Gullas College of Medicine, Inc.: Program Course Title Course Code Learning Plan No. Duration

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Program Doctor of Medicine


Course Code MEDICINE
Learning Plan No.
Duration 6 Hours
Gullas College of Medicine, Inc.

Anatomy of the Female Reproductive System

Unit Topic
Discuss the anatomy of the female reproductive system. (Introduced)
Discuss THE PELVIS and its role in Pregnancy (Practiced)
Intended Learning Outcomes

A. Identify the following parts of the female reproductive organs

a. External genitalia
b. Internal generative organs
c. Give the histology, blood supply, nerve supply and lymphatic
drainage of the external and internal genitalia
B. Discuss the embryologic development of each
C. Discuss the clinical or surgical importance
D. Recognize the relationships of the different pelvic organs
E. Differentiate the female reproductive organs in the different age groups
Compare the normal from the abnormal genitalia
F. Discuss the following parts of the pelvis
a. Bones
b. Shape
c. Planes and diameters
d. Size and clinical estimation
G. Identify and illustrate the type of pelvis according to Caldwell-Moloy’s
Guide Questions Classification
H. Describe the technique of measuring the diagnonal conjugate and state
its clinical importance
I. Define engagement and diagnose it by abdominal and vaginal
A. Define the terms- Lie, Presentation and presenting part, position
B. Enumerate the types of presentation and describe.
C. Discuss fetal attitude, lie and posture in the latter months of pregnancy
D. List the varieties of position of vertex, face, brow, breech and shoulder
E. Describe the technique of vaginal exam to diagnose lie, presentation and
F. Discuss and identifry the diagnsosi of presentation and position through
a. Leopolds Manuever
b. Ausculation
c. Vaginal examination
d. Sonography
Institution-provided online learning platform or other readily available platforms
Delivery Mode
such as Canvas, Google Classroom, Microsoft teams, etc.
Blended: Online with face to face instructions, Instructional videos, powerpoint
Teaching Method
materials, online or recorded lectures, CPG.
1. Class will be provided with a weekly learning outcome or study guide.
2. Students will develop and construct a concept-map for each topic before each
Learning Activity class and submit after.
3. Make a portfolio of summary of each topic assignment based on the academic

1. Williams Obstetrics 25th Edition

Learning Resources 2. Youtube, www, ACOG, RCOG, Khan Academy, etc.
3. Philippine Obstetrics and Gynecological Society (POGS) CPGs

Critically discuss the pathophysiology, diagnosis and management strategy of

Required Output
common and other complex syndromes
Compile a portfolio of topic summaries based on the Cornell Note-taking, and
Assessment Task concept-maps or mindmaps of their understanding of each topics discussed or
understudy as their study guide and reflection
Quiz, Interaction-discussion or case discussion, Shifting Exams, and Bi-Monthly
Assessment Tool exam, Rubrics on History and PE, Case Presentation and Group Discussion, and
comprehensive exam.
Ability to assess & discuss the etiopathogenesis of disease based on patients
history, physical examination, laboratories and imaging and present management
Competency to be Attained
and therapeutic options and/or need for subspecialty referral and other
Competency level Third Year Medical Students

Prepared by : Reviewed by : Approved for Use:

Dr. Michelle Marie K. Villegas _______________________________ _______________________________

______________________________ Associate Dean Dean
Department Chair

Date : Date : Date :

Revision #003

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