Project Guide: Hydrangea Platter

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Spectrum Glass presents: The System 96® Glass Craft Program

Project Guide

Hydrangea Platter
Glass Cutting: Minimal
Multiple Firings: Full Fuse Base + Tack Fuse x 2 + Slump

Hydrangea Opal glass inspired us to create a dish showing off both our glass and the traditional Garden favorite.

Design Layer1: Brush Klyr-Fire onto the prepared
Frit Accent/Shading: Frit can be used to create
Base: Since the lovely flower detail of this project will Base (in a small area at a time), and begin arranging shading effects and add interest in the piece. Frit in
only be fired to Tack Fuse temperatures, begin with a the leaves and petal sections of the flowers. Form various Blues was used in the flower clusters to help
2-layer Base that has been fully fused. We used a pre- rounded shapes for each of the flowers. This design create shadow and dimension, and several shades of
cut 12-inch System 96® Double Thick Clear Circle, but layer is going to be covered by a second one, so it Green Frit were used in the leaves. (See the Materials
you can cut your own 12-inch circle(s) if you prefer. (If isn’t critical that each flower or cluster be a perfectly List for products used.) When satisfied with your first
using 3mm glass, use two layers and a schedule with accurate representation of a Hydrangea. layer, lightly Tack Fuse. (Note: Hydrangea, like many opal
a good bubble squeeze. See for info.) Arrange the leaves more randomly, using a range of glasses, is very soft, so be conservative in this firing.)
Design: Nip strips of Hydrangea Opal until you have colors and sizes. (Note: we put a few leaves in place
an ample supply of flower-shaped petals. Cut leaf when we originally fired our Double Thick Base, but
shapes in various sizes from a mixture of Green glasses. this isn’t necessary.)

Tack Firing Schedule We Used

Seg. Ramp Goal Temp Hold
(ºF per Hour) (º F) (Minutes)

1 250 250 30
2 250 1050 20
3 200 1225 20
4 250 1360 10
5 9999 950 60
6 200 800 10

Design Layer 2: After firing, you’ll be better able to
Next, build the second layer of petals — this time,
7 300

Materials We Used
100 0

see how the Frit work came out. Add more, if desired. making sure to form the 4-petal clusters Hydrangeas PAPYROS® Kiln Shelf Paper
We didn’t see enough of our darker Blue shading in typically have. Add more leaves and/or embellish System 96 Glass: System 96 Frit:
the flowers, so we added more. the ones already in place. Tack Fuse again. Slump as Clear 12-in D-T Clear Base 100 Clear (Medium)
desired. We used Slumpy’s “Coloma” mold #SM-165. 230-71SF Hydrangea Opal 526-2 Moss Green (Fine & Med.)
121SF Light Green 125 Dark Green (Fine)
123SF Med. Green 130.8 Pale Blue (Fine)
526-2SF Moss Green 132 Light Blue (Fine) 226-74SF Amazon Opal 230-72 Med Blue Opal (Med.)
© 2013 Spectrum Glass Company

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