Current Affairs - December 2020 - 1st - Chapter
Current Affairs - December 2020 - 1st - Chapter
Current Affairs - December 2020 - 1st - Chapter
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Important Days Defence National Security and
Terrorism World Organisations – Pacts and Summits
Eminent Persons Sports and Games Books & Authors
Awards & Honours Cultural Panaroma India & its
Neighbours Appointments – Who is who?
India’s Foreign Policy Latest Court Verdicts Govt –
Welfare oriented Govt schemes, their utility
Policy on Environment and Ecology Natural Disasters –
Safeguard Measures
New Economic Policy & Govt. Sector Current Socio -
Economic Problems
Latest Inventions in Science & Technology
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Mass Media & Communication
1.1 Important Days
Important Days Current Affairs, December - 2020
International Mountain
12-12-2020 2020 Theme: Mountain biodiversity.
Current Affairs, December - 2020 Important Days
National Energy
Conservation Day
In India, Vijay Diwas (also called
Victory Day) is celebrated every year
on December 16.
The country is celebrating the 49th
Vijay Diwas in 2020.
Vijay Diwas is observed to
commemorate the service, valour,
Nation Observes 49th Vijay
16-12-2020 and sacrifices of the gallant men of
the Indian Armed Forces’ victory over
Pakistan in 1971 war.
On 16 December 1971, the Indian
Armed Forces won the 13-day long
decisive war against the Pakistan
Army and state for the liberation of
Bangladesh from Pakistan.
Theme 2020 : ‘Reimagining Human
18-12-2020 International Migrants Day
When: The Minorities Rights Day
is observed in India every year on
December 18 since 1992.
Why: Protect the existence of the
National or Ethnic, Cultural, Religious
and Linguistic identity of minorities
18-12-2020 Minorities Rights Day
within their respective territories
and encourage conditions for the
promotion of that identity.
The Day was promulgated by United
Nations on December 18, 1992 to
strengthen the cause of the minorities.
Important Days Current Affairs, December - 2020
Current Affairs, December - 2020 Important Days
Defence, National Security and Terrorism Current Affairs, December - 2020
1.2 Defence, National Security This is in line with a plan that was first
envisaged during the India-China’s
and Terrorism Doklam crisis in 2017 when a need for
closer and direct coordination was felt in
Indian Navy successfully test-fires the headquarters. The present Director-
General of Military Operations Lt General
BrahMos Cruise Missile
Paramajit Singh is expected to assume the
Indian Navy on December 1, 2020,
new appointment.
successfully test-fired the naval-version
The creation of a third deputy chief post
of BrahMos supersonic cruise missile in
in the Army will help reduce the burden
the Bay of Bengal. As per the officials, the
on the vice chief of the Army, as he would
test-fire was part of a series of trials that
have key officers such as in-charges
are being carried out by the three defence
of military intelligence and military
services of India.
operations under him.
Similar test-firing of BrahMos missile
The centre also approved the creation of
was conducted by the Indian Navy in the
the Director General Information Warfare
Arabian Sea in October 2020. The test-fire
post in the Army headquarters.
of BrahMos conducted on December 1
was successful as per the Naval official. Passage Exercise (PASSEX) with
BrahMos Aerospace is an India-Russian Russian Federation Navy in Eastern
collaboration. It produces a supersonic Indian Ocean Region
cruise missile that can be launched
The Indian Navy (IN) and the Russian
successfully from aircraft, ships,
Federation Navy (RuFN) are undertaking
submarines, or land platforms.
Passage Exercise (PASSEX) in the Eastern
The BrahMos supersonic cruise missile
Indian Ocean Region (IOR) from 4 to 5
is also the fastest operating system in
December 2020.
the world in its class. DRDO has recently
The exercise will help in enhancing
extended the missile system’s range from
interoperability, improving
the existing 298 km to 450 km.
understanding and imbibing best
Centre approves reorganisation of practices between both the friendly
Army Headquarters, third deputy navies.
It involves advanced surface and anti-
chief post created
submarine warfare exercises, weapon
The centre has approved reorganisation
firings, seamanship exercises and
of Army headquarters. As a part of the
helicopter operations.
same, the government approved the
IN is being represented by indigenously
creation of a third deputy Chief’s post-
constructed guided missile frigate
New Deputy Chief of Strategy.
Shivalik and anti-submarine corvette
Kadmatt along with integral helicopters.
Current Affairs, December - 2020 Defence, National Security and Terrorism
RuFN includes guided missile cruiser The vessel has been designed and built
Varyag, large anti-submarine ship indigenously by GSL.
Admiral Panteleyev and medium ocean The 1st ship in series – ICGS Sachet was
tanker Pechenga. commissioned by Union Defence Minister
The PASSEXs are conducted regularly by Rajnath Singh in May, 2020.
IN with units of friendly foreign navies. The ship is 105 metres long and weights
2400 tonnes.
Launch of INS Himgiri Equipped with features like Integrated
‘Himgiri’, the first of the three Project 17A Bridge System, Integrated platform
ships being built at M/s Garden Reach management system, power management
Shipbuilders and Engineers Limited system and high power external
(GRSE), Kolkata was launched Under fire-fighting.
the Project 17A program, a total of seven The ship will be based at Goa and will be
ships, four at Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders deployed extensively for EEZ (Exclusive
Limited (MDL) and three ships at GRSE Economic Zone) surveillance and other
are being built with enhanced stealth duties.
features, advanced indigenous weapon The 1st ship in series – ICGS Sachet was
and sensor fit along with several other commissioned by Union Defence Minister
improvements. Rajnath Singh in May, 2020.
The launch of ‘Himgiri’ has showcased
GRSE’s commitment towards the Indigenously-built Coast Guard
building of three state-of-the-art warships interceptor boat C-454 commissioned
of P17A for Indian Navy. Over the years, The interceptor boat C-454, built by
GRSE has emerged as a leading shipyard Larsen and Toubro at its Hazira plant,
having built over 100 ships. The yard has will operate from Gujarat under the
scaled up its infrastructure and skill sets control of the Commander Coast Guard
to meet new challenges in building of Region North-West of the Indian Coast
P17A ships. P17A ships are the first gas Guard. It was commissioned by Surat
turbine propulsion and largest combat Police Commissioner Ajay Tomar.
platforms ever built at GRSE. This interceptor boat is built indigenously
by L&T Jetty, Hazira. It is capable of a high
Indian Coast Guard’s OPV ‘Sujeet’ speed of 45 knots having the capability to
commissioned in Goa; operate in shallow waters.
Indian Coast Guard’s (ICG) Offshore
Patrol Vessel (OPV) ‘Sujeet’, which India’s First Maritime Theatre
is second in the series of 5 OPVs was Command
commissioned at the Goa Shipyard The first Maritime Theatre Command
Limited (GSL) in Vasco Town, Goa by Raj (MTC) of India is to be launched in 2021.
Kumar, Secretary (Defence Production). The MTC will look after the 7,516-km long
Defence, National Security and Terrorism Current Affairs, December - 2020
coastline, the entire Indian Ocean Region and Development Organisation (DRDO).
and the 1,382 islands. This is important Border Surveillance System (BOSS)
to counter Chinese ever-expanding naval BOSS is an all-weather electronic
foot-print in the Indian Ocean Region. surveillance system. It was handed over
China has the largest Navy with 350 to Army Chief General M M Naravane.
warships and submarines. BOSS has already been deployed in
About Maritime Theatre Command Ladakh against the Chinese troops for
The MTC will subsume the Western day and night surveillance.
Naval Command (Mumbai), tri-service Indian maritime situational awareness
Andaman and Nicobar Command system (IMSAS)
(Port Blair), Eastern Naval Command It was handed to Navy Chief Admiral
(Vizag) and the southern Air Command Karambir Singh.
(Thiruvananthapuram). The IMSAS is state-of-the-art high
performance intelligent software system
that provide Global Maritime Situational
India currently has seventeen single-
Picture, Marine planning tools and
service commands. It includes seven
Analytical capabilities to Indian Navy.
Army commands, three Navy commands
and seven Indian Air Force commands. Astra Mk-1 missile system
Only two existing tri service command It was handed over to Air Chief Marshal
came up after 1999 Kargil war. The R K S Bhadauria.
Andaman and Nicobar command was set This missile is the first indigenously
up as a geographical command in October developed beyond visual range (BVR)
2001. The nuclear arsenal command came missile that can be launched from
up in January 2003. Sukhoi-30, Light Combat Aircraft (LCA),
Mig-29 and Mig-29K.
Defence minister Rajnath Singh ASTRA weapon system has been
hands over 3 DRDO high-tech systems developed by Defence Research &
to chiefs of 3 armed forces Development Laboratory (DRDL) and
The Defence Minister Rajnath Singh production by Bharat Dynamics Limited
recently handed over three indigenously (BDL) Hyderabad.
developed high technology systems
India Successfully Test-Fires Medium
to chiefs of the three armed forces: the
Indian Army, the Indian Navy and the
Range Surface-To-Air Missile For
Indian Air Force. Army
The three systems namely, Border India today successfully test-fired a
Surveillance System (BOSS), Indian medium range surface-to-air missile
Maritime Situational Awareness System (MRSAM) from Odisha coast.
(IMSAS) and ASTRA Mk-I Missile, have The missile was fired from a ground
been developed by the Defence Research mobile launcher at launch pad number-1
Current Affairs, December - 2020 Defence, National Security and Terrorism
of the Integrated Test Range (ITR) near INS Sindhuvir has been renamed as UMS
Balasore in Odisha, and it hit the target Minye Theinkhathu by the Myanmar
with accuracy, the sources confirmed to Navy.
news agency Press Trust of India. This is the first submarine in the Myanmar
An unmanned air vehicle (UAV), Navy’s arsenal.
‘Banshee’, was first flown into the air, It is a diesel-electric Kilo-class submarine,
which was hit by the medium range which was in operation in the Indian
surface-to-air missile. Navy since 1988.
The submarine has been refurbished for
AFSCB Adjudged as the “Best the Myanmar Navy by state-run defense
Company Promoting Sports (Public shipbuilder, Hindustan Shipyard Limited
Sector) 2020” at FICCI India Sports (HSL) in Visakhapatnam.
Awards 2020
In the official notification received from Indian Naval Ship Conducts ‘Passage
FICCI, Air Force Sports Control Board Exercise’ with Vietnamese Navy in
(AFSCB) has been annotated as the South China Sea
winner in the category of “Best Company An Indian Navy warship undertook a
Promoting Sports (Public Sector) 2020”. “passage exercise” with the Vietnamese
AFSB has been conferred with this Navy in the South China Sea as part of
prestigious award on 08 Dec 20 by the efforts to boost maritime cooperation
eminent jury of FICCI India Sports between the two countries.
Awards 2020 that was chaired by Justice Indian naval ship INS Kiltan was sent
Mudgal. The award function took place to deliver relief material for flood-
virtually through video conferencing affected people in central Vietnam and it
on 08 Dec 2020 and Air Commodore participated in the exercise on its return
Ashutosh Chaturvedi, Chairman, AFSCB journey.
received the prestigious award from the The exercise has been conducted at a
President FICCI. time when China has been expanding its
military assertiveness in the South China
Myanmar Navy formally commissions Sea notwithstanding mounting global
INS Sindhuvir submarine, handed concerns and criticism.
over by Indian Navy
The Myanmar Navy has officially
inducted the submarine INS Sindhuvir,
which was handed over by the Indian
Navy to the country in October 2020.
INS Sindhuvir was commissioned on 25th
December 2020, which marked the 73rd
anniversary of the Myanmar Navy.
World Organisations – Pacts and Summits Current Affairs, December - 2020
Current Affairs, December - 2020 Eminent Persons
“King of Spice” Dharampala Gulati features in the list, in 2019 ranked 41st in
passed away 2020.
Dharampala Chunni Lal Gulati, the India’s leading Business women, kiran
as “King of Spice” was awarded India’s ranking to 3rd position by Kamala Harris,
third highest civilian award “Padma Vice President Elect of USA, and Prime
Bhushan” in 2019. Minister of Bangladesh, Sheikh Hasina
Wajed is ranked at 39.
Ex-PM Gujral remembered on 101st Rank Personality Profession
birth anniversary 41 N i r m a l a Finance Minister of
The 101st birthday of country’s 12th Sitharaman India
Prime Minister Inder Kumar Gujral was 68 K i r a n Founder, Chair and
celebrated at IK Gujral Punjab Technical Mazumdar Managing Director,
University (IKGPTU) by holding an Shaw Biocon Ltd.
e-interaction. 1 A n g e l a Chancellor,
Merkel Germany
Father of Fibre Optics Narinder Singh 2 C h r i s t i n e President, European
Kapany passes away Lagarde Central Bank
Narinder Singh Kapany, also known as 3 K a m a l a Vice President-elect,
the father of fibre optics, passed away. Harris United States
The India-born American physicist was
4 Ursula von President, European
named as one of the seven “Unsung der Leyen Commission,
Heroes” by Fortune in their ‘Businessmen European Union
of the Century’ issue of November 1999.
5 M e l i n d a Co-Chair, Bill &
Kapany was the first to transmit images
Gates Melinda Gates
through fibre optics back in 1954 and laid
the foundation for high-speed internet
technology. PM Modi was the 7th most Tweeted
about person in the world in 2020
Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman
features in the 100 Most Powerful Twitter in its 2020 annual year-end
Current Affairs, December - 2020 Eminent Persons
the top three names on Twitter’s 2020 list U A Khader, among finest Malayalam
of most tweeted people. writers
Indian American Vice President-elect Celebrated Malayalam writer U A
Kamala Harris was the only woman on Khader, who published more than 70
the list and stood at the 10th position novels, short stories and travelogues that
globally. are considered among the finest works in
The findings were a part of Twitter’s the language, died in Kozhikode. He was
annual review report, recapping the 85.
trends, moments, and memes that Khader was known for a progressive
dominated Twitter through the year. and secular outlook to his life and his
Sonu Sood Tops UK’s ’50 Asian His most acclaimed work of fiction,
Celebrities In The World’ list 2020 Thrikkottoor Peruma (Thrikkottoor Lore),
Indian actor Sonu Sood has topped the won him the Kerala Sahitya Akademi
first-of-its-kind ’50 Asian Celebrities in Award in 1984.
