Dc2018-0125-WSP Review and Approval
Dc2018-0125-WSP Review and Approval
Dc2018-0125-WSP Review and Approval
Department of Health
No. 2018- Ql25'
Pursuant to DOH Administrative Order (AO) No. 2014—0027 “National Policy on Water
Safety Plan (WSP) for All Drinking—Water Service Providers” dated September 4, 2014, all
drinking—water service providers shall be required to prepare and submit their WSP to the
Department of Health for approval.
Enclosed for information and guidance is a copy of the Manual of Operations on Review
and Approval of the Water Safety Plans of Drinking-Water Service Providers in accordance to A0
No. 2017—0006 dated April 20, 2017 “Guidelines for the Review and Approval of the Water Safety
Plans of Drinking-Water Service Providers”.
The Manual of Operations (MOP) was developed to describe the step—by—step procedures
for the review and approval process of WSP. The manual covers the requirements for application,
review and issuance of WSP Certificate of Acceptance. Enclosed in the MOP are related forms
and assessment tools to be used in the review and approval process.
Building 1, San Lazaro Compound, Rizal Avenue, Sta. Cruz, 1003 Manila 0 Trunk Line 651-7800 Direct Line: 7l1-9501
Fax: 743-1829; 743-1786 0 URL: http://www.doh.gov.ph; e-mail: fidunue@doh.gov.ph
Table of Contents
Acronyms and abbreviations used in the text
IV. Organization of WSP Committeesand Secretariat.......................................
V. DOHAuthorizedOffice.......................H............................................
VI. DOHDeputized
VII. ReviewandApproval
The Code on Sanitation of the Philippines (Presidential Decree 856) has mandated the
Department of Health (DOH) to ensure the safety of drinking—water at all times. The
Department has to certify that every drinking—water being served to the public is potable.
The World Health Organization (WHO) 4th Edition Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality
2011 has introduced a new improved framework to ensure the safety of drinking-water which
provides a preventive, risk-based approach to managing water quality. It is composed of three
(3) components: health-based targets established by competent health authority; adequate and
properly managed systems (water safety planning); and a system of independent surveillance.
The DOH adopted this framework through an Administrative Order (AO) No. 2014-0027
“National Policy on Water Safety Plan (WSP) for All Drinking-Water Service Providers”
requiring all drinking-water service providers to develop and implement water safety plan
Further, the Philippine National Standards for Drinking Water of 2017 stipulates the
compliance to A0 No. 2014-0027 to address the drinking-water quality issues. In support to
this policy, the DOH issued AO No. 2017—0006 “Guidelines for the Review and Approval of
the Water Safety Plans of Drinking-Water Service Providers”.
To operationalize the AO No. 2017-0006, the DOH together with WHO have developed this
“Manual of Operations on Review and Approval of the Water Safety Plans of Drinking-Water
Service Providers” to guide concerned national/local government agencies and drinking-water
service providers in the submission, review and approval of WSP.
This Manual of Operations (MOP) contains the stages in the conduct of WSP review and
approval process as well as the composition, qualification and functions of WSP review
committees. The intended users of this MOP are the drinking-water service providers and the
WSP review committees.
With the cooperation of all stakeholders, we can together look forward to a future where every
Filipino home has access to safely managed drinking-water services leading to the attainment
of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) for Safe Water as well as contribute to the SDG for
Health by 2030 in our pursuit for Universal Health Coverage.
The development of the Manual of Operations on Water Safety Plan Review and Approval is
a joint collaboration between the DOH, WHO and LWUA with participation of various water
agencies from government and private water entities. Despite the limited time and number of
persons involved in the process, the group has produced a remarkable output that far beyond
the expectations of the DOH. The participation of these individuals are greatly acknowledged.
