Fimmu 09 00328
Fimmu 09 00328
Fimmu 09 00328
Institute for Life Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, University of Southampton, University Hospital Southampton NHS
Foundation Trust, Southampton, United Kingdom, 2 Institute of Developmental Science, Human Development and Health,
Faculty of Medicine, University of Southampton, Southampton, United Kingdom
The success of prevention of mother to child transmission programs over the last
two decades has led to an increasing number of infants who are exposed to human
immunodeficiency virus (HIV), but who are not themselves infected (HIV-exposed,
uninfected infants). Although the morbidity and mortality among HIV-exposed, unin-
fected infants is considerably lower than that among HIV-infected infants, they may
Edited by:
Rashika El Ridi, remain at increased risk of infections in the first 2 years of life compared with their
Cairo University, Egypt HIV-unexposed peers, especially in the absence of breastfeeding. There is some evi-
Reviewed by: dence of immunological differences in HIV-exposed, uninfected infants, which could
Pietro Speziale,
Università Degli Studi di Pavia, Italy
play a role in susceptibility to infection. Cytomegalovirus (CMV) may contribute to
Anita S. Iyer, the increased immune activation observed in HIV-exposed, uninfected infants. Infants
Harvard Medical School, born to HIV-infected women are at increased risk of congenital CMV infection, as well
United States
as early acquisition of postnatal CMV infection. In infants with HIV infection, CMV
Olivia Falconer co-infection in early life is associated with higher morbidity and mortality. This review considers how HIV infection, HIV exposure, and CMV infection affect infant responses
to vaccination, and explores possible immunological and other explanations for these
Specialty section:
This article was submitted
findings. HIV-infected infants have lower vaccine-induced antibody concentrations
to Vaccines and Molecular following tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis, hepatitis B, and pneumococcal vaccination,
Therapeutics, a section although the clinical relevance of this difference is not known. Despite lower concentra-
of the journal
Frontiers in Immunology tions of maternal-specific antibody at birth, HIV-exposed, uninfected infants respond
Received: 16 October 2017 to vaccination at least as well as their HIV-unexposed uninfected peers. CMV infection
Accepted: 06 February 2018 leads to an increase in activation and differentiation of the whole T-cell population,
Published: 02 March 2018
but there is limited data on the effects of CMV infection on infant vaccine responses.
In light of growing evidence of poor clinical outcomes associated with CMV infection
Falconer O, Newell M-L and
Jones CE (2018) The Effect of in HIV-exposed, uninfected infants, further studies are particularly important in this
Human Immunodeficiency Virus group. A clearer understanding of the mechanisms by which maternal viral infections
and Cytomegalovirus Infection
on Infant Responses to influence the developing infant immune system is critical to the success of maternal
Vaccines: A Review. and infant vaccination strategies.
Front. Immunol. 9:328.
doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2018.00328 Keywords: human immunodeficiency virus, cytomegalovirus, vaccines, immune responses, infant
Vaccine Age at Age at blood HIV-infected HIV- Main findings in HIV-infected compared with
vaccination sampling infants on unexposed HIV-unexposed infants
ART, n infants, n
South Africa (7) PCV 7, 11, and 20 weeks 172 125 • No significant difference in % protected or concentration of specific IgG
15 weeks • Opsonophagocytic assay: higher concentration of antibody needed for
50% killing activity for 2/3 serotypes (antibody (95% CI) for 50% killing
24 (21–27) vs 19 (16–23), p = 0.045 for serotype 19F; 4 (3–5) vs 2 (2–3),
p = 0.007 for serotype 23F)
South Africa (8) PCV 7, 11, and 7, 11, 15, and 205 119 • Pre-vaccination, lower concentration of specific IgG for 3/7 serotypes
15 weeks 20 weeks (mean GMC 0.14 vs 0.22, p ≤ 0.004) and lower % protected for 4/7
serotypes (mean 30 vs 45%, p ≤ 0.008)
• Following dose 1, significantly lower specific IgG concentrations for 3/7
serotypes (mean 0.42 vs 0.60, p ≤ 0.016) and lower % protected (mean
34 vs 49%, p ≤ 0.007) for 4/7 serotypes
• No difference after dose 2
South Africa (9) DTwP-Hib, 6, 10, and 7 and 20 weeks 172 114 • Pre-vaccination, lower concentration of antibody to tetanus (GMC 0.086
HBV 14 weeks vs 0.421 IU/ml N/nm, p < 0.001), HBsAg (GMC 5.81 vs 7.74 mIU/ml N/n,
p = 0.01), and pertussis (GMC 17.67 vs 40.65 IU/ml, p < 0.001)
• Post-vaccination antibody concentration lower for tetanus (GMC 0.405 vs
0.952 IU/ml N/nm, p < 0.001), diphtheria (GMC 0.200 vs 0.272 IU/ml N/n,
p = 0.001), HBsAg (GMC 924.87 vs 2,521.03 mIU/ml N/n, p < 0.001),
and pertussis (GMC 40.48 vs 61.24 IU/ml, p < 0.001), but no difference in
% protected
South Africa (10) Measles 9 and 2.5, 4, 15.5, 16, 182 115 • Pre-vaccination, significantly lower % protected (41.8 vs 65.2%)
15.5 months and 24 months • At 24 months, no significant difference in antibody concentration or %
Zambia (21) OPV 0, 6, 10, and 18 months 17 397 • Lower antibody titer (log2 antibody titer 4.71 (SD 2.97) vs 8.15 (SD 2.09),
14 weeks, p < 0.01)
12 months • Lower proportion had protective antibody levels (64.5 vs 98.4%, p < 0.01)
PCV, pneumococcal conjugate vaccine; DTwP-Hib, diphtheria, tetanus, whole cell pertussis, Hib; OPV, oral polio vaccine; % protected, proportion protected; CI, confidence
interval, Ig, immunoglobulin; HBSAg, hepatitis B surface antigen; ART, antiretroviral therapy; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus.
