Repair Autocom CDP VCI
Repair Autocom CDP VCI
Repair Autocom CDP VCI
Most important is Change R74 and R75 + 2 K-line trancievers and will be OK on BMW E60 and
You have to change all together! If change first K-line trancievers and than connect to
any brand of car, you will have to buy another pair of trancievers!)
1. check/replace 2 resitors > 390 ohm: R74/R75 SMD ones should be marked 391 or 3900 (not
39R0 = 39 ohm, not 300 = 30 Ohm)
Check voltage on K and L line with multimeter. On idle you must have about 12V on them. When
you start communication with car lines shortly go down on about 1V. If you don't get that voltage
drop try to check signal on TX input of 9141 IC. If you have some pulse (i think from -5V to 5V)
during initializing of connection with car then 9241 IC is surely defective
maybe transceiver is ok, change 3.9 or 39 ohm > 560 ohm on pull-up resistor of SI9241 (or 470
ohm up to 1 Kohm)
3. check/replace relays:
bad K-Line comunication: 1 relay in relay board freeze to position "ON". open the relay with a
knife and I set the weight inside the spring to automatically switch to the OFF position
When CDP powered and connected to USB, run SW and connect to any car (no need for a
real car!) and then go back to main SW window. measure relay coils and see how many are
ON: 3 relays must be ON when in this window! If only 2 are ON BMW E60 and E90 don't work!
only 2 red marked must be ON when standby, both 2 red and 2 green marked (1 relay for obd pin
1 and 1 relay for obd pin 7 and 15) must be ON with bmw
replace relays drivers ic's LV125D > NPX 74LV125D
when applied 5v on one relay, if 3 relays turn ON this is not OK, only one by one must turn ON (+
is common for all relays, drive with –, you can test all of them just moving ground)
with bmw problem is on relay pcb, relays are ok, must be 1 of the relay drivers
replace MAX chips on relay board and if Ford not work get new OKI chip
4. check/replace oki chip, some come defective, or replace made in japan > thailand
5. check/replace capacitors (need 47uF 50V for trucks) replace all capacitors on PCB to electrolitic
9. check resitor R58 and capacitors C11 and C5 (different between working and not working
autocoms). with 9241A diagram you can see that K line need resistor to Vbat (this is 500ohm on
both autocom) and capacitor to GND (measured this capacitance in circuit and on working AC is
40nF and on non working AC is 100nF) or change C11 to 102pF = 1nF
10. solder some surface of pcb with hot air
11. open the clone ,get a good flux, remake all soldures of the pcb