Our sincere thanks and gratitude to the following for their utmost and sincere contributions:
Ms. Ma. Victoria E. Signo, Baliwag Water District, Baliwag, Bulacan
Mr. Luis F. Cruz, Department of Health, Manila
Mr. Manuel V. Amores, Local Water Utilities Administration, Quezon City
Mr. Danilo T. Basilio, Local Water Utilities Administration, Quezon City
Ms. Maria Lourdes B. Canlas, Local Water Utilities Administration, Quezon City
Mr. Jerome B. Leano, LCI Envi Corporation, Quezon City
Mr. Bryan Magante, LCI Envi Corporation, Quezon City
Ms. Krisha L, Santos, LCI Envi Corporation, Quezon City
Ms. Gloria R. Mateo, Manila Water Company Inc., Quezon City
Ms. Lyn Jocefin Zamora, Manila Water Company Inc., Quezon City
Mr. Kris Catangcatang, Maynilad Water Services Inc., Quezon City
Ms. Belen Juarez, National Water Resources Board, Quezon City
Ms. Judith R. Ponce, National Water Resources Board, Quezon City
Ms. Shiela R. Evangelista, Philippine Economic Zone Authority, Taguig City
Ms. Neneth Javier, Philippine Waterworks Association, Quezon City
Mr. Antonio B. Magtibay, Philippine Waterworks Association, Quezon City
Mr. Ace P. Dela Cruz, Philhydro, Rizal
Ms. Kimberly Rose T. Ignacio, Philhydro, Bulacan
Ms. Shandel M. Romulo, San Pedro Water District, San Pedro, Laguna
Mr. Victorio B. Molina, University of the Philippines, College of Public Health, Manila
The preparation and finalization of the MOP would not be possible without the leadership and
commitment presented by the core team composed of representatives from DOH, WHO and
LWUA namely:
Dr. Bonifacio M. Magtibay. World Health Organization, Manila
Engr. Joselito M. Riego de Dios, Department of Health, Manila
Engr. Maria Sonabel S. Anama, Department of Health, Manila
Engr. Virgilio Bombeta, Local Water Utilities Administration, Quezon City
Engr. Arturo B. Fernando, Local Water Utilities Administration, Quezon City
The financial contributions from the WHO that supported the completion of this endeavor is
gratefully recognized.
Acronyms and abbreviations used in text
A0 Administrative Order
BCDA Bases Conversion Development Authority
BWSA Barangay Waterworks and Sanitation Association
CENRO City Environment and Natural Resources Office
CHO City Health Office
DPCB Disease Prevention and Control Bureau
DOH Department of Health
LDWQMC Local Drinking Water Quality Monitoring Committee
LGU Local GovernmentUnit
LWUA Local Water Utilities Administration
MWSS Metro Manila Waterworks and Sewerage System
MENRO Municipal Environment and Natural Resources Office
MHO Municipal Health Office
On April 20, 2017, the DOH has issued the A0 2017-0006 entitled the “Guidelines on
for the Review and Approval of the Water Safety Plans of Drinking-Water Service Providers”.
Relative to this, the Manual of Operations will provide step by step procedures on the
review and approval process at the different levels of health units at local, regional and national
including those in the DOH deputizedagencies like Local WaterworksUtilities Administration
(LWUA), Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA) and Metro Manila Waterworks and
Sewerage System (MWSS).
I. Purpose
This Manual of Operationsimplements and amplifies the procedures in the application,
review and approval of WSP of Drinking—Water Service Provider. It provides the minimum
standardized requirements for the WSP application, review and approval.
II. Applicability
HI. Responsibility
1. Secretariat
3. Approving Authority
The Undersecretary of Health for Office for Office for Technical Services is responsible
for the approval of issuance of WSP Certificate of Acceptanceat the national level while it
will be DOH Regional Health Director at the regional level. They have the authority to
approve or deny the issuance as per recommendationof the WSP Review Committee or if
found the prescribed review procedures is violated, respectively.
The DOH authorized offices thru the RLED and deputized agencies are responsible to
officially organize their own WSP Committeeand Secretariatthru an Office Order. The
following are the specific requirements for the organization for each level:
National Level
The National WSP Review Committee of DOH shall function in the absence of the
Regional WSP Review Committee.
