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Quality Control Manual On Concrete and Steel Bridge Structures Appendix A1-1

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Improvement of Quality Management for Highway

and Bridge Construction and Maintenance

Appendix A-1

Laboratory Tests on Hydraulic Cement

(Type I-Portland Cement and Type IP-Portland Pozzolan Cement)


(AASHTO T 133-86, ASTM C188-84)


1. Le Chatelier flask

2. Kerosene free of water, or naphta, having gravity not lighter than 62 API shall be used in the
density determination

3. Balance and weights

Le Chatelier Flask

Note – Variation of a few millimeters in such dimensions as total height of flask, diameter of base,
etc., are to be expected and will not be considered sufficient cause for rejection. The dimensions of
the flask shown in the figure apply only to new flasks and not to flasks in use which meet the other
requirements of this test method.


1. Fill Le Chatelier flask with kerosene, free of water, or naphta to a point on the stem between
the zero and 1ml mark.

2. Immerse the flask in a water bath of constant temperature, maintained at ambient

temperature, for a sufficient time before making any reading.

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Quality Control Manual on Concrete and Steel Bridge Structures Appendix A1-1
Improvement of Quality Management for Highway
and Bridge Construction and Maintenance


(AASHTO T 133-86, ASTM C 188-84)

3. Take initial reading.

4. Introduce into the flask the cement sample, at least 64 grams.

5. Remove air bubbles by gently rolling the flask with stopper and swirling occasionally.

6. Immerse in water bath, and then take final reading.


1. The difference between the first and the final reading represents the volume of liquid
displaced by the mass of cement used in the test

2. Calculate the cement density, p, in g/cm3 as follows:

P = 64 / (Final Reading – Initial Reading)

Note 1 - The density in g/cm is numerically equal to specific gravity.

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Quality Control Manual on Concrete and Steel Bridge Structures Appendix A1-2
Improvement of Quality Management for Highway
and Bridge Construction and Maintenance

Appendix A-1

Laboratory Tests on Hydraulic Cement

(Type I-Portland Cement and Type IP-Portland Pozzolan Cement)


BY THE NO. 200 (0.075 MM) SIEVE
[ASTM C 117-80 (1981)]


1. Sieves, Standard No. 100 (150 um) or No. 200 (75 um) sieves conforming to the requirements of
the AASHTO M 92, for Wire Cloth Sieves for Testing Purposes. Wire cloth for standard sieves for
cement shall be woven (not twilled) from brass, bronze, or other suitable wire and mounted without
distortion on a frame about 2 in. (50 mm) below the top of the frame. The joint between the cloth and
frame shall be smoothly filled with solder to prevent lodging of the cement. The sieve frame shall be
circular, 8 in. (203 mm) in diameter and provided with a pan and cover.

2. Balance – The analytical balance used in fineness determinations shall conform to the
requirements of 4.1 of AASHTO T 105, for Chemical Analysis of hydraulic Cement.

3. Brush – A 1 or 1 ½ in. (25 or 38 mm) brush with a 10 in. (250 mm) handle is a convenient size.

4. Weights

Analytical Balance Pan and No. 200 Sieve


1. Place at least 50 grams cement sample on the clean, dry No. 0.075 mm sieve with the pan

2. Start sieving with a gentle wrist motion until most of the fine material has passed through
the sieve and the residue appears fairly clean for a period of 4 minutes.

3. Place the cover on the sieve and remove the pan. The gently top the side of the sieve to
dislodge dust adhering to the sieve. Brush also the underside of the sieve.

4. Empty the pan and wipe it. Then replace the sieve on the pan, and carefully remove the
cover. Return any coarse material that has been caught in the cover during the tapping to
the sieve.

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Quality Control Manual on Concrete and Steel Bridge Structures Appendix A1-3
Improvement of Quality Management for Highway
and Bridge Construction and Maintenance


BY THE NO. 200 (0.075-MM) SIEVES
[ASTM C117-80 (1981)]

5. Continue the sieving without the cover as described in procedure #2 for 5 or 10 min.
depending on the condition of the cement. The gentle wrist motion involves no danger in
spilling the residue, which shall be kept well spread out on the sieve. Continuously rotate the
sieve throughout the sieving. This open sieving may usually be continued too long. Then
replace the cover and clean, following the same process as described in procedure #2. If the
cement is in proper condition, there should now be no appreciable dust neither remaining in
the residue nor adhering to the sieve or pan.

6. Make 1-min tests as follows: Hold the sieve, with pan and cover attached, in one hand in a
slightly inclined position and move it forward and backward in the plane of inclination; at the
same time gently strike the side about 150 times/min against the palm of the other hand on
the upstroke. Perform the sieving over a white paper. Return any material escaping from the
sieve or pan and collecting on the paper to the sieve. After every 25 strokes, turn the sieve
about one-sixth of a revolution, in the same direction. Continue the sieving operation until no
more than 0.05 g of the material passes through in 1 min of continuous sieving. Then transfer
the residue on the sieve to the balance pan, taking care to brush the sieve cloth thoroughly
from both sides to ensure the removal of the entire residue from the sieve.

7. Then transfer the residue on the sieve to the balance pan. Brush the sieve cloth thoroughly
from both sides to insure the removal of all residues from the sieve.


% Fineness = 100 – Weight of Residue in grams x 100 / Weight of ordinal sample in grams

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Quality Control Manual on Concrete and Steel Bridge Structures Appendix A1-4
Improvement of Quality Management for Highway
and Bridge Construction and Maintenance

Appendix A-1

Laboratory Tests on Hydraulic Cement

(Type I-Portland Cement and Type IP-Portland Pozzolan Cement)

(AASHTO T 153-86, ASTM C 204-84)


1. Blaine air permeability apparatus illustrated in the figure below, consisting essentially of the
following parts:

a) Permeability cell
b) Disk
c) Plunger
d) Filter paper
e) Manomater
f) Manometer liquid
g) Timer

Blaine Air Permeability Test Apparatus


The calibration of the air permeability apparatus shall be made using the current lot of National
Bureau of Standards Reference Material no. 114 and shall be at room temperature.

