Patil Et Al. 2021 - Agroforestry Book Chapter

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Published By: Immortal publications

ISBN : 978-93-5437-486-9 Title of the Book

Agriculture and Forestry: Current
Trends, Perspectives, Issues - IV

A Review of Agroforestry Practices for Sustainable Production in the Dry


S. B. Patil1*, H. H. Deshpande2, M. Mechri3 and C. P. Mansur1

University of Agricultural Sciences (UAS), Dharwad, India; 2Water and Land Management
Institute (WALMI), Aurangabad, India; 3National Institute of Field Crops (INGC), Tunisia;
University of Agricultural Sciences (UAS), Dharwad, India
*Author for correspondence. Email:

Article Info Agroforestry systems generally assumed a vital role in
sustaining production and livelihoods improvement in the
Article History world's dry areas through simultaneous production of food,
Received : 15 11 - 2020 fodder, and firewood, and mitigation and adaptation of
Revised : 25 11 - 2020 climate change. Increasing livelihood security and
Accepted : 15 12 - 2020 reducing vulnerability call for societal adaptation.
Consideration of differences in resource constraints in dry
farming systems and farmers' risk-taking attitudes towards
their allocation decisions is likely to enhance the
successful adoption of agroforestry. Therefore, it is a good
area of interest for researchers, policy-makers, and
farmers. This review paper examines the contribution of
prominent agroforestry systems in the dry areas including
(i) sustaining production; (ii) ecosystem services; (iii)
basic agroforestry systems in different dry areas for better
system productivity and rural livelihood improvement; (iv)
soil carbon sequestration. For example, an agri-silviculture
system enhances the system's productivity and improves
the available nutrients status and organic carbon in the soil
due to increased biological activity through crop and tree
integration, litterfall, N fixation, and nutrient application to
crops through fertilizers/organics. Therefore, different
agroforestry systems in the dry areas contribute variously
to social, economic and ecological functions. However,
there is still a need to look for the proper management of
trees and crops for better productivity. The synthesis of the
available literature on agroforestry systems also helps
identify constraints asscoiated and future management and
research plans.
1 Responsibility of contents of this paper rests upon the authors and not upon the Editor &
Published By: Immortal publications
ISBN : 978-93-5437-486-9 Title of the Book
Agriculture and Forestry: Current
Trends, Perspectives, Issues - IV
Key words: Silviculture, land-use system, tree
management, livelihood, allelopathic effect.
Contact Author
S. B. Patil
University of Agricultural Sciences
(UAS), Dharwad, India

Agroforestry is a common land-use system worldwide. Agroforestry plays a vital role in the
profitability of drylands due to the high risk of arable farming, which is affected by low and
uncertain rainfall, low soil fertility and high wind velocity. Agroforestry systems farming
systems that incorporate the cultivation of trees, often in combination with subsistence or cash
crops and livestock hold significant potential for rural development (Tscharntke et al. 2011).
The interest in the possibility of agroforestry practices for a contribution towards resilience among
the farming communities have been seen in recent years (Krishnamurthy and Krishnamurthy
2011) through biodiversity conservation, livelihood diversity (Dawson et al. 2014), system
productivity enhances (Devaranavadgi et al. 2010f) and economic benefits (Wali et al., 2010a).
The popularity of growing trees in agroforestry systems requires the quality of seedlings to a
greater extent. Seedlings raised in good media can provide better growth and establishment in the
main field. The study showed that growing seedlings in black soil: vermicompost: black sand
(2:1:1) nursery potting mixture were better germination, root development (Devaranavadgi et al.,
2010b; 2010d), seedling quality, and high seedling vigour index (Devaranavadgi et al., 2010j).
Conceptually, the integration of field crops and forest trees may increase total agroecosystem
biomass production because of different rotting patterns and depth, growth habits between trees
and crops and efficient utilization of off-season rainfall by trees (Rao and Osman, 1994). Trees are
also less sensitive than annual crops to extreme climate and soil conditions, reducing the risk of
total failure. Experiments conducted by Ong (1991) in semi-arid India reported that Leucaena
leucocephala hedgerows' growth continues even during the post-rainy period and yielded 2 to 5 t
ha-1 of fodder. Similarly, Singh et al. (1989) indicated that dry season fodder production is
probably the main advantage of alley cropping over traditional field cropping methods or fodder
production for India's semi-arid areas.

