Assessment & Care Plan Forms Sample
Assessment & Care Plan Forms Sample
Assessment & Care Plan Forms Sample
Vital Signs
T ________ Pulse (Resting) ________ Resp ________ BP __________ Weight: ________ MAC__________
Pain Assessment
Intensity: none = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 = most intense Acceptable level: ________ /10
Frequency: occasionally y constantly
Location: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
Description of pain: ___________________________________________________________________________________________
Nonverbal signs of pain: _______________________________________________________________________________________
Associated symptoms: _________________________________________________________________________________________
C i i i Yes No
Immediate Care & Support Needs: Document patient rating from ESAS assessment
_____ Pain/Comfort Describe ____________________________________________________________________________
_____ Fatigue Describe ____________________________________________________________________________
_____ Nausea Describe ____________________________________________________________________________
_____ Depression Describe ____________________________________________________________________________
_____ Anxiety Describe ____________________________________________________________________________
_____ Drowsiness Describe ____________________________________________________________________________
_____ Appetite Describe ____________________________________________________________________________
_____ Shortness of breath Describe ____________________________________________________________________________
_____ Well-being Describe ____________________________________________________________________________
_____ Other Describe ____________________________________________________________________________
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TCG–100 © 2008 The Corridor Group, Inc.
Patient Name ___________________________ MR# ______________ Election Date __________ Assessment Date __________
Date of Birth _________________ Age __________ Hospice Dx ________________________ Is death imminent? Yes No
Level of Care: RHC CC INPT Respite Location: Home Nsg Hm ALF Hospital Bd/care
Admission: Precipitating factors Patient/family subjective complaint(s) ___________________________________________________
In last year (include date, if known):
Hospitalized ________ Pneumonia ________ Aspiration pneumonia ________ UTI ________
Recurrent fever after atb ________ Stage 3–4 decubitus ________ ER visit ________ Hip fx ________
Septicemia ________ Pyelonephritis ________ Unexplained syncope ________ Cardiac arrest/resuscitation_______
What kinds hi g k h p i ’ p i b ( x p h , , ) _____________________________________
Wh ki hi g k h p i ’ p i w (PL x p w lking, standing, lifting)? __________________________________
What treatments or meds is the patient receiving for pain?________________________________________ Effective: Yes No
Barriers to pain management ___________________________________________________________________________________
Describe the pain:
Aching Throbbing Shooting Stabbing Gnawing Sharp Tender Numb
Burning Exhausting Tiring Penetrating Nagging Miserable Unbearable
Nonverbal signs of pain/discomfort:
Grimacing Moaning Guarded Frowning Restless Increased BP Increased pulse
Poor appetite Perspiring Crying Agitation Rigid posture Jaws clenched Legs drawn up
On the diagram, shade in the areas where the patient feels pain. Put an X on the area that hurts the most.
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TCG–110 © 2008 The Corridor Group, Inc.
Cough ____________________ Sputum color _________________________ Infections ________________________________
Current Medications ________________________________________________________________ Effective: Yes No
ESAS SOB assessment ________ Pt/family goal _________ Intervention change needed: Yes No
Comment: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
Alteration in Cardiac/Circulatory Function Problem: Yes No
Heart sounds __________________________ Pulses ____________________________ Pulse deficit _____________________
Regular rate/volume ___________________________ Hypo/hypertension ______________________ Cyanosis _____________
Chest pain: Yes No Number of episodes in last week _________________ Precipitating factors ______________________
What relieves chest pain? Nitro Rest Other med _____________ Other _____________________________________
Edema RLE Degree _____ Pitting? _____ LLE Degree _____ Pitting? _____ Other location: _______________________
RUE Degree _____ Pitting? _____ LUE Degree _____ Pitting? _____ Degree ________ Pitting? _____
Current Medications ____________________________________________________________________ Effective: Yes No
Comment: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
Fall Risk Assessment Circle appropriate item and add scores Problem: Yes No
Hx of falls = 15 Incontinence = 5 Unable to ambulate independently = 5
Confusion = 5 Increased anxiety = 5 Decreased level of cooperation = 5
Age > 65 = 5 Cardio/pulm disease = 5 Meds for HTN or level of consciousness = 5
Impaired judgment = 5 Postural hypotension = 5 Initial admission to hospice/facility = 5
Sensory deficit = 5 Attached equip (IV, O2 tubes) = 5
Score of 15 or higher is considered high risk Patient Score: _________________ High Risk: Yes No
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TCG–110 © 2008 The Corridor Group, Inc.
Vision __________________________ Hearing ____________________________ Sensory impairment __________________
Speech: 6 words or less Yes No One word or less Yes No Nonverbal Yes No
Dysphasia: Yes No Able to smile: Yes No Able to hold head up independently: Yes No
Coma: Abnormal brain stem response: _________________ Absent verbal response Absent withdrawal response to pain
Current Medications _____________________________________________________________________ Effective: Yes No
ESAS drowsiness assessment: _________________ Pt/family goal: _____________ Intervention change needed: Yes No
ESAS anxiety assessment: ____________________ Pt/family goal: _____________ Intervention change needed: Yes No
ESAS depression assessment: _________________ Pt/family goal: _____________ Intervention change needed: Yes No
Comment: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
Alteration in Sleep Patterns Problem: Yes No
Current sleep pattern ______________________________________ Change in pattern
Sedatives used __________________________________________ Effective
Vital Signs:
T _________ Pulse (Resting) __________ Resp _________ BP _________ Ascites: Yes No Abdominal girth ___________
Pertinent Laboratory Results (if known): _________________________________________________________________________
Type: Peripheral PICC Central Venous Subcutaneous Other: _______________________________________
Location: _____________________________ Date placed: _____________ Size/gauge: ________ Type/brand: ___________
Purpose: Pain mgmt Hydration Antibiotics Maintain venous access Other: _____________________________
Pump: Type: ______________________________ Pump setting: _______________________ Verified w/ orders: Yes No
Comments: __________________________________________________________________________________________________
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TCG–110 © 2008 The Corridor Group, Inc.
See Medication Profile for current medications List of medications reviewed with patient/representative
Pt able to take medications as prescribed: Yes No Caregiver able to administer medications as prescribed: Yes No
Medications effective: Yes No Unwanted side effects: Yes No
Drug interactions: Yes No Need for pharmacist consultation: Yes No
Reviewed facility orders & Notes New orders found Copy of orders/Notes obtained for hospice chart
Provided written policy on disposal of controlled drugs to patient/family Reviewed drug disposal policy
Plan of Care
Complications/risk factors affecting care planning ___________________________________________________________________
The plan of care was presented to and discussed with the patient and representative
Level of understanding: Good understanding Partial understanding Do not understand
Level of ability to participate in care: Good participation Partial participation Cannot participate Decline
Patient/Representative Instructions
Hospice Services Plan of Care How to Contact Hospice Resuscitation Policy
After Hours Services Emergency Procedures Grievance Procedure Bill of Rights
Use of Equipment Infection Control Confidentiality of Records Advance Directives
Understand disease process and signs of disease progression: Patient Yes No Representative Yes No
Caregiver willing and able to receive instructions and provide care: Yes No Comment: ________________________________
Reviewed PoC with: Patient Representative Facility staff __________________________________________________
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TCG–110 © 2008 The Corridor Group, Inc.