Unit #4 Grade Topic Title Subject(s) Unit Guiding Questions: Energize Me 6

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UNIT #4 Energize Me Grade 6

Heat Energy Lab #2 & 3:

Topic Title Keeping Heat In / Out Subject(s) Science

UNIT How can we prove that energy is transferred and can never be created or
QUESTION destroyed?

GUIDING 1. What is heat energy?

QUESTIONS 2. What is insulation and how can we tell if something is an effective insulator?

Assessment Task
In groups of 3-4, you will design, set-up, conduct, record, analyze and write a complete lab report.

Instructions and Dates

In your assigned groups, you will design, set-up, conduct the experiment, collect and record the data,
make observations and analyze the results. You are to use proper lab procedures and behave
accordingly. You will produce a complete lab report. The report may be neatly handwritten or typed, or a
combination of both.

Your lab report must have Insulation Lab Part 1 and Part 2 and have all the parts of a proper lab write up:
question, hypothesis, variables, materials, procedure, data, observations, graph, conclusion. Refer to
outline on following page for details.

Although all parts of the lab are important, you will really be able to show your understanding of the
concept of insulation through your conclusion. Refer to the outline for specific expectations on what the
conclusions for Part 1 and Part 2 must include.

***YOU MUST link back to your hypothesis and explain why it was proven or not.***

Introduced on: Tuesday, 1 March

Labs conducted on: Thursday, 3 March and Monday, 7 March
Complete lab report due: Thursday, March 10
Assessment Criterion D, E, F.

Environment/ Human Ingenuity Holistic learning
Community &
Service/ Intercultural
Health & Social awareness
Human Communication X
Approaches Information-processing and organizational skills, scientific inquiry skills
to Learning
Reflective – making the connections between the
concepts and data and observations in the lab.

Communicator – working effectively and efficiently in lab

Insulation Final Lab Report Outline

PART 1: Keeping Heat In

Question – created by group – must be observable and answered in the lab

Hypothesis – individually created – related to your question

Materials - provided

Procedure – provided

Data – table with all results recorded – labeled, key, title

Observations – your observations recorded while conducting the experiment.

Graph – triple line graph with data from cans 1, 2, 3

Conclusion – following the template provided

PART 2: Keeping Heat Out

Question(s) – created by group – must be observable and answered in the experiment

Hypothesis – individually created – related to your question


Procedure – list of steps involved in your experiment

Data – table with all results recorded – labeled, key, title

Observations – your observations recorded while conducting the experiment.

Graph – triple line graph with data from cans 1, 2, 3

Paragraph 1: Restate your hypothesis and explain why it was right or wrong.

Paragraph 2: Discuss your data (graph).

Paragraph 3: Human Error – where might you have had some human error in your experiment? How
would that have affected your results?


Make connections between conclusions in Part 1 and Part 2. (Any relation between the two labs –
which insulator was the best? Did you get the same results for both labs?)
WHY is insulation important in the real world?
Final Lab Write-Up
Peer/Adult Edit

Directions: Have a peer in class or an adult read through your conclusion and use this checklist to
see if you have included all of the listed elements in each paragraph. This would be the minimum
requirements, feel free to go further and have more detail in your lab write-up


Paragraph 1: Restate your hypothesis and explain why it was right or wrong.

_____ Is your hypothesis clearly restated?

_____ Did I indicate whether it was right or wrong?
_____ Have I explained why I was right or wrong?
_____ Have I explained what I understand about insulation?

Paragraph 2: Discuss your data and observations (table & observations).

Some sentences to help you out:

The can with the ******** insulation dropped the least, so it was a better insulator.

The can with the ******** insulation dropped the most so it was a poor insulator.

_____ What was the difference in temperatures between the three cans?
_____ Why was there a difference? How do your graph and observations help to
further explain insulation?

Paragraph 3: Human Error – where might you have had some human error in your experiment? How
would that have affected your results?

_____ At least 1-2 human errors that could have affected results
_____ An explanation for how and why each of these errors could have
affected your results

Paragraph 1: Restate your hypothesis and explain why it was right or wrong.

_____ Is your hypothesis clearly restated?

_____ Did I indicate whether it was right or wrong?
_____ Have I explained why I was right or wrong?
_____ Mention of relevant scientific concepts and explanation of how they

Paragraph 2: Discuss your data (graph).

_____ What was the total change in temperature for each can in Part 1/2?

_____ Which material was better at keeping heat out? How do you know?

_____ 2-3 general conclusions you drew from your graph

_____ Comparison of Can 1 and 2 to your control can

Paragraph 3: Human Error – where might you have had some human error in your experiment? How
would that have affected your results?

