Electrical Resistivity

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Electrical Resistivity Method

Submitted by Abhineet Godayal

M.Tech Geotechnical Engineering
 The resistivity of a material depends upon the
type of material, its water content,
concentration of dissolved ions and many
other factors
 Rocks and dry soils have a greater resistivity
than saturated clays
 Therefore resistivity of soil decreases as both
water content and concentration of salt
Type of Sound Weathered Gravel Sand Clayey Saturated
Rock Soil Rock Rock Sand Clay and Silt

Resistivity >5000 1500 to 1500 to 500 to 200 to 2 to 100

(ohm-m) 2500 4500 1500 500
 In this method four electrodes are used at
constant spacing “a”
 To conduct this test ,four electrodes in the form
of metal spikes are driven in to the ground.
 Two outer electrodes are called current
electrodes and inner two electrodes are potential
 The mean resistivity of strata is determined by
applying D.C. to outer electrodes and measuring
the potential drop between inner electrodes.
--This gives
mean resistivity
up to depth a.

--This test is
repeated after
changing the
spacing and
the mean
Fig 1.Wenner arrangement resistivity for
new spacing.
 Electrical Profiling Method is used for locating
sand and gravel deposits with in fine-grained
soil deposit.

Electrical Resistivity Measurements

 In this method, the electrode system
consisting of four electrodes is expanded
about a fixed point.
 The spacing in first sitting is a1, which is
increased to a2 in the second sitting and to a3
in the third sitting.
 The spacing is thus increased to depth of
--This method is
useful in studying the
changes in the strata
with increasing depth
at a point.

--This method can

indicate the subsurface
variation when a hard
layer overlies soft layer
or vice versa.

Fig 2.Electrode arrangement for electrical

sounding method
 The method capable of detecting only the
strata having different electrical resistivity.
 The results considerably influenced by
surface irregularities, wetness of strata and
electrolytic concentration of ground water
 As the resistivity of different strata at
interface changes gradually and not abruptly
as assumed, the interpretation of results
becomes difficult.

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