Pen Spinning Trick Learning Order
Pen Spinning Trick Learning Order
Pen Spinning Trick Learning Order
Welcome reader. After having seen a myriad of requests from new members and existing
beginners I am finally going to produce a learning order which I believe is optimum for your pen
spinning career.
Alright, let’s begin then. This order has been split up into different sections which I have split up
into stages. The way in which this works is you must learn all of the tricks in each stage before
progressing onto the next. I have put it like this due to the fact that some tricks are required before
you are able to progress onto the next.
In each stage for all tricks you must learn them in all fingerslots and all tricks in reverse as well, in
each fingerslot as well. For example for the trick known as the charge you must learn it in
fingerslots 12, 23 and 34 and in reverse as well. I will provide links to tutorials as well for you,
however for tricks without tutorials I will provide a basic breakdown and if you need any further
help with them then you can always pm me or ask on the UPSB forum.
As well as the tricks in each stage I will also provide a couple of simple links at the end using the
tricks learnt in the stage and also tricks learnt prior from that stage.
As well as this there will be multiple stages within the stages labelled a, b, c. These sub sections
can be learned in any order however all must be learnt before moving onto the next section.
Stage 1:
Thumbaround, Charge, Sonic, Fingerpass and figure 8
Without a shadow of a doubt the most important tricks to begin your pen spinning career are the 4
fundamentals. The 4 fundamentals are known as the Thumbaround, Charge, Sonic and Fingerpass.
I have included the figure 8 because it is a very basic wiper trick and it is probably the easiest trick
in pen spinning.
Once again I stress that you must learn all of these tricks in all fingerslots and also in reverse.
Thumbaround normal:
This is a very basic trick which is very popular and as well as the middle finger push start you need
to learn the trick using all other fingers to push.
Charge Normal:
Another trick which is necessary to learn in all fingerslots.
Sonic Normal:
On this trick learn it in all fingerslots, and you must learn the trick using a charge start. Due to the
fact that in combos you cannot reposition the pen onto your thumbflap to begin the trick.
Fingerpass Normal:
This trick is quite ambiguous as it is actually a combination of passes, but I believe that once you
can do 2 complete fingerpass quite smoothly(there is no need to get it to hal speed) then it can
Pass 12-23-34-23-12-23-34-23-12.
Figure 8:
This is the first of the branch of wiper tricks you will learn and the figure 8 is probably the easiest
trick in all of pen spinning. Very easy to learn but again recommended that you learn in slots t1, t2,
t3 and t4 however it shouldn’t take too long.
Thumabround Reverse:
The reverse of the thumbaround, with this trick there is no need to learn using all fingers for push.
However at least learn using an index finger push.
Charge Reverse:
Reverse of the charge, make sure to learn this trick in all fingerslots as well.
Sonic Reverse:
Fingerpass Reverse:
Like the fingerpass this is a combination of reverse passes and so I believe that 2 complete
fingerpass reverses is enough for this trick.
As promised here as some links which use the tricks listed above.
Figure 8 reverse:
Not tutorial on this unfortunately but it is just the reverse of a wiper 8. Shouldn’t be hard to figure
out, but if you need help then don’t be afraid to ask.
Well if you made it this far then congratulations. You have completed Stage 1.
Stage 2a:
Twisted sonic, warped sonic, extended thumbaround, demons sonic.
Twisted sonic:
a hybrid of a charge and a pass reverse. Make sure to learn this in all fingerslots. You may find the
twisted sonic 34-23 quite difficult due to flexibility issues but practise and you can do it!
Warped sonic:
A hybrid of a charge and pass. Once again make sure to learn this in all fingerslots.
Extended thumbaround:
No need to learn this trick with all finger pushes, just using middle and index push.
Demons sonic:
A hybrid of the sonic and pass reverse.
Repeat this but transfer fingerslots to complete the trick in the other fingerslot.
Demons sonic 34-12 → warped sonic 12-23 → twisted sonic 23-12 → extended thumbaround 12-
Stage 2b:
Backaround, arounds, shadow, infinity. Fingerless thumabround, inverse sonic
This is a very popular trick which is used a lot on all fingers, so make sure to learn them well.
This trick is also importart and is like the thumbaround. Even though it is important to learn on all
fingerslots, it is not very necessary to learn the trick on the pinky.
This is an advanced trick however it is also very important in pen spinning and is used in a lot of
hybrid tricks. Make sure to learn in all fingerslots.
Another wiper trick, it is not necessary to learn this trick in all fingerslots, just the infinity t1-12.
Fingerless Thumbaround:
A fingerless version of the thumbaround, used in a lot of power tricks and other hybrids. No need
to learn this trick in all fingerslots as this trick doesn't use any fingers!
Inverse sonic:
An inverse form of the sonic trick. This trick is a pain to learn form 34-23 because of flexibility so I
will let you off just this once, however instead of just leaving this and never touching it again keep
trying at times.
Backaround reverse:
This trick is not necessary at this stage however it will come up in the future.
Around reverse:
No tutorial on this trick, sorry. However it is just an around but in reverse. Once again it is not
necessary to learn a pinky around reverse, and also trying to learn the ring around reverse will be
extremely difficult due to flexibility. So you do not have to learn that.
Shadow reverse:
The reverse of the shadow. This trick should be easier after learning the shadow. Once again learn
in all fingerslots.
Infinity reverse:
No need to learn this trick as I don't believe this exists.