Rggional Level
Local Level
In the absence of the LDWQMC, the DOH Regional WSP Review Committee shall
serve as the Local WSP Review Committee, until the Local WSP Review
Committee is established.
Any member of National, Regional and Local WSP Review Committees is required
to have attended at least the basic orientation course on water safety plan or its
equivalent and has possess any of the following minimum requirements:
a. Graduate of any baccalaureate degree related to water supply and sanitation
such as engineering (Civil, Sanitary, Environmental, Chemical), public health
and environmental disciplines;
b. With technical knowledge and three-year experience in managing/operating a
water utility; and
c. With technical knowledge and three-year experience in
managing/implementingwater and sanitation programs and projects.
The following agencies will assist the DOH in the implementation of the national policy
on WSP as recognized deputized agencies:
Local Water Utilities Administration (LWUA)
Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System (MWSS)
Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA)
Bases Conversion Development Authority (BCDA)
The DOH Regional Director as the duly authorized representative of the Secretary of
Health creates the Regional Water Safety Plan Review Committee (WSP RC) for the
review and recommends approval of the WSPs of LGUs, bulk water service providers,
housing subdivision private water service providers, and other recognized water service
1.1 The Applicant submits the following to the DOH Regional Office — Regulation,
Licensing and EnforcementDivision (RLED) being the WSP RC Secretariat:
o Duly accomplished Water Safety Plan Review Application Form (WSP Form 1);
0 Five (5) printed copies; and
0 One (1) electronic copy of the WSP.
2.1 The Secretariat reviews the contents of the submitted WSP using the WSP
Completeness Form 07V SP Form 2).
2.2 The Secretariat furnishes the WSP RC Members at least five (5) working days before
the scheduled WSP RC Meeting for the month, the following:
3.1 The Chair or his/her designatedrepresentative, after determining the quorum, convenes
the WSP RC. The Secretariattakes the minutes of the meeting.
3.2 Using the WSP Acceptance Evaluation Form (WSP Form 3), the WSP RC determines
the acceptability of the WSP for each WSP Step through consensus. For each indicator
with a score of 3 or 0, the WSP RC providesremarks/justification for that score. In case
there are unclear items in the WSP, the WSP RC may require a site visit validation
and/or additional information are needed.
3.3 The WSP RC tallies and summarizes the total score and overall rating. The passing
mark is 60%, with no individual score below 60% in any WSP Step.
3.5 The WSP RC completes the acceptance evaluationwithin 30 calendar days upon receipt
of the application by the Secretariat. Failure to act within the required period will
deemed the WSP as approved unless the review period is extended for valid reason.
3.6 The Secretariat prepares the WSP RC Resolution (WSP Form 4A) indorsing the
approval and issuance of the Certificate WSP Acceptance.
3.7 The Secretariat prepares a WSP Indorsement Letter (WSP Form 4B) for signature by
the RLED Chief requesting for approval by the DOH Regional Director of the WSP RC
Resolution; WSP Acceptance Evaluation Form (WSP Form 3); and Certificate of WSP
3.8 The Secretariatforwardsthe signed WSP IndorsementLetter and the attachments to the
Office of the DOH Regional Director.
4.1 The DOH Regional Director acts on the request for approval and issuance of the
Certificate of WSP Acceptance (WSP Form 5) within 15 working days.
4.2 The DOH Regional Director signs the Certificate of WSP Acceptance if found in order.
4.3 The DOH Regional Director may reject the approval of the Certificate of WSP
Acceptance if found any of the prescribed review procedures is violated by the WSP
4.4 The Certificate of WSP Acceptance is deemed approved if not acted upon by DOH
Regional Director within 15 working days.