concentrations of antibody to tetanus, diphtheria, and HBsAg (p < 0.01), and a lower proportion had protective antibody lev-
that are deemed protective (9). els than HIV-unexposed infants (64.5 vs 98.4%, p < 0.01) (26).
Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV) antibody concen Following measles vaccination at age 9 months, there was no
trations were lower in HIV-infected infants after the first and significant difference in measles-specific IgG levels at 24 months
second PCV doses (8), but after the third dose the antibody con- in HIV-infected infants compared with HIV-unexposed infants
centration and proportion of infants protected were similar in in a study from South Africa, and no difference in the proportion
HIV-infected and HIV-unexposed infants (7). However, an op- of infants with protective antibody levels (10).
sonophagocytic assay showed that antibody against two out of Human immunodeficiency virus-infected newborns are
three PCV serotypes tested in HIV-infected infants receiving potentially more susceptible to vaccine-preventable diseases for
ART had 26–50% lower killing activity than that of HIV- a longer period than HIV-unexposed infants (8, 10). As well as
unexposed infants. This suggests that HIV-infected infants may having lower responses to the first two doses of vaccine (as seen
not mount as effective an antibody response against pneumo- with PCV and measles), compared with HIV-unexposed infants,
coccal disease as HIV-uninfected infants, despite producing HIV-infected infants had lower pre-vaccination concentrations
a similar concentration of antibody following vaccination of antibody to three of seven PCV serotypes (8), tetanus (GMC
(7). A UK study of older children (mean age 12.8 years, range 0.086 vs 0.421, p < 0.001), HBsAg (GMC 5.81 vs 7.74, p = 0.01),
1–17.4 years) showed that a lower proportion of HIV-infected and pertussis (GMC 17.67 vs 40.65, p < 0.001) (9, 10). Similarly,
individuals were protected against three of 13 PCV serotypes, before vaccination a lower proportion of HIV-infected than
compared with HIV-unexposed children and adults. This was HIV-unexposed infants had protective levels of antibody to PCV
despite an equal or larger proportion of HIV-infected children (for four serotypes, mean 30 vs 45% protected, p ≤ 0.008) and
having previously received the 7-valent or polysaccharide pneu- measles (9, 10).
mococcal vaccines (25).
In a Zambian cohort in which mothers received short- Cellular Responses
course intrapartum nevirapine to prevent mother-to-child trans- In a study in South Africa, in which mothers received PMTCT
mission during labor and delivery, but infants did not receive and infected infants (diagnosed at 6 weeks) were not breastfed and
ART, HIV-infected infants who received oral polio vaccine (OPV) did not receive ART, T-cell responses to BCG in HIV-infected in-
had 42% lower neutralizing antibody responses at 18 months fants were compared with those in HIV-unexposed infants (27).
After BCG vaccine on day 1 of life, HIV-infected infants had load had a stronger negative association with infant growth than
severely impaired T-cell responses at 3 months, and by breastmilk HIV load (36).
9–12 months the response was almost absent (27). Both the In summary, HIV-infected infants receiving ART may have
magnitude of the CD4 and CD8 T-cell responses, and the poly- impaired ability to mount quantitatively and qualitatively ade-
functionality of the CD4 response were markedly reduced (27). quate antibody responses to vaccines compared with HIV-
Secreted cytokines interferon (IFN)-γ and interleukin-2 were unexposed infants. The clinical effect of impaired vaccine
also present in significantly lower concentrations in HIV-infected responses on morbidity from vaccine-preventable disease is not
than HIV-unexposed infants at 3 months, although tumor known. Shorter breastfeeding duration, poorer nutritional status
necrosis factor (TNF)-α concentration was not significantly and increased exposure to co-infections in HIV-infected infants
different (27). may be contributing factors, and their impact requires further
investigation to fully understand the mechanisms underlying
the changes in vaccine responses in HIV-infected infants. CMV
Mechanisms of Altered Vaccine infection is almost ubiquitous in low-resource settings, and its
Responses in HIV-Infected Infants clinical effects on infants with HIV suggest it is having an impor-
Both maternal and infant factors are likely to be involved in tant effect on the immune system, and could be an important
the observed differences in antibody and cellular responses to modifiable factor in reducing morbidity and mortality of HIV-
vaccines seen in HIV-infected compared with HIV-unexposed infected infants.
