Hearing Instruments.: Partners For Life
Hearing Instruments.: Partners For Life
Hearing Instruments.: Partners For Life
Partners for life.
In the
driver’s seat.
Hearing on
your own terms. In meetings. Solutions for
every listening
Small and powerful: RIC details
Meet our RICs. at a glance.
Actual sizes in cm
Ultra small
The hearing Ace miniReceiver 2.0
4 Discreetly delivers
instrument is
almost invisible sound into your ears.
when worn.
4 5
Siemens RIC hearing Pure
6 7
Enjoy comfort and BTE details
versatility with our BTEs. at a glance.
Dual onboard
Charging contact
Allow you to easily
Rechargeable so you
Actual sizes in cm adjust the volume
don’t have any hassle
or program.
5 with batteries.
Motion SX
2 MotionatPXa glance
All Siemens BTE models
> Siemens Life > Nitro > Intuis
> Motion > Orion > Lotus
> Aquaris > Sirion
Siemens Life Motion SX
8 9
A selection of Nitro
Superb sound meets outstanding comfort.
This versatile line of BTEs offers four
different fully-featured, hassle-free and
reliable models, providing numerous
benefits and ultimate flexibility. And
Motion’s high degree of wearing and
handling comfort makes it an ideal solution
for young to senior wearers.
Waterproof, dustproof, and shock-resistant.
Available colors:
Sweat, dust, dirt and sand mean nothing to
Aquaris™, the only waterproof, IP68-rated
hearing instrument on the market. This
Beige Granite Grey Black Silver Dark Sandy
Granite Brown
solution lets you take life to the extreme.
Additional colors for kids: Additional colors for some models: Available colors:
Candy Galactic Dark Pearl Golden Brown Sandy Silver Seagull Stony Aqua
Pink Blue Champagne White Blonde Lake Beach
10 11
Just a perfect match: Custom details
Our custom instruments. at a glance.
Insio ITC Insio CIC
custom models.
14 15
Accessories: Connectivity for
For full control ultimate convenience:
and connectivity. Audio streamers.
The Tek™ and miniTek™ audio streamers
and remote controls transmit sound from
audio sources directly into your ears.
Siemens’ broad range of accessories allow Plus: For even more discretion and
for discretion and ease while at the same convenience, miniTek can be controlled by
time highlighting convenience. Android* smartphones with the miniTek
Remote App, available in the Google Play*
Audio streamers feed audio signals from Store.
various sound sources straight into your
hearing instruments, remote controls
allow for discreet program and volume
adjustments, and rechargers avoid
annoying trouble with tiny batteries.
16 17
Full control at your Finding the
finger tips: perfect model.
Remote controls. Because each person has different hearing
preferences, there is no “one size fits all”
Easily and inconspicuously adjust your answer to hearing loss; each solution is as
hearing program settings with our sleek unique as the individual.
and stylish ePen™, easyPocket™ and
ProPocket™ remote controls. But there are three main factors that
influence anyone’s choice: Ear anatomy,
degree of hearing loss, and personal
easyPocket ProPocket
Hassle-free and
friendly: Rechargeability.
The eCharger recharges and dries hearing
instruments overnight
so you don’t need
to fiddle with small
18 19
The Bluetooth word mark and logos are owned by the
Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by Siemens
Audiologische Technik is under license. Other trademarks
and trade names are those of their respective owners.
The information in this document contains general
descriptions of the technical options available, which do
not always have to be present in individual cases and are
subject to change without prior notice.
Global Siemens
Siemens AG
Wittelsbacherplatz 2
80333 Muenchen