Determine the bulk volume of the compacted bed of powder by the mercury displacement method as

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Quality Control Manual on Concrete and Steel Bridge Structures Appendix A1-5
Improvement of Quality Management for Highway
and Bridge Construction and Maintenance

(AASHTO T 153-86, ASTM C 204-84)

a) Place two (2) filter paper disks in the permeability cell, pressing down the edges by a rod
having a diameter slightly smaller than the cell until the disks are flat on the perforated
metal disk, then fill the cell with mercury.

b) Level the mercury with the top of the cell by slightly pressing a small glass plate against the
mercury surface until the glass is flush to the surface of the mercury and rim of the cell.

c) Remove the mercury from the cell and weigh.

d) Remove one (1) filter paper disk from the cell. Using a trial quantity of 2.80 g of cement,
compress the cement in accordance with section (g) Preparation of bed of cement with one
filter disk above and one below the sample. Into the unfilled space at the top of the cell,
add mercury. Remove entrapped air and level off the top as before. Remove the mercury,
then weigh. Determine the bulk volume occupied by the cement to the formula:

V = (WA – WB) / D

W = bulk volume of cement, cm

p = density of test sample (for portland cement a value of

3.15 Mg/m3 or 3.15 g/cm3 shall be used
V = bulk volume of bed of cement, cm

e = desired porosity of bed of cement 0.500 ± 0.005)

e) Prepare the bed of cement in accordance with the following manner:

1. Seat the perforated disk on the edge in the permeability cell, inscribed or marked
face down.

2. Weigh to the nearest 0.0001 g the quantity of cement determined in accordance with
section 9f) and place in the cell.

3. Tap the side of the cell lightly to level the bed of cement

4. Place a filter paper disk on top of the cement and compress the cement with the
plunger until the plunger collar is in contact with the top of the cell. Slowly withdraw
the plunger a short distance and rotate about 90 deg, repress and then slowly

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Quality Control Manual on Concrete and Steel Bridge Structures Appendix A1-6
Improvement of Quality Management for Highway
and Bridge Construction and Maintenance

(AASHTO T 153-86, ASTM C 204-84)

h) Perform the Permeability Test in accordance with the following manner:

1. Attach the permeability cell to the manometer tube, making certain that an airtight
connection is obtained and taking care not to disturb the prepared bed of cement.

2. Slowly evacuate the air in the one arm of the manometer U-tube until the liquid
reaches the top mark, and then close the valve tightly.

3. Start the timer when the bottom of the meniscus of the manometer liquid reaches
the second (next to the top) mark. Note the time interval measured and record in
seconds. Note the temperature of test and record in degree Celsius.

4. In the calibration of the instrument. Make at least three (3) trials on separately
prepared beds of standard sample. The calibration shall be made by the same
operator who makes the fineness determination.


1. The cement sample shall be at room temperature when tested.

2. The weight of sample shall be the same as that used in the calibration test on
standard sample.

3. Prepare the bed of cement in the same manner as that in section (g).

4. Perform the permeability test in the same manner as that in section (h).

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Quality Control Manual on Concrete and Steel Bridge Structures Appendix A1-7
Improvement of Quality Management for Highway
and Bridge Construction and Maintenance

(AASHTO T 153-86, ASTM C 204-84)


Calculate the specific surface values in accordance with the following equations:

Ss T

1) S = --------------------


Ss ns T

2) S = -------------------------------------------

Ts n

S = Specific surface of the test sample, cm /g

Ss = Specific surface of the standard sample used in Calibration of the

apparatus, cm2/g

T = measured time interval, s, of manometer drop for test sample (see

table 2)

Ts = measured time interval, s, of manometer drop for standard sample

used in calibration of apparatus (see Table 2)

n = viscosity of air, poises, at the temperature of test of the test sample

see Table 1)

ns = viscosity of air, poises, at the temperature of test of the standard

sample used in calibration of the apparatus (see Table 1)

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Quality Control Manual on Concrete and Steel Bridge Structures Appendix A1-8
Improvement of Quality Management for Highway
and Bridge Construction and Maintenance

(AASHTO T 153-86, ASTM C 204-84)

Table 1 Density of Mercury Viscosity of Air (n), and n at Given Temperature

Density of
Viscosity of
Room Mercury,
o Air, n n
Temp., C g/cm3

16 13.56 0.0001788 0.01337

18 13.55 0.0001798 0.01341

20 13.55 0.0001808 0.01345

22 13.54 0.0001818 0.01348

24 13.54 0.0001828 0.01352

26 13.53 0.0001837 0.01355

28 13.53 0.0001847 0.01359

30 13.52 0.0001857 0.01363

32 13.52 0.0001867 0.01366

34 13.51 0.0001876 0.01370

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Quality Control Manual on Concrete and Steel Bridge Structures Appendix A1-9
Improvement of Quality Management for Highway
and Bridge Construction and Maintenance

(AASHTO T153-86, ASTM C204-84)


T = time of airflow in seconds; = the factor for use in the equations.


26 5.10 51 7.14 76 8.72 101 10.05 151 12.29 201 14.18

26.5 5.15 51.5 7.18 76.5 8.75 102 10.10 152 12.33 202 14.21
27 5.20 52 7.21 77 8.77 103 10.15 153 12.37 203 14.25
27.5 5.24 52.5 7.25 77.5 8.80 104 10.20 154 12.41 204 14.28
28 5.29 53 7.28 78 8.83 105 10.25 155 12.45 205 14.32
28.5 5.34 53.5 7.31 78.5 8.86 106 10.30 156 12.49 206 14.35
29 5.39 54 7.35 79 8.89 107 10.34 157 12.53 207 14.39
29.5 5.43 54.5 7.38 79.5 8.92 108 10.39 158 12.57 208 14.42
30 5.48 55 7.42 80 8.94 109 10.44 159 12.61 209 14.46
30.5 5.52 55.5 7.45 80.5 8.97 110 10.49 160 12.65 210 14.49
31 5.57 56 7.48 81 9.00 11 10. 54 161 12. 69 211 14.53
31.5 5.61 56.5 7.52 81.5 9.03 112 10. 58 162 12. 73 212 14.56
32 5.66 57 7.55 82 9.06 113 10. 63 163 12. 77 213 14.59
32.5 5.70 57.5 7.58 82.5 9.08 114 10. 68 164 12. 81 214 14.63
33 5.74 58 7.62 83 9.11 115 10. 72 165 12. 85 215 14.66
33.5 5.79 58.5 7.65 83.5 9.14 116 10. 77 166 12. 88 216 14.70
34 5.83 59 7.68 84 9.17 117 10. 82 167 12. 92 217 14.73
34.5 5.87 59.5 7.71 84.5 9.19 118 10. 86 168 12. 96 218 14.76
35 5.92 60 7.75 85 9.22 119 10. 91 169 13. 00 219 14.80
35.5 5.96 60.5 7.78 85.5 9.25 120 10. 95 170 13. 04 220 14.83
36 6.00 61 7.81 86 9.27 121 11. 00 171 13. 08 222 14.90
36.5 6.04 61.5 7.84 86.5 9.30 122 11. 05 172 13. 11 224 14.97
37 6.08 62 7.87 87 9.33 123 11. 09 173 13. 15 226 15.03
37.5 6.12 62.5 7.91 87.5 9.35 124 11. 14 174 13. 19 228 15.10
38 6.16 63 7.94 88 9.38 125 11. 18 175 13. 23 230 15.17
38.5 6.20 63.5 7.97 88.5 9.41 126 11. 22 176 13. 27 232 15.23
39 6.24 64 8.00 89 9.43 127 11. 27 177 13. 30 234 15.30
39.5 6.28 64.5 8.03 89.5 9.46 128 11. 31 178 13. 34 236 15.36
40 6.32 65 8.06 90 9.49 129 11. 36 179 13. 38 238 15.43
40.5 6.36 65.5 8.09 90.5 9.51 130 11. 40 180 13. 42 240 15.49
41 6.40 66 8.12 91 9.54 131 11. 45 181 13. 45 242 15.56
41.5 6.44 66.5 8.15 91.5 9.57 132 11. 49 182 13. 49 244 15.62
42 6.48 67 8.19 92 9.59 133 11. 53 183 13. 53 246 15.68
42.5 6.52 67.5 8.22 92.5 9.62 134 11. 58 184 13. 56 248 15.75
43 6.56 68 8.25 93 9.64 135 11. 62 185 13. 60 250 15.81
43.5 6.60 68.5 8.28 93.5 9.67 136 11. 66 186 13. 64 252 15.87
44 6.63 69 8.32 94 9.70 137 11. 70 187 13. 67 254 15.94
44.5 6.67 69.5 8.34 94.5 9.72 138 11. 75 188 13. 71 256 16.00
45 6.71 70 8.37 95 9.75 139 11. 79 189 13. 75 258 16.06

