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Develop a Method to Estimate the Tension of Torque-Shear High Strength


Article · December 2017

DOI: 10.4172/2472-0437.1000135


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Hwan-Seon Nah


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Stru re & Nah, J Steel Struct Constr 2017, 3:2
DOI: 10.4172/2472-0437.1000135

urnal of St

Journal of Steel Structures & Construction

nstr tion

ISSN: 2472-0437

Research Article
Research Article Open

Develop a Method to Estimate the Tension of Torque-Shear High Strength

Hwan-Seon Nah*
Smart Energy Lab, Korea Electric Power Corporation Research Institute, Republic of Korea

High strength bolts are widely used as a connector of steel member for steel structure. When the torque shear
type high strength bolt is fastened, a pin-tail of the bolt is twisted off. The clamping force of the high strength bolt is
normally carried out with a visual inspection, so it is uncertain to measure the clamping force quantitatively. To solve
this problem, this study developed a method to identify the clamping force of high strength bolt at a digital mode. The
new method identify the induced tension is to analyse the accumulated electric energy applied to high strength bolts
until the pin-tails are broken by electric torque wrenches. Valuations of bolt clamping forces and accumulated current
data were collected through various experiments. The function of accumulated current data using regression analysis
was conducted with various values of bolt diameter. The function of accumulated current data by various values of
bolt diameter considering torque wrench rpm was conducted by using regression analysis. The measuring deviation
between the values measured by a tension meter and those estimated by a trial product of a measuring device
developed in this study is only around 4%. Also, as a result of the research, the trial product is developed including
algorithms that calculate clamping force according to the different bolt diameter and electric wrench types.

Keywords: Bolt; Tension; Current; Wrench; Torque bolts was 0.205 and that of the bolts without lubrication was 0.04. A
study by Chakherlou evaluated clamping force in relation to stress and
Introduction friction strength based on the shape of the edge crack of bolt holes [4].
It is general that the bolted joint connects the main members for a In a study conducted by Yang et al. the clamping force of bolt joints was
steel structure is designed as a slip critical joint. The high strength bolts compared between ordinary room temperature and high-temperature
have applied to Korean construction sites are torque shear type since and the test result was compared with analysis result [5]. In addition,
2000. The guidelines for these types of bolts were written in 2003 in the study analyzed the variation of torque coefficients associated with
Korea. Moreover, the related code ASTM F 2280, as used in the USA, the difference in bolt length and lubricant applied to high strength bolts
was established in 2006. The torque shear type high strength bolts are [6]. There was a difference of 23% between the test result and the analysis
designed in a process that pin-tails are twisted off at constant torque. result. As mentioned above, the test results varied depending on test
However, it is too difficult to assume that clamping force is properly environments and so did the analysis results. In a study conducted by
induced even if proper torque is applied. Even if torque is constant, Cleary, clamping force was compared between high strength bolts 1”
tension changes when a torque coefficient changes. Therefore, to in diameter having a reinforced washer and those without it. Static test
confirm the introduction of clamping force to a high strength bolt and long-term test were performed on high strength bolts clamped in
is only valid right after it is manufactured under quality control at slotted holes and friction resistance characteristics were estimated for
the fracture of pin-tail. If the lubricant conditions on surfaces of 20 years based on the test result [7]. Axial strength tests of high strength
high strength bolt shank and threads are varied due to temperature, bolted joints with hot dip galvanized surfaces were performed and the
humidity and dust, while it is moved and stored, the proper tension results were evaluated [8].
required by the specification cannot be induced. The purpose of this
Test Setup
study is to establish the method to determine the induced tension
throughout various experiments, algorithms, and related techniques All of the specimens were torque shear type high strength bolts
to quantitatively analyse clamping force. Moreover, a trial device (S10T) which were 20 mm, 22 mm, 24 mm in diameter and 75 mm,
embedded algorithms was suggested so that it can be used to assure the 100 mm in length to identify the tension of bolts with analogue tension
quality at sites. meter, Skidmore model, MS-102. The surface condition of high
strength bolt was provided for two categories; one is plain surfaced, the
Overseas Technologies
There are no problems related to torque control method as
happened to Korea and Japan, since direct tension indicating method *Corresponding author: Hwan-Seon Nah, Smart Energy Lab, Korea Electric
rather than torque control method is employed in Europe and North Power Corporation Research Institute, Republic of Korea, Tel: 821031727363;
E-mail: hsnah_kepri@kepco.co.kr
America. Therefore, it is difficult to find reference data relevant to this
study. Studies on clamping methods using direct tension and friction Received  December 12, 2017; Accepted December 20, 2017; Published
December 27, 2017
joints were carried out as follows. A study reported that the clamping
strength of high strength bolts varies depending on the properties and Citation: Nah HS (2017) Develop a Method to Estimate the Tension of Torque-
types of lubricant the manufacturer uses in the USA [1-3]. Vand et al. Shear High Strength Bolts. J Steel Struct Constr 3: 135. doi: 10.4172/2472-
published experimental results comparing torque coefficients between
a case where lubricant was applied to the screw threads of high strength Copyright: © 2017 Nah HS. This is an open-access article distributed under the
terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted
bolts and a case where the bolts had no applied lubricant [4]. According use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and
to the results of the experiment, the torque coefficient of the lubricated source are credited.

