Energy Lender Price Survey
Energy Lender Price Survey
Energy Lender Price Survey
We are pleased to present Macquarie Tristone’s Quarterly Energy Lender Price Survey, a commodity
pricing poll of energy reserve-based lenders. Our survey of energy lenders’ price forecasts covers a
broad spectrum of regional, U.S. national and international banks that engage in energy reserve-based
lending. The data provided for the Q1/11 Survey indicates that the banks are adjusting their price
forecasts as prices continue to strengthen.
This quarter’s survey includes 41 Participating Banks.
1st Quarter 2011 Price Survey: Mean of 41 Participating Banks – Base Case
Oil ($/Bbl) - WTI Gas ($/MMBtu) - Henry Hub
2011 65.52 4.15
2012 67.33 4.52
2013 68.32 4.85
2014 68.56 5.08
2015 68.63 5.25
2016+ 0.3% 0.5%
Cap 69.66 5.49
LOE Esc 0.8% 0.8%
Discount Rate 9% 9%
$55.00 $65.52 $89.33
$60.00 $67.33 $89.16
$62.00 $68.32 $89.09
$60.00 $68.56 $87.77
High Mean Low $60.00 $68.63 $85.00
$3.50 $4.15 $5.05
$3.50 $4.52 $5.50
$3.50 $4.85 $5.75
$3.50 $5.08 $6.00
$3.50 $5.25 $6.00
High Mean Low
Base Case Q1/11 vs. NYMEX as of January 3, 2011 - Blended (Gas:Oil = 60:40)
Using a 60/40 blended gas/oil weighting, we compared the average Base Case against NYMEX futures
pricing as of January 3, 2011, as shown below. When compared with NYMEX futures pricing, the
average Base Case results were 78% of NYMEX futures in 2011 and 81% in 2015. This marks a
slightly downward trend compared to last quarter when first-year results were 82% of NYMEX futures.
$/MMBtu (Blended)
$6.00 81%
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Base Case (Mean) 1Q/11 NYMEX Futures as of January 3, 2011
$/MMBtu (Blended)
Contango Pricing
since Q1/09
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Q2/08 Q3/08 Q4/08 Q1/09 Q2/09 Q3/09
Q4/09 Q1/10 Q2/10 Q3/10 Q4/10 Q1/11
Since starting the Macquarie Tristone Energy Lender Price Survey in Q2/05, the Participating Banks’ oil
and gas price decks have continually increased in the extended years from the previous quarter’s
results. The exception has been in the last six quarters. Q3/08 results showed the first quarter-to-
quarter decrease, and the Q1/09 results showed a shift from backwardation to contango. This quarter,
the contango trend continues, with base case pricing increasing slightly from Q4/10.
1st Quarter 2011 Price Survey: Mean of 32 Participating Banks – Sensitivity Case
Oil ($/Bbl) - WTI Gas ($/MMBtu) - Henry Hub
2011 52.74 3.32
2012 54.45 3.61
2013 55.25 3.86
2014 55.35 4.03
2015 55.32 4.14
2016 0.3% 0.5%
Cap 56.61 4.40
LOE Esc 0.4% 0.4%
Discount Rate 9% 9%
$45.00 $52.74 $72.00
$45.00 $54.45 $72.00
$45.00 $55.25 $72.00
$45.00 $55.35 $72.00
$45.00 $55.32 $72.00
$2.68 $3.32 $4.25
$2.93 $3.61 $4.68
$3.05 $3.86 $4.89
$3.14 $4.03 $4.89
$3.23 $4.14 $4.89
High Mean Low
Using the assumptions above, the Base Case price decks from the Q1/11 survey were used to
calculate a discounted cash flow (using PV9 from bank average). With a 60% Advance Rate and 20%
upside limitation, the amount loaned to a possible acquirer would be $71 MM.
PDP $103,815 Advance Rate
PDNP 1,056 Amount ($M) (60%)
PUD 13,798
Total $118,669 $71,201
Using the same assumptions, but using the Base Case price decks from Q1/10, the amount loaned to
a possible acquirer would be $68 MM. The increase in Base Case pricing from Q1/10 to Q1/11 results
in a 5% increase in Advance Rate amounts.
PDP $99,973 Advance Rate
PDNP 1,134 Amount ($M) (60%)
PUD 13,193
Total $114,299 $68,580
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