LLM Res Muriel
LLM Res Muriel
LLM Res Muriel
Research Methodology
Right to Education of the
Physically and Intellectually
Muriel A. Fernandes
F. Y. LL.M. G.R. Kare College of Law
Introduction 3
Types of Research: 11
2. Applied Research
3. Empirical Research
6. Collaborative Research
4. Formulation of hypothesis
5. Collection of material:
a. Social Survey
b. By observation
c. By sending questionnaires
d. By personal interviews
e. By Schedules
6. Analysis of materials
7. Testing of hypothesis
In this present Research on Right to Education for the physically and mentally
challenged-whether effective 23
• Bibliography 25
In recent years there have been some changes in the perception of society towards physically
challenged, differently abled children. It has been reiterated time and again that majority of
these people can lead a normal life if they have effective access to services which would
opportunities and the availability of aids and appliances. And most of all will to include them
Education is a life long process involving many planned and unplanned experiences that
enable children and adult alike to develop and learn through interaction with society and
culture in which they live. It involves experiences at all stages of life, from infancy to old
Education also involves adaptation to society and culture. With all the combination of life
events, adaptation will mean that each person is subject to a unique set of learning and
problem solving experiences that constitute an understanding of the world and the events that
There are many children who, for some reason, are unable to take full advantage of the
school curriculum as it is normally offered. For these children special arrangements must be
made to ensure that they receive the opportunities and experiences, which will help them to
What is Research?
Research means to search or to find out and examine again. This is the very essence of the
process of acquiring new knowledge. John W. Best commenting on the “progress” has
observed “the secret of our cultural development has been research, pushing back the areas of
ignorance by discovering new truths, which in turn, lead to better ways of doing things and
better products. “Research means scientific and systematic re-examination of existing facts
or knowledge to ascertain whether the existing conclusion can be varied or not. The
search, for new facts in any branch of knowledge.” In the opinion if Redman and Mory, “ It
defines research as the manipulation of things, concepts or symbols for the purpose of
Bacon has defined ‘research’ as a careful inquiry or critical analysis of principles for
knowledge. 2
These definitions point out to the fact that research is original and fundamental contribution
to the knowledge on any subject or discipline leading for its advancement. It is a voyage
Dr. H. N. Tewari, “Legal Research Methodology”p.1
Dr. Vinay N. Paranjape, Legal Education Research Methodology, p.69
towards truth. The Encyclopaedia Britanica defined research to mean “The act of searching
into a matter closely and carefully, inquiry directed to the discovery of truth and in particular
the trained scientific investigation of the principles and facts of any subject, based on
original and first hand study of authorities or experiment. Investigation of every kind which
have been based on original sources of knowledge may be styled research and it may be aid
that without ‘research’ no authoritative work have been written, no scientific inventions or
This definition is probably most exhaustive and meaningful. Apart from these definitions
there are certain other definitions as well given by various experts like C.C. Orawford,
George G. Mouly, John W. Best, R. R. Rusk, F. B. Cornell, Slesinger and Stephension, W.S.
Monroe and Francis Bacon. Some of them see it as a form of human behaviour and some
Objective of Research.
