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United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 4,712,813

Passerell et al. 45 Date of Patent: Dec. 15, 1987

54: COUPLING APPARATUS an elongated hollow stiffener received in a coupling
75 Inventors: David P. Passerell, Geneva; Danny body recess and providing internal support for the asso
G. Rogge, Dorset, both of Ohio ciated pipe end. A retaining ring retained between the
73 Assignee: Perfection Corporation, Madison, body and stiffener has a radially inward extending
Ohio toothed portion that grippingly engages the external
surface of the associated pipe end. A seal means is dis
(21) Appl. No.: 924,050 posed on an axially inner side of a collet retainer to seal
(22 Filed: Oct. 28, 1986 along a peripheral portion of the pipe end. The collet
retainer includes a toothed internal surface that selec
51) Int. Cl'....................................... - O -8 F1.6L 33/18 tively engages the pipe end during attempted with
52 U.S. C. .................................... 285/250; 285/323; drawal from the coupling body. A generally frustoconi
285/351 cal member cams the collet retainer into gripping en
58 Field of Search ............... 285/323, 250, 351, 242, gagement with the pipe end. A gasket is radially and
285/249, 255 axially compressed at an outer end of the recess and
56) References Cited disposed on an opposite side of the collet retainer from
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS the seal means. A nipple is adapted to compress the
gasket and prevent ingress of dirt and moisture to the
4,229,025 10/1980 Volgstadt ....................... 285/323 X coupling body. The retaining ring toothed surface has
4,407,526 10/1983 Cicenas ........ ... 285/323 X
4,445,714 5/1984 Kisiel .............................. 285/323 X an inner diametrical dimension slightly less than a sec
ond diametrical dimension defined by the toothed sur
Primary Examiner-Dave W. Arola face of the collet retainer. Attempted withdrawal of the
Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Fay, Sharpe, Beall, Fagan, pipe end is thereby initially resisted by the retaining ring
Minnich & McKee
and further withdrawal forces are opposed by the collet
57 ABSTRACT retainer.
A stab-type coupling apparatus adapted to receive an
associated pipe end in a body thereof and prevent its
withdrawal therefrom. The coupling apparatus includes 15 Claims, 6 Drawing Figures

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U.S. Patent Dec. 15, 1987 Sheet 1 of 2 4,712.813


U.S. Patent Dec. 15, 1987 Sheet 2 of 2 4,712.813
a simple, reliable, and economical coupling appa
This invention pertains to the art of couplings and, This invention provides for an improved coupling
more particularly, to stab-type couplings. apparatus that is utilized for interconnecting a smooth
The invention is particularly applicable to a coupling wall non-metallic pipe end to a service box or the like.
apparatus in which a non-metallic pipe or tube end is According to a more limited aspect of the invention,
received in the apparatus by simply pushing or thrusting the coupling apparatus includes a body having a recess
the pipe end therein. The pipe end is gripped along an 10 defined therein. A hollow stiffener is received in the
exterior surface by the coupling which resists attempted recess and has a reduced peripheral dimension for defin
withdrawal. The invention is particularly applicable to ing an annular cavity with the body. A first elastomeric
a plastic pipe as utilized in the natural gas industry and seal member is received in the cavity and adapted for
will be described with particular reference thereto. 15 sealing engagement between the body and an associated
However, it will be appreciated that the invention has non-metallic pipe end. Further, a collet retainer is dis
broader applications and may be advantageously em posed in the recess between the seal member and the
ployed in other environments and applications. outer end of the recess. The collet retainer is designed
A typical stab-type coupling is well known in the art. for selective gripping engagement with an external
These types of couplings are designed to facilitate ease 20 surface of the associated non-metallic pipe end. A gas
of installation so that one end of a smooth wall plastic ket is disposed in the recess outer end and adapted for
pipe, such as is widely used in the natural gas industry, compression and sealing engagement with the non-met
is severed and simply inserted into the coupling body. allic pipe end.