The World’ 2020 list, published by UK
based Eastern Eye newspaper. US Pilot Chuck Yeager, first man to
The 47-year-old talented Bollywood fly faster than speed of sound, passes
star has been honored for his inspiring away at 97
philanthropic work throughout the US Air Force officer and test pilot Chuck
Covid-19 pandemic, especially helping Yeager, who in 1947 became the first pilot
migrant workers reach their hometowns. in history to have exceeded the speed of
Sonu Sood beat global stars, including sound in level flight, has passed away.
from Hollywood, the music industry, He was 97.
television, literature and social media, to (Level flight means flying at a constant
be named the number one Asian celebrity altitude, not going up and down.)
on the planet for 2020. As a test pilot, on October 14, 1947, Yeager
became the first human to officially break
Joe Biden, Kamala Harris named Time the sound barrier, when he flew the
Person of the Year 2020 experimental Bell X-1 aircraft at Mach 1
(speed of sound) at an altitude of 45,000
US President Joe Biden and Vice
ft (13,700 m).
President Kamala Harris have been
Throughout his life, he flew more than
named as “Person of the Year” 2020 by 360 different types of aircraft and went on
Time magazine. Biden and Harris got to break several other speed and altitude
featured in Top 10 most-tweeted-about records in the following years.
people globally, wherein, Biden fetched Yeager had been associated with World
the second spot and Harris was on the War II, Korean War, and Vietnam War
tenth position, the only woman on the and his three-war active-duty flying
list. career spanned more than 30 years.
Eminent Persons Current Affairs, December - 2020
Current Affairs, December - 2020 Eminent Persons
The state committee is likely to accept the Accountant before turning to the study of
district committee’s recommendation and Indian dance forms.
make a formal announcement. In Kerala, Kothari received numerous titles and
50% of local body seats are reserved for awards for his contribution to Indian
women. Civic bodies are headed by dance forms including the Sangeet Natak
women on alternative terms. Akademi Award (1995); the Gaurav
Puraskar conferred by the Gujarat Sangeet
Dance historian Sunil Kothari passes Natak Akademi (2000); the Padma Shri
away bestowed by the Government of India
Padma Shri dance historian and critic (2001); and the Life Time Achievement
Sunil Kothari passed away Sunday Award of the Dance Critics Association,
morning at a Delhi hospital after he New York, USA (2011). He was also an
suffered a cardiac arrest a month after elected Fellow of Sangeet Natak Akademi
testing positive for coronavirus. He was for his contribution to Indian dance as a
87. scholar.
Born on December 20, 1933, in Mumbai,
Kothari qualified as a Chartered
Sports and Games Current Affairs, December - 2020
Doha to host Asian Games 2030 Lucy Bronze and Robert Lewandowski
The capital of Qatar, Doha has won the Bags Best FIFA Players for 2020
hosting rights for the 2030 Asian Games. The Best FIFA Football Awards 2020
Doha beat Riyadh during the election, was announced on 17th December 2020,
held on 16 December at the general during a virtual event held at Zurich.
Sports and Games Current Affairs, December - 2020
The Poland national team captain and Sakshi Choudhary (57kg) and Satish
FC Bayern München striker Robert Kumar (91kg).
Lewandowski has been named “The Best Bronze: Sonia Lather (57kg), Pooja
FIFA Men’s Player” for 2020. Rani (75kg) Gaurav Solanki (57kg) and
Lewandowski has won the title for the Mohamed Hussamudin (57kg) claimed
first time in his career. the bronze medal in their respective
He is also the first men’s winner from a categories.
club outside Spain since Ronaldo won Overall five women and eight men boxers
the 2008 award as a Manchester United were registered for the Cologne Boxing
player. World Cup 2020.
Lucy Bronze, who plays as a right-back
for the English club Manchester City and Indian men to finish 2020 in 4th
the England national team, bagged “The position, women in 9th in FIH
Best FIFA Women’s Player” for 2020. rankings
The Indian men and women hockey
Govt approves inclusion of four teams will finish 2020 in fourth and ninth
indigenous sports in Khelo India positions, respectively, after a major
Youth Games 2021 part of the year was disrupted by the
The Sports Ministry has approved the COVID-19 pandemic.
inclusion of four indigenous Games to be The International Hockey Federation
a part of Khelo India Youth Games 2021, (FIH) confirmed that the Belgium men’s
scheduled to take place in Haryana. team and the Netherlands’ women will
The games include, Gatka, Kalaripayattu, finish the year at the top of the world
Thang-Ta and Mallakhamba. rankings.
In the men’s FIH world rankings,
Indian Boxers Bag 9 Medals, Including reigning world and European champions
3 Gold at Cologne Boxing World Cup Belgium (2496.88 points) sit at the top
Indian pugilists have bagged nine medals ahead of 2019 FIH Hockey Pro League
including three gold, two silver and four winners Australia (2nd place – 2385.70),
bronze at the Cologne Boxing World Cup Netherlands (3rd place 2257.96) and India
2020, held in Cologne, Germany between (4th place 2063.78).
17 to 19 December 2020. Among women, the Netherlands
(2631.99 points) are at the top followed by
List of Medal Winners
Argentina (2174.61). Germany (2054.28)
Gold: The three gold medals for India
occupy the third position, climbing
were bagged by Amit Panghal (52kg),
one place following their FIH Hockey
Manisha Moun (57kg) and Simranjit Kaur
Pro League results against Belgium in
(60kg) in their respective categories.
Silver: Silver medals were claimed by
Current Affairs, December - 2020 Sports and Games
Novak Djokovic clinches 2020 ATP Anshu Malik secures silver at
Player of the Year 2020 Award for Individual World Cup to win India’s
record equalling 6th time first medal at the event
The Association of Tennis Professionals Indian wrestler Anshu Malik has become
(ATP) 2020 Awards were announced on the first wrestler of the country to finish
21 December to felicitate the players and on the podium position at the Individual
others for their performance during 2019- Wrestling World Cup in Belgrade, Serbia.
20 season. The 19-year-old won a silver medal in
Novak Djokovic (Serbia) has been the women’s 57kg category to claim first
awarded with the ATP Player of the Year international medal of the tournament for
2020 award, as he finished the year as No. the country.
1 in the ATP Singles Rankings. She lost to Moldova’s Anastasia Nichita
This is the record sixth time for Djokovic 5-1 in the final.
to win the title. This record was till now
achieved only by Pete Sampras, who won FIFA postpones 2021 Under-17 and
the title continuously from 1993-98. Under-20 World Cups till 2023 due to
coronavirus pandemic
ICC Men’s ODI and T20I Teams of the The World football governing body FIFA
Decade, Kohli leads Test Team has cancelled Under-17 and Under-20
The International Cricket Council (ICC) football World Cups for the year 2021,
announced the ICC Teams of the Decade due to a coronavirus pandemic.
on 27 December 2020, based on the These World Cups will now be played in
performances, consistency of players 2023.
over the period of last 10 years. Indonesia will host the Under-20s World
Former Indian captain and wicket-keeper Cup and Peru will host the Under-17s
batsman Mahendra Singh Dhoni has World Cup as scheduled earlier.
been named as the captain of the ICC ODI
Team of the Decade. He has also been
named the skipper of the ICC T20I Team
of the Decade.
Books & Authors Current Affairs, December - 2020
Asia and the Pacific accelerate economic author Nidhi Vadhera has been released
growth and robust recovery from the recently.
COVID-19 pandemic. In this book, Author Nidhi Vadhera
shares with you a systematic approach to
40 Years with Abdul Kalam Untold understand the sales process which will
Stories‘ by Dr. A. Sivathanu Pillai empower you to embrace sales targets
and achieve results without getting burnt
Vice President Venkaiah Naidu recently
in the process.
released a book on from former president
Dr A.P.J. Abdul Kalam.
A book titled ‘Dharma’ authored by
The book titled “40 Years with Abdul
Amish Tripathi
Kalam – Untold Stories” has been written
by scientist Dr. A. Sivathanu Pillai, a The 2nd non-fiction book by author Amish
Current Affairs, December - 2020 Books & Authors
It is co-authored by his sister Bhavana The book, published by the Lok Sabha
Roy. It is to be published by Westland. Secretariat, highlights the life and works
His last non-fiction book ‘Immortals of the former Prime Minister and contains
India’ was launched in 2017. his notable speeches delivered in the
Parliament. The book also contains some
Om Birla releases book on 19th rare photographs from his public and
anniversary of Parliament attack professional life.
Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla has released
a book on the occasion of the 19th A new book titled ‘Covid-19: Sabhyata
anniversary of the Parliament attack on ka Sankat aur Samadhan’ released
13 December. Nobel laureate Kailash Satyarthi’s new
He released the book ‘The Shaurya book titled ‘Covid-19: Sabhyata ka Sankat
Unbound’ (English Version) and Aur Samadhan’ (Covid-19: Crisis of
‘Samundar Samawe Boond Mein’ (Hindi Civilisation and Solutions) was launched
Version) was released on the 2001 by former Chief Justice of India Dipak
incident. Misra and Rajya Sabha Deputy Chairman
As many as 14 people including the five Harivansh Narayan Singh. The Hindi
terrorists died during the incident. book, published by Prabhat Prakashan.
Awards & Honours Current Affairs, December - 2020
Current Affairs, December - 2020 Awards & Honours
True Tale of Masacre, Revenge and the undertaken by 180 national investment
Raj’ beat six other titles for the PEN promotion agencies across the world.
Hessell-Tiltman Prize for History 2020,
awarded annually for a non-fiction book Raj Kamal Jha wins Rabindranath
of specifically historical content. Tagore Literary Prize 2020
Raj Kamal Jha, the writer and chief editor
Indian Council of Agricultural of ‘The Indian Express’, has won the
Research (ICAR) Wins 2020 King Rabindranath Tagore Literary Prize 2020
Bhumibol World Soil Day Award of for his book, “The City and the Sea”.
FAO This was the 3rd edition of the
The Indian Council of Agricultural Rabindranath Tagore Literary Prize,
Research (ICAR), has won the prestigious which carries a cash prize of $5,000.
International King Bhumibol World Soil The Rabindranath Tagore Literary
Day Award for 2020, presented annually Prize was founded in 2018 by US-based
by the Food and Agriculture Organization publisher Bundalo to recognise works
(FAO) [Headquarter – Rome, Italy]. towards world peace, literature, art,
The award was conferred to the ICAR education and human rights.
on the occasion of World Soil Day, on The Rabindranath Tagore Literary
December 5, through video conferencing. Prize for Social Achievement 2020 was
ICAR has been conferred the award for conferred to His Majesty Sultan Qaboos
its commitment to raising awareness bin Said Al Said, the late Sultan of Oman
of the importance of healthy soils at the and The People of Oman, and renowned
World Soil Day celebration in 2019, which Indian choreographer Sandip Soparrkar
addressed soil erosion under the motto for his contribution to the betterment of
“Stop soil erosion, save our future”. society through his initiative “Dance for
a Cause”.
UN declares ‘Invest India’ winner of
investment promotion award 2020 Punjab scientist refuses award from
The United Nations Conference on Union minister
Trade and Development (UNCTAD) Punjab agriculturalist Dr Varinder Pal
has declared ‘Invest India’ as winner Singh refused to accept an award from the
of the 2020 United Nations Investment Centre as a gesture of support to farmers
Promotion Award in a ceremony at its protesting against the government’s
headquarters in Geneva. agricultural laws.
The Award recognises and celebrates the Singh, the principal soil chemist at
outstanding achievements of the world’s the Punjab Agricultural University in
best-practice investment promotion Ludhiana, was recognised by the Fertiliser
agencies. The evaluation was based Association of India for his work in the
on UNCTAD’s assessment of work field of plant nutrition.
Awards & Honours Current Affairs, December - 2020
Carolina Araujo awarded 2020 It is the 11th edition of the annual award,
Ramanujan Prize for Young instituted by the Schwab Foundation and
Mathematicians Jubilant Bhartia Foundation in 2010.
The award was presented by the Union
The year 2020 Ramanujan Prize for
Minister of Women & Child Development
Young Mathematicians was awarded
& Textiles, SmritiZubinIrani.
to Dr Carolina Araujo, Mathematician
from the Institute for Pure and Applied
UNESCO launches Bangabandhu
Mathematics (IMPA), Rio de Janeiro,
award on the creative economy
Her work area focuses on birational UNESCO has launched an international
geometry, which aims to classify and award named after Bangabandhu Sheikh
describe the structure of algebraic Mujibur Rahman following Bangladesh’s
varieties. proposal.
The prize is awarded annually to a The UN agency’s executive board
Current Affairs, December - 2020 Awards & Honours
Action, Policy Leadership, Entrepreneur Meghdoot awards
Vision, Science and Innovation. Department of Posts conducted Meghdoot
The 2020 Champions of the Earth Award Award Function 2020 on December 15,
has been bestowed upon 6 individuals. 2020 in the Conference Hall of MeitY,
The list of winners is given below. Electronics Niketan, CGO Complex, New
1. Policy Leadership – Frank Delhi.
Bainimarama, the Prime Minister of The Meghdoot award is given every
Fiji year for excellence in postal service. The
2. Inspiration and Action – Yacouba meghdoot award 2019-20 was given.
Sawadogo, a farmer from Burkina
Faso Category Name & Designation of
3. Inspiration and Action – Nemonte official (Sh./Smt./Ms.)
Nenquimo, an Ecuadorian female I M D Srinivasan, PA, Chennai
green campaigner City Division & Marketing
4. Science and Innovation – Fabian coordinator, Regional Office,
Leendertz, a German scientist Chennai City Region, Tamil
5. Entrepreneur Vision – Mindy Lubber, Nadu Circle.
an American social entrepreneur
6. Lifetime Achievement Award –
Award to director Parthiban for ‘otha
Robert D. Bullard, an American
seruppu ‘ on behalf of the Puducherry
Paul Sein Twa of Myanmar wins 2020 Popular actor and director Parthiban’s
Goldman Environmental Prize for ‘Ottha Seruppu’ has been selected as the
Asia region best film for Puducherry state awards
and will receive the Sankardas Swamy
The 31st edition of the prestigious
Award on December 15.