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Published By: Immortal publications
ISBN : 978-93-5437-486-9 Title of the Book
Agriculture and Forestry: Current
Trends, Perspectives, Issues - IV
Nowadays, the traditional agroforestry practices and systems are spreading in dry areas,
and their potential use is widely recognized (Santoro et al., 2020). Therefore, a detailed survey and
documentation of traditional agroforestry practices and systems will help build the knowledge
treasure of the science and future planning of agroforestry research and recommendations to the
region. In the Northern Dry Zone of Karnataka, India, a survey of traditional agroforestry systems
was carried out and documented by Devaranavadgi et al. (2010h). In the Southern Dry Zone of
Karnataka, Ficus sp. based traditional agroforestry system with pulses, maize, oilseeds and millets
was documented by Dhanya et al. (2016). Still, there is a need to strengthen the traditional
agroforestry practices of different dry areas for better system productivity and ecology. For
example, in the Blue Nile region, Sudan, the Acacia tree-based traditional agroforestry system for
gum arabic production is an important off-season income-generating activity for most farmers.
However, due to biotic, physical, socio-economic, and institutional reasons the gum yields from
acacia decreased (Barbier, 2000). Therefore, traditional dryland agroforestry management has to
look at a more holistic perspective by properly integrating the gum yielding acacia tree into the
field crop production system. The proper integration of tree and field crops and their management
are essential for establishing trees and enhancing system productivity (Wali et al., 2010a;
Devaranavadgi et al., 2010c). Therefore, in agroforestry systems, understanding and managing the
systems tree and crops is of paramount importance The planting of different tree species in
crescent and staggered trench methods has positively influenced the tree silvicultural traits
(Devaranavadgi et al., 2010c; 2011a) and soil moisture regime (Devaranavadgi et al., 2010i).
However, the staggered trench method appeared to be optimum with low cost and optimum results
regarding growth and productivity.

The potential of agroforestry systems has been generally archived in the diverse dry areas
of the world. The findings provide evidence that agroforestry can significantly increase crop yield,
overall system productivity and profit (Dhanya et al., 2016). The studies revealed that an
agroforestry system improved the crop productivity and soil health because of nitrogen
contribution from biological nitrogen fixation and nutrient cycling in organic inputs from trees

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Published By: Immortal publications
ISBN : 978-93-5437-486-9 Title of the Book
Agriculture and Forestry: Current
Trends, Perspectives, Issues - IV
(Sileshi and Mafongoya, 2003), improved water regime through higher infiltration and water
holding capacity (Makumba et al., 2006), improved microclimate (Rhoades 1995) and better soil
physical properties (Chirwa et al., 2004). The diversity of agroforestry in dry areas shows the
benefits with successful examples found in Northern Africa (Campos et al., 2009), sub-Saharan
Africa (Lehmann et al., 1998), Asia (Sharma et al., 2017) and India (Devaranavadgi et al., 2010e;
2010f). In similar to Southern Europe, Morocco has some high-esteemed agroforestry systems,
especially with olive (Olea europaea L.) and argan (Argania spinosa) cultivation, the of which
have high financial, social, and cultural worth (Daoui and Fatemi, 2014).

This paper aims to review the potential of agroforestry systems for sustainable production
in the dry areas and outline the diverse agroforestry systems. Examples from different countries
worldwide could help understand how agroforestry systems are considered one of the most
essential to natural resources conservation and agrobiodiversity. The paper demonstrates that
successful agroforestry systems are widespread throughout the dry areas and contribute to
sustainable agricultural production and resilient livelihoods.

