Glossary of Legal Terminology

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Glossary of Legal Terminology

(471 words)
Karen Ratay
Spanish Interpreter and Translator
edited by Bruce Goodman 1
legal word (explanation)- n. (noun), v. (verb), or adj. (adjective) translation of word (description, definition or
synonym in target language)

abstract (summary)- n. resumen, sumario, extracto

accessory (assistant in a crime)- n. accesorio
acid (LSD, an hallucinogenic drug)- n. ácido
accomplice (assistant in a crime)- n. cómplice
accusation (written charge)- n. acusación, denuncia
accused (defendant)- n. acusado
acquit (to decide as innocent, let free)- v. absolver, exogenar, exculpar
acquittal (clearing of a person from a charge; finding the defendant not guilty)- n. absolución
action (lawsuit)- n. acción, proceso, acto
addict (someone who is addicted to drugs)- n. adicto
adjudicate (to judge)- v. adjudicar
adjudication (deciding of a case through judicial or administrative hearing)- n. adjudicación
admissible (acceptable)- adj. admisible, aceptable
admission (disclosure of adverse facts)- n. admisión, confesión
adoption (legal process establishing a parental relationship between adoptive parent and child born of other
parents)- n. adopción
advisement of rights (making a person aware of their rights)- n. notificación de derechos
affidavit (official sworn statement)- n. declaración jurada, testimonio
affidavit of prejudice (sworn statement alleging a potential judge is biased)- n. declaración jurada de prejuicio
agreement (mutual promises)- n. acuerdo, convenio
aid and abet (to assist in a crime)- v. ser cómplice de, ayudar
alibi (defendant’s story of innocence when a crime is committed, allegedly by another)- n. coartada, alibí
alien (foreign-born immigrant who is not naturalized)- n. extranjero
alimony (support payment to divorced spouse)- n. pensión alimenticia
allegation (statement of fact the party intends to prove)- n. alegación
alleged (asserted as a true fact, but not yet proven)- adj. alegado
amend (to revise)- v. enmendar
amendment (modification of a document)- n. enmienda
amphetamine (a stimulant and appetite-suppressing narcotic)- n. anfetamina
angel dust (PCP, an hallucinogenic drug)- n. polvo de ángel, cucuy
answer (defendant’s formal document setting out defense in a civil case)- n. contestación a la demanda 2
anthrax (an infectious disease of livestock which can be transmitted to humans)- n. ántrax
appeal (a review of a case by a higher court)- n. ; (to file a case in a higher court)- v. apelación
appearance (party’s presence in court)- n. comparecencia
arbitration (judging of a dispute)- n. arbitraje
argument (debate in front of the court)- n. argumento
argumentative (fond of arguing)- adj. argumentativo
arraign (to formally advise defendant of the charges at an initial court appearance)- v. acusar
arraignment (legal procedure to advise defendant of the charges; initial court appearance)- n. acusación,
arrest (law enforcement’s taking of a suspect into formal custody)- n. arresto
arson (beginning a criminal fire)- n. incendio intencional
assault (attack on another person)- n. ataque, agresión
assault, aggravated (higher degree of assault)- n. asalto más grave, ataque agravado
assault with a deadly weapon (attacking a person with a weapon that could potentially take a life)- n. asalto con
arma mortífera
assignee (counsel assigned to defendant)- n. apoderado, cesionario
at issue (in question; the issue being addressed)- adj. en cuestión, de lo que se está hablando
attest (to affirm under oath)- v. deposición, atestación
attorney (legal representative)- n. abogado, consejero, procurador
attorney of record (the person who has been recorded in the case file as the counsel for that case)- n. abogado
que consta
authenticate (verify as authentic)- v. autentificar
auto tampering (to interfere or meddle with another’s automobile)- n. hacer modificaciones fraudulentas a un
bail (money or property given as security for the release of a defendant awaiting trial)- n. fianza, caución
bail bondsman (person responsible hired to enforce the conditions of bail)- n. persona responsible de hacer
cumplir las condiciones de la fianza
bail forfeiture (losing the money spent on bail because defendant violates the conditions of the bail)- n. pérdida
del dinero usado para fianza por haberse violado las condiciones de la fianza
bail review (official reconsideration of bail)- n. revisión de fianza
bailiff (officer of the court)- n. alguacil
bankruptcy (legal declaration of one’s inability to pay debts)- n. bancarrota, quiebra
battery (physical attack on another person)- n. agresión
battery, spousal (physical attack on one’s spouse)- n. agresión contra la pareja
bench (judge or court)- n. banco, tribunal
bias (prejudice)- n. parcialidad, predisposición, prejuicio
blow (slang for cocaine, a stimulant narcotic)- n. cocaína
body attachment (official attachment of document to case file)- n. anexo oficial de un documento al archivo 3
bond (certificate of debt redeemable by court if defendant fails to appear in court)- n. bono, obligación
booking number (identification number for case of person under arrest)- n. número del caso o del arrestado