Goldman Environmental Prize was
announced , which honors one grassroot
Golden Peacock Environment
environmental activist from each of the
Management Award 2020
world’s six geographic regions: Africa,
Steel Authority of India Limited
Asia, Europe, Islands and Island Nations,
(SAIL) has been awarded with the
North America, and South and Central
prestigious Golden Peacock Environment
Management Award for the year 2020
The Goldman Environmental Prize is given
in the Steel Sector by the Institute of
annually by the Goldman Environmental
Foundation headquartered in San
Shri Anil Kumar Chaudhary, Chairman,
Francisco, California.
SAIL lauded the efforts of SAIL collective
The award is dubbed as the “Green Nobel
and said, “SAIL has been the winner
of this award for successive two years
Awards & Honours Current Affairs, December - 2020
and this bears testimony to the efforts Foundation Week was organised from 15
made by the Company for sustainable to 19 December 2020.
and environmentally responsible steel The theme of the programme was
making. ‘India’s resilience: Atmanirbhar roadmap
towards $5 trillion economy.’
UNEP’s 2020 Young Champions of As a part of the celebration, PM Modi also
the Earth Award presented the ‘ASSOCHAM Enterprise
The United Nations Environment of the Century Award’ to Shri Ratan
Programme recently named seven Tata, on behalf of the TATA Group, for
dynamic Environmentalists as its Young his distinguished contributions to the
Champions of the Earth. country.
Nzambi Matee of Kenya. He is a material In the last 100 years, ASSOCHAM and
engineer and is receiving the award the entire Tata group has worked very
for producing low-cost construction hard to strengthen India’s economy and
materials from recycled plastic waste and help the common Indian.
sand. It must be noted that Mr. Tata will also
Xiaoyuan Ren of China. He leads MyH20 be honored with the ‘Global Visionary of
organization that tests and records Sustainable Business and Peace’ award by
quality of groundwater in rural China. He the Indo-Israel Chambers of Commerce
is awarded with the prize for developing on December 21.
an application that will educate the
communities in rural areas about the Amar Singh College Srinagar bags
sources of clean water. 2020-UNESCO Asia-Pacific award
Vidyut Mohan of India. He is the co-
Amar Singh College Srinagar has bagged
founder of Takachar. He has built
affordable and portable biomass a prestigious award of merit in the 2020
upgrading equipment. It allows farmers United Nations Educational, Scientific
to prevent open burning by converting and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
crop to fuels, activated carbon and Asia-Pacific awards for cultural heritage
fertilizers. conservation.
The Indian National Trust for Art and
PM Modi Confers ‘ASSOCHAM Cultural Heritage (INTACH) chapter in
Enterprise of the Century Award’ to the union territory has been administering
Shri Ratan Tata the conservation work at the 80-year-old
Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi
Seven conservation projects have been
addressed the ‘ASSOCHAM Foundation
Week 2020’ via video conferencing on 19th awarded by an international panel of jury
December 2020. members, which reviewed 48 nominees
The week long Associated Chambers
from nine countries in the Asia-Pacific
of Commerce of India (ASSOCHAM) region.
Current Affairs, December - 2020 Awards & Honours
Lewis Hamilton wins BBC Sports PSU to receive the award in the Corporate
Personality of the Year 2020 award Excellence category.
Formula 1 world champion Lewis NTPC wins the prestigious CII-ITC
Awards & Honours Current Affairs, December - 2020
The award carries a citation and a cash K. Veeramani honoured with Dr.
prize of Rs 15 lakh, that will be shared by Narendra Dabholkar Memorial Award
the two authors. The Dr Narendra Dabholkar Memorial
Award for this year has been conferred
”Lukoskin” developer Hemant Kumar
upon Dravidar Kazhagam president K.
Pandey gets DRDO”s ”Scientist of the
Veeramani. The award was instituted in
Year” award the memory of the Maharashtra-based
Senior scientist Hemant Kumar Pandey rationalist Dabholkar.
has been honoured with DRDO’s ‘Scientist The U.S.-based Maharashtra Foundation
of the Year Award’ for his contribution
had instituted the award in his memory, a
in developing several herbal medicines,
release issued by the Dravidar Kazhagam.
including the popular drug Lukoskin
The award includes `1 lakh and a citation.
meant for treatment of leucoderma.
The prestigious award that comprises a
Mr Veeramani has dedicated his whole
certificate and cash prize of Rs 2 lakh. life to propagate rationalism and served
A recipient of several prestigious awards for the cause of social justice in society.
for his contribution in the field of herbal
medicine, Pandey has been undertaking Eminent Engineer Award for the Year
research at the Defence Research and 2020
Development Organisation”s (DRDO) lab Shri V.K. Yadav, Chairman & CEO,
Defence Institute of Bio-Energy Research Railway Board, Ministry of Railways
(DIBER) at Pithoragarh in Uttarakhand has been conferred with the prestigious
for the past 25 years. “Eminent Engineer Award for the Year
2020’ by the Institution of Engineering
Digital India Award 2020
and Technology (IET) for his outstanding
President Ram Nath Kovind virtually
contribution towards modernization and
conferred the Digital India Award 2020 to
reforms over Indian Railways.
digital warriors who helped in reducing
Every year Institution of Engineering
digital divide, and improvised services
with technological advancement. and Technology, Delhi Local Network
The NIC, under the Ministry of celebrates Engineers’ Day on the 15th
Electronics and IT, has been conducting September to commemorate the birth
the biennial Digital India Awards to anniversary of Bharat Ratna Sir M
promote innovation in eGovernance and Visvesvaraya. On this occasion, besides
digital transformation of government technical activities the Institution also
service delivery mechanism. presents Eminent Engineer’s Award to
The Digital India Awards (DIA) was distinguished Engineering personalities
instituted under the aegis of the National for their outstanding services in the field
Portal of India to serve the purpose of of Engineering and technology.
bringing to the fore innovative digital
solutions and thereby inspiring emulation
by all government entities.
Current Affairs, December - 2020 India and its Neighbours
35th edition
of India-Indonesia
1.11 Appointments – Who is
The 35th edition of India-Indonesia who?
Coordinated Patrol (IND-INDO
CORPAT) between the Indian Navy and Kuldeep Handoo appointed as “Fit
the Indonesian Navy is being conducted
India” movement ambassador
from 17 to 18 December 2020.
Srinagar born Wushu coach and the
The 35th IND – INDO CORPAT will
first Dronacharya Awardee from the
contribute towards the Indian Navy’s
Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir,
efforts to consolidate inter-operability
Kuldeep Handoo is appointed as the
and forge strong bonds of friendship
Ambassador of Fit India movement.
across the Indo Pacific.
He won 11 gold medals in National and 6
Indian Naval Ship (INS) Kulish, an
in International stage, is the Wushu coach
indigenously built missile corvette along
of Team India.
with P8I Maritime Patrol Aircraft (MPA)
Under his guidance Athletes have
will undertake coordinated patrol with
won two gold medals at the world
Indonesian Naval Ship KRI Cut Nyak
championship and one at the World Cup.
Dien, a Kapitan Pattimura (Parchim
He also serves as Inspector of police in
I) class corvette and an MPA of the
Jammu and Kashmir.
Indonesian Navy.
Indian-origin Anil Soni appointed as
first CEO of WHO Foundation
1.10 Latest Terminology Indian-origin Anil Soni has been
appointed as the first Chief Executive
‘Pandemic’ chosen as the top word of Officer (CEO) of the WHO Foundation.
2020 by Merriam-Webster dictionary He will take his position from 1 January
‘Pandemic’ has been chosen as the top 2021. He was head of Global Infectious
word of 2020 by Merriam-Webster Diseases at Viatris. Viatris is a global
dictionary. Pandemic is a combination healthcare company.
of pan, for all, and demos, for people or He has served as Senior Advisor, HIV
population with roots in Latin and Greek. at Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and
CEO at Clinton Health Access Initiative.
He has also worked in different roles
for Global Fund to fight AIDS, Malaria
and Tuberculosis and for Friends of the
Global Fight Against AIDS, Tuberculosis
and Malaria.
Current Affairs, December - 2020 Appointments – Who is who?
WHO Foundation: Union health minister Harsh Vardhan
It is independent grant-making nominated to board of vaccine
organization with headquarters in alliance GAVI
Geneva. Union minister for health and family
It was started in May 2020. Professor welfare Dr Harsh Vardhan was
Thomas Zeltner is its founder, He is also nominated by the Global Alliance for
chairman of its Board. Vaccines and Immunisation (GAVI) as a
board member.
Biden names Bharat Ramamurti as
Dr Harsh Vardhan will be representing
National Economic Council member
the South East Area Regional Office
US President-elect Joe Biden named (SEARO)/Western Pacific Regional
Indian American Bharat Ramamurti Office (WPRO) constituency on the GAVI
as the deputy director of the National Board. The seat is currently held by Mr
Economic Council, which is the White MyintHtwe of Myanmar. Dr Harsh
House advisory agency to the President Vardhan will be representing India from
on domestic and global economic 1st January 2021 until 31st December 2023.
policymaking. GAVI is an international organisation that
Joelle Gamble, who is in the Biden-Harris was created in the year 2000 to improve
Transition’s domestic economic policy access to new and underused vaccines for
team, and David Kamin, Professor of numerous vaccine-preventable diseases
Law at New York University School of for children who live in the world’s
Law, are the two other members of the poorest countries.
Economic Council.
Govt – Welfare oriented... Current Affairs, December - 2020
2.1 Govt – Welfare oriented UP govt to launch ‘Kisan Kalyan Mission’
to double the income of farmers
Govt schemes, their Uttar Pradesh government will launch
Current Affairs, December - 2020 Policy on Environment and Ecology
3.1 Policy on Environment and Ecology
Cyclone Burevi Green Charcoal Hackathon
A depression formed over southeast Shri R.K.Singh, the Union Minister of
Bay of Bengal is likely to intensify into a State (I/C) for Power and New & RE,
cyclonic storm in the next 36 hours, the was speaking with a vision to create a
India Meteorological Department has conducive environment by reducing
announced. When the cyclone forms, it carbon emissions and nurture technology
would be called cyclone Burevi, a name solutions in India. NVVN (NTPC
given by the Maldives. VidyutVyapar Nigam), a wholly-owned
subsidiary company of NTPC Ltd, today
Indonesian Volcano Erupts launched the Green Charcoal Hackathon.
A volcano in Indonesia’s East Nusa
Tenggara province erupted, spewing Assam Proposed to set up its 6th
ash and smoke as high as four kilometers National Park
into the sky and forcing more than 2,700 The Assam government has proposed
residents to seek refuge. to establish its 6th National park, the
The eruption from the Mt. Ile Lewotolok “Raimona National Park’ in the Ripu
volcano, about 2,600 kilometers east of Reserved Forest of the state which was
Indonesia’s capital of Jakarta. severely damaged due to militancy.
The proposal to upgrade an area of 422
Suryadhar Lake in Dehradun square kilometre notified Ripu Reserve
Uttarakhand Chief Minister Trivendra Forest under Manas National Park and
Singh Rawat inaugurated the Suryadhar Tiger Reserve into Raimona National
lake at Doiwala in Dehradun on 29 Park has been submitted to Jagadish
November 2020. Mukhi, the governor of Assam.
The Suryadhar lake is located at the
trijunction of Haridwar, Rishikesh and Bihar migratory bird festival
Dehradun, and has been built at a cost of Bihar is planning its first ever migratory
Rs 50.25 crore. bird festival this year. This is a three-day
It is 550 metres long, 28 metres wide and festival to be organised in Bhagalpur
10 metres deep with a capacity of 77,000 District.
cubic metres. It is to be jointly organised by Bhagalpur
forest division, Bombay Natural History
Policy on Environment and Ecology Current Affairs, December - 2020
Society and the local Mandar Nature Like CCPI 2020, the first three places in
Club. The region houses a large number 2021 ranking also remains unoccupied,
of migratory birds between November since none of the countries are on the
and March every year. The festival is path compatible with the Paris climate
intended to check cases of poaching in targets, to implement strategies to limit
the region. global warming below 2 or even 1.5°C.
Sweden (4th) United Kingdom (5th),
Mt Everest declared 86 cm taller by Denmark (6th), Morocco (7th), Norway
Nepal and China (8th), Chile (9th) were among the top 10
The world’s highest mountain peak rankers in the index.
‘Mount Everest’ has become taller by
0.86m, as per a survey conducted jointly New species of Pygmy Grasshopper
by Nepal and China. named “Tettilobus trishula” after
The Government of Nepal and China Shiva’s Trishul
jointly conducted an exercise to measure A new species of wide-nosed Pygmy
the world’s highest peak. Grasshopper documented by researchers
The new height of Mt Everest, has
in Eravikulam National Park (Idukki,
been calculated at 8,848.86 metres,
Kerala) in January, 2018 has been named
which is 0.86m more than the previous
“Tettilobus Trishula’ (common name
measurement done by India in 1954.
Shiva’s pygmy trishula) as its protrusion
In 1955, the height of Mount Everest was
in pronotum resembles the three-pronged
measured at 8848 m (29,028 feet) by the
spear ‘Trishul’ used by Lord Shiva.
Survey of India.
It was discovered by a team of Researchers
In Tibetan language, Mount Everest is
known as Mount Qomolangma while led by Dhaneesh Bhaskar, regional Vice-
in Nepalese language it is famous as Chair for Asia, IUCN SSC (International
Sagar-Matha. Union for Conservation of Nature –
Species Survival Commission). The other
Climate Change Performance Index members are P S Easa, Sara Stermsek,
(CCPI) 2021 Damjan Franjevic and Josip Skejo.
The discovery has been published in the
India is ranked at 10th place in the
Journal Zootaxa.