Benefit of Agroforestry
Agroforestry can improve agricultural resilience to current weather variability and long-term
climate change using trees for diversification, intensification, and buffering of farming systems.
According to the report on sustainable land management (SLM) by the UNCCD Science-Policy
Interface (SPI), agroforestry can control soil degradation and improve yields and soil properties.
Trees have a significant role in decreasing vulnerability, increasing systems resilience, and
buffering agricultural production against climate variability. Subsequently, tree-based systems
have a focal point for maintaining production in dry regions. Leguminous trees may benefit soil
nitrogen content through nitrogen fixation, efficient nutrient cycling, and nutrient conservation
through soil erosion control (Young, 1986). The root systems of trees, including fine feeder roots
and related mycorrhiza, absorb nutrients from the soil solution that would change some way or
another be lost as leaching (Swaminathan 2019). Trees can reduce the impacts of weather
extremes, such as droughts or torrential rain. For instance, in central Kenya, planting of

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Published By: Immortal publications
ISBN : 978-93-5437-486-9 Title of the Book
Agriculture and Forestry: Current
Trends, Perspectives, Issues - IV
leguminous shrubs and napier grass in contour hedgerows reduced soil erosion by up to 70 per
cent on slopy land above 10 per cent inclination without reducing maize seed yield (Mutegi et al.,
2008) and guinea grass in shallow dryland soils on Northern Karnataka, India (Devaranavadgi et
al., 2011d) and stabilize the soil against landslides and increase the infiltration rates (Ma et al.,
2009) and increase the soil carbon (Kuyah et al., 2019). Agroforestry systems give a broad scope
of environmental benefits and ecosystem services. Several studies that summarize the literature on
agroforestry ecosystem services have been published (Bayala et al., 2014; Sinare and
Gordon, 2015; Félix et al., 2018). These investigations have indicated that agroforestry can
enhance the delivery of ecosystem services.

Agroforestry has both productive and protective functions. Among the productive

besides timber and NTFP (Non-Timber Forest Produce). The protective functions include shade,
reduction in wind speed, erosion and maintenance and improvement of soil fertility, recreation,
carbon sequestration, and climate change.

The win-wins and trade-offs scenarios in agroforestry production were confirmed by

Kuyah et al. 2019. It affirms the suggestion that win-win scenarios are possible between
ecosystem services and agricultural production. Trade-offs can likewise happen and maybe
overseen. Agroforestry systems improved crop productivity and soil quality indicators prompting a
win-win situation in 72, 76, and 53% of the pairwise observations for crop yield and total nitrogen,
crop yield and soil organic carbon, crop productivity, and available phosphorus, respectively
(Kuyah et al. 2019). Win-win result likewise dominated studies reporting both total nitrogen and
soil organic carbon (80%) but was more uncommon for total nitrogen and available phosphorus
(55%) just as soil organic carbon and available phosphorus (59%). Win-win situations happen
when trees improve soil nutrient status; soil moisture is not restricting, or minimize competition.

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Published By: Immortal publications
ISBN : 978-93-5437-486-9 Title of the Book
Agriculture and Forestry: Current
Trends, Perspectives, Issues - IV
Prominent Agroforestry Systems in Drylands
Agroforestry is a sustainable land-use system, which contributes to stabilizing and improving the
crop yields, consolidates the production of crops (including tree crops) and trees and/or animals
simultaneously or sequentially, on the same piece of of land, and applies management practices
that are well-suited with cultural practices of the local population. Agroforestry has three basic
components viz., (i) agricultural crops/herbaceous plants, (ii) woody perennials (tree crops), and
(iii) livestock/animals. Based on the studies reviewed and the combination of the above
mentioned, three components together form three basic agroforestry systems viz., agri-silviculture,
silvi-pastoral and agri-silvi-pastoral system. The previous research work about these agroforestry
systems are reviewed hereunder.