No detailed machining or aligning steps are necessary According to another aspect of the invention, the
and recent advents in the art have provided a secure 25 coupling apparatus further includes a retaining ring
coupling arrangement. Nevertheless, a potential prob received in the recess adjacent the inner end thereof.
lem exists with these type of prior art couplings. There According to yet another aspect of the invention, a
is an extremely remote possibility that slow removal of nipple is threadedly received in the recess outer end for
an inserted plastic pipe into the coupling body can pro operative, compressing engagement with the gasket.
ceed without the gripping portions of the coupling 30 According to still another aspect of the invention, a
apparatus actively and grippingly engaging the pipe thrust washer and second seal member are interposed
Yet another remote potential exists that a leak path between the first seal member and the retaining collet.
may be established along an exterior surface of the plas A principal advantage of the invention is found in the
tic pipe. It is believed that a dimple may be formed in enhanced sealing arrangement with a non-metallic pipe
35 end.
the exterior surface of the pipe due to the creep associ A further advantage of the invention resides in elimi
ated with plastic elements. More specifically, imposition nating the potential for slow removal of a pipe end once
of extreme forces on an external surface of the pipe can it is inserted into the coupling apparatus.
leave a dimple or identation therein. If this dimple or Yet another advantage of the invention is found in the
identation is positioned adjacent a cut end of the pipe, axial spacing of the seal member and gasket on opposed
such as received in the coupling body, the potential sides of the retaining collet.
exists for a leak path to be established therearound. Still other advantages and benefits of the invention
U.S. Pat. No. 4,229,025, issued to Volgstadt, et al. on
Oct. 21, 1980, illustrates one stab-type coupling. In that will become apparent to those skilled in the art upon a
arrangement, a spacer ring cooperates with a retaining 45 reading and understanding of the following detailed
ring of metallic construction adjacent a flange portion description.
of a hollow stiffener. Additionally, a flexible flange BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
extends inwardly from an outer end of the body to
define a cover that prohibits entry of dirt and moisture The invention may take physical form in certain parts
into the interior of the coupling body. An alternate 50 and arrangements of parts, a preferred embodiment of
arrangement of this cover employs a plastic sleeve in which will be described in detail in this specification
conjunction with an O-ring seal. and illustrated in the accompanying drawings which
On the other hand, U.S. Pat. No. 4,445,714, issued to form a part hereof, and wherein:
Kisiel, III, on May 1, 1984 illustrates a coupling ar FIG. 1 is a vertical cross-sectional view of an assen
rangement in which a spacer retainer ring is interposed 55 bled coupling apparatus formed in accordance with the
between a radially outward extending flange of the subject invention;
hollow stiffener and the retaining collet. This embodi FIG. 2 is an elevational end view of the coupling
ment utilizes a gasket disposed axially outward of the apparatus of FIG. 1 with the nipple removed therefrom;
collet for operative engagement with a threaded nut. FIG. 3 is a vertical cross-sectional view of the retain
Inward movement of the nut is designed to apply seal ing ring formed in accordance with the subject inven
ing pressure on the gasket and urge engagement be tion;
tween the collet and locking ring. This type of construc FIG. 4 is an end view taken along the right-hand side
tion suffers from the absence of a seal located inwardly of the retaining ring of FIG. 3;
of the collet for sealing engagement with an external FIG. 5 is a generally vertical, partial cross-sectional
surface of an inserted plastic pipe. 65 view of the collet retainer formed in accordance with
With the foregoing in mind, it is an object of the the subject invention; and,
present invention to provide a new and improved cou FIG. 6 is an end view taken along the right-hand side
pling which improves on these prior designs and pro of the collet retainer of FIG. 5.
3 4.
attack from material normally found in natural gas Such
as liquid hydrocarbons, odorants, carbon dioxide, and
water. The O-rings are dimensioned so as to be radially
Referring now to the drawings, wherein the show compressed in the annular cavity 40 between the pipe
ings are for purposes of illustrating the preferred em 5 end C and the recess 16 of the body. The seal means
bodiment of the invention only and not for purposes of provides a positive sealing engagement with the pipe
limiting same, the FIGURES show a coupling appara end at an area adjacent the inner end 22 of the recess. As
tus A including a coupling body B adapted to receive an illustrated, the first and second seal members 70, 72
associated smooth wall non-metallic pipe end C therein. abuttingly engage one another in the axial direction,
The body is adapted to receive the pipe end by means of 10 although it will understood by those skilled in the art
a simple manual insertion. The coupling apparatus is that a spacer (not shown) may be positioned therebe
designed to grippingly engage the pipe end to inhibit Ween.