bookmaking (the business of taking bets)- n. el negocio de tomar apuestas
brandishing a weapon (carrying a weapon in a threatening manner)- n. llevar un arma en forma amenazadora
breaking and entering (illegally entering a building)- n. allanamiento de morada
breathalyzer (breath test for alcohol)- n. análisis de aliento
bribe (an illegal offer of money, property or services for another service)- n. soborno, mordida
brief (written summary of case)- n. alegato, resumen
burden of proof (legal requirement of prosecution to prove the guilt of defendant)- n. obligación de prueba
burglary (theft, stealing)- n. robo, hurto
calendar, court (official scheduling calendar for a particular court, usually scheduled by the court clerk)- n. lista
de pleitos, calendario judicial
capital punishment (death penalty)- n. pena capital
case (criminal or civil lawsuit)- n. caso, pleito
case of action (criminal or civil lawsuit)- n. denuncia criminal o civil
causation (a causing, something producing an effect)- n. causativo, causante
certified (verified as authentic or accurate)- adj. ; (in possession of an official certificate which identifies that its
holder is qualified or professional)- adj. certificado, titulado
chain of custody (order of parental relationships to child)- n. cadena de custodia, resumen del orden de las
relaciones de los padres al hijo
challenge (to object to the qualifications of a potential jury)- v. poner objeción, recusación
challenge for a cause (party’s challenge to disqualify a potential juror)- n. recusación para causa
chambers (judge’s office)- n. cámara, sala
charge (accusation; indictment)- n. acusación
child molestation (sexually attacking or abusing a child)- n. molestia sexual de niño, abuso infantil
child support (monetary responsibility to support child)- n. manutención de niño
circumstances, aggravating (fact or situation which increases the degree of liability or responsibility for a
criminal act)- n. circunstancias agravantes
circumstances, mitigating (fact or situation which does not justify or excuse an offense, but does reduce the
degree of liability or responsibility and may also reduce the damages [civil] or punishment [criminal])- n.
circunstancias mitigantes
citation (official notice to appear in court, especially in traffic court)- n. citación, cita ; (notation of legal
authority)- n. notación de autoridad legal
city attorney (counsel representing the city in municipal court)- n. abogado representando la ciudad
civil action (legal action relating to money or property)- n. juicio civil 4
claim (legal demand, complaint)- n. demanda
clerk (court official, judge’s administrative assistant)- n. secretario del tribunal, oficial del juzgado
cocaine (stimulant narcotic)- n. cocaína
collateral (property pledged to secure a debt, e.g. bail)- n. resguardo, seguridad colateral
commissioner (public official with authority over court room in initial appearances before going to trial)- n.
comisario, comisionado
commit (to institutionalize, e.g. to a mental hospital)- v. internar (ej. en un hospital mental) ; (to perpetuate, e.g. a
crime)- v. cometer (ej. un crimen)
commitment (incarceration)- n. encarceración
community property (public property)- n. propiedad de la comunidad
competency (legal capacity to stand trial)- n. aptitud, capacidad
complaint (written statement initiating a criminal or civil action)- n. demanda, escrito de agravios
comply (to act as directed or ordered)- v. cumplir, obedecer
composite drawing (drawing of a suspect made by a police artist, based on the description from a witness)- n.
dibujo hablado
confession (admission of guilt)- n. confesión
confiscate (governmental seizure of property)- v. confiscar
conflict of interest (reason a party to the case might be too personally involved to provide objective services)- n.
conflicto de interés
consideration (benefit to promisor or detriment to promise)- n. consideración
conspiracy (an unlawful plot, a plan to do something illegal)- n. conspiración
constitutional right (a freedom guaranteed by the Constitution)- n. derecho constitucional
contempt of court (acting against the rules of the court)- n. desacato al tribunal, rebeldía
continuance (rescheduling a legal proceeding for a later date)- n. aplazamiento, continuación
controlled substance (government-regulated substance)- n. substancia controlada
convict (an individual who has been found guilty and incarcerated)- n.convicto ; (to find a defendant guilty of a
crime)- v. condenar
conviction (finding of guilt in a criminal case)- n. convicción, fallo de culpabilidad
coroner (public officer who determines the cause of death)- n. médico forense
corroborate (to verify)- v. corroborar, verificar
counsel (lawyer, legal representation)- n. abogado ; (to advise)- v. aconsejar
counsel table (table where the legal counsel sits)- n. mesa del consejero
count (a numbered charge)- n. cargo
counterclaim (lawsuit by respondent in response to initial lawsuit in a civil case)- n. contrademanda
counterfeit (to falsify)- v. falsificación
counterfeiting (falsifying)- n. falsificando
county jail (temporary place of incarceration until suspect released, put into prison, etc.)- n.