Agri-Silviculture Systems
In agri-silviculture systems, annual crops are intercropped with tree crops in the interspaces
between the trees. Under this system, crops can be grown up to 2-3 years, depending on tree
species. The annual crops can be grown productively up to the above said period beyond that it is
profitable to grow cash or grain whereas fodder crops, shade-loving crops, and shallow-rooted
crops are well suited. In some tree species, even wider row planting can be adopted without
sacrificing the tree population per unit area for easy cultural operations and reducing the below-
ground competition and getting more light interception by the intercrops. A tree grown in the
agroforestry systems performed better compared to their monoculture. The tree crop interactions
may have significant bearings on the total system productivity and profitability of the agroforestry.
A variety of metabolic chemicals involved in plant- plant chemical interaction are released from
plants primarily in leaf leachates and root exudates (Korawar, 1992). These metabolic chemicals
may cause either harmful or beneficial effects on understorey crops' productivity in the
agroforestry systems. Hence, allelopathic compatibility of crops with trees must be evaluated
before being introduced to an agri-silviculture system. Several researchers assessed the
allelopathic effect of tree species on different field crops in agri-silviculture systems. An example
for no or less allelopathic effect, when grown in an agri-silviculture system, is Hardwickia binata
in rabi sorghum (Devaranavadgi et al.,2003) The maximum harmful effect was noticed with

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Published By: Immortal publications
ISBN : 978-93-5437-486-9 Title of the Book
Agriculture and Forestry: Current
Trends, Perspectives, Issues - IV
Acacia nilotica, which was found to have higher total tree biomass production (3863 kg/ha) and
crown diameter (8.36 m). It appears that H. binata has better compatibility with arable crops and
had a less allelopathic effect on rabi sorghum. The better compatibility of H. binata with rabi
sorghum (Korawar, 1992) and understorey grasses (Debroy, 1989) have also been reported.

The agri-silviculture system enhances the system productivity and increases the soil
organic carbon and nutrient availability in the soil due to increased biological activity through crop
and trees, litterfall, nitrogen fixation, and application of organic manures and fertilizers. The
increase of microbial biomass carbon and enzyme activities in the soil (Yadav et al., 2011) and
soil nutrient status (Pandey et al. 2011) under different tree-based agroforestry land-use systems as
compared to monoculture have been reported.

Acceptance of agri-silvicultural systems by farming communities depends largely upon

demonstrating a minimal reduction in the crop yield due to above and below-ground tree
competition. For example, the rapid regrowth of Leucaena leucocephala following cutting is a
potential threat to the growth of associated annual crops in the agri-silvicultural systems
(Brewbaker, 1987). Therefore, management of tree leaf area and rooting is essential to minimize
competition so that satisfactory yield levels of field crops are maintained. Hocking and Rao (1990)
observed a good harvest of an annual crop is possible through canopy management by trees'
pollarding. Similarly, tree pruning has also proven useful for obtaining better crop yields by
reducing the competition for light (Kang et al., 1990; Osman et al., 1998)). The use of H. binata as
the main tree component in agri-silviculture (Khadse and Bharad, 1996) was studied extensively.
The challenge in agri-silviculture has been to maintain optimum planting density of trees to get the
maximum output without compromising yield of understorey crops to an extent (Balandier and
Dupraz, 1999). In the recent past, micrometeorological variation and ecophysiological changes
have been the primary objective studies in the agri-silvicultural systems (Wallace, 1994; Irvine,
1998; Shanker et al., 2005; Kumar et al., 2018). The modification of microclimatic parameters like
canopy air temperature, canopy relative humidity, wind velocity, and transpiration rate as well as

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Published By: Immortal publications
ISBN : 978-93-5437-486-9 Title of the Book
Agriculture and Forestry: Current
Trends, Perspectives, Issues - IV
stomatal conductance, has been shown beneficially for the understorey crops in many tree crop in
agri-silvicultural systems studies (Devasagayam and Ebenezer, 1996; Shanker et al., 2005).