Every research begins with a question or a problem of some sort. The sim of it is to discover
answers to meaningful questions. 4 Amongst all the creations of the nature, human being is
the most intelligent being. He is affected a great deal by his surroundings especially the
social factors and be is obliged, either knowingly to take decisions only after scrutinizing
the factors affecting him. But every human being is not possessed of qualities to collect and
analyze the factors properly. But any one serious in understating and knowing as to how
social forces or factors act or behave is supposed to give serious thought to it. A researcher ,
Dr. H. N. Tewari, “Legal Research Methodology”p.2
S. K. Verma, Legal Research and Methodology.p.274
a person is equipped with the ability to analyse the facts, he is in better position to take an
appropriate documents and factors. Every research has its own specific purpose, however,
(i) to formalize with a phenomenon or to acquire new insights into an exiting fact
(exploratory research);
(ii) to determine the frequency with which something occurs or with which it is associated
(Descriptive research);
(iv) to test a hypothesis of a causal relationship between two objects, (hypothesis testing
research); and
Dr. H. N. Tewari, “Legal Research Methodology”
Legal research
Legal research means research in that branch of knowledge which deals with the principles of
law and legal institution. There are three main sources of law, viz. legislation, precedent and
custom. Juristic writings are another though secondary source of law and their importance is
dependent in the fact whether it is given due recognition by the Courts or the legislature or
jurists in solving problems or not. The content of these sources of law change with the
changing requirement of the society and if these changes are not taken into account in
interpreting the law, the existing law is bound to be doomed. The aim of law is, therefore, to
regulate the human behaviour in the present day society and hence, legal research must be
directed to the study of the relationship between the world of the law and the world that the
in words which are used in a particular context. Whatever be the source of law, it cannot
provide remedy for all the situations and for all the time to come. Changes in society demand
that law should move with the time if it has to remain alive and active and it can remain
alive, active and useful, if it is aware of its lacunae and takes step to overcome it with the
passage of time, The object of legal research, therefore is to find out lacunae or deficiencies
in the existing laws and to suggest suitable measures to eliminate them. If there is an area for
Dr. H. N. Tewari, “Legal Research Methodology”p.3
which there is no law at all the objective of legal; research would be suggest suitable
legislation for that area; but if there is a law for that area but due to one reason or the other,
it does nor work, its aim would be to suggest reform in the existing law so as to make it
workable. Thus the significance of legal research lies in the submission of proposal for
reform in the existing law be it enacted, customary or judicial. However, this should not be
the end or the sole objective of legal; research. When research in undertaken as a part of the
process of law reform, it is undertaken for making suggestion for improvements in the law
on concrete and easily identifiable matters and the formulation of those proposals in the
precise terms. This is very significant and governing factor in the area of legal research.
Research is an enquiry for the verification of a fresh theory or for supplementing prevailing
project for his work possesses much of information about it and while conducting research,
he proceeds onward to acquire more information about it and formulates certain hypothesis
on that basis. Thus it is a continuous process of acquiring knowledge through enquiry into
existing laws.
iv) to examine the consequences of new facts or new principles of law; or judicial decisions;
v) to develop new legal research tools or apply tools of other disciplines in the area of law;
vii) to analyse law and legal institutions from the point of view of history;
viii) to examine the nature and scope of new law or legal institution;
ix) to ascertain the merits and demerits of old law or institution and to give suggestion for
x) to ascertain the relationship between legislature and judiciary and to give suggestion as to
how one ca assist the other in the discharge of one’s duties and responsibilities; and
In modern time law has assumed much significance. It provides for and dominates almost all
activities of human beings, it has been accepted that law is perhaps most important
instrument of social change, When an individual deals with his property or he enters into
employment or he causes injury to some one, he fails to pay his dues or he deals with his
spouse and children or the Government affects his property or his personal rights, he comes
in contract with law and wither he or his opponent obtains remedy in accordance with the
existing law and where there is not law, according to the discretion of the Court. The
significance of research may, based on justice, equity and good conscience, thus, be summed
up as follows:
1. It helps the Government in formulating suitable laws in pursue its economic and social
Dr. H. N. Tewari, “Legal Research Methodology”p.5
2. It helps in solving various operational and planning problems pertaining to business and
3. It helps the Courts in solving the problem without much delay and in such a way that the
4. It helps the legal practitioner in taking a decision as to how he should tackle the
problem in hand. 8
Dr. H. N. Tewari, “Legal Research Methodology”p.8
Types of Research
It is designed to add new theories to a specific branch of knowledge which did not
something new to the existing knowledge of law and to develop and refine it.
