Vivekkumar Patel Mus109 Final Paper On Feldman, False Relationships and The Extended Ending Dt:12/17/2010

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Vivekkumar Patel


Final Paper on Feldman, False Relationships and the Extended Ending


The piece was very long just like "Feldman, Viola in my Life" which we
analyzed earlier in this course. I found this piece better than Viola in my life
because there is lot more going on in this piece and its bit interesting. I tried to
analyzed this piece as whole but found it very difficult to do. So, I tried to analyzed
it by breaking the piece into the sections of 2minutes in length and also I have
included drawings of sounds and instruments that I heard in the piece.

In First 2minutes I observed the randomness/discontinuity and no specific

rhythm at all. I also observed the spacing/silence but not sure whether it was there
or not or maybe note has not been ended and it's still going on. Everything looked
like it has been played at same pitch more like static. There was some density
involved .Up to 1 minute and 44 seconds I observed only Piano playing but after
1:44 I noticed flute in the piece. Also there is some weird noise in the background
which I'm not sure whether it's from an instrument or its an human voice.

First 2minutes looked something like this to me:

From 2:01 to 4:00 Piece is still random without rhythm but now it has more
instruments and things going on. Also I observed amalgamation of piano with flute
unlike first 2minutes to the piece where instruments where played one after
another. I also heard the sound of Bell in between 3:30-4:00minutes .Multiple
layers were there because multiple instruments are played at the same time. Now
the notes are more dense and this part is more dynamic compared to first one. Also
instruments were played at different pitches. It looks like this is the point where the
piece is really starting to build up and first 2minutes was just an introduction.

From 2:01 to 4:00 I think it looks like this:

From 4:01 to 6:00 it's still random and without rhythm. Number of
instruments have increased. I noticed 3 new sounds in addition to the sound of
piano, flute and bell. The new sounds that I have heard in his part ,I would describe
them as siren, tik-tik(something is being tapped) and strings/tremolo (maybe chello
).Notes are getting denser and denser though there is some spacing this part was
dynamic .Amalgamation was there .Felt like everything is being played at different
pitch. It's still hard to follow the piece because of it discontinuity:
From 4:01 to 6:00 I think it looks liked the picture above.

From 6:01 to 8:00 this part of piece sounded very similar to part from 2:01
to 4:00.The only difference is that here in this part we have three things involved
siren ,flute and piano unlike part from 2:01 to 4:00 where only flute and piano was
involved. I observed a huge space between two notes of piano in this piece Also
amalgamation of flute and piano and also siren and piano. There is not much
difference between the sound of flute and siren in this part, it's hard to tell whether
it was flute or piano. Randomness is still there and also there is no rhythm
whatsoever. I also observed repetition in piano notes.

From 6:01 to 8:00 I think the piece looks like this:

The Part from 8:01 to 10:00is more denser than any other part. It's very
quick. Spacing between notes is shorter than previous parts of this piece. Flute has
been played at different pitch, at some points is sound of flute is shorter and at
some points its longer. I also observer the sound of chello(or tremolo) in between
9:30to10:00 but not sure because it's not clear. This part was dynamic and lots of
things has been repeated. Still its random and without rhythm like previous parts.

From 8:01 to 10:00 I think the piece looks like this:

The Part from 10:01 t0 12:00 involves only two things piano and flute. I
think notes of piano were heavier at few points. Also I there is repetition at the end
of this part or can say a pattern. I didn't noticed it at first but when I actually drawn
it than I came to know about it. Part was not that denser but was quick I did notice
a long space within 10:01-10:30.Pitch was static in this part.

From 10:01 to 12:00 I think the piece looks like this:

The part from 12:01 to 14:00 has static pitches. Part is discontinuous .
Layers are there but not easily recognizable. This part is also random and without
rhythm. I did hear sound of bell in between 13:30-14:00 that was also not easy to
recognize. Also I hear some background noise due to the disturbance from audie
nce. This part involves three things flute, piano and bell.

From 12:01 to 14:00 I think the piece looks like this:

The Part from 14:01 to the end has significant amount of repetitions. It only
involves flute and piano. Also at some points the spacing between the notes long.
The part was static meaning everything seemed to be played at same pitch. There
was little or no amalgamation unlike previous parts. I don't know exactly but I felt
like there is continuity in this part.

From 14:01 to the end, I think the piece looks like this:
The piece was not interesting at all. It didn't had any significant pattern. It was
random whole time. It had rhythm at some point but it's very hard to tell. I would
stick with "Viola in my life" if I have to choose one from both of this works

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