areas. Pongamia pinnata,

Simarouba glauca and Azadirachta indica are the most promising and fast-growing species
suitable for agroforestry systems in the dryland areas of Karnataka based on better silvicultural
parameters viz., clear bole height, crown spread, tree height, and diameter at breast height in these
species (Devaranavadgi et al., 2010e). The P. pinnata is a vital TBO suitable for agroforestry
systems that grow in semi- s an essential
TBO ideal for agroforestry systems that develop in the semi-arid areas. But the challenge is to find
high yielding naturally available P. pinnata genetic resources for planting. In Vijayapura screened
a set of 40 candidate plus trees from naturally available P. pinnata genetic resources, it identified
as a promising source for best planting material for higher yields (Deveranavadgi et al., 2011b;
2011c). In general, the farmers are not interested in planting P. pinnata in the cultivable fields,
especially small landholding, because there is no income during the initial planting years. It can be
best suited in agri-silviculture, where it can accommodate both the trees and field crops, and trees
can also plant on the bunds without wasting arable land. During the tree gestation period,
intercropping could be more economical and environmentally sound in dry areas. The National
Agroforestry Policy announce during 2014 by the Government of India, advocating the planting of
trees on farms to meet the requirement of fodder, fuel, and timber. The study was conducted by
Kaushik et al. (2016) indicated that both grain and fodder yield of annual crops was not
significantly affected in the Karanja-based agri-silviculture system during the initial years of
plantation in the rainfed condition of southern Haryana. However, the mean grain yield of cluster
bean, cowpea, mung bean, and dhaincha was slightly lees in intercropped with Karanja tree in the
agri-silviculture system than their sole cropping, but, Karanja tree growth was favoured. Also, the
improvement in soil organic carbon and nutrient status was observed in the Karanja-based agri-
silviculture system.

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Published By: Immortal publications
ISBN : 978-93-5437-486-9 Title of the Book
Agriculture and Forestry: Current
Trends, Perspectives, Issues - IV
Poplar (Populus deltoides) based agroforestry is also one of the major commercial
agroforestry systems practiced by the farmers in northern India. In Western Uttar Pradesh,
Kareemulla et al. (2004) indicated that farmers could get an additional income (<70%), an
emergency source of cash (nearly 20%), and an additional employment generation of 11 man-
days/ha/yr for adopting the poplar-based agri-silvicultural system.

Silvi-Pastoral System
In this system, the trees are planted in the degraded and less fertile soils and fodder grass and
legume mixtures are being grown in the interspaces of trees. The trees should be drought-tolerant,
leguminous and multipurpose that provide food, fuel and fodder.. Trees have been found to
increase understorey production in temperate, tropical, arid, and semi-arid climates. Besides
meeting the fodder needs during the dry period, trees maintain soil fertility, arrest desertification,
and create conditions conducive for the growth of grasses with little or no adverse effect on the
yield of the associated forage grasses/legumes. These beneficial tree canopy effects are due to leaf
litter, better nutrient recycling, higher soil organic matter, and improved soil physical structure
(Young, 1989), and nitrogen fixation in the case of leguminous trees. A common example in
Tamil Nadu (India) is the Kangayam tract, where fooder grass Cenchrus and fodder sorghum are
raised as intercrops in Acacia leucophloea in the silvi-pastoral system. The A. leucophoea tree
canopy gives a better shade to the livestock and their pods for palatable feed.

Fodder tree species may be planted on farm bunds and cultivable-degraded lands in rows,
strips, or block planting. Several fodder trees are available, which have excellent potential to
produce quality nutritive fodder. In general, the species establish easily, grow fast, leguminous,
having high regeneration capacity after harvest, produce high-nutritive fodder, and under aberrant
weather conditions for limiting resources needs to be selected for silvi-pastoral systems. The
selection of crops, grasses, and legumes in the silvi-pastoral systems depends on biophysical
factors of the tree-crop interactions (Bhatt et al., 2003) and leaf forage production, fruits, and other
products (Cajas-Giron and Sinclair 2001). Evaluated the performance of legumes and grasses in
subabul (Leucaena leucocephala)-based silvi-pastoral systems in the Northern Dry Zone of

9 Responsibility of contents of this paper rests upon the authors and not upon the Editor &
Published By: Immortal publications
ISBN : 978-93-5437-486-9 Title of the Book
Agriculture and Forestry: Current
Trends, Perspectives, Issues - IV
Karnataka and inferred that guinea grass (Cv. Samruddhi and Nandini) and Stylosanthus ciabrana
are more suitable to grow as the understorey of subabul in silvi-pastoral systems (Devaranavadgi
et al., 2011d). The subabul genotype S-10 is the most promising to grow in shallow black soils of
the northern dry zone of Karnataka (Devaranavadgi et al., 2010f). In the same region, a Karanja-
based silvi-pastoral system comprising vermiculture, apiculture, and goat farming could be a better
farming system. It also urges other farming activities to improve the economic status of the
farmers while conserving more natural resources in drylands (Devaranavadgi et al., 2011c).

