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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056

Volume: 05 Issue: 10 | Oct 2018 p-ISSN: 2395-0072


1,2,3Student, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, SRMIST, Tamil Nadu, India
4Assistant Professor, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, SRMIST, Tamil Nadu, India
Abstract - The main objective of the project is to develop a the other equipments which we will be using shall be
smart street light system which reduces the consumption of connected through the jump wires to the bread and UNO.
electricity by using effective ways. The project will be
designed by using an Arduino UNO board, LDR, IR sensor 2. PROPOSED SYSTEM
and Bread board. Smart street lights are effective and
extremely dependable. The two sensors, LDR (light The Flow chart of the proposed Smart street light control
dependent resistor) and a IR sensor, the role of these sensors system is shown in figure 1.
in the project is to detects the intensity of atmospheric light
and accordingly the street lights will switched on and also LDR(Light Detecting Resistor)
when detects an object coming towards the street light and
it sends the message to the serially connected street lights As we have mentioned earlier in the report, LDR is the one
through the cloud so that every street light in the particular of the main component in the, the main reason
serial will be automatically switched on. We will be using and objective of using this LDR because it has a resistance
Internet of things (IoT) as the main technology in the
which ususally changes with the amount of light or the
project, since the main role of this technology is to enable
the connectivity between any living or non-living things to light intensity that falls on the LDR or even absorbed by it,
the internet. this main feature of LDR makes it as one of the super main
component which has to be used in any light sensing
Key Words: IoT, Arduino UNO, LDR, Street Light. devices and projects. The LDR can also be called as light
sensitive devices
2.2 IR Sensor
As we know that “Street Lights” are the major power
consuming elements in any city. We frequently come The IR sensor is called as the infrared sensor, we can
across many cases where the street light will be turned ON say that it is an electronic device which can easily measure
even in the day time, which is completely against the
the heat of the object and also it has the ability to detect
energy conservation rule. Therefor this type of continous
lightning may result in the increase rates and charges of the motion, which we can state as motion detection, this
the electricity. The main purpose and use of streetlight is in kind of sensors only detect and sense the infrared
transportation after the dusk time or when the day radiation. As, the infrared rays are invisible to our eyes,
atmospheric light is lessin intensity. So, the design and they can be detected using the IR sensors.
controlling of the street lights is an important field of work
for maintaining safe transportation in our daily life. Many 2.3 Arduino UNO
researchers have done many numbers of researches in
order to provide a less energy consuming street light The Arduino UNO is a largely and most widely used
system. In our project we have made our efforts to present microcontroller which was developed by The
an smart street light system with an reduced board has both the sets of digital and analog input/output
energy/power consumption in comparison to the previous
(I/O) pins. The board contains of 14 Digital and 6 Analog
and present lighting systems by observing and studying
many kinds of street lighting lamps, which include lamps pins. It is programmable with the ARDUINO
and lights like CFL, incandescent and Light-Emitting diode IDE(Integrated Development Environment) with a USB
(LED), where we will be showing that the LEDs are more cable. The board can be charged by using a USB cable or
than any other lighting systems which are present in the also by an external 9 volt battery as it accepts voltages
current place. A recent study by some researchers has also between 7 and 20 volts. The term "Uno" means one in
stated that the operating and working life of the LED is
higher when compared to any other lighting lamps and
lights, this is the main reason that some of the state
2.4 Bread Board
government have also started to produce LED lights to give
for the people. The Arduino UNO board is used as the brain
A bread board is called so because previously it was
to control all the process of the project. The sensors and all
used for the slicing of the bread later a solderless bread
board came into use. Since, bread boards are solderless
© 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.211 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1349
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 05 Issue: 10 | Oct 2018 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

which means it is re-usable this reason makes it popular the street lights will be tuned ON the whole night, in our
among students and many projects, many varieties of proposed system of project we have found a solution even
to this problem, which can again be solved using the IR
electronic devices can be prototyped using this bread
sensor, since the IR sensor can even detects the motion of
board, starting from any analog and digital circuits to the the objects, we will be using this feature of the IR sensor to
largest CPU(Central Processing Unit).The bread board reduce the amount of energy that is consumed even in the
consists of clips which are called as tie or contact points, night time through the street lights as our main aim of the
the clips will be maintaining a gap of 2.54mm between project is to reduce the consumption of the electricity. Let
us begin and learn how to use the IR to reduce the power
each one of them. They connect from one pin to the other
consumption even during the night time, As we know that
pin using metal strips. the IR sensor can aslo detect the motion of the object, so as
soon as any vehicle gets closer to the street light the IR
sensor which is present in the light sends an signal to the
microcontroller which automatically turns ON the street
light and also sends the same message to all the street
lights which are connected in series, which makes it switch
ON all the street lights in the series, and they gets turned
OFF when the vehicle leaves, by following this kind of
approach we can minimize the consumption of the
electricty more and more.

