Bartholin Cysts: The Ultimate Healing Guide

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the ultimate healing guide




1  what is a bartholin cyst?

2   what are the symptoms?

3   common causes




4    physical

5   mental

6    emotional

7 spiritual

8 social

9 environmental

10 miscellaneous category



1    topical solutions

2   supplementation

3   other considerations



4    diet

5   supplementation

6   other considerations

I am so happy that you have decided to purchase

this guide. The Bartholin Cyst Ultimate Healing
Guide is designed to assist you in identifying the
causes of your cyst, and discovering ways that you
can heal yourself, in the immediate, and long-
term. I hope that you find value in this guide, and
that you find you are well on your way to
becoming cyst-free.



A Bartholin Gland Cyst is a blockage and infection of the

Bartholin Gland. They occur when the opening to the gland
becomes blocked or obstructed by dirt or unbalanced mucous.
The Bartholin Glands (located on either side of your vaginal
opening) are responsible for secreting mucous to lubricate the
vagina upon arousal, or to maintain the healthy pH balance and
cleanliness of the vaginal area.
The true medical causes of the Bartholin Gland Cyst are unknown.
However, from our own trials and suffering as women who
experience this condition, we can conclude that there are a number
of common factors that contribute to the blockage of the Bartholin
Glands are the body’s way of processing toxicity. Glands work
overtime when your body is stressed (due to physical or emotional
objectives), or when there is an overload of toxicity in the physical
body itself (due to poor diet, western medicine treatments,
unhealthy substances not used in moderation). When there is too
much toxicity in the body, it can manifest into a cyst (not just of the
Bartholin Gland).


Bartholin Cysts can be identified in one or more of the following


1. Swelling on either side of the vaginal opening.

2. Pain in the vaginal region when shifting your bodyweight from

one leg to the other.

3. A twinging or stinging feeling in the vaginal area.

4. Inability to walk or sit without discomfort in the vaginal region.

5. An abnormal lack of vaginal discharge due to blockage.

6. Visible imbalance in either side of the vaginal folds upon

inspection with a mirror.

7. Upon sticking a finger just inside the vaginal opening, you will be
able to feel a swelling that may be hard or soft, filled with fluid, on
either side of the vaginal opening.


Bartholin Gland Cysts are never caused by just one thing. For a
Bartholin Cyst to develop, your body's environment needs to be
suitable for the development of the cyst (i.e. poor diet, poor blood
sugar/blood pressure, a consistent stress response). When this
environment is created, the Bartholin Gland Cyst will then
develop when there is a "trigger" (use of a hygiene product that
does not react well with your vaginal pH, trauma to the vaginal
area, starting birth control that causes your hormones to become
temporarily imbalanced).

Bartholin Gland Cysts are commonly caused by the following...

1. An imbalance of pH in the vaginal region. (Feminine hygiene products

that advertise as assisting the vagina with pH balance often instead have
an adverse effect, due to the cookie-cutter nature of the product, and
every woman’s pH being different. Vaginal pH is also affected by gut

2. Hormonal imbalance. This is a very common cause of Bartholin Gland

Cysts. Whether it be birth control, recent pregnancy, or a diet that consists
primarily of foods containing certain hormones that contribute to a
dominance of those hormones, the majority of women with Bartholin Cysts
have hormonal imbalances of some kind.

3. Lack of good personal hygiene and sexually transmitted diseases can also
be a cause of the cyst. The Bartholin Gland Cyst is not an STD itself, and
does not have contagious properties.

4. Toxicity in the body. Our glandular systems are responsible for

effectively processing toxicity in the body. An excess of sugar in the diet, a
poor diet with lots of processed foods, or hormonal birth controls can be
responsible for contributing toxicities.



Each one of my programs at Sempiternal Healing is based on the

concept of the 7 Outlooks of Holistic Life Wellness. This concept
breaks down your total wellness into seven categories that all must
be balanced in order for you to feel your very best. Any sickness,
disease, or condition that you may come in contact with
throughout your life may be caused, aggravated, or healed by
deficiencies and balance in each of the seven outlooks.
The 7 Outlooks of Holistic Life Wellness are…
1.         Physical Wellness
2.       Emotional Wellness
3.        Mental Wellness
4.      Spiritual Wellness
5.       Social Wellness
6.      Environmental Wellness
7.        Miscellaneous (Financial/Occupational)


Your physical body is the foundation for which all of your health is
built upon.

When your physical body is unwell, you may find it impossible to be

emotionally well, mentally well, or well in any of the other outlooks
of holistic life wellness.

In turn, when the other areas of your wellness are out of balance,
your physical body is directly affected.

Ask yourself the following questions to determine whether this

physical ailment you are experiencing (the Bartholin Cyst) may
possibly be caused or influenced by lack of wellness in another area...

1. Is there a great amount of stress in my life at this time, or around

the time I developed my cyst?

2. Do I have toxicity in areas of my life that are not physically

relative? Am I in a toxic relationship or a toxic environment?

3. Do I feel "stuck" in any area of my life right now, like there is a

blockage that is keeping me from moving forward (goals,
relationships, finances, career)?

If you answered "yes" to any of the above questions, it is possible that

your Bartholin Cyst is not just caused by a physical problem.