J Steel Struct Constr, an open access journal Volume 3 • Issue 2 • 1000135

ISSN: 2472-0437
Citation: Nah HS (2017) Develop a Method to Estimate the Tension of Torque-Shear High Strength Bolts. J Steel Struct Constr 3: 135. doi:

Page 2 of 5

other is zin coated. The applied tools for clamping bolts were electric
torque wrenches made in Japan called TONE. The revolution per
minutes of tools were composed of 10 rpm for model, HTS 110L. The
variables to take diverse tensions from candidate bolts were applied to
conditions such as immersion of fresh water, outdoor exposure, surface
temperature. The total summary of test is as shown in Table 1.
Torque shear type high strength bolts are clamped using specific
electric tools. Electric energy induced until the fracture of the pin-tail
due to shearing force directly affects the tension of the high strength
bolt. The premise of study was that all the electric energy used to
clamp a high strength bolt was the same as the energy induced into the
shank of bolt. The electric energy taken from an electric torque wrench
was accumulated and analyzed to transform into tension within the Figure 2: Measuring electric energy from an electric torque wrench.
useful range. This study is focused on the method to estimate tension
by conducting regression analysis on the relation between tension
measured by a tension meter and electric energy accumulated until the Bolt Species Identification Variables Quantity
fracture of pin-tails and storing the result of the analysis in a measuring (Manufacturer) Number
device. S10T M20 (H Co.) R10-HK-20 Surface temp 23℃ 15
S10T M20 (H Co.) R10-HKD-20 Surface temp 23℃ 15
Figure 1 shows the process of obtaining, transmitting and S10T M20 (D Co.) R10-DW-20 Surface temp 23℃ 15
substituting the clamping force data of high strength bolts from an Subtotal 45
electric torque wrench. After the initial start-up current, the point
Table 2: List of Specimens.
where the current is the lowest indicates that clamping starts. The point
of the second highest current indicates pin-tail fracture. The lowest to measure tension and gather accumulated electric energy data.
current, the lowest power, the highest current and the highest power Three types of S10T M20 high strength bolts which were 20 mm in
were determined in a general current curve. A program was configured diameter and 75 mm to 100 mm in length were used in the test. The
as shown in Figure 2 to calculate the accumulated currents and test was performed at room temperature without considering various
accumulated power in order to determine the accumulated amount parameters. Specimens in the test are shown in (Table 2).
of energy from the lowest point to the highest point. All of the data
measured during the tests was stored in Excel program so that the Analysis result of diameter 20 mm bolt
lowest current, the highest current and finally induced tension can be
As in the case of the previous test, measured tension values were
displayed on the digital screen from the trial product [9-10].
compared with the values obtained by using accumulated current data
Test and Analysis and accumulated power data. The former provided lower error rate.
Equation (1) was obtained from the regression analysis of tension as a
Test plan for diameter 20 mm bolts function of accumulated currents.
A hydraulic analogue tension meter (Skidmore MS-102) and T=0.0016 × A.C+148.81 (1)
an electric torque wrench (TONE, HTS 110L, 10 rpm) were used
(T: tension (kN), A.C: accumulated currents conversion value)
Electric Torque Bolt Type/Diameter Variables Q’ty
Wrench (rpm) The average tension obtained from the tension meter was 185.3
TONE (10 rpm) TS Strength Bolt (S10T M20) Temperature 45 kN and the value obtained from eqn. (1) using accumulated currents
TS Strength Bolt (S10T M22) Temperature 40 was 183.9 kN. The error rare was as low as 1.9%. Figure 3 shows the
TS Strength Bolt (S10T M24) Temperature 70 relationship between tension and accumulated currents.
Table 1: List of test. The average tension of 157.4 kN was achieved from the regression
analysis of tension in relation to accumulated power. Standard deviation
was 2.5. Figure 4 shows the result. It was indicated that the values of
tension obtained by using accumulated currents (error rate 1.9%) were
much more reliable than those obtained by using accumulated power
(error rate 14.9%). In fact, the error rate in the latter was too large for
the values to be considered reliable [11-13].
Table 3 summarizes the tension analysis using accumulated
currents from an electric torque wrench with 10 rpm.
Test Plan for diameter 22 mm bolts
A hydraulic analogue tension meter (Skidmore MS-102) was used
to measure tension. The electric torque wrenches (Model: HTS110L,
10 rpm) manufactured by TONE, a Japanese company, were used to
gather accumulated electric energy data. S10T M22 high strength bolts
Figure 1: The process of creating data.
which were 22 mm in diameter and 75 mm in length were used in the