2. Applied Research:
It is generally undertaken to solve an immediate practical problem and to aim to add to the
existing legal knowledge. It is sometimes also called as action research. While fundamental
research discovers principles and laws, an applied research discovers their application in
3. Empirical Research:
set of facts. The purpose is to study the role of variable inter-actions with one another with a
Dr. R. Kumar: Research Methodology, p. 3 cited in Dr. Vinay N. Paranjape, Legal Education Research
Methodology, p.76
Dr. Vinay N. Paranjape, Legal Education Research Methodology, p.76
a library based study. The aim of such research is to discover, explain, and analyze the
working of certain laws and legal institutes in a systematic manner and develop new facts,
b. Non-doctrinal- it is also called theoretical research. This kind of research seeks to study
the impact of a non-legal event, which may be social, economic, technological, scientific etc.
The interaction between data collection and its analysis is one of the major features which
6. Collaborative Research:
through interviewing, counseling, recording expert opinions etc. the legislative and
administrative instruments that regulate data and aims at its availability is one of the
Dr. Vinay N. Paranjape, Legal Education Research Methodology, p.79
Where a particular research is undertaken solely with the objective of law-reform, it has to be
analytical, historical and comparative in nature. It is concerned with what the law is,
historical is the history and evolution of the concerned law and the third i.e. comparative
In a research for law reform, it becomes necessary to explore the lines on which reform is
needed. It may also be called as ‘normative research’. It not only involves evaluation of the
gathered material but also envisages offering to concrete suggestions on the basis of
The title of research study should not be duly lengthy. It should be short and self explanatory.
Dr. Vinay N. Paranjape, Legal Education Research Methodology, p.81
Dr. Vinay N. Paranjape, Legal Education Research Methodology, p.82
Dr. Vinay N. Paranjape, Legal Education Research Methodology, p.69
Research work in not something which can be completed in one stroke or in one step. It
consists of a number of closely related activities which very often overlap, and therefore, it
becomes difficult to ascertain where one step ended and the other began. However, it is
important to keep in mind that various steps are not mutually exclusive, nor they are totally
separate and distinct 15. What step should be followed at what time depends on the researcher.
At the very outset the researcher must choose the area in which he wants to carry on
research. In the filed of law the researcher has a very wide scope. He can select any area such
as – Constitutional Law, Criminal Law, International Law, Labour Law, Tax Law, Property
Law, Personal law, i.e. Hindu or Muslim Law, Legal History, Environmental Law, and
Consumer Law, etc. After selecting the area he is required to select specific topic or subject
for his study. For example, if the researcher has selected Constitutional Law for his study, he
must choose a topic or subject out of it, or such as – a comparative study of Federal
Constitutions (some Federal Constitutions may be chosen for this prupose): position of
Constitution of India, etc. Likewise he can select or choose any topic from any other branch,
i.e. Penal Laws, Labour Laws, Tax Laws, etc. Supposing the researcher chooses the topic
relating to personal liberty in the Indian Constitution for the purpose of his research work,
then he will be required to clarify whether he wants to examine only the present position, or
the position when the Constitution came into operation or wants to make a comparative
15 15
Dr. H. N. Tewari, “Legal Research Methodology”p.132
study in respect of right to personal liberty available in India, U.K., U.S.S, Canada,
Australia, etc. Initially the problem may be stated in broad general way, and then the
ambiguities, if any, relating to it may be resolved. Once the topic is determined or the
problem is ascertained, then the feasibility of the solution that researcher has in mind is
considered before a working formulation of the problem can be set up. Thus formulation of a
general topic into a specific research problem constitutes he first step in this regard. It can
(b) re-shaping that understating into meaningful terms to arrive at a concrete result 16
To have a definite ides about the subject, the vest way is to discuss the same with such
persons who are working in that area or who have knowledge of the subject. In academic
institutions usually, the research work is done under the guidance of an ordinary person who
happens to be an experienced man. Ordinarily he puts forth the problem in general terms and
private establishments the problem is usually handed down by the agency who intends to
know certain result. In such a case the researcher can discuss the problem with him to know
as to how the problem arose and what considerations are involved in its possible solutions.