But for now, let's explore the physical reasons for the development
of a Bartholin Gland Cyst.


Diet (what we put in our body to nourish it) can play a big part in the
development of a Bartholin Gland Cyst due to the fact that food can
be either nourishing, or counterproductive.

If you are eating a diet that is full of raw foods, limited sugars and
unhealthy fats, and lots of leafy greens containing wonderful
vitamins and minerals, it is highly unlikely that your diet is the main

However, even when we are eating healthy, certain foods may

simply not agree with our bodies. Everyone's body is different, and
it is important to listen to your body.

What foods do you feel may be giving you indigestion? Do you feel
like something just isn't sitting in your gut correctly? Do you feel
bloated and constipated after eating a certain food? Do you feel tired
or out of energy after you eat something? Does a certain food give
you a headache or stomach ache?

Examining your diet and listening to these cues within the body will
lead you to be capable of determining what foods may be causing
toxicity in your body.

If your diet is comprised of processed foods, white grains, lots of

sugar and dairy, tons of chocolate and cake, things that come in
boxes or things that are microwavable and ready-to-eat, you may
want to carefully examine your diet and start to make a shift towards
eating more healthy. A diet like this will definitely cause toxicity and
blockages in your body that will lead to an environment that is
perfect for the development of a cyst.

Your body may take time to adjust if you decide to change your diet.
Keep this in mind, and reach out to me here at Sempiternal Healing
if you feel you need support in this area. I am more than happy to
assist you with a diet program that will detoxify your body and
create a healthier environment where cysts will not be able to


Did you notice that your cyst developed around a time when you
were changing or starting a new method of birth control? If you have
recurring cysts, did you notice that your cysts usually develop at a
certain time in your cycle?

If you answered "yes" to the above questions, it is highly likely that

your cyst is developing in relation to an imbalance of hormones.
Hormonal imbalance can be both a trigger and a factor in the
general environment that will allow cysts to develop.

When you start a new form of birth control, the change from the
new hormones shocks your body. It takes a while for it to get used to
the new hormones and balance the other hormones accordingly.
This can lead to the development of a Bartholin Cyst because
hormonal spikes like this tell your body that something is toxic, and
your glandular system works overtime to start reducing the toxicity
to a healthy, manageable level. When your body is working overtime
to balance toxicity, cysts develop.

If you notice that hormonal birth control seems to be a trigger for

your cyst, I recommend stopping hormonal birth control and
finding another method. There are many forms of western medicine
birth control that do not involve hormonal treatments. But, if you're
so inclined, there are also natural remedies of birth control. For
example; try using Neem Oil as a lubricant. Neem Oil has many
benefits; one of them being that it is a natural spermicide.

Hormonal imbalance may also be related to your diet. Did you know
that certain foods contain a dominance of specific hormones that
can either assist you or trouble you during certain times in your
menstrual cycle? You can actually use your diet to balance out your
hormones. This is called "cycle dieting". If you feel that this may
help you, feel free to reach out to me at Sempiternal Healing for
some more information on cycle dieting.


The pH of your vagina plays a huge factor in development of cysts

and other vaginal infections such as BV (Bacterial Vaginosis) or yeast

Vaginal pH can be easily affected by body washes, vaginal washes,

and soaps. Sometimes, our vagina just doesn't like the ingredients of
certain products we use. Our vaginas are naturally balancing, and
often times irritating ingredients that cause sensitivity can throw off
our vagina's ability to naturally balance itself. This can lead to all
sorts of funky smells and weird colored discharge, as well as itching
and even Bartholin Cysts.


EVE". Never use products, like the ones from this brand, that claim
to assist your vagina in balancing its pH. While these products may
work well for some women, for the majority of us, they can cause
some very real problems. These products are not made with the idea
in mind that every woman's body is different. A formula that works
to balance one woman's pH may completely imbalance another's.
Our bodies just aren't all the same; that's the bottom line.

Cut out any products with fragrances or sulfates when you have a
Bartholin Cyst. I highly recommend switching to Castile soaps like
Dr. Bronners. They have an unscented formula that is very gentle
and non-irritating. Certain brands like Dove and Tone have tons of
artificial ingredients and irritating fragrances that can be very
troublesome. Douching can also interfere with vaginal pH.

Did you know that sperm can actually throw your pH off balance?
Our vaginas thrive at an acidic pH below 4.5. Sperm has an alkaline
pH that can raise our vaginal pH above 4.5. That is when infections
like BV and Bartholin Cysts can easily develop. It is important to use
condoms if you find that you commonly develop infections after


As we briefly discussed in the beginning of this guide, physical

ailments can be influenced and even caused by distress in other
areas of your health.

This is a really interesting outlook to talk about because a lot of

people imagine your mind-body connection, and your thoughts
somehow being able to directly influence sickness in the body as
some sort of “hippy-dippy” pseudoscience, but clinical studies in
recent years have broken a lot of ground uncovering some scientific
evidence that suggests our mental state can actually improve or
destruct our physical health.

The beliefs you hold about yourself and the world, your emotions,
your memories, and your habits all can influence mental and
physical health. These connections between what is going on in your
mind and heart, and what is happening in your body, form the
psycho-emotional roots of health and disease.