The olive- (Olea europaea L.)- based agroforestry and cork oak (Quercus suber L.)-
based silvi-pastoral systems are widely practiced in north African coutries like Morocco, Algeria,
and Tunisia (Campos et al. 2009; Tanasijevic et al. 2014). The argan tree (Argana spinosa)
based silvi-pastoral systems have been a long tradition practiced over 800 thousand hectares in

Agri-Silvi-Pastoral Systems
In this system, legume and grass mixtures are raised in the interspaces of forest trees along with
fruit trees. In an experiment, it was observed that the excellent performance of Leucaena in
intercropped with sapota. Therefore, the best combinations have to be identified for profitable
agroforestry systems. The scarcity of wood, food, and fodder in dry areas can solve by adopting
the above systems. Further, the unemployment problem and ecological imbalance can also be
solved to some extent and improve the farming community's socio-economic conditions. For
example, Keshwa and Singh (2004) assessed the performance of Dichrostachys cinerea +
Cenchrus silvi-pastoral system. The performance of D. cinerea and Cenchrus influenced
significantly by different row spacing of trees. By this system, the biomass production, fuelwood,
and leafy fodder yield were achieved, and these parameters increased linearly with the decrease in
spacing of D. cinerea. Still, it was a reverse trend concerning Cenchrus fodder yield. In general,
there was an improvement in soil organic carbon, available nitrogen, and phosphorus, and a further
improvement in soil fertility was noticed in narrow row spacing. Chauhan et al. (2014) indicated
that that the fodder productivity of intercrop was not affected Leucaena based system, and it was

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Published By: Immortal publications
ISBN : 978-93-5437-486-9 Title of the Book
Agriculture and Forestry: Current
Trends, Perspectives, Issues - IV
more as compared to sole fodder production of maize + cowpea followed by beseem + ryegrass
mixtures and production of napier hybrid. The fodder productivity of napier hybrid and annual
fodder crops was 140.2 and 110.3 t/ha in Leucaena based system against the 128.7 and 98.7 t/ha in
the sole fodder production, respectively. The Leucaena- based silvi-pastoral system was found
highly productive by producing 3.52 t/ha fuelwood (on a dry weight basis) in addition to fodder
yield from intercrops and Leucaena. Further, the Leucaena - based fodder production system
achieved around 15 percent higher protein than the sole fodder on a unit area basis.

In North African countries like Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia, the cork oak (Quercus
suber L.) is endemic. The woodlands are associated with a range of traditional agri-silvi-pastoral
practices, including grazing and gathering several non-timber products of forest trees (Campos et
al., 2009).

Alley Cropping
Alley cropping is a land-use system where annual crops are planted in an alley between the
hedgerow of forest trees and shrubs. It is one of the essential agroforestry practices developed at
the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Ibadan, Nigeria, in the early 1970s,
where the term alley cropping was coined (Harold and Warlito, 1985). Alley cropping allows the
farmer to use available resources and yield more benefits effectively. Choosing suitable associated
crops and reducing the crop-tree competition is vital for designing sustainable alley cropping
systems. The system provides short-term profit from annual crops and medium to long-term profit
from hedgerow trees/shrubs. However, as said above, the proper management of hedgerows to
reduce competition for light, water, and nutrient is crucial, particularly in resources limited areas
(Wali et al., 2010c; 2011b). Several researchers reported that in alley cropping systems, the crop
and tree yield is reduced due to competition, but the land equivalent ratio (LER) of the system was
still more than 1.0 (Singh et al., 2014; Razouk et al., 2016). In spite of the fact that there was a
reduction of 17.4% 22.8% crop yield but a 32.7% increase in tree yield and it shows a higher LER
of 1.76 2.60 (Miah et al., 2018). Therefore, it is necessary to adopt suitable silvicultural
manipulations like cutting height/coppice height and root pruning of hedgerows to reduce the