removal once inserted and oppose any attempted with Continuing axially outward from the seal means 68
drawal of the associated non-metallic pipe end. and toward the body first end 10, a thrust washer 74
More specifically, the coupling body B formed of a 15 abuttingly engages the seal means 68. The washer pre
suitable metal includes a first end 10 and an axially vents movement of the seal means toward a collet re
opposed second end 12. A first bore or passage 14 ex tainer 80. In a preferred embodiment, the thrust washer
tends axially inward from the second end and communi has been constructed from a high density polyethylene
cates with an associated member, such as a metering box material, although materials exhibiting similar proper
or the like (not shown). An enlarged recess or counter 20 ties may be used with equal success.
bore 16 extends axially inward from the first end of the As best seen in FIGS. 5 and 6, the collet retainer 80 is
coupling body. This recess is of generally constant di provided with a tapered external surface 82 which con
mension and terminates intermediate the first and sec verges in the direction of the first end 10 of the coupling
ond ends of the body. m body. The interior of the collet retainer has a generally
A first or inner end 22 of the recess is defined adja 25 toothed or serrated surface generally designated 84. In
cent a radial shoulder 24 at the intersection of the pas fact, as is apparent in FIG. 5, the toothed surface is
sage 14 and recess 16. A second or outer end 26 of the defined by a plurality of inclined ramp surfaces 86
recess includes an interior threaded portion 28 extend which diverge in the direction of the first end 10 of the
ing axially inward a limited dimension from the first end coupling body. Radially extending surfaces 88 interrupt
10 of the body. 30 the ramp surfaces to define sharp, pointed edges 90 for
An elongated, hollow stiffener 34 includes a radially gripping engagement with an exterior surface of the
outward extending flange 36 at one end thereof. As associated pipe end C.
shown in FIG. 1, the flange 36 is designed for abutting The collet retainer is adapted for limited flexing
engagement with radial shoulder 24. The remainder, movement by means of longitudinally extending reces
reduced diameter portion 38 of the stiffener has a pe 35 ses 92,94. The recesses 94 open toward the first end 10
ripheral dimension substantially less than the recess so of the coupling body while recesses 92 are open toward
as to define an annular cavity 40 therebetween. The the second end 12. As is apparent, the recesses do not
reduced diameter portion 38 is of a preselected dimen extend completely through the collet retainer in the
sion adapted for close, supporting receipt within the axial direction but instead have interconnecting por
non-metallic pipe end C. Preferably, the stiffener is tions 96 that maintain the circumferential integrity of
formed from a zinc plate dichromate or like material the collet retainer. Further, the collet retainer has been
that provides rigid, internal support to the pipe end. advantageously constructed from a suitable acetyl co
Further, the opposed end 42 has a smooth chamfer to polymer that exhibits durability and the requisite flexi
facilitate receipt of the pipe end thereover. bility.
With continued reference to FIG. 1, and additional 45 The collet retainer is adapted for cooperative engage
reference to FIGS. 3 and 4, a retaining ring 50 will be ment with a generally frustoconical ring 106. The ring
described in greater detail. The retaining ring is prefera has an internal tapered surface 108 that selectively and
bly constructed of an acetyl copolymer or like material. matingly engages the external tapered surface 82 of the
It has a generally cylindrical configuration and a collet retainer. The frustoconical ring converges in
smooth exterior wall 52 that is freely received within 50 wardly as it extends axially toward the first end 10 of
the recess 16 for relative movement with respect to the the coupling body. This, of course, aligns the tapered
body. Radially inward extending toothed portions 54 surfaces 82, 108 for cooperating engagement. The exter
are circumferentially spaced along selected inner arcu nal surface 110 defines a generally smooth-walled cylin
ate portions of the retaining ring. The toothed portions drical surface that is received in the recess 16. By con
have a radially and axially inward frustoconical surface 55 structing the ring from a plate zinc material, the frusto
56 that terminates in a sharp edge 58 adapted for grip conical ring assures an inward camming movement of
ping engagement with an external surface of the pipe the collet retainer.
end. The reduced dimension a defined diametrically A gasket 118 of generally annular configuration is
between these sharp edges is preselected for a purpose received in axially abutting engagement with the outer
and function to be further described hereinbelow. The 60 end of the frustoconical ring. It has an internal dimen
disposition of the frustoconical surface 56 facilitates sion for closely receiving the external surface of an
receipt of the pipe end during insertion and also prohib associated pipe end. As will become more apparent
its removal of same. hereinbelow, the gasket is adapted for an axial and ra
An outer end 60 of the retaining ring is designed for dial compression so that it sealingly engages the exter
abutting engagement with a seal means 68. According 65 nal surface of the pipe end.