For example, emotions like anxiety can trigger increased stress

hormones, which may suppress the immune system and set the
stage for the development of infections like the Bartholin Cyst.

In the following pages, we will explore this further and discuss some
ways that we can optimize our mental state to heal our bodies.


The mind-body connection happens on both a physical and

chemical level. The brain is the hardware that allows you to
experience mental states that are labeled the “mind.” This concept of
the “mind” encompasses mental states including thoughts, beliefs,
attitudes, and emotions. Different mental states can positively or
negatively affect biological functioning. This occurs since the
nervous, endocrine, and immune systems share a common chemical
language, which allows constant communication between the mind
and body through messengers like hormones and neurotransmitters.

For example, neurological pathways connect parts of the brain that

process emotions with the spinal cord, muscles, cardiovascular
system, and digestive tract. This allows major life events, stressors, or
emotions to trigger physical symptoms. You may have experienced
this aspect of the mind-body connection when you feel butterflies in
your stomach when you feel nervous, or when you heart feels like it
is pounding out of your chest when you are under intense stress.

Due to this mind-body connection, the way you think and feel and
the deep-seated belief patterns you hold can all contribute to the
development of disease. If you do not explore and deal with painful
emotions, they can create an underlying sense of anxiety,
depression, or anger that can physically disrupt the body’s natural
ability to heal itself.

Emotional suffering, physical pain, and other sensations share

similarities in their neural pathways. For example, feelings of anger
or insecurity can disrupt the regular beating of the heart and the
calm flow of the breath. This further activates the sympathetic
nervous system in the same way that occurs when you are facing a
threat, creating an even greater sense of unease and pain. You can
see this type of physiology playing out in people with a lack of social
support, who are more likely to have cardiovascular and other health
problems than those with consistent and supportive relationships.
We will talk a little bit more about this in the “social” portion of this


When it comes to healing your Bartholin Cyst in this category, you

need to closely examine the thoughts you may be having as a result
of stress or traumas in your life.

Have you noticed that your cysts develop during times of stress? Did
you have a physical or emotional trauma occur that shaped your
beliefs of yourself or your health, specifically revolving around toxic
relationships or sex?

If you answered yes, you may consider working to shift your

negative perceptions surrounding these things, and working to
resolve the stresses or traumas that make you think innately
negative thoughts.

Here is one great tool for doing this that can not only be useful in
healing your cyst, but in generating more positivity in other areas of
your life.

For every negative thought you have, replace it with three positive
thoughts, and an affirmation that declares a positive perception you
are trying to create.






For example, if you thought to yourself: “I will never be able to heal

my body from this Bartholin Cyst,” you are creating a negative
perception and thought pattern. Not only is this thought stressful,
but it triggers your body’s responses to stress, further solidifying the
toxic environment that allowed your cyst to develop in the first

Replace this thought with thoughts like “I can use this cyst as a
learning experience,” “I did not always have cysts in my body, and I
will not have cysts in my body forever,” and “I have made progress
towards my healing. This is a good thing.

Your affirmation, or declaration, could be something like “My body

is healthy and toxicity free,” or “I am fully capable of healing my
own body.”


Thoughts and emotions also carry vibrations that impact your

biochemical, cellular, and overall physiological state. At a physical
level, the body is made up of atoms and water, which are in a
constant state of motion. The type of movement or frequency at
which atoms within a cell vibrate creates a form of wave energy that
influences their structure and function.

Science demonstrates that thoughts, words, and feelings can change

the crystal structure of water and cells, which can change their
function. Positive, kind, and inspiring thoughts and emotions vibrate
in harmony with your cells since they share a similar frequency that
allows them to function optimally. In fact, one study has found that
the type of vibrations or energy patterns that are carried by certain
words and intentions are able to cause physical changes in DNA
structure, which affect how the genetic code is translated to make
different proteins that become the building blocks of your body.

This may explain why techniques like affirmations and

hypnotherapy can have such strong effects on the human body.
Often, your thoughts are also expressed as words, which carry these
energetic vibrations and are then put into action as repeated habits
and behaviors that further impact health.

This is why creating the affirmation in the exercise we just discussed

is a critical part of transforming your thoughts and the connection
between your mind and body.


We have talked a little bit about the way your body is effected by
your emotions in discussing the stress responses in the previous
section. Here, we will go a little deeper into that, and discuss some
possibilities of what emotional factors may be causing your cysts.

There is a neurological, endocrine, and immunological conversation

at work in every one of us that is reflective of our emotional state.
While it’s very important to look at the root causes of conditions
from a functional nutrition standpoint, I find that the emotional
aspect needs to be addressed at the same time for effective and
complete recovery. There are emotional patterns behind cysts,
fibroids, endometriosis, and other conditions common to many,
many women. This is very much a shared female experience.
Understanding this aspect is an opportunity to have compassion for
ourselves and for other women.

This has come up time and time again in my work with women. I
recall a time when a client was experiencing continuous spotting at
random points in her cycle that just wouldn’t quit. We had addressed
her diet and lifestyle, but during one conversation it became
apparent that the spotting had been happening since her father had
passed away earlier that year. I suggested that her womb was holding
her unprocessed grief, resulting in the symptoms, which were a
literal weeping from the womb. Once she made that connection she
was able to release her emotions – have a good cry – and free herself
from the cycle.


