The Angelic Realm
The Angelic Realm
The Angelic Realm
The angels are always with us and ready and begging to interact with us but we are ignorant of them.
We have passed the years in church history teaching on demons and not of angels and that is why
there are a lot of demonic manifestations today than angelic manifestations. We need to change our
In the Bible, we have more of angelic manifestations than demonic manifestations. More scriptures on
the Angelic than on the demonic both in the old and new testament.
And the best thing we can do is start talking about the angelic dimensions and then they start
manifestation around us. They want to make us aware they are around and when we start getting
aware, we activate them.
The presence of God is always accompanied by the angelic but the angelic can’t manifest in our lives
because in the presence of God, we spend time thinking and talking about the devils.
It was a normal part of the lives of the church of the old, the fathers of the old to engage with angels.
God is restoring a lot of mysteries of the kingdom these last days and if we are open, we will
experience more than we can imagine. The angelic interfering in the affairs of men is one of those
greatest mysteries to be restored.
The earth will see the manifestation of the kingdom of God manifested through the children of God.
God is opening up a realm of the angelic around us, we will see them, interact with them and work
with them.
There is a new chapter of the history of the church. Even the world. We are living in a supernatural
generation. We need to start engaging them because the hour that we are in demands it.
We are in a season where God will really get famous on the earth and this can happen only through
His Sons, through the Ecclesia. Start partnering, engaging and committing to this move.
The earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of God just as the waters covers the sea.
- Supernatural encounters, divine visitations, dreams and visions, angelic visitations, tasting of
the powers of the age to come.
We are in that season of great harvest and there will be a very great relationship between the Ecclesia
and the angelic realm. The angelic realm will be made manifest like never before in history.
Matthew 13:39
The enemy who sowed them is the devil, the harvest is the end of the age, and the reapers are
the angels.
If this is the last big harvest, then there are going to be a big number of angels for that harvest too.
We are surrounded by a company of innumerable angels
If God surrounded Himself with the angelic realm, we also are supposed to be surrounded by that
same realm. We are carriers of God’s glory.
This end time church will be a merger of the heaven and the earth because we are one family
Ephesians 3:14-15
The Angelic Dimension
For this reason, I bow my knees to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,from whom the whole
family in heaven and earth is named.
If then we are one family, we need to act like the family we are. We are spiritual beings just like the
angels and we have created a lot of barriers because of religious strongholds and we need to break
It is time to rise and shine for the glory of God is risen upon us. Angels have been in heaven waiting
for this generation. We need to rise.
ANGELS MINISTER & HELP US “Are they (angels) not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister
for them who shall be heirs of salvation”? (Hebrews 1:14)
A. Angels bring us strength, messages and fight on our behalf. (Daniel 10)
B. 2 Kings 6:14-17, Elisha, the prophet saw armies of angels protecting him and the city. Their army
was bigger than that of the human army. Elisha “Could see horses and chariots of fire everywhere on
the hills surround the city.”
C. When Daniel was thrown into the lion’s den, in Daniel 6:22 we read, “My God sent his angel, and
he shut the mouths of the lions."
D. King Nebuchadnezzar learned of an angel with Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego when they
refused to bow to the idol and the king threw them into a fiery furnace. The king said “I see four
men…in the midst of fire” (Daniel 3:25)
E. Paul encountered an angel who said, “Last night an angel of the God whose I am and whom I serve,
stood beside me and said, “Do not be afraid, Paul. You must stand trial before Caesar; and God has
graciously given you the lives of all who sail with you” (Acts 27:23-24)
The Angelic Dimension
F. Some Christians believe that an angel is assigned to watch over them, “See that you do not look
down on one of these little ones. For I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my
Father in heaven.” (Matthew 18:10)
G. Angels protect us; “For He (God) will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your
ways; they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone. (Psalm
91:1, 11, 12)
Isaiah saw the Lord and saw angels and today, God’s house is us so we have those angels around us.
The realm of heaven is as close to you as the air you breath and if you lean on it, it becomes the source
of your supply. We don’t have the heavenly supply because we focus on the negative supernatural so it
becomes our supply.
Instead of interacting with the angelic realm, we are spending time interacting in the demonic realm.
There are 10spheres of the angelic realm around the throne of God and these spheres and each
of them have specific role, function and ranks amongst them.
All of the angels have different names and as you engage, you get to know them by names. Many
times, their names are based on their function, their role and the realm in which they function.
The role releases the mandate which releases the authorization to operate in the realm of that function.
Your name is a reflection of a mandate God has given you to work with and through the face of the
To them that overcome I grant them to be a pillar in the temple of my courts. I will give them a new
name, my new name and the name of the new Jerusalem.
My name is a reflection of my role and function of what God has given me.
The Angelic Dimension
- Spheres
- Raziel is their administrator
- Wheel within the wheels in Ezekiel
- They are part of God’s chariot bringing knowledge of the works of God and God’s spirit is
within them.
Layer 3 – Erelim - Isaiah 33:7
The Angelic Dimension
Layer 6 – Melachim
- Messengers
- Kings who bring the judgement of God to come to pass on the face of the earth
- They deliver the justice of God of the face of the earth
- Raphael
- Judges
- Men angels because they look like us. Your Angel looks like you.
- Uriel is the administrator
- Peter’s Angel is here when Peter knocked on the door.
- Sons of God
- Some of them left their estate and gave away the name and their covering and entered the
atmosphere of the earth engaged woman and there were giants produced.