infants (8). In HIV-infected infants, lower CD4 count may
impair the mechanisms leading to induction and maintenance
of immunological memory to vaccine antigens (26). The obser- VACCINE RESPONSES IN HIV-EXPOSED,
vation that specific antibody concentrations are lower in HIV- UNINFECTED INFANTS
infected infants before vaccination may suggest reduced transfer
of antibody across the placenta (8, 10). Both reduced antibody Humoral Responses
concentration and impaired placental function in HIV-infected Detailed studies in HIV-exposed, uninfected infants have demon
mothers may contribute to this (28, 29). strated differing patterns of antibody responses to vaccines
There are inherent difficulties in comparing vaccine responses compared with HIV-unexposed infants (Table 2), and revealed
in HIV-infected with HIV-unexposed infant populations, as the likely underlying mechanisms.
two groups are likely to differ in duration of breastfeeding, expo- After three doses of pertussis-containing vaccine, antibody
sure to ART, socioeconomic status, exposure to co-infections, levels in HIV-exposed, uninfected infants were two to seven
nutritional status, and survival. In a multivariable analysis of times higher than in unexposed infants (9, 29, 37). However, fol-
factors associated with response to OPV (primary course and lowing the booster dose at 18 months, the proportion of children
booster at age 12 months) at 18 months of age, increasing breast- with protective antibody levels was non-significantly higher
feeding duration was associated with increasing poliovirus in HIV-exposed, uninfected infants than in HIV-unexposed
antibody level (26). In this study, median breastfeeding duration children (37).
was 6 months in HIV-infected mother-infant pairs compared Following the first one to two doses of Hib vaccine, concen-
with 15 months in HIV-uninfected pairs (p < 0.01). Differences tration of specific antibody was 12 times higher at 16 weeks in
in breastfeeding duration in HIV-infected and unexposed groups HIV-exposed, uninfected than unexposed infants (29), but there
were not stated in the other studies described earlier, although in was no significant difference when infants had received all three
four of the studies, infants were co-enrolled in the CHER trial in doses (9, 29, 37, 38). Similarly, tetanus antibody concentration
South Africa, a randomized controlled trial evaluating antiret- was higher after one to two doses, but not significantly different
roviral treatment strategies, in which only 14% of infants were at 4, 5, or 6 months following three doses (9, 29, 37). Six months
breastfed (30). Short duration or refraining from breastfeeding after the fourth (booster) dose, at 24 months, the antibody con
in low and middle-income settings, including for HIV-infected centration was significantly higher in the HIV-exposed, uninfected
infants, is associated with increased infectious morbidity, stun children than in the HIV-unexposed children (p < 0.05) (37).
ting, and wasting (31–33). One study found that at 7 months tetanus antibody concentration
A recent review of the effects of maternal nutritional status was significantly lower in HIV-exposed, uninfected infants than
on infant vaccine responses concluded that maternal macro- and unexposed infants, but neither study found any significant differ-
micronutrient deficiency during pregnancy is likely to impair ence in the proportion of infants protected (37, 39).
infant responses to vaccines, even in the presence of nutrient In studies in South Africa, HIV-exposed, uninfected infants
supplementation (34). who received all three doses of PCV had significantly higher
Increased exposure to opportunistic infections through breast- antibody concentrations at 16 and 20 weeks (7, 29), although
feeding (for example, CMV infection) or close contact with HIV- opsonophagocytic activity was reduced compared with unex-
infected mothers who may have co-infection may affect immune posed infants for 1 out of 3 serotypes (7).