Our reproductive organs are extremely sensitive to grief, guilt,

sexual trauma, and the act of holding onto emotions that we do not
allow ourselves to process. Bear with me, here.

Consider your female reproductive organs (uterus, ovaries, vagina)

act as a “low heart” and hold many of our unconscious, deeper
emotions that your “high heart” is not yet ready to process. The
emotions are held here, only to be released once the woman has
processed the source of these held feelings. A health condition like
ovarian or Bartholin Gland cysts can convey a message of the kinds
of emotions being held there in the reproductive organs. This
thinking is rooted in Jungian psychology, specifically the mind/body
connection. A student of Jung, Marion Woodman, developed the
concept of “feminine psychology” and her work details how
unconsciously held emotions, feelings, and thoughts can affect the
female body. As science progresses we are seeing more and more
evidence to support this. Dr. Christiane Northrup has discussed the
reproductive and mind-body connection in her work.

One element of Woodman’s work focuses on the unconscious

trauma experienced by many women and how it manifests itself in
physical symptoms.

Consider whether you have unresolved trauma, grief, or guilt in

your life. If you determine that this may be an underlying cause of
your Bartholin Cyst development and you would like further
assistance in resolving these issues, please feel free to reach out to
me at Sempiternal Healing.


Whether you have emotional factors directly contributing to your

cyst or not, it is crucial that you take extra care of yourself at this
time to calm your body’s stress responses, and create emotional
stability to encourage the healing process. We all like to feel extra
comfy when we are sick, whether you factor in your body’s stress
responses or not.


• If you are well enough, tidy up your house and launder your
blankets. You’ll feel a lot better having those basic responsibilities
completed, and if you happen to start feeling worse, you won’t have
to worry about it. Plus, who doesn’t love nice, clean, warm blankets?

• Take one of those fresh-out-of-the-dryer blankets and cuddle up

on the couch with some hot tea. Read a good book or watch your
favorite TV show to distract yourself from worrying about your cyst.

• Take a shower. I know this seems simple, but we can put our
shower regime on hold when we are sick. It’s easy to do. You’ll feel
much better in your own skin if it is clean. Remember not to use any
fragrances or artifical formulas.

• Put your homework or workload on hold, even if it’s just for a few
hours. It is so important to priotitize YOU at this time. So long as
you won’t be too far behind, your workload will be forgiving. You
need to feel good to be at your most productive anyways.


Our spiritual health doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with

religion, though it may for some people.

Spirituality in your general wellbeing is more about connecting to

your spirit, higher self, soul essence, lightbody, or whatever you
want to call it.

It is also about connecting to a higher power that may inhibit your

healing. If you are religious, you might pray for healing. If not, you
may find solace simply in the understanding that we are connected
to something that is bigger than the world in front of us, bigger than
our circumstances, and bigger than our sickness.

For some of us with particular spiritual practices, tuning in to recieve

guidance from God or our higher selves on our healing journey is
crucial. You may do this through prayer, dream journeying, or


If you are a part of a religion that does not accept this philosophy,
you may feel free to skip ahead to the next section.

If you are a believer in the energy bodies that support our physical
bodies here on earth and connect us to the vastly expansive
energetic webs that our energy is a part of, read on for some insights
from Cathleen McCauley, LMT.

Imagine for a moment that you feel completely healed. What does
that feel like to you? Maybe you feel well, your reproductive system
or other body parts functioning healthily. You may feel spiritually
whole, filled with understanding and purpose. Or perhaps for you,
feeling healed equates to emotional balance and ease.

As you focus your awareness on your personal healing, know in your

heart that it is possible. During growth or crisis phases in life, healing
takes courage and dedication as you sift through your feelings and
sit with them. Oftentimes it requires outside assistance, a trusted
companion to help you dig deep into the parts of you that need
some attention. Above all, it calls for gentleness with self and spirit.

Turning to the chakra system to help you find your way through
your experiences can be a great first step. Let’s look at how the first
and second chakras, known as the lower chakras, can bring healing


The first chakra, known as the Root Chakra or Muladhara in

Sanskrit, spins from the base of the spine. It relates to procreation
and Mother Earth as well as to birth, receiving unconditional love
from your parents and the beginning of your life. Oftentimes it is
described as the place where physical energy, instinct and vitality are
born. From the Root Chakra, your kundalini, or pure desire, rises.

Meditation on the first chakra can help you feel safe, secure,
grounded and stable as you navigate the fertility journey. When you
are rooted, you feel fully alive, joyful, curious and able to trust. This
chakra teaches that all is one.

Working with this chakra allows you access to greater self-

nourishment should you have healing to do from early childhood.
When you spend time nurturing and supporting your inner child,
your first chakra blooms. Healing on this level also plants the seeds
for the future. What you do now to heal yourself opens the way for
your children to have fulfilling early experiences when they come
into the world.

Being disconnected from Root Chakra energy can manifest as high

levels of fear or stress, addictions, depression, obsessive disorders or
an extreme need for control. Physically, this chakra relates to the
spine, kidneys, adrenal glands, immune system, skeletal system and
reproductive organs. Cold hands and feet, frequent urination, high-
blood pressure, low back pain, difficulties in the feet, legs or hips,
low sex drive, and infertility or impotence are common ailments
associated with an unbalanced first chakra. In understanding this,
you can realize how an energetic imbalance or blockage in this
chakra may relate to the development of your Bartholin Cyst.