J Steel Struct Constr, an open access journal Volume 3 • Issue 2 • 1000135

ISSN: 2472-0437
Citation: Nah HS (2017) Develop a Method to Estimate the Tension of Torque-Shear High Strength Bolts. J Steel Struct Constr 3: 135. doi:

Page 3 of 5

Rotation Speed Bolt Species/Identification Variables Quantity

rpm 10 S10T M22/R10-HK-22 Surface temp. 23℃ 20
S10T M22/R10-HKD-22 Surface temp. 23℃ 20
Subtotal 40
Table 4: List of specimens for 22 mm Dia.

Figure 3: Tension vs. currents (10 rpm).

Figure 5: Current vs. Tension (M22 bolts).

4.8 kN. The tension of HK-22 obtained from the trial product ranged
between 219 kN to 245 kN. The average tension was 228 kN with a
standard deviation of 8.8 kN. The average error rate of the tension
Figure 4: Tension vs. accumulated power. provided by the trial product was 2.4%, which was 0.8% lower than the
overall average error rate of 3.2%. When an electric torque wrench with
Identification Measured tension Regression analysis  10 rpm was used, the measured tension of HKD-22 ranged between
Number  (kN) (A) Tension Aver. Standard Error Rate 192 kN ~272 kN. The average tension was 240 kN with a standard
(kN) (B) Dev. (A-B) deviation of 18.2 kN. The average tension was higher when compared
R10-HK-20 185 181 7.3 1.9 with conventional high strength bolts. And, a standard deviation width
R10-HKD-20 183 183 6.4 2.8 of 7% was significantly large. It is deduced that zinc coated bolt surface
R10-DW-20 181 185 11.2 5.2 and coating thickness exerted influence on the tension. The tension of
Average 183 183 8.9 3.4
HKD-22 obtained from the trial product ranged between 219 kN~245
Table 3: Tension analysis (rpm 10). kN. The average tension was 238 kN with a standard deviation of 16
kN. The average error rate of the tension provided by the trial product
test. Three types of torque shear type bolts from two manufacturers was 3.7%, which was 0.5% higher than the overall average error rate of
were chosen as specimens. Table 4 shows the list of the specimens. 3.2%. The result of the analysis is shown in Table 5. The average error
rates ranged between 2.4% and 3.7% and the overall average error rate
Analysis for diameter 22 mm bolts was 3.2% indicating high level of reliability [14,15].
The tension of the bolts was measured by an analogue tension
Test plan for diameter 24 mm bolts
meter. The average accumulated currents were retrieved from the Excel
program and the trial product. Regression analysis was conducted As shown in the test and analysis of high strength bolts which were
with the test result. Eqn. (2) for tension as a function of accumulated 24 mm in diameter, no noticeable changes were identified at using a
currents was obtained from the analysis. Figure 5 is the graphical 10 rpm wrench. A hydraulic analogue tension meter (Skidmore MS-
version of the analysis result. 102) was used to measure tension. An electric torque wrench with 10
rpm which is called as HTS110L, manufactured by TONE, a Japanese
T=0.0036 × A.C+93.151 (2)
company, was used to gather accumulated electric energy data.
(T: tension (kN), A.C: accumulated currents (A)).
S10T M24 high strength bolts which were 24 mm in diameter and
When an electric torque wrench with 10 rpm was used, the tension 80 mm in length were used in the test. Three types of torque shear
of HK-22 measured by a tension meter ranged between 221 kN to type bolts from two manufacturers were chosen as specimens. Table 6
238 kN. The average tension was 229 kN with a standard deviation of shows the list of the bolts tested.