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Quality Control Manual on Concrete and Steel Bridge Structures Appendix A1-10
Improvement of Quality Management for Highway
and Bridge Construction and Maintenance

(AASHTO T 153-86, ASTM C 204-84)


T = time of airflow in seconds; = the factor for use in the equations.


45.5 6.75 70.5 8.40 95.5 9.77 140 11. 83 190 13. 78 260 16.12
46 6.78 71 8.43 96 9.80 141 11. 87 191 13. 82 262 16.19
46.5 6.82 71.5 8.46 96.5 9.82 142 11. 92 192 13. 86 264 16.25
47 6.86 72 8.49 97 9.85 143 11. 96 193 13. 89 266 16.31
47.5 6.89 72.5 8.51 97.5 9.87 144 12. 00 194 13. 93 268 16.37
48 6.93 73 8.54 98 9.90 145 12. 04 195 13. 96 270 16.43
48.5 6.96 73.5 8.57 98.5 9.92 146 12. 08 196 14. 00 272 16.49
49 7.00 74 8.60 99 9.95 147 12. 12 197 14. 04 274 16.55
49.5 7.04 74.5 8.63 99.5 9.97 148 12. 17 198 14. 07 276 16.61
50 7.07 75 8.66 100 10. 00 149 12. 21 199 14. 11 278 16.67
50.5 7.11 75.5 8.69 100. 5 10. 02 150 12. 25 200 14. 14 280 16.73

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Quality Control Manual on Concrete and Steel Bridge Structures Appendix A1-11
Improvement of Quality Management for Highway
and Bridge Construction and Maintenance

Appendix A-1

Laboratory Tests on Hydraulic Cement

(Type I-Portland Cement and Type IP-Portland Pozzolan Cement)


(AASHTO T 129-85, ASTM C 187-83)


1. Weights and Weighing Devices - The weights and weighing devices shall conform to the
requirements of Specification ASTM C 1005. The weighing device shall be evaluated for precision
and accuracy at a total load of 1,000 g.

2. Glass Graduates – 200 or 250 ml capacity

3. Vicat Apparatus – The Vicat apparatus shall consist of a frame A (Fig.3) bearing a movable rod B,
weighing 300g, one end C, the plunger end, being 10mm in diameter for a distance of at least
50mm, and the other end having a removable needle D, 1mm in diameter and 50mm in length.
The rod B is reversible, and can be held in any desired position by a set screw E, and has an
adjustable indicator F which moves over a scale (graduated in millimeters) attached to the frame
A. The paste is held in a rigid conical ring G, resting on a plane non-absorptive base plate H
about mm2. The rod B shall made of stainless steel having a hardness of not less than 35 HRC,
and shall be straight with the plunger end which is perpendicular to the rod axis. The ring shall be
made of a non-corroding, nonabsorbent material, and shall have an inside diameter of 70mm at
the base and 60mm at the top, and a height of 40mm.


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Quality Control Manual on Concrete and Steel Bridge Structures Appendix A1-12
Improvement of Quality Management for Highway
and Bridge Construction and Maintenance


(AASHTO T 129-85, ASTM C 187-83)


1. Mix 650 grams of cement with a measured quantity of clean water following the procedure of
mixing of Hydraulic Cement Pastes and Mortars of Plastic Consistency, as follows:

1.1 Place all mixing water in the bowl.

1.2 Add cement to the water and allow 30sec for the absorption of the water.

1.3 Start mixer and mix at slow speed (140 ± 5 rpm) for 30sec

1.4 Stop the mixer for 15 seconds and during this time scrape down into the batch any
paste that may have collected on the sides of the bowl

1.5 Start the mixer at medium speed (285 ± 10 rpm) and mix for 1 minute.

2. Quickly form the cement paste into a ball and toss six times from one hand to the other
maintaining the distance between the hands about 150 mm apart.

3. Press the ball into the larger end of the conical ring, filling the ring with paste, completely.
Remove the excess at the larger end by a single movement of the palm of the hand.

4. Place the ring on a base plate resting on larger end. Slice off the excess paste at the smaller
end by a single oblique stroke of a sharp-edge trowel. Take care not to compress the paste
during cutting or smoothing excess paste.

5. Center the paste confined in the ring, resting on the plate, under the rod of the Vicat
apparatus, with the end of the plunger in contact with the surface of the paste.

6. Set the moving indicator to the upper zero back of the scale, or take an initial reading and
release the rod immediately that4 must not exceed 30 seconds after completion of mixing.
The apparatus shall be free of vibration during the test. The paste shall be of normal
consistency when the rod settles to a point 10 ± 1 mm below the original surface in 30
seconds after being released.