Fig -2: The IR sensor and LDR

Fig-1: The flow chart of the proposed system


The above shown flowchart breifly and clearly depicts the

way on how the project is designed and also how the step
by step process of the project and is working. Firstly in the
experiment the LDR detects the amount of light energy that
it has been receiving or we can also say that it detects the
presence of the light that is the reason why it is called as Fig-3: The outer look of the Arduino UNO board
light detecting resistor and when the LDR also detects the
light it sends an signal to the microcontroller which in our Now, we can see both the figures 2 and 3 who play a key
project is the Arduino UNO board, after receiving the signal role in our project, the final step which is left for us to
from the LDR and microcontroller performs its function perform is to connect the Arduino UNO board with the IR
which in this case is to switch on the LEDs which are sensor and the LDR connected bread board. After making
connected to the arduino board through the bread board the desired connections we need to check whether our
using jump wires. So, now the lights will be turned ON, and connections are all perfect or not after which we can go to
they will be turned OFF again when the LDR or the IR further step of performing the experiment which we have
sensor will not receive any kind of input from the light discussed and are willing to perform as mentioned in this
which is the sunlight or the atmospheric light, as during the report.
night time there will be no sunlight or any atmspheric light

© 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.211 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1350
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 05 Issue: 10 | Oct 2018 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

4. EXISTING SYSTEM [4] Kajal Ramchandra Mandave, Snehal Prakash Mane,

Dhananjay Vinayak Govande and Amol Annapa
There are many existing systems in this concept of Kempwade, “Automatic Street Light
control”,International Journal For Research In
project but many of them are with major drawbacks and Emerging Science and Technology , Vol-3, Issue-4,
some are with high initial cost and some doesn’t have the Apr-2016.
use of proper software, and also no existing systems have
used the IR sensor for object or motion detection and [5] Samir A. Elsagheer Mohamed, “Smart Street Lighting
there by making use of it to reduce the consumption of Control and Monitoring System for Electrical Power
Saving by Using VANET”, Int. J. Communications,
electricity even during the night time, this will definietly Network and System Sciences, 2013, 6, 351-360
bring a new revolution in the electricity consumption and
will stand as first project to do so.


The result of the system, as we have discussed in the

earlier pages of the report, the LDR detects the light that
has been falling on it, so does the IR sensor and as soon as
they detect or obsorb light they will send an signal to the
microcontroller which there by turns ON the street light,
and also the IR sensor detects the vehicle motion which
also sends an signal to the microcontroller when it detects
an vehicle and again the microcontroller turns ON the
street light. This will be the result of the proposed, Smart
Street Light Control System.


So, we here by conclude that the proposed smart street

light control system has many benefits while compared to
the existing systems, even though we can’t come to an
conclusion without testing the project but with the
provided flow charts and the diagrams and pictures, we
can be confident that the proposed project will perform
better han the existing projects and systems. Therefore we
can be saving an enormous amount of electricity, this
system also prevents the unnecessary wastage of
electricity by the manual switching of the street lights
which is made possible by the sensors available, this smart
street light control system can be installed both in the
urban and also in the rural areas. The advantges of this
system are reduce in consumption of the electricity and
also to increase the life span of the system.


[1] Akshay Balachandran, Murali Siva, V. Parthasarathi,

Surya and Shriram K. Vasudevan, “An Innovation in
the Field of Street Lighting System with Cost and
Energy Efficiency,” Indian Journal of Science and
Technology, Vol 8(17), DOI:
10.17485/ijst/2015/v8i17/61261, August 2015.

[2] Neha Patil,A.C.Wani, “Review on Energy Efficient

Intelligent Lighting System”, International Conference
on Global Trends in Engineering, Technology and
Management (ICGTETM-2016)

[3] Satwinder Singh,“Review of an energy efficient

SmartStreet Lighting System,” International Journal of
Research (IJR) Vol-1, Issue- 5, June 2014 ISSN 2348-

© 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.211 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1351

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