‘Climate Change Performance Index
(CCPI) 2021’, released on 7th December
Union Minister Prakash Javadekar
2020. The overall score of India is 63.98.
releases ‘Status of Leopards in India
It is for the second time in a row that India
2018’ report
emerged among the top 10 countries with
higher climate performance from among The Union environment minister Shri
58 economies. Prakash Javadekar released a report titled
India was at 9th spot last year in the the ‘Status of Leopard in India 2018’.
index. As per the report, the population of
Current Affairs, December - 2020 Policy on Environment and Ecology
leopard in India has increased by 60 Ecology preservation
percent in four years since 2014. The Ramsar Convention, signed in 1971
India now has 12,852 leopards as per in the Iranian city of Ramsar, is one of the
2018 estimate, compared to the previous oldest accords for preserving wetlands.
estimate of 7910 conducted in 2014. Wetlands provide a range of important
The States of Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka, resources and ecosystem services such as
and Maharashtra recorded the highest food, water and fibre.
leopard estimates at 3,421, 1,783, and The Lonar lake in Maharashtra and Sur
1,690 respectively. Sarovar, also known as Keetham lake, in
Agra were added to the list of Ramsar
Ladakh’s Tso Kar wetland complex sites. The Tso Kar Basin is a high-altitude
42nd Ramsar site wetland complex, consisting of two
One more wetland in India has been principal waterbodies, Startsapuk Tso,
added to the list of recognised sites of a freshwater lake of about 438 hectares
international importance under the to the south, and Tso Kar itself, a hyper-
treaty of Ramsar Convention, taking the saline lake of 1,800 hectares to the north,
number of such wetlands in the country situated in the Changthang region of
to 42, the highest in South Asia. Ladakh.
New Economic Policy & Govt. Sector Current Affairs, December - 2020
4.1 New Economic Policy & Govt. Sector
Ethereum 2.0 The government of Chhattisgarh has
Ethereum is a decentralised and open communicated its acceptance of option-1
source blockchain platform, which is a to meet the revenue shortfall arising out
growing list of cryptographic blocks. of GST implementation. All states except
Ether (ETH) is the cryptocurrency token Jharkhand and all the 3 union territories
of the Ethereum platform. with legislative Assembly have decided
It is the world’s second-largest crypto in favour of option-1, announced by a
currency by market capitalization, only finance ministry.
after bitcoin. It is also the world’s most
actively used blockchain. Fitch Ratings lowers India’s GDP
Ethereum was first proposed in 2013 by
contraction at 9.4% for FY21; 11%
a Russian- Canadian cryptocurrency
for FY22
researcher and programmer VitalikButerin.
The largest cryptocurrency ‘Bitcoin’ Fitch Ratings has revised the GDP growth
works on the principle of Mining, rate for India in its Global Economic
which in turn requires solving complex Outlook, and now expects the economy
problems leading to large consumption to contract 9.4 percent in the current
of electricity. financial year 2020-21, as compared to
(-)10.5 percent forecast earlier.
Chhattisgarh accepts Centre’s Fitch has also projected the FY22 GDP
borrowing proposal for GST shortfall growth at 11 percent and 6.3 percent
Chattisgarh has accepted the Centre’s growth in FY23.
borrowing proposal and will get Rs 3,109
crore through the special window to meet Nomura Expects India to be fastest
the goods and services (GST) revenue growing Asian economy in 2021 at
shortfall. 9.9%
With this, 27 states and 3 union territories The Japanese research and brokerage
have accepted the Centre’s borrowing house Nomura has projected India to be
plan, leaving only Jharkhand which is yet the fastest growing Asian economy in
to decide. 2021.
Current Affairs, December - 2020 New Economic Policy & Govt. Sector
Nomura has estimated the gross domestic Under this project World Bank will
product (GDP) growth of India for the support India in its efforts at providing
calendar year 2021 (CY21) at 9.9%. social assistance to the poor and
For calendar year 2020 (CY20), Nomura vulnerable households, severely
expects GDP growth at-7.1 percent. impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Apart from this, the Nomura expects This is the second such assistance in
GDP at -8.2 percent in FY21, and 11.9 the series of two ‘Accelerating India’s
percent in FY22. COVID-19 Social Protection Response
RBI to set up centre in Jaipur for Under the first operation, $750 million
receipt, storage and dispatch of notes was approved by World Bank in May
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has 2020.
decided to set up an Automated Banknote
Processing Centre (ABPC) in Jaipur for Kylie Jenner tops Forbes’ list of
receipt, storage and dispatch of currency world’s highest-paid celebrities 2020
notes. American media personality and reality
The functions of the ABPC will also TV star Kylie Jenner has been crowned
include processing of banknotes received the highest-paid celebrity of 2020 by
from currency chests (CCs) and bank Forbes. The top-earning stars in the world
branches, and destruction of soiled earned a combined of $6.1 billion in 2020
banknotes in an automated manner, with Kylie Jenner and Kanye West at the
said the RBI’s Request for Proposal top of the list.
(RFP) for engagement of consultant for
comprehensive consultancy services for World Bank approves several projects
establishment of ABPC at Jaipur. to support development initiatives in
The volume of banknotes in circulation India
has increased three-fold from March 2001 The World Bank has approved several
to March 2019, and is expected to rise projects for India, to support development
further in the years to come. initiatives that will strengthen India’s
social protection architecture. These
India and World Bank sign $400 include:
million project to protect India’s poor Chhattisgarh Inclusive Rural and
and vulnerable from the impact of Accelerated Agriculture Growth Project
The Government of India and the World Nagaland: Enhancing Classroom
Bank have signed a $400 million project Teaching and Resources Project; and
to protect vulnerable groups in urban Second Dam Improvement and
and peri-urban areas across the country Rehabilitation Project (DRIP-2).
impacted by COVID-19.
New Economic Policy & Govt. Sector Current Affairs, December - 2020
Current Affairs, December - 2020 Latest Inventions on Science & Technology
5.1 Latest Inventions on Science & Technology
Hayabusa2 Spacecraft of Japan Key points:
The Hayabusa2 spacecraft of Japan is The 4-metre diameter tank is of 8-metres
nearing the earth after a yearlong journey length to load around 5,755 Kg propellant
from asteroid Ryugu. The asteroid is in the 89 Cubic Metre Volume.
located at a distance of about 300 million The welds have been done to meet 100%
kilometres from the Earth. The spacecraft quality requirements of radiography, dye
is to reach the earth in Southern Australia penetrant check and leak-proof.
on December 6, 2020 carrying precious
samples from the asteroid . Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 in UK
The entire operation is being held by The United Kingdom became the first
JAXA, Japanese Aerospace exploration country on December 2, 2020, to approve
agency. According to the agency the the widespread use of the Pfizer-
capsule that is protected by a heat shield BioNTech vaccine against the pandemic.
will turn into a fire ball at its 200 kilometre The Medicines and Healthcare Products
from the earth surface. The parachute Regulatory Agency- MHRA, a British
of the capsule will open at about 10 regulator, approved the vaccine against
kilometres. the virus and informed that it offers up to
95% of protection against it. The Pfizer-
HAL delivers Biggest Ever Cryogenic BioNTech vaccine is safe for the rollout
Propellant Tank ‘C32-LH2’ to ISRO next week and immunisation can be
Hindustan Aeronautics Limited started soon for people who are in the
(HAL) delivered ‘C32-LH2’ Cryogenic high priority groups.
Propellant Tank to the India Space
Research Organisation (ISRO) in Chang’e-5 lands on lunar surface
Bengaluru, Karnataka. It is Biggest ever China’s Chang’e 5 lander has returned
cryogenic propellant tank fabricated by its first panorama from its landing site on
HAL. the moon.
C32-LH2 is made of aluminium alloy and The sample-return mission made a
has been designed to improve the payload successful soft landing in the Oceanus
capability of GSLV (Geosynchronous Procellarum (“Ocean of Storms”) region
Satellite Launche Vehicle) MK-III (Dec. 1) and almost immediately began
launching vehicle. its science and imaging tasks.
Latest Inventions on Science & Technology Current Affairs, December - 2020
Chang’e 5 is a historic 23-day quest to India join a select leage of nations having
collect lunar samples and return them to such super grade fuel.
Earth — the first such moon mission since The high octane premium grade petrol
1976, when the Soviet Union’s Luna 24 will be marketed under the brand XP-100
probe hauled about 6 ounces (170 grams) and it will be made available in 10 cities
of lunar material home. across the country including the national
capital in the first phase. The second
Karnataka’s first 11.5 megawatt phase will see addition of 5 more cities
power plant run on municipal waste including Chennaia and Kolkata.
being set up at Bidadi The Octane ratings are measures of fuel
In Karnataka, Chief Minister B S stability, which help increase engine
Yediyurappa laid the foundation stone efficiency.
for a 11.5 megawatt power plant based
on municipal waste in Bidadi, a town in Britain becomes first country in world
Bengaluru. to approve coronavirus vaccine
It is first of its kind power plant in the In a historic move, Britain has become the
state being set up by the Karnataka first country in the world to approve the
Power Corporation Limited (KPCL) Pfizer-BioNTech coronavirus vaccine.
and will help in converting 600 tonnes The vaccine will be rolled out from next
of municipal waste into 11.5 megawatt week onwards. Priority for vaccination
energy. will be given to healthcare workers and
This power plant will add 80.59 million care home residents.
units of power to the existing power grid.
The power plant project is being Sputnik V vaccine rushed out to wary
constructed at a cost of Rs. 260 crore and Russians
is likely to be operational by 2022. Russia began distributing its COVID-19
vaccine, with Moscow as the focal point
Union Petroleum Minister launches for people to participate in the first mass
India’s first indigenously developed vaccination against the virus.
100 Octane premium petrol The Russian-made Sputnik V vaccine
Union Minister for Petroleum and Natural will be distributed at 70 clinics around
Gas and Steel Dharmendra Pradhan Moscow, but it has been made available
launched India’s first indigenously first to doctors and other medical
developed environment-friendly fuel, workers, teachers and social workers, as
100 Octane premium petrol through the government has deemed these groups
video conferencing on December 1, 2020. to be at the highest risk of exposure to the
He described the launch of the fuel as one disease.
step towards facilitating ease of living for
the citizens. The development has helped
Current Affairs, December - 2020 Latest Inventions on Science & Technology
Modern mobile phone for summoned regulatory body under the Department
court employees of Space (DoS) to enable private players
Are the employees involved in the undertaking space activities in India.
process of issuing summons to the courts Pixxel aims to put a constellation of 30
at the state level delivered to the correct earth observation micro-satellites into a
address? Isn’t it Court officials announced sun-synchronous orbit by mid-2023.
a new plan is being implemented to
NASA Astronaut Harvests 20 Radishes
provide them with state-of-the-art GPS-
Aboard International Space Station
enabled mobile phones.
The Supreme Court has issued guidelines NASA astronaut grew red lettuce aboard
for the procedure of issuing summons the International Space Station, another
with the help of e-mail. As per the above astronaut has now harvested radish
guidelines, modern mobile phones are in microgravity. As a part of a plant
being provided to those involved in the experiment called Plant Habitat-02 (PH-
summons process in the district courts. 02), astronaut Kate Rubins created history
This will enable the court office to by harvesting 20 radish plants in the ISS
monitor whether the summons has gone Advanced Plant Habitat. All the plants
to the right person. have now been placed in cold storage to
be returned to earth along with the space
‘Pixxel’ to launch remote-sensing mission in 2021.
satellite on ISRO rocket in early 2021 The harvest marks the first time that
Latest Inventions on Science & Technology Current Affairs, December - 2020
The team consists of scientists from the and a privately owned and operated
University of California, San Francisco, chamber to move experiments as big as
UC Berkeley, and the Gladstone Institutes refrigerators outside the orbiting lab.
including a collaboration with Jennifer This is SpaceX’s 21st station supply
Doudna, president of the Innovative run for Nasa since 2012. The flight was
Genomics Institute, and winner of the delayed a day by rough weather in the
2020 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for co- booster-recovery area offshore. This was
discovering CRISPR-Cas genome editing, the 68th successful booster landing by
the technology that underpins the test. SpaceX.
The new test uses a Cas13 protein tagged
with a molecule that glows once it’s cut, China becomes second nation to plant
as part of the genetic-snipping that occurs flag on the Moon
when it matches up with a specific piece China has become the second country in
of RNA. When more of the virus’ genome the world to unfurl its national flag on the
is present, more cuts occur—creating moon surface.
a brighter glow that can be picked up Earlier this feat was achieved only by the
by a smartphone camera used with a USA when it planted its flag on the Moon
darkened box. during the Apollo mission in 1969.
China achieved the historic feat when
SpaceX launches 2nd Dragon capsule ‘Chang’e 5‘ probe of China, which was
to space station launched to collect soil and rock samples
SpaceX launched a newer and bigger of the lunar surface, took off from the
version of its Dragon supply ship to the moon to return to earth after planting the
International Space Station (ISS). SpaceX national flag on 3rd December 2020.
now, for the first time, has two capsules
in orbit at the same time. LiDAR Technique
SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket blasted off with The Indian Railways is to use LiDAR
the latest Dragon from Nasa’s Kennedy technique to conduct ground survey
Space Center. The first-stage booster - for the Delhi Varanasi High Speed Rail
making its fourth flight - landed on an corridor. LiDAR is Light Detection and
ocean platform several minutes after the Ranging technique.
liftoff. It was first used in May this year The Indian Railways is to use the LiDAR
for the first astronaut launch by Elon technique mounted on a helicopter. This
Musk’s company. is being done after its success in the
The shipment, weighing 2,900 kg, Mumbai Ahmedabad bullet train project
includes billions of microbes and crushed for the first time.
asteroid samples for a biomining study, The technique uses a combination of GPS
a new medical device to provide rapid data, laser data, flight parameters to give
blood test results for astronauts in space, an accurate survey.
Current Affairs, December - 2020 Latest Inventions on Science & Technology
Latest Inventions on Science & Technology Current Affairs, December - 2020
This will be the 52nd mission of PSLV caccine candidate and the preliminary
and it will be launched from the second results are likely by March. It assumes
launch pad of the Satish Dhawan Space significance as Covid-19 vaccines based
Centre in Sriharikota, Andhra Pradesh. on this platform, such as those by Pfizer-
The launch is tentatively scheduled to BioNtech and Moderna, are expected to
take place at 3:41 pm on December 17, have better effsicacy but currently appear
2020 subject to weather conditions.
out of bounds for India.
The communication satellite aims to
The Subject Expert Committee (SEC)
provide services in the Extended-C
Band of the frequency spectrum, which under the Central Drugs Standard
includes the Indian mainland, Andaman Control Organisation (CDSCO) that
& Nicobar Islands and Lakshadweep. The met recommended grant of conditional
satellite will be the 42nd Communication approval for phases ½ human clinical
Satellite of India. trial of the vaccine candidate. The
recommendations of the panel were
Indian-American among 18 later approved by the Drugs Controller
astronauts selected for NASA’s General of India (DCGI).