4.5 The following Control No. Coding Schemes are recommendedfor use:
a) YYYY — RO# - OOOOPBWS (private water system)
b) YYYY — RO# - OOOOLGU(local government unit water system)
c) YYYY — RO# - OOOOBWS (bulk water system)
d) YYYY — OOOOSEZWS (special economic zone water system)
5.1 The RLED thru the Secretariat issues the Certificate of WSP Acceptance to the
Applicant upon presentation of the claim slip.
6.1 The Secretariat prepares and maintains records of the submitted and processed WSPs.
6.2 The DOH Regional Office RLED prepares and submits to the Office of the
Undersecretary of Health for Technical Services, DOH Central Office yearly
accomplishment report which include the number of WSP received, reviewed, indorsed
and approved.
The City/MunicipalMayor creates the Local Water Safety Plan Review Committee (WSP RC)
with members coming from the Local Drinking-Water Quality Monitoring Committee as
created by virtue of the Code on Sanitation of the Philippines. The Local WSP RC reviews and
recommends approval of the WSPs of Barangay Waterworks and Sanitation Associations,
Drinking-Water Service Cooperatives, Retail Drinking-Water Service Providers, Mobile
Drinking-Water Service Providers, Mobile Drinking-Water Service Providers, and Community
Based Waterworks.
1 1 The Applicant submits the following to the Local Health Office Environmental
SanitationUnit being the WSP RC Secretariat:
o Duly accomplished Water Safety Plan Review Application Form (WSP Form 1);
0 Five (5) printed copies; and
0 One (1) electronic copy of the WSP.
2.1 The Secretariat reviews the contents of the submitted WSP using the WSP
Completeness Form (WSP Form 2).
o If WSP is found incomplete, the Secretariat returns it to the Applicant.
0 If WSP is found complete, the Secretariat gives the Order of Payment to the
Applicant. The Applicant then pays the corresponding review fee in accordance
with the Local GovernmentUnit guidelines to the Cashier.
o The Applicant brings the Official Receipt (OR) to the Secretariat. The Secretariat
notes the OR number and date of payment on the WSP Review Application Form
(WSP Form 1). The Secretariat issues the Claim Slip indicating the date of release
of the Certificate of WSP Acceptance.
2.2 The Secretariat furnishes the WSP RC Members at least five (5) working days before
the scheduledWSP RC Meeting for the month, the following:
0 Electronic and/or printed copy of the complete WSP;
o Duly accomplished WSP Completeness Form (WSP Form 2); and
- WSP Acceptance Evaluation Form (WSP Form 3).
3.1 The Chair or his/her designatedrepresentative, after determining the quorum, convenes
the WSP RC. The Secretariat takes the minutes of the meeting.
3.2 Using the WSP Acceptance Evaluation Form (W SP Form 3), the WSP RC determines
the acceptability of the WSP for each WSP Step through consensus. For each indicator
with a score of 3 or 0, the WSP RC provides remarks/justification for that score. In case
there are unclear items in the WSP, the WSP RC may require a site visit validation
and/or additional information are needed.
3.3 The WSP RC tallies and summarizes the total score and overall rating. The passing
mark is 60%, with no individual score below 60% in any WSP Step.
3.4 The WSP RC prepares recommendation using any of the following:
o 75% and above: ACCEPTABLEfor issuance of WSP Acceptance Certificate
0 Between 60-75%: ACCEPTABLE for issuance of WSP Acceptance Certificate
(subject to minor revision within a month after receipt of WSP Acceptance
Certificate and validation during WSP Monitoring)
0 60% and above but with an individual score below 60% in any WSP Step:
UNACCEPTABLE - subject to major revision and re—submissionfor review
0 Below 60%: UNACCEPTABLE - subject to major revision and re—submission for
3.5 The WSP RC completes the acceptance evaluationwithin 30 calendar days upon receipt
of the application by the Secretariat. Failure to act within the required period will
deemed the WSP as approved unless the review period is extendediforvalid reason.
3.6 The Secretariat prepares the WSP RC Resolution (WSP Form 4A) indorsing the
approval and issuance of the Certificate WSP Acceptance.