As the energy of the first chakra opens, it moves up to the lower

abdomen two fingers below the navel to closely relate to
Swadhisthana or the Sacral Chakra. The center for emotion, desire
and passion, the second chakra brings creativity, empowerment,
sincerity and sexual energy into your life. Its symbol is a crescent
moon, representing femininity and the womb.

As you open awareness to Sacral Chakra energy, you begin to

explore your true feminine nature. You embrace your
compassionate and nurturing qualities; you trust your intuition.
Creativity blossoms and your emotions feel in balance.
Relationships, both casual and intimate, are satisfying. You
experience and enjoy sensual sexual experiences. Your female
reproductive organs function healthfully.

As a child, if you were unable to express your feelings, emotions or

desires, your second chakra may need attention. Some
characteristics of an unbalanced second chakra include fear of
pleasure, being out of touch with your feelings, resistance to change,
acting overly emotional or dramatic, sexual addiction or poor

In her book Anatomy of the Spirit, The Seven Stages of Power and
Healing (Three Rivers Press, 1996) author and medical intuitive
Carolyn Myss, Ph.D., explains that many female health problems
stem from second chakra issues. “Problems with menstruation,
cramps and PMS are classic indications that she is in some kind of
conflict with being a woman…,” writes Myss. Problems with bleeding
or irregular periods frequently occur due to emotional stress and the
feeling that a woman doesn’t have control over her choices, she says.

Further, Myss’ writes that tubal problems and infertility are centered
on a woman’s inner child. The flow of eggs, she writes, can be
blocked because the woman’s inner being does not feel nurtured or
mature enough to feel fertile.






Our relationships can have a direct impact on our health due to the
ability for toxic relationships to create the stress responses in the
body as we discussed earlier.

In a long-term study that followed more than 10,000 subjects for an

average of 12.2 years, researchers discovered that subjects in negative
relationships were at a greater risk for developing heart problems,
including a fatal cardiac event, than counterparts whose close
relationships were not negative.

Relationships that are healthy can also create a huge and invaluable
support system for us at times like these when we most need them.
They can help us feel like we are not alone in our struggles, and that
there is someone who has our backs. This is extremely comforting,
and essential when we are struggling with illness.

In order to heal the toxicity that comes from our relationships, we

must first be able to identify whether they are healthy or toxic.


How do you know if you're in a toxic relationship? Your answers to

these questions can help you figure it out:

• When you're with the person, do you usually feel content, even
energized? Or do you often feel unfulfilled and drained?

• After you spend time with him or her, do you usually feel better or
worse about yourself?

• Do you feel physically and or emotionally safe with this person, or

do you ever feel threatened or in danger?

• Is there a fairly equal "give and take," or do you feel like you're
always giving and he or she is always taking?

• Is the relationship characterized by feelings of security and

contentment, or drama and angst?

• Do you feel like he or she is happy with who you are, or do you
feel like you have to change to make him or her happy?

Now compare your answers to the following characteristics of

healthy and toxic relationships:

Healthy relationships are characterized by: compassion, security,

safety, freedom of thinking, sharing, listening, mutual love and
caring, healthy debates and disagreements, and respectfulness,
especially when there are differences in opinions.

Toxic relationships are characterized by: insecurity, abuse of power

and control, demandingness, selfishness, insecurity, self-
centeredness, criticism, negativity, dishonesty, distrust, demeaning
comments and attitudes, and jealousy.


The first step to changing a toxic relationship is to recognize you're

in one. Many people in unhealthy relationships are in denial, even
when friends or family members can see the danger signs and have
told them so.

The next step, equally as important, is to believe that you deserve to

be treated with respect, love, and compassion. There are many
reasons people stay in unhealthy relationships, but one common one
is underlying low self-esteem that makes some people believe that
they don't deserve anything better. This kind of change in thinking,
however, may not come easily, and may require professional
support from an objective third party, like me as your life coach
here at Sempiternal Healing.

Once you come to believe that you deserve to be treated differently,

the next step—addressing toxic behavior when it occurs—becomes
easier. Work to set healthy boundaries with the people in your life. If
they do not respect your boundaries, they do not respect you and
they do not have a place in your life.


Those in your life who fall under the healthy relationship category
are important to you at this time.

Whether you choose to tell someone about your cyst or not, it is

crucial that you feel as though you have someone to process the
common feelings of powerlessness, frustration, or hopelessness that
may come with having a Bartholin Cyst.

We all need people to talk to. You are more than welcome to reach
out to me here at Sempiternal Healing if you feel you have no one.

Your support system can be important when it comes to healing

your cyst because they may be willing to watch your children, help
you grab supplements from the store, or bring you some hot soup
when you’re not feeling your best.


Your environment has a big impact on your mental stability, as well

as your emotions. Think about the last time you walked into a highly
disorganized room. You may have been temporarily thrown off
guard. You may have thought “whoa,” or had the impulse to clean it.
This is because, when you walk into a super abstract, busy space,
your brain has to take a second to recalibrate.