Thus precise formulation of research problem is very significant for a researcher and if it is
16 16
Dr. H. N. Tewari, “Legal Research Methodology”p.133
Dr. H. N. Tewari, “Legal Research Methodology”p.133
Once a problem is formulated a brief summary if it should be prepared. For this the
researcher must undertake an extensive survey of the available literature on the subject”
preferable connected with the problem. For this purpose, the abstracting and indexing
journals, published and unpublished bibliographies should fist of all the examined.
Academic journals, conference proceedings Government reports, reference books and text
books, depending on the nature of the problem must be seen. One source of information
leads to another. Therefore, earlier study if any, relating to the topic should be carefully
examined. A good library is must for this purpose. In our country, very few law libraries are
in a position to help a researcher in this regard because most of the libraries are ill-equipped
and lack up-to-date literature. Apart from the library of the Indian Law institutes and
libraries of some Universities rest are not of much help to a researcher. The libraries of the
High Courts and Supreme Court are in a better position to assist a researcher, but every
researcher cannot reach them. Therefore, most of the researcher in our country, have to rely
on the meagre resources available to them and that is perhaps pr the biggest reason, why
4. Formulation of hypothesis
When the literature relating to the problem is extensively surveyed, researcher should state in
clear terms the hypothesis. A hypothesis is the tentative assumption made in order to draw
out and test its logical consequences. In its most elementary stage the hypothesis may be any
hunch, guess, imaginative ideas which becomes the basis for action or investigation. The
development of the hypothesis is important since it provides the focal point for research . It
Dr. H. N. Tewari, “Legal Research Methodology”p.134
helps in the analysis of the material pertaining to the subject. It should be specific and
limited to in hand because is has to be tested. It helps in delimiting the area of research and
keeps the researcher on the right track. It sharpens his thinking and focuses his attention on
5. Collection of material
A research cannot be said to be duly carried out unless the relevant materials have been
examined. But the relevant materials cannot be examined unless and until they have been
collected and complied. The collection of relevant materials is most difficult and
comprehensive work and required lot of energy and attention as well as patience.
The collection of material depends upon the research design selected by the researcher and
the selection of research design depends usually upon the answer of the following questions:
Dr. H. N. Tewari, “Legal Research Methodology”p.134
Dr. H. N. Tewari, “Legal Research Methodology”p.135
There are many ways through which the materials are collected. Relevant materials may be
(a) primary material; and (secondary materials. Primary materials are found in the original
documents such as reports of Parliament, report of the Commission, Gazette and reports of
judgments, etc. Secondary materials are found in the those documents, e.g. which are
prepared on the basis of primary documents, e.g comments of jurists on the judgments,
writings, text book, digests, etc., This procedure of collecting information or material is
significant if the researcher inks engaged in doctrinal research. If, however, he is engaged in
empirical or non-doctrinal research he may follow any one or more of the following
a. By observation
In this process the researcher uses his own observation to find out the relevant material
or data without interviewing any person., It helped in having an idea as to the current
happening of the events and is not complicated by either the past behaviour or by future
plan. This process, however, is not very significant or helpful, where large survey is
desirable 21.