3.7 The Secretariat prepares a WSP Indorsement Letter WVSP Form 4B) for signature by
the local health executive requesting for approval by the DOH Regional Director of the
WSP RC Resolution; WSP Acceptance Evaluation Form (W SP Form 3); and
Certificate of WSP Acceptance.
3.9 The Secretariat forwards the signed WSP Indorsement Letter to the DOH Regional
Office thru the RLED.
3.10 The RLED prepares the Certificate of WSP Acceptance (WSP Form 5) for signature
of the DOH Regional Director.
4.1 The DOH Regional Director acts on the request for approval and issuance of the
Certificate of WSP Acceptance (WSP Form 5) within 15 working days.
4.2 The DOH Regional Director signs the Certificate of WSP Acceptance if found in order.
4.3 The DOH Regional Director may reject the approval of the Certificate of WSP
Acceptance if found any of the prescribed review procedures is violated by the WSP
4.4 The Certificate of WSP Acceptance is deemed approved if not acted upon by DOH
Regional Director within 15 working days.
4.5 The following Control No. Coding Schemes are recommendedfor use:
YYYY — RO# - OOOOWRS (water refilling station)
YYYY ~ RO# OOOOCBWS (community based small water system)
5.1 The RLED forwards the Certificate of WSP Acceptance to the Local Health Office.
5.2 The Local Health Office Environmental SanitationUnit thru the Secretariat issues the
Certificate of WSP Acceptanceto the Applicant upon presentation of the claim slip.
6.1 The Local Health Office Environmental SanitationUnit prepares and maintains records
of the submitted and processed WSPs.
6.2 The Local Health Office Environmental Sanitation Unit prepares and submits to DOH
Regional Office - RLED yearly accomplishment report which include the number of
WSP received, reviewed, indorsed and approved.
The DOH National Deputized Agencies such as Local Water Utilities Administration,
Philippine Export Processing Zone Authority, Bases Conversion Develop Authority, Tourism
Infrastructure and Economic Zone Authority shall create the Water Safety Plan Review
Committee (WSP RC) for the review and approval of the WSPs of Local Water Districts, Rural
Waterworks and Sanitation Associations and Private Drinking—water Concessionaires
operating under their jurisdiction.
1.1 The Applicant submits the following to the DOH National Deputized Agency
Designated Office being the WSP RC Secretariat: ‘
o Duly accomplished Water Safety Plan Review Application Form (WSP Form 1);
0 Five (5) printed copies; and
0 One (1) electronic copy of the WSP.
21 The Secretariat reviews the contents of the submitted WSP using the WSP
Completeness Form (WSP Form 2).
o If WSP is found incomplete, the Secretariat returns it to the Applicant.
0 If WSP is found complete, the Secretariat gives the Order of Payment to the
Applicant. The Applicant then pays the corresponding review fee in accordance
with the DOH National Deputized Agency guidelines to the Cashier.
o The Applicant brings the Official Receipt (OR) to the Secretariat. The Secretariat
notes the OR number and date of payment on the WSP Review Application Form
(W SP Form 1). The Secretariat issues the Claim Slip indicating the date of release
of the Certificate of WSP Acceptance.
2.2 The Secretariat furnishes the WSP RC Members at least five (5) working days before
the scheduled WSP RC Meeting for the month, the following:
0 Electronic and/or printed copy of the completeWSP;
o Duly accomplished WSP Completeness Form (WSP Form 2); and
0 WSP Acceptance Evaluation Form (WSP Form 3).
3.1 The Chair or his/her designatedrepresentative, after determining the quorum, convenes
the WSP RC. The Secretariattakes the minutes of the meeting.
3.2 Using the WSP Acceptance Evaluation Form (W SP Form 3), the WSP RC determines
the acceptability of the WSP for each WSP Step through consensus. For each indicator
with a score of 3 or 0, the WSP RC provides remarks/justification for that score. In case
there are unclear items in the WSP, the WSP RC may require a site visit validation
and/or additional information are needed.