responses in HIV-infected infants. In HIV and CMV co-infection, The increased antibody responses to the initial doses of Hib,
infants have accelerated HIV progression, increased mortality, tetanus, and other vaccines can be explained by reduced inter-
growth delay and cognitive impairment, compared with HIV- ference from maternally derived antibody in HIV-exposed, un-
infected infants without CMV (35). In Malawi, breastmilk CMV infected infants. Before vaccination, HIV-exposed, uninfected
Vaccine Age at Age at blood HIV-exposed HIV- Findings in HIV-exposed uninfected compared with
vaccination sampling uninfected unexposed HIV-unexposed infants
infants, n infants, n
South Africa (7) PCV 7, 11, and 20 weeks 120 125 • Overall no difference in specific IgG concentration or % protected after
15 weeks third dose (median 99 vs 98% protected)
South Africa (8) PCV 7, 11, and 7, 11, 15, and 124 119 • Pre-vaccination: for 7/7 serotypes, significantly lower specific
15 weeks 20 weeks IgG concentration (median GMC 0.12 vs 0.21, p ≤ 0.006) and %
protected (median 18 vs 32%, p ≤ 0.005)
• Post-dose 1: significantly lower specific IgG concentration (4/7
serotypes, median GMC 0.26 vs 0.53, p ≤ 0.003) and % protected
(5/7 serotypes, median 35 vs 49%, p ≤ 0.019)
• Post-dose 2: overall no significant difference in GMT or
% protected
South Africa (9) DTwP-HibCV, 6, 10, and 7 and 20 weeks 120 114 • Pre-vaccination: lower antibody concentration against tetanus (GMC
HBV 14 weeks 0.219 vs 0.421 IU/ml N/nm, p = 0.001); higher antibody concentration
and % protected against diphtheria (61 vs 29% protected, p < 0.001)
and HBsAg (81 vs 50% protected, p < 0.001)
• Post-vaccination: lower antibody concentration against HBsAg (GMC
2,019.28 vs 2,521.03, p = 0.041) but mean 99.2% protected. Higher
antibody concentration (GMC 261.30 vs 134.34, p < 0.001) and %
achieving fourfold increase (76.7 vs 39.1%, p < 0.001) in response to
South Africa (10) Measles 9 and 2.5, 4, 15.5, 16, 116 115 • Pre-vaccination: no significant difference in GMT or % protected at
15.5 months and 24 months 2.5 months
• Before booster (15.5 months): significantly higher antibody
concentration (GMT 3,009 vs 2,212, p = 0.008) but no difference in
% protected
• After booster: significantly lower antibody concentration at 16 months
(GMT 2,532 vs 3,124, p = 0.015) and 24 months (GMT 1,773 vs
2,248, p = 0.004), and lower % protected at 24 months (79.6 vs
94.3%, p = 0.002)
Malawi (13) BCG, OPV Birth 10 weeks 13 21 • No difference in anti-M. tb and anti-polio IgG
Zambia (21) OPV 0, 6, 10, and 18 months 133 397 • Significantly lower antibody titer (difference in log2 antibody titer −0.62,
14 weeks, 95% CI −1.04; −0.21, p < 0.01)
12 months
South Africa (25) DTP-Hib or 6, 10, and Birth, 16 weeks 38 55 • Pre-vaccination: significantly lower antibody concentrations to Hib,
DTaP-IPV/ 14 weeks pertussis, pneumococcus, and tetanus; lower % protected
Hib, HBV, against Hib (17 vs 52%, p < 0.001), pertussis (24 vs 57%, p = 0.001),
PCV tetanus (43 vs 74%, p = 0.002), and hepatitis B (21 vs 54%,
p = 0.01)
• Post-vaccination: following 1–2 doses, higher antibody concentration
against Hib (6.46 vs 0.52 mg/L, p = 0.02), pertussis (81.16 vs 11.6
FDA IU/mL, p < 0.001), pneumococcus and tetanus (1.86 vs 0.50
IU/mL, p = 0.01). Following 3 doses, higher antibody concentration
against pertussis (270.1 vs 91.7 FDA U/mL, p = 0.006) and
pneumococcus (47.32 vs 14.77 mg/L, p = 0.001)
• Greater fold increase in antibody level against Hib (21.15 vs 2.97,
p = 0.007) and pertussis (9.51 vs 2.16, p = 0.007)
• Infant:maternal antibody ratio (proxy for placental transfer of antibody)
lower by 23% for Hib, 40% for pertussis, and 27% for tetanus in HIV-
infected compared with HIV-uninfected mothers
South Africa (33) DTP, Hib, 6, 10, and 0.5, 1.5, 3, 6, 27 28 • Pre-vaccination, significantly lower antibody levels against tetanus
HBV, 14 weeks; 12, 18, and (p < 0.025) and higher against hepatitis B (p < 0.025)
measles DTP booster 24 months • DTP, Hib, and HBV: after 2 doses, no difference in antibody levels or
18 months; % protected. After 3 doses: higher antibody level and
measles 9, % protected against pertussis. At 24 months higher antibody
18 months level against tetanus
• Measles: no differences between groups
Denmark (34) Hib 3, 5, and 15 months 19 7 • No difference in antibody concentration
12 months
TABLE 2 | Continued
Vaccine Age at Age at blood HIV-exposed HIV- Findings in HIV-exposed uninfected compared with
vaccination sampling uninfected unexposed HIV-unexposed infants
infants, n infants, n
Brazil (35) HBV, DTP/ HBV: 0, 1, 7 months 53 112 • HBV: more non-responders (6.7 vs 3.6%, χ2 10.93, df = 1) and more
Hib and 6 months very good responders (64.4 vs 38.8%, non-significant) among
DTP/Hib: 2, 4, HIV-exposed infants
and 6 months • Tetanus: significantly lower antibody titer against tetanus (GMT 1.520
vs 2.712, p = 0.013), but 100% of infants were protected
• Diphtheria: no significant differences between groups
M. tb, Mycobacterium tuberculosis; OPV, oral polio vaccine; PCV, pneumococcal conjugate vaccine; DTwP-Hib, diphtheria, tetanus, whole cell pertussis, Hib; HBV, hepatitis
B vaccine; DTaP-IPV/Hib, diphtheria, tetanus toxoid, and acellular pertussis combined with inactivated polio vaccine and Hib; HBsAg, hepatitis B surface antigen; % protected,
proportion protected; GMC, geometric mean concentration; GMT, geometric mean titer; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; Ig, immunoglobulin; CI, confidence interval.