- Hold the thrones that are not occupied and hold governmental seats of dominion and the
thrones on the mountains and the portfolio of that function and until we come to maturity then
they can give us the portfolio and the function of that mountain
- Chief princes over nations and concerned with warfare for nations
- Michael is the central administrator
- Covering ones
- Interact with the Cherubim when you worship.
- They sing Holy HolyHoly.
- They help man deal with sin and overcome sin and help you get closer to God and prevents
you from God’s presence if you have sinned
- Gabriel
Where ever the glory of God is, there a hundred million angels seated around that glory and when we
engage they stand around us.
The Angelic Dimension
- 100,000 to guard me
- Personal escort
We have sinned because we have not willingly engaged the provision of God in our life.
It is there to facilitate the kingdom manifesting around me
- Provision
- Protection
- Mandate
- Authorization
- Equipping
- Administrate to me and into me
- Judgment angels
- Watcher angels
- Salvation
- Glory radiate
- Guard the gates
- Scroll angels like lions
- Sealers of the testimony
- Territorial
- Dispensation times and transition
- Assignment
- Angels of Art that release artistic ability in people
- Grace angels
- Holiness angels
- Healing
- Gather
- Anointing bringer
- Provision
- Mantles of those of the past
- Worship angels
- Blowers of the trumpet
- Treasury angels of finances
- Incense that carry the fragrance of God
- Revival angels
- Portals angels that carry the doorway
- Angels of deliverance
- Warrior
- Covenant angels that bring provision of covenant and inheritance
- Angels of wisdom
- Pillars
- Celebration
- Radiation
- Revelation
- Carriers of the mandate and power of God into the earth
- Missionary angels that look like men
The Angelic Dimension
B. God Himself has given you access to His angels, through your diligent fasting and praying. Your
prayers activate the angels. (Daniel 10)
Praying is not doing our Christian duty but it is engaging a supernatural realm.
We should look at our prayers more like engaging the angels than fighting the demons.
Rev. 5vs8, Rev. 8vs5
when you pray, it is collected in a golden censer by angels and when we don’t pray, they have
no work to do.
C. Great battles are being won and lost by our wielding of the Word in prayer, as we stand firm on the
promises of God. Releasing and strengthening angels is dependent on our un-relenting persistent
prayer that goes before God’s throne. When we pray to God it moves His heart, He releases resources
on earth and He sends His angels to do His bidding. Our job is to pray and not give up (Luke 18:1).
D. Praying God’s promises and releasing His words
Something special happens in the angelic kingdom when Christians speak God’s Word in the midst of
contrary circumstances. It somehow releases the angelic world to work alongside us. “Problems do
not activate angels. God’s Word activates angels. Promises from God’s Word brings provisions,
including the assistance from angels if that is needed. Someone has said there are seven thousand
promises in the Bible. God does not want to hear the problem. He wants to hear the promise that
fixes the problem. He wants to hear us praise him in advance for that promise.
The Angelic Dimension
Psalm 103:20-21
Bless the LORD, ye his angels, that excel in strength, that do his commandments,
hearkening unto the voice of his word.
Bless ye the LORD, all [ye] his hosts; [ye] ministers of his, that do his pleasure.
E. Praying in tongues and worshipping God under the anointing which brings the glory charges the
atmosphere. Angels here our thoughts, when we charge the atmosphere and thinks of them they are
F. Prophetic acts of Faith like shouting in glory and praise.
G. Angels love and rejoice with us; “In the same way, I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of
the angels of God over one sinner who repents.” (Luke 10:15)
H. Soul Winning
The Imagination
- The human imagination is a tool God gave us as one of the bridges between the physical and
the spiritual realm.
- Many people fear what they imagine because we have been told and believe the imagination is
not pure.
- The human imagination is neither good or bad. It only reflects what you meditate on. When
you meditate on bad things, the bad things reflect on the imagination then manifest in your life
and when you meditate on good things, it reflects on the imagination then manifests in your
- The imagination is the screen of the human mind and as the devil tries to project things on the
screen, the Heaven wants to project things on them too. The only reason is; we don’t give it
what to project.
- Anything you focus on for a while, you meditate on it, it gets to your screen of your mind,
then the eyes of your heart sees it then it manifests in your life over time.
- So you need to be confident at whatever comes into your mind when you know you are
- Jesus was saying if you lust after a woman in your heart, you have already committed
adulatory and if you carry hate for your brother, you have already killed him.
2 Corinthians 4:18
While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for
the things which are seen [are] temporal; but the things which are not seen [are] eternal.
Eph. 1vs15-23
We are spiritual beings and not physical beings. The spiritual realm is more real than the
The Angelic Dimension
As we have five senses in in the physical, we also have the five spiritual senses which enables
us interact in the spirit realm.
Dreams, visions
Our dreams speak to us and angels come a lot in dreams and visions. When they come, believe
in them.
- Believe the truth that God gives concerning the righteous. They encamp the righteous
- Understand that the Holy Spirit gives discernment. If you know how to hear the voice of
the spirit then He will tell you where they are, what they are doing, descriptions etc
- Practice to focus to hear and see constantly
- Question The Spirit within you to describe the angel, size, what it is wearing, what it is
doing, why it is there. etc
- Always write down the things that angels bring to you especially messages so that you can
go back to the word of God and confirm then be sure.
Pray in the court of heaven
We are sorry for now acknowledging and permiting them to move
We are sorry focusing on the wrong side
Father your glory – open up the realm of your glory over us, let there be an angelic portal over our
Activate the angelic realm around us