to the preferred embodiment, the seal means comprises A nipple 120 includes an externally threaded region
first and second seal members 70, 72 typically formed as 122 that cooperates with threaded portion 28 of the
elastomeric O-rings. The seal means must be immune to coupling body. Relative rotation between these mem
bers axially advances the nipple into the recess 16 so include all such modifications and alterations insofar as
that an inner end or shoulder 124 engages the gasket they come within the scope of the appended claims or
118. The gasket is therby axially compressed between the equivalents thereof.
shoulder 124 and the frustoconical ring 106. This axial Having thus described the invention, it is now
compression, in turn, results in a radial compression of 5 claimed:
the gasket 118 between the body B and associated pipe 1. A stab-type coupling apparatus comprising:
end C which limits ingress of moisture, dirt and the like a body having a recess defined therein, said recess
into the recess. having axially spaced inner and outer ends;
An important feature of the subject invention resides an elongated hollow stiffener received in said recess
in the relative dimensions of the diametrical dimension 10 having an outer peripheral dimension for defining a
defined between the sharp edges 58 of the retaining ring generally annular cavity with said body, said cav
and the diametrical dimension between the sharp edges ity adapted to receive an associated non-metallic
90 of the collet retainer. The retaining ring dimension a pipe end;
is somewhat less than the dimension b of the collet an elastomeric first seal member received in said re
retainer. In this manner, the initial gripping engagement 15 cess adjacent said inner end and adapted for sealing
with the external surface of an associated pipe end is engagement between said body and an associated
achieved at the retaining ring. This prevents slow with non-metallic pipe end;
drawal of an inserted pipe end. a collet retainer disposed in said recess between said
More specifically, a pipe end C is axially inserted first seal member and recess outer end, said collet
through the nipple 120 and into the annular cavity 40 20 retainer having a generally tapered outer surface
defined between the hollow stiffener and recess 16. The
innermost end of the pipe end abuttingly engages or and a toothed inner surface;
nearly engages the radially outward extending flange 36 a ring disposed in said recess having a generally ta
of the stiffener. The stiffener provides an internal sup pered inner surface in facing, conforming relation
port for the pipe end while the retaining ring, seal 25 with said collet retainer outer surface adapted to
means, collet retainer, frustoconical ring, and gasket cam said collet retainer inner surface toward en
engage the external surface of the pipe end and prevent gagement with an associated non-metallic pipe end;
its withdrawal from the coupling body. The sharp edge and,
58 of the retaining ring is dimensioned to grip the exter a gasket disposed in said recess between said collet
nal surface of the pipe end. Thus, any attempted with 30 retainer and said recess outer end, said gasket
drawal of the pipe end will move the retaining ring, seal adapted to be compressed toward sealing engage
means, thrust washer, and collet retainer as a unit ment with an associated non-metallic pipe end.
toward the first end 10 of the coupling body (toward 2. The coupling apparatus as defined in claim 1 fur
the right as shown in FIG. 1). Movement of the collet ther comprising a retaining member received in said
retainer relative to the frustoconical ring 106 cams the 35 recess adjacent said inner end thereof.
collet retainer, more particularly the toothed surface 84, 3. The coupling apparatus as defined in claim 2
radially inward into biting, gripping engagement with wherein said stiffener includes a radially outward ex
the external surface of the pipe end. Therefore, initial tending flange adapted to engage said retaining member
withdrawal of the pipe end is prevented by the retaining whereby said retaining member, first seal member, and
ring while any additional withdrawal forces are op collet retainer move as a unit in the event of an at
posed by the collet retainer. tempted withdrawal of an associated non-metallic pipe
The gasket 118 is designed to eliminate dirt, moisture, end from said body.
and the like from passing axially inward into the recess. 4. The coupling apparatus as defined in claim 1 fur
As indicated above, the nipple is axially advanced ther comprising a nipple threadedly received in said
toward the gasket to compressingly engage the gasket 45 recess outer end for operative engagement with said
against the external surface of the pipe end. A remote gasket whereby said gasket is axially and radially com
possibility exists that the gasket could be so compressed pressed in said recess.
as to leave a dimple or indentation in the periperal por 5. The coupling apparatus as defined in claim 1
tion of the pipe end. This establishes the potential for a wherein a retaining member is received in said recess
leak path to be defined around the pipe end. Neverthe 50 adjacent said inner end thereof, said retaining member
less, and in accordance with the subject invention, the having a radially inward extending toothed portion
seal means 68 still prevents any leakage of natural gas or defining a first inner diametrical dimension slightly less
the like form the pipe end since it is disposed on the than a second diametrical dimension of said collet re
axially inner side of the collet retainer. Thus, the seal tainer toothed inner surface.
