a. yes
b. no

25. t(2 feet) = ms

Recall Label for this Question:Recall Label 4
Nominal Answer: 3.48
Min/Max Value: (2.784) to (4.176)
Value Calculation: 3.480
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 20
Correct Plus Tolerance = 20

* NOTE: Min/Max Values shown are based upon a calculation using the absolute lowest and highest recall value. By using the
actual input in your calculations, you will determine the correct value.

Instructor Guide
FACET by Lab-Volt 101
Ultrasonic Transducers Transducer Fundamentals

26. d = feet
Recall Label for this Question:Recall Label 5
Nominal Answer: 2.0
Min/Max Value: (1.6) to (2.4)
Value Calculation: 2.000
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 20
Correct Plus Tolerance = 20

29. t(3 feet) = ms

Recall Label for this Question: Recall Label 6
Nominal Answer: 5.22
Min/Max Value: (4.176) to (6.264)
Value Calculation: 5.220
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 20
Correct Plus Tolerance = 20

30. d = feet
Recall Label for this Question:Recall Label 7
Nominal Answer: 3.0
Min/Max Value: (2.4) to (3.6)
Value Calculation: 3.000
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 20
Correct Plus Tolerance = 20

Are the two values about the same?

a. yes
b. no

32. Why does the pulse disappear?

a. The directivity angle increased.
b. The next transmitter pulse was picked up before the echo from the target object.
c. Both of the above.

1. A book is placed 2 feet, 6 inches from the front of your FACET base unit. How long does it take for
ultrasonic waves generated by the transmitter to echo off the book and be detected by the receiver?
a. 3.5 ms
b. 4.4 ms
c. 45.8 ms
d. 4.4 s

2. If you measure a transit time of 7 ms for the transducers on your circuit board to detect an object,
what is the approximate distance of the object from the front of the base unit? (Click on Help.)
a. 1 foot
b. 2 feet
c. 3 feet
d. 4 feet

Instructor Guide
102 FACET by Lab-Volt
Transducer Fundamentals Ultrasonic Transducers

3. Transit time is the time it takes for the ultrasonic waves to travel from the
a. transmitter to the target object.
b. target object to the receiver.
c. target object to the transmitter
d. transmitter to the target object and back to the receiver.

4. The maximum measuring range of the ultrasonic transmitter/receiver pair on your circuit board is
determined by the transducer sensitivity and by
a. the CLK period.
b. the oscillator frequency.
c. room temperature.
d. All of the above.

5. What is the velocity of sound waves in air at 20°C?

a. 331 m/s
b. 351 m/s
c. 343 m/s
d. 319 m/s

Instructor Guide
FACET by Lab-Volt 103
Ultrasonic Transducers Transducer Fundamentals

CM 9


Instructor Guide
104 FACET by Lab-Volt
Transducer Fundamentals Ultrasonic Transducers

An ultrasonic transmitter/-receiver pair is used to monitor the liquid level in a tank by using echoes off the
liquid’s surface as shown. What information can the receiver provide to a control circuit?
a. full tank detection
b. empty tank detection
c. amount of liquid in the tank
d. All of the above.

Ultrasonic frequencies are all sound frequencies which are

a. detectable by the human ear.
b. not detectable by the human ear.
c. above the audible frequency range.
d. below the audible frequency range.

The signal directly in front of an ultrasonic transducer is stronger than the signal at the sides because of
the transducer’s
a. directivity.
b. voltage gain.
c. current gain.
d. transmission medium.

What is the function of the diaphragm in a piezoelectric transmitter?

a. provides a means of making electrical connections
b. converts the vibrations of the crystal to ultrasonic sound waves
c. converts an ac voltage into a mechanical vibration
d. detects ultrasonic sound waves

The piezoelectric transducer shown can be used as an ultrasonic

a. receiver.
b. transmitter.
c. transceiver.
d. All of the above.