cárcel del condado
court (place where trials and legal proceedings occur)- n. tribunal, corte 5
court house (building where trials and legal proceedings occur)- n. edificio de los tribunales
court interpreter (bilingual trained person who translates proceedings between languages for all parties in the
case)- n. intérprete de los tribunales
court order (order issued by the court [judge, etc.] for, or prohibiting, an action)- n. orden de los tribunales
court reporter (court official who types all words of proceeding into a permanent record)- n. relator del tribunal
Court, District (court representing a certain area of a state or country)- n. tribunal del distrito
Court, Federal District (national court with authority over a specified region)- n. Tribunal, Juzgado del Distrito
Court, Juvenile (court for children)- n. Tribunal de Menores
Court, Municipal (city court)- n. Tribunal Municipal
Court, Night (court taking place at night)- n. Tribunal Nocturno
Court, Superior (higher court)- n. Tribunal Superior
Court, Supreme (highest court)- n. Tribunal, Corte Suprema de Justicia
Court, Traffic (court dealing with traffic violations)- n. Tribunal de Tráfico
court-appointed counsel (attorney assigned to case by the court, esp. for indigent defendant)- n.
asesor legal designado por los tribunales
court room (room where trials and legal proceedings occur)- n. sala del tribunal
covenant (sealed contract)- n. pacto, convenio
crack (crack cocaine, a form of cocaine)- n. crack
credibility (reliability, reputation for truthfulness)- n. credibilidad
crime (unlawful offense)- n. crimen, delito
criminal record (written record of previous offenses)- n. antecedentes criminales
crystal meth (a narcotic)- n. metamfetamina, cristal, vidrio
custody (case and control of children)- n. custodia, patria potestad ; (incarceration)- n. custodia, encarceración
damages (repayment for loss or injury)- n. daños
death penalty (sentence of death for a criminal)- n. sentencia de muerte
death row (incarceration for inmates awaiting the death penalty)- n. fila de muerte
decree (order, judgment)- n. decreto ; (to declare)- v. declarar
default judgment (judgment entered against a defendant who does not plead or defend, often by not appearing in
court)- n. fallo por falta de comparecencia
defendant (the accused in a legal proceeding, trial)- n. acusado, demandado
defense (the defendant/accused and defense attorney)- n. defensa ; (evidence offered by an accused to defeat
criminal charge)- n. defensa
defense attorney (legal counsel for the accused)- defensor
deliberation (careful consideration)- n. deliberación, consultación
deportation (expelling of a non-citizen from the country)- n. deportación
deposition (oral statement given under oath)- n.6
deposición,declaración jurada
Deputy District Attorney (Deputy D.A.) (assistant to the D.A.)- n. Asistente al Acusador Público
detention (being retained in custody)- n.
discovery (pre-trial process to obtain facts from other side)- n. descubrimiento
dismiss (to let go)- v. desechar, denegar
dismissal with prejudice (a dismissal after a legal decision, based on the merits of the case, barring the plaintiff
from prosecuting any later lawsuit on the same claim)- n. denegación con pérdida de derecho a nuevo juicio
dismissal without prejudice (a dismissal that does not bar the plaintiff from trying to again prosecute the same
claim within a certain time period)- n. denegación sin pérdida de derecho a nuevo juicio
disorderly conduct (acting in a way which violates public peace or safety)- n. desorden público
disposition (final outcome of a criminal case)- n. disposición
dissolution (termination of a marriage, partnership, etc.)- n. disolución
District Attorney (D.A.) (state’s legal representative in legal proceedings or a trial)- n.