infants consistently had lower antibody concentrations against this was no longer significant after adjusting for breastfeeding
PCV (seven serotypes), pertussis, Hib, and tetanus in a number duration (26).
of studies (8, 9, 29, 37). For each of these specific antibodies, there In summary, typically vaccines for which the antibody con-
was significantly reduced placental transfer, with reductions of centration is lower before vaccination result in higher concentra-
15–40% in the ratio of maternal antibody to infant antibody con- tions after vaccination. This is true for only the first one to two
centrations at birth (29). Individual infants with lower antibody doses of Hib and tetanus vaccines, but persists to the end of the
levels at birth had larger antibody responses at 16 weeks, and course of PCV and pertussis. For all four vaccines there is reduced
HIV-exposed, uninfected infants had a significantly larger fold maternal trans-placental transfer of antibody (29). There are less
increase than unexposed infants following vaccination against clear trends for measles and hepatitis B vaccines, which may be
PCV, pertussis, and Hib (29). more dependent on population transmission and prevalence.
Two South African studies have compared measles vaccine HIV exposure did not appear to have any effect on antibody
responses in HIV-exposed, uninfected, and unexposed infants. responses to diphtheria or OPV. Overall, HIV-exposed, uninfec
One study found antibody concentrations were 36% higher at ted infants respond at least as well to vaccines as their unexposed
16 months, but after the booster dose, both the antibody titer and peers.
proportion of infants protected were lower at 24 months (79.6
vs 94.3% protected, p = 0.002) (10). The other study found the Cellular Responses
opposite; however, in this study antibody responses were lower Human immunodeficiency virus-exposed, uninfected infants
in all groups, especially HIV-unexposed infants, for whom only produce strong T-cell responses to BCG vaccine. In South
50% had antibody concentrations associated with protection at Africa, BCG-specific CD4 and CD8 T-cell proliferation increased
2 years (37). Pre-vaccination levels of measles antibody did not significantly after vaccination in HIV-exposed, uninfected, and
differ significantly in HIV-exposed and unexposed infants in unexposed infants at 14 weeks (40). In another study, all 94 HIV-
either study (10, 37). exposed, uninfected infants formed a scar (41). T-cell prolifera-
Antibody responses to hepatitis B vaccine in HIV-exposed, tion and cytokine secretion were not affected by maternal HIV
uninfected infants were heterogeneous, with higher proportions infection or Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. tb) sensitization at
of both non-responders (6.7 vs 3.6%, χ2 10.93, df = 1) and very time points between 6 weeks and 12 months (13, 27, 40, 42, 43).
good responders (64.4 vs 38.4%, non-significant) at 7 months, Differences in the frequencies of specific T-cell subpopula-
compared with HIV-unexposed infants in Brazil (39). At time tions have been found between HIV-exposed, uninfected, and
points between 3 and 24 months, no significant differences were unexposed infants before and after BCG vaccination (40, 42). In
found in the overall proportion of infants with protective anti- HIV-exposed and uninfected infants, the CD4 and CD8 T-cell
body levels in HIV-exposed, uninfected, and unexposed groups response at 14 weeks was less polyfunctional, indicating a less
in Brazil and South Africa (9, 29, 37, 39). Before vaccination, the effective response (42). However, this may simply reflect imma-
proportion of infants with protective antibody levels was higher turity, as infants were vaccinated within 3 days after birth, and
in HIV-exposed than unexposed infants in two studies from South another study in which the infants were vaccinated at 6 weeks
Africa and lower in one study in the same country (9, 29, 37). found very little difference in T-cell subpopulations at 16 weeks,
In two studies of responses to diphtheria vaccine, antibody compared with HIV-unexposed infants (40).
responses in HIV-exposed, uninfected, and HIV-unexposed At birth, no differences in BCG-specific T-cell proliferation
infants did not differ, with more than 98% protected following or functionality are seen between HIV-exposed, uninfected, and
the primary course (9, 39). Pre-vaccination anti-diphtheria unexposed infants (40). However, there are differences in the fre-
toxin antibody levels were significantly higher in HIV-exposed, quencies of some T-cell subsets, some of which correlate between
uninfected infants (GMC 0.136 vs 0.078, p < 0.001) (9). There mother-infant pairs, with the strongest associations between
were no differences found in IgG concentrations against OPV HIV-infected, M. tb sensitized mothers, and their infants (40).