When an ultrasonic receiver and transmitter are positioned side-by-side with intersecting directivity curves
as shown, what effect does directivity have on the transducer operation?
a. Transmitter tone bursts are picked up by the receiver.
b. Receiver tone bursts are picked up by the transmitter.
c. Both a. and b.
d. None.

The ringing that occurs in a piezoelectric transmitter is due to

a. increased amplitude in the applied ac signal.
b. decreased amplitude in the applied ac signal.
c. additional vibration of the diaphragm.
d. an improperly mounted diaphragm.

These are impedance phase and magnitude curves for a typical ultrasonic transducer. For best
performance, what type of impedance should the transducer have?
a. purely inductive
b. purely capacitive
c. purely resistive
d. Depends on whether the transducer is used as a transmitter or a receiver.

Instructor Guide
FACET by Lab-Volt 105
Ultrasonic Transducers Transducer Fundamentals

Ultrasonic waves travel from the transmitter to the target object in t milliseconds. What is the transit time
of the waves?
a. t
b. t/2
c. 2t
d. 4t

In an ultrasonic transducer system, what parameter can you measure to determine the distance to an
a. ultrasonic frequency
b. transit time of the ultrasonic waves
c. time between transmitter tone bursts
d. amplitude of the receiver output pulses

Instructor Guide
106 FACET by Lab-Volt
Transducer Fundamentals Ultrasonic Transducers


2. Is the circuit operating properly?
a. yes
b. no

4. The faulty circuit section is the

a. clock.
b. oscillator.
c. filter.
d. output.

3. Is the circuit operating properly?
a. yes
b. no

5. The faulty circuit section is the

a. amplifier
b. detector
c. comparator
d. supply


Fault 10
Fault 9

Instructor Guide
FACET by Lab-Volt 107
Ultrasonic Transducers Transducer Fundamentals

Instructor Guide
108 FACET by Lab-Volt
Transducer Fundamentals The Infrared Controller

The Infrared Controller

Describe how infrared transducers can be used to remotely control electronic equipment. Demonstrate
infrared transmission, reception, and remote control using the INFRARED CONTROLLER circuit block on

Besides infrared, what other type of invisible light exists in the light spectrum?
a. ultrasonic
b. ultraviolet
c. ultravisible

The IR detector’s output is logically low when

a. no incident IR light is present.
b. the output transistor is on.
c. Both of the above.

What important factors can affect the operation of an IR data link?

a. power levels at the IR emitter detector
b. transmission media type and length
c. IR transducer alignment and useable wavelength
d. All of the above.




photons – an elementary quantity ( a quantum ) of radiant energy.
infrared (IR) – a form of radiant energy with wavelengths between 770 nm and 1 mm, which is just below
the visible light region of the electromagnetic spectrum; a type of invisible light.
ultra-violet (UV) – a form of radiant energy with wavelengths between 10 nm and 390nm, which is just
above the visible light region of the electromagnetic spectrum; a type of invisible light.
photodiodes – a light-sensitive diode whose conduction is directly related to light intensity.
phototransistors – a light-sensitive transistor whose collector current is directly related to light intensity.
photocurrent – the current produced by photons striking a semicondutor PN junction, as in a photodiode.
optoelectronics – the field of electronics that combines the use of optical and electrical energy.
data link – a communication link that allows the transfer of digital data.
encoder – a device that converts information (data) into a code.
decoder – a device that converts a code into information (data).
IRED – an LED type of output transducer that emits infrared light instead of visible light when forward
radiant power – a parameter used to specify IR light power in watts (W).

Instructor Guide
FACET by Lab-Volt 109
The Infrared Controller Transducer Fundamentals

radiant intensity – a parameter used to specify IR light power from a source in watts per steradian
steradian – a unit of measure for a solid angle.
irradiance – a parameter used to specify IR light power for given area of a surface in watts per square
centimeter (W/cm²).
trinary – a base 3 system of notation, where only three different values are possible.
binary – a base 2 system of notation, where only two different values are possible.
data periods – the duration of time that is required for a unit of data to be transferred.