Acusador Público, fiscal.
disturbing the peace (acting in a way which violates public peace)- n. perturbación al orden público
diversion (order for criminal defendant to participate in alternative program, instead of prison)- n. programa
divorce (legal termination of a marriage)- n. divorcio
docket (list of cases before the court)- n.
orden del día, actas.
domestic violence (violence within a family)- n.
violencia doméstica
double jeopardy (trying a person twice for the same crime)- n. procesamiento por segunda vez
downer (depressant narcotic)- n. barbitúricos
driving while intoxicated (DWI)- n. Conducir bajo la influencia del alcohol
drug (substance used in or as a medicine or to alter the functioning of one’s body)- n droga.
drug abuse (excessive or illegal use of a drug)- n. abuso de drogas
drunk driving (driving while intoxicated)- n.
condujir bajo estado de ebriedad
due process (legal right of a defendant to a speedy and fair trial)- n. debido procedimiento, proceso de ley
ecstasy (e or x; a narcotic)- n. tachas, éxtasis
embezzlement (stealing money, property, etc.)- n. desfalco, malversación
enhancement (factor that increases criminal penalty)- n.
enter a plea (to plea)- v. registrar una declaración
entrapment (to capture by leading into a trap)- n. atrapar
equal protection (constitutional guarantee that every person will be treated equally by the government)- n.
protección de igualdad
eviction (expel from one’s residence by the owner)- n. desalojo, evicción
evidence (a statement, object, etc. supporting a point in the case)- n. evidencia
evidence, circumstantial (indirect evidence in a case)- n. evidencia circumstancial 7
evidence, direct (evidence directly related to a case)- n. evidencia directa
evidence, prima facie (evidence which is adequate to establish a fact, unless refuted)- n.
examination, cross (questioning of a witness by the antagonist party)- n. contrainterrogatorio, repregunta
examination, direct (questioning of a witness by the supporting party)- n. interrogatorio directo
examination, re-cross (second questioning)- n.
segunda repregunta
examination, re-direct (second questioning)- n.
segundo interrogatorio directo place of first
executed (signed and contact
delivered)- adj. between the
ejecutado, llevado a cabo law
exhibit (object submitted as enforcement
evidence)- n. documento de officer and the
prueba, exhibir suspect)- n.
exhibit, defense’s (object file (record of
submitted by the defense as case)- n.
evidence)- n. documento de archivo ; (to
prueba de la defensa enter into the
exhibit, people’s (object case file)- v.
submitted by the prosecution registrar
as evidence)- n. documento de financial
prueba del acusador responsibility
extortion (getting money, etc. (financial
by threat)- n. extorsión obligations)- n.
extradition (transferring a responsabilidad
suspect to another state, financiera
country, etc. for trial)- n. find guilty (to
extradición judge as
eyewitness (person who saw guilty)- v.
the crime occur)- n. testigo juzgar culpable
ocular finding
failure to appear (FTA) (discovery)- n.
(when person who is required descubrimiento
to appear in court does not do find not guilty
so)- n. (to judge as
falta de comparecencia innocent)- v.
failure to comply (when juzgar inocente
person is ordered to do fine (court-
something by the court, and imposed
does not)- n. monetary
falta penalty)- n.
fair hearing (a just hearing in multa
which proper protocol is fingerprint
followed)- n. audiencia justa (mark left by
false imprisonment (finding one’s finger,
an innocent person guilty and used to identify
sentencing them to a prison individuals)- n.
sentence)- n. encarcelación huella digital
ilegal firearm
felony (major crime)- n. (weapon that
fechoría, felonía, crimen, fires a
delito projectile, i.e-
field sobriety test (test of gun, rifle,
blood-alcohol level at the
shotgun)- n. arma de fuego
foreclosure (taking away of
the right to redeem a
mortgage, etc.)- n. juicio
hipotecario, ejecución de
forfeit (a fine or penalty for
some crime)- n. die Strafe; (to
give up, lose)- v. decomiso
forgery (falsification; a fake)-
n. falsificación
foster care (temporary care of
a child, but not by birth)- n.
tutela de crianza temporal
fraud (intentional deception,
lie)- n. fraude
gambling (game of chance)-
n. juego
garnish (to issue process for
purpose of taking away wages
or money to pay a fine)- v.
embargar 8
glue sniffing (inhaling glue as
a narcotic)- n.
inhalación de pegamento
good cause (supported reason for doing something)- n. motivo suficiente
grand jury (jury that listens to arguments and decides innocence or guilt of defendant)- n.
gran jurado
grand theft (major theft)- n. hurto mayor
grounds (reasons)- n. razones
guardianship (legal protective representation of one by another, usually of a minor by an adult)- n.