means remains unaffected and still provides a positive 55 6. The coupling apparatus as defined in claim 1 fur
seal with the external surface of the pipe end. ther comprising a thrust washer and second seal mem
Also, in an alternate arrangement, provision is made ber interposed between said first seal member and collet
for receipt of a second thrust washer 126 between the retainer.
gasket 118 and pipe end shoulder 124. Placement of the 7. A stab-type coupling apparatus comprising:
second thrust washer intermediate the gasket and pipe 60 a body having opposed first and second ends and a
end allows the gasket to be axially and radially com recess of generally constant dimension defined
pressed without destructive effect. It will be understood therein;
that the coupling apparatus also can function equally an elongated hollow stiffener received in said recess,
well without introduction of the second thrust washer. said stiffener having a generally radially extending
The invention has been described with reference to 65 flange and a reduced peripheral dimension portion
the preferred embodiment. Obviously modifications at the other end defining a generally annular cavity
and alterations will occur to others upon a reading and with said body recess, said cavity adapted to re
understanding of this specification. It is intended to ceive an associated non-metallic pipe end;
4,712,813 8
a retaining member received in said recess adjacent 13. A stab-type coupling adapted to receive an associ
said stiffener flange; ated generally smooth wall non-metallic pipe end
a first seal member received in said recess adjacent therein, the coupling comprising:
said retaining member, said first seal member a coupling body having a recess of generally constant
adapted for sealing engagement between said body 5 dimension;
a generally elongated metallic hollow stiffener axially
and an associated non-metallic pipe end; received in said recess and having a reduced di
a collet retainer disposed in said recess between said mension portion adapted to be received in an asso
first seal member and said firsst end, said collet ciated non-metallic pipe end;
retainer having a tapered external surface which 10 a retaining member received in said recess having a
converges in the direction of said body first end reduced dimension portion adapted to engage a
and a toothed internal surface adapted to engage an peripheral portion of an associated non-metallic
associated non-metallic pipe end; pipe end;
a ring disposed in said recess, said ring having an first and second elastomeric seal rings disposed
internal surface generally complementary to said 15 around said stiffener and adapted for sealing be
external surface of said collet retainer and against tween a peripheral portion of an associated non
which said collet retainer is adapted to bear in the metallic pipe end and said coupling body;
event of an attempted withdrawal of an associated a collet retainer disposed in said recess having agen
non-metallic pipe end from said body; erally tapered surface converging toward said stiff.
a gasket disposed in said recess between said collet 20 ener as said collet retainer extends axially outward
retainer and said first end; and,
and having a toothed interior surface adapted to
selectively engage a peripheral portion of an asso
an adjustable shoulder received in said first end oper ciated non-metallic pipe end;
atively compressing said gasket. a generally frustoconical member received in said
8. The coupling apparatus as defined in claim 7 25 recess having an inclined surface complementary
wherein said retaining member includes a reduced di to said collet retainer tapered surface and adapted
ameter portion adapted to engage an associated non to selectively advance said collet retainer toward
metallic pipe end. engaging relation with the peripheral portion of the
9. The coupling apparatus as defined in claim 7 fur associated non-metallic pipe end;
ther comprising a thrust washer interposed between 30 a gasket received in said recess adjacent said collet
said first seal member and said collet retainer. retainer and frustoconical member, said gasket and
10. The coupling apparatus as defined in claim 7 seal rings being disposed on opposite axial sides of
wherein said body first end and shoulder are threadedly said collet retainer; and,
engaged for relative movement therebetween. means for selectively compressing said gasket
11. The coupling apparatus as defined in claim 7 fur 35 whereby said gasket is adapted to engage a periph
ther comprising a second seal member disposed adja eral portion of an associated non-metallic pipe end.
cent said first seal member also adapted for sealing prising14. The coupling as defined in claim 13 further com
a radial flange extending outwardly from an
engagement between said body and an associated non inner end of said stiffener adapted for abutting engage
metallic pipe end. 40 ment with said retaining member.
12. The coupling apparatus as defined in claim 7 15. The coupling as defined in claim 13 further com
wherein said shoulder is defined on an externally prising a thrust washer interposed between said first seal
threaded nipple having a first end matingly received in ring and collet retainer.
k is k k sk
said body first end.





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