at 10 weeks (13). The response to OPV at 18 months was lower Secretion of TNF-α and IFN-γ in response to BCG antigens was
in HIV-exposed uninfected infants than unexposed infants, but increased at birth in HIV-exposed uninfected infants compared
with HIV-unexposed infants, but only when their mothers had Infants of mothers with HIV infection may be exposed
evidence of latent tuberculosis infection (40). These findings antenatally to HIV proteins and/or maternal immune factors that
support the idea that HIV-exposed uninfected infants are able have a wider effect on the development of the immune system
to mount just as robust a response to BCG vaccine as unexposed in utero and early infancy. HIV-exposed, uninfected infants may
infants, but that the immune system may be primed by antenatal have a smaller thymus, which has been associated with immune
exposure to maternal HIV and tuberculosis infection (40). abnormalities in early infancy (38). There is some evidence that
Two studies have investigated the cellular response to other T-cells in HIV-exposed, uninfected infants show changes in
vaccine antigens in HIV-exposed, uninfected infants compared proliferation and phenotype compared with HIV-unexposed
with unexposed infants. In response to pertussis vaccine, one infants (13). CD4 count may be significantly lower and represent
study found no significant differences in T-cell proliferation at a smaller proportion of total lymphocytes, and some studies have
14 weeks in HIV-exposed, uninfected, and unexposed infants, found an association between infant and maternal CD4 count
but HIV-exposed infants showed reduced polyfunctionality in (13, 46). The reduction in T-lymphocytes occurs mainly in less
CD4 and CD8 responses (42). Similarly, tetanus vaccine-specific differentiated subsets, and cells expressing markers of replica-
T-cell responses showed no differences at 3 months, but at tive senescence (CD57 and PD-1) are more frequent (13). At
12 months HIV-exposed uninfected infants had reduced poly- birth and 6 weeks, the background concentration of IFNγ was
functionality, and a lower proportion of effector memory T-cells reported to be significantly higher in HIV-exposed, uninfected
compared with HIV-uninfected infants (43). infants than unexposed infants in one study in South Africa (41).
A similar pattern was seen in response to stimulation with These early changes could represent priming of some aspects of
staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB) in one study, even after the immune response in utero, leading the alterations in prolife
adjusting for differences in birthweight, breastfeeding, and ges- ration and function of T-cell subsets in response to vaccinations
tational age (42). However, another study found that cytokine in HIV-exposed infants (13, 39–41).
production and polyfunctionality were increased overall at Another antenatal factor that may affect HIV-exposed, unin-
3 months but reduced at 12 months (43). fected infants is exposure to ART. Nevirapine has been associated
with slightly increased markers of immune activation in cord
blood (47), and maternal ART was associated with reduced
Mechanisms of Altered Vaccine neutrophil and lymphocyte counts in HIV-exposed, uninfected
Responses in HIV-Exposed, infants, with the largest difference in infants of mothers on com-
Uninfected Infants bination therapy (46). However, an association between maternal
Human immunodeficiency virus-exposed, uninfected infants ART and infant vaccine-specific T-cell responses has not so far
are exposed to antenatal factors that might affect both their anti- been demonstrated (42, 43).
body and T-cell responses to vaccines. There is compelling evi- Increasing maternal age is associated with higher infant levels
dence that in mothers with HIV infection, less IgG is transferred of pertussis antibody at birth (29). This might be influenced by
across the placenta than in HIV-uninfected mothers, resulting differing maternal exposure to circulating pertussis or to different
in lower pre-vaccination levels of IgG specific to several vaccines vaccine coverage with pertussis vaccines at different times. Other
(8–10, 29, 37). Results from analysis adjusting for maternal age, maternal infections during pregnancy are likely to be important
gravidity, and socioeconomic status show that maternal HIV in determining infant antibody concentrations pre-vaccination
infection is associated with the concentration of specific IgG and therefore potentially post-vaccination too, for example, high
following Hib, pertussis, PCV, and tetanus vaccines in exposed, variability in infant hepatitis B antibody response is likely to be
uninfected infants (26, 29). In this study, mothers received ART a result of higher prevalence of hepatitis B infection in HIV-
during and after pregnancy, infants received zidovudine for the infected mothers in some settings (37).
first month after birth, and no HIV-exposed, uninfected infants Postnatally both maternal and environmental factors probably
were exclusively breastfed. This finding is likely to be a result of have important effects on infant vaccine responses. Breastfeeding
lower vaccine-specific antibody levels in HIV-infected mothers, is an important conduit for transfer of IgA from mother to infant
which correlate with CD4 count (29), and placental dysfunction and is associated with larger thymic size, phenotypic changes
resulting in reduced placental transfer of antibody (8, 9, 29, 37). to lymphocyte subpopulations and improved immune function
Maternally derived antibody present in infants pre-vaccination (48). In studies of HIV-exposed, uninfected, and unexposed
may inhibit the infants’ own IgG responses, leading to the obser infants, there are often large differences in breastfeeding prac
vation that infants with the highest pre-vaccine levels of anti- tices between groups (26, 29, 37), and many studies do not report
body had the lowest fold increase following vaccination (29). data on breastfeeding (7–10, 13, 38–40, 43). One study reported
Although the mechanisms for this are incompletely understood that the reduction in neutralizing antibody response to OPV in
in humans, animal models have shown that this inhibition is medi- HIV-exposed, uninfected infants could be accounted for by redu
ated by maternally derived antibody binding to vaccine antigens, ced breastfeeding duration (26). This could be because of reduced
which then form cross-linkage between the B cell receptor (which antibody transfer, or increased exposure to maternal infections
binds vaccine antigen) and the FcγIIB receptor (which recognizes such as CMV which are transmitted in breast milk (26).