pupilaje, tutela
guilty (legally judged not innocent of committing a crime)- adj. culpable
gun (weapon which fires a projectile; a firearm)- n. pistola
habeas corpus (writ declaring that a prisoner must be brought before a court to decide his or her
innocence or guilt)- n. habeas corpus
handcuffs (pair of connected rings used to shackle a prisoner)- n. esposas
harassment (constant attacks or torment)- n. acoso
hearing (formal proceeding held before judge)- n. audiencia
hearing, contested (legal proceeding in which outcome is put into question by possible administrative
misconduct)- n.
audiencia disputada
hearing, preliminary (first hearing)- n.
audiencia preliminar
hearsay (rumor, gossip, unsubstantiated story of event)- n. de oídas
heroin (narcotic, usually injected into the body)- n. heroina
hit and run (automobile hits a person and leaves the scene of the accident)- n./v. chocar y huir, chocar y
holding cell (room for detention of suspect while being tried)- n. celda de detención
homicide (murder)- n. homicidio, asesinato
illegal (not legal; unlawful)- adj. ilegal
immigration (moving from one country to another)- n. inmigración
immunity (exemption from a charge or penalty)- n. inmunidad
impeachment of witness (discrediting a witness)- n. acusación de testigo
inadmissible (not acceptable)- adj. inadmisible, inaceptable
incest (sexual relationship within a family)- n.
incriminate (to involve in, or make appear guilty of, a crime or fault)- v. incriminar
indecent exposure (taking off one’s clothes in a public place)- n. exhibicionismo
indictment (formal charging with a crime)- n. procesamiento,acusación por gran jurado
indigent (poor, without money)- adj. indigente
informant (someone who gives information about a crime; often referring to another criminal who acts as
a sort of undercover spy for law enforcement)- n. informador, denunciante
information (formal charge)- n. acusación por el fiscal
infraction (violation of a law, pact, agreement, etc.)- n. infracción
injunction (court order prohibiting or ordering an action)- n. mandamiento, juicio de amparo
inmate (prisoner)- n. prisionero 9
innocent until proven guilty- adj. inocente hasta ser encontrado culpable
instrument (legal document)- n. documento legal
intent (state of mind when performing an act)- n. intención
investigation (search by law enforcement to determine truth of events)- n. investigación
jail (place where prisoner is confined)- n. cárcel
join (concur)- v. concurrencia
joyriding (driving around in a stolen automobile for the enjoyment of doing so)- n. robar un vehículo
para pasear
judge (public official with the authority to hear and decide cases in a court of law)- n. juez
judgment (final decision)- n. sentencia, fallo
jurisdiction (range of authority in administering justice)- n. jurisdicción
juror (member of a jury)- n. jurado
jury (group of members from the public who are assigned the task of deciding the trial’s outcome)- n.
jury box (place in the courtroom where the jury sits)- n. tribuna del jurado
jury foreman/jury foreperson (the chairperson of a jury)- n. presidente del jurado
jury trial (a trial in which the final decision will be made by a jury of one’s peers)- n. juicio por jurado
jury, hung (a jury which is unable to make a final decision in a case)- n. jurado en desacuerdo, jurado sin
juvenile hall (place of incarceration for underage offenders)- n. cárcel de menores
kidnap (to seize and hold a person by force or fraud)- v. secuestrar
kidnapping (seizing and holding a person by force or fraud)- n. secuestro
larceny (theft)- n. hurto, robo
lawsuit (legal action between two parties in a civil court, having to do with money or property)- n. litigio,
leading question (a question which leads to a point being proven)- n. pregunta sugestiva
lease (contract by which a landlord rents land, property, etc. to a tenant for a specified time)- n.
lewd conduct (indecent or obscene actions)- n.
liability (something that works to one’s disadvantage)- n. responsabilidad
libel (any written or printed matter to injure a person’s reputation)- n. difamación escrita
lie detector (machine which measures heart rate to determine if a person is lying)- n. detector de mentiras
life imprisonment (punishment of spending one’s life in prison)- n. cadena perpetua
line-up (a line of a few people for a witness to look at and identify a suspect in a crime)- n.