FACET base unit
TRANSDUCER FUNDAMENTALS AS 91019-20 circuit board
Oscilloscope, dual trace
Two-post connectors
Terminal Posts

Instructor Guide
110 FACET by Lab-Volt
Transducer Fundamentals The Infrared Controller

IR Transmission and Reception

Explain how infrared light can be transmitted and received, describe typical infrared transducers and their
uses, and explain the importance and effect of IR power levels. Use an oscilloscope to make observations
and measurements.

If(pk) = mA
Recall Label for this Question: None
Nominal Answer: 91.0
Min/Max Value: (89.18) to (92.82)
Value Calculation: 91.000
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 2
Correct Plus Tolerance = 2

The design of IR circuitry should be optimized for

a. speed.
b. power.
c. Both of the above.

7. Are the two waveforms similar?
a. yes
b. no

How do the received pulses differ from the original signals?

a. They are delayed.
b. They are stretched.
c. They are shortened.
d. They are delayed and stretched.

9. propagation delay = μs
Recall Label for this Question: Recall Label 1
Nominal Answer: 1.5
Min/Max Value: (1.05) to (1.95)
Value Calculation: 1.500
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 30
Correct Plus Tolerance = 30

10. T = μs
Recall Label for this Question:Recall Label 2
Nominal Answer: 8.5
Min/Max Value: (5.95) to (11.05)
Value Calculation: 8.500
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 30
Correct Plus Tolerance = 30

Instructor Guide
FACET by Lab-Volt 111
The Infrared Controller Transducer Fundamentals

11. T = μs
Recall Label for this Question: Recall Label 3
Nominal Answer: 5.5
Min/Max Value: (3.85) to (7.15)
Value Calculation: 5.500
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 30
Correct Plus Tolerance = 30

12. What happens to the received waveform when the IR light path is completely blocked?
a. Its pulse amplitude decreases to zero.
b. Its pulse amplitude increases.
c. Its pulse width increases.
d. Nothing happens to it.

13. What happens to the received waveform when the IR light path is only partially blocked?
a. Its pulse amplitude decreases.
b. Its pulse period increases.
c. Its pulse width decreases.
d. Nothing happens to it.

15. What happens to the received waveform when the radiant power level is increased?
a. Its amplitude increases.
b. Its period decreases.
c. Its pulse width increases.
d. Nothing happens to it.

1. When you activated the CM in the PROCEDURE, you reduced the value of RS to 103Ω. What was
the new peak forward current, If(pk), of the IRED on your circuit board?
a. 13.2 mA
b. 91 mA
c. 132 mA
d. 1.5A

2. What is(are) the advantage(s) of IR transducers with fast response times?

a. minimum propagation delays
b. minimum signal distortion
c. maximum output power
d. Both a. and b.

3. Why are the received pulses stretched at the DECODER IN test point on your circuit board, as
compared to the pulses at ENCODER OUT?
a. excessive irradiance at the IR detector
b. fast response time of the IR detector
c. inadequate irradiance at the IR detector
d. slow response time of the IR emitter

Instructor Guide
112 FACET by Lab-Volt
Transducer Fundamentals The Infrared Controller

4. On your circuit board, what could cause the received pulses from the IR detector to be narrower than
the originally transmitted pulses?
a. low irradiance
b. low radiant intensity
c. low radiant power
d. All of the above.

5. Why are the IR emitter and detector aligned with each other on your circuit board?
a. to increase IR detector sensitivity
b. to maximize coupling
c. to decrease eye sensitivity
d. to minimize transmission media length

CM 11


Instructor Guide
FACET by Lab-Volt 113
The Infrared Controller Transducer Fundamentals

IR Remote Control

Describe how digital data is transferred via infrared light, demonstrate typical data encoding and decoding
techniques used in IR remote control applications, and explain how infrared light can be used to remotely
control electronic equipment. Use an oscilloscope to make observations and measurements.