Artemis Moon programme
Land to start a business: New facility
Indian-American, Raja Jon Vurputoor
Chari is among the 18 astronauts who to search the internet
have been selected by NASA for its A separate internet facility has been set
Artemis moon-landing programme. up at Chipkot Shop to easily find land for
NASA announced the names of the 18 starting a business in Tamil Nadu.
astronauts, half of whom are women, on The facility, which has been set up for the
December 9, 2020. first time in India, was inaugurated by
The 43-year-old is the only Indian- Chief Minister Edappadi K.Palanisamy.
American in the list. He is a graduate of
the US Air Force Academy, MIT, and US ISRO sets up dedicated control
Naval Test Pilot School. He was selected
centre ‘NETRA’ for Space Situational
by NASA to join the 2017 Astronaut
Candidate Class
The astronauts on the Artemis Team The Indian Space Research Organization
have been chosen from a diverse range of (ISRO) has set up a dedicated Space
backgrounds, expertise and experience. Situational Awareness (SSA) Control
While the oldest is 55 years old, the Centre, at its ISTRAC campus at Peenya,
youngest is 32 years old. Bangalore.
The ISRO SSA Control Centre ‘NETRA’
Local mRNA vaccine gets nod for was formally inaugurated by ISRO
human trials Chairman K Sivan on December 14.
The drug regulator has allowed human
trials of the first local mRNA Covid
Current Affairs, December - 2020 Latest Inventions on Science & Technology
What is Space Situational Awareness CMS-01 is the 42nd communication
(SSA)? satellite of the space agency and it is
SSA is the science of tracking objects envisaged for providing services in
(man-made and natural) that are in orbit Extended-C Band of the frequency
and also predicting what they would be spectrum covering India, Andaman and
at a given point in time. Nicobar and Lakshadweep islands.
Only the US, Russia and Europe have
similar facility in place to track space NASA selects Raja Chari as commander
objects and share collision warnings. of SpaceX Crew-3 mission
What is NETRA? NASA and the European Space Agency
The “NEtwork for space object Tracking (ESA) have selected Indian-American Raja
and Analysis (NETRA)” will monitor, Chari to be the Commander of the SpaceX
track and protect India’s space assets. It Crew-3 mission to the International Space
will function as a hub of all SSA activities Station. Presently Raja Chari is a colonel
within India. in the US Air Force.
It has been set up as a ‘Directorate of Space He will be the commander of SpaceX
Situational Awareness and Management Crew-3 mission, while Nasa’s Tom
(DSSAM)’ aiming to protect high valued Marshburn will be pilot and ESA’s
space assets from space debris close Matthias Maurer will serve as a mission
approaches and collisions. specialist. This mission is expected to be
The state-of-the-art facility, dedicated to launched next year.
SSA activities, will also help to coordinate When Chari, Marshburn, and Maurer
between Indian agencies, their foreign arrive at the orbiting laboratory, they will
counterparts and international bodies. become expedition crew members for
The main elements of NETRA would be a the duration of their six-month stay. The
radar, an optical telescope facility, and a crew will have a slight overlap with the
control centre. Crew-2 astronauts, who are expected to
launch in the spring of 2021.
ISRO To Launch Communication
Satellite CMS-01 Russia successfully test-launches
Angara-5 space rocket
The Indian Space Research Organisation
will launch communication satellite Russia successfully test-launched its
CMS-01 on board the launch vehicle heavy lift Angara A5 space rocket for
the second time, from the Plesetsk
PSLV-C50. A 25-hour countdown for the
cosmodrome in northwest Russia.
launch began.
First test-launched in 2014, it is being
The Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle or
developed to replace the Proton M as
PSLV’s 52nd mission is scheduled for Russia’s heavy lift rocket, capable of
lift-off at from the second launch pad at carrying payloads bigger than 20 tonnes
the spaceport of Sriharikota ‘subject to into orbit. A launch pad for the new
weather conditions. rocket is due to open in 2021.
Latest Inventions on Science & Technology Current Affairs, December - 2020
Jupiter and Saturn “Merge” In Rare can help propel the culture of research
Celestial Event After Nearly 400 Years and development among students.
Space enthusiasts had the opportunity Short-term projects for B-Tech and
to watch a rare celestial event evening- M-Tech students from the institute and
as the Jupiter and the Saturn appeared associate institutes will also be included
to merge and looked-like a single bright in this sequence. “Long term R&D
star, in what is called a conjunction. projects leading to the PhD programme
The ‘Christmas Star’, or the ‘Star will also be offered.
of Bethlehem’, is believed to be the
Sat designed by Thanjai student
conjunction of the two gas giants and it
awaits NASA launch
was first viewed in 1623. Astronomers
have long debated the existence of such a S Riyasdeen from Karanthai in
star but it is theorized that in the year 7 BC, Thanjavur, who is pursuing second-year
Jupiter and Saturn had three conjunctions Mechatronics at Sastra University, had
in the same constellation, which could participated a global competition Cubes
explain what the star actually was. in Space, organised by idoodle Eduinc for
Apart from being the first time in nearly the students in the age group between 11
400 years the planetary giants have been and 18 to design and propose experiments
this close to one another, this is also the to launch into space on a NASA sounding
first time in 800 years that the alignment rocket and zero-pressure scientific
will occur at night. balloon.
The rare spectacle coincided with winter The satellites are fabricated with
solstice, the shortest day of the year. For polyetherimide thermoplastic resins
those able to observe the alignment in using the additive manufacturing
clear skies, the two frozen-gas spheres technology of 3D printing. V1 is made of
appeared closer and more vibrant - polyetherimide Ultem 9085 and is infused
almost as a single point of light - than at with 11 sensors that would record as
any time in 800 years. many as 11 parameters and this satellite
is expected to be launched in NASA
ISRO to open Regional Academic Sounding Rocket under SR 7 mission
Centre for Space at IIT BHU from Wallops Flight Facility, Virginia, the
The Indian Space Research Organisation USA in June 2021.
(ISRO) will establish a Regional While the V2 satellite that is made of
Academic Centre for Space at IIT (BHU) polyetherimide Ultemltem 1010 and
to facilitate short and long term projects is infused with 11 sensors that would
at the institute. record as many as 17 parameters. And
ISRO and the Indian Institute of this satellite is expected to be launched
Technology (BHU) signed a memorandum in NASA Zero pressure Research Balloon
of understanding (MoU) and the move under RB 6 mission during August 2021,
Current Affairs, December - 2020 Latest Inventions on Science & Technology
said Riyasdeen who has been involved in rocket engines with a thrust ranging from
this research work since his school final 5kN to 1000kN (approx 100Tons).
year. The remaining four motors are in various
stages of manufacturing and will be
China Launches Remote Sensing tested in 2021.
Satellite ‘Yoagan-33’
China has successfully launched a new Harsh Vardhan launches India’s
remote sensing satellite into space from first indigenously developed
the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Centre in pneumococcal vaccine ‘Pneumosil’
northwest China. Union Health Minister Harsh Vardhan
The satellite, Yaogan-33, was launched launched the country’s first pneumococcal
aboard a Long March-4C rocket and conjugate vaccine ‘Pneumosil’ developed
entered the planned orbit successfully. It by Serum Institute of India in collaboration
was the 357th flight mission of the Long with partners like the Bill and Melinda
March carrier rocket series, the report Gates Foundation.
The Serum Institute of India Private
Limited (SIIPL) as the world’s largest
The mission also sent a micro and nano
manufacturer of vaccines by number
technology experiment satellite into
of doses and its contribution to India’s
orbit. The two satellites will be used for economy, Vardhan remarked that
scientific experiments, land resources its vaccines are used in 170 countries
survey, crop yield estimation and disaster and every third child in the world is
prevention and reduction. immunised with the manufacturer’s
Skyroot Aerospace becomes first
Indian company to successfully test US plans to set up a Nuclear Reactor
fire solid-fueled rocket engine on Moon
Indian Space startup, Skyroot Aerospace USA’s plan to set up the first nuclear
has successfully test fired a solid reactor on the moon by the end of 2026. In
propulsion rocket engine, named Kalam-5 early 2021, the US Department of Energy
With this, it has become the first private in collaboration with NASA intends to
company of India to successfully design, solicit industry design proposals. It also
develop and test a full solid-fueled rocket got an impetus with a recent White House
stage. directive.
This crucial propulsion technology will The outgoing President Donald Trump,
be used for their maiden rocket Vikram-1, issued the “National Strategy for Space
which is under active manufacturing and Nuclear Power and Propulsion” on 16
is targeted to be launched in December December.
2021 with the help of ISRO. Under it, he asked Nasa to “initiate fission
Kalam is a series of five solid-fueled surface power project for lunar surface
Mass Media & Communication Current Affairs, December - 2020
Current Affairs, December - 2020 Mass Media & Communication
industries, commercial organisations, ‘Digital Ocean’ developed by INCOIS
small entrepreneurs and public will be The Union Minister of Earth Sciences,
benefited through this Portal. Science & Technology, Dr.Harsh
Vardhan virtually inaugurated the web-
Karnataka unveils “FRUITS” portal
based application “Digital Ocean” on 29
for farmers December 2020.
Karnataka government has unveiled Digital Ocean is a first of its kind digital
the Farmer Registration and Unified platform for Ocean Data Management. It
beneficiary Information System (FRUITS), can be accessed at
an e-governance portal, to create a It has been developed by Hyderabad-
repository of farmland information and based Indian National Centre for Ocean
farm loan details on a single platform. Information Services (INCOIS) an
All farmers will be registered and given autonomous organization under M/o
an identification number on the portal. Earth sciences.
The FRUITS Portal is integrated into Digital Ocean is a step towards Prime
the BHOOMI Package of the Karnataka Minister’s vision of Digital India,
State for fetching and validating the land to transform India into a digitally
details. empowered society and knowledge
One other important facility of this Portal economy.
is online creation of charge by which
visit of farmers to Sub-Registrar Office is
avoided. Canara Bank has agreed to run
FRUITS on a pilot basis.
National – Diary of Event Current Affairs, December - 2020
Piyush Goyal inaugurates newly
from class 5 to class 8 to go to schools).
electrified Dhigawara-Bandikui
Other government schemes like
section of North Western Railway ‘Rupashree (one-time financial grant
The Union Minister of Railways Shri of Rs 25,000 for economically stressed
Piyush Goyal inaugurated newly families at the time of their daughter’s
electrified Dhigawara-Bandikui section marriage), ‘Jai Johar’ (for the betterment
of North Western Railway (NWR) in the of ST people), ‘Taposili Bondhu’ (pension
state of Rajasthan on 29 November 2020. scheme for SC people), ‘Akhyashree’
The Minister also flagged off first train on (a scheme that provides scholarships
this newly electrified route. to students of minority communities in
The Dhigawara-Bandikui section is on the state) and MGNREGS will also be
Delhi-Ajmer route via Jaipur. included.
The Railways has set the target to electrify
the entire percentage of railway lines India to build multipurpose reservoir
across the country in phased manner. in Arunachal against China’s
hydropower project on Brahmaputra
‘Duare Sarkar’: Outreach Programme
Amid concerns over China building
of West Bengal begins
a major hydropower project on the
Benefits of at least 11 state government- Brahmaputra river in Tibet, India too
run schemes will be made available to plans to construct a multipurpose
eligible people at camps to be set up for reservoir in Arunachal Pradesh to offset
‘Duare Sarkar’ (government at doorsteps) its impact.
programme starting. The flagship T S Mehra, Commissioner (Brahmaputra
schemes include the globally acclaimed and Barak), in the Jal Shakti ministry said
‘Kanyashree’ (a cash transfer scheme the multi-purpose 10,000 MW hydropower
aimed at retaining girls in schools and project is under consideration. “This
preventing their early marriage), besides project will help offset the impact of the
‘Khadya Sathi’( for ensuring that almost hydropower project by China.
90 per cent of the population comes According to a study, published in the
under food security), ‘Sikshashree’ (one journal Nature Communications, the
time grant given to SC and ST students long-term baseline conditions of the river,
Current Affairs, December - 2020 National – Diary of Event
which flows under a variety of names Centre constitutes AIPA committee
through Tibet, India and Bangladesh. headed by Environment Secretary
The Central Government has set up an
Rajasthan CM inaugurates India’s Apex Committee for the Implementation
first “Organ donor Memorial” of the Paris Agreement (AIPA) for
On the occasion of 11th National Organ achieving its goals under the global deal.
Donation Day celebration in Jaipur, The 17-member committee comprised of
Rajasthan CM Ashok Gehlot inaugurated members from 13 key ministries of the
virtually the first of its kind “Organ Union Government.
The Union Ministry of Environment,
Donor Memorial” in the country.
Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC)
Key points: secretary R P Gupta will be the head
The organ donor memorial has been of this committee and the additional
built near SMS Hospital by the Mohan secretary, MoEFCC, Ravi Shankar Prasad
Foundation Jaipur Citizens Forum and will be the vice-chairperson.
the Jaipur Municipal Corporation. The Environment ministry has enlisted as
The memorial is inspired by the famous many as 16 functions for the APIA.
Jantar Mantar of Jaipur and it was
designed by Sameer Wheaton. World’s Oldest Nanostructures Found
in 6th century BC Pottery rom Keeladi,
First-ever Virtual Aadi Mahotsav with Tamil Nadu
focus on Madhya Pradesh Scientists have discovered the oldest
The Union Minister for Tribal Affairs, known human-made nano-materials in
Shri Arjun Munda, launched the first- the ‘Unique black coatings” of ancient
ever virtual edition of Aadi Mahotsav – pottery shards dated to 600 BC that were
Madhya Pradesh on 01 December 2020. unearthed from an archeological site in
The 10-day long festival, will begin from Keeladi, Tamil Nadu. The research was
published in the Journal Scientific Reports
December 1, 2020.
and the findings have been documented
It is being hosted on the Tribes India
in a paper published in “Nature”.
website – In accordance with the research these
The main focus of the first virtual Aadi coatings are made of carbon manotubes
Mahotsav is on the tribal craft and culture (CNTs) which have enabled the layer to
of Madhya Pradesh. last more than2600 years.