línea de sospechosos
litigation (lawsuit)- n. litigio
loitering (lingering, spending time idly in one area)- n. merodear, holgazanear, vagar
lynching (murder by mob action, without lawful trial)- n. linchamiento
malice (purposely committing a crime with the intention of harming another person)- n. malicia 10
malicious mischief (harm or damage caused with intention of hurting another person)- n. agravio
malpractice (professional misconduct or improper conduct, esp. by a physician)- n. conducta ilegal
manslaughter (killing of a human being by another, esp. without malice)- n. homicio sin premeditación
manslaughter, involuntary (accidental killing of a person)- n. homicidio accidental
manslaughter, voluntary (knowingly killing a person, but without malice)- n. homicidio voluntario
marijuana (narcotic)- n. marihuana
mayhem (the offense of maiming a person; any violent destruction)- n. mutilación criminal
mental health (health of the mind)- n. salud mental
Miranda Warning (the rights read to the accused at the time of arrest)- n. Derechos Constitucionales
misdemeanor (any minor offense with a lesser punishment than a felony)- n. delito menor
mistrial (a trial made void because of a mistake made or inconclusive outcome)- n. juicio nulo
modification (alteration; change)- n. modificación
motion (a petition for a ruling, formal request)- n. moción, petición
motion denied (content of petition not allowed by judge)- petición negada
motion granted (content of petition agreed to by judge)- petición accedida
mug shot (identifying photo of a suspect used by law enforcement)- n. fotografía de reo
murder (unlawful and malicious killing of another person, with intent to do so)- n. asesinato, homicidio
narcotic (illegal or controlled drug)- n. narcótico
negligence (carelessness)- n. negligencia
not guilty (innocent)- adj.inocente
null and void (invalid, without legal force)- adj. nulo, nulo y sin valor
oath (sworn statement)- n. juramento
object (to express disapproval or opposition)- v. objetar, impugnar
objection (the expressing of disapproval or opposition)- n. objeción
objection overruled (objection rejected)- objeción negada, sin lugar
objection sustained (objection agreed to)- objeción acogida, con lugar
offender (person who committed a crime)- n. ofensor, delincuente
offense (violation of law)- n. ofensa, delito
offer of proof (presentation of evidence for the record, but without a jury present, after the judge has
sustained an objection to that evidence, so that the evidence can be preserved on the record for an appeal
of the case)- n. oferta de prueba
oral copulation, forced (forced, oral, sexual contact)- n. copulación oral forzada
ordinance (statute or regulation)- n. ordenanza, estatuto
overrule (to overturn, esp. an objection)- n. denegar
overt act (an action taken openly and with evident intent)- n. acto 11
pandering (helping one fulfill his or her vices; procuring, pimping)- n. lenocidio
paralegal (person trained to aid lawyers but not to practice law)- n. ¿??
parole (release of a prisoner before his or her sentence is complete, on the promise of future good
behavior)- n. libertad condicional
party (plaintiff [People, State, etc.], prosecution or defense)- n. parte
paternity (fatherhood)- n. paternidad
penalty (punishment)- n. castigo, multa
penalty assessment (indication of the liability of the losing party in a civil case)- n. asesoría de multa
pending (not yet decided)- adj. pendiente
penitentiary (prison)- n. penitenciaría, prisión
People (prosecution)- n. fiscalía, parte acusadora, el estado
perjury (lying while under oath to tell the truth)- n. perjurio, falso testamento
permanent resident (person living long term in a country)- n. residente permanente
personal estate (the whole of one’s property, possessions)- n. bienes muebles
personal recognizance (one’s own care and responsibility)- n. ¿??
petition (formal request for an order)- n. petición; (to formally ask, request)- v. suplicar, pedir
petty theft (small scale theft)- n. robo menor
pimping (acting as agent for prostitutes)- n. alcahuetamiento
plaintiff (the complainant in a civil case)- n. demandante
plea (defendant’s “guilty,” “not guilty” or other answer to a criminal charge)- n. declaración
plea bargain (agreement between the prosecution and defense to lower the punishment in exchange for
something else, usually for a guilty plea)- n. negociación de una declaración de culpable
pleadings (documents filed in a case)- n. alegaciones
points and authorities (legal precedence)- n. proposiciones
polygraph (lie detector test)- n. polígrafo
possession of drugs- n. poseción de drogas
postponement (pushing back the date)- n. aplazamiento
pot (slang for marijuana; a narcotic)- n. marihuana
power of attorney (legal authority to act as one’s representative and speak for him or her)- n. poder, carta
de personería
preemptory challenge (one of a party’s limited number of challenges that does not need a reason)- n. ¿??
pre-sentence report (report written to argue for what kind of punishment is appropriate for a guilty
party)- n. informe precondenatorio
prejudice (bias or preconceived opinion)- n. prejuicio
preponderance of the evidence (enough proof to convince the trier of fact that something is slightly more likely
than not to have occurred )- n. preponderancia de prueba
presumption of innocence (defendant is believed to be innocent, unless proven guilty)- n.
presunción de inculpabilidad 12
pretrial conference (meeting before the trial to try and resolve the case, agree on evidence, etc.)- n.