7. Make trial pastes with varying percentages of water until the normal consistency is obtained.


Calculate the amount of water required for normal consistency to the nearest 0.1 percent and report it
to the nearest 0.5 percent of the weight of the dry cement.
N.C. = Volume of water required (cm ) x 100
Weight of cement sample (650 g)

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Quality Control Manual on Concrete and Steel Bridge Structures Appendix A1-13
Improvement of Quality Management for Highway
and Bridge Construction and Maintenance

Appendix A-1

Laboratory Tests on Hydraulic Cement

(Type I-Portland Cement and Type IP-Portland Pozzolan Cement)


[AASHTO T 154-82 (1986), ASTM C 266-77]


1. Trowel, having a steel blade 100 to 150mm (4 to 6in.) in length, with a straight edge

2. Mixer, Bowl, Paddle, and Scraper

3. Glass Graduates

4. Scales and Weights, conforming to the requirements of Specification ASTM C 1005

5. Glass Plates, flat. 102 mm (4 in.) square

6. Gillmore Needles, conforming to the following requirements:

6.1 The initial setting-time needle shall have a weight of 113.4 ± 0.5g 0.250 ± 0.001 Ib)
and a tip diameter of 2.12 ± 0.05 mm (0.084 ± 0.002 in.)

6.2 The final setting from needle shall have a weight of 453.6 ± 0.5 g (1.000 ± 0.001
Ib) and a tip diameter of 1.06 ± 0.05 mm (0.042 ± 0.002 in.)

6.3 The needle tip shall be cylindrical for a distance of 4.8 ± 0.5 mm (0.189 ± 0.020 in.)
The needle ends shall be plane and at right angles to the axis of the rod and shall
be maintained in a clean Condition. The Gillmore needles should preferably be
mounted as shown in the figure.

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Quality Control Manual on Concrete and Steel Bridge Structures Appendix A1-14
Improvement of Quality Management for Highway
and Bridge Construction and Maintenance


[AASHTO T 154-82 (1986), ASTM C 266-77]



1. Preparation of Cement Paste - Mix 650 g of cement with the percentage of mixing water required
for normal consistency following the mixing procedure for cement pastes.

2. Molding Test Specimen – From the cement paste prepared as described in 1, make a pat
approximately 76 mm (3 in.) in diameter and approximately 13 mm (0.5 in.) in thickness at the
center with a flat top and tapering to a thin edge (see fig.) on a clean glass plate. In molding the
pat, flatten the cement paste first on the glass and then form the pat by drawing the trowel from
the outer edge toward the center, then flattening the top. After making, place the pat in the moist
cabinet or moist room and allow it to remain there except when the determinations of time of
setting are being made.

3. Time of Setting Determination - In determining the time of setting, hold the needles in a vertical
position and apply lightly to the surface of the pat. Consider the cement paste to have acquired
its initial set when the pat will bear, without appreciable indentation, the initial Gillmore needle.
The difference, in minutes, between the time of contact of cement and mixing water and the time
the cement paste acquires its initial set is the initial setting time. Consider the cement paste to
have acquired its final set when the pat will bear, without appreciable indentation, the final
Gillmore needle. The difference, in minutes, between the time of contact of cement and mixing
water and the time the cement paste acquires its final set is the final setting time.


The report shall show the time of setting as follows:

Initial Time of Setting, Gillmore –------------------ min.

Final Time of Setting, Gillmore ------------------- min.

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Quality Control Manual on Concrete and Steel Bridge Structures Appendix A1-15
Improvement of Quality Management for Highway
and Bridge Construction and Maintenance

Appendix A-1

Laboratory Tests on Hydraulic Cement

(Type I-Portland Cement and Type IP-Portland Pozzolan Cement)


(ASTM C 191-08)


1. Scales and Weights

2. Graduated Cylinder, 200 or 250 ml capacity

3. Vicat Apparatus - Shall consist of a Frame, bearing a movable rod, B, weighing 300 g, one end c,
the plunger end, being 10 mm in diameter for a distance of at least 50 mm and other end having a
removable steel needle, D, 1mm in diameter and 50mm in length. The rod B is reversible and can
be held in any desired position by a set screw, E, and has an adjustable indicator, F, which moves
over a scale attached to the frame, A. The paste is held in a conical ring, G, resting on a glass
plate, H, about 100 mm square. The ring shall be made of a non-corroding, non-absorbing
material, and shall have an inside diameter of 70 mm at the base and 60 mm at the top and a
height of 40 mm. The Vicat apparatus shall conform to AASHTO T 131.


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Quality Control Manual on Concrete and Steel Bridge Structures Appendix A1-16
Improvement of Quality Management for Highway
and Bridge Construction and Maintenance


(ASTM C 191-08)


1. Preparation of Cement Paste

Mix 650 g of cement with the percentage required for normal consistency following the procedure
of mixing of Hydraulic Cement Pastes and mortars of plastic consistency.

2. Molding of Test Specimen

a. Quickly form a cement paste into a ball and toss six (6) times from one hand to the other
maintaining the distance between the hands about 152 mm apart.

b. Press the ball into the large end of the conical ring, filling the ring with paste completely.
Remove the excess by the larger end by a single movement of the palm of the hand.

c. Place the ring on its larger end on a glass plate. Slice off the excess paste at the smaller
end by a single oblique stroke of a sharp-edge trowel. Take care not to compress the
paste during cutting or smoothing excess paste.

d. Immediately after molding, place the specimen in the moist closet or moist room with a
temperature of 23°C (73.4°F) ± 1.7°C (3°F); and allow it to remain there except when
determinations of time setting are being made. The specimen shall remain in the conical
mold, supported by the glass plate, H, throughout the test period.