_____ At least 1-2 Human errors that could have affected results
_____ An explanation for how and why each of these errors could have
affected your results


Make connections between conclusions in Part 1 and Part 2.

WHY is insulation important in the real world?

_____ Mention of which material was the best insulator for both/each of
the parts
_____ Discussion of whether certain insulators were better or worse at
keeping heat in as opposed to out
_____ Specific data from each part of the lab to back up what you are
_____ Discussion of the science behind insulation how does it work?
_____ A comparison of your results to other lab groups in the class
_____ at least a 2-3 connections to the importance of insulation in the
real world- how it is used/how it could help us
Level Descriptors Indicators
The student does not reach a
0 standard described by any of the
descriptors given below.
The student attempts to define  I have attempted to create a
the purpose of the investigation question.
and makes reference to variables  I have attempted to create a
but these are incomplete or not hypothesis.
fully developed. The method  I have attempted to discuss the
suggested is partially complete.
accuracy of my hypothesis in my
The evaluation of the method is
either absent or incomplete. conclusion.
 I have attempted to create a list
of materials.
 I have attempted to create the
 I have identified very few or
none of the variables correctly.
The student defines the purpose  I have an appropriate question.
of the investigation and provides  I have an appropriate
Criterion an explanation/prediction but hypothesis.
D: this in not fully developed. The  My hypothesis is somewhat
Scientific student acknowledges some of linked to my key question.
the variables involved and
Inquiry 3-4  I have discussed the accuracy of
described how to manipulate
them. The method suggested is my hypothesis in my conclusion.
complete and includes
 I have most of my materials.
appropriate materials/equipment.  I have my procedure.
The evaluation of the method is  I have identified some of the
partially developed. variables correctly.
The student defines the purpose  I have an appropriate question.
of the investigation, formulates a  I have an appropriate
testable hypothesis and explains hypothesis.
the hypothesis using scientific  My hypothesis is directly linked
reasoning. The student identifies to my key question.
the relevant variables and  I have a thorough discussion
explains how to manipulate
them. The student evaluates the about the accuracy of my
method commenting on its hypothesis in my conclusion.
reliability and /or validity. The  I have all my materials.
student suggests improvements to  My procedure is clear and
the method and makes complete.
suggestions for further inquiry  I have identified all the variables
when relevant. correctly.
Student Comment
Level Descriptors Indicators
The student does not reach a
0 standard described by any of the
descriptors given below.
The student requires guidance and  I need reminders about how
supervision when using laboratory to use lab equipment.
1-2 equipment. The student can work  I sometimes work safely.
safely and cooperate with others but  I sometimes cooperate with
may need reminders. others.
The student uses most equipment  I occasionally need
competently but might require reminders about how to use
Criterion F: occasional guidance; on most lab equipment.
3-4 occasions pays attention to safety  I usually work safely.
attitudes in and works responsibly with the living
science  I usually cooperate with
and non-living environment. The
student generally cooperates well
with other students.
The student works largely  I know how to use lab
independently; uses equipment with equipment properly.
precision and skill; pays close  I always work safely.
attention to safety and deals  I always cooperate with
5-6 responsibly with the living and non- others.
living environment. The student
consistently works effectively as
part of a team, collaboration with
others and respecting their views.
Student Comment

Level Descriptors Indicators
The student does not reach
a standard described by any
0 of the descriptors given

The student organizes and  I have attempted to create a data table.

presents data using simple  I have attempted to create a
numerical or diagrammatic graph to represent the data from the
1-2 forms and draws an tables.
obvious conclusion.  I have made an attempt to
explain what the graph illustrates.
The student organizes and  I have a data table.
transforms data into  I have created a graph that
numerical and represents the data from the tables.
diagrammatic forms and  My data table is generally
presents it using appropriate well-labeled.
communication modes.  My graph is generally well
Criterion E: The student draws a
conclusion consistent with labeled.
processing the data.
 I have explained what the
data graph means.
 I have discussed the results of my lab
in my conclusion.
 I have attempted to make real-world
The student organizes and  I have a clear, well-labeled data table.
transforms data into  I have a clear, well-labeled graph that
numerical and diagrammatic accurately represents the data from the
forms and presents it suing table.
appropriate communication  I have explained how the results
modes. The student
illustrated in the graph relates to my
5-6 explains trends, patterns or
relationships in the data, hypothesis.
 I have fully discussed the results of the
comments on the reliability of
the data, draws a clear lab in my conclusion.
conclusion based on the  I have made some appropriate real world
correct interpretation of the connections.
data, and explains it using
scientific reasoning.
Student Comment

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