conferencia del juez con las partes antes de iniciar el pleito
pretrial offense (offense committed before the trial begins)- n. ofensa cometida antes de emplezar el
priors (previous offenses committed by the defendant)- n. precedentes
prison (place of long term incarceration, where convicts fulfill their sentences)- n. prisión
privilege (a special right, favor, etc. granted to a person or group)- n. privilegio
probable cause (a reasonable explanation for why something occurred)- n. causa razonable
probate (having to do with the verification of official documents, i.e.- wills)- n. validificación de un
probation (suspension of defendant’s sentence under supervision of probation officer)- n. libertad
probation department (office which handles cases of probation)- n. departamento de libertad
probation officer (official who supervises convicts who are released on probation)- n. agente de libertad
probation, formal (conditional suspension of a convicts prison sentence)- n. libertad condicional formal
probation, summary (suspension of a guilty party’s prison sentence so that, if he or she obeys the
conditions, he or she will spend no time in prison)- n.
proof (evidence convincing to the judge or jury)- n. prueba
prosecution (the state’s representative in a court room, seeks to convict the defendant)- n. procesamiento,
prosecutor (the attorney representing the state)- n. fiscal, acusador público
prostitution (selling one’s body for sex)- n. prostitución
Public Defender (P.D.) (state-funded counsel assigned to an indigent defendant)- n. defensor público
quash (to set aside, i.e.- an indictment)- v. anular, invalidar
raise an issue (to bring an issue up for discussion)- levantar una controversia
rap sheet (file/list of previous offenses)- n. lista de ofensas anteriores
rape (forced sexual intercourse without consent)- n. violación
rape, statutory (sexual intercourse with a minor)- n. estupro
rape in concert (unlawful sexual intercourse against the victims will and by force, while another crime is
being committed)- n. ¿??
reasonable doubt, beyond a (absolutely certain)- fuera de duda razonable
rebuttal (contradicting or opposing in a formal manner by argument or proof)- n. refutación
reckless driving (driving wildly, without control)- n. manejar imprudentemente
regulation (rule; law)- n. regla, ley
release of information (making information available to the public)- revelación de información
relinquishment (giving up, e.g. giving up a right)- n. renunciamiento 13
remand (to send a person back into custody)- v. ; (to send a case back to a lower court or administrative
hearing office)- v. reencarcelar
remedy (legal compensation for a wrong)- n. remedio
report (to state, to inform)- v. reportar ; (a formal account of facts or information)- n. reporte
respondent (defendant in a civil case)- n. demandado
restitution (reimbursement; giving back of something for something else that has been lost or taken)- n.
restraining order (legal document requiring someone to stay away from another person or place)- n.
inhibitoria, orden de entredicho
revoke (to rescind, withdraw, cancel, turn down)- v. revocar
right, constitutional (right which is guaranteed to all citizens by the Constitution)- n. derecho
robbery (theft)- n. robo
rule (to decide, to judge)- n. fallo
search and seizure (investigating a place and removing something from the premises for evidence)- n.
self defense (protecting oneself from harm)- n. defensa propia
self-incrimination (saying something which helps prove one’s own guilt)- n. autoincriminación
sentence (punishment assigned by the court)- n. sentencia ; (to assign a punishment)- v.sentenciar
sentence, concurrent (two or more punishments of prison time to be served at the same time)- n.
sentencia concurrente
sentence, consecutive (back to back sentences; one punishment immediately after another)- n. sentencia
sentence, suspended (punishment which is held back, not put into effect)- n. sentencia suspendida
sentencing (assigning a punishment to a convict)- n. sentenciamiento
separation (separation of a married couple, but not yet divorce)- n. separación
serve a sentence (to complete one’s punishment)- servir una sentencia
serve a summons to somebody (give an official order to respondent to appear in court)- notificar una
settlement (negotiated solution to a lawsuit)- n. arreglo
sexual molestation (making improper and unwanted sexual advances or attacks)- n. molestación sexual
sheriff (chief law enforcement officer of a county)- n. funcionario jefe de un condado
shoplifting (stealing articles, not money, from a shop during shop hours)- n. robo de tiendas
slander (giving a false statement that damages another’s reputation)- n. calumnia
sodomy (any sexual intercourse considered abnormal; usually in reference to anal sexual intercourse)- n.
statement, closing (final argument summarizing the case, made by the attorney)- n. declaración final
statement, opening (initial argument summarizing the case, made by the attorney)- n.