Your brain can only perceive so many things at once. Clutter throws
off your brain’s immediate stability. Prolonged exposure to these
spikes in instability, caused by things like walking into increasingly
cluttered spaces, can have a negative impact on your emotional

Any time your brain becomes momentarily overwhelmed or

confused, your body experiences a small amount of shock; the same
type of reaction that engages the fight-or-flight response that spikes
cortisol and leads to toxicity in the body over time. Depending on
the status of your environment, this may or may not have a direct
effect on your Bartholin Cyst.

It is important that you take the time to notice your surroundings.

Being in a tidy and organized space means that your brain will not
have to work as hard to process your immediate surroundings. The
result is mental clarity, increased focus, and increased motivation.

When you are ill or unwell, there is also a completely different

aspect to environmental wellbeing that comes into play. Filling your
immediate space with nice smelling candles, fuzzy blankets, pillows,
and aesthetically comforting objects can provide you with a strong
sense of comfort that will help you to feel better.

Making just a few adjustments to your surroundings can really make

a difference when it comes to feeling secure and relaxed in times of
illness or stress.


This category has to do with financial and occupational wellbeing.

This particular outlook of your wellbeing doesn’t necessarily affect

the development of a Bartholin Cyst, but you may find that financial
or occupational components in your life stress you out. We have
talked about the stress responses in the body and how they
contribute to toxicity.

Consider making long-term changes to your career or financial

status over time to minimize stress and feel more satisfied with your

In the immediate, budget your finances to afford any remedies you

may want to try for healing your cyst, as well as a little extra for
emergency if you find you are too ill to go to work.



In this section, you will find all of the remedies that you can use
to heal your current Bartholin Gland Cyst. In order to determine
the best remedies for you, consider the following...

• Is your cyst painful? Is there swelling, and does the skin feel

• Does the cyst itch? Is the skin around it red and inflamed?

• Does the fluid seem like it is close to the surface of the skin?

• Can you see a white head anywhere on the cyst?

If you aswered “yes” to any of these questions, it is likely that

treating your cyst using external methods will be most effective.

If the answer is no, internally healing methods would be best.

There is certainly no harm in treating the cyst both interally and

You can find links to purchase all of the ingredients and

supplements in this section in the Blog section of my website at


Topical solutions are external remedies that you apply directly to

your cyst to encourage opening of the blockage, soothing of the skin,
and decreasing of the swelling in the affected area.

These methods are often effective at draining the gland externally,

meaning that your cyst will open and the fluid will come out.


Each of the topical solutions in this guide should be applied with a

gauze pad, placed directly on the opening to the Bartholin Gland.

Leave each of the topical remedies in this guide on your cyst for 4
hours at a time, removing it for 1 hour to give the skin a rest, and
then repeating the method.

Topical solutions also work great when left on overnight to do the

work while you are asleep.

Here's how to place the gauze pad (you can also use a folded up piece
of toilet paper or paper towel)...

1. Apply a generous amount of your chosen topical solution to the

gauze pad.

2. Locate the cyst. Use your index finger and lightly insert it into the
vaginal opening to find the area with the most swelling.

3. The opening to the Bartholin gland is just barely inside the folds
of the Bartholin gland (refer to the diagram in the first part of this
guide). This is where you want to place the gauze pad.

4. Place the gauze pad up against the cyst. It may feel like you are
trying to partially insert the gauze pad into your vagina if you are
doing this correctly. Make sure the topical solution is touching the
opening to the Bartholin Gland.

5. It may be somewhat uncomfortable at first, but when placed

correctly, gauze pads can be worn2during your daily activities.

Smile’s PRID Homeopathic Drawing Salve is my number one

recommended treatment option for the Bartholin Gland Cyst. With
completely natural, FDA approved ingredients, PRID Drawing Salve
works to draw your infection out from deep in the skin, and unblock
the opening to the Bartholin Gland where the fluid causing your cyst
is trapped.

This formula contains ingredients that are specifically determined to

work on Bartholin Cysts. Though we don’t have any formal medical
studies on why these ingredients have an effect on this specific
ailment, we can draw deductions based on their individual

Let's take a look at the ingredients in this formula and why they

Ingredients: Acidum Carbolicum 2X HPUS, Ichthammol 2X HPUS,
Arnica Montana 3X HPUS, Calendula Off 3X HPUS, Echinacea
Ang 3X HPUS, Sulpher 12X HPUS, Hepar Sulph 12X HPUS, Silicea
12X HPUS, Rosin, Beeswax, Petrolatum, Stearyl Alcohol, Methyl &
Propyl Paraben.

Adidum Carbolicum is a powerful antiseptic.

Ichthammol has anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, and

fungicidal properties. It is used to treat eczema, psoriasis, Acne
rosacea and acne, and it decreases microorganisms in the area
surrounding a skin condition.

Arnica Montana is a homeopathic remedy for reducing pain

and swelling. It is an effective, natural alternative to NSAIDs
such as Ibuprofen or Naproxen.

Calendula is a common ingredient in many of the salves I

have tried that has helped the swelling of my Bartholin Cysts
tremendously. It is anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, and

Echinacea is another common denominator in the salves that

have had an effect on my Bartholin Cysts in the past. It is an
herb that encourages the vitality of your immune system and
reduces many of the symptoms of colds, flu and some other
illnesses, infections, and conditions.

