Myopia and Delivery: Should Mode of Delivery Be in Uenced by Moderate and High Myopia?

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Myopia and delivery: Should mode of delivery be influenced by moderate and

high myopia?

Article  in  Gynaecologia et Perinatologia · January 2009


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5 authors, including:

Oleg Petrović Karmen Lončarek

Klinički bolnički centar Rijeka University of Rijeka


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International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 85 (2004) 287–288

Brief communication

Myopia and operative delivery in Croatia

K. Loncareka,*, O. Petrovicb, I. Brajacc
Department of Ophthalmology, University Clinical Hospital Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University Clinical Hospital Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia
Department of Dermatology, University Clinical Hospital Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia

Received 30 November 2003; received in revised form 12 February 2004; accepted 17 February 2004

Keywords: Myopia; Retinal detachment; Operative delivery; Overtreatment; Prejudice

There is not even a single report in the literature Of total number of 693 deliveries of 574 myopic
of a case that can connect retinal detachment and women during the study period, there were 421
childbirth in myopic women. However, myopia is (61%) deliveries of women with low myopia, 159
considered as an indication for cesarean section in (23%) deliveries of women with intermediary
some European countries w1x. myopia and 113 (16%) deliveries of women with
Our retrospective study comprised all women high myopia.
diagnosed with myopia during or before pregnancy, There was a highly significant statistic differ-
who delivered during period 1993–2002 in the ence in the rates of operative and non-operative
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Univer- deliveries among the three groups of myopic wom-
sity Clinical Hospital Rijeka. The patients were en and non-myopic women (x2s298.107, Ps
classified as low myopics (-5 diopters), inter- 8.9=10y12).
mediary myopics (y5 to y7.75 diopters), and There was no difference between non-myopic
high myopics (8 diopters or more). and low myopic women regarding to type of
There was a total of 30 553 deliveries during pregnancy termination. The rates of cesarean sec-
the study period. Mean rates of pregnancy termi- tion were similar in non-myopic, low-myopic and
nations were as follows: 87% of spontaneous intermediary myopic group, and notably high in
deliveries, 3% of vacuum extractions, 10% of high myopic group. The rates of vacuum extraction
cesarean sections. were notably higher in intermediary myopic and
high myopic group than in low myopic and non-
*Corresponding author. Klinika za Oftalmologiju, KBC myopic group. The rate of vacuum extraction is
Rijeka, Kresimirova 42, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia. Tel.: q385-
91-250-3636; fax: q385-51-214-574. lower than rate of cesarean section in all groups
E-mail address: except in intermediary myopics. High myopics had (K. Loncarek). the highest rates of both types of operative preg-

0020-7292/04/$30.00 䊚 2004 International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights
288 K. Loncarek et al. / International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 85 (2004) 287–288

Our study confirms the practice of myopia as

indication for cesarean section in Croatia, although
strong recommendations to allow high myopic
patients deliver spontaneously arose as far back as
1985 w2x. So, how is it possible that myopia is
considered as indication for operative delivery, and
there is no reasonable evidence for this practice?
It is impossible to trace it back to the beginning.
It is probably based on a confusion between the
uncommon non-rhegmatogenous type of detach-
ment occasionally seen in pregnancy induced
hypertension, and the more common rhegmatogen-
ous detachment seen in high myopes w3x.
It is essential to recognize scientific or non-
scientific criteria for operative delivery in order to
avoid the surgical overtreatment.

w1x Katsulov A, Todorova Ts, Denovska M, Iankov M.
wMyopia and laborx. Akush Ginekol (Sofia)
1999;38:51 –54.
w2x Neri A, Grausbord R, Kremer I, Ovadia J, Treister G.
The management of labor in high myopic patients. Eur
J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 1985;19:277 –279.
w3x Kanski J. Retinal detachment. International. Clinical
ophthalmology. A systematic approach.Butterworth-Hei-
nemann, 1999. p. 354 –394.

Fig. 1. Types of pregnancy termination in myopic and non-

myopic cases over the 10-year study period—rates and abso-
lute numbers.

nancy terminations, having only 43% of sponta-

neous delivery (Fig. 1).

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