declaración inicial
statute (an established law or rule)- n. estatuto 14
statute of limitations (a law limiting the time within which legal action may be taken)- n. estatuto de
statutory rape (sexual intercourse, even if consensual, with a minor)- n. estupro
stay (a delay or cessation)- n. suspención
stipulate (to specify as an essential condition of an agreement)- v. estipular
stipulation (an essential condition of an agreement)- n. estipulación
submit (to present, e.g. to present evidence to the court)- v. presentar
subpoena (written legal order directing a person to appear in court to testify, etc.)- n. orden de aparición
sue (to prosecute in civil court in seeking to redress wrongs)- v. demanda
suit (action to secure justice in a court of law)- n. acción judicial
sustain (to maintain, agree to, e.g. to agree to and enforce an objection made by an attorney)- v. mantener
swear (to declare under oath)- v. jurar
testify (to give evidence under oath in a court of law)- v. testificar
testimony (the evidence given under oath in a court of law)- n. testimonio
theft (stealing, robbery)- n. robo
theft, grand (major robbery)- n. robo mayor
theft, petty (minor robbery)- n. robo menor
time served (the amount of time already spent in incarceration)- n. tiempo servido
tort (wrongful act or damage [not involving a breach of contract] for which a civil action can be brought)-
n. agravio
traffic citation (ticket issued by law enforcement officer for a driving violation)- n. multa de tráfico
transcript (written record)- n. traslado, copia
trespassing (unlawful entry onto someone’s property)- n. traspaso
trial (formal examination to decide a case by a court of law)- n. juicio
trial, court/bench (trial in which outcome is decided by a judge)- n. tribunal de primera instancia
trial, jury (trial in which outcome is decided by a jury)- n. juicio por jurado
trial, speedy (trial which begins shortly after arrest and does not last an unacceptably long time)- n. juicio
unconstitutional (illegal, goes against the rights guaranteed by the Constitution)- adj. inconstitucional
undercover (acting in secret, e.g. an undercover police officer)- adj. bajo cubierta
unemployment (being without a job)- n. desempleo
unlawful detainer (illegally holding a person in custody)- n. detención ilegal
upper (stimulant narcotic)- n. aceleradores
vacate (to cancel)- v. cancelar
vagrancy (begging; wandering from place to place without working)- n. vagancia
vandalism (to maliciously destroy or damage property)- n. vandalismo 15
venue (place in which something occurs)- n. jurisdicción
verdict (final judgment)- n. veredicto
victim (one who suffers loss, is killed or injured, etc.)- n. víctima
violation (infringement, breaking, e.g. of a law)- n. violación, infracción
visitation (an official visit, e.g. to a convict in prison, or to inspect something)- n. inspección, visitación
voir dire (oath of competency)- n. interrogatorio para determinar la competencia
waive rights (to choose to give up one’s constitutional rights)- renunciar a los derechos
waive time (to cut time off of a prison sentence)- renunciar al plazo
waiver of rights (official giving up of one’s constitutional rights)- n. renuncia de derechos
warrant (order, permit, writ)- n. orden, decreto de prisión, garantía
warrant, arrest (order issued by the court for law enforcement officials to arrest a suspect)- n. orden de
arresto, auto de detención
warrant, bench (a writ authorized by judge for a search, seizure, arrest, etc.)- n. orden de arresto por falta
de comparecencia
warrant, search (permission given to law enforcement by the court to search a suspect’s house, etc. for
evidence)- n. orden de cateo/de registro
weapon (item used to attack another)- n. arma
weapon, concealed (weapon hidden somewhere on the suspect)- n. arma escondida
weapon, deadly (weapon which has the potential to take a life)- n. arma con potencial de matar
weight of evidence (how thoroughly the evidence convinces)- n. preponderancia de la prueba
will (last will and testament: one’s written decree of what will happen to all of his or her possessions upon
death)- n. testamento
witness (someone who sees a crime occur, or is otherwise an expert in some aspect of the case and asked
to testify in court)- n. testigo
witness, defense (a witness who appears to support the defense’s argument)- n. testigo de la defensa
witness, expert (a knowledgeable witness who argues technical or other points)- n. testigo experto
witness, hostile (a witness for the opposing side)- n. testigo hostil
witness, material (an important or essential witness in a case)- n. testigo material
witness, prosecution (a witness who appears to support the prosecution’s argument)- n. testigo de cargo
witness stand (the place in the court room for the witness to sit when being questioned)- n. silla de los
work furlough (leave of absence from one’s job, esp. for military reasons or jury duty)- n. permiso de
work release (convict’s release from prison during the day to work at a job outside the prison)- n.
permiso para salirr a trabajar
writ (a formal legal document prohibiting or ordering some action)- n. decreto, orden 16

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