3. Time of Setting Determination

a. Allow the specimen to remain in the moist cabinet or room for 30 minutes after molding
without being disturbed. Determine the presentation of the 1mm needle at this time and
every 15 minutes thereafter until a penetration of 25 mm or less is obtained.

b. For the Penetration Test, lower the needle D of the rod B until it rests on the surface of the
cement paste. Tighten the set screw, E., and set the indicator, F, at the upper end of the
scale, or take an initial reading. Release the rod quickly by releasing the set screw, E, and
allow the needle to settle for 30 seconds, and then take the reading to determine the
penetration. No penetration test shall be made closer than ¼ in. (6.4 mm) from any
previous penetration nor shall be made closer than ¼ in. (6.4 mm) from any previous
penetration and nor shall be made closer than 3/8 in (9.5 mm) from the inside of the mold.

c. Record the result of all penetration tests and by interpolation determine the time when a
penetration of 25 mm is obtained which is the initial setting time

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Quality Control Manual on Concrete and Steel Bridge Structures Appendix A1-17
Improvement of Quality Management for Highway
and Bridge Construction and Maintenance

Appendix A-1

Laboratory Tests on Hydraulic Cement

(Type I-Portland Cement and Type IP-Portland Pozzolan Cement)


(AASHTO T 107-86, ASTM C 151-84)


1. Scales and Weights

2. Cylinder, graduated, 200 ml capacities

3. Molds, 25.4 x 25.4 mm cross-section

4. Trowel – having a straight-edge steel blade 4 to 6 in.(100 to 150 mm) in length

5. Autoclave apparatus, conforming to the requirement of ASTM C 151-749

6. Length comparator, for measuring length change of specimen

Autoclave Apparatus

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Quality Control Manual on Concrete and Steel Bridge Structures Appendix A1-18
Improvement of Quality Management for Highway
and Bridge Construction and Maintenance


(AASHTO T 107-86, ASTM C 151-84)


1. Prepare a cement paste of normal consistency, consisting of 650g of cement and sufficient
amount of water. Mix this both with accordance with procedure for Mechanical Mixing of Hydraulic
Cement Pastes and Mortars of Plastic Consistency.

2. Immediately following the completion of the mixing, place the paste in the molds in two
approximately equal layers, each layer being compacted with the thumb of forefingers by pressing
the paste into the corners, around the gage studs, and along the surface of the mold until a
homogeneous specimen is obtained. Compact the top layer cut off the paste flush with the top of
the mold and smoothen the surface with a few strokes of the trowel. During the operations of
mixing and molding, protect the hands with rubber gloves.

3. Store specimens in the molds in the moist room for at least 20 hours. If remove from the molds
before 24 hour, they shall be kept in the moist room until time of test.

4. At 24 hours ± 30 minutes after molding, remove the specimens from the moist atmosphere and
immediately measure the length

5. Place the specimen in the autoclave with enough water at an initial temperature of 68 to 82°F (20
to 28 °C) to maintain an atmosphere of saturated steam vapor during the entire test.

6. To permit air to escape from the autoclave during the early portion of the heating period, leave the
vent valve open until steam begins to escape. Close the valve and raise the temperature of the
autoclave at a rate that will bring the gauge pressure of the steam to 295 psi (2 MPa) in 45 to 75
minutes from the time the heat is turned on.

7. Maintain the 295 ±10 psi (2 ± 0.07 MPa) pressure for 3 h. At the end of 3-h period shut off the
heat supply and cool the autoclave.

8. Surface dry the specimens and measures the length.


Calculate the difference in length of the test specimens before and after autoclaving as percent of the
affective gage length and report to the nearest 0.01 percent. Report the percentage of increase in
length as the autoclave expansion. Indicate a decrease in length by a minus sign prefixed to the
percent value.

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Quality Control Manual on Concrete and Steel Bridge Structures Appendix A1-19
Improvement of Quality Management for Highway
and Bridge Construction and Maintenance

Appendix A-1

Laboratory Tests on Hydraulic Cement

(Type I-Portland Cement and Type IP-Portland Pozzolan Cement)


(ASTM C 185-02)


1. Flow Table, Flow Mold, and Caliper – conforming to the requirements of Specification M 152.

2. Measure – A cylindrical measure having an inside diameter of 3 ± 1/16 in. (76.2 ± 1.6 mm) and
depth (approximately 3 15/32 in. (88.1 mm) adjusted by standardization with water to contain
400 ± 1 ml at 23 ± 17°C (73.4 ± 3°F).

3. Mixer, Bowl and Paddle.

4. Straightedge – A steel straightedge not less than 4 in. (102 mm) long and not less than 1/16 in.
(1.6 mm) nor more than 1/8 in. (3.2 mm) in thickness

5. Spatula – spatula with a metal blade 6 in. (152 mm) in length and ½ in. (13 mm) in width, with
straight edges and a wooden handle

6. Weights and Weighing Devices – The weighing device shall be evaluated for precision and
accuracy at a total load of 2 kg

7. Glass Graduates – Glass graduates of 250 ml capacity, with graduations at 2 ml intervals, for
measuring the mixing water, made to deliver the indicated volume at 68°F (20°C).

8. Tamper – made of non-absorptive, nonabrasive, non-brittle material

9. Tapping Stick – made of hard wood and having a diameter of 5/8 in. (16 mm) and a length of 6
in. (152 mm).

10. Spoon – A metal restaurant serving spoon at least 9 in. (approximately 230 mm) in length and
with a bowl approximately 4 in. (100 mm) in length

11. Standard Sand – natural silica

Flow Table
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Quality Control Manual on Concrete and Steel Bridge Structures Appendix A1-20
Improvement of Quality Management for Highway
and Bridge Construction and Maintenance


(ASTM C 185-02)


1. Prepare the standard mortar for test using the proportion 350 g of cement to 1400 g of
standard sand and sufficient water, to give a flow between 87 ½ ± 7 ½ %.

2. Mix the mortar in accordance with the following manner:

a) Place all the mixing water in the bowl.

b) Add cement to the water, then start the mixer and mix at the low speed (140 ± 5 rpm) for
30 seconds.

c) Add the entire quantity of sand slowly over a 30 sec period, while mixing at slow speed

d) Stop the mixer, change to medium speed (285 ± 10 rpm) and mix for 30 seconds

e) Stop the mixer and let the mortar stand for 90 seconds. During the first 15 seconds of this
interval, quickly scrape down into batch any mortar that may have collected on the side of
the bowl, then for the remainder of this interval, cover the bowl with the lid

f) Finish by mixing for 60sec at medium speed (285 ± 10 rpm).

