BMT - Metocean Services and Solutions
BMT - Metocean Services and Solutions
BMT - Metocean Services and Solutions
and Operability
With over 30 years of experience and a rich heritage of marine research, we 4
3: Forecast Services
apply our understanding of the marine environment to reduce risk, whilst
4: Vessel Response Consultancy
minimising costs in challenging engineering projects.
We offer analysis and prediction BMT invests in its people and the Striving for service excellence, all
of the metocean conditions that development of the company to BMT companies implement and
can be customised according provide solutions to customer maintain management systems
to our clients requirements. requirements in a technology compliant with internationally
This can range from a simple driven environment. As a recognised standards covering
statistical assessment of the company founded on the core health and safety, quality and
sea state to support an offshore principle of innovation; pioneering environmental management,
pipe-lay operation to complex research and development is key in line with the BMT Group
studies supporting feasibility, to BMT’s success. Operating as Ltd. accreditation to ISO9001,
detailed engineering and vessel an Employee Benefit Trust affords ISO14001 and OHSAS18001.
manoeuvrability assessment us the opportunity for equitable
during site selection and distribution of rewards, ensuring
development of an LNG terminal. staff engagement and our
Safe operational working limits for weather the ideal location, alignment, layout and
BMT metocean statistics and sea state, and the number of working mooring facilities. Using BMT metocean
hours required for the completion of each data, a 25-year simulation of operations
and data support:
phase of a project may be provided in a was conducted which identified the
short turnaround from existing data sets, operational downtime, cargo transfer and
• Regional metocean climatology
thus providing valuable information to cargo storage requirements during this
operators and installation contractors’ period. The study also confirmed that,
• Weather windows and persistence during the construction and operation of given an adequate configuration of the
analysis to assess risk of marine marine structures. terminal, no breakwater needed to be
operations built to achieve acceptable longevity and
By customizing metocean services to
• Rig selection and site specific operational conditions.
the requirements of a customer, BMT
operability assessment can provide detailed information about
the local climatology, determine the Operability at an
• Feasibility studies for early
assessment of project finance and probability of occurrence of suitable offshore site, Brazil
concept design weather windows, assess the likely hood An offshore contractor needed to assess
of extreme events occurring in the area the operability at a site offshore Brazil for
• Workability assessment and and provide an assessment of an assets, a series of heavy lift operations. BMT was
planning of marine infrastructure performance in the marine environment able to assist by providing a hindcast of
installation throughout its lifetime. full 2-D wave spectra. The data provided
• Heavy lift operations and pipe-lay Where insufficient existing data are enabled the customer to analyse various
available to meet a design or operational different scenarios in-house enabling
• Weather forecasting to support
need, BMT can support design and assessment of the response of the
tow route and marine transport
execution of a metocean measurement vessel to local wave climate and the risks
campaign to obtain additional site specific involved with the operation.
• Assessment of FPSO performance data.
and offloading operations Operability at Makassar
• Vessel manoeuvring simulation Operability at a Marine Straits, Indonesia
studies to study terminal Terminal, Caribbean Pearl Oil’s development of a new oil
operability BMT carried out a study of the feasibility and gas field in the Makassar Straits
• Marine forensic incident of placing an unsheltered LNG Marine required the design of a 350km pipeline
investigation Terminal in the Caribbean. This involved to deliver the products to land facilities
conducting an evaluation of arrival and safely and with minimum risk and
departure manoeuvres as well as the detailed criteria study. BMT completed
behaviour of the ship at berth. a metocean measurement campaign
1 2 to gather the data needed to support
In-house developed Simulation Software the pipeline design.
(REMBRANDT) was used to determine
3 4
2 3 • Run information
• Position and percentage of power
1: Tanker offloading.
2: Tow simulation Gulf of Mexico.
3: REMBRANDT bridge simulator.
BMT is an international design, engineering and risk
management consultancy, working principally in the energy
and environment, transport and defence sectors.
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