b. By personal interviews
In this method the researcher comes into personal contact of person whose mind he wants
to know for the purpose of deriving a conclusion. Her preconceives certain questions and
Dr. H. N. Tewari, “Legal Research Methodology”p.135
those questions are paced before the person concerned and on the basis of the answer
given by him, conclusions are arrived at. Interviews may be conducted either by sitting
across the table or any telephone. The outcome of the interview id very important original
c. By sending questionnaires
possible for him to have audience with each o them individually, then the best way of to
prepare questionnaires and send them to all the relevant persons with a request to return
d. By Schedules
In this process, certain persons are chosen or appointed and given training to collect
necessary information from the relevant persons. Those persons are termed as
questions. They approach the persons concerned and on the basis of reply given by them,
the schedule is filled and on the basis of the filled schedules, necessary conclusions is
derived. Here again the truthfulness of the information depends upon the ability of the
e. Social Survey
This is a process by which quantitative facts are collected about social aspects of a
community’s compositions and activities. The objective if this method of data collection
Dr. H. N. Tewari, “Legal Research Methodology”p.136
is to find out the social aspects of a community, the problems and the conditions of
6. Analysis of materials
once the requisite materials are collected, the researcher undertakes to analyze them. This us
also a very important step in the direction of fulfillment of research work. In case of
doctrinal research the researcher can proceed smoothly if he is well aware about the
principles of interpretation and construction. He is required to examine the facts of each case,
the principle applied to the fact, the line of argument taken relief sought and provided and, is
necessary, the history or legislation etc. There may be situations in relation to which no
statutory provision existed, it was decided on the basis of the principle of justice, equity and
good conscience , then the relevance of the principles applied, is to be examined. If the bulk
of the examined material indicates to a particular direction, the principle so applied should
be accepted as general principles and principles not applied should be deemed to have been
overlooked 24.
In case of empirical research, since the emphasis is on data, statistics, questionnaire etc. the
analysis of data is conducted through coding, tabulation and then drawing statistical
references. The data so collected should be so arranged that at may leads to some useful
results. The data so arranged should be edited to provide authentically to the conclusion
arrived at.
Dr. H. N. Tewari, “Legal Research Methodology”p.136
Dr. H. N. Tewari, “Legal Research Methodology”p.137
it is to be kept in mind that research designs varies according to the purposes of studies.,
Therefore, it is neither good nor advisable to combine different research purposes within the
same research design because every research designs has its own specific purpose and
therefore, subject to its own limitation. It must be decided at the outset as to what kind of
research is to be undertaken and what is the purpose of research. In the area of social
data is a complex and inter-woven process, therefore, it has to be undertaken without nay
7. Testing of hypothesis
After analysis of material or data as the case may be the researcher becomes confident
enough to test his hypothesis which he had already formulated. He can examine if the
material or data after analysis support his hypothesis or they are contrary to it. In the area if
empirical research various tests such as Chisquare test, F-test etc., have been developed for
this purpose, but in the case of doctrinal research these tests do not play any significant role,
and, therefore are of no use. In case of doctrinal researches, facts, arguments, evidences and
discussions have to be examined before arriving at a conclusion which vary from case to
case and sometimes from bench to bench. Thus one has to keep himself restricted only to the
common elements among all the relevant material., The hypothesis testing ultimately results
Dr. H. N. Tewari, “Legal Research Methodology”p.137
Dr. H. N. Tewari, “Legal Research Methodology”p.138
The research work whether doctrinal or non doctrinal will proceed towards generalization
and interpretation is the hypothesis has been tested positive. If it results in negative, the
question of generalization and interpretation does not arise, The purpose of generalization
similar and identical problems, This process of generalization and interpretation, while
helping in formulation of a general theory, also raises may important question which may
lead to further research and till those questions are answered they me be regarded as
interpretation, the rules of interpretation accepted in the legal fields is to be followed; but in
case of non-doctrinal research, these principles of interpretation are not adhered to. 27
Dr. H. N. Tewari, “Legal Research Methodology”p.14139
In this present Research on Right to Education for the physically and mentally
Objective of Study:
4. To see the efforts put in by agencies of Government and NGOs in enhancing the
1. The fundamental right to Education guaranteed in the Indian constitution has not
2. The Government of India has not achieved the objective of Special education
3. There are no proper legislative measures for the progress of handicapped children .
5. The State fails to cooperate with people, institutions and agencies that are willing to
Research methodology:
The methodology for conducting the study by the Researcher will be partially doctrinal and
Primary as well as secondary sources of data will be collected and worked on in the course
of the research.
The researcher will gather information with the help of various techniques available and
known. The researcher will target the educational departments and individuals/institutions
• Dr. Paranjape Vinay N., Legal Education Research Methodology,” First Edition
• S. K. Verma, “Legal Research and Methodology”, Second Edition 2001, Indian Law