the Fc portion of IgG). This results in inhibitory signals, reduced Postnatal exposure to other infections may also affect specific
proliferation of B cells and decreased secretion of vaccine-specific antibody responses to vaccines. The large differences between
IgG (44, 45). studies in the proportion of infants protected against measles
following vaccination raises the possibility that differences in Effect of CMV Infection on Humoral and
transmission rates of measles infection may have affected the pro- Cellular Vaccine Responses
portions of infants protected (49). Differences in nasopharyngeal Studies in elderly adults have shown that latent CMV infection
colonization with pneumococcus among HIV-exposed, unin- leads to the expansion of CD8+CD28− T-cells, which are thought
fected infants, and unexposed infants has also been suggested to to suppress immune responses to influenza vaccine and contri
contribute to differences in their vaccine responses (7). In low- bute to generalized immunosenescence in older adults (14). Few
resource settings HIV-exposed, uninfected infants have poorer studies have evaluated the effects of CMV infection on infant
nutritional status than unexposed infants (50), although a trial vaccine responses (Table 3).
of nutritional supplementation between age 6 and 18 months In a study of measles vaccine in Gambian infants, 1 week after
had no effect on antibody responses to OPV in HIV-exposed, vaccination infant CD8 T-cell responses did not vary with CMV
uninfected infants (26). infection acquired congenitally or postnatally, but CD4 T-cell
We conclude that there is convincing evidence that reduced IFN-γ responses were lower in CMV-infected infants than in
antibody transfer across the placenta is associated with changes infants without CMV infection (54). At 13 months of age, there
in antibody responses to the initial doses of PCV, tetanus, were no differences in memory T-cell responses between CMV-
pertussis, and Hib vaccines in HIV-exposed, uninfected infants. infected and uninfected infants. However, CMV-infected infants
The effect of HIV exposure on responses to hepatitis B and showed significantly higher CD4 and CD8 T-cell IFN-γ responses
measles vaccines appears more variable between populations, to SEB, indicating that immune activation is present in CMV-
and prevalence of these infections may be an important factor. infected infants. Furthermore, there was a positive correlation
The functional quality of vaccine-specific antibody produced by between the magnitudes of the responses to SEB and CMV (54).
HIV-exposed, uninfected infants requires further investigation A study of CMV and EBV co-infection supports the idea that
(29, 37), but overall it is encouraging that HIV-exposed, unin- the effect of CMV infection on antibody responses to measles
fected infants do not appear to have significantly reduced levels is dependent on changes to the T-cell population. Epstein–Barr
of protection from routine infant vaccines. Breastfeeding is likely virus (EBV) infects B-cells, and EBV-infected infant IgG
to affect responses to other vaccines besides OPV, and further responses to measles vaccine and meningococcus A and C poly-
studies are now more feasible following changes in WHO recom- saccharide vaccine are reduced by approximately one third (62).
mendations to support breastfeeding in HIV-infected mothers In infants co-infected with CMV and EBV, the measles-specific
in a wider range of settings (51). IgG vaccine response is similar to uninfected infants. However,
CMV co-infection does not have a significant effect on the IgG
VACCINE RESPONSES IN INFANTS response to meningococcus (a T-cell independent response) in
EBV-infected infants, and the vaccine response is still lower than
WITH CONGENITAL AND POSTNATAL in EBV uninfected infants (62).
CMV INFECTION Gambian infants who acquired CMV antenatal or postnatally
had no significant differences in anti-Hib or anti-tetanus toxoid
Effect of CMV Infection on T-Cell IgG concentration measured compared with uninfected infants
Populations at 18 months (54). A study of antibody response to OPV in
Congenital and postnatal CMV infection leads to a series of Zambian infants found that neither CMV seropositivity nor
changes in infant CMV-specific CD4 and CD8 T-cells, as well viremia had a significant effect on OPV neutralizing antibody
as having an effect on the whole T-cell population. There is an titers or frequency of vaccine failure at 18 months of age (26).
initial increase in activation of the whole CD8 T-cell popula- However, trends in the data suggested that co-infection with HIV
tion, which returns to normal over 12–24 months (52–55). and CMV may have negative synergistic effects on the antibody
CMV-specific CD8 T-cells remain highly activated for at least response to OPV. CMV seropositivity at 18 months was associ-
24 months following postnatal infection, but in congenital ated with a trend toward a small decrease in vaccine failures in
infection, activation may diminish more rapidly (53, 54). There HIV-unexposed infants (0.4 vs 4.3% vaccine failure, p = 0.06), but
is a shift toward more differentiated CD4 T-cells, but CMV- not in HIV-exposed, uninfected infants. In HIV-infected infants
specific CD4 T-cells are infrequently found in infected infants antibody responses were reduced in CMV seropositive compared
(55, 56). In adults with CMV, these cells are common and are with CMV seronegative infants, although these results did not
associated with effective control of viral replication, less severe reach statistical significance (26).