3. Determine the flow of the mix in the following manner:

a) Using a spoon, place a layer of mortar about 25 mm thick in the mold and tamp 20 times
with the tamper. The tamping pressure shall be just sufficient to insure uniform filling of
the mold. Then fill the mold with mortar and tamp as specified for the first layer. Then cut
off the mortar to a plane surface. Flush with the top of the mold using straight edge of the
trowel. One minute after completing the mixing operation, remove the mold and
immediately, drop the flow table through a height of 12.7 mm 10 times in 6 sec. the flow is
the resulting increase in average diameter of the mortar mass, measured on at least four
diameters, expressed as percentage of the original diameter. Make trial mortars with
varying percentages of water until the specific flow is obtained. Make each trial with fresh

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Quality Control Manual on Concrete and Steel Bridge Structures Appendix A1-21
Improvement of Quality Management for Highway
and Bridge Construction and Maintenance


(ASTM C 185-02)

b) Weight per 400 ml of Mortar:

When the ideal quantity of water has been found that produces a flow of 87-1/2 ± 7-1/2
%, immediately determine the weight per 400 ml of mortar, using the mortar remaining in
the mixing bowl after the flow has been determined. In the determination of the weight per
400 ml, do not use the portion of the mortar used in the flow determination. Using the
spoon, fill the 400 ml measure with the mortar, in three (3) equal layers, tamping each
layer 20 times with the tamper around the inner surface of the measure. Each layer is
tamped in one complete revolution with only sufficient pressure to adequately fill the
measure and eliminate the voids within the mortar. The position of the tamper shall be
that: the broad side of the tamper always coincides with the direction of the radius and is
perpendicular to the inner surface of the measure. After the measure has been filled and
tamped, tap the sides of the measure lightly with the sides of the tapping stick one each
of five different points at approximately equal spacing around the outside of the measure,
in order to preclude entrapment of extraneous air. Then cut off the mortar to a plane
surface. Flush with the top of the measure by drawing the straight edge with a sawing
motion across the top of the measure, making two (2) passes over the entire surface, the
second pass being made at right angles to the first.

Then weigh the measure filled with mortar. Subtract the weight of the container, and
record the weight of the mortar in grams.


The formula is applicable only on portland cement having a specific gravity of 3.15, other than
3.15 substitute appropriate value for its specific gravity.

[ (182.7 + P) ]

Air content volume % = 100 – W --------------------

[ 2000 + 4P]

W = weight of 400 ml of mortar, g, and

P = percentage of mixing water, based on weight of cement used

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Quality Control Manual on Concrete and Steel Bridge Structures Appendix A1-22
Improvement of Quality Management for Highway
and Bridge Construction and Maintenance

Appendix A-1

Laboratory Tests on Hydraulic Cement

(Type I-Portland Cement and Type IP-Portland Pozzolan Cement)


(Using 50mm Cube Specimens)
(AASHTO T 106-86, ASTM C 109-84)


1. Weights and Weighing Devices shall conform to the requirements of ASTM C 1005 the weighing
device shall be evaluated for precision and bias at a total load of 2,000 g.

2. Glass graduated, of suitable capacities (preferably large enough to measure the mixing water in a
single operation0 to deliver the indicated volume at 68°F (20°C).

3. Specimen molds for the 50 mm cube specimens shall be tight fitting and shall have not more than
three (3) cube compartments and shall be separable into not more than two (2) parts. The mold
shall be made of hard metal not attacked by cement mortar.

4. Mixer, Bowl and Paddle, an electrically driven mechanical mixer of the type equipped with paddle
and mixing bowl.

5. Flow table and flow mold, conforming to the requirement of ASTM C 230 / AASHTO T-106.

6. Tamper – The tamping face shall be flat and at right angles to the length of the tamper with a
cross section of 13 x 25 mm and a length of about 120 to 150 mm.

7. Trowel – with a steel blade 100 to 150 mm length, straight edge

8. Testing Machine – either the hydraulic or the screw type, with sufficient opening between the
upper bearing surface and the lower bearing surface of the machine to permit the use of verifying

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Quality Control Manual on Concrete and Steel Bridge Structures Appendix A1-23
Improvement of Quality Management for Highway
and Bridge Construction and Maintenance


(Using 50mm Cube Specimens)
(AASHTO T 106-86, ASTM C 109-84)


1. Prepare a standard mortar to be used for the test using the proportion one (1) part cement
to 2.75 parts of graded standard sand by weight. The amount of mixing water shall be such
as to produce a flow of 110 ± 5 as determined in accordance with procedure number 2.

Preparation of Sample for Molding Test Specimen (Molding Cubes)

The quantities of materials to be used at one time in the batch of mortar for six or nine test
specimens shall be as follows:

Number of specimens

Materials 6 9


cement, g 500 740

Sand, g 1375 2035

Water, ml - -

Portland (0.4850), ml 242 359

Air-entraining Portland (0.460), ml 230 340

Other (to flow of 110 ± 5) - -

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Quality Control Manual on Concrete and Steel Bridge Structures Appendix A1-24
Improvement of Quality Management for Highway
and Bridge Construction and Maintenance


(Using 50mm Cube Specimens)
(AASHTO T 106-86, ASTM C 109-84)

The materials shall be mechanically mixed in the following manner:

a. Place all the mixing water in the bowl.

b. Add cement to the water and mix at the low speed (140 ± 5 rpm) for 30 seconds

c. Add the quantity of sand slowly over a 30 seconds period, while mixing at a slow

d. Stop mixer, change the speed to (285 ± 10 rpm), and mix for 30 seconds.

e. Stop the mixer and let the mortar stand for 1-1/2 minutes. During the 15 seconds of
this interval, quickly scrape down into the batch any mortar that may have collected
on the side of the bowl, then for the remainder of this interval, cover the bowl with
the lid.

f. Finish the mixing for 1 minute at the speed 285 ± 10 rpm.

g. In any case requiring a remixing interval, any mortar adhering to the side of the
bowl shall be quickly scraped down into the batch with the scraper prior to remixing.

2. To determine the flow, place a layer of the prepared mortar about 25 mm in thickness in the
flow mold and tamp 20 times with the tamper. The tamping pressure shall be just sufficient
to insure uniform filling of the mold. Then fill the mold with mortar and tamp as specified for
the first layer. Cut off the mortar to plane surface, flush with the top of the mold using
straight edge of the trowel. One minute after completing the mixing operation, remove the
mold and immediately, drop the flow table 25 times through a height of 12.7 mm in 15
seconds. The flow is the resulting increase in average diameter of the base of the mortar
mass, measured on at least four diameters, expressed as percentage of the original
diameter. Make trial mortars with varying amount of water until the specified flow is
obtained. Make each trial with fresh mortar.

3. Immediately after completion of the flow test, quickly scrape down into the batch the mortar
that may have collected on the side of the bowl and then remix the entire batch 15 seconds.

4. Start molding the specimens within the elapsed time of not more than 2 minutes and 30
seconds after completion of the original mixing of the mortar batch. Place a layer of mortar
about 25.4 mm in thickness in the entire cube compartment. Tamp the mortar in each cube
compartments 32 times in about 10 seconds in 4 consisting of 8 adjoining strokes. The
tamping pressure shall be just sufficient to insure uniform filling of the molds. The 4 rounds
of tamping with 32 strokes of the mortar shall be completed in one cube before going to the

5. When the tamping of the first layer in all of the cube compartments is completed, fill the
compartment with the remaining mortar and then tamp as specified for the first layer. During
tamping of the second layer, bring in the mortar forced out onto the tops of the molds after
each round of tamping by means of the gloved fingers and tamper upon completion of each
round and before starting the next round of tamping.