Sulpher is present in all living tissues. It is the third most

abundant mineral in the human body. Sulfur seems to
have antibacterial effects against the bacteria that cause acne.
It also might help promote the loosening and shedding of
skin. This is likely what assists the opening of the Bartholin
Gland in becoming unblocked.

Silicea 12x has been said to assist in the healing of a Bartholin

Gland Cyst when taken internally in sugar pill form.

Phoebe's Method is a widely popular internet remedy found on

many forums where women have gone to seek help for their
Bartholin Cysts. Phoebe's Method is composed of 3 main ingredients
that help to cleanse the area free of harmful bacteria, reduce the
inflammation and swelling, and reopen the Bartholin Gland so fluids
can drain.

1 tsp witch hazel
1 tsp tea tree oil
1 tbsp calamine

Mix the 3 ingredients together in a shallow bowl to form a watery


Dip a gauze pad in the paste and apply it directly to the cyst.

Leave the remedy on for 4 hours at a time, or overnight.

You may find it useful to alternate by removing one ingredient of

the mixture (i.e. use just witch hazel and calamine, or just calamine
and tea tree).


Turmeric can be very useful in the treatment of the Bartholin Gland

Cyst. Containing the active ingredient, curcumin, turmeric has
potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant components.
Antioxidants are great for assisting in healing toxicity-related issues.
Curcumin helps to boost the body’s naturally created anti-oxidant

Turmeric powder can be taken as a supplement internally, sprinkled

across your food for flavor, or made into a paste with a carrier oil
(coconut or castor oil, preferably). During my own personal
Bartholin Cyst journey, I commonly used this turmeric powder
made into a paste with coconut oil and applied it directly to the cyst.
I saw a dramatic decrease in swelling and irritation upon using it as
an additional remedy between applications of PRID or Phoebe’s

Mix turmeric powder with coconut oil to form a thick, yellow paste
and apply it directly to the cyst. Take care, as this method will likely
stain your panties yellow.


Goldenseal can be a highly beneficial addition to your daily

supplement regime, and works wonders on Bartholin Cysts.
Goldenseal is a natural antibiotic. It has many uses, but I most
commonly use it to treat Bartholin Cysts, sinus infections, sore
throats, and severe tooth pain.

Goldenseal has many benefits to the human body. From boosting

the immune system to curing the common cold, it’s a must-have for
anyone who aims to develop a holistic approach to their health. 

Mixing goldenseal with coconut oil (like with the turmeric) and using
it as an additional method in compliment to PRID or Phoebe’s
Method while treating a Bartholin Cyst can speed up the healing
process due to its antibiotic nature.


Take a chamomile tea bag and apply it directly to the cyst between
your other methods to reduce inflammation and soothe irritated

I know, this sounds bizarre.

Wet the tea bag before application, or use it in place of the gauze pad
to apply Phoebe's Method.


Sitz baths are perhaps one of the easiest and most popular methods
for taking care of a Bartholin Cyst.

A sitz bath is a bath where you only fill it up enough so the water will
reach just above your pelvis if you sit in the tub and hang your legs
out over the side.

The bath water should be as hot as you can possibly stand.

Try a sitz bath with one of the following...

1 cup sea salt

1 cup epsom salt

lavender or tea tree oil

apple cider vinegar


The following pages provide instructions for use of supplements for

healing your Bartholin Cyst.

These are internal methods, meaning that they work to combat the
cyst from the inside out.

With these methods, if your cyst is not infected, you will likely see
drastic improvement in the size or hardness of your cyst. It may
even reabsorb back into your body.


Serrapeptase is a supplement that is commonly used to combat

inflammatory conditions as a result of injury. It is most effective in
dissolving buildup of proteins and fluid in the joints during times
when inflammation is at its peak, such as after a knee surgery. It
thins mucous, and can be highly beneficial when you have a sinus

Serrapeptase is an enzyme made that comes from silkworms. The

enzyme comes from Serratia, a bioactive group of bacteria that live
inside silkworms. Serratia are essential to the silkworm’s survival.
After it weaves a silk cocoon and begins transforming into a moth, it
releases Serratia bacteria from its gut. The Serratia produce
serrapeptase, an enzyme that eats through protein. The serrapeptase
dissolves the silk cocoon, opening it up for the silkmoth to emerge.
Serrapeptase is also a strong antimicrobial. It weakens biofilms
around antibiotic-resistant bacteria, which can make it a great way to
get rid of pathogens.

Serrapeptase makes proteins break down much faster. It degrades

dense proteins that most other enzymes can’t touch. An example is
fibrin, a particularly tough protein that accumulates in scar tissue.
It also assists in killing harmful bacteria. 

It is for these reasons that serrapeptase is extremely beneficial in the

healing process of the Bartholin Cyst. It helps the fluids to break
down and dissolve, making the cyst smaller, and allowing the fluid to
loosen and move.


Be sure that the type of Serrapeptase you are taking is

from the Doctor's Best brand. Ensure that it is "high
potency" serrapeptase. This is the purest, most
effective formula on the market.

Your first dose should be 5 capsules.

Thereafter, every 3 hours, take 3 capsules.

This does not necessarily have to be done during

sleep, but it can be more effective if you wake up to
take a dose.