How many data lines are needed to serially transmit an 8-bit data byte?
a. one
b. two
c. four
d. eight

Using the help screen, try to decode this waveform and select the correct logical states of the four trinary

Eighteen pulses are needed to transmit the 9 trinary digits because

a. two pulses represent each trinary logic state.
b. only half of the pulses are actually used.

If you hold down the XMT button on your circuit board, the encoder will continue to send
a. the same word as the first two.
b. spaces after two words are sent.
c. two sets of identical words.

7. Has the correct data (3H) been received?
a. yes
b. no

8. Are the two waveforms similar?

a. yes
b. no

11. How many data bits are logically high?

a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4

12. When DATA switch 4 is moved to its mid-position, what happens to the waveform on CH 2?
a. One pulse goes low.
b. One pulse becomes longer.
c. Two pulses go high.
d. Two pulses become longer.

Instructor Guide
114 FACET by Lab-Volt
Transducer Fundamentals The Infrared Controller

13. How many data bits are now high?

a. one
b. two
c. three
d. four

17. With each depression of XMT, is the waveform on CH 1 similar to the one shown?
a. yes
b. no

20. T = μs
Recall Label for this Question: Recall Label 1
Nominal Answer: 90.0
Min/Max Value: (63) to (117)
Value Calculation: 90.000
Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 30
Correct Plus Tolerance = 30

21. data rate = bps

Recall Label for this Question: Recall Label 2
Nominal Answer: 11111.0
*Min/Max Value: ( 8376) to (16190)

Value Calculation: (1/ Recall Label 1)∗1000000

Correct Tolerance Percent = true
Correct Minus Tolerance = 2
Correct Plus Tolerance = 2

24. What data has been received?

a. 5H
b. AH
c. BH
d. 0H

1. To convert trinary data to binary, the decoder on your circuit board interprets logical
a. lows as highs.
b. highs as lows.
c. opens as highs.
d. opens as lows.

2. What conversion must the encoder perform before it can transmit the data that is set by the four DATA
switches on your circuit board?
a. serial-to-parallel
b. parallel-to-serial
c. binary-to-trinary
d. trinary-to-binary

* NOTE: Min/Max Values shown are based upon a calculation using the absolute lowest and highest recall value. By using the
actual input in your calculations, you will determine the correct value.

Instructor Guide
FACET by Lab-Volt 115
The Infrared Controller Transducer Fundamentals

3. If this waveform were observed at ENCODER OUT on your circuit board, how many trinary data digits
are represented by the pulses shown?
a. one
b. two
c. three
d. four

4. If you observed this waveform at DECODER IN on your circuit board, how many trinary data digits
are in the open state?
a. one
b. two
c. three
d. four

5. If the data period of an IR remote control signal is 20 μs, what is the data bit transfer rate?
a. 5,000 bps
b. 20,000 bps
c. 50,000 bps
d. 100,000 bps



Instructor Guide
116 FACET by Lab-Volt
Transducer Fundamentals The Infrared Controller

What type of transducer is an IRED?
a. input
b. output
c. bidirectional
d. All of the above.

A semiconductor PN junction can be made to

a. emit IR light.
b. detect IR light.
c. filter IR light.
d. Either a. or b.

Which transducer is a packaged silicon PN junction that can detect IR light when reverse biased?
a. photodiode
b. phototransistor
c. IR detector
d. All of the above.

Fast response times of IR transducers

a. maximize output power.
b. improve irradiance.
c. minimize signal distortion.
d. All of the above.

What parameter is used to specify the total output power of an IR emitter in watts?
a. radiant power
b. radiant intensity
c. irradiance
d. None of the above.

Using IR light, you can transmit digital data by

a. changing the source frequency.
b. turning the source on and off.
c. turning the modulation on and off.
d. All of the above.

What format must the data be in to be transmitted over an IR link?

a. parallel
b. trinary
c. binary
d. serial

IR remote control applications use trinary encoding, rather than binary encoding, to increase the amount of
a. address ranges.
b. address lines.
c. data ranges.
d. data lines.