3.3 The WSP RC tallies and summarizes the total score and overall rating. The passing
mark is 60%, with no individual score below 60% in any WSP Step.
3.4 The WSP RC prepares recommendation using any of the following: >
3.5 The WSP RC completes the acceptance evaluationwithin 30 calendar days upon receipt
of the application by the Secretariat. Failure to act within the required period will
deemed the WSP as approved unless the review period is extended for valid reason.
3.6 The Secretariat prepares the WSP RC Resolution (WSP Form 4A) indorsing the
approval and issuance of the Certificate WSP Acceptance.
3.7 The Secretariat prepares the WSP IndorsementLetter (WSP Form 4B) for signature by
the Head of the Deputized Agency requesting for approval by the Undersecretary of
Health for Office for Technical Services of the WSP RC Resolution; WSP Acceptance
Evaluation Form WVSP Form 2); and Certificate of WSP Acceptance(WSP Form 5).
3.9 The Secretariat forwards the signed WSP IndorsementLetter to the Undersecretary of
Healthfor Office for Technical Services
5.1 The DPCB forwards the Certificate of WSP Acceptance to the DOH National
Deputized Agency.
5.2 The DOH National Deputized Agency Designated Office thru the Secretariat issues the
Certificate of WSP Acceptanceto the Applicant upon presentation of the claim slip.
6.] The DOH National Deputized Agency Designated Office prepares and maintains
records of the submitted and processed WSPS.
6.2 The DOH National Deputized Agency Designated Office prepares and submits to DOH
Central Office yearly accomplishment report which include the number of WSP
received, reviewed, indorsed and approved.
The DOH Regional Deputized Agencies such as Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage
System and Zone Offices of the Philippine Export Processing Zone Authority, Bases
ConversionDevelopmentAuthority and Tourism Infrastructureand EconomicZone Authority
create the Water Safety Plan Review Committee (WSP RC) for the review and approval of the
WSPs of private drinking—water concessionaires operating under their jurisdiction.
1.1 The Applicant submits the following to the DOH Regional Deputized Agency
Designated Office Agency being the WSP RC Secretariat:
- Duly accomplished Water Safety Plan Review Application Form (WSP Form 1);
0 Five (5) printed copies; and
0 One (1) electronic copy of the WSP.
2.1 The Secretariat reviews the contents of the submitted WSP using the WSP
Completeness Form (WSP Form 2).
o If WSP is found incomplete, the Secretariat returns it to the Applicant.
0 If WSP is found complete, the Secretariat gives the Order of Payment to the
Applicant. The Applicant then pays the corresponding review fee in accordance
with the DOH Regional Deputized Agency guidelines to the Cashier.
- The Applicant brings the Official Receipt (OR) to the Secretariat. The Secretariat
notes the OR number and date of payment on the WSP Review Application Form
(WSP Form 1). The Secretariat issues the Claim Slip indicating the date of release
of the Certificate of WSP Acceptance.
2.2 The Secretariat furnishes the WSP RC Members at least five (5) working days before
the scheduledWSP RC Meeting for the month, the following:
0 Electronic and/or printed copy of the complete WSP;
0 Duly accomplished WSP Completeness Form (WSP Form 2); and
0 WSP Acceptance Evaluation Form (WSP Form 3).
3.1 The Chair or his/her designatedrepresentative, after determining the quorum, convenes
the WSP RC. The Secretariattakes the minutes of the meeting.
3.2 Using the WSP Acceptance Evaluation Form (WSP Form 3), the WSP RC determines
the acceptability of the WSP for each WSP Step through consensus. For each indicator
with a score of 3 or 0, the WSP RC provides remarks/justificationfor that score. In case
there are unclear items in the WSP, the WSP RC may require a site visit validation
and/or additional information are needed.
3.3 The WSP RC tallies and summarizes the total score and overall rating. The passing
mark is 60%, with no individual score below 60% in any WSP Step.