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Quality Control Manual on Concrete and Steel Bridge Structures Appendix A1-25
Improvement of Quality Management for Highway
and Bridge Construction and Maintenance


(Using 50mm Cube Specimens)
(AASHTO T 106-86, ASTM C 109-84)

On completion of the tamping, the tops of all cubes should extend slightly above the tops of
the molds. Bring in the mortar that has been forced out onto the tops of the molds with a
trowel and smooth off the cubes by drawing the flat side of the trowel once across the top of
each cube at right angle to the length of the mold. Cut off the mortar to a plane surface flush
with the top of the mold by drawing the straight edge of the trowel with a sawing motion over
the length of the mold.

Immediately upon completion of the molding operation, place the test specimens in the moist
closet or moist room about 20 to 24 hours with their upper surfaces exposed to the moist air
but protected from dripping water. After 24 hours, remove specimens from the molds, and
then immerse in saturated lime water until the time of test, except those specimens that are to
be tested after 24 hours.

Test the specimens immediately after their removal from the moist closet in the case of 24-
hour specimens, and from storage water in case of all other specimens. All test specimens for
a given test age shall be broken within the permissible tolerance prescribed as follows:

Test Age Permissible Tolerance

24 hrs ± ½ hr
3 days ± 1 hr
7 days ± 3 hrs
28 days ± 12 hrs

Breaking of Cube Samples for Compressive Strength

6. Wipe each specimen to a surface-dry condition and test in compression to failure at the rate of
3000 lbf and at such rate wherein the maximum load will be reached is not less than 20 nor more
than 80 seconds from start of loading.


Record the total maximum load indicated by the testing machine, and calculates the compressive
strength in pascals pounds per square inch). If the cross sectional area of the specimen varies more
than 1.5% from the nominal, use the actual area for the calculation of the compressive strength. The
compressive strength of all acceptable test specimens made from the same sample and tested at the
same period shall be averaged and reported to the nearest 70 kPa (10 psi).

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Quality Control Manual on Concrete and Steel Bridge Structures Appendix A1-26
Improvement of Quality Management for Highway
and Bridge Construction and Maintenance


(Using 50mm Cube Specimens)
(AASHTO T 106-86, ASTM C 109-84)


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Quality Control Manual on Concrete and Steel Bridge Structures Appendix A1-27
Improvement of Quality Management for Highway
and Bridge Construction and Maintenance

Appendix A-1

Laboratory Tests on Hydraulic Cement

(Type I-Portland Cement and Type IP-Portland Pozzolan Cement)


(Hydraulic Cement)
(ASTM C 114)


1. Balance Analytical – shall have a sensitivity of 0.0001 g

2. Dessicator

3. Crucibles, platinum, 15 to 30 ml capacity

4. Muffle furnace, capable of continuous operation up to (1200°C) 2192°F and should have


1. Weigh 1g of the sample in a platinum crucible and ignite the crucible and its contents to constant
weight in a muffle furnace at a temperature of 1740°C ± 122°C (950°C ± 50 °C).

2. Allow a minimum of 15 minutes for the heating period.

3. Cool to room temperature in a dessicator and weigh.

Weigh 1g of sample Place sample inside

using Balance Analytical The Muffle Furnace

Cool to room temperature in the

dessicator and crucible
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Quality Control Manual on Concrete and Steel Bridge Structures Appendix A1-28
Improvement of Quality Management for Highway
and Bridge Construction and Maintenance


(Hydraulic Cement)
(ASTM C 114)


Calculate the percentage of loss on ignition to the nearest 0.1 by multiplying the loss in weight in
grams by 100.

% Loss on Ignition = Wt. of Sample before ignition – Wt of Sample after ignition x 100
Weight of Sample

Page 2 of 2

Quality Control Manual on Concrete and Steel Bridge Structures Appendix A1-29
Improvement of Quality Management for Highway
and Bridge Construction and Maintenance

Appendix A-1

Laboratory Tests on Hydraulic Cement

(Type I-Portland Cement and Type IP-Portland Pozzolan Cement)


(Hydraulic Cement)
(ASTM C 114-03)


1. Balance Analytical, shall have a sensitivity of 0.0001 g.

2. Glasswares such as flasks beakers, graduated cylinder, should be of precision grade or better

3. Dessicator

4. Filter Paper

5. Crucibles, platinum, or porcelain 15 to 30 ml capacity

6. Muffle furnace, capable of continuous operation up to 2192°F (1200°C) and should have an
indication pyrometer accurate to 77°F (25°C).

7. Reagents, such as Sodium Hydroxide Solution (10g NaOH)/liter) Hydrochloric Acid – sp. gr. 1.19
Methyl Red Indicator – 2 g/liter with 95% ethyl alcohol


1. To 1 gram of the sample, add 25 ml of cold water. Disperse the cement in the water and while
swirling the mixture, quickly add 5 ml of HCL.

2. Dilute the solution to 50 ml with hot water nearly boiling and digest the mixture.

3. Filter the solution through medium-texture paper into a flask, wash the flask, paper and residue
thoroughly with hot water, and reserve the filtrate for the sulfur trioxide determination, if desired.

4. Transfer the filter paper and contents to the original beaker, add 100 ml of hot (near boiling)
NaOH solution (10 g/liter) and digest.

5. Acidify the solution with HCL using methyl red as the indicator and filter again through medium-
textures paper.

6. Wash the residue at least 14 times with hot water making certain to wash the entire.

7. Ignite the residue in a weighed platinum crucible at 1562°F to 1832°F (900 to 1000°C), cool in a
dessicator and weigh.

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Quality Control Manual on Concrete and Steel Bridge Structures Appendix A1-30
Improvement of Quality Management for Highway
and Bridge Construction and Maintenance


(Hydraulic Cement)
(ASTM C 114-03)

Weighing 1 g of cement sample Filtering the solution

Using Balance Analytical

Ignite the residue in a weighed crucible to Cool the crucible in the dessicator
900-1000°C using the Muffle Furnace


Calculate the percentage of Insoluble Residue to the nearest 0.01 by multiplying the weight in grams
of the residue (corrected for the blank) by 100.