The next focus state of the programme It should be noted that this discovery
would be Gujarat (from 11th December has succeeded the old known carbon
2020), followed by West Bengal from the manostructure that was found in the
21st December, 2020. Damascus blades from the 16th – 18th
century. Notably the technique used in
the Damacusblades was also made in
National – Diary of Event Current Affairs, December - 2020
Government of India releases the list of Sheikh said that these caste-based
best performing Police Stations across the colonies were established during the
country every year, to incentivize more British rule to divide people and it has
effective functioning of police stations been now decided to rename them after
and bring healthy competition among people who undertook social service for
them. the country.
Current Affairs, December - 2020 National – Diary of Event
National – Diary of Event Current Affairs, December - 2020
Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology (RGCB) from 62 to 73 zones with over 10,000 sq
in Kerala after late RSS ideologue M S km of the state now secured.
Tharu Tribals
Government will set up an AYUSH The Uttar Pradesh government has
Export Promotion Council recently launched a scheme to take the
The Ministry of AYSUSH and the unique culture of the Tharu tribes all over
Ministry of Commerce & Industry will the world. The intention of the scheme
set up an Export Promotion Council for is to put these tribal villages on tourism
increasing AYUSH export. map. This will create jobs and bring
Both Ministry will work together for economic Independence to the tribal
standardization, pricing and quality population in the region.
of AYUSH products in order to boost The State Government of Uttar Pradesh
AYUSH exports. is planning to connect the villages of the
This decision was taken in a joint review Tharu tribals located in the International
meeting of AYUSH trade and Industry. border of Nepal. It is a Homestay
scheme under which the Uttar Pradesh
Two new Zoos in Bihar and Uttar Forest Department will offer tourists an
Pradesh granted recognition by experience of living in the natural habitat
Central government of Tharu tribals. These huts are made of
At the 37th General Body meeting of grass collected from the forest.
Central Zoo Authority chaired by Union
Minister for Environment, Forest and PM Modi inaugurates virtual India
Climate Change, Prakash Javadekar Mobile Congress 2020
two new zoos the Rajgir Zoo Safari in Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi
Nalanda, Bihar and Shaheed Ashfaque inaugurated and addressed the virtual
Ullah Khan Prani Udyaan in Gorakhpur, edition of the India Mobile Congress
Uttar Pradesh were granted recognition. (IMC) 2020 on 8th December 2020 through
video conference.
Kanhargaon becomes 50th wildlife The theme for IMC 2020 is “Inclusive
sanctuary of Maharashtra Innovation – Smart, Secure, Sustainable”.
Kanhalgaon, spread over 270sqkm in The three day event will be held from 8th
Chandrapur district, is the latest to be to 10th December 2020.
declared a wildlife sanctuary. It will be the IMC 2020 has been organised by the
50th wildlife sanctuary of Maharashtra. Department of Telecommunications,
With the addition of the state’s Government of India, and the Cellular
50th wildlife sanctuary and 10 new Operators Association of India (COAI).
conservation reserves (CR), Maharashtra The objective of IMC 2020 is to align
has expanded its protected area network
Current Affairs, December - 2020 National – Diary of Event
with the Prime Minister’s vision to and Mumbai, Bhopal and Lucknow
promote ‘Aatmanirbhar Bharat’, would have ceded their spots.
‘Digital Inclusivity’, and ‘Sustainable Only Chennai, Kolkata and Mumbai
development, entrepreneurship & surpass the average score for gender
innovation’ and drive foreign and local index, while Indore, Jaipur and Patna are
investments, encourage R&D in the way below average.
telecom and emerging technology sectors.
Wi-Fi PM-Wani Connectivity
West Bengal cabinet approves The central government announced
construction of ‘state’s first deep sea three major plans to boost the economy.
port in Tajpur’ Two of them are connected to the digital
West Bengal Chief Miniter Mamata economy. Among these is a public Wi-Fi
Banerjee announced that the state cabinet network access scheme ‘PM Vani’. The
objective is to extend Wi-Fi network to
has approved the construction of a deep
every village.
sea port in Tajpur.
Tajpur Deep Sea Port will be built at a
Cabinet approves undersea fibre link
cost of Rs 15,000 crore and will generate
between Lakshadweep islands and
employment for 25,000 people. It will be
the state’s first deep seaport.
The concentration of iron and steel The Union Cabinet approved an undersea
optical fibre cable link to connect 11
industries around Kharagpur will get a
islands of Lakshadweep with Kochi
boost by having a port at their doorstep
in mainland India at an estimated cost
for exports.
of `1,072 crore, including operational
expenses for five years.
Mumbai offers highest quality of life,
The Lakshadweep-Kochi project was
Chennai treats its women best: Study announced by Prime Minister Narendra
IIT-Bombay researchers have come up Modi on Independence Day this year. In
with an urban quality of life index tailored August, Modi inaugurated India’s first
to the reality of life in India. And, for the undersea cable line between Chennai and
first time, they have factored in gender Port Blair, the capital of Andaman and
parity. Chennai, it turns out, is the most Nicobar Islands.
women-friendly and Patna the least.
Overall, Mumbai tops the list of 14,
Lakshadweep becomes 100% organic
followed closely by Delhi, Kolkata and Lakshadweep has been declared the first
Chennai. But so important is the gender Union Territory to become 100% organic.
role index that quality of life rankings The region opted for farming that is 100%
of six cities would have changed had it organic and is without the use of synthetic
not been considered — Delhi, Jaipur and fertilizers and pesticides. In 2016, Sikkim
Indore would have been ranked higher, was declared to be the first organic
farming state in India. The certification
National – Diary of Event Current Affairs, December - 2020
to Lakshadweep for being 100% organic India drops to 9th spot in global spam
was given on the basis of the evidence call tally, Gujarat gets max calls:
submitted by the administration. Truecaller
Indian mobile users saw a 34% decline in
Union Minister Nitin Gadkari
spam calls received in 2020, helping the
Inaugurates 1.5 km Koilwar bridge
country move lower to the ninth position
over Sone river in Bihar
in the tally of most spammed countries,
The Union Minister for Road Transport according to a report by Truecaller. Brazil
and Highways Shri Nitin Gadkari continues to stay on top position.
inaugurated the 1.5 km long Koilwar Within India, Gujarat received the most
Bridge over Sone River in Bihar through spam calls in 2020.While India was at the
Video Conferencing on 10 December fifth position in terms of number of spam
2020. calls received by users in 2019.
The total cost of setting up this three- Other countries in the top 10 tally are
lane bridge is estimated at Rs 266 crore. the US, Hungary, Polen (Poland), Spain,
The bridge is major road for transport Indonesia, the UK, Ukraine and Chile.
between Bihar and UP.
This newly inaugurated bridge is a part Prime Minister Narendra Modi
of the six-lane bridge being made in place addresses International Bharati
of existing two-lane bridge, for both rail Festival 2020 Virtually
and road traffic, which is 138 years old. Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi
Once this six-lane bridge is fully
addressed the International Bharathi
operational, the traffic on NH-922 and Festival 2020 through video conferencing
NH-30 will ease substantially. on 11th December 2020.
The festival was organised by Vanavil
The Second Cancer Genome Atlas
Cultural Centre in Chennai to celebrate
Conference held in Delhi
the 138th birth anniversary of Mahakavi
The Minister of Science and Technology Subramanya Bharathi, an eminent writer,
has actually held the second TCGA- poet and journalist from Tamil Nadu.
Cancer Genome Atlas 2020 conference Prime Minister Narendra Modi also
in New Delhi. The conference brought conferred the 2020 Bharathi Award to the
together scientists and clinicians from noted writer Seeni Viswanathan, who is
all over the world to jointly establish the credited with compiling the voluminous
Indian Cancer Genome Atlas (ICGA). works of Bharathi in chronological order..
Indian Cancer Genome Atlas (ICGA) The Bharathi Award is conferred every
aims to create an indigenous, open- year since 1994, to eminent persons who
source and comprehensive database to have done laudable service in any field of
collect molecular profiles of all prevalent social relevance.
cancers in the Indian population.
Current Affairs, December - 2020 National – Diary of Event
PM Narendra Modi to address FICCI’s Kataria, Minister of State for Jal Shakti
93rd AGM on Dec 12 IWIS 2020 has been organised by the
Prime Minister Narendra Modi will National Mission for Clean Ganga
be delivering the inaugural address at (NMCG) and the Centre for Ganga River
FICCI’s 93rd Annual General Meeting and Basin Management and Studies (cGanga)
annual convention at 11 am on December to discuss water-related issues and steps
12, 2020. This year’s theme of the Annual taken to save the planet’s most precious
Convention is “Inspired India”. resource.
The event will witness participation Objective of IWIS 2020 is Comprehensive
as per a study published in the journal standards of women with less investment.
Earth System Science Data on December Under the scheme, women belonging
National – Diary of Event Current Affairs, December - 2020
Current Affairs, December - 2020 National – Diary of Event
The ‘Vision 2035: Public Health and Per Capita Income, in the 2020 report
Surveillance in India’ is a continuation ‘Planetary pressures’ a new experimental
of the work on Health Systems Index has been introduced.
Strengthening. ‘Planetary pressures’ – Takes into account
Public health surveillance (PHS) is an Countries carbon dioxide emissions and
important function, requiring primary, material footprints.
secondary, and tertiary levels of care. 2020 marks the 30th Anniversary of the
The white paper lays out India’s vision 1st Human Development report.
2035 for public health surveillance
through the integration of the three-tiered
public health system into Ayushman Rank Country Score
131 India 0.645
Guwahati as gateway to Southeast 1 Norway 0.957
Asia 2 Ireland 0.955
Assam Chief Minister Sarbananda 3 Switzerland 0.955
Sonowal announced that his government 189 Niger 0.394
was working to transform Guwahati as a 188 Central African Republic 0.397
gateway to Southeast Asia PM Modi inaugurates world’s largest,
30,000 MW renewable energy park in
India Slips to 131 in Human Kutch
Development Report 2020
Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi
According to the “Human Development laid the foundation stone of the 30,000
Report 2020 – The next frontier: Human megawatt (MW) capacity hybrid
Development and the Anthropocene” renewable energy park in Kutch district
released by the United Nations of Gujarat on 15 December 2020.
Development Programme (UNDP), India It will be the largest renewable energy
(score of 0.645) was ranked 131 in the park of its kind in the world.
list of 189 countries based on Human It is expected to play a major role in
Development Index (HDI). Norway fulfilling India’s vision of generating 450
topped the list with a score of 0.957, the GW (4,50,000 mw) of power by 2030.
second place was grabbed by 2 countries
– Ireland (0.955) and Switzerland (0.955). Gujarat enforces land grabbing
The report provides HDI ranks for the prohibition act 2020
year 2019. A stringent law to curb land-grabbing
India slipped two spots to 131, it ranked with a provision of up to 14 years in jail
129 in 2019 HDI. and timely resolution of such cases has
HDI is measured based on 3 criterias come into force in Gujarat , Chief Minister
which are – Life Expectancy, Education Vijay Rupani announced.
National – Diary of Event Current Affairs, December - 2020
The Gujarat Land Grabbing (Prohibition) launched soon through the Khadi and
Act, 2020, to which state governor gave Village Industries Commission.
assent on October 8, lays down stringent The union minister elaborated by saying
punishment for land grabbers with an that the paint will come in distemper and
aim to protect the interests of small emulsion forms and will dry in just four
farmers and citizens. hours.
The eco-friendly paint will be washable,
PM Modi & Sheikh Hasina jointly anti-bacterial, non-toxic and anti-fungal.
inaugurates Chilahati-Haldibari rail The paint is expected to lead to an
link additional income of Rs 55,000 a year for
The Government of India and livestock farmers.
Bangladesh held a virtual summit on 17
December 2020, to hold comprehensive India ranked 111 on Human Freedom
discussions on the entire spectrum of the Index, 2020
bilateral relationship, including further The Human Freedom Index 2020, a
strengthening cooperation in the post worldwide ranking of civil, economic
COVID-19 era. and personal freedom, placed India at
The meeting was led by Prime Minister the 111th spot out of 162 countries. India
Narendra Modi and his Bangladesh ranked 94 on the index in 2019.
counterpart Sheikh Hasina. India is ahead of China and Bangladesh,
During the summit, the two leaders jointly which ranked 129 and 139 on the 2020
inaugurated the Chilahati-Haldibari rail index respectively. New Zealand,
link, which would connect the borders of Switzerland and Hong Kong bagged the
the two neighbouring countries. first three spots.
The rail route lies between Haldibari in India’s scored 6.30 out of 10 in personal
West Bengal and Chilahati in Bangladesh. freedom and 6.56 in economic freedom.
It is re-opened after a gap of 55 years. The country’s overall human freedom
The railway line has been defunct after score was 6.43.
rail links between India and then East The index was published by American
Pakistan snapped in 1965. think tank Cato Institute and Fraser
Institute in Canada. It takes into account
Union MSME Minister unveils eco- 76 indicators of personal, civil, and
friendly ‘Vedic Paint’ economic freedoms to rank 162 countries
The Union Minister of Micro, Small and from 2008 to 2018. The institutes noted
Medium Enterprises Nitin Gadkari on that the world has seen a notable decline
December 17, 2020 unveiled an ‘Vedic in personal freedom since 2008.
Paint’ to boost the rural economy and
generate additional income for farmers.
The paint made of cow dung will be
Current Affairs, December - 2020 National – Diary of Event
World’s tallest rail bridge on Chenab India, France collaborate for skill
in J&K likely to be completed by 2021 development in power sector
Touted as the next man-made wonder, The first Centre for Excellence (CoE) for
the world’s tallest rail bridge on the skill development in the power sector
Chenab in Reasi district of Jammu and at the campus of National Institute of
Kashmir Union Territory is expected to Solar Energy in India was inaugurated
be completed by 2021. by the Ministry of Skill Development and
The 1,315-metre-long bridge between Entrepreneurship, Ministry of National
Bakkal and Kauri villages of Reasi is Education and Youth, Government of the
coming up at a height of 359 metres. French Republic, and Schneider Electric.
The arched structure will connect
Baramulla to Jammu via Udhampur, Mega leather park with Rs 5,850 cr
Katra and Qazigund with a travel time of investment to come up in Kanpur
six and a half hours. Mega leather park to come up in Ramaipur
village of Kanpur with an investment of
Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad Rs 5,850 crores.