3.4 The WSP RC prepares recommendation using any of the following:
o 75% and above: ACCEPTABLEfor issuance of WSP Acceptance Certificate
0 Between 60—7 5%: ACCEPTABLE for issuance of WSP Acceptance Certificate
(subject to minor revision within a month after receipt of WSP Acceptance
Certificate and validation during WSP Monitoring)
0 60% and above but with an individual score below 60% in any WSP Step:
UNACCEPTABLE subject to major revision and re—submission for review
3.5 The WSP RC completes the acceptance evaluationwithin 30 calendar days upon receipt
of the application by the Secretariat. Failure to act within the required period will
deemed the WSP as approved unless the review period is extended for valid reasons.
3.6 The Secretariat prepares the WSP RC Resolution (WSP Form 4A) indorsing the
approval and issuance of the Certificate WSP Acceptance.
3.7 The Secretariat prepares the WSP IndorsementLetter WV SP Form 4B) for signature of
the Head of the Deputized Agency requesting for approval by the DOH Regional
Director of the WSP RC Resolution; WSP Acceptance Evaluation Form (WSP Form
3) and Certificate of WSP Acceptance.
3.9 The Secretariat forwards the signed WSP Indorsement Letter to the DOH Regional
Office thru the RLED.
5.1 The RLED forwards the Certificate of WSP Acceptance to the DOH Regional
Deputized Agency. .
5.2 The DOH Regional Deputized AgencyDesignated Office thru the Secretariat issues the
Certificate of WSP Acceptanceto the Applicant upon presentation of the claim slip.
6.1 The DOH Regional Deputized Agency Designated Office prepares and maintains
records of the submitted and processed WSPs.
6.2 The DOH Regional DeputizedAgencyDesignated Office prepares and submits to DOH
Regional Office yearly accomplishment report which include the number of WSP
received, reviewed, indorsed and approved.
The DOH Deputized Academic Institutions shall create the Water Safety Plan Review
Committee (WSP RC) for the review and approval of the WSPs of Public and Private
Drinking-Water Service Providers in Regions where there are no functional WSP Review
Committees at the Local and Regional Levels.
1.1 The Academic Institution applies for accreditation from the DOH Regional Office -
Regulations,Licensing and Enforcement Division (RLED).
1.2 The RLED evaluates the application based on DOH Accreditation Guidelines for
Academic Institutions to undertake WSP review.
1.3 The Academic Institution starts to accept applications from drinking-water service
providers operating within their region for WSP review upon securing a valid
Certificate of Accreditation.
2.1 The Applicant submits the following to the DOH Deputized Academic Institution
Designated Unit being the WSP RC Secretariat:
o Duly accomplished Water Safety Plan Review Application Form (WSP Form 1);
0 Five (5) printed copies; and
0 One (1) electronic copy of the WSP.
3.1 The Secretariat reviews the contents of the submitted WSP using the WSP
Completeness Form (WSP Form 2).
3.2 The Secretariatfurnishesthe WSP Review Committee (WSP RC) Members at least five
(5) working days before the scheduled WSP RC Meeting for the month, the following:
0 Electronic and/or printed copy of the completeWSP;
0 Duly accomplished WSP Completeness Form (WSP Form 2); and
0 WSP Acceptance Evaluation Form (W SP Form 3).
4.1 The Chair or his/her designated representative, after determining the quorum, convenes
the WSP RC. The Secretariat takes the minutes of the meeting.
4.2 Using the WSP Acceptance Evaluation Form (WSP Form 3), the WSP RC determines
the acceptability of the WSP for each WSP Step through consensus. For each indicator
with a score of 3 or 0, the WSP RC provides remarks/justification for that score. In case
there are unclear items in the WSP, the WSP RC may require a site visit validation
and/or additional information are needed.
4.3 The WSP RC tallies and summarizes the total score and overall rating. The passing
mark is 60%, with no individual score below 60% in any WSP Step.