J Steel Struct Constr, an open access journal Volume 3 • Issue 2 • 1000135

ISSN: 2472-0437
Citation: Nah HS (2017) Develop a Method to Estimate the Tension of Torque-Shear High Strength Bolts. J Steel Struct Constr 3: 135. doi:

Page 4 of 5

Identification Tension Meter (A) (kN) Trial product (B) (kN)  by a tension meter ranged between 222 kN~ 249 kN. Table 7 showed
Number Tension Standard Tension Avr. Standard (A-B)% the summarized result.
Avr. Dev. Dev.
R10-HK-22 229 4.8 228 8.8 2.4
The averages of tension values measured by a tension meter were
R10-HKD-22 240 18.2 233 16.1 3.7
within the range between 244 kN~249 kN, except for 222 kN observed
Subtotal 3.2
in R10-DW-24. The average tension values provided by the trial
product presented a similar pattern. The standard deviations 11.0~17.0
Table 5: Result of bolt (M22) tension.
in projected values indicated a tendency to be closer to the mean than
the standard deviations 12.7~21.7 in measured values.
Tool Identification Environmental Condition Quantity
Number Configuration of a Trial Product
Electric Torque Wrench R10-HK-24 Surface temp. 23 20
(rpm 10) R10-DWD-24 Surface temp. 23 20 The trial product consists of sensing part which detects alternating
R10-DW-24 Surface temp. 23 20 current and voltage provided by an electric wrench through a current
R10-HK-W30-24 Immersion for 30 min. 10 transformer; sampling part which limits the number of sensed
Exposure for 24 hours current and voltage data to 60 per second to reduce processing time;
Sub total 70 programming part which decides the effective range (minimum value
Table 6: List of specimens for 24 mm Dia. maximum value) for measured current and voltage; programming part
which decides the number of effective data to be received per second for
each rpm (9~20); and part which provides information that the selected
data (current or voltage) results in lower mathematic error rates. Figure
7 shows the configuration. Inside the device are: part which provides
regression analysis algorithms for the relation between tension and
accumulated currents based on various test results; programming part
which executes additional regression analysis and modifies algorithms
as required by the features of an electric wrench; part which computes
accumulated currents, accumulated voltages and accumulated power
immediately; and part which determines tension using accumulated

Identification Tension Meter (A) Trial product (B) (kN) (A-B) Error
Number (kN) Aver.(%)
Tension Standard Tension Standard
Aver. Dev. Aver. Dev.
R10-HK-24 248 12.7 248 11 3.1
R10-DWD-24 249 15.1 239 13 4.3
R10-DW-24 222 18.6 229 15.9 4.3
R10-HK-W30-24 244 21.7 250 17 4.6
Subtotal 231 20.1 236 16.4 4.4
Table 7: Result of bolt (M24) tension by accumulated currents.

Figure 6: Estimation by accumulated currents.

Analysis for diameter 24 mm bolts

The tension of the bolts which were 24 mm in diameter was
analysed as follows. Regression analysis was conducted for tension
values measured by an analogue meter as a function of accumulated
currents from an electric torque wrench. Figure 6 shows the result of
the analysis. Eqn. (3) was obtained from the analysis. The coefficient of
determination (R2) at this time was 0.67.
T=0.0035 × A.C+99.535 (3)
(T: tension (kN), A.C: accumulated currents (A))
The average tension of R10-HK-24 provided by the equation
was 250 kN with a standard deviation of 9.3. The average error rate
calculated from the comparison with measured values was only
3.0%. While the average tension of R10-HK-W30-24 bolts which
were exposed to air for 24 hours after being immersed in water for
30 minutes was also 250 kN, the standard deviation was 11.3 and the
average error rate was 4.6%. In addition, the values of average tension
varied depending on manufacturers of the bolts. The values provided by
Figure 7: Concept map of a trial product of a tension inspection device.
the trial product ranged between 226 kN~250 kN and those measured

J Steel Struct Constr, an open access journal Volume 3 • Issue 2 • 1000135

ISSN: 2472-0437
Citation: Nah HS (2017) Develop a Method to Estimate the Tension of Torque-Shear High Strength Bolts. J Steel Struct Constr 3: 135. doi:

Page 5 of 5

As shown above, average error rates of tension values calculated by

using accumulated currents were approximately 4% regardless of bolt
diameter. The inspection method and device suggested and developed
in this study estimated the clamping force of high strength bolts for
friction joints. They are expected to be used for the safety assurance of
bolted joints in steel structures, given extended data. The algorithms
drawn from this study and the inspection device can be useful to
estimate the current tension of high strength bolts clamped to existing
structures by determining the initial clamping force of the bolts.
Figure 8: Trial product.
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J Steel Struct Constr, an open access journal Volume 3 • Issue 2 • 1000135

ISSN: 2472-0437

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