Becomes first zoo in India to get ISO The park, part of the mega leather cluster
certification from UK project will create 50,000 direct jobs &
The Nehru Zoological Park in Hyderabad indirect employment for 1.5 lakh people.
has received the ISO 9001:2015 Quality Recently, the project has received
Management Standards Certificate from approval from the Union Commerce
Accreditation Service for Certifying Ministry. The mega leather cluster project
Bodies (ASCB) United Kingdom. will attract an investment of about Rs
With this achievement, the Nehru 13,000 crores.
Zoological Park, Hyderabad has also
become the first zoo in the country to get Haritha Keralam: Govt offices in
this certificate. Kerala to go ‘green’
The assessment of the zoo was conducted All government institutions and public
in a phased manner by the HYM sector undertakings in Kerala Capital
International Certifications Pvt Ltd, an will go ‘green’ as part of the State’s efforts
agency accredited by the ASCB. to implement ‘Green Protocol’, under
The certificate mentioned that it was being Haritha Keralam Mission which is an
accorded to the zoo for, “Conservation ambitious programme envisaged by the
of wildlife, particularly endangered state government to make the state clean,
species of Deccan through better upkeep, protect its water sources and soil.
planned breeding, collaborative research The ‘green office’ would strictly follow
and capacity building”. the ban on plastic and disposable articles,
removal of unused furniture and e-waste
and installation of waste treatment
National – Diary of Event Current Affairs, December - 2020
facilities for the disposal of organic and Defence minister Rajnath Singh
inorganic waste and introduction of eco- inaugurates advanced Hypersonic
friendly utensils. Such offices would also Wind Tunnel test facility in Hyderabad
have features such as organic vegetable The Union Minister of Defence Shri
gardens and facilities to conserve water Rajnath Singh inaugurated the advanced
and electricity. Hypersonic Wind Tunnel (HWT) test
facility of the DRDO in Hyderabad on 19
‘Varasat’ campaign launched in Uttar
December 2020.
Pradesh to curb property & land-
The state-of-the-art HWT Test facility
related disputes in rural areas
has made India as the only third country
The Uttar Pradesh government has in the world, after the US and Russia,
launched a special campaign ‘Varasat’ to have such a huge facility in size and
(natural succession) to curb property & capability.
land-related disputes in rural areas. The indigenously developed HWT
This is a first of its kind campaign in Test facility is pressure vacuum driven
the state which aims to put an end the enclosed free jet facility having nozzle exit
land-related issues in the rural areas and diameter of 1 metre. This will simulate
eradicate the exploitation of the villagers Mach No 5 to 12 (Mach represents the
over succession rights by land mafias, multiplication factor to the speed of
who generally target disputed properties. sound)”.
The two-month-long special drive will
continue till 15th February 2020. Tirupati, Machilipatnam Municipal
Corporations win awards
Dr. S. Jaishankar addresses 5th
The government has committed to take
Annual Global Technology Summit
energy efficiency movement to every
The 5th edition of the annual Global doorstep in the State, Minister for Energy
Technology Summit (GTS) was organised Balineni Srinivasa Reddy announced that
virtually from December 14 to 18, 2020, by the State government was promoting
the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA), energy efficiency in a mission mode with
Government of India in collaboration an objective to benefit every family in the
with Carnegie India (CI). State in the form of reducing electricity
The theme of the 2020 GTS was “The bills and other costs and promote
Geopolitics of Technology”. industrial and economic development.
The speakers from included the External
Affairs Minister, Dr. S. Jaishankar, and PM Modi’s e-participation at AMU’s
Dr. K. VijayRaghavan, Principal Scientific centenary celebrations likely to face
Advisor to the Government of India. some opposition
The university is gearing up for December
22 when Prime Minister Narendra Modi
Current Affairs, December - 2020 National – Diary of Event
will participate as chief guest in the These rules shall empower the consumers
celebrations via video link. of electricity and added that these
This is the first time since 1964 that a Rules emanate from the conviction that
prime minister of India is going to address the power systems exist to serve the
AMU. Fifty-six years is a long time, and consumers and the consumers have
except for Jawaharlal Nehru and Lal rights to get the reliable services and
Bahadur Shastri, no other prime minister quality electricity.
thought of visiting the university. These rules are also an important step
Sir Syed Ahmad Khan, the founder towards furthering the ease of doing
of Muhammadan Anglo-Oriental business across the country.
(MAO) College, the institution which
became AMU in 1920, is alleged to have 12th GRIHA Summit of TERI
propounded the two-nation theory. Concludes
The 12th GRIHA (Green Rating for
ONGC starts oil and gas production Integrated Habitat Assessment) Summit
from West Bengal after 60 years was held virtually from December 15-16,
endeavour 2020. It was inaugurated by Vice President
West Bengal gets included in ONGC’s of India Venkaiah Naidu virtually.
oil and gas map with its eighth field at The theme of the Summit was
Ashoknagar in West Bengal starting “Rejuvenating Resilient Habitats”.
commercial production. ONGC first It is the annual flagship event organized
extracted 20 kilolitres of crude oil from by GRIHA Council in association with
the Ashoknagar oilfields early November ‘key stakeholders in the construction
this year and had sent it to Indian Oil’s industry’ to discuss and deliberate
Haldia refinery for processing. on furtherance of Sustainable Habitat
ONGC so far has invested rS 3,361 crore Development in India.
for exploration of hydrocarbon in the The Summit provides a platform to
Bengal basin to find oil and gas reserves. deliberate on innovative technologies
Another Rs 425 crore would be spent on and solutions to help in creating robust
exploration in the Bengal basin spread mechanisms for developing sustainable
over 1.22 lakh km, two-third of which and resilient solutions for the benefit of
falls under the Bay of Bengal waters. the entire community.
GRIHA Council
Union Government for the first time
It is an independent, not-for-profit
lays down Rights to the Electricity
society jointly setup by The Energy
and Resources Institute (TERI) and the
Union Ministry of Power has promulgated Ministry of New and Renewable Energy
rules laying down the rights of power (MNRE), Government of India to promote
consumers in the country. and administer green buildings in India.
National – Diary of Event Current Affairs, December - 2020
Green Rating for Integrated Habitat develop university district, school district
Assessment (GRIHA) is the national and innovation district.
rating system of India for any completed It added that this will include residential
building construction. and sports complexes for students.
It has been is recognised as India’s Investment in the G-SER project will
own green building rating system in accelerate the state’s economic growth
India’s Intended Nationally Determined and create employment opportunities.
Contributions (INDC) submitted to the
United Nations Framework Convention MPEDA launches India’s first
on Climate Change (UNFCCC). aquaframers call centre at Vijayawada
In a first of its kind initiative, the Marine
UN Women and Kerala govt tie-up for Products Export Development Authority
India’s 1st Gender Data Hub (MPEDA), headquartered in Kochi, has
The UN Women and Kerala government launched a multilingual call centre for
have collaborated to establish India’s first aquafarmers at Vijayawada in Andhra
Gender Data Hub. A Memorandum of Pradesh, which will address their
technical issues and impart knowledge
Understanding (MoU) was signed in this
about efficient farming methods round
regard in the presence of Kerala Chief
the clock.
Minister Pinarayi Vijayan. The call centre primarily caters to aqua
Three key areas of co-operation, as farmers of Andhra Pradesh, the state that
specified in the MoU, will be setting up contributes more than 60 per cent of the
the Gender Data Centre at The Gender country’s marine products export basket.
Park, launching the second edition of The call centre can also handle calls in
the International Conference on Gender English and Hindi.
Equality, and increasing engagement
on the global normative frameworks on Centre allows Andhra Pradesh,
gender equality and empowerment of Madhya Pradesh to borrow Rs 4,898
women. crore extra post ULB reforms
The Centre has permitted two states -
Gujarat Govt to set up Special Andhra Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh
Education Region at Dholera to borrow additional financial resources
The Gujarat government signed a pact to the tune of Rs 4,898 crore following
with Cerestra Managers Pvt Ltd to set reforms in urban local bodies (ULBs).
up the Gujarat-Special Education Region The two states have successfully
(G-SER) at the Dholera Special Investment completed the set of reforms required in
Region. the functioning of ULBs, as specified by
The G-SER will be developed as an the Department of Expenditure.
education hub spread over 1,000 acres The four citizen centric areas identified for
that can be expanded up to 5,000 acres to reforms were -- implementation of One
Current Affairs, December - 2020 National – Diary of Event
Nation One Ration Card system, ease of Jammu and Kashmir. The scheme will
doing business reform, urban local body/ benefit as many as 21 lakh eligible people
utility reforms and power sector reforms. on the basis of Socio-Economic and Caste
Census (SECC) 2011.
Vigyanika-IISF 2020
CSIR-National Institute of Science India to host Global Media and Film
Communication and Information Summit in 2021
Resources (CSIR-NISCAIR), Ministry The Union Information and Broadcasting
of Earth Sciences (MOES) and Vijnana Minister, Prakash Javadekar announced
Bharati (VIBHA) jointly organised that India will hold a Global Media and
the inaugural session of Vigyanika- Film Summit in 2021.
International Science Literature Festival Javadekar said that the year 2022 will
on the opening day of IISF 2020 on mark 75 years of independence and 75
the virtual platform to mark the birth years of Cannes Film Festival, and the
anniversary of Srinivasa Ramanujan. occasion will be celebrated in a different
scale with a special pavilion at the
PM Modi to virtually inaugurate International Film Festival.
Kochi-Mangaluru GAIL pipeline
Mr. Vijayan told reporters in India becomes sixth country to
Thiruvananthapuram that it was a matter manufacture high power electric
of happiness that the Prime Minister had locos indigenously
agreed to launch the natural gas pipeline The Indian Railways has operationalised
project. Prime Minister consented its first 12,000 hp electric locomotive
to virtually inaugurate the Kochi-
manufactured locally by French rolling
Mangaluru GAIL pipeline on January 5.
stock manufacturer Alstom.
The 444km-long pipeline was launched in
The locomotive made its maiden
2009 at an estimated cost of `2,915 crore
and was to be commissioned in 2014. commercial run between Deen Dayal
But opposition on safety and commercial Upadhyaya Station to Shivpur
grounds wherein the land price was the India has become the 6th country in
main hurdle, both from political parties the world to join the club of countries
and the public had left the project hanging producing high horsepower locomotives
fire. This had led to the project cost nearly indigenously with these powerful e-locos
doubling to over `5,750 crore. being manufactured within the nation.
National – Diary of Event Current Affairs, December - 2020
Current Affairs, December - 2020 National – Diary of Event
The statue has been built at a cost of Rs India’s first tiger reserve hot air balloon
1.08 crore. The Ridge Maidan also houses safari launched in Bandhavgarh Tiger
statues of Mahatma Gandhi and former Reserve of Madhya Pradesh
prime minister Indira Gandhi. India’s first ‘Hot Air Balloon Wildlife
Safari’ in a tiger reserve has been launched
India’s first Lithium refinery to be set in the Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve in
up in Gujarat Madhya Pradesh.
India’s first Lithium refinery is soon It is the first of its type service in any
going to be set up in Gujarat. Manikaran tiger reserve of India. The service is being
Power Limited, one of the country’s operated by Jaipur-based Sky Waltz.
largest power trading and renewable Tourists can watch tigers, leopards,
energy company will invest around Rs Indian sloth bear and other wild animals
from a height, and this activity will be
1,000 crore to set up this refinery.
restricted to the buffer area.
The refinery will process Lithium ore to
produce battery-grade material. Lithium
Housing & Urban Affairs Ministry
is a rare element and is usually not found
launches ‘E-Sampada’ mobile app
in India.
and portal for management of all GoI
Last year, Manikaran Power had
Estate services
collaborated with Australian firm
Neometals to tap the Mount Marion The Minister of State(I/C) for Housing
Lithium mine in Western Australia. & Urban Affairs Hardeep S Puri has
launched a new web portal and mobile
‘Swachhata Abhiyan’ app launched to app, ‘e-Sampada’ on 25 December 2020.
The website and mobile app has been
help rehabilitate manual scavengers
introduced by the Directorate of Estates,
A mobile application named ”Swachhata under the MoHUA, to boost transparency
Abhiyan” to identify and geotag and accountability in providing various
insanitary latrines and manual scavengers Estate Services, while ensuring ease of
was launched by Union Minister for living for the citizens.
Social Justice and Empowerment The ‘e-Sampada’ has been launched
Thaawarchand Gehlot. by integrating four websites (gpra.
This app would help in rehabilitating all,,,
manual scavengers and replace insanitary, and two Mobile
latrines with sanitary ones. Apps (m-Awas & m-Ashoka5) of the
Directorate of Estates, to bring all the
In the absence of any authentic data
services on the same platform throughout
base regarding the location of insanitary
the country.
latrines, it has been decided to seek the
The new application will provide a
help of NGOs, Social Organisations single-window for all the services like
and general public for collection and allotment, retention, regularisation, no
compilation of the data. dues certificate etc.
National – Diary of Event Current Affairs, December - 2020
Current Affairs, December - 2020 National – Diary of Event
The New Bhaupur – New Khurja section system in Ladakh. At 3,500 metres,
of EDFC is 351 km long and has been Meteorological Centre, Leh, will be the
built by TATA Projects Limited. highest meteorological centre in India.
The section will also reduce the
congestion level at the existing Kanpur- Cabinet Approves Export of
Delhi mainline and will enable Indian indigenously-developed Akash
Railways to run faster trains. Missile System
Apart from this, Modiji also inaugurated The Union Cabinet chaired by Prime
state-of-the-art Operation Control Centre Minister Narendra Modi has approved
(OCC) of EDFC at Prayagraj. the proposal to export indigenously-
developed Akash Missile System.
Ramesh Pokhriyal lays foundation The Cabinet has also approved to set up
stone of ‘TiHAN-IIT Hyderabad’ of a committee for faster approvals of
Union Minister of Education Ramesh exports..
Pokhriyal virtually laid the foundation The export version of Akash will be
stone of ‘TiHAN-IIT Hyderabad’, India’s different from System currently deployed
first Testbed for Autonomous Navigation with Indian Armed Forces.
Systems (Terrestrial and Aerial). Akash is a short range Surface to Air
The Department of Science and Missile with a range of 25 Kms to protect
Technology (DST), Government of vulnerable areas and vulnerable points
India, has sanctioned Rs. 135 crores from air attacks.
to IIT Hyderabad under the National It was inducted in IAF in 2014 and in the
Mission on Interdisciplinary Cyber- Indian Army in 2015.