4.5 The WSP RC completes the acceptance evaluationwithin 30 calendar days upon receipt
of the application by the Secretariat. Failure to act within the required period will
deemed the WSP as approved unless the review period is extended for valid reasons.
4.6 The Secretariat prepares the WSP RC Resolution (WSP Form 4A) indorsing the
approval and issuance of the Certificate WSP Acceptance.
4.7 The Secretariat prepares the WSP IndorsementLetter WVSP Form 4B) for signature of
the Head of the Deputized Academic Institution requesting for approval by the DOH
Regional Director of the WSP RC Resolution; WSP Acceptance Evaluation Form
(WSP Form 3) and Certificate of WSP Acceptance
4.8 The Secretariat forwards the signed WSP Indorsement Letter to the DOH Regional
Office thru the RLED.
4.9 The RLED prepares the Certificate of WSP Acceptance(WSP Form 5) for signature of
the DOH Regional Director.
5.1 The DOH Regional Director acts on the request for approval and issuance of the
Certificate of WSP Acceptance(WSP Form 5) within 15 working days.
5.2 The DOH Regional Director signs the Certificate of WSP Acceptance if found in order.
5.3 The DOH Regional Director may reject the approval of the Certificate of WSP
Acceptance if found any of the prescribed review procedures is violated by the WSP
5.4 The Certificate of WSP Acceptance is deemed approved if not acted upon by DOH
Regional Director within 15 working days unless there are legal implications.
5.5 The following Control No. Coding Schemes are recommendedfor use:
a) YYYY ~ RO# OOOOWRS (water refilling station)
6.1 The RLED forwards the Certificate of WSP Acceptance to the DOH Deputized
Academic Institution.
6.2 The Designated Office/Department of the DOH Deputized Academic Institution thru
the Secretariat issues the Certificate of WSP Acceptance to the Applicant upon
presentation of the claim slip.
7.1 The DOH Deputized Academic Institution Designated Unit prepares and maintains
records of the submitted and processed WSPs.
7.2 The DOH Deputized Academic Institution Designated Unit prepares and submits to
DOH Regional Office yearly accomplishmentreport which includethe number of WSP
received, reviewed, indorsed and approved.
VIII. Renewal of Certificate of WSP Acceptance
8.1 The holders of the Certificate of WSP Acceptance apply for the renewal of the
certificate at the concerned authorized or deputized agencies following the same
procedures for a new applicant.
8.2 Filing of application starts 3 months before the expiration of the Certificate of WSP
9.2 The drinking-water service provider shall be required to correct any non-conforming
items or activities within the specified period set by the Department or its authorized
office. Failure to comply may deem issuance of Cease and Desist Order against the
drinking—water service provider particularly when the drinking water quality is
compromised that may lead to outbreak of water-borne disease.
X. WSP Monitoring
The DOH, its authorized office and deputized agencies will conduct the annual
monitoring based on its Monitoring and Evaluation Plan. The monitoring activities will
cover the WSP implementation.
iii. Prepare and submit to DOH Central Office yearly accomplishment report
which includes the number of WSP received, reviewed and indorsed for
f. Academic Institutions
VIII.Penal Provision
As provided in Sec. 103 of the Code on Sanitation of the Philippines (PD No. 856):
A. “Any person who shall violate, disobey, refuse, omit or neglect to comply with any
of the provisions of these rules and regulations, shall be guilty of misdemeanor and
upon conviction shall be punished by imprisonment for a period of not exceeding
six (6) months or by a fine of not exceeding Php 1,000.00 or both depending upon
the discretion of the court”.
B. “Any person who shall interfere with or hinder, or oppose any officer, agent or
member of the Departmentor of the bureaus and offices under it, in the performance
of his duty as such under these rules and regulations, or shall tear down, mutilate,
deface or alter any placard, or notice, affixed to the premises in the enforcement of
these rules and regulations, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and punishable upon
conviction by imprisonment for a period not exceeding six months or by a fine of
not exceeding one thousand pesos or both depending upon the discretion of the