hw444 1

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CSE444 Introduction to Database Systems Fall 1998

Homework 1 – Due Monday, Oct. 19

1. Give an ODL design for a database recording information about magazines, writers, and subscribers,
For each magazine, its name, its writers, its editor, and the cities to which it is delivered.
For each writer, their name. (Note: a writer can write for more than one magazine, but can only edit, at
most, one magazine.)
For each subscriber, their name, favorite writers, city of residence, and what magazines they receive.
For all classes, select and specify keys.

2. Modify (1.) above to record for each writer the history of magazines which they have edited, including
the start date and ending date of the position for each such magazine.

3. Render the magazines/writers/subscribers database (excluding (2.) above) in the E/R model. Remember
that a set of cities is not a suitable attribute type for magazines. How can you get around this restriction?

4. Suppose we wish to add to the schema of (3.) above a relationship Researched-by among two writers
and a magazine. The intention is that this relationship set consists of triples
(writer1, writer2, magazine)
such that writer 1 wrote for the magazine at a time when some other writer 2 was the magazine’s editor.
a. Draw the modification to the E/R diagram.
b. Replace your ternary relationship with a new entity set and binary relationships.

5. Let us consider two design options in the E/R model for describing films. We shall assume that a film
has only one studio and one director, but any number of actors and any number of crewmembers. Suppose,
therefore, that we have entity sets Studios, Directors, Actors, and Crewmember. Suppose we also use a
relationship Films, which connects these four entity sets, as suggested below. Note that a tuple of the
relationship set for Films has the form
(studio, director, actor, crewmember)
If there is more than one actor and/or crewmember involved in the film’s production, then there will be
several tuples with the same studio and director, one for each combination of actor and crewmember.


Studios Films Actors


There are certain assumptions that we might wish to incorporate into our design. For each, tell how to add
arrows or other elements to the E/R diagram in order to express the assumption.
a. For every studio, there is a unique director.
b. For every combination of a studio, actor, and crewmember, there is a unique director.
c. For every combination of a studio and a director there is a unique actor.

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