Trends Network & Critical Thinking in The 21 Century Literature Humss/Gas 11

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The Information Communication Technology (ICT) Revolution markedly modified

the society. According to Manuel Castells, the information communication
revolution created a new culture and a new social structure- the network society.
This society is “made of networks in all the key dimensions of social organization
and social practice”, marked by endless expansion and reconfiguration. These
networks are different from the networks of the Information Age because these do
not stop, very much unlike the traditional forms of networking where connections
stop at the border of the nation-state. Today, the network society is itself a global
system, lodging itself in how people live their lives.

Beginnings of the ICT Revolution

The internet was introduced to the world in 1969. However, its widespread use
began two decades later, because of factors that made available the internet to
mass consumption. Manuel Castells identified those factors as follows: regularly
changes, greater bandwidth in telecommunications; diffusion of personal
computers. User- friendly software programs that made it easy to upload, access,
and communicate content (beginning with the World Wide Web server. Also,
browser design by Tim Berners-Lee in 1990); and the rapidly growing social
demand for the networking of everything , arising from both the needs of the
business of internet penetration reached more than 60 percent in most develop
countries and were increasing at a fast pace in developing countries.
Apart from the internet, another revolution, the explosion of wireless
communication, took place in 1990. In 2002, the number of mobile wireless
subscribers worldwide. By 2008, 52 percent of the world`s population are
subscribed to wireless mobile phones. In fact, in Argentina alone, there are more
mobile phone subscriptions than people.


What can Networks do?

The spread of the use of internet and the explosion of mobile phone subscription
complement each other. Though mobile phones, the internet can be used. Even
traditional computers and laptops are giving way to smartphones and Android-
powered phones, and traditional telephones have given way to mobile phones.
Now, most communications are set in the World Wide Web. It serves as a
communication network where one can say and write anything, post and sell
anything, and give and exchange anything. It has replaced traditional modes of
communication, and continue to change the communication landscape and how
people relate to each other.
Even though the majority of the population still watch TV and read the news, the
delivery platforms is now the internet and the world wide web – thereby
diminishing the usage of traditional delivery platforms for these media: television
and the newspaper, respectively. Indeed, the internet and world wide web is now
a pervasive part of society that imagining life without it is impossible.
Sites fostering freedom of expression such as Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Blogs,
Instagram, and Photobucket, among others, are also different from media. These
sites do not have many restrictions, even though copyright infringements and
government censorships can still be imposed. Peer-to-peer sharing is also rampant,
which makes available to people original content in one click of the mouse.

Points to Ponder:
1. Networks should be utilized in responding to local and global issues.
2. There is power in numbers. Solutions can be achieved through networking
and cooperation.

Home Mission: On Copyright

You may have experienced this yourself: sharing posts that you saw on Facebook,
Twitter, Youtube, and other social networking sites. You may have also seen ideas
being owned and pre-owned, being stripped from its original owner and restored,
etc. Given the feature of social networking sites, this is inevitable.

Checkpoint A: What are your stand on idea ownership and copyright? Do you think
this is still respected in the era of social networking sites?

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