Physical Systems (NM-ICPS) to set
up a Technology Innovation Hub on Indian Railways’ new Vistadome
Autonomous Navigation and Data coach successfully completes 180
Acquisition Systems (UAVs, RoVs, etc.). kmph speed trial
Recently, the Indian Railways successfully
Union Territory of Ladakh gets its completed the 180 km per hour speed
own meteorological centre trial of its new design Vistadome tourist
A meteorological centre was inaugurated coaches.
in the Union Territory of Ladakh which The luxurious tourists coaches have been
would provide localised weather forecasts manufactured by the Integral Coach
thus strengthening weather-related early Factory in Chennai.
warning system for the region. These Vistadome coaches will make train
At 3,500 metres, this meteorological journeys memorable for the passengers,
centre is the highest such facility in India. as well as give a further boost to tourism
Meteorological Centre at Leh to The European-style coaches are made
strengthen weather-related early warning with see-through glass rooftops and wide
National – Diary of Event Current Affairs, December - 2020
Current Affairs, December - 2020 International Affairs
World’s loneliest elephant moved The United States Environmental
from Pakistan to Cambodia Protection Agency regards air quality
An elephant described as the “world’s satisfactory if the AQI is under 50.
loneliest” has landed in Cambodia Lahore’s AQI fell in the range of 301
after a seven-hour flight from Pakistan, and higher, which has been classified as
receiving a warm welcome from Cher, “hazardous”.
who will accompany him to a sanctuary
housing potential mates. Singapore: first country to approve
The case of Kaavan an overweight, sale of lab created meet
36-year-old bull elephant prompted A maker of meat and egg substitutes,
global uproar from animal rights groups, has been approved to sell its laboratory-
who petitioned for him to be moved from created chicken in Singapore, which
an Islamabad zoo accused of substandard becomes the first government to allow
care and conditions. the sale of cultured meat.
US Air Quality Index: Lahore is India Ranks 8th and Afghanistan Tops
world’s most polluted city Global Terrorism Index 2020
Pakistan’s cultural capital Lahore has In the Global Terrorism Index (GTI) 2020,
once again topped the list of world’s most India has been ranked at 8th spot globally
polluted cities. in the list of countries most affected by
“Lahore ranks the most polluted city in terrorism in 2019.
the world,” according to air pollution The GTI score of India is 7.353 out of 10.
data released by the US Air Quality Index With a score of 9.592, Afghanistan has
According to the index, Lahore reported topped the index as the worst terror
a particulate matter (PM) rating of 423. impacted nation among the 163 countries.
Pakistan’s financial capital Karachi It is followed by Iraq (8.682) and
ranked at 7 on the AQI. New Delhi came Nigeria (8.314) at second and third place
in second with a PM of 229, while Nepal’s respectively.
capital Kathmandu ranked the third- Regionally, South Asia was the most
worst city with a PM of 178. impacted region by terrorism in 2019,
recording more deaths than any other
International Affairs Current Affairs, December - 2020
Also, globally the deaths caused due to was first shifted to Lucerne-Burgenstock,
terrorism fell by 15 percent to 13,286 in Switzerland in October 2020. Now again
2019 over 2018. the venue has been shifted to Singapore.
The Global Terrorism Index is published It would return to Davos, Switzerland, in
annually by the Institute for Economics 2022.
and Peace (IEP), headquartered in
Sydney, Australia, to measure the impact UNESCO Recognition
of terrorism on the countries.
The Hawker Culture of street food in
India invites UK’s Johnson as 2021 Singapore, has been inducted by UNESCO
in its prestigious ‘Representative List
Republic Day chief guest
of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of
United Kingdom Prime Minister, Boris
Johnson is expected to be the chief guest
The Hawker Culture is a popular
at 2021 Republic day with Prime Minister
Singaporean style of street dining and
Narendra Modi formally inviting him.
Johnson, on his part, has invited PM Modi
culinary practices in a multicultural
to the G-7 summit in the United Kingdom urban environment.
next year. The last British prime minister Hawker centers are naturally-ventilated
at the Republic Day parade was John premises with stalls selling food from
Major in 1993. various cultures like Chinese, Malay,
Indian, among others.
World Economic Forum 2021 to The Hawkers of Singapore are known to
be held in Singapore instead of master a variety of cuisines which they
Switzerland serve at the ‘community dining rooms’
The World Economic Forum (WEF) has where people from across all walks
decided to host its 2021 annual meeting in of life gather and share their unique
Singapore, which earlier was scheduled experiences.
to take place in Lucerne-Burgenstock,
Switzerland from 13-16 May 2021.
20th IORA Council of Ministers
The decision to shift the annual forum
Meeting Held in UAE
from Switzerland has been taken in view The 20th edition of the IORA Council
of the Covid-19 situation in Europe. of Ministers (COM) Meeting was on
This would be the second time since its December 17 via video conferencing
inception in 1971 that the forum will be under the Chairmanship of United Arab
held outside Switzerland. In 2002, the Emirates (UAE).
forum was held in New York to show The theme of the meeting was “Promoting
solidarity with the American people in a Shared Destiny and Path to Prosperity
the aftermath of 9/11. in the Indian Ocean”.
The meeting is generally held in Davos, The COM-20 was inaugurated by Sheikh
Switzerland, but amid covid, the meeting Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Minister
Current Affairs, December - 2020 International Affairs
of Foreign Affairs and International During the conference, PM proposed to
Cooperation of the UAE. create a library of traditional Buddhist
The UAE assumed the position of the literature and scriptures in India.
IORA Chair in November 2019 during This library will collect digital copies of
the 19th COM, for the period 2019-2021. Buddhist literature from across different
The Indian delegation was led by Shri parts of the world. The library will then
V. Muraleedharan, MoS, Ministry of translate these works and make them
External Affairs. available for all scholars and monks of
All 22 Member States and 10 Dialogue Buddhism.
Partners participated in the virtual The first India-Japan conference,
meeting to discuss ways in coordinating Samvad-I, was held in New Delhi in 2015,
efforts to achieve IORA’s vision for a at Bodh Gaya.
peaceful, stable, and prosperous Indian
Ocean region as outlined in the Jakarta ‘Taste of India’ Campaign organized
Concord and IORA Action Plan. in Bangkok
During the 2020 COM, France was
In a bid to boost exports potential of India’s
inducted as the 23rd member state of
IORA. agricultural and processed food products
Sri Lanka has assumed the charge of Vice exports, APEDA organized a Virtual
Chair of IORA for the period 2021-23. Buyer Seller Meet (BSM), in association
with Indian Embassy in Thailand, on
About Indian Ocean Rim Association
21st December 2020. The meet brought
The IORA is an inter-governmental
together key stakeholders from the
organisation which was established on respective Governments and trade on
March 7, 1997. Headquarter : Ebene, a common platform for strengthening
Mauritius strategic cooperation between India and
IORA’s apex body is the Council of Thailand in Agri Food Sector.
Foreign Ministers (COM) which meets This Virtual-BSM with Thailand is the
annually, with the aim of promoting 13th in the series of such events organized
regional cooperation, prosperity, and by APEDA with various countries. Earlier
growth in the Indian Ocean region. such Virtual-BSM were organized with
It comprise of 22 Member states and 10 the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Kuwait,
Dialogue partners. Indonesia, Switzerland, Belgium, Iran,
South Africa, Germany, the United States,
Prime Minister Narendra Modi
Canada and Australia.
addresses 6th Indo-Japan SAMVAD
Conference World’s oldest panda in captivity dies
Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed in China
the sixth edition of the India-Japan Xinxing, the world’s oldest giant panda
SAMVAD conference held on December in captivity, has died of multiple organ
21, 2020, via virtual conferencing. failure at the age of 38 years and four
International Affairs Current Affairs, December - 2020
Current Affairs, December - 2020 Tamilnadu Affairs
Sidbi, TN Govt sign MoU for MSME methodologies to collect caste-wise
training programs quantifiable data, in an attempt to
MSME financier Sidbi signs a nullify Pattali Makkal Katchi’s demand
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and protest for 20 per cent reservation
with the Government of Tamil Nadu to for Vanniyars, who belong to the Most
set up a Project Management Unit (PMU) Backward Class.
that will design training and capacity
Women judges up to 13 in Madras HC
building programs.
The programs will be designed in areas The Madras High Court retained its
such as technology transfer, promotion of position as the High Court with the
innovation, intellectual property rights, highest number of women judges.
research & development, leveraging of The newly appointed judges sworn
technology and technology solutions in by Chief Justice AP Sahi this
for enhancing business capabilities morning are Justices Govindarajulu
and collaborations between MSMEs & Chandrasekharan, AA Nakkiran,
technology driven businesses, startups, Veerasamy Sivagnanam, Ganesan
etc. Ilangovan, Ananthi Subramanian,
Kannammal Shanmuga Sundaram, Sathi
Fruit processing plant set up at Kumar Sukumara Kurup, Murali Shankar
Karumanthurai farm near Salem Kuppuraju. Manjula Ramaraju Nalliah
A fruit processing center has been set up
and Thamilselvi T Valayapalayam.
at the Government Horticulture and Hill
Recommendation to the Central
Tracts Department in Karumanthurai,
Government to unite 7 castes in the
Salem District. Through this, value added
name of Devendra Kulavelallar
products like jam, juice and pickles are
produced and sold directly. Chief Minister Palanisamy announced
that they are going to recommend to
T.N. to constitute Commission for the Central Government to unite the 7
collecting caste-wise data castes and call them by the same name as
Tamil Nadu government announced Devendra Kulavelalaar .
setting up of a commission to examine The 7 castes including Pallar, Kudumban,
Tamilnadu Affairs Current Affairs, December - 2020
Pannadi, Kaladi, Kadayar , Devendra and fever, and in the first phase, 630 mini-
Kulathan continued to insist on calling clinics would operate across the State.
him by the same name as Devendra
Kulavelar . Health ministry’s telemedicine
service eSanjeevani logs 1 million
Ola to set up world’s largest scooter consultations
factory in Tamil Nadu at Rs 2,400 cr The Union Health Ministry’s national
The SoftBank-backed mobility platform telemedicine initiative eSanjeevani
Ola has signed a Memorandum of completed a million consultations.
Understanding (MoU) with the Tamil The top ten States with highest
Nadu government, to set up its first consultations through eSanjeevani are
factory in the state, at an investment of Rs Tamil Nadu (319507), Uttar Pradesh
2,400 crore. (2,68,889), Madhya Pradesh (70,838),
Upon completion, the Ola factory in Gujarat (63,601), Kerala (62,797),
Tamil Nadu will be the largest scooter Himachal Pradesh (49,224), Andhra
manufacturing facility in the world. Pradesh (39,853), Karnataka (32,693),
Initially, the factory will have an annual Uttarakhand (31,910) and Maharashtra
manufacturing capacity of 2 million units. (12,635).
The factory is in line with Prime
Minister Narendra Modi’s vision of an Free tablet computers in TN
AtmaNirbhar Bharat, and will make India The minister announced the government
a manufacturing hub for two-wheeler had formulated a plan to replace 80,000
electric vehicles. blackboards with smartboards in
government schools. An announcement
50 mini-clinics in Chennai to begin on establishing 7,200 smart classrooms is
operations from December 14 expected after January 15.
Close to 50 mini-clinics in Chennai across
the 15 zones of the Corporation. Award to be named after ryots’ leader
Chief Minister Edappadi K Palaniswami Chief Minister Edappadi K Palaniswami
will inaugurate the scheme tomorrow announced that the award being given
from the clinic in Sheik Mestri Street in to farmers for obtaining highest yield
Royapuram. of paddy through the System of Rice
A total of 47 clinics would begin Intensification method during the
operations in Chennai from tomorrow Republic Day celebrations every year
and subsequent, they will be expanded will be named after farmers’ leader late C
based on the need. Narayanasamy Naidu, who strove for the
CM announced that Tamil Nadu would rights of the farmers for many decades.
be having 2000 mini-clinics for attending Narayanasamy launched the Tamil Nadu
to minor ailments such as cold, cough Farmers Association in 1973 and toured
Current Affairs, December - 2020 Tamilnadu Affairs
the State and organised conferences The Chennai ICF. During the month of
for ensuring the rights of farmers. He December, the MEMU train set a record
passed away on December 21, 1984 after for the successful test run of tourist
addressing a public meeting for farmers carriages and assists in nesting.
at Kovilpatti.
TN Chief Minister Palaniswami
Tamil Nadu govt warns legal action Inaugurates Mayiladuthurai District
against political parties holding gram Tamil Nadu Chief Minister K
sabhas Palaniswami inaugurated the newly-
The Tamil Nadu government directed the formed Mayiladuthurai district through
district collectors to initiate legal action video conferencing from the Secretariat
against the political parties that misuse in Chennai. The 38th district in the state
the name of gram sabhas to hold political has been carved out of Nagapattinam
rallies. district.
The gram sabha is an administrative set The new district comprises four taluks –
up constituted under the Constitution. Mayiladuthurai, Sirkazhi, Tarangambadi,
The powers to convene a meeting are and Kuthalam. It has a total population of
vested with the panchayat president 9.01 lakh.
under section 3 (2-A) of the Tamil Nadu R Lalitha, who served as the special officer
Panchayats Act, 1994. for district formation has taken charge as
On his failure, the inspector of panchayats the district collector. IPS officer Srinatha
or the district collector can convene the has been appointed as the superintendent
meeting. Some political parties hold of police.
political rallies in the name of gram
sabhas to confuse people for political ‘Namma Chennai’: Selfie spot on
gains. Not only is this contrary to the Marina
provisions of the Panchayats Act but such The selfie spot that is being built near
acts also slander the set up. the Marina beach will be open to the
public within a week, ahead of Pongal
Manufacture of electric and passenger celebrations in the city, according to
train sets at ICF senior corporation officials.
The world-renowned box factory (ICF) is The words ‘Namma Chennai’ will stand
located in Perambur, Chennai. The train on a three-foot pedestal, towering about
sets manufactured here are exported not 10 feet in height. The typography has
only to Indian Railways but also abroad. been made at a cost of Rs 22 lakh.
Made in over 600 designs in 50 variants,
including sophisticated train box and
tour train box, to suit the needs and time
of the passengers.