Continue this treatment for up to 5 days, then take the

dosage recommended on the bottle.

After 3 days of taking the recommended dosage, you

can begin taking the 3 capsules every 3 hours again.

This will encourage the fluid inside the Bartholin Cyst

to move. You may notice the cyst softening, shrinking,
or reabsorbing back into the body completely.

If you’ve ever spent any time researching remedies for healing your
Bartholin Cysts online, you’ve likely found some vague information
on the power of Silicea 30c. 

Silicea is a highly powerful remedy for allowing the body to drain

itself of toxicity. It targets blockages and skin conditions to attack
their source and heal the affected area. It also has a few other great
benefits, such as combating fatigue and itching from skin abrasions.

It is recommended that you take 6 of the pellets at once, every four

hours for optimal results.


Turmeric and goldenseal can also be taken internally in addition to

creating the topical solution with the coconut oil.

Turmeric will assist your body in fighting toxicity and inflammation.

Goldenseal will help to combat unhealthy bacteria that may increase

your risk of infection.

Turmeric Detox Drink

1 tsp turmeric
1 tbsp brown sugar

Heat up some water on the stove,

or in the microwave, and pour it into
your favorite mug.

Mix in 1 tsp turmeric and 1 tbsp

brown sugar until the mixture is
completely dissolved.

Feel free to add a spritz of lemon

juice, and enjoy a delightfully sweet
detoxifying drink.


There are a few things to remember when you have a Bartholin

Gland Cyst that will assist in your healing process tremendously.

Keep the area clean. I recommend wiping the area with witch
hazel every time you use the restroom or change topical
Change your underwear every night, and every morning, to
ensure hygiene.
Don't forget to shower! I know when we are sick that showering
can seem like a chore. But, not only will you feel better when you
are clean, it will ensure that further infection does not develop.
Remember to use natural, unscented products at this time.
Try a heating pad or hot compress. Heat can assist the gland in
becoming unblocked, and can also provide comfort for swollen,
irritated areas.
Drink TONS of water. Since Bartholin Cysts are a toxicity related
issue, it is only logical that drinking more water than normal will
aid in the healing process. Drinking more water when we are sick
can help our bodies to heal.



In the following pages, you will find methods for preventative care
that you can use after your current cyst goes away. These methods
will help you in making sure that cyst do not return.

Any supplementation or products that I recommend can be found in

the Blog section of

Happy healing! 


Because our bodies depend on nourishment to survive, it is only

logical that the things we choose to put in our bodies will have a
great impact on our health.

A healthy, balanced diet with lots of vegetables, healthy fats, fruits,

and ethically sourced proteins will give our bodies the nourishment
they need to work properly.

On the other hand, an unhealthy diet filled with lots of sugars,

processed foods, and empty calories (calories that do not contain
vitamins, minerals, or nutritional content) will lead to a buildup of
toxicity in the body. This toxic environment is what allows cysts to

Cut sugars out of your diet while you have a
Bartholin Cyst. This doesn't mean you can't eat your
favorite fruits for breakfast...just go easy on the

Eat lots of leafy greens. These have tons of vitamins

and minerals that assist our bodies with natural
healing functionality.

Cut out caffeine. Caffeine can actually trigger a

stress response in the body, leading to more toxicity


It is important to establish a mind-body connection at this time.

You must cut out foods that do not agree with you, even if you like
them. Refer back to the "physical" section of this guide. Ask yourself
the questions that will assist you in determining whether or not a
certain food is toxic to your body, and adjust your diet accordingly.

You may also consider cycle dieting for hormonal control. If you
believe hormones are a big factor in the cause of your cysts, cycle
dieting may be a great way to balance them and get back on track.

If you would like assistance with formulating and executing a diet

for healing, do not hesitate to reach out to me at Sempiternal
Healing for a customized diet plan.


It is impossible for me to determine whether you are getting too

much or too little of any given vitamin or mineral without working
with you directly. There are many ways that vitamins and
supplements can assist us in balancing deficiencies in the body. I
would be happy to assist you if you feel that you have nutritional

Aside from the consistent makeup of your body, there are a few
supplements you can take that will work to heal your Bartholin Cyst

Serrapeptase: We discussed this amazing enzyme in the "acute care"

portion of this guide. Serrapeptase is the best supplement you can
possibly take for preventative care. Take daily as directed when you
do not have a current Bartholin Cyst.

Silicea 30C: We also discussed Silicea earlier in this guide. For

preventative care, if you have recurring Bartholin Cysts, take twice
the amount that is recommended on the product label.


We have discussed many of the different possible causes and

remedies for Bartholin Cysts here in this guide.

You must consider that everyone's body is different. That being said,
I do hope that you have found information in this guide that will be
useful in your journey to heal your Bartholin Cysts for yourself
without medical information.

If you feel you still need support in identifying your causes and the
remedies that will be most effective for you, please do not hesitate to
reach out to me at Sempiternal Healing. It is my goal to assist as
many women as possible with healing their cysts.

I understand that you may need additional support, or may be

unable to discover the root causes for yourself. Feel free to reach out
to me directly by email at, or
purchase my 30 Days to Cyst Free program so I can work with you
directly on healing your cyst.

Thank you so much for purchasing this guide. I do hope you found
it informative and useful.

Thank You

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