disease, and lower risk of mother-to-child transmission (57, 58). Human immunodeficiency virus-infected mothers in this
Infant T-cells are less polyfunctional than those seen in adults, study had a mean breastfeeding duration of 6 months compared
and polyfunctionality is also thought to be associated with with 15 months in HIV-uninfected mothers, and longer breast-
improved control of CMV infection (55, 58–60). Therefore, feeding duration was associated with increased mean poliovirus
congenital and postnatal CMV infection affects the whole T-cell antibody titers in infants (26). The authors do not state whether
population, and the effect is different in infants compared with mean breastfeeding duration differed between CMV seropositive
adults. Infants have a longer duration of viremia than adults and seronegative groups, but this is important because breast-
(55, 61), and their vaccine responses may be affected differently feeding is the main route of transmission of postnatal CMV
by CMV infection. infection, and in HIV-exposed, uninfected infants in this study,
Gambia (51) Measles; 9 months; 2, 3, 4, 9 months 86 46 CMV-infected vs uninfected infants (congenitally and postnatally
tetanus, Hib and 16 months 13 months 90 42 infected infants in same cohort):
18 months 121 11 • Infected infants had lower CD4 IFN-γ response
to measles (p = 0.013)
• No significant difference in CD8 T cell proliferation
or IFN-γ response to measles
• No difference in measles antibody titers
• Infected infants’ IFN-γ response to CMV
correlated with measles antibody response at 13 months
• No significant difference in IgG response to Hib or
tetanus vaccines at 18 months
Gambia (59) Measles, 9 months Birth 0 224 Comparison of CMV and EBV singly infected, co-infected, and
meningococcus 9 months 115 58 uninfected infants
A and C 11 months 121 51 • CMV status had no significant effect on measles
antibody titer
• Infection with EBV reduced measles antibody response,
except when there was co-infection with CMV (median log2
hemagglutinin antibody inhibition assay titer EBV+CMV− = 3.0,
EBV+CMV+ = 5.0, p = 0.003)
• CMV status had no significant effect on anti-meningococcus IgM or IgG
Zambia (21) Oral polio Birth, 6, 10, 18 months 369 75 • No significant associations between IgG response to OPV and
and 14 weeks, CMV infection.
12 months • In CMV seropositive infants, % vaccine failure was slightly lower than in
seronegative infants (1.4 vs 4.0%, p = 0.14)
• In HIV+ infants, Ab titers were lower in infants with CMV viremia than
without (log2 antibody titer 3.2 vs 5.75, p = 0.14)
• In HIV-unexposed infants, Ab titers were higher in CMV seropositive
infants (log2 antibody titer 8.31 vs 7.77, p = 0.11)
• In HIV-exposed uninfected infants, CMV had no significant effect
EBV, Epstein–Barr virus; Ig, immunoglobulin; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; CMV, cytomegalovirus; OPV, oral polio vaccine; IFN, interferon.
the reduction in neutralizing antibody response to OPV could whether the same changes in immune responses are present
be accounted for by reduced breastfeeding duration (26). when mothers and infants undertake optimal HIV treatment,
Cytomegalovirus-infected infants show alterations in res PMTCT, and feeding practices. The clinical importance of these
ponses to measles and possibly polio vaccines, which are live findings is unknown, as the risk of vaccine-preventable infection
vaccines, and no significant differences have been found in the in HIV-infected infants compared with HIV-unexposed infants
responses to Hib or tetanus vaccines. Overall the ability to mount has not been determined.
effective and lasting responses is preserved in otherwise well Human immunodeficiency virus-exposed, uninfected infants
infants, at least in the short term, and responses to SEB indicate and those with CMV have alterations in their vaccine responses,
that some T-cell responses are increased in CMV infection. but the evidence does not support changes to the vaccine sched-
Interactions may occur between CMV and HIV or EBV to pro- ule in these groups. Protecting infants from infection before
duce further alterations in vaccine responses, but there is still no their first vaccines, for example, by maternal immunization, is
significant impairment compared with CMV-uninfected infants. important in all infants, even more so in HIV-exposed, uninfected,
There is limited data on the effects of CMV infection on infant and HIV-infected infants, who are less likely to be protected than
vaccine responses, and in light of growing evidence of poor clini- HIV-unexposed infants. Maternal immunization is a key part
cal outcomes associated with CMV infection in HIV-exposed, of global efforts to reduce neonatal and infant infectious morbid-
uninfected infants, further studies are particularly important in ity and mortality. A better understanding of the mechanisms by
this group. which maternal infection and immune responses influence the
developing infant immune system are critical to ensuring the
CONCLUSION success of new vaccines.
Human immunodeficiency virus-infected infants have some
impairment in their humoral and cellular responses to routine AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
immunizations. However, as many of the infants in the studies
reviewed were born to mothers who started ART a short time The theme and concept were designed by M-LN and CJ. OF
before delivery as part of PMTCT programs, and were not undertook the literature review and wrote the original draft of
exclusively breastfed, future studies will be needed to determine the paper, which was reviewed and revised by CJ and M-LN.
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