Myopia and Delivery: Should Mode of Delivery Be in Uenced by Moderate and High Myopia?
Myopia and Delivery: Should Mode of Delivery Be in Uenced by Moderate and High Myopia?
Myopia and Delivery: Should Mode of Delivery Be in Uenced by Moderate and High Myopia?
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Brief communication
Received 30 November 2003; received in revised form 12 February 2004; accepted 17 February 2004
There is not even a single report in the literature Of total number of 693 deliveries of 574 myopic
of a case that can connect retinal detachment and women during the study period, there were 421
childbirth in myopic women. However, myopia is (61%) deliveries of women with low myopia, 159
considered as an indication for cesarean section in (23%) deliveries of women with intermediary
some European countries w1x. myopia and 113 (16%) deliveries of women with
Our retrospective study comprised all women high myopia.
diagnosed with myopia during or before pregnancy, There was a highly significant statistic differ-
who delivered during period 1993–2002 in the ence in the rates of operative and non-operative
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Univer- deliveries among the three groups of myopic wom-
sity Clinical Hospital Rijeka. The patients were en and non-myopic women (x2s298.107, Ps
classified as low myopics (-5 diopters), inter- 8.9=10y12).
mediary myopics (y5 to y7.75 diopters), and There was no difference between non-myopic
high myopics (8 diopters or more). and low myopic women regarding to type of
There was a total of 30 553 deliveries during pregnancy termination. The rates of cesarean sec-
the study period. Mean rates of pregnancy termi- tion were similar in non-myopic, low-myopic and
nations were as follows: 87% of spontaneous intermediary myopic group, and notably high in
deliveries, 3% of vacuum extractions, 10% of high myopic group. The rates of vacuum extraction
cesarean sections. were notably higher in intermediary myopic and
high myopic group than in low myopic and non-
*Corresponding author. Klinika za Oftalmologiju, KBC myopic group. The rate of vacuum extraction is
Rijeka, Kresimirova 42, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia. Tel.: q385-
91-250-3636; fax: q385-51-214-574. lower than rate of cesarean section in all groups
E-mail address: except in intermediary myopics. High myopics had (K. Loncarek). the highest rates of both types of operative preg-
0020-7292/04/$30.00 䊚 2004 International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights
288 K. Loncarek et al. / International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 85 (2004) 287–288
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