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Published By: Immortal publications
ISBN : 978-93-5437-486-9 Title of the Book
Agriculture and Forestry: Current
Trends, Perspectives, Issues - IV
above and below-ground competition between component crops in the alley cropping systems.
The root pruning of hedgerow species will minimize the competition for soil moisture and
nutrients and cutting height/coppice height for light (Wali et al., 2011d). In Northern Karnataka's
vertisols, the hedgerow Gliricidia sepium is recommended to grow with rabi sorghum in alley
cropping systems (Wali et al., 2010b). The study conducted at Vijayapura indicated that root
pruning of hedgerow G. sepium at 45 cm depth and coppicing height at 20 cm found beneficial in
improving intercrop growth and yield attributes and economics of rabi sorghum (Wali et al.,
2010a; 2011a) and light transmission ratio and soil moisture regime (Wali et al., 2010b) G. sepium
+ rabi sorghum in alley cropping systems at Vijayapura. Similarly, the same authors (Wali et al.,
2011c) studied the effect of different hedgerow species on dry matter production and plant
population of associated rabi sorghum genotypes arranged in different alley cropping systems.

Alley cropping or hedgerow intercropping improves crop yields and soil fertility, soil
erosion control on sloping lands, and produces fodder for livestock (Solaimalai et al., 2005).
Gangwar et al. (2004) conducted a field experiment on sandy loam soil to evaluate the production
potential of the rice-wheat system in alley cropping with L. leucocephala under integrated nitrogen
management. They inferred that L. leucocephala provided both fuelwood (5-6 tonnes/ha/year) and
green fodder yield (6-7 tonnes/ha/year) with in net savings of Rs. 6539/ha/year at 90 kg N/ha
application. Also, decreased the soil pH (from 8.74 to 8.43) by green manuring of L. leucocephala.

In the North Africa region, where permanent water shortage and recurrent drought occur,
farmers prefer alley cropping with saltbush (Atriplex nummularia) and barley. Aside from
improving soil moisture content, it provides quality fodder during dry period (Chebli et al., 2012).
The saltbush - based alley cropping has also been introduced in the Eastern Morocco region. This
system is valued by farmers as the saltbush allows farmers to meet livestock nutritional
requirements during feed gap periods (Atriplex has a high content of crude protein and minerals
throughout the year). In addition, studies have shown that the association improved the soil water
status and enabled a 39% increase in barley grain yield (Shideed et al., 2007; Chebli et al., 2012).

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Published By: Immortal publications
ISBN : 978-93-5437-486-9 Title of the Book
Agriculture and Forestry: Current
Trends, Perspectives, Issues - IV
In North Africa, spineless cactus based alley cropping is also an alternative system in low rainfall
areas (Alary et al. 2007). This system reduced land degradation by using perennial crops, produces
cheap and drought-resistant feed sources and high biomass production in the interspaces. In
Turkey, Gundogan et al. (2010) also reported that the intercropping of forage crops and barley
under pistachio, olive, and vineyards alley cropping system increased forage and grain production,
reduces soil and nutrient loss by surface runoff, and improves nutrient availability.

Agroforestry systems are an essential option for sustainable agricultural production, livelihood
improvement, climate change mitigation, and adaptation in dry areas. The recent literature says
that many agroforestry systems are being practiced by the farmers in dryland and other
ecosystems. The documentation of such region suitable traditional agroforestry systems will help
in building the knowledge treasure of practice of agroforestry. It will help to implement the most
esides, it will also allow for future
research planning on agroforestry practices. Therefore, a survey of existing traditional agroforestry
systems must be required to assess plans, present situation and strategies. Besides, proper
management of trees and crops is needed to reduce the above and below-ground competition and
better system productivity through silvicultural manipulation like cutting height/coppice height
and root pruning of hedgerows in-situ moisture conservation practice, planting methods, the
proportion of tree-crop combination, etc. Also, future research is required to eliminate many of the
uncertainties that remain.

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