Instructor Guide
FACET by Lab-Volt 117
The Infrared Controller Transducer Fundamentals

How can you determine the data bit transfer rate of an IR communication link?
a. Measure the period of two data pulses.
b. Take the reciprocal of the measured data period.
c. Calculate the pulse frequency.
d. None of the above.

In IR remote control, digital codes are used to

a. select an address.
b. control data.
c. represent commands or instructions.
d. None of the above.

Instructor Guide
118 FACET by Lab-Volt
Transducer Fundamentals The Infrared Controller


Is the circuit operating properly?
a. yes
b. no

4. The faulty component is

a. S2A (Bit 8) open.
b. U14 (pin 10) shorted.
c. S3 (XMT) open.
d. Q6 (B-E) shorted.

Is the circuit operating properly?
a. yes
b. no

4. The faulty component is

a. S2A (Bit 8) open.
b. U14 (pin 10) shorted.
c. S3 (XMT) open.
d. Q6 (B-E) shorted.

Is the circuit operating properly?
a. yes
b. no

4. The faulty component is

a. U15 (pin 12) open.
b. Q5 (IR Detector) open.
c. DS2D (LED 8) open.
d. VCC (supply) open.

Is the circuit operating properly?
a. yes
b. no

4. The faulty component is

a. U15 (pin 12) open.
b. Q5 (IR Detector) open.
c. DS2D (LED 8) open.
d. VCC (supply) open.


Instructor Guide
FACET by Lab-Volt 119
The Infrared Controller Transducer Fundamentals

Fault 6
Fault 7
Fault 8
Fault 12

Instructor Guide
120 FACET by Lab-Volt
Appendix A

Appendix A – Pretest and Posttest Questions and

Depending on configurator settings, these questions may be randomized onscreen.
1. What type of energy can be converted into an electrical signal by an input transducer?
a. light
b. heat
c. force
d. all of the above
2. What device is also known as a sensor?
a. input transducer
b. output transducer
c. any transducer
d. all of the above
3. A transducer converts
a. one form of energy to another.
b. force into current.
c. position into voltage.
d. temperature into resistance.
4. Which device is an output transducer?
a. strain gage
b. speaker
c. light sensor
d. thermistor
5. A thermistor’s tendency to heat up beyond its ambient temperature is due to
a. its temperature coefficient.
b. self-heating.
c. non-linearity.
d. resistance deviation.
6. An IC temperature transducer has a positive temperature coefficient. The transducer’s output current
increases as
a. applied voltage increases.
b. applied voltage decreases.
c. temperature increases.
d. temperature decreases.
7. What IC transducer parameter changes with temperature?
a. current
b. temperature coefficient
c. resistance
d. linearity
8. The resistance of the thermistor on your circuit board decreases as temperature increases because
of its
a. non-linearity.
b. resistance deviation.
c. negative temperature coefficient.
d. positive temperature coefficient.

Instructor Guide
FACET by Lab-Volt 121
Appendix A

9. One advantage of using IC transducers is

a. a wide operating temperature range.
b. linearity
c. self-heating
d. all of the above
10. What is the quickest way to determine a thermistor’s resistance at a specific temperature
a. Connect the thermistor in a bridge circuit, measure the output voltage, and calculate the
b. Heat the thermistor to that temperature and measure its resistance.
c. Use an RT table.
d. Connect the thermistor in a bridge circuit and balance the bridge.
11. What thermistor parameter is a function of temperature?
a. voltage
b. current
c. resistance
d. capacitance
12. For a thermistor with a negative temperature coefficient,
a. resistance increases as temperature increases.
b. the thermistor does not heat up beyond its ambient temperature.
c. the thermistor heats up beyond its ambient temperature.
d. resistance decreases as temperature increases.
13. To determine the amount of a thermistor’s self-heating, you need to know its
a. temperature coefficient.
b. dissipation constant.
c. resistance at a specific temperature.
d. resistance deviation.
14. The RTD’s resistance-temperature response is
a. more linear than that of the thermistor.
b. less linear than that of the thermistor.
c. about as linear as that of the thermistor.
d. Cannot be determined.
15. What parameter of an RTD is a function of temperature?
a. voltage
b. current
c. resistance
d. capacitance
16. If a circuit has this voltage-temperature relationship:
VOUT = (T – 30) x 0.5
What is the output voltage at 0°C?
a. 0V
b. -7.5V
c. -15V
d. +15V
17. RTD is an acronym for resistance temperature
a. diode.
b. diac.
c. divider.
d. detector.