Page 2 of 2

Quality Control Manual on Concrete and Steel Bridge Structures Appendix A1-31
Improvement of Quality Management for Highway
and Bridge Construction and Maintenance

Appendix A-1

Laboratory Tests on Hydraulic Cement

(Type I-Portland Cement and Type IP-Portland Pozzolan Cement)


(Hydraulic Cement)
(ASTM C 563-07)


1. Balance Analytical, shall have a sensitivity of 0.0001g with weights

2. Glass wares such flasks, beakers, graduated cylinder, porcelain disk should be of precision grade
or better

3. Dessicator

4. Filter Paper

5. Crucibles, platinum, or porcelain 15 to 30 ml capacity

6. Muffle furnace, capable of continuous operation up to 2192 °F (1200 °C) and should have an
indication pyrometer accurate to 77 °F (25 °C).

7. Reagents, such as: Barium Chloride (BaCL2) – 100 g/liter


1. To 1 gram of the sample, add 25 ml of cold water and while the mixture is stirred vigorously, add
5 ml of HCL. If necessary, heat the solution and grind the material with the flattened end of a
glass rod until it is evident that decomposition of the cement is complete.

2. Dilute the solution to 50 ml and digest for 15 min. At a temperature just below boiling

3. Filter through a medium textures paper and wash the residue thoroughly with hot water

4. Dilute the filtrate obtained after removing the insoluble residue to 250 ml and heat to boiling. Add
10 ml of hot barium chloride, BaCL2 (100 g/liter) and continue the boiling until the precipitate is
well formed. Digest the solution at a temperature below boiling. Let the solution stand overnight.

5. Filter the precipitate, wash with hot water, place the paper and contents in a weighed platinum
crucible and char and consume the paper without inflaming. Ignite to 1472 °F up to 1652 °F (800
to 900 °C), cool in a dessicator, and weigh.

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Quality Control Manual on Concrete and Steel Bridge Structures Appendix A1-32
Improvement of Quality Management for Highway
and Bridge Construction and Maintenance


(Hydraulic Cement)
(ASTM C 563-07)

Boiling of solution using hotplate Filtering the solution

Ignite the residue in a weighed crucible Cool the crucible in a dessicator

to 800-900°C using the muffle furnace


Calculate the percentage of SO3 to the nearest 0.01 as follows;

SO3 Percent = W x 34.4



W = grams of Barium Sulfate (BaSO4), and 34.3 = molecular ratio

of SO3 to BaSO4 (0.343) multiplied x 100

Page 2 of 2

Quality Control Manual on Concrete and Steel Bridge Structures Appendix A1-33
Improvement of Quality Management for Highway
and Bridge Construction and Maintenance

Appendix A-1

Laboratory Tests on Hydraulic Cement

(Type I-Portland Cement and Type IP-Portland Pozzolan Cement)


(AASHTO T 105, ASTM C 114)


1. Analytical Balance with sensitivity of 0.0001 g.

2. Glass wares such as flasks, beakers, graduated cylinders, porcelain disk, etc

3. Dessicator

4. Filter paper

5. Crucibles, platinum, or porcelain 15 to 30 ml capacity

6. Muffle furnace, capable of continuous operation up to 2192 °F (1200 °C) and should have an
indication pyrometer accurate to 77 °F (25 °C)

7. Reagents


1. Ammonium Nitrate Wash Solution – Dissolve 100 g of Ammonium Nitrate (NH4-NO3) in water,
and 200 ml of NH4OH, dilute to 1 liter, and store in a plastic bottle.

2. Ammonium Phosphate, Dibasic 100g/liter), (NH4) 2HPO4

3. Add to 10ml HCL (digest with the aid of gentle heat and agitation until decomposition is

4. Evaporate the solution to disperse on a steam bath (or on a hot plate or stove with a low flame)
until there is no gelatinous appearance.

5. Then after drying, treat it with 10 ml HCL, wait at least 2 min., and then add as equal amount of
water (10 ml).

6. Digest for 10 min. on the steam bath or hot plate.

7. Filter the solution through a medium textured paper and wash the residue with hot water. Discard
the residue (SiO2).

8. To the filtrate (at least have volumes of about 150-175 ml) add a few drops of methyl red
indicator (one or two drops) and heat to boiling (red color).

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Quality Control Manual on Concrete and Steel Bridge Structures Appendix A1-34
Improvement of Quality Management for Highway
and Bridge Construction and Maintenance


(AASHTO T 105, ASTM C 114)

9. Then treat the solution with MH4OH until the precipitate formed (brown precipitate) and the color
of the solution becomes yellow.

10. Heat the solution containing the precipitate to boiling and boil for 50 to 60 seconds.

11. Allow the precipitate to settle (not more than 5 min.) and the filter.

12. Wash the precipitate with hot water; discard the residue (NH4O) Group.

13. To the filtrate (at least have volumes of about 200-225 ml) add 30 ml of warm Ammonium
Oxalate solution.

14. Heat the solution to 70 to 80 °C.

15. Allow the solution to stand for 60 ± 5 mins. Then filter the solution, wash the precipitate with hot
water, discard the residue (CaO).

16. To the filtrate (at least have volumes of 225-250 ml), add 1 ml of (NH4)2HPO4 solution. Stir the
solution until the crystalline magnesium ammonium precipitate begins to form.

17. Set the solution aside for at least 8 hours.

18. The filter, and wash the residue with hot water with ammonium was solution, discard the filtrate,
to the residue place it in a crucible and then ignite at 1100 °C in a furnace.

19. Cool and then weigh as magnesium pyrophosphate (Mg2P2O7).

Weigh 0.50 g sample in the Analytical Balance

Add 10ml cold water, disperse and add 10 ml Hcl

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Quality Control Manual on Concrete and Steel Bridge Structures Appendix A1-35
Improvement of Quality Management for Highway
and Bridge Construction and Maintenance


(AASHTO T 105, ASTM C 114)

Add a few drops of methyl red indicator and heat to boil in a hot plate

Char and ignite at 1100 oC Cool the crucible with sample


Calculate the percentage of MgO to the nearest 0.1 as follows:

MgO = W x 72.4


W = grams of Mg2P2O7, and

72.4 = molecular ratio of 2 MgO to Mg2P2O7 (0.362) divided
by the weight of sample used (0.5 g) and multiplied by 100

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Quality Control Manual on Concrete and Steel Bridge Structures Appendix A1-36
Improvement of Quality Management for Highway
and Bridge Construction and Maintenance

Results of Laboratory Tests on Hydraulic Cement

Quality Control Manual on Concrete and Steel Bridge Structures Appendix A1-37

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