Instructor Guide
122 FACET by Lab-Volt
Appendix A

18. The RTD is composed of

a. metal wire of film.
b. semiconductor material.
c. two dissimilar metals welded together.
d. an integrated circuit.
19. To convert trinary data to binary data, the decoder on your circuit board interprets logical
a. lows as highs.
b. highs as lows.
c. opens as lows.
d. opens as highs.
20. In order to measure a thermocouple’s output, you would require a
a. voltage source.
b. current source.
c. voltmeter.
d. ohmmeter.
21. You can measure a thermocouple’s voltage at several equal temperature intervals to determine if it
has a
a. linear response.
b. negative temperature coefficient.
c. resistance that is a function of temperature.
d. all of the above
22. You can compensate for measuring junction voltages in a thermocouple temperature measurement
circuit by using a
a. voltage divider.
b. Wheatstone bridge.
c. current divider.
d. voltage multiplier.
23. A thermocouple is a temperature transducer composed of
a. semiconductor material.
b. metal film.
c. two wires of dissimilar metals welded together.
d. an integrated circuit.
24. When a thermocouple is heated it generates a voltage due to the
a. Doppler effect.
b. Seebeck effect.
c. Hall effect.
d. Miller effect.
25. A capacitance sensor requires a movable plate to operate as a
a. touch sensor.
b. proximity.
c. position sensor.
d. all of the above
26. What type of capacitance sensor can detect the presence of an object without actually touching it?
a. proximity detector
b. position sensor
c. touch sensor
d. none of the above

Instructor Guide
FACET by Lab-Volt 123
Appendix A

27. You can use a capacitance sensor to measure

a. temperature.
b. pressure.
c. humidity.
d. position.
28. You can place your finger on a capacitor plate and observe the change in capacitance to demonstrate
the operation of a
a. proximity detector.
b. touch sensor.
c. position sensor.
d. all of the above.
29. A Wheatstone bridge is often used in strain gauge measurement circuits because of the strain
a. small current output.
b. small voltage output.
c. small resistance change.
d. non-linearity.
30. The sensitivity of a strain gauge is indicated by its
a. gauge factor.
b. modulus of elasticity.
c. nominal resistance.
d. stress-to-strain ratio.
31. What strain gauge parameter is a function of applied strain?
a. voltage
b. inductance
c. resistance
d. capacitance
32. What unit of measure is used for strain?
a. inchesinch
b. percent
c. microstrain
d. all of the above
33. Strain is defined as
a. the deformation of a solid without stress.
b. the deformation of a solid under stress.
c. the stress applied to a solid.
d. a solid’s tendency to return to its original shape when stress is removed.
34. The equation that relates the stress applied to a solid and the resulting strain is known as
a. Maxwell’s law.
b. Hooke’s law.
c. Burke’s law.
d. the modulus of elasticity.
35. Which strain gauge parameter does not vary when stress is applied?
a. length
b. resistance
c. strain
d. gauge factor

Instructor Guide
124 FACET by Lab-Volt
Appendix A

36. Transit time is the time it takes for the ultrasonic waves to travel from the
a. transmitter to the target object.
b. target object to the receiver.
c. transmitter to the target object and back to the receiver.
d. target object to the transmitter.
37. Ultrasonic frequencies are all sound frequencies which are
a. above the audible frequency range.
b. not detectable by the human ear.
c. detectable by the human ear.
d. below the audible frequency range.
38. The maximum measuring range of the ultrasonic transmitter/receiver pair on your circuit board is
determined by the transducer sensitivity and by
a. room temperature.
b. the oscillator frequency.
c. the CLK period.
d. all of the above
39. Which expression equals the strain gauge’s gauge factor?
a. ΔR/R
b. ΔL/L
c. ΔL/ΔR
d. (ΔR/R) / ( ΔL/L)
40. If the data period of an IR remote control signal is 20 μs, what is the data bit transfer rate?
a. 5,000 bps
b. 20,000 bps
c. 50,000 bps
d. 100,000 bps
41. What is (are) the advantage(s) of IR transducers with fast response times?
a. minimum propagation delays
b. minimum signal distortion.
c. maximum output power.
d. both a. and b.
42. What type of transducer is an IRED?
a. output
b. input
c. bi-directional
d. all of the above
43. A semiconductor PN junction can be made to
a. emit IR light.
b. detect IR light.
c. either a. or b.
d. filter IR light.
44. What format must the data be in to be transmitted over an IR link?
a. parallel
b. trinary
c. binary
d. serial

Instructor Guide
FACET by Lab-Volt 125
Appendix A

45. Using IR light, you can transmit digital data by

a. changing the source frequency.
b. turning the source on and off.
c. turning the modulation on and off.
d. all of the above
46. What parameter is used to specify the total output power of an IR emitter in watts?
a. radiant power
b. radiant intensity
c. irradiance
d. none of the above
47. Which transducer is a packaged silicon PN junction that can detect IR light when reverse biased?
a. phototransistor
b. photodiode
c. IR detector
d. all of the above
48. How can you determine the data bit transfer rate of an IR communication link?
a. Measure the period of two data pulses.
b. Period calculate the pulse frequency.
c. Take the reciprocal of the measured data.
d. none of the above
49. A computer interface is connected to a temperature transducer circuit to measure the temperature of
an oven. The relationship of temperature (in °C) to the decimal ADC value is
T = [(decimal ADC value) x 0.078112] + 30
What is the approximate oven temperature when the ADC value is 4FH?
a. 109 °C
b. 49 °C
c. 36 °C
d. 6 °C
50. A temperature transducer circuit connected to a computer interface has a relationship of output
voltage to temperature according to:
VO = (T – 30 °C) x 0.5V°C
What voltage is transferred to the ADC at 35°C?
a. -2.5V
b. +5V
c. +17.5V
d. +2.5V

Instructor Guide
126 FACET by Lab-Volt
Appendix B

Appendix B – Faults and Circuit Modifications (CMS)

– 21 1 shorts Q1 base-collector junction
– 22 2 opens +15 Vdc supply
– 23 3 opens CAL pot wiper
– 24 4 opens ZERO pot wiper
– 25 5 opens CAL pot wiper
– 26 6 shorts Q6 base-emitter junction
– 27 7 opens S2A common
– 28 8 opens LED 8 (DS2D)
– 29 9 shorts D6
– 30 10 shorts Q3 base-emitter junction
– 31 11 opens +5 Vdc supply
– 32 12 opens Q4 collector
1 1 – opens circuit between the 0.5 – Vdc reference and the
2 2 – opens circuit between -5 Vdc and R27 (R4)
3 3 – places 200 kΩ in parallel with 50-kΩ R5 (RSP)
4 4 – places 100 kΩ in parallel with series-connected 6.49
-kΩ R10 and CAL pot
5 5 – places 10 kΩ in parallel with 10 -kΩ R107
10 10 – opens R8
11 11 – places 330Ω in parallel with 150Ω R100
13 13 – opens circuit between -5 Vdc and R27 (R4), then
grounds R27 (R4)
15 15 – places 10 kΩ in parallel with 10 -kΩ R108

Instructor Guide
FACET by Lab-Volt 127
Appendix B

Instructor